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Reward Gateway:2023年员工敬业度趋势报告-以人为本的六项策略(英文版)(17页).pdf

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Reward Gateway:2023年员工敬业度趋势报告-以人为本的六项策略(英文版)(17页).pdf

1、This report is presented by6 human-centred strategies to build strong,resilient teamsThe 2023 Employee Engagement Trends ReportReward Gateway2Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement3ContentsForeword by Brigette Hyacinth 4Introduction 6#1 Treat managers like they matter,because they do 8#2 Focus on em

2、ployee wellbeing as the heart of engagement 11#3 Dont let employees drift into disengagement 14#4 Use recognition as a hidden power 18#5 Stay agile to absorb change 22#6 Address the rising cost of living as a longer-term crisis 25Climb the engagement summit:together 29Reward Gateway4Your 2023 Guide

3、to Employee Engagement5Navigating through change in 2023 and beyondFor the past few years,HR leaders have been tested in unprecedented ways.Weve had to focus on resolving numerous challenges ranging from the abrupt shift to remote work to an onslaught of mass resignations.Weve struggled.Weve adapted

4、.As Reward Gateway has aptly said,2022 has been the year of The Great Adjustment,and as we head into yet another year of unknowns,were being faced with a set of new challenges,such as quiet quitting.But what does that really mean,and how do employers face this amidst a wave of other challenges?I was

5、 a quiet quitter until I became an actual quitter,someone emailed me,asking to share her story anonymously on social media.As she chronicled her transition,her decision was not instantaneous but a cumulative effect deeply rooted in management issues.The world of work has changed dramatically in rece

6、nt years and will continue to evolve,and as HR leaders its critical to keep our employees engaged and understand how best to adapt to new landscapes as they come our way.I am Brigette Hyacinth,an international keynote speaker,bestselling author and thought leader on HR,leadership and digital transfo

7、rmation.For over 15 years,I have been advising HR leaders from all over the globe on how to unlock creative potential and increase productivity,whilst improving the employee experience and wellbeing.I have been ranked in the Top 100 HR Influencers for the last 5 years consecutively.Most of my career

8、 has been dedicated to putting the human back into human resources.Its a joy to see leaders I have worked with adopting a human-centric approach in their organisations.Its an absolute win-win situation.In this research conducted by Reward Gateway,we can see that 24%of global employees reported they

9、are no longer going above and beyond their specific responsibilities and/or schedule.This statistic is alarming and quite concerning and makes it clear that we need to do whats within our control to flip the switch from disengaged to engaged.Brigette Hyacinth,international HR and Leadership thought

10、leaderThis report discusses six key strategies to counteract employee disengagement.It provides valuable insights,practical tips and resources that HR leaders can immediately incorporate into their day-to-day practices.Lets face it,no one joins a company and thinks,I will give the bare minimum.Disen

11、gagement is caused by a combination of factors,but at the heart of it lies a managers relationship with their employees.Managers account for 70%of the variance in employee engagement.As described in this report,the recipe for engagement includes many key ingredients and,if diligently applied,can lea

12、d to success.Its time for managers and employers as a whole to use the human-to-human approach.Take the time to listen.Get to know your employees,meet them where they are and be flexible.Show that you care.We need to be respecting employees and their experiences.Your employees are your most valuable

13、 asset.Dont take them for granted or treat them poorly.Remember that loyalty is indeed a two-way street.As companies continue to rely heavily on HR as a strategic partner to tackle challenges,its important to adapt to successfully drive change and add business value.Well see many of these trends lis

14、ted in this report continue to take precedence and evolve as organisations hone in on employee experience.This report discusses six key strategies that will help to counteract employee disengagement.It provides valuable insights,practical tips and resources that HR leaders can immediately incorporat

15、e into their day-to-day practices.In everything we do,the human touch makes the difference.Sometimes its the little things we do that count the most.It doesnt cost much to show employees that you genuinely care,but it can make the biggest difference in keeping them loyal,happy and engaged.The upcomi

16、ng year will undoubtedly present new challenges for HR professionals,but not all hope is lost.Reward Gateway6Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement7Introduction Talent planning amid chaosSeizing opportunity for HR leaders amid a constant avalanche of changeAttracting,retaining,and engaging employees

17、 in your mission has never been easy,but todays workplace hurdles and global issues are compounding the strain.The cost of living crisis.The great resignation.Intense competition for talent.The post-pandemic remote and distributed work environment.Employees struggling with physical,mental and financ

18、ial wellbeing.Even your top ambassadors are having a tough time cheerleading amid morale issues and disengagement.In todays environment,building a strong and engaged workforce can seem like a distant summit only reachable along a path strewn with hazards.It can be easy to give up on adequate prepara

19、tion for the journey ahead through long-term HR planning and just remain in ready mode.But if Reward Gateways bi-annual survey of global employees is any indication,nows not the time to back away from the challenge.On the contrary your employees need you to step up,and this report will show you how.

20、Our employee engagement experts have synthesised the results of our survey of over 3,000 employees across four global regions and gleaned invaluable insight for HR leaders to boost engagement in this volatile environment.And if we can draw one conclusion from our findings,its this:Thriving in this n

21、ew world of work demands a different way of thinking about our responsibilities as HR leaders.It will take an utterly new approach to employee engagement:a radically human-centred and practical approach that supports people in ways we never imagined possible even a few years ago.The easy-to-implemen

22、t strategies youll discover in this report will help you stop current issues in your workplace from snowballing,gathering momentum and triggering an avalanche.How top companies are engaging talentIn the face of todays ensemble cast of workplace challenges,its hard to know where to begin.This report

23、by Reward Gateways employee engagement experts can help.Based on years of listening to employees and helping HR leaders build winning teams,our team distils our latest survey results into six easy-to-apply but powerful strategies focussed on boosting engagement strategies that can catalyse massive c

24、hanges in engagement and create a stronger,more passionate and committed workforce.Rob BolandChief Operating Officer,Reward GatewayRob has more than 20 years of experience across a range of high-growth businesses and industries,including leadership roles at Virgin,Amazon and Reward Gateway.An expert

25、 in technology,specifically private-equity-owned technology businesses,Rob has extensive experience in scaling business operations and efficiency and co-leading the successful sale of several businesses.Alexandra PowellDirector of Client Cultural Insights,Reward GatewayAlexandra is a highly experien

26、ced employee engagement consultant,trainer and speaker.For over 20 years she has helped HR and business leaders implement strategies that drive true culture change.Her wealth of knowledge comes from coaching and training thousands of managers from a wide range of industries across the globe.Meet our

27、 experts:Reward Gateway8Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement9Strategies for 2023#1 Treat managers like they matter,because they do132456#1 Treat managers like they matter,because they doFor years now,our research has shown that,after fair pay,the top employee must have is a manager who cares.And f

28、or the vast majority of employees,feeling heard by leadership is important to wellbeing at work.Being seen and heard simple,human needs that should be easy to fulfil so often get overlooked in the crush of everyday tasks and stresses.But focussing on these fundamental needs can be an elegant,human-c

29、entred solution to create a super-powered workforce.How can you establish and strengthen direct employer-employee connections to ensure staff is heard,engaged,and contributing to a thriving business?At Reward Gateway,we recommend starting with an awareness of how engaged employees really are.Weve cr

30、eated a simplified but useful employee engagement quadrant that describes the four main types of employees.“The very backbone of your company,managers drive success by steering,empowering,and listening to employees,all while maintaining that vital connection to leadership and vision.Its critical for

31、 companies to support that cornerstone role.”Rob Bolandof UK employees say feeling listened to by leadership is important to their wellbeing at work.Top employee must haves in the UK93%74%Fair pay 64%A manager who cares Reward Gateway10Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement11The spectrum of engageme

32、nt from detractors to ambassadors can be wide indeed.The good news is that leaders have it in their power to move people within quadrants,positively influencing detractors and stayers,and helping grow go-getter loyalty to create a workforce strong on ambassadors.Quadrant of Employee EngagementManage

33、rs can become invaluable links in the engagement chain by communicating and connecting employees roles back to the organisations mission,listening and keeping the pulse of the front line,and through impactful,relevant people programmes.#2 Focus on employee wellbeing as the heart of engagement132456S

34、trategies for 2023Reward Gateway12Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement13Of UK employees:Over halffrequently experience stress at work 39%say the largest negative impact over the past few years has been on their wellbeingOver 4 in 5say workplace burnout has an impact on their overall mental health

35、and wellbeing#2 Focus on employee wellbeing as the heart of engagementUp until very recently,wellbeing benefits were nice-to-haves that only very people-focussed companies offered.Even then,the benefits remained fairly surface-level,like wellness seminars or a gym membership.But in a very short peri

36、od of time,with the confluence of so many emotional,physical and financial health challenges,wellbeing has gone from a cool sideline to what should be the very core of an HR departments people strategy,and a fundamental focus for business leaders everywhere.“Wellbeing has levelled up.And if you dont

37、 pay attention to it,you wont get the staff loyalty you need to thrive as an organisation.”Alexandra PowellPeople are at the core of everything we do at SACU we all work hard and help each other along the way to make an impact on the larger community.We work with Reward Gateway to become a more tran

38、sparent,collaborative and family-oriented organisation to benefit both our employees and our members and to transform our company culture.Stefany Chadbon-Hooke,Vice President of Human Resources at SafeAmerica Credit Union.SupportConnectionCommunicationReward&RecognitionLearn more:rg.co/burnoutuk“Sup

39、port,connection,communication and recognition are effective,sustainable and affordable levers that work together to boost workplace wellbeing and productivity.”Alexandra PowellThe 4 Tenets of Employee Wellbeing1234Despite the prominent need for workplace wellbeing,its clear there is glaring room for

40、 improvement.With so few employees feeling they have the support they need at work,HR leaders can help their company stand out from the crowd by offering excellent and relevant physical,emotional,and financial wellbeing support.In the pandemic aftermath of stress,burnout and financial strain,any amo

41、unt of wellness help,advice and practice,such as free resources or benefits that strengthen the pillars of wellbeing,can only help unravel these complex and often interconnected challenges to help develop a stronger,happier and more resilient workforce.Of UK employees:39%rate their employers mental

42、wellbeing support as good or excellent 32%rate their employers physical wellbeing support as good or excellent 28%rate their employers financial wellbeing support as good or excellent Offering comprehensive workplace wellbeing support not only makes wellbeing more convenient and affordable,it also s

43、erves to normalise and de-stigmatise accessing this support.Reward Gateway14Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement1524%#3 Dont let employees drift into disengagement132456Strategies for 2023“Like reigniting a stagnant relationship,sometimes you just need to go back and remind employees why they love

44、d their jobs in the first place.Talk to them about how their talent and energy fuels your organisations values and mission,and how that tough day at work was just a hurdle on their way to a higher purpose.”Rob Boland#3 Dont let employees drift into disengagementWhats the impact of unchecked and untr

45、eated people challenges?In short:disengagement.Employees are forgetting why they come to work,or why they even took the job in the first place.While this apathy can foreshadow a resignation,it can also evolve into quiet quitting,in which employees stop bringing their creative and intellectual best,a

46、nd most certainly do not go above and beyond.For some employees,disengagement serves as a wake-up call to recallibrate for balance,maybe through a job change,a holiday or a leave of absence.But for the most part,its possible for leaders to re-engage staff who are simply drifting.Missing this opportu

47、nity risks higher attrition and employees stepping away from important tasks,both of which can cause more work for colleagues,catalyse a burnout domino effect,and lead to a productivity drop.of UK employees report they are no longer going above and beyond their specific responsibilities and/or sched

48、ule.Reward Gateway16Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement17“Employers need to look at the road that leads to quiet quitting and how they can move their people into actively engaging.”Rob BolandThe four Rs to re-engage your workforce Moving your quiet quitters into a better quadrantReviveRemindRecha

49、rgeRecogniseAsk your employees why they loved this job enough to accept it.We all,of course,need a paycheque.But your staff likely had a choice,and your recruiters probably inspired the heck out of them while closing the deal.Its worth it to pause regularly to go back to basics,to communicate your j

50、ourney and mission as an organisation,and to make sure your team members know why and how theyre a critical part of that success.In every work environment,but especially in high-stress professions,lightening the atmosphere can help employees take a step back and enjoy their work life more.Relaxing e

51、nhances creativity.Think about it:how many great work-related ideas come when were not at work or in front of a computer?Its important for managers to let employees carve out their creative time and to take the lead in reminding their teams that work doesnt always have to be serious.In the crush of

52、everyday deadlines,its easy to forget what work provides.Besides reminding employees of all the benefits and supports available(which you hopefully have!)its also important to elevate work beyond the paycheque.Your workplace is a rich community of like-minded professionals with interesting challenge

53、s and ample opportunities for advancement a place that will let them grow as a person,evolve as a professional,and develop relationships with friends and colleagues but only when they see it that way.We cant forget the fourth,arguably most important R:Recognise.Our surveys have shown time and time a

54、gain that thanking and rewarding employees for their hard work is absolutely fundamental to engagement,which is why weve devoted the whole next section to recognition.Making sure we have the best possible tools in place to effectively communicate with our teams is really important,especially as the

55、majority of our staff are based in our homes and work shifts.We are embracing the digital age,to ensure staff can quickly and easily find out about whats happening in the business and share information.Jayne Hennessey,Head of Human Resources at Borough CareHow your employees may be feeling right now

56、Antidotes to these negative emotionsUnderappreciatedOffer ongoing positive feedback,recognition and rewards to make sure employees know their contributions are appreciated.UndervaluedEnsure jobs continue to interest and challenge employees,and that they receive proper compensation as roles evolve.Di

57、sconnectedRegularly communicate to employees how their talents and contributions matter to the business.IgnoredListen,embrace and respond to ambitious employees who suggest new ways of working or seek a promotion or raise:youre cultivating future ambassadors and leaders.IsolatedProvide wellbeing sup

58、port and encourage face-to-face collaboration and social interaction among employees to battle the disconnection and detachment caused by modern work environments.Reward Gateway18Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement19#4 Use recognition as a hidden power132456Strategies for 2023#4 Use recognition a

59、s a hidden powerWhy am I even doing this?Its easy for employees to feel lost at work when theyre not recognised or even thanked for their work,whether outstanding or simply the day-to-day,nose-to-the-grindstone output.This futility can lead to stress and if unchecked burnout.In 2020,an estimated 76

60、million cases of anxiety and 53 million cases of major depressive disorder across the globe were attributed directly to the pandemic.1 Theres a scientific basis for this suffering.Isolation and lifestyle changes have actually altered the brain chemistry of people around the world,causing drops in do

61、pamine,serotonin and oxytocin levels.And that same biochemistry provides the foundation for simple interventions that can strike at the heart of these issues,including recognition,purpose and connection.“Recognising employees and peers for good work is not just about being nice.Its about being resto

62、rative.”Alexandra Powell1 The Lancet,2021,https:/ UK employees agree their work wellbeing would improve if they were simply thanked more for their hard work.Reward Gateway20Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement2174%66%47%39%Science-based strategies that boost employee wellbeingThe link between work

63、place stress and recognitionRecognise employees for good workHelp employees see the purpose of their work and feel valuedEncourage positive connection with othersFeelings of competence and mastery release dopamine,a neurotransmitter that triggers pleasure and motivation.Feelings of autonomy and self

64、-motivation release serotonin,a neurotransmitter that regulates mood.Interactions involving trust and kindness release oxytocin,a hormone involved in bonding and social learning.Of the employees that frequently experience stress at workRate recognition as poorOf the employees that frequently experie

65、nce burnout at workRate recognition as good or excellentRate recognition as poorRate recognition as good or excellentA full 55%of UK employees want their employer to increase their investment in employee reward and recognition.This can include providing simple ways to:Reward employees for their cont

66、ributions Send thanks or kudos to employees and colleagues for great work Encourage fun or work-related competitions and challenges Acknowledge and encourage expected behaviours at work,such as following important safety protocols And why not?For relatively low output,investments in reward and recog

67、nition pay off,resulting in surprisingly high boosts in workplace wellbeing and mitigating negative feelings before they grow into problems or crises.Our people feel empowered to recognise and reward others across departments and everybody from frontline employees to our leadership team is bought in

68、to it.People not only know that recognition makes others feel good,its also helping to improve our business results because our people are more connected,more valued and know that their work is making a difference.There is power in listening to and recognising your people.Sheri Treu,Director of Orga

69、nisational Development at ORBIS CorporationWe have over 1,200 employees who represent multiple generations and work in a wide variety of locations and environments from nursing to dining to maintenance and operations.We know that consistent and timely recognition is a powerful driver of employee eng

70、agement for our entire workforce.This positively impacts retention and our ability to provide a high level of care and support to our residents and their families.Nadim Abi-Antoun,Chief Operating Officer at Presbyterian Homes.Reward Gateway22Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement23#5 Stay agile to a

71、bsorb change132456Strategies for 20236 factors HR leaders say are interfering with long-term strategic planning:#5 Stay agile to absorb changeDespite the urgent need to attract,retain and engage employees,many factors from inflation to budget cuts to competition for talent are interfering with long-

72、term planning.When planners are faced with so many unknowns and blind spots,agility can be a powerful tool.But only 1 in 5 UK HR leaders say their employee engagement strategy allows them to adapt extremely quickly to the needs of employees as they change.“A flexible and multi-faceted HR engagement

73、tool can grow with your needs,boosting system ROI while reducing both the financial and human costs of adoption.”Rob Boland37%27%26%27%29%Inflationary pressuresCompeting prioritiesThe great resignationA lack of budgetThe pandemic26%A reduced HR departmentReward Gateway24Your 2023 Guide to Employee E

74、ngagement25How can HR leaders gain more agility?For starters,by listening,anticipating,and staying open to new approaches.While keeping the pulse of employee sentiment,morale,issues,and needs is important in any work environment,it could not be more critical today.And because leadership cant be ever

75、ywhere at once especially with the post-pandemic distributed workforce and so many HR leaders reporting budget,staffing and other pressures simple online solutions to bring HR closer to the front line are becoming more and more essential.A full-service employee engagement platform lets companies:Con

76、nect employees,managers and leaders in an authentic way Encourage employee connections through sharing,group activities,and recognition Keep everyone informed about and engaged in company news,mission,and vision Keep your finger on the pulse of employees so you can quickly pivot to respond to their

77、needsAs weve seen in this report,the recipe for engagement includes many key ingredients.An engagement platform that responds to your needs today and tomorrow from communications to rewards,recognition and benefits can be as flexible as your planning needs to be.#6 Address the rising cost of living

78、as a longer-term crisis132456Strategies for 2023Reward Gateway26Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement2745%27%The ONS found that 35%of households have cut back spending on food and essentials.2#6 Address the rising cost of living as a longer-term crisisAcross the world,but most sharply in the UK,esc

79、alating costs of consumer and household essentials are shrinking disposable incomes and lowering standards of living.The financial strain of not keeping up with inflation is taking its toll on the physical and mental wellbeing of employees and their families.In our recent study,57%of employees admit

80、ted that cost of living stresses are negatively impacting their work,and HR managers are finding that supporting the changing needs of employees is challenging.While not every company can afford double-digit pay increases to help employees keep up with inflation,there are effective levers at your di

81、sposal to support employees.Weve seen that financial wellbeing support which helps employees make their salary go further,manage costs,and feel more in control is an extremely effective antidote to financial stresses creeping into the workplace for a fraction of the cost of a bulk payout.Reward Gate

82、way is seeing this value directly,with a 25%increase in usage of discount programmes year-over-year and 6.5 Million saved on groceries alone to date in 2022.In the same survey,we saw that workplaces that offer good or excellent financial wellbeing support make it 40%less likely for employees to expe

83、rience productivity issues at work than workplaces with poor support.2 ONS,2022,https:/www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/expenditure/articles/whatactionsarepeopletakingbecauseoftherisingcostofliving/2022-08-05Our focus at the minute is understanding what else w

84、e can do in response to the cost of living crisis.Thats high on our agenda making sure that weve plugged any of the gaps and weve got the right support in for our employees.This year,weve seen a lot of engagement on our benefits platform,particularly our discounts offering,as every little bit helps.

85、Sophie Buckell,Senior Employee Benefits Specialist at Babcock InternationalBut there is a substantial disconnect between the support companies offer and how aware employees are of it.Employers need to not only offer this support but also promote and clarify what is available so that the offering doe

86、s not go unnoticed or unused.Where financial wellbeing support isSay cost of living stresses are making it more difficult to focus and be productive at workPoorGood or excellentReward Gateway28Your 2023 Guide to Employee Engagement29Over 4 in 5 UK HR leaders say they offer financial wellbeing suppor

87、t to their employeesLess than half of UK employees think their employers offer financial wellbeing supportThe best thing about our discounts platform is that there are offers on there for both the everyday things in life as well as larger purchases.My personal highlight is the 250 I saved on my kitc

88、hen from B&Q!The app is great too and super quick to use when youre waiting in a queue.Its a great feeling to know your employer genuinely cares about making your life easier where possible.Nicola Cottrell,Head of CRM at SofologyMaking a difference in employees everyday livesClimb the engagement sum

89、mit:togetherIts no exaggeration to say that work life has changed dramatically over the last several years.The lasting impact of the pandemic,remote work,and the cost of living crisis have shifted our thinking in significant ways.Employees now expect a more flexible work environment,more help with t

90、heir financial life,and more honesty about and support for wellbeing issues.Todays workplaces are a far cry from yesterdays archetypal faceless corporations where employees were treated as just another input to production.In the face of the pervasive chaos and anxiety many employees are grappling wi

91、th today,wise HR leaders are called upon to get ahead of these changes before your workforce quietly or even actively disengages from your mission and you find yourselves without effective teams to fulfil your vision.Affordable and very usable platforms exist for employees,managers and leaders to co

92、nnect and support each other in a variety of ways.Embracing recognition,rewards and a comprehensive approach to workplace wellbeing can only stand to create stronger,more productive,and more resilient cultures.At Reward Gateway,as weve watched workplaces evolve and taken the pulse of global employees over the years,weve learned this simple fact:the best way to prevent stress,disengagement,and attrition is simply to be an employer that cares.Reward Gateway30Your 2023 Guide to Employee EThis report is presented by



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