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Demand Spring:2023年收入营销预测报告(英文版)(25页).pdf

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Demand Spring:2023年收入营销预测报告(英文版)(25页).pdf

1、DEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.1DEMANDSPRING.COM Revenue Marketing Predictions2023DEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.2As we near the end of 2022,Demand Spring is looking ahead at the latest trends in Revenue Marketing to help prepare CMOs for 2023 and beyond.Marketing leaders

2、 are no strangers to change.We have been reacting to disruptions in the market,talent,and technology landscape for the past three years.Building a Revenue Marketing foundation in this ever-evolving environment is proving incredibly challenging for many.As we prepare for what 2023 has in store,market

3、ers will once again need to rise to the occasion.High-levels of uncertainty are forecast for the coming year,but marketers have an opportunity to change the trajectory of this storyline.With the anticipated economic downturn,marketers can help keep businesses afloat by driving revenue,and supporting

4、 organizations in key decisions by providing data-driven insights.We also have an opportunity to contribute to the triple bottom line and bring awareness to important societal issues.For marketing to take on this leading role,marketers will need to align their strategies to the organizations short-a

5、nd long-term revenue goals in order to protect their budgets from looming cuts.Marketings ability to prove their ROI using data will be paramount in achieving this.Based on signals weve seen in the organizations we work with on a daily basis,these are the marketing trends our team of experts see gui

6、ding marketing organizations in the coming year.We hope these predictions will help guide your Revenue Marketing priorities in 2023.Matt Roberts Chief Executive Officer,Demand SpringDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.3MARKEMONDRecession-proof your marketing budget6MATTROBERTSHow to avoid t

7、he CMO tenure trap Balancing short-and long-term goals8ROBYNMIAThe future of growth marketing is community-led10MEGSTAMPERA new phase in corporate activism12JASMINE WATTSThe rise of value-driven content15SAADSIFATEThe death of the blog17DEREKBOSHKOVDoubling down on analytics for success19WILLMURPHYI

8、ts time to simplify and streamline your MarTech stack21GOPINATHGANESANThe future of predictive analytics in B2B marketing is now23Groundhog Day for B2B marketers The importance(yet again)of marketing alignment to business goalsCARLOS HIDALGO42023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.42023-24 MARKETING PREDICTION

9、S/P.4DEMANDSPRING.COMGroundhog Day for B2B marketers The importance(yet again)of marketing alignment to business goalsPREDICTION 01Carlos Hidalgo,Chief Revenue OfficerDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.5As each new year approaches,there are many predictions about what is next for B2B marke

10、ters.Unfortunately,my prediction is one that may bring a sense of malaise to our readers because I believe that 2023 will give B2B marketers a sense of Groundhog Day.When you look at the B2B marketing landscape there is hope of a bright and illustrious future.Afterall,marketers now have access to ma

11、ny sophisticated tools,9,932 to be exact.ABM has seemingly replaced traditional demand generation(not true by any stretch of the imagination),AI is making its ways into the B2B toolkit,and CMOs are gaining more trust from their CEOs.However,to quote the French writer,Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr,“the

12、 more things change,the more things stay the same.”While you may point to what I wrote above to prove me wrong,lets take a look at the data.Going back to 2012,you can see that the top two challenges,according to MarketingSherpa,for B2B marketers were:+Generating high quality leads+Generating a high

13、volume of leads Fast forward to 2022 and a similar study by WPPromote states that the top two challenges for B2B marketers are:+Delivering quality leads+Generating enough leads I realize these are only two data points,however when I speak with prospects and see“new”blog posts talking about B2B marke

14、ting,I hear and see things that make me wonder what,if any,progress is being made.For all of the advancements that have been made in B2B marketing,how are we still trying to solve for marketing and sales alignment,data integrity,measurement and reporting of ROI on marketing spend,and content marketi

15、ng effectiveness?The reality is that as B2B buyers become more sophisticated in their approaches to buying and interacting with vendors,marketers must match that sophistication.This will be done first by developing better insight and designing strategies that align to their full lifecycle,and maximi

16、ze customer lifetime value(CLV).When this is done successfully(and this is more than just implementing technology and wont be done in 30 days),marketing will then begin to see a change,have better alignment across the organization,and be an effective revenue engine.I really do hope that my predictio

17、n for 2023 is wrong,but until marketers begin to align to the short-and long-term goals of their business and their customers,I am afraid that Groundhog Day it is.From 2012 to 2022,the top 2 challenges for B2B marketers has stayed the same:01.Generating/delivering high quality leads.02.Generating en

18、ough/a high volume of leads.aRecession-proof your marketing budgetPREDICTION 022023-24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.6DEMANDSPRING.COMMark Emond,Founder and Executive ChairDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.7When it came to the economy,2022 was a tale of two halves.The first half saw all-time hi

19、ghs on the NASDAQ and the S&P 500,along with the Great Resignation and out-of-control labor costs.Inflationary pressure was at a fever pitch,as anyone who put gas in their car,shopped at a grocery store,or tried to purchase a house knows.Central banks around the world attempted to put the brakes on

20、inflation in the second half of the year,as markets lost more than 20%of their value,housing prices declined by roughly the same amount,and layoff headlines became commonplace.Many economists are predicting a recession in 2023.For CMOs and marketing executives who have experienced previous economic

21、downturns,they know that marketing budgets are a pretty easy target for CFOs to look for cost savings in the face of falling revenue.Its much easier to reduce uncommitted marketing expenses than to reduce real estate costs,production costs,and other expenses.We believe that a recession in 2023 will

22、have similar budget implications for many CMOs.But history tells us its a mistake.Several research studies show that organizations who maintain or even increase their marketing budgets during a recession significantly outperform their competitors and take market share,especially during the recovery

23、period that follows a recession.A 1999 study for example examined marketing and financial data in 1,000 firms in Europe and the USA.Firms were divided into three categoriesthose that cut,maintained,or increased their marketing spend during an economic downturn.The profitability(defined as inflation

24、corrected return on capital employed)for each category during the economic downturn and during recovery was examined.The businesses that increased their marketing spend averaged an 8%profit margin;those maintaining it averaged 9%;while those cutting back averaged 10%.Though the figure for the catego

25、ry that increased their marketing spend is slightly lower,this is not unexpected because the increase in market spending can be viewed as an investment and the returns may not be evident immediately.During recovery,businesses that had cut their market spend during the economic downturn averaged a fa

26、ll in profits of 0.8%;firms that maintained their market spend had a 0.6%increase in profit;and those businesses that increased their marketing spend during recession enjoyed an average increase of 4.3%in profit.The same trend was observed in market share in the first two years of recovery.The busin

27、esses which cut their marketing spend during an economic downturn gained an average of 0.6 percentage points of market share and those that maintained their marketing spend gained 0.9 percentage points,while those that increased their marketing spend gained 1.7 percentage points of market share in t

28、he first two years of recovery.We have 4 key recommendations for CMOs when faced with budgetary pressure in 2023:01.Use analytics to make precise investment decisions:Dive deep into analytics to prove the ROI of your marketing investments and to make surgical decisions on where to cut and where not

29、to cut.Use a well-informed and precise scalpel as your tool of choice.02.No lead left behind:Double down on collaboration with your lead development and sales teams.Ensure your lead management engine is highly functional with minimal leaky pipes.Now is not the time to be losing valuable leads.03.Ree

30、xamine your tech stack:Look at what is core and what are the shiny baubles that you bought in the heady days of high growth that are now gathering dust.04.Take advantage of lower prices and less noise:One of the key reasons that companies who maintain or increase marketing investments during a down

31、economy prosper is because the economics of investing during this time period are favorable.Paid media prices generally fall and there is less spend from other companies.So,you can reduce your cost per lead while cutting through the clutter and standing out.DEMANDSPRING.COMDEMANDSPRING.COM2023-24 MA

32、RKETING PREDICTIONS/P.8How to avoid the CMO tenure trap Balancing short-and long-term goalsPREDICTION 03Matt Roberts,Chief Executive OfficerDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.9C-level executives are faced with the difficult balancing act of providing both short-and long-term business succe

33、ss.Unfortunately,too many CMOs find themselves focused on one over the other which is one of the leading contributors of why CMOs have the shortest tenure of anyone in the C-suite.Many CMOs understandably embrace the allure of short-term wins that promise immediate,tangible returns.This imperative t

34、o produce results quickly has created a“grow or go”environment for marketing leaders;if they cant show ROI in record time,their jobs are on the line.Unfortunately,these short-term results come at the expense of longer-term endeavors that create a greater and longer lasting impact.Many CMOs fail to b

35、uild the infrastructure to meet longer-term growth ambitions and inspire investors with a long-term vision and purpose.On the other hand,CMOs that come in with a singular long-term view tend to ambitiously take on large-scale transformations with a grand vision.The issue with this however is that pr

36、ogress on larger,long-term initiatives is harder to measure,there are no quantifiable KPIs,and results from large projects are not typically immediate.As mentioned,without early wins and a demonstration on how marketing is contributing to the bottom line,these CMOs can find themselves in hot water i

37、n due time.CMOs need to develop a marketing plan that addresses the delivery of both short-and long-term revenue goals.They should continually be revisiting and aligning short-term revenue goals with the needs of the business to meet the quarter or this years financial targets,while also communicati

38、ng the larger picture that both sets the vision for the company and builds the infrastructure for meeting future growth goals.We have already seen a seismic shift in the profile of B2B CMOs in the last five years,with highly savvy commercial leaders rising to the top.As we move into 2023,facing cont

39、inued economic uncertainty,it is essential for CMOs to have a balanced focus on both short-term and long-term business goals.By ensuring the marketing strategy has the flexibility to address shifting short-term quarterly based goals,while also staying focused on the long-term to set the company visi

40、on and build the foundation needed to support long-term growth,CMOs will be instrumental in allowing the organization to survive in an increasingly competitive and uncertain landscape.DEMANDSPRING.COMThe future of growth marketing is community-ledPREDICTION 04DEMANDSPRING.COM2023-24 MARKETING PREDIC

41、TIONS/P.10Robyn Mia,Marketing ManagerDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.11The marketing industry has experienced a number of transformative growth movements over the years.Marketing-led growth earned marketing leaders a seat at the C-suite table.The product-led growth era brought marketing

42、 and product teams together to drive revenue with data and in-product experiences.We are now entering a new era of growthone thats community-led.In this brave new world,companies will adopt a community-led business model to not only acquire new customers,but to retain them as well.What is community-

43、led growth?Community-led growth(CLG)is a go-to-market strategy where companies build and nurture communities of loyal customers.When done well,a community can contribute significantly to customer experience throughout the customers lifecycle from acquisition,to retention,to account expansion.The key

44、 to success is to create a community that contributes to both the business goals and their users.The rise of community-led growthThere are a number of contributing factors behind the rise of CLG:+The cookieless-environment.The end of third-party data for retargeting are rendering paid media strategi

45、es less effective.Companies now must build and engage via first-party data strategies to grow their business.+De-platforming from social media.A companys organic reach is governed by constantly-changing algorithms,making it increasingly difficult to gain traction without paid ads.This has led many c

46、ompanies to abandon these platforms altogether in lieu of their own platform or“micro-communities”.+Social proof is one of the most powerful forms of marketing.Prospective customers want to see other people,similar to them,have success using a product or service before they buy.Communities provide t

47、hat social proof authentically.How does a community help with growth?+Customer retention:By continuously engaging customers,communities create a churn-barricade,protecting your customers from competitors.+The growth flywheel effect:In a traditional sales funnel,momentum generally begins to wane afte

48、r the purchase.In a community-based model,the purchase is actually the start of a new journey where the customer is kept engaged and is converted into an enthusiastic advocate.Companies in turn can leverage these advocates at all stages of the sales process.+Customer insights:Discussions within comm

49、unities provide a wealth of information from how consumers are acting or thinking and what they want from a product or service.When applied effectively,this gold-mine of insights will lead to better products or services that meet customers needs at every stage of their journey.The future of communit

50、y-led growthFor community-led growth to truly be successful,it needs to go beyond just listening to what customers say they want.Instead,it needs to involve community members in co-creating products and experiences,allowing their input and expertise to drive innovation and growth.The future of commu

51、nity-led growth lies in integrating community insights throughout every stage of the marketing process,from research and development to product or service launch,and ongoing engagement.As more companies prioritize community involvement and collaboration,we will see exciting developments in the area

52、of consumer-centric marketing strategies.DEMANDSPRING.COMDEMANDSPRING.COM2023-24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.12A new phase in corporate activismPREDICTION 05Meg Stamper,Senior Marketing Technology ConsultantDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.13An increasing number of companies are engaging in

53、corporate activism speaking out on gun violence,racial equality,climate change,immigration,LGBTQ rights,and gender parity.That activism corresponds with a shift in consumer expectations,as 63%of the American public now believe that CEOs have a responsibility to take a stand on important societal iss

54、ues.Consumer-facing companies like Disney,Ben&Jerrys,and Patagonia have become known for their high-profile,high-risk stances on pressing issues.When Nike famously featured Colin Kapaernick in their Just Do It campaign following his polarizing protests against police brutality,they immediately lost

55、3%in share price.Their conviction(and the risk)quickly paid off when online sales jumped 31%within four days of the campaigns launch.These extravagant gestures and bold gambles,once the domain of B2C companies,will soon breach the walls of the more guarded,conservative B2B sector,exposing them to th

56、e impossible tradeoffs between silence and conviction;risk and reward.While B2B companies have been hesitant to take a stand,that position is becoming harder to sustain.Companies will have to weigh the consequences of no response,as those that ignore divisive issues might seem out of touch and could

57、 lose their thought leadership status.Presumed neutrality will not satisfy increasingly shrewd stakeholders.54%of employees globally believe that CEOs should speak publicly on controversial political and social issues they care about.56%of B2B enterprises ranked a“trusting relationship”as one of a c

58、lients top 3 priorities.Clients and investors alike will begin to view a companys conviction on issues as a signal of trustworthiness.Business-facing enterprises are now cautiously entering the arena Dropbox made a statement when CEO Drew Houston shared an email introducing a series of town halls me

59、ant to address and understand racism in the United States.Houston also donated$500,000 to the Black Lives Matter Foundation and pledged to match all donations by Dropbox employees.Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen and Chief Human Resources Officer Gloria Chen released a letter to their employees,detailing

60、a$1 million contribution to the Equal Justice Initiative and a company holiday on Juneteenth the day commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.of the American public believe that CEOs have a repsonsibility to take a stand on important societal issues.of B2B enterprises ranked a“trusting

61、relationship”as one of a clients top 3 priorities.63%56%of the employees globally believe that CEOs should speak publicly on controversial political and social issues they care about.54%DEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.14When and how will business-facing enterprises speak out?+They will

62、call on marketing,communications,and strategy to monitor the hot-button issues that are most likely to align with their business.Company activism is most effective when there is a strong connection between the statement and the companys values.Companies that quickly jump on the latest cause without

63、having a credible link to their brand and messaging could be seen as inauthentic or opportunistic.+They will lean on marketing to evaluate their audience and assess the risk (acknowledging the inevitability of some members of the audience disagreeing,a byproduct of any thought leadership).Marketing

64、will prepare to mitigate that risk with effective stakeholder communications,creating a playbook for speaking out on the issues and developing a detailed plan for quickly responding with prepared talking points.+They will assess their ability to advance change and mobilize support,asking“Are we a cr

65、edible authority on the issue?Do we have anything worthwhile to contribute?”Words without action will quickly be exposed by savvy stakeholders and efforts could backfire,leading to diminished trust.+They will evaluate the gravity of the issue at hand,recognizing that more egregious offenses require

66、less justification to act,diminishing the need for airtight risk assessment and brand alignment.B2C companies have thus far led the charge on corporate activism,taking a stand on pressing issues that matter to consumers.B2B enterprises will soon realize that there are world events that demand acknow

67、ledgement and violations that simply cannot be overlooked.Trustworthiness and thought leadership status are at stake.B2Bs entry into the world of activism is on the horizon.It will be gradual,cautious,and measured.It will entail extensive risk analysis and audience assessment,the results of which mu

68、st essentially answer one simple question:Does silence say more than words?DEMANDSPRING.COMDEMANDSPRING.COMThe rise of value-driven contentPREDICTION 062023-24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.15Jasmine Watt,Strategy ConsultantDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.16Ever since Bill Gates coined the ph

69、rase“Content is King”in 1996,content has proven to be a valuable tool for gaining more leads and sales,and has been essential in establishing any organization as a thought leader in their industry.Prospects,however,are inundated with messages daily,and organizations need help being heard through all

70、 the noise.Value-driven content will be key in taking organizations to the next level in Revenue Marketing and will help set organizations apart in 2023.Here are three reasons why value-driven content will play a leading role in Revenue Marketing.01.It builds trustValue-driven content marketing allo

71、ws your audience to get to know and trust you.To do this means providing relevant content that speaks to your audiences specific pain points.Your product or service may resolve a pain point,but the key to establishing trust is to focus on value,not promotion.This is achievable through educational co

72、ntent that gives expert advice on their needs.Youre providing value and demonstrating industry expertise a winning customer experience.02.It will help in your first-party data strategyWith the demise of third-party cookies,value-driven content will play a critical role in capturing data.In the new c

73、ookieless world,prospective customers need to be incentivized to share their data with you.How?You guessed it:with top-notch content.Again,the key to success in using content to collect first-party data is ensuring your content resonates and provides value to your target audience.03.Its a way to sta

74、nd out from the crowdFinally,value-driven content can help you stand out.Marketers will be asked to do more with less as we head into a new year of economic uncertainty.You can leverage your content as a differentiator from competitors.Everyone is exposed to more content than they can consume.Unfort

75、unately,much of it is irrelevant and poorly executed.When you create quality content that your audience is searching for you show that,like this piece of content,your organization is“not like all the rest”.Instead you are showing them that you are here and ready to support them in their goals.Conten

76、t is the backbone of successful Revenue Marketing.Its an essential part of any marketing plan,helping to introduce and educate customers about products or services.Value-driven content establishes trust with your customers and reassures them that they made the right choice in working with you.And it

77、 has the remarkable ability to connect people with what they need most.DEMANDSPRING.COMDEMANDSPRING.COMThe deathof the blogPREDICTION 072023-24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.17Saad Sifate,Strategy ConsultantDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.18For years,blogs have been fundamental to any sound c

78、ontent marketing plan.Blogs can drive website traffic,generate leads,and help your company establish itself as a thought leader.But without carefully thought out strategic and measurable objectives,corporate blogs join a dark and lonely pit with the other 600 million blogs that exist on the internet

79、.In 2021,97%of marketers indicated that they use content marketing as part of their marketing strategy,but only 19%believed their content marketing efforts were successful.To be successful,blogs need to provide meaningful value to todays readers.An average of 37 seconds is spent reading a blog,and t

80、hey are rarely read from top to bottom.Instead,users scan through looking for the key information.According to a recent Microsoft study,consumers are now more distracted than ever before,with an attention span that has shrunk to eight seconds.On top of shrinking attention spans,a study by the Americ

81、an Psychology Association showed that one in five people claim that technology is a source of stress.Screen fatigue has become more prominent and consumers are turning to a digital detox as a form of self-care.Its clear that the days of scrolling through a blog of seemingly endless text are coming t

82、o an end.In 2023 and beyond,podcasts and short-form content will continue to explode in popularity.If you can deliver value,provide meaningful insight,or answer a question in a new and creative way,youll stand out and capture attention.Many consumers have already indicated that videos are their pref

83、erred content channel.Research from HubSpot shows that 54%of respondents want to see video content from brands and businesses they support,versus only 18%for blogs.59%of senior executives stated that if both text and video are available on a specific topic,theyll most likely pick video.Alongside vid

84、eo,podcasts have emerged as another powerful content marketing tool.When done right,podcasts can be leveraged into content-creation machines.Smaller clips from podcasts can be repurposed into social media posts,email content,and more.Podcasts also encourage“cross-pollination”by collaborating with ot

85、her industry leaders,in turn introducing your company to a new audience.As long-text blogs continue to be challenged by alternative sources of content consumption,content marketers will have to re-evaluate the most effective channels to reach their audience.Heading into 2023,careful research into ta

86、rget audience segmentation will continue to prove essential.By conducting persona research and understanding how,when,and why consumers access content,marketers will be able to make data-driven channel decisions with sustainable and measurable results.of marketers indicated they use content marketin

87、g as part of their marketing strategy in 2021.the average time a person spends reading a blog.of senior executives will most likely pick video over text,if both are available on a specific topic.97%37 secs59%DEMANDSPRING.COMDEMANDSPRING.COMDoubling down on analytics for successPREDICTION 082023-24 M

88、ARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.19Derek Boshkov,Director of Marketing TechnologyDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.20With a looming recession,marketers are concerned about their budgets.And rightfully so.Historically during down economies,marketing is one of the first line items cut as it was consi

89、dered expensive and non-essential.Despite marketings proven ability to drive revenue and growth today,many marketing teams still struggle to demonstrate their ROI and overall operational effectiveness.The need to show this will grow exponentially as the economy continues to decline and every expendi

90、ture comes under scrutiny.Those who fail to provide a high-level of visibility into their marketing efforts will be the most impacted in 2023.To prevent history from repeating itself,we will see savvy marketers doubling down on analytics.Here are three foundational actions marketers can take today t

91、o ensure they are able to measure and report their ROMI,as well as make informed decisions based on accurate data.01.Breakdown the data silosWith a multitude of data sources and stakeholders involved with varying priorities,data becomes increasingly complex and fragmented.It is critical to break dow

92、n the departmental silos that inhibit a clear and holistic view of the data.The first step is to identify where the data is currently being stored,how it is collected,and whether it is current or outdated.Once the data is gathered and audited,key stakeholders will need to identify their day-to-day c

93、hallenges with their existing data management systems.This will help identify points of friction and areas that need to be optimized.Armed with this information,the next crucial step is to select a platform to use as the single source of truth and which systems will be integrated to it.02.Prioritize

94、 clean dataOnce data is centralized,it is time for a data cleanse.The quality of insights will be dependent on the quality of the data.Start with an audit of the CRM and MAP databases,identify all duplicate and stale records,and remove them.While going through this task,we highly recommend establish

95、ing a data governance strategy to ensure that data hygiene is maintained moving forward.03.Set up your attribution modelsIf you havent done so already,you next task should be to set up your attribution models to accurately measure which touchpoints are contributing to conversion.With a number of att

96、ribution models to choose from,it is important to select the models that best suit your business.Having accurate data on which activities are driving results will enable you to prioritize your budget for programs that will have the most impact for your organization.Marketers who prioritize their dat

97、a analytics will not only be able to demonstrate their ROI but will also be in a position to share valuable insights that will help drive future growth,making it a very difficult line item to cut.DEMANDSPRING.COMIts time to simplify and streamline your MarTech stackPREDICTION 09DEMANDSPRING.COM2023-

98、24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.21Will Murphy,Sales ManagerDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.22Recession is a dirty word.But its an economic reality for B2B organizations,as it leads to a tightening of belts and a search for efficiencies.By the standard definition we entered a recession this p

99、ast summer according to Forbes.As companies grapple with uncertainty of the next year or so,I think its reasonable to expect them to begin a deeper dive into which tools in their stack are“nice to have”vs.“need to have.”Companies will look to see how they utilize their technology,and will ask market

100、ing and sales teams to start thinking about tools they can do without.Finance will ask their department leaders to determine which tech tools support their go-to-market,and which ones could be substituted for cost-effective options or abandoned altogether.In 2020 companies froze budgets,paused ad sp

101、ending,and stopped purchasing non-essential tools during what we now reflect on as the Covid-19 recession.Gartner reported that CMOs were expected to reduce headcount and become more efficient with marketing technology and advertising spend.A year later,while budgets overall fell,marketing budgets s

102、tarted to rise again.So if we use the Covid economy as an example,its not all doom and gloom.There are some bright spots for marketing tech.According to Chief Martec,while the overall growth of the MarTech category grew slowly,it did still grow.But the pressure on marketing teams,especially the mark

103、eting operations team,to be more efficient remains.Teams will likely start to consider large technology products if they offer more efficiency,and potential for future use.In MarTechs 2022 replacement survey,ROI and integration were key factors when considering new marketing tech investments.The mos

104、t commonly replaced tools included marketing automation tools one of the largest marketing technology purchases a team will make.Its reasonable to look at the micro case study of 2020 and compare it to the current economy.With that lens,I predict marketing teams will look to consolidate technology a

105、nd make more efficient use of their existing tech stack.The same MarTech study indicated that teams are looking to utilize their current marketing operations teams to do more with less headcount.Those marketing operations professionals will be looking for tools that will allow them to be more effici

106、ent and likely will shun tools that create more work.Teams that can do more with less will set themselves up nicely for the long-delayed,but eventual,“return to normal.”DEMANDSPRING.COM2023-24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.23DEMANDSPRING.COM2023-24 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.23The future of predictive analyt

107、ics in B2B marketing is nowPREDICTION 10Gopinath Ganesan,Marketing Technology ConsultantDEMANDSPRING.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.24Predictive analytics has been around for decades,but its wide scale use in B2B marketing is gaining momentum like never before.As a marketer,if you have not yet impl

108、emented predictive analytics or used it enough to drive your decisions,its about to change.According to a recent EY study,a staggering 93%of companies have indicated that they plan to continue to increase investments in the area of data and analytics.What is Predictive Analytics?HBS defines predicti

109、ve analytics as:“.the use of data to predict future trends and events.It uses historical data to forecast potential scenarios that can help drive strategic decisions.”Data in this case is not limited to the internal data collected from existing prospects and customers that are available in your CRM

110、and marketing automation platforms.Even external data signals such as intent can contribute to predictive analytics.With new age tools that assimilate big data and determine outcomes with a higher probability,its only a matter of time before every key marketing decision is based on predictive analyt

111、ics.The following three elements influence a successful predictive analytics implementation:01.Determine what is being predictedThere are many ways to make use of predictive analytics in marketing operations.Whether it is to predict the right prospects who will fit the ICP criteria,or for an optimiz

112、ed demand generation campaign with highest ROI.Perhaps content marketing needs a higher precision of personalization,or to find similar accounts with higher profitability.Choosing what to predict defines the approach for further analytics.02.Data collection Every day we are flooded with data,but dat

113、a without context cannot be put to good use.Siloed data will be another blocker for predictive analytics.The first step will be to consolidate data systems and form a highly effective integrated data solution running your tech stack.Second,start early with data collection.The more data you have,the

114、more the systems train,and better analytics and predictions can be made.Finally,collect all data,both demographic and behavioral,that will help AI systems and models make accurate predictions.03.Pick the right tools and predictive models Depending on the objectives,you might need one or a combinatio

115、n of tools to build the prediction model.Most marketing automation platforms and CRMs now have native AI tools that provide varying levels of predictive analytics out of the box.Some of them are built for tactical elements like lead scoring or campaign personalization,while few provide a strategic a

116、pproach for predictive analytics.Validate the results and optimize the model to constantly improve the predictions.Predictive analytics is a powerful tool when it comes to lead engagement and demand generation.By understanding the behavior of past prospects,predictive analytics can help predictive m

117、odels score new leads in real-time,prioritize the hottest leads,and trigger automatic engagement.Keep in mind though,predictive analytics is not a silver bullet.It requires a significant investment of time and resources upfront in order to develop accurate models.To be successful,marketers need to e

118、nsure that they have high-quality data that is representative of their ICP.When used correctly,predictive analytics can yield long-term results.By better understanding your customers,marketers can create more targeted and effective campaigns that ultimately lead to increased sales and ROI.DEMANDSPRI

119、NG.COM2023 MARKETING PREDICTIONS/P.25ABOUT DEMAND SPRING COPYRIGHT 2022 DEMAND SPRING.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Demand Spring is an integrated Revenue Marketing consultancy that helps marketing organizations stand taller by enabling them to scale their ability to contribute to pipeline and revenue.Our tea

120、m of Revenue Marketing Strategists,Content Marketers,and Marketing Technologists helps our clients transform their marketing practices,deliver exceptional customer experiences,and drive revenue.We hope that our predictions and actionable advice have helped you identify your priorities for 2023.Wheth

121、er youre aiming to become CMO of the year or just ace the next quarter,remember that youre not alone on your journey.Demand Springs team of Revenue Marketing experts can help you with your marketing challenges.Whether you need to overhaul your marketing strategy,upgrade your tech stack,or refresh yo

122、ur content,weve got you.Drop us a line and well set you up with the perfect Revenue Marketing consultant for your needs.Youll get a supportive partner who has walked in your shoes,who will listen with empathy,and who will set you up for the future of marketing with real-world advice you can act on today.Conquer your yearVISIT DEMANDSPRING



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