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1、 To Help You Prepare for the Black Friday-Cyber Monday Returns Rush 10 Tips42%3%Starting with BFCM(Black Friday Cyber Monday),the holiday season is fast approaching.With the holidays come new shoppers exploring your store for the first time and repeat customers buying more.Whats not to love?With the

2、 rush of new sales and new shoppers comes a lingering wave the wave of returns.However,returns dont have to be a bad thing.In fact,they can be the biggest reason you thrive during the holiday season if youre prepared.Which is why weve put together 10 tips to help you stay above water during the retu

3、rns rush and 2022 holiday season.Enjoy!If youre not prepared,returns can turn holiday cheer into holiday woes.Luckily,were here with some best practices to make sure youre set up for success this holiday season!By the Numbers During the holidays,online purchases are returned at double the rate of in

4、-store purchases.All in all,about 1 out of every 8 sales ends up as a return during the holidays.Only 10%of those returns make it back on the shelves.Not to mention,returns are expensive.Factoring in labor,transportation,warehouse costs,etc,the costs of returns are projected to go up 7-10%this holid

5、ay season.Put another way,on average,returns cost retailers 2/3 of the original price of the product.Before we dive into tips to help you thrive during the holidays,lets talk about why preparing your post-purchase systems and ecommerce operations matters.of Holiday ReturnsThat Are RestockedNOT RESTO

6、CKEDRESTOCKED2/3 of costs are lost on each product returned90%10%Return Policies arent something you set and forget.They should be dynamic and shaped based off feedback from your team and from your shoppers.Tip 1For the Holidays in particular,shoppers need time.Shoppers could be out of town,they cou

7、ld be busy visiting family,whatever the case,giving shoppers time to return their items helps with retention and increases customer lifetime value.30 days is okay,but 60 days may be bet-ter.Not to mention,you want to space things out for your customer support and warehouse team so they arent dealing

8、 with a ton of returns in a short amount of time.Review Your Return Policy Early Consider offering different return policies for distinct types of product offerings.Set your return windows by return type or tie them to products only offered during a seasonal sale.Tip 2Update Your Site Your return po

9、licy helps with conversions.8 out of 10 shoppers review a return policy before buying,so including your return policy on your home page,not buried away in your help center,will help with more sales.Similarly,including your return policy on product description pages might just be the difference betwe

10、en a shopper buying from you or from your competitor.Have special policies specific to pur-chases made during Black Friday and Cyber Monday?Make sure to call those out with clear instructions on return periods,special buys or unique product offerings.Review product pages for those that have a high r

11、eturn rate.Perhaps you need better images or an updated item description to accurately describe a product.Maybe a new sizing chart is need to minimize size bracketing and returns.That way,you wont have to worry about burning through your marketing budget on products that wind up back in your warehou

12、se.Tip 3Optimize Ad Campaigns Returns help you promote sales that stick.How?With returns data.Take a look at what products are coming back and why.For your ad campaigns,turn down ad spend for products that dont have high sales or that have high return rates.Allocate those dollars to high-selling pro

13、ducts with low return rates.Not to mention,it gives you time to look into why shoppers are returning certain products so you can take corrective action.Make sure you have a central source of truth for your inventory.If inventory levels get out of whack,you may inadvertently oversell,or you may lose

14、a shopper from a poor experience.Tip 4Make Sure Inventory is ReadyPlan what products you want to promote during sales spikes.You should also be prepared to restock returned products as quickly as possible so that items can get back into circulation.Set up automated workflows based on product disposi

15、tions or RMA authorization.These steps will eliminate inefficiencies from manual tasks in your return-to-stock and inventory process.With the right returns management tools in place,you can even set inventory thresholds so shoppers cant exchange for items you dont physically have.Thoroughly document

16、 your returns process ahead of time,so that any new individuals can easily get up-to-speed as quickly and productively as possible.Make Sure Your Team is Staffedand Knows What To DoTip 5The holidays are intense,and you may need to bring on part-time seasonal staff,or shift workers to manage the infl

17、ux of returns.But this is not the time to train new people or document new processes on how to process returns.Now is.Make sure your Return Center has a clear call-to-action for people who received gifts.Tip 6Make Sure Your Return Center is ReadyGift returns may be a different workflow than other re

18、turn types(exchanges,refunds,store credit,warranties)so make sure shoppers know where to go to return their gift.In addition,once shoppers go through their gift return,make sure your return center is set up to offer them new products whether thats exchanging for something similar or exchanging for a

19、ny item in your catalog.Take advantage of custom CSS to brand your Return Center to match your company guidelines.The post-purchase customer experience should be a contin-uation of your brands look and feel and not an afterthought.Dont miss out on an opportunity to create a loyal customer.Lets face

20、it,manually emailing with shoppers,dealing with phone calls,and closing support tickets can be exhausting when returns volume goes up.Tip 7Set Up Automation in Advance Having to log a return in a spreadsheet or copy and paste it into a help desk takes a long time and causes headaches.Not to mention,

21、it is expensive.With inflation,employee labor costs are rising,and automation saves on time spent on manual tasks.Automation leads to savings in labor,time,and helps your team solve custom-er problems faster leading to them becoming loyal and buying more from you.Automation keeps your team above wat

22、er and your shoppers happy.Meaning,your warehouse and ops team need to be able to record the dispositions of products coming back and relay that back to the rest of the business.In addition,warehouse and ops teams need to know the status of each return and where each return is in order to tame the c

23、haos.They also need to know what to do with each return.Should it be liquidated?Re-stocked?Make sure your team has a process and knows what to do with each return and that everyone is on the same page.Set up Automation in Advance Tip 8Get Your Warehouse and Ops Teams Involved With items rolling back

24、 to your team and your warehouse,you need a way to make sure the right items are making their way back.For example,maybe you dont need customers to send back damaged products.In that case,you could prevent a large source of returns from being shipped.Tip 9Have a Plan for WasteReturns leave a massive

25、 impact on the environment.Be prepared to handle the waste that comes with returns,such as boxes,packaging,and discarded products.Consider how the different aspects will impact your business,and how your choices reflect your company values and carbon footprint.Analyzing returns data not only helps y

26、ou make corrective decisions on the fly,but it will help you for the next return season as well!Tip 10Have a Plan for Reviewing Returns Feedback Sales tell you what shoppers like.Returns tell you what shoppers do not like.Use that information to double down on what is working and fix what does not.R

27、eturns are coming.Dont let the challenges of returns take away from the rush of sales and holiday cheer.Tying it All Together Preparation is key for weathering the holiday rush of returns.However,you dont need to prep alone.Were here to help you every step of the way.Get in touch and see how we can take your returns game to the next level BEFORE the holidays creep up!https:/ Rev.A



本文(ReturnLogic:为黑五和网络星期一的回归热潮做足准备的10个建议(英文版)(14页).pdf)为本站 (Kelly Street) 主动上传,三个皮匠报告文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知三个皮匠报告文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!






