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1、Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAutomated Vehicles:The Risks and ChallengesCharles UthusUnited States American Automotive Policy CouncilAgenda Item 3.3 The Auto Industry Ecosystem-Fostering Resilient Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future13 September 2022Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAutomated Vehic

2、le LevelsCopyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAutomated VehiclesAutomated Vehicles Evolution of Technology-SAE 6 levels of autonomy Levels 1-2-Driver assisted technologies some are designed to warn the driver,while others intervene if youre at risk of an impending crash.These technologies are the stepping

3、stones to full automation.o Collision Warningo Collision Interventiono Driver Control Assistanceo Other Some level 3 autonomy is being used today for example Lane Keeping Assistance.Level 4 autonomy is available(primarily demonstration projects)with a wider distribution just around the corner Vehicl

4、es are being tested today for broader use and application Level 5 Fully automated vehicle with no limits The ultimate goal-but several years before commercially availableoMust take on all driving tasks and find a solution for all driving scenarios.oTasked to drive from point A to anywhere(not geo-fe

5、nced or point A to point B)Anticipated Challenges/Risks?Societal Acceptance Liability Cybersecurity Data Flow(including cross-border)Personal Data Privacy Intellectual PropertyExpected Benefits?Tens of thousands of lives saved annually Environmental impact improvements Efficiency/productivity improv

6、ementsCopyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAVs-Driver Assisted Technologies(Today)Collision WarningCollision InterventionForward Collision WarningIf the vehicle gets too close to the vehicle ahead,the system will warn the driver of an impending crashLane Departure WarningWhen it detects that the vehicle i

7、s drifting out of its lane it alerts the driver.Rear Cross Traffic WarningAlerts the driver when it detects vehicles or objects passing across the rear of the vehicle.Blind spot WarningAlerts the driver when it detects that a vehicle is in the drivers blind spotAutomated Emergency Brakingapply the v

8、ehicles brakes automatically in time to avoid or mitigate an impending forward crash with another vehicleAutomated Pedestrian BrakingIf forward sensors detect a pedestrian it provides automatic braking to slow the vehicleBlind Spot InterventionWhen changing lanes it provides automatic braking to ret

9、urn the vehicle to its traveling laneCopyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAVs-Driver Assisted Technologies-Today(Cont.)Driver Controlled AssistanceOther Adaptive Cruise Control Adaptive cruise control automatically reduces the vehicles speed when approaching a slower moving vehicle and maintains a set fol

10、lowing distance Lane Centering Assistance Lane centering assistance utilizes a camera-based vision system designed to monitor the vehicles lane position and automatically and continuously apply steering inputs needed to keep the vehicle centered within its lane.Lane Keeping Assistance Helps prevent

11、the vehicle from unintentional drifting out of its lane.If so,the system activates and corrects the steering,brakes or accelerates returning the vehicle to its intended lane of travel.Automatic high beams Automatically switch the vehicles headlights between the lower beam and the higher beam,based o

12、n lighting conditions and traffic.Automatic Crash Notification Notifies emergency responders that a crash has occurred and provide its location.Notification is typically triggered when the system detects air bag deployment or a dramatic and sudden deceleration.The system automatically connects to an

13、 operator,who will then be able to communicate with the driver.Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAnticipated Challenges and Risks of AVs1.Societal Acceptance2.Liability(responsible party)3.Cybersecurity(hacking and data theft)4.Cross-border Data(free flow of data)5.Privacy(personal privacy)6.Intellectu

14、al Property(IP Protection)Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatSocietal AcceptanceA primary overarching challenge is the acceptance of AVs by our societies.Motor vehicles began their transformational integration into our societies over a century ago.During that time,a system of laws regulations,norms,beha

15、vior of drivers and pedestrians,and the designs and practices of manufacturers,has been developed and continuously refined finding a workable acceptance and equilibrium.The integration of AVs into the road transportation system will be similarly transformational but will occur over a much shorter ti

16、meframe.In that limited time,we will need to develop clear guidelines about responsibilities,monitoring and enforcement norms,and building trust among all stakeholders.With regards to societal acceptance of AVs both action and inaction have consequences.If AVs are more widely adopted and accepted,we

17、 will need to face the challenges/risks they bring,but delaying or denying the use of the technology will also have a cost in reducing the much larger number of lives saved by AV technologies,and the environmental and efficiency gains.Impact on jobs Professional drivers of commercial vehicles and ta

18、xis,etc.will need to beTIMELINECopyright 2022 APEC SecretariatCross Border Data FlowsThe responsible flow of data to be exchanged across borders can facilitate the adoption of the latest technologies,including AVs,and their benefits(see benefit slide).Restricting the flow of data stifles innovation

19、and serves as a barrier by requiring businesses to duplicate processing and storage functions to serve each markets individually,limiting the productivity and efficiencies.The challenge is how to best allow for free and open cross border data flows,while protecting privacy and data ownership in econ

20、omies that may not have the same level of legal protection afforded other economies(see privacy Increasingly,stakeholders are coalescing around the merits of a smart data privacy regulation that can both enable uninterrupted data flows across national borders and protect citizens privacy rights.Copy

21、right 2022 APEC SecretariatLegal LiabilityHow liability is established in the event of an AV crash is a challenging problem that is still being worked out.While AVs can potentially significantly reduce the number of fatalities and injuries that occur each year,they will still be involved in crashes.

22、Liability is likely to be handled differently by the legal norms and practices of different legal jurisdictions.The responsibilities of the manufacturer,supplier,driver government regulatory authorities in most legal jurisdiction,have not yet been determined.In the United States,the technology is ne

23、w enough that each incident is being taken on a case-by-case basis.Uncertainty regarding liability has the potential of slowing the introduction of AVsWork on this important challenge is active and ongoing.Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatVehicle Cybersecurity AVs will be targeted for attacks by unaut

24、horized parties.Consequently,vehicle systems and components must be designed to protect against harmful attacks,unauthorized access,damage,or any other interference with safety or privacy functions.Tools and resources will be needed to ensure that the AV technologies used in a vehicle are deployed s

25、afely,expeditiously,and effectively.Taking steps to address these cybersecurity challenges is essential.ISO/SAE 21434 is a new standard for automotive cybersecurity,This SAE/ISO collaborative work is a hopeful sign that progress is being made and in a collaborative manner.Further government-industry

26、 collaboration is needed to continuously seek methods to mitigate associated safety risks.As governments look to regulate-international harmonization of the practices and protocols is strongly encouraged(see cross border challenges).Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatAVs and Intellectual Property Protec

27、tionDue to the rapid technological transformation of the automobile,the development of new intellectual property(IP)for AV technologies has accelerated.Automakers and suppliers have significantly increased the number of patents filed and actions taken to protect trade secrets in the area of AV techn

28、ologies.In fact,between 2010 and July 2021,worldwide there were more than 72,000 active patents(about 46,000 patent families)on AV technologies with traditional automakers leading the charge.This growth in IP is playing an essential role in the development of AVs.It could be argued that an AVs most

29、important value is its intellectual property both hardware and software.Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatPersonal PrivacyAVs collect and maintain identifying information about location for navigation purposes,and the owner or passenger of the vehicle for identification,ease of use and comfort.This inf

30、ormation will likely be able to identify owners and passengers and their activities with a high degree of certainty.This data should be protected with appropriate safeguards while also allowing for its use to develop new features and content for the customer and grow the digital economy.The challeng

31、e is over how to balance the legitimately personal private information and not loose the need for and benefits that that data provides.Copyright 2022 APEC SecretariatFully Autonomous Self Driving Vehicle-Future The ultimate objective is a fully autonomous vehicle.Automakers and large technology comp

32、anies are spending tens of$billions to achieve that goal.Highly complex and elusive undertaking.AV technologies will evolve and advance.While level 5 full autonomy with no limits is still years away,level 4 vehicles are being tested on the roads today.In the meantime,there are important challenges that need to be addressed.And there is no better time than now to begin to address them.Apec.orgAPECnewsAPECRebecca_APECapecAPECAPEC-Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationFind out moreAPEC Online and Social MediaCopyright 2022 APEC Secretariat



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