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Hanover Research:2022年市场研究现状分析报告(英文版)(27页).pdf

1、THE STATE OF MARKET RESEARCHHow Business Leaders Use Research to Increase Sales,Retain Customers,and Expand Markets.2 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622INTRODUCTIONAcross three years of curveballs,business leaders faced it all.Between labor shortages and supply chain delays to rapid shifts in customer p

2、references,companies had to adapt and act fast.In the aftermath,forward-thinking companies shifted from firefighting mode to expansion,entering new markets,attracting new customers,and developing new products.But,with aggressive growth comes increased pressure to deliver ROI by making the right expa

3、nsion plays.With their decisions under a microscope,the most successful business leaders thrived because they could measure(and exert control over)their growth path by using market research.Their measured,data-backed investments have paid off:Companies that rely on market research are more likely to

4、 increase sales,expand their market,and increase customer retention than those that dont.With nearly 80%of companies conducting market research in the last 12 months and more than two-thirds planning to increase spending on market research next year,companies that fail to keep pace will miss out to

5、competitorsIn Hanovers State of Market Research Report,we map how nearly 400 business leaders across the country leverage market research to achieve key business priorities.Youll learn about how leaders drive ROI from market research,the key projects and proven methodologies,plus market research pri

6、orities for 2023.Use this report as a roadmap to leverage market research to prioritize strategies,show the ROI of your initiatives,and outperform your business goals.of businesses report a positive ROI from marketresearch(n=255)95%say market research increases their sales(n=118)91%believe it increa

7、ses customer retention(n=122)89%plan to increase their market research budget next year(n=399)69%Get market research insights to drive growth,increase sales,and outperform competitors.GROW YOUR BUSINESS3 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622TABLE OF CONTENTS2/INTRODUCTION4/DRIVING VALUE WITH MARKETRESEARCH


9、HIn the aftermath of two years of upheaval,companies are facing steep challenges to expand their markets.From successfully identifying new customers and markets to developing new products to sell within their existing markets,organizations face heightened stakeholder expectations togrow.Achieving an

10、y of these initiatives requires significant investments of people,finances,and time with little margin for error.Market research offers targeted insights that directly address these challenges in order to deliver measurable results.Obtaining new customersRetaining currentcustomers(e.g.,loyalty)Incre

11、asing market shareCOMPANIES TOP CHALLENGESBENEFITS OF MARKET RESEARCH47%36%36%Increased salesIncreased customer retentionEntered an adjacent market91%Entering new markets38%Entered a new market85%89%85%(n=399)95%of businesses report a positive ROI from marketresearchof businesses report an ROI of mo

12、re than 4x86%(n=255)(n=73-122)6 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE OF MARKET RESEARCHCompanies that conduct market research are more likely to enter a new or adjacent market,increase sales,increase customer retention,and launch a new product than companies that do not.These benefits t

13、ie back to a direct and visible impact on business bottom line,identifying opportunity and mitigating risk during a climate of economic uncertainty.BUSINESS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE LAST 12 MONTHSConducts market research(n=322)Does not conduct market research(n=77)LAUNCHING A NEW PRODUCT ORSERVICEMark

14、et research can size the potential and viability of new product offerings,confirm customer demand,and vet concept offerings and messaging to enhance the likelihood of new product success.53%49%64%51%INCREASED SALES Market research helps companies uncover new business prospects and provides companies

15、 with the insights they need to more effectively market to prospects,all leading to higher salesconversions.62%52%INCREASED CUSTOMER RETENTIONCompanies that leverage market research have a deeper understanding of customer needs and can use these insights to optimize their services and products to al

16、ign with customer expectations,ultimately improving customerloyalty.44%29%ENTERING AN ADJACENT MARKETMarket research can size the opportunity,risks,and hurdles to enter adjacent markets,aiding companies in prioritizing adjacent expansion plays.34%18%ENTERING A NEW MARKETMarket research provides an i

17、n-depth understanding of new markets,highlighting differences in new customer needs,buying habits and preferences,in addition to macroeconomic factors such as regulatory or political limiters,in order to prioritize growthopportunities.Identify the commonmistakes businesses make when developing a new

18、 product.CREATE SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS7 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622By providing companies with a comprehensive understanding of their business opportunities and challenges,market research empowers its users to develop more effective strategies and,ultimately,accomplish their goals.MARKET RESEARCH AL

19、LOWS YOU TO.UNDERSTAND THE MARKETMarket research provides in-depth insights,allowing companies to understand their market,identify their customers needs and preferences,discover how they are perceived in the market,and measure the impact of their investments and strategies.IDENTIFY OPPORTUNITIES Mar

20、ket research spots untapped opportunities for companies to focus on,including how to:improve their brand status and market more effectively,identify new customer bases and markets to sell to,and provide information to help senior leadership prioritize investment opportunities.UNCOVER RISK Market res

21、earch also uncovers risks that,if ignored,can cause serious damage.This includes insight into competitors,the impact of major challenges or economic influences(i.e.,COVID),and negative perceptions of your company.HOW DOES MARKET RESEARCH HELP YOUR COMPANY?(n=322)Better understand the market Understa

22、nd current customers and their needs Market our businesseffectively Identify potential customers and their needs Find new business opportunities Improve our brands status in the market Gather objective opinions about our product/service/company Analyze the impact of other marketrelated challenges Im

23、prove resource allocation decisions Understand the impact of COVID19 related challenges Identify key competitors in our market Evaluate the ROI on investments Reduce business risk Get C suite buyin for changes in company strategy 55%25%54%50%49%47%44%43%39%38%37%35%32%31%INSIGHTS FROM MARKETRESEARCH

24、8 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622HOW COMPANIES LEVERAGE MARKET RESEARCH 9 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622FREQUENCY OF MARKET RESEARCHMarket research isnt new:Its served as a foundation for companies to gauge themselves and their markets for decades.As market and customer needs shift,the need for accur

25、ate and actionable insights from market research has increased.This is why almost four in five companies have conducted market research in the last year and 59%do so on a regular basis.Organizations typically prioritize the most urgent challenges with the greatest impact when choosing the research t

26、hey conduct.However,accurately addressing their key challenges often takes more than one project.In addition,their initial projects may identify new risks or opportunities that require additional research to accurately address.As a result,the majority of companies conduct between one and 10 market r

27、esearch projects per year.of companies have conducted market research in the last year(n=322)79%NUMBER OF MARKET RESEARCH PROJECTS CONDUCTED LAST YEAR(n=256)1-529%6-1036%11-1524%16-207%20+4%HOW OFTEN DOES YOUR COMPANY CONDUCT MARKET RESEARCH?(n=322)4%AlwaysOftenSometimesRarely37%46%13%10 2022 Hanove

28、r ResearchCORWP0622TYPES OF MARKETRESEARCH CONDUCTED In the past year,companies have focused research on their markets,products,and customers.This focus aligns with leading business challenges:obtaining new customers,entering new markets,and developing new products and services.Half of companies als

29、o conduct brand-based projects which help optimize brand positioning to align with new markets and effectively position new products and services.Businesses choices about which projects to pursue also align with the top reported benefits of market research:a better understanding of the market,custom

30、ers,and more effective marketing.For full list of projects conducted last year,see the appendix on page 23MOST POPULAR MARKETRESEARCHPROJECTTYPES(n=218-242)MARKET ANALYSIS61%PRODUCT LIFECYCLE59%CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE58%BRAND STRATEGY55%Examples include:Market entry strategy Market share identification

31、Competitive analysis Market segmentation Market trend analysis M&A opportunityExamples include:Product lifecycle management Product development Product portfolioreview Package design Pricing strategy Product message testing Channel strategy Sales forecastingExamples include:Buyer persona Customer se

32、gmentation Customer journey Path to purchase Customer decisionmaking process Customer needs assessment Voice of customerExamples include:Brand equity Brand awareness Brand perception Brand tracking Brand development andpositioning Rebranding Content marketing developmentANALYZE YOUR MARKETBUILD BETT

33、ER PRODUCTSENGAGE CUSTOMERSENHANCE YOUR BRAND11 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622MARKET RESEARCH METHODOLOGIESCompanies employ a variety of methodologies in their market research,depending on the type of project and the depth of insights needed.For example,a company wanting to track customer satisfacti

34、on might run a survey to gather quantitative data on trends.However,if it wants specific feedback on already identified customer satisfaction issues,in-depth interviews can collect richer insights.Depending on the complexity of insights,two or more methodologies might be necessary to obtain a holist

35、ic understanding and actionableresults.Data analysis and modeling are leveraged by 68%of businesses followed by surveys at 63%.In-depth interviews have the least investment,likely because of their complexity,higher costs,and the increased challenge of collecting feedback.Less than half of companies

36、leverage syndicated data for their projects.While obtaining this data is easy,most businesses are looking for research that is tailored to their company and their unique needs rather than generalized data that may not provide the level of insights they need.WHAT MARKET RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES DOES YO

37、UR COMPANY USE?(n=255)Data analysis and modelingSurveySecondary research Focus groupsPurchase of syndicated data Indepth interviews68%63%55%51%48%40%Discover what insights you can uncover using different research methodologies.DIVERSIFY YOUR RESEARCH12 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622HIGH-VALUE OPPORT

38、UNITIES FOR MARKET RESEARCH While all market research projects studied ranked as high value(ranging from 72%to 94%),companies use some market research projects more frequently than others.Projects around market insights and expansion,customer needs,and customer satisfaction occur more frequently tha

39、n any other type.While overall higher usage of a market research project tends to correlate with higher value,there are three outliers with high value,but low implementation,that represent opportunities for companies.These three projects align with many of the projects with high rates of implementat

40、ion,and if used in tandem,can help companies develop more effective strategies.MARKET RESEARCH PROJECT USAGE AND VALUE70%75%80%85%90%95%100%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%Market trend forecastBrand equityBrand positioning/messagingMarket shareBrand trackingPrice sensitivity/elasticityPackage developmentCustom

41、er lifetime valueCustomer journeyMessage testingCustomer segmentation/personasMarket sizingConcept testValue proposition assessmentBrand attitudes and usage(A&U)Marketing mix evaluationCompetitor scorecardProduct line optimizationM&A opportunityProduct attitudes and usage(A&U)SWOT analysisWin/loss a

42、nalysisRebrandingPath to purchaseConcept screenCustomer satisfaction(NPS)Customer needs assessmentMarket evaluationAd or campaign testingTHE REPORTED VALUE OF THE RESEARCH PROJECTHOW FREQUENTLY COMPANIES USE THE RESEARCH PROJECTCUSTOMER SEGMENTATIONWhile many companies are leveraging research on cus

43、tomer needs and satisfaction,customer segmentation presents an opportunity to take these insights further,allowing them to develop targeted sales,marketing,and service strategies to obtain new and retain existingcustomers.VALUE PROPOSITION ASSESSMENTBy providing businesses with a better understandin

44、g of the value customers attribute to their offerings,a value proposition assessment enables companies to not only assist in customer-centric challenges,but also increase market share and ROI.PRICE SENSITIVITYBy providing insight into how prices affect sales,companies can develop a pricing strategy

45、that identifies the optimal price point.With an optimized pricing strategy,businesses will be able to drive revenue without alienating theircustomers.EMERGING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MARKET RESEARCHEMERGING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MARKET RESEARCHESTABLISHED MARKET RESEARCH PROJECTS 13 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP

46、062291%The percent of businesses that say market research findings are an effective tool for decisionmaking(n=255)The percent of businesses that use market research insights in strategymeetings(n=255)89%INTEGRATING MARKET RESEARCH INSIGHTSTheres a reason so many companies decide to conduct frequent

47、market research projects:They recognize that when they integrate these insights into their business decisions and strategies,they consistently see better outcomes.Companies that successfully integrate market research do so thanks to their commitment to data-driven decision-making,accountability,and

48、incentives for using market research findings.TIPS TO INTEGRATE RESEARCH INTO DECISION-MAKING1.Commit to consistently using research to support decision-making2.Create a culture of data-driven decision-making across the organization3.Incentivitize use by creating accountabiity or ownership over the

49、market research results4.Ensure the value of integrating market research is present from the top-down in yourorganization 5.Communicate the importance of integrating market research and ensure it is incorporated from the bottom-up in your organization14 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622THE FUTURE OF MA

50、RKET RESEARCH15 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622INVESTMENT IN FUTURE MARKETRESEARCHBetween evolving customer expectations,an economy in flux,and all the benefits of market research,most businesses plan to invest in market research in the next 12 months.Of those that have previously conducted market re

51、search,82%will start another project in the next year.Of those that havent done so in the last five years,more than half plan to initiate a market research project in the next 12 months.Companies that plan to conduct research are also planing to increase their budget for market research.Over two-thi

52、rds(69%)of companies expect their budget for market research to increase in the next 12 months.This percentage is even higher with B2B2C companies,where 81%expect a budgetincrease.B2B2C brands likely plan to invest more due to their dual-layer business model(selling to retailers who in turn sell to

53、consumers)which requires them to understand the needs and motivations of their direct customers as well as those their customers sellto.MY COMPANY HAS PLANS TO CONDUCT MARKET RESEARCH IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHSMY COMPANYS BUDGET FOR MARKET RESEARCH WILL INCREASE IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHSB2C(n=152)63%B2B(n=10

54、2)64%All companies(n=399)69%B2B2C(n=145)81%82%51%Companies that have not conducted research previously(n=77)Companies that have conducted research previously(n=322)16 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622FUTURE FOCUS OF MARKET RESEARCH To strengthen their company amidst significant inflation and recession

55、concerns,businesses are planning to increase then number of projects they conduct from all four research types by 17%.Market analysis projects will remain the most frequently performed project type,with 71%of businesses planning to conduct one in the next 12 months.Though fewer companies expressed i

56、nterest in brand performance projects,it has the highest increase(18%)compared to last year.Companies that completed projects in the other categories frequently identify brand insights work as a subsequent priority.Against the backdrop of economic uncertainty,many businesses seek to strengthen their

57、 brand in order to weather potentialdisruptions.RESEARCH CONDUCTED LAST YEAR VS.RESEARCH PLANNED FOR NEXT YEARConducted lastyear(n=218-242)Planned for nextyear(n=260-284)Market Analysis Customer Experience Product Lifecycle Brand Performance61%71%58%68%59%67%55%65%+16%+17%+14%+18%Discover the leadin

58、g trends impacting B2B and B2C businesses.B2C TRENDSB2B TRENDS17 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622Inflation and other market factors drive the research trends for next year,all of which tie back to a direct and visible impact on companies bottom line a critical benefit given the economic uncertainty ma

59、ny companies face.Market evaluation and customer needs assessment will overtake customer satisfaction as the top research projects.Price sensitivity,while not previously high on the list in terms of usage,has seen an increase in interest for next year.As inflation causes companies to reevaluate thei

60、r pricing to cover increased costs,many need to ensure changes will not alienate customers.In addition,price sensitivity is one of our identified priority research opportunities,with a potential for high reported value many businesses failed to capture previously.To see the full list of market resea

61、rch projects companies are planning for next year,see the appendix on page 25TOP MARKET RESEARCH PROJECTS PLANNED FOR NEXT YEAR(n=302)PRIORITY MARKET RESEARCHPROJECTSMarket evaluation45%Customer needs assessment45%Market trend forecast42%Price sensitivity37%Customer satisfaction43%OPTIMIZE YOUR PRIC

62、INGSATISFY CUSTOMERSPREDICT MARKET CHANGESEVALUATE YOUR MARKETUNDERSTAND CUSTOMER NEEDS18 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622CONCLUSIONBetween a shifting economy,evolving customer needs,and increased competition,companies need to develop enhanced strategies that address their biggest challenges and achie

63、ve their goals.In planning upcoming growth strategies,keep in mind:TOP 8 TAKEAWAYS Businesses can overcome leading challenges through market research.The benefits of market research directly address companies leading challenges,including winning and retaining customers,entering new markets,developin

64、g products,and increasing market share.Companies that conduct market research accomplish more than those that didnt.Companies that conduct market research are more likely to enter a new or adjacent market,increase sales,increase customer retention,and launch a new product than companies that do not.

65、Market research provides meaningful,indepth insights for informed decisionmaking.Market research insights allow companies to gain a comprehensive understanding of their market,identify untapped opportunities,and uncover hidden risks.To gather indepth insights,companies conduct multiple projects a ye

66、ar.The majority of companies conduct between one and 10 market research projects a year.There are three particularly highvalue,highopportunity market research projects.Customer segmentation,value proposition assessment,and price sensitivity are three high-value,but low implementation projects that r

67、epresent opportunities for companies.Market research provides significant,measurable ROI.Almost all businesses report a positive ROI from market research,with 86%saying it provides an ROI of over 4X.The investment in market research is growing.More than two-thirds of businesses are planning to incre

68、ase their market research budgets next year.Market analysis,customer preferences,and pricing evaluation are the top projects for 2023.Companies are looking to evaluate current and forecast future market developments,analyze customer needs and satisfaction,and evaluate pricesensitivity.Get targeted r

69、esearch and insights to identify,develop,and implement a strategicplan to uncover new opportunities,minimize risk,and accelerate growth. DATA-BACKED STRATEGIES19 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622APPENDIX20 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622STUDY OVERVIEWAPPENDIXKey Objectives yWhat are

70、 the general perceptions of market research?yAre successful businesses using market research?Why or why not?yWhat challenges do market research insights solve?yWhat benefits does market researchprovide?yWhat are companies future market research plans?Methodology and Approach yHanover Research tested

71、 these questions and assumptions via a quantitative online survey targeted at professionals across relevant industrycategories.yA third-party panel vendor,Lucid/Cint,was used to recruit qualifiedparticipants.Respondent QualificationsRespondents met the following criteria to be qualified participants

72、:y Reside in the United States y 25 years of age or older y Currently employed full-timeTo ensure sample representation,participants were recruited based on the following organizational and role-basedcriteria:y Role level(ranging from manager to C-suite)y Department(Marketing,Market Research,Consume

73、r/Customer Insights,Product Management,Public Relations,Research and Development,Strategy,Operations)y Industry representation across B2B,B2C,and B2B2C organizations y Organization size(revenue)y Geography y TenureAfter quality control measures,the analysis is based on a final sample size of 399 par

74、ticipants.21 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622APPENDIXPROFESSIONALS PROFILE(n=399)TitleDepartmentTenureManagerCSuite/ExecutiveDirectorSr ManagerManaging DirectorVice PresidentOwnerSr DirectorLess than 1 year1 to 3 years4 to 6 years7 to 9 years10 or more years18%32%16%13%8%5%5%4%2%19%41%16%23%Operations

75、44%19%Research and DevelopmentMarketingStrategyProduct10%8%8%Consumer/Customer Insights7%Market Research2%Public Relations2%FinanceAccountingCustomer ServiceHuman ResourcesNone of the above0%0%0%0%0%22 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622APPENDIXORGANIZATION PROFILE(n=399)MidwestSouthNortheastWest19%24%31

76、%26%RegionIndustry TypeBusiness to Consumer(B2C)38%36%Business to Business(B2B)26%Business to Business to Consumer(B2B2C)Annual RevenueIndustryManufacturingSoftware/SAASProfessional AssociationWholesale/TradeNon-profitEcommerceBank or financial servicesFood serviceFor-profit education technologyNond

77、urable products(e.g.,clothing,office supplies,etc.)TelecomHospitality/LeisureRestaurantFor-profit higher educationFor-profit K-12InsurerFood product/BeverageStaffing24%19%10%9%6%4%4%3%3%3%3%3%2%2%2%2%2%1%Less than$100,000$100,000 to$499,999$500,000 to$999,999$1,000,000 to$4,999,999$5,000,000 to$9,99

78、9,999$10,000,000 to$49,999,999$50,000,000 to$999,999,999$1,000,000,000 or more2%4%7%16%18%18%19%16%Organization Size5%20,000 employees or more:11%5,000 to fewer than 20,000 employees1,000 to fewer than 5,000 employees26%500 to fewer than 1,000 employees20%250 to fewer than 500 employees16%Fewer than

79、 250 employees22%23 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622APPENDIXMARKET RESEARCH CONDUCTED IN 2022What type of market/product/customer/brand focused market research has your company conducted in the past 12 months?B2B(n=67)B2C(n=91)B2B2C(n=97)All(n=255)Customer satisfaction(NPS)40%53%46%47%Market evaluatio

80、n37%53%41%44%Customer needs assessment49%45%35%42%Market trend forecast45%37%44%42%Brand equity42%38%37%39%Market share51%33%28%36%Brand positioning/messaging36%45%27%36%Ad or campaign testing31%36%37%35%Brand tracking31%34%35%34%Price sensitivity/elasticity36%29%35%33%Package development37%24%34%31

81、%Customer lifetime value31%30%28%29%Message testing28%31%27%29%Customer journey31%30%26%29%Market sizing34%26%25%28%Customer segmentation/personas28%25%30%28%Concept test28%24%30%27%Value proposition assessment36%23%26%27%Marketing mix evaluation22%23%34%27%Brand attitudes and usage(A&U)21%27%31%27%

82、Competitor scorecard28%26%26%27%Product line optimization27%27%26%27%M&A opportunity31%20%29%26%SWOT analysis27%19%32%26%Product attitudes and usage(A&U)34%21%25%26%Win/loss analysis37%21%23%26%Rebranding22%24%25%24%Path to purchase22%29%20%24%Concept screen25%24%20%23%Thought leadership creation24%

83、19%26%23%24 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622THE VALUE OF MARKET RESEARCH PROJECTSPlease rate the value each type of market research adds to your companyB2BB2CB2B2CAllCustomer needs assessment94%93%97%94%Customer satisfaction(NPS)96%90%96%93%Customer segmentation/personas95%87%93%92%Price sensitivity/e

84、lasticity96%81%94%90%Value proposition assessment92%81%96%90%Concept screen94%73%100%88%Market evaluation84%88%93%88%Market trend forecast87%82%93%88%Ad or campaign testing81%79%97%87%Brand attitudes and usage(A&U)79%76%97%86%Thought leadership creation88%82%88%86%Competitor scorecard89%75%92%85%Pro

85、duct attitudes and usage(A&U)83%79%92%85%Brand equity89%71%92%84%Brand positioning/messaging75%80%96%84%Concept test95%77%83%84%Brand tracking81%81%88%84%Marketing mix evaluation67%81%91%83%Market sizing78%75%96%83%Product line optimization78%84%84%82%Customer journey71%89%84%82%Market share82%80%85

86、%82%M&A opportunity81%78%82%81%Package development84%73%82%80%Win/loss analysis76%79%86%80%Customer lifetime value90%78%74%80%SWOT analysis83%59%87%79%Message testing74%64%85%74%Rebranding87%59%79%74%Path to purchase60%73%79%72%APPENDIX25 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622APPENDIXTHE MARKET RESEARCH PRO

87、JECTS PLANNED FOR NEXT YEAR What areas of market/product/customer/brand market research will you focus on in the coming 12 months?B2BB2CB2B2CAllMarket evaluation42%50%43%45%Customer needs assessment47%50%38%45%Customer satisfaction(NPS)37%48%42%43%Market trend forecast42%39%45%42%Price sensitivity/e

88、lasticity38%30%41%37%Brand equity41%38%32%36%Ad or campaign testing28%46%31%35%Brand positioning/messaging34%37%30%33%Customer journey33%33%29%31%Brand tracking29%31%32%31%Brand attitudes and usage(A&U)33%26%35%31%Win/loss analysis34%28%31%31%Concept test34%27%31%30%Market share29%36%26%30%Product l

89、ine optimization32%28%31%30%Customer lifetime value32%30%28%29%Market sizing26%31%29%29%Package development34%24%29%28%SWOT analysis29%16%33%26%Value proposition assessment21%28%28%26%Path to purchase20%28%27%25%M&A opportunity29%19%28%25%Marketing mix evaluation24%20%31%25%Competitor scorecard30%18

90、%27%25%Message testing16%31%25%25%Product attitudes and usage(A&U)24%27%24%25%Customer segmentation/personas22%23%26%24%Thought leadership creation21%22%27%24%Concept screen22%22%21%22%Rebranding22%17%21%20%26 2022 Hanover ResearchCORWP0622We leverage a deep understanding of your business challenges

91、 to provide critical intelligence that helps you uncover new opportunities,minimize risk,and accelerate growth.ABOUT HANOVER RESEARCHOUR BENEFITSDEDICATEDExclusive account and research teams ensure strategic partnership EXPERT200+analysts with advanced multiple methodology research expertisePh.D.M.B

92、.A.M.Ed.M.Phil.M.P.H.M.S.M.A.J.D.B.A.B.S.Ongoing custom research agenda adapts with organizations needsFLEXIBLEEFFICIENTAnnual,fixedfee model shares costs and benefitsOTHERPROVIDERSFEES#OF PROJECTSOUR CORPORATE SOLUTIONS ANALYSISDrive growth and outperform competitors through targeted exploration an

93、d analysis of hard-to-quantify markets.y Market Entry Strategy y Market Penetration Strategy y Trend Analysis y Market Share Identification y Market Segmentation y Merger and Acquisition Opportunity Analysis y Competitive AnalysisPRODUCT LIFECYCLEOptimize each stage of a products lifecycle from idea

94、tion,development,launch,andmarketing.y Product Lifecycle Management y Product Development y Product Portfolio Review y Package Design y Pricing Strategy y Product Message Testing y Channel Strategy y Customer Needs AssessmentCUSTOMER EXPERIENCEUnderstand the complex customer journey to pinpoint prob

95、lem areas and uncover opportunities for high-impact improvement.y Voice of the Customer y Consumer Decision-Making Process y Customer Segmentation y Customer Needs Assessment y Buyer Persona y Customer Satisfaction y Customer Journey y Lead Scoring y Pathway to PurchaseBRAND STRATEGYIdentify and mea

96、sure the most important metrics for assessing brand and cultivating effective messaging.y Brand Equity y Brand Awareness y Brand Perception y Brand Tracking y Brand Development and Positioning y Content MarketingLEARN MORE: WilsonBlvd.9th FloorArlington,VA 22203(202)559-0050Charlottesville609 E Market Street,Suite 302Charlottesville,VA 22902



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