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1、ITs Role in Digital CX 2022 In Partnership WithBrought to you by Informa TechAn Omdia E-Book|Q3 2022ITs Role in Digital Customer Experience 2022Mila DAntonioPrincipal AnalystBusiness Platforms&ApplicationsOMDIAThe State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022Introduction:Customer Experience(CX)20

2、22The urgency over the past two years to meet customers digital-first demands has led to increased adoption of customer engagement solutions across the enterprise,and a need to form some cohesiveness around them.“Improving CX”is the most important strategic outcome that enterprises anticipate from t

3、heir technology investments.They are also implementing a range of strategies to assist in achieving that desired outcome.To gain a perspective on how companies and CX professionals are adapting to the sudden shift in digital technology,Omdia conducted a survey in January 2022 of 230 North American C

4、X professionals.The objectives were to uncover the technologies that are creating connected customer experiences,determine the barriers to digital CX advancement,and understand the strategies that are helping companies succeed in their digital CX efforts.This e-book offers a portion of the results o

5、f that survey,specifically around ITs role in digital CX.The survey also offers extensive insights on omnichannel engagement and employee collaboration;AI and automation;and data preparedness.2022 OmdiaPage 2The State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022Digital Engagement Tools:A Good StartThe

6、 events since early 2020 have spurred rapid adoption of digital engagement tools globally.The data highlights how adoption wont,and shouldnt,stop.Across industries,37%said they will continue to focus on digital customer engagement.Healthcare,travel&hospitality,and retail stand out as industries that

7、 will acutely focus on digital,with 42%in retail,42%in travel&hospitality,and 45%in healthcare reporting that as a strategic response.Enterprises are plagued by complexitySlightly less than half of respondents said they have multiple systems per agent and deal with organizational misalignment.The co

8、llection of silos and overlapping systems makes it difficult for employees to keep up.This complexity slows down workforces and employee productivity and has a negative effect on customer interactions.Complexity requires more energy to manage relationships.Achieving simplicity requires enterprises t

9、o adopt intuitive digital tools for employees that either overlay or replace old legacy systems and integrate with existing systems.From an organizational standpoint,it means reorganizing employees so that teams and departments gain shared visibility of insights and are working toward aligned goals

10、and objectives.Enterprises are collaborating cross-functionally on CX strategies,but IT still leads investmentsRespondents across all sectors report they collaborate with other functional areas in the enterprise when it comes to CX strategy.However,IT still leads the technology purchases.To successf

11、ully identify the key metrics that support financial investments,enterprises would benefit from a comprehensive approach that provides a holistic understanding of CX dynamics along with more diagnostic capability to support resource allocation.2022 OmdiaPage 3The State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Anal

12、ysis|Q3 2022Companies are plagued by complexity 2022 OmdiaPage 448%65%Have organizational misalignment with new technologyHave incorrect technology implementations48%65%49%49%Have multiple systems and interfaces per agent42%Cant integrate data42%62%Cant engage customers across channels62%65%said the

13、y have incorrect technology implementations.This could be a result of several things,from the vendor not having enough information about their specific goals,to a breakdown internally on the customer level of communications and strategy.49%said they have multiple interfaces and systems per agent,whi

14、ch results in agents having to put customers on hold while they toggle between applications to find the right information.The State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022IT is Primarily Responsible for CX 2022 OmdiaPage 530%IT28%Customer service17%Chief experience officer10%Chief customer office

15、r9%MarketingWith digital transformation an ongoing initiative and AI still treated as a siloed instance at many enterprises,every department must play a role in guiding and implementing technology investments.Responsibility shouldnt fall to marketing,sales,or any other individual department.Instead,

16、enterprises must pursue a collaborative effort in their pursuit of digital CX.Although(based on the survey results)IT departments lead CX initiatives,Omdia believes that enterprises must increasingly appoint chief customer officers to lead their customer-focused initiatives,while working across the

17、organization to gain feedback and insights.Making CX integral to the highest levels of corporate strategy will allow enterprises to build cross-functional and decentralized teams that become the foundation of successful CX initiatives.The State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022Enterprises R

18、eport the Most Collaboration with IT 2022 OmdiaPage 6YesNo93%7%Are you working with other departments to create a unified approach to omnichannel engagement?Departments work mostly with IT,followed by CX teamsOnly 18%work with the contact center,despite that organization having valuable customer ins

19、ights and being on the frontlines of customer engagement58%45%44%38%29%29%18%15%IT DeptCustomer/user experienceMarketingSalesNetwork OperationsHRContact centerAccounting0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%Which departments are you working with?The State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022How Technology In

20、vestments Drive CX Advancements 2022 OmdiaPage 7Analysis across company sizes show that large and mid-market enterprises are largely improving their understanding of customer needs,with 63%of large enterprises citing such value propositions from their technology investments,as well as 57%of companie

21、s in the mid-market.Among the small to mid-size firms,66%said their technology investments have increased customer retention and satisfactiona coveted outcome among that market size which must compete with ecommerce players that offer the convenience that customers have come to desire.This further b

22、olsters the importance of a one-to-one customer experience.This value is leading to planned investments(61%)over the next year,although 18%plan to decrease their budgets.0%10%20%30%40%50%60%Increased customer retention and satisfactionImproved our understanding of customer needsReduced routine tasks

23、 and enabled customer-facing employees tofocus on complex inquiriesEnabled proactive,timely responses to customersEngaged with customers using contextual content andengagementEnabled us to personalize interactionsEnabled connected,omnichannel customer engagementEnabled us to reach more potential cus

24、tomersHow are the technologies delivering significant value in how you interact with customers?Source:Omdia 2022 OmdiaThe State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022Participating Industries,Company Location,and Level of Influence 2022 OmdiaPage 813%14%14%14%15%15%15%12%13%13%14%14%15%15%16%Tele

25、communicationsTravel&HospitalityHealthcareMedia&EntertainmentHigh TechRetailBanking/Financial ServicesSeven participating industriesSource:Omdia 2022 OmdiaUS,78%Canada,Where is your company located?2022 OmdiaNote:n=230Source:OmdiaI make investment decisions about digital marketing/customer experienc

26、e technology,70%I influence investment decisions,25%I advise and provide research on investment decisions,5%Which best describes your involvement in digital marketing/customer experience technology decisions at your organization?2022 OmdiaNote:n=230Source:OmdiaThe State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Ana

27、lysis|Q3 2022 2022 OmdiaPage 9Roles and Company SizesOmdia interviewed 230 CX professionals across a range of job functions:customer service,customer experience,marketing,sales,IT and risk,and compliance.The individual roles represented C-level positions,vice presidents,directors,and managers.Compan

28、y sizes included 32%large enterprises,34%mid-size firms,and 34%of enterprise mid-market organizations.Manager,30%C-Level,30%Director,28%VP,11%Which of the following best describes your job role?Note:n=230Source:Omdia 2022 OmdiaIT,39%Customer experience,22%Customer service,22%Marketing,9%Sales,5%Risk

29、 and/or Compliance,3%Which best describes your primary job function?Note:n=230Source:Omdia 2022 Omdia5011,000,35%1,0015,000,33%5,00110,000,22%More than 10,000 employees,10%How many employees are in your organization?Note:n=230Source:Omdia 2022 OmdiaThe State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 202

30、2 2022 OmdiaPage 12No Jitter is the industrys leading source of objective analysis for the enterprise communications professional,and is produced by Enterprise Connect,the industrys largest independent conference and expo.Enterprise communications and collaboration decision-makers face an ever-chang

31、ing environment,one in which technology is evolving rapidly and business/management challenges are proliferating.No Jitter helps communications and collaboration professionals keep up with the pace of all this change.Our contributors are the best independent analysts and consultants in the field,and

32、 theyre the same experts who provide the content for our Enterprise Connect webinarsand virtual events.Stay on top of enterprise collaboration trends subscribe to our free No Jitter newsletter.Follow No Jitter on Social:https:/ No Jitter The State of Digital CX 2022:Survey Analysis|Q3 2022About the

33、Author and Omdia 2022 OmdiaPage 11AuthorMila DAntonio,Principal Analyst,Business Platforms&ApplicationsMila.DAbout OmdiaOmdia is a global research leader that helps you connect the dots across the technology ecosystem.The technology world as we know it,is changing faster than ever.In a dynamic and c

34、omplex landscape,the stakes are high,and the challenges and opportunities are real.At the start of 2020 we formed Omdia by unifying the depth and breadth of expertise from Informa Techs legacy research brands:Ovum,IHS Markit Technology,Tractica and Heavy Reading.This empowered us to serve the techno

35、logy industry like never before.Today,we help organizations make better technology choices for their business and enable technology innovators to better understand and reach the markets they hope to serve.Omdia ConsultingWe hope that this analysis will help you make informed and imaginative business

36、 decisions.If you are not currently a client and are interested in learning more about Omdias services,please contact us via the Omdia website.If you are currently an Omdia client and have further requirements,Omdias consulting team may be able to help you.For more information about Omdias consultin

37、g capabilities,please contact us directly at .Citation PolicyRequest external citation and usage of Omdia research and data via .Brought to you by Informa TechDisclaimerThe Omdia research,data and information referenced herein(the“Omdia Materials”)are the copyrighted property of Informa Tech and its

38、 subsidiaries or affiliates(together“Informa Tech”)or its third party data providers and represent data,research,opinions,or viewpoints published by Informa Tech,and are not representations of fact.The Omdia Materials reflect information and opinions from the original publication date and not from t

39、he date of this document.The information and opinions expressed in the Omdia Materials are subject to change without notice and Informa Tech does not have any duty or responsibility to update the Omdia Materials or this publication as a result.Omdia Materials are delivered on an“as-is”and“as-availab

40、le”basis.No representation or warranty,express or implied,is made as to the fairness,accuracy,completeness,or correctness of the information,opinions,and conclusions contained in Omdia Materials.To the maximum extent permitted by law,Informa Tech and its affiliates,officers,directors,employees,agent

41、s,and third party data providers disclaim any liability(including,without limitation,any liability arising from fault or negligence)as to the accuracy or completeness or use of the Omdia Materials.Informa Tech will not,under any circumstance whatsoever,be liable for any trading,investment,commercial,or other decisions based on or made in reliance of the Omdia Materials.Get in touchAmericasE:08:00 18:00 GMT-5Europe,Middle East&AfricaE:8:00 18:00 GMTAsia PacificE:08:00 18:00 GMT+8 2022 Omdia



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