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1、MarketPulse Survey for Splunk:Leveraging data to improve cybersecurity postureNovember 8,2022Foundry Research2Method and ObjectivesSurvey goalsTo understand how public and private sectors are leveraging and sharing data to adapt to an evolving cybersecurity landscape.In this survey we determine:how

2、public and private sector organizations are using data to address cybersecurity prioritiesobstacles to acting on data to improve cybersecurity posturethe extent to which cybersecurity intelligence is shared within and outside sectorsthe security-related data that is most important to sharethe most a

3、ppealing benefits of sharing cybersecurity intelligenceplanned investments over the next 12 months to maximize cybersecurity budgetsTotal respondents 210Collection methodOnline questionnaireGeography U.S.Field datesOctober 18,2022 November 2,2022Number of questions 16Average organization size 5,643

4、employeesSenior Decision-makersRespondents are employed in IT and IT/Data Security management roles.Respondent Profile34Base 210(Public sector 100;Private sector 110)Industry/sector20%17%11%7%6%4%4%4%4%3%3%3%3%2%2%2%1%1%1%Private sector52%Public sector48%5S5:Approximately how many people are employe

5、d in your entire organization or agency?Base 210The average organization size is 5,643 employees 6%12%9%10%17%22%25%20,000 or more10,000-19,9997,500-9,9995,000-7,4992,500-4,9991,000-2,499500-999Company Size by Number of Employees6S3:How are you involved in cybersecurity and/or data security technolo

6、gy decisions at organization/agency?Base 210100%are involved in cybersecurity technology decisions79%61%58%69%55%Influence purchase decisionsEvaluate products/solutionsRecommend products/solutionsApprove the final purchaseImplement/manageproducts/solutionsInvolvement in cybersecurity/data security t

7、echnology decisions7S4:Which of the following best describes your job title?Base:210Forty-two percent(42%)hold VP and above titles4%3%3%2%2%9%5%12%2%27%21%9%CIO(Chief Information Officer)CTO(Chief Technology Officer)CSO(Chief Security Officer)CISO(Chief Information Security Officer)CDO(Chief Data Of

8、ficer)Executive VP,Senior VP of ITExecutive VP,Senior VP of IT Security/Data SecurityVP of ITVP of IT Security/Data SecurityDirector of ITDirector of IT Security/Data SecuritySOC ManagerJob Title8Executive SummaryExecutive SummaryCYBERSECURITY PRIORITIESPublic and private sector share similar cybers

9、ecurity priorities.Topping the list are improving threat response/remediation(55%among public sector and 53%among private sector respondents),improving detection of emerging threats(49%and 47%,respectively)and improving user security awareness(46%and 50%).Private sector respondents are more likely t

10、o prioritize securing the supply chain(37%compared to 28%among public sector respondents)and enabling secure WFH/remote work(31%compared to 22%).USE OF DATA TO ADDRESS PRIORITIES AND MANDATESWhile the top uses of data are consistent across sectors,private sector organizations are leveraging data mor

11、e broadly to address cybersecurity.Both public and private sector organizations are likely to be leveraging data to monitor cybersecurity activity(66%and 65%),perform risk assessments(59%and 58%)and analyze threat intelligence(60%and 56%).Public sector agencies are more likely to be using data to in

12、vestigate fraud(62%compared to 52%among those in the private sector),while private sector organizations are more often analyzing OT data(63%versus 47%among public sector respondents),leveraging predictive analytics(43%vs.31%)and using log management data(35%versus 27%).CHALLENGES OF LEVERAGING DATA

13、TO IMPROVE CYBERSECURITY POSTUREPublic sector organizations are more likely to struggle with leveraging data to detect and prevent threats(63%compared to 49%of private sector respondents)and/or mitigate cybersecurity events(66%versus 56%).More than half of all agencies and organizations report its c

14、hallenging to leverage data to inform cybersecurity decisions,detect and prevent threats and/or mitigate events.Skills gaps(40%among both public and private sector respondents),lack of resources(31%public sector,35%private sector),data integration(28%and 33%)and lack of visibility into the threat la

15、ndscape(32%and 29%)are common top challenges inhibiting the ability to act on data.Public sector respondents more often report conflicts or tension around data ownership(25%versus 18%among private sector),and excess“noise”from connected systems(23%versus 13%).9Executive Summary(continued)SHARING OF

16、CYBERSECURITY INTELLIGENCEPublic sector respondents are significantly more likely to report their agencies share cybersecurity intelligence with other agencies or organizations in their sector(83%regularly share data within their sector versus 49%of private sector respondents).Both public and privat

17、e sector agencies/organizations are less likely to share cybersecurity intelligence outside(versus within)their sector.Forty-two percent(42%)of public sector respondents report sharing data with private sector organizations,and 38%of private sector respondents report regularly sharing data with gove

18、rnment agencies.Approximately one in ten respondents reports their agencies/organizations participate in ISACs or ISAOs(9%of public sector and 12%of private sector respondents).Threat intelligence(63%of public sector and 72%of private sector organizations,respectively)and training materials/best pra

19、ctices(59%and 71%)are the most common types of information shared within or outside of respondents sectors.Agencies and organizations that share data outside of their sector are more likely to share threat intelligence(76%compared to 58%of those who only share data within their sector).Real-time inf

20、ormation about security events is least likely to be shared(34%report they share this data today),though a majority consider it important(60%of public sector and 69%of private sector respondents).Forty-four percent(44%)of public sector respondents indicate shared cybersecurity intelligence available

21、 to them is lacking for their needs,compared to 29%of private sector respondents.Eighteen percent(18%)of public sector respondents and 25%of private sector respondents report cybersecurity intelligence is“more than adequate”for their needs and 34%and 45%,respectively,indicate it is“adequate”.Improve

22、d agility to react to threats stands out among private sector respondents as a benefit of sharing cybersecurity intelligence(44%of private sector respondents rank this as the number one benefit,versus 36%of public sector respondents).Most private sector respondents(84%)indicate time spent gathering

23、disparate data inhibits their ability to be agile and respond in real-time to security events(compared to 56%of public sector respondents).10Executive Summary(continued)TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS AND BUDGETSThreat analysis/classification and prioritization of alerts are cited as the top two potentially

24、time-saving automations for cybersecurity/IT/data teams.Private sector respondents show more interest in automating user behavior analytics(57%versus 46%of public sector respondents),while those in the public sector are more likely to indicate automation of incident response would be a time-saver(56

25、%versus 45%of those in the private sector).Public sector organizations are more likely to report that day-to-day cybersecurity teams frequently have input when planning technology investments(64%versus 53%of those at private sector organizations).Additionally,organizations that regularly share cyber

26、security intelligence are more likely to solicit input on investments from teams managing day-to-day workloads(63%versus 42%of all others).Budget is an obstacle to addressing cybersecurity priorities and mandates at three-quarters of respondents organizations.Most public sector respondents report bu

27、dget is an obstacle to a great extent(48%)or to some extent(31%).Three-quarters of private sector respondents likewise indicate that budget is standing in the way to a great extent(35%)or to some extent(40%).More than one-third indicate cybersecurity budget is too low to address priorities and manda

28、tes(44%of public sector,35%of private sector).Top planned investments to address cybersecurity priorities include monitoring/alerting(60%of public sector and 59%of private sector respondents),threat intelligence(44%and 46%),and security assessments(40%and 45%).Private sector respondents are more lik

29、ely to be planning investments in SOAR(41%versus 34%of public sector respondents),centralized log management(32%compared to 21%),and observability(28%versus 14%).1112Results13Q1:What are your organizations/agencys top cybersecurity priorities over the next 12 months?Base:100 in the public sector;110

30、 in the private sectorPublic and private sector share similar cybersecurity priorities55%49%46%36%28%31%28%22%53%47%50%32%37%22%27%31%Improving threat response/remediationcapabilitiesImproving detection of emerging threats(e.g.,ransomware)Improving user security awarenessImproving citizen/customer e

31、xperiencesSecuring the supply chainMeeting governance&compliance regulationsBuilding trust in systems and processesEnabling secure WFH/remote workTop cybersecurity priorities(Select and rank the top 3)Public sectorPrivate sector14Q2:In which of the following ways is your organization/agency leveragi

32、ng data to address your cybersecurity priorities?Base:100 in the public sector;110 in the private sectorWhile the top uses of data are consistent across sectors,private sector organizations are leveraging data more broadly to address cybersecurity66%59%60%62%47%44%31%27%65%58%56%52%63%50%43%35%Monit

33、oring cybersecurity activityPerforming risk assessmentsAnalyzing threat intelligenceAnalyzing/investigating fraudAnalyzing data from operational technology(OT)Integrating/adopting cybersecurity frameworksPredictive analyticsLog managementWays in which organizations are leveraging data to address cyb

34、ersecurity priorities(Select all that apply)Public sectorPrivate sector15Q3:How challenging is it for your organization/agency to access and leverage data to accomplish the following?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorPublic sector organizations are more likely to struggle with leveraging data

35、 to detect,prevent and/or mitigate cybersecurity events52%63%66%50%49%56%Inform cybersecurity strategy decisionsDetect and prevent cybersecurity threatsMitigate/recover from cybersecurity eventsChallenge of accessing/leveraging data to(%indicating very/somewhat challenging)Public sectorPrivate secto

36、r16Q4:What challenges are inhibiting your organizations/agencys ability to act on data to improve your cybersecurity posture?Base:100 in the public sector;110 in the private sectorSkills gaps,lack of resources,data integration and lack of visibility into the threat landscape are top challenges inhib

37、iting the ability to act on data40%31%28%32%26%25%23%25%19%23%15%13%40%35%33%29%28%28%27%18%18%13%15%15%Gaps in cybersecurity skills/expertiseLack of time or IT resourcesData integrationLack of visibility into the threat landscape(assets,OT environments,etc.)Legacy systemsBudget constraintsLack of a

38、utomationConflicts or tension around data ownershipDisparate/overlapping toolsExcess noise from connected devices andsystemsUndocumented protocols/processesLack of understanding regarding where to startChallenges inhibiting the ability to act on data(Select and rank the top 3)Public sectorPrivate se

39、ctorPublic sector respondents more often report conflicts or tension around data ownership,and excess“noise”from connected systems.17Q5:Is your organization/agency sharing cybersecurity intelligence regularly with other organizations and agencies to address cybersecurity mandates and priorities?Base

40、 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorPublic sector respondents are significantly more likely to report their agencies share cybersecurity intelligence with other public sector agencies or organizations83%5%12%49%21%28%Yes,we are sharing intelligence regularlyYes,while we arent sharing intelligence o

41、n aconsistent basis we are willingNo,we are not willing to share intelligenceSharing cybersecurity intelligence regularly within sectorPublic sector(sharing with other public sector agencies)Private sector(sharing with other private sector organizations)18Q5:Is your organization/agency sharing cyber

42、security intelligence regularly with other organizations and agencies to address cybersecurity mandates and priorities?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorAgencies/organizations are less likely to share cybersecurity intelligence outside of their sector42%8%49%38%13%48%Yes,we are sharing intell

43、igence regularlyYes,while we arent sharing intelligence on aconsistent basis we are willingNo,we are not willing to share intelligenceSharing cybersecurity intelligence regularly outside of sectorPublic sector(sharing with private sector)Private sector(sharing with government agencies/contractors)19

44、Q6:Does your organization/agency participate in any Information Sharing and Analysis Centers(ISACs)or Information Sharing andAnalysis Organizations(ISAOs)?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorApproximately one in ten respondents reports their agencies/organizations participate in ISACs or ISAOs9

45、%91%0%12%87%1%YesNoDont knowParticipation in ISACs and/or ISAOsPublic sectorPrivate sectorAuto-ISAC(3 mentions)AVIATION ISACBIO-ISACCalCISOCISCPCompTIA ISAOEMR-ISACFS-ISACIT-ISACLABEOCMULTI-STATE ISACPT-ISACRH-ISACRISSST-ISACTX-ISAO(2 mentions)20Q7:What types of cybersecurity-related data is your or

46、ganization/agency currently sharing with others inside or outside of your sector?Base 88 Public sector;76 Private sectorThreat intelligence and training materials/best practices are the most common types of information shared within or outside of respondents sectors63%59%44%38%72%71%43%29%Threat int

47、elligence and actorsCybersecurity trainingmaterials/Best practicesBenchmark dataReal-time information aboutsecurity eventsTypes of cybersecurity data shared within or outside of sector(among those sharing data)Public sectorPrivate sector21Q7:What types of cybersecurity-related data is your organizat

48、ion/agency currently sharing with others inside or outside of your sector?Base 84 sharing any data outside of their sector;80 not sharing any data outside of their sectorAgencies and organizations that share data outside of their sector are more likely to share threat intelligence76%69%35%38%58%60%5

49、4%29%Threat intelligence and actorsCybersecurity trainingmaterials/Best practicesBenchmark dataReal-time information aboutsecurity eventsTypes of cybersecurity data shared within or outside of sector(among those sharing data)Sharing any data outside of sectorNot sharing any data outside of sector22Q

50、8:What types of cybersecurity-related data is most important to share with others inside or outside of your sector?Base:100 in the public sector;110 in the private sector;164 sharing data todayReal-time information about security events is least likely to be shared today,though a majority consider i

51、t important79%69%60%36%68%63%69%31%65%67%34%44%Cybersecurity training materials/bestpracticesThreat intelligence and actorsReal-time information about security eventsBenchmark dataCybersecurity-related data most important to share(Among all respondents;Select and rank the top 3)Public sector-Importa

52、nt to sharePrivate sector-Important to shareBeing shared today(among all sharing data)23Q9:How would you describe the shared cybersecurity intelligence available to your organization/agency today?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorForty-four percent(44%)of public sector respondents indicate sh

53、ared cybersecurity intelligence available to them is lacking for their needs 18%34%27%17%25%45%28%1%More than adequate for our needsAdequate for our needsSomewhat lacking for our needsSignificantly lacking for our needsHow would you describe the shared cybersecurity intelligence available to your or

54、ganization/agency today?Public sectorPrivate sector24Q10:What are the most appealing potential benefits of sharing data with others inside or outside of your sector?Base:100 in the public sector;110 in the private sectorImproved agility to react to threats stands out among private sector respondents

55、 as a benefit of sharing cybersecurity intelligence36%32%29%44%34%23%Improved agility to react to cybersecurity threatsand eventsGreater visibility into the networkTargeted preventative and proactive measuresMost appealing potential benefits of sharing cybersecurity intelligence(%ranking as#1)Public

56、 sectorPrivate sector25Q11:From your perspective,how often does time spent on gathering disparate data inhibit your organizations/agencys ability to be agile and respond in real-time?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorMost private sector respondents(84%)indicate time spent gathering disparate

57、data inhibits their ability to be agile and respond in real-time to security events21%35%22%22%37%47%7%9%FrequentlySometimesRarelyNeverHow often does time spent on gathering disparate data inhibit your organizations/agencys ability to be agile and respond in real-time?Public sectorPrivate sector26Q1

58、2:What types of automations would be the biggest time savers for your cybersecurity/IT/data teams?Base:100 in the public sector;110 in the private sectorThreat analysis/classification and prioritization of alerts are cited as the top two potentially time-saving automations for cybersecurity/IT/data

59、teams68%62%46%54%56%40%73%66%57%49%45%47%Threat analysis/classificationPrioritizing alerts/threatsUser behavior analyticsWorkflow efficiencyIncident response(based on pre-determinedplaybooks)Incident/case managementNoneTypes of automations that would be the biggest time savers for cybersecurity/IT/d

60、ata teams(Select all that apply)Public sectorPrivate sector27Q13:Does your organization/agency solicit input from the teams that are managing day-to-day cybersecurity workloads when planning cybersecurity investments?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorPublic sector organizations are more likel

61、y to report that day-to-day cybersecurity teams frequently have input when planning technology investments64%21%14%1%53%35%12%1%Yes,frequentlyYes,sometimesRarelyNeverDoes your organization/agency solicit input from the teams that are managing day-to-day cybersecurity workloads when planning cybersec

62、urity investments?Public sectorPrivate sector28Q13:Does your organization/agency solicit input from the teams that are managing day-to-day cybersecurity workloads when planning cybersecurity investments?Base 164 sharing data;56 not sharing data Organizations that regularly share cybersecurity intell

63、igence are more likely to solicit input on investments from teams managing day-to-day workloads63%24%13%1%42%43%12%2%Yes,frequentlyYes,sometimesRarelyNeverDoes your organization/agency solicit input from the teams that are managing day-to-day cybersecurity workloads when planning cybersecurity inves

64、tments?Sharing cybersecurity data within or outside sectorNot sharing cybersecurity data within or outside of sector29Q14:To what extent is available budget inhibiting your organizations/agencys ability to address cybersecurity priorities and mandates?Base 100 Public sector;110 Private sectorBudget

65、is an obstacle to addressing cybersecurity priorities and mandates at three-quarters of respondents organizations48%31%21%35%40%25%To a great extentTo some extentNot at allTo what extent is available budget inhibiting your organizations/agencys ability to address cybersecurity priorities and mandate

66、s?Public sectorPrivate sector79%of public sector respondents(to a great/to some extent)75%of private sector respondents(to a great/to some extent)30Q15:From your perspective,is your organizations cybersecurity budget adequate to address existing cybersecurity priorities and mandates?Base 100 Public

67、sector;110 Private sectorMore than one-third indicate cybersecurity budget is too low to address priorities and mandates(44%of public sector,35%of private sector)56%44%65%35%Yes,we have enough budgetNo,the budget is too lowDont knowFrom your perspective,is your organizations cybersecurity budget ade

68、quate to address existing cybersecurity priorities and mandates?Public sectorPrivate sector31Q16:In which of the following areas is your organization/agency planning to invest over the next 12 months to maximize your budget as you address cybersecurity mandates and priorities?Base:100 in the public

69、sector;110 in the private sectorTop planned investments to address cybersecurity priorities include monitoring/alerting,threat intelligence,and security assessments.60%44%40%36%36%34%21%14%59%46%45%40%31%41%32%28%Cybersecurity monitoring/alertingThreat intelligenceSecurity assessmentsSecurity traini

70、ngSecurity frameworks(e.g.,zero trust)Security Orchestration,Automation andResponse(SOAR)Centralized log managementObservabilityPlanned investments to maximize cybersecurity budget Next 12 months(Select the top 3)Public sectorPrivate sector32APPENDIX33Q1:What are your organizations/agencys top cyber

71、security priorities over the next 12 months?Base:100 in the public sector17%18%14%17%10%9%10%5%19%13%19%6%11%9%12%9%19%18%13%13%10%10%6%8%55%49%46%36%31%28%28%22%Improving threat response/remediation capabilitiesImproving detection of emerging threats(e.g.,ransomware)Improving user security awarenes

72、sImproving citizen/customer experiencesMeeting governance&compliance regulationsSecuring the supply chainBuilding trust in systems and processesEnabling secure WFH/remote workPUBLIC SECTOR:Top cybersecurity prioritiesRank 1Rank 2Rank 3SUM34Q1:What are your organizations/agencys top cybersecurity pri

73、orities over the next 12 months?Base:110 in the private sector15%20%17%14%9%8%9%7%18%14%15%14%12%9%13%5%20%16%15%9%11%14%5%10%53%50%47%37%32%31%27%22%Improving threat response/remediation capabilitiesImproving user security awarenessImproving detection of emerging threats(e.g.,ransomware)Securing th

74、e supply chainImproving citizen/customer experiencesEnabling secure WFH/remote workBuilding trust in systems and processesMeeting governance&compliance regulationsPRIVATE SECTOR:Top cybersecurity prioritiesRank 1Rank 2Rank 3SUM35Q4:What challenges are inhibiting your organizations/agencys ability to

75、 act on data to improve your cybersecurity posture?Base:100 in the public sector14%13%7%7%8%10%12%5%5%7%8%4%5%11%13%11%11%10%11%11%9%2%0%6%21%8%11%10%7%5%2%7%9%10%7%3%40%32%31%28%26%25%25%23%23%19%15%13%Gaps in cybersecurity skills/expertiseLack of visibility into the threat landscape(assets,OTenvir

76、onments,etc.)Lack of time or IT resourcesData integrationLegacy systemsBudget constraintsConflicts or tension around data ownershipExcess noise from connected devices and systemsLack of automationDisparate/overlapping toolsUndocumented protocols/processesLack of understanding regarding where to star

77、tPUBLIC SECTOR:Challenges inhibiting the ability to act on dataRank 1Rank 2Rank 3SUM36Q4:What challenges are inhibiting your organizations/agencys ability to act on data to improve your cybersecurity posture?Base:110 in the private sector11%15%15%11%8%10%7%6%5%4%5%4%13%9%7%12%11%10%7%8%6%9%4%4%16%12

78、%11%6%9%8%13%4%7%3%5%5%40%35%33%29%28%28%27%18%18%15%15%13%Gaps in cybersecurity skills/expertiseLack of time or IT resourcesData integrationLack of visibility into the threat landscape(assets,OTenvironments,etc.)Legacy systemsBudget constraintsLack of automationDisparate/overlapping toolsConflicts

79、or tension around data ownershipLack of understanding regarding where to startUndocumented protocols/processesExcess noise from connected devices and systemsPRIVATE SECTOR:Challenges inhibiting the ability to act on dataRank 1Rank 2Rank 3SUM37Q8:What types of cybersecurity-related data is most impor

80、tant to share with others inside or outside of your sector?Base:100 in the public sector36%24%18%10%26%19%20%9%17%26%22%17%79%69%60%36%Cybersecurity training materials/Best practicesThreat intelligence and actorsReal-time information about security eventsBenchmark dataPUBLIC SECTOR:Cybersecurity-rel

81、ated data most important to shareRank 1Rank 2Rank 3SUM38Q8:What types of cybersecurity-related data is most important to share with others inside or outside of your sector?Base:110 in the private sector24%25%18%14%21%19%25%7%24%24%20%10%69%68%63%31%Real-time information about security eventsCybersec

82、urity training materials/Best practicesThreat intelligence and actorsBenchmark dataPRIVATE SECTOR:Cybersecurity-related data most important to shareRank 1Rank 2Rank 3SUM39Q10:What are the most appealing potential benefits of sharing data with others inside or outside of your sector?Base:100 in the p

83、ublic sector36%32%29%38%29%34%25%38%36%Improved agility to react to cybersecurity threats andeventsGreater visibility into the networkTargeted preventative and proactive measuresPUBLIC SECTOR:Most appealing benefits of sharing cybersecurity intelligenceRank 1Rank 2Rank 340Q10:What are the most appea

84、ling potential benefits of sharing data with others inside or outside of your sector?Base:110 in the private sector44%34%23%32%27%31%25%39%46%Improved agility to react to cybersecurity threats andeventsGreater visibility into the networkTargeted preventative and proactive measuresPRIVATE SECTOR:Most appealing benefits of sharing cybersecurity intelligenceRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Contact41 Jen Garofalo Research Director Email:jen_



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