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1、REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINESNATIONAL ECONOMIC AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY2022 OECD Infrastructure ForumClimate Change Adaptation in the Philippines:Adaptation making infrastructure more resilient over its lifecycleDirector Francis Bryan C.CoballesNational Economic and Development Authority(NEDA),Philip

2、pinesOctober 11,2022|Paris,France1National Economic and Development Authority2 2Presentation Outline01IntroductionPhilippines vulnerability to climate change impacts andChallenges in climate change adaptation02InitiativesCurrent efforts of the Philippine Government(GPH),including NEDA03Challenges an

3、d Way ForwardOpportunities for Development CooperationNational Economic and Development Authority3In 2022,the Philippinesranked first in the world as the most affected country from extreme weather events.From 2010 to 2019,the total damages incurred due to natural events and disasters amounted to PHP

4、463 billion,with agriculture and infrastructure as the most affected sectorsPopulationSources:PSA,NEDA,World Risk Index Report 202293.90%(2020)HHs with improved sanitation91.60%(2020)HHs with safe water supplyAccess to Basic Services95.41%(2021)HHs with access to electricity61.50%(2020)Barangays wit

5、h BHS/RHUs/HUCs18%(2019)HHs with internet accessDisaster-Related Statistics0.89 per 100,000 pop.(2021)No.of deaths attributed to disasters18,456.80(2021)No.of directly affected persons attributed to disasters115.37 million(Projected Mid-Year Population by 2025)109.03 million(2020)54%(58.93 million)u

6、rban population(2020)18.10%Poverty incidence(2021)The PhilippinesWhy climate-resilient/sustainable infrastructure matters to usThe Philippines is among the most vulnerable in the world to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.The countrys long-term growth trajectory is threatened

7、by unsustainable development patterns.National Economic and Development Authority4PH policy and regulatory frameworks for mainstreaming resiliencyCognizant of its vulnerability,the Philippines is strongly committed to address climate change threats,and has put in place critical policy and regulatory

8、 frameworks to foster resilience2009Climate Change Act(RA 9729)2010National Framework Strategy on Climate Change,2010-2022National Climate Change Action Plan,2011-2028Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act(RA 10121)2011Establishment of the Peoples Survival Fund(RA 10174)National Disas

9、ter Risk Reduction and Management Plan,2011-2028PH Nationally Determined Contribution(NDC)2021for adaptation projects of local government and communitiescommunicated to UNFCCC on 15 April 2021National Economic and Development Authority5PH priorities for climate change adaptationStrengthen government

10、 competencies for strategic foresight/anticipatory planning,risk management,and emergency responseInstitutionalize Integrated Water Resource Management(IWRM)approachDevelop sustainable and renewable energy and climate-resilient transportIncorporate climate-proofing in infrastructure plans and design

11、s GovernanceInfrastructureCoastal,Agricultureand ForestryEcological and environmental stabilityKnowledge and capacity developmentAdopt integrated coastal zone managementAdopt climate-resilientcrops and livestock,farming systems and agricultural insurance coverageProtect and rehabilitate critical eco

12、systems,and pursue restoration of ecological servicesEnhance knowledge on science of climate changeEnhance capacity for climate change adaptationespecially at the local community levelEstablish gendered climate change knowledge management accessible to all sectorsNational Economic and Development Au

13、thority6PH efforts to integrate resilience across infrastructure lifecycle04010305Project Planningand DevelopmentEnvironmental Impact Assessment(EIA)Technical Guidelines promotes climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction at the project levelInvestment Coordination Committee(ICC)appraisal

14、 and approval Investment appraisal covers,among others,Environmental AnalysisRequires submission of Environmental Compliance Certificate(ECC)Project Appraisaland ApprovalProcurementImplementation/ConstructionOperation andMaintenance02PH Green Procurement Program Issuance in 2017 of the Green Procure

15、ment Roadmap,which aims to integrate green practices into existing procurement policies and proceduresPH Green Building Code(2015)To ensure that building of structures would have minimal impact on the environment,and comply with standards of quality and efficiencyPH Government National Asset Managem

16、ent Plan,2022-2023To ensure effective management of assets,incorporating sustainable and resilience planning,as well as risk management PH-National Economic and Development Authority(NEDA)National Economic and Development Authority7The National Economic and Development Authority(NEDA)Formulation of

17、policies,plans,and programs to efficiently set the broad parameters for national and sub-national(area-wide,regional,and local)developmentReview,evaluation,and monitoring of infrastructure projects consistent with the governments thrust of increasing investment spending for the growing demand on qua

18、lity infrastructure facilitiesUndertake policy reviews to provide critical analyses of development issues and policy alternatives to decision-makers.Main FunctionsSocioeconomic Planning andPolicy FormulationInvestment ProgrammingMonitoring and EvaluationNEDA is the PHs premier socioeconomic planning

19、 body,regarded as the authority in macroeconomic forecasting and policy analysis and researchKey MandatesNational Economic and Development Authority8NEDAs role in resiliency buildingUndertakes technical review/appraisal of infrastructure projectsas basis for recommending approval8ICCinvestment appra

20、isalEconomicTechnicalFinancialEnvironmentalSocialInstitutionalDetermine financial viability(i.e.,FIRR,FNPV)and sustainability Ascertain economic desirability(i.e.,EIRR,ENPV)and contribution to socioeconomic welfare of PHAssess technical soundness and appropriateness of proposed intervention vis-a-vi

21、s alternatives Assess necessary institutional arrangement/s and technical/financial capability and absorptive capacity of the implementing agencyReview environmental and climate-change concerns to ensure that corresponding measures are accounted,and that applicable environmental clearances are secur

22、ed by the IAsAssess projects impacts on stakeholders and identify the project beneficiaries(and losers)National Economic and Development Authority9NEDAs role in resiliency buildingFormulation of a Manual to enhance appraisal and review climate change and disaster risk reduction aspects of infrastruc

23、ture projects QUANTIFICATION AND VALUATIONASSESSMENTUnderstanding the without-project scenario under projected climate conditionsSTAGE 1Understanding the with-project scenario under projected climate conditionsSTAGE 2Quantifying and valuing incremental costs and benefits under projected climate cond

24、itionsSTAGE 3Calculating CC/DRR-sensitized valuesSTAGE 4National Economic and Development Authority10Challenges remain in implementing climate change adaptation andin building infrastructure resilience InstitutionalNeed for coordinated government action and strong leadership to better address the im

25、pacts of climate change(at the national and sub-national levels)OperationalResource and Technical capacity limitations of implementing agencies on project development and preparation affecting quality and long-term sustainability of infrastructure projectsPlanningSector-level infrastructure masterpl

26、ans should be harmonized and integrated in terms of development interventions for climate change adaptation and infrastructure resiliencyData/ToolsData constraints and lack of a consolidated database for infrastructure with reliable and updated data based on modern design standards given evolving im

27、pacts of climate change While policy/regulatory frameworks are in place and despite existing efforts,PH continuous to face multi-faceted challenges in climate change adaptation and in making its infrastructure more resilient and sustainableNational Economic and Development Authority11Conduct of a co

28、mprehensive review of the effectiveness of the existing policies and frameworks to better understand the gaps in mainstreaming climate resiliency and adaptation in the Philippines.1Provide technical assistance in updating the existing design guidelines and standards for climate-resilient infrastruct

29、ures.2Strengthen capacities of the government(both national and sub-national levels)in the development and evaluation of climate-resilient infrastructure projects.3Improve national and sub-national cooperation and coordination in the delivery ofclimate-resilient and adaptive infrastructures.4Strengt

30、hen integration of monitoring and evaluation(M&E)in planning for climate-resilient and adaptive infrastructures.5Way ForwardOpportunities for Development CooperationThe Philippines welcomes opportunities for development cooperation in pursuit of further intensifying efforts to build sustainability and resiliency of its infrastructure2022 OECD Infrastructure ForumClimate Change Adaptation in the Philippines:Adaptation making infrastructure more resilient over its lifecycle12Thank you!



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