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1、/_CHAPTER 1Using SMS and Email TogetherFor companies around the world,email is the go-to channel for customercommunications.Whether its logins,notifications,promotions,passwordresets,or policy updates,email is a tried-and-true platform with more globalaccessibility than any other medium(https:/ is o

2、nly one part of the customer engagement experience.Using SMS and Email to EngageYour Customers in 2022SMS+Email:The Customer Engagement DuoCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONGuide Menu/Regardless of who youre trying to contact or where they are,you can nowcomplete the customer engagement package with another robu

3、st API:SMS(https:/ is a powerful engagement tool that allows businesses to sendconcise,timely messages to their customers.Combined with email,the twocreate a seamless customer communication experience thats reliable,scalable,and downright powerful.Were refreshing this guide each year to provide you

4、with the most up-to-dateinformation and best practices.This years guide includes updates on:The latest global email and SMS preferencesHow SMS is more than just text messagingApples Mail Privacy Protection updatesA2P 10DLC updatesCommon messaging use casesWell walk you through how SMS can complement

5、 your email program,usecases,best practices,mistakes to avoid,how to get started,and more.Email is the most popular communication channel across theworld,followed closely behind by SMS.2022 Global Messaging Engagement ReportFACT:/UP NEXTThe Need for SMS and EmailCHAPTER 2CHAPTER 2The Need for SMS an

6、d EmailWhen it comes to business communications,consumers have varyingpreferences.Some prefer to converse with businesses via web chat,while someuse social media to get updates from their favorite brands.While every audience is different,our 2022 Global Messaging EngagementReport(https:/ that the va

7、st majority of consumers across theglobe still prefer email and SMS over any other communications channel.Thatswhy SMS and email both deserve a place in your communication toolset./Using multiple communication channels creates a seamless user experience foryour customers.With multiple mediums to cho

8、ose from,customers can engagewith your business on the channels they prefer,whether thats email,SMS,or amix of both.Learn how recipients around the world want to receive and interact with email&SMSOUR 2022 GLOBAL MESSAGING ENGAGEMENT REPORT TAKES A DEEP DIVE INTO THE MESSAGINGPREFERENCES OF RECIPIEN

9、TS IN THE US,UK,GERMANY,FRANCE,AND JAPAN.(HTTPS:/SENDGRID.COM/MARKETING/2022-GLOBAL-MESSAGING-ENGAGEMENT-REPORT/)UP NEXT/SMS:More Than Just Text MessagingCHAPTER 3CHAPTER 3SMS:More Than Just Text MessagingThe first thing that comes to mind when you think of SMS is often short text-only messages,but

10、this channel has evolved beyond such simplicity.In order tounderstand the breadth of this communication channel,we must firstunderstand exactly what SMS is.SMSSMS stands for Short Message Service and is a more technical term for what we know as a textmessage.SMS messages are limited to 160 character

11、s and contain no images,making them a perfectway to communicate concise,time-sensitive messages to your customers./Sending your first SMS message is easy.Twilios SMS API(https:/ the gapbetween the Internet and the carrier network in order to send and receive SMS messages.Ourdocumentation(https:/ hel

12、p youget started in your preferred coding language so you can start sending and receiving texts in no time!Twilios SMS and SendGrid email APIs are perfect for when you need to let your users know whats going on in multiplechannels.In this video,well send an appointment confirmation email using Twili

13、o SendGrid.Then,on the day of theappointment,well send an SMS reminder using Twilio Programmable SMS./Get Started with Twilio SMSATTER WHAT LANGUAGE YOURE CODING WITH,GETTING STARTED WITH SMS IS QUICK AND EASY.IF YOURE READY TO SENDING,OUR SALES TEAM IS HERE TO HELP!(HTTPS:/AHOY.TWILIO.COM/SG-2020-E

14、MAIL-SMS_TALK-TO-SALES-1?OURCE=DRIP&UTM_MEDIUM=EMAIL&UTM_CAMPAIGN=CRACK_THE_CODE&UTM_CONTENT=EMAIL+SMSGUIDE&UTM_TEMMSAs the old adage goes,“a picture is worth a thousand words.”MMS,or multimedia messagingservice,allows you to send images,GIFs,audio files,and even phone contacts to your messagerecipi

15、ents.MMS messages can help you create visual customer experiences that are handy formarketing and customer service uses.For example,you can use MMS to send your recipients an animated GIF showcasing your newproduct and an eye-catching promotion,or allow your customers and customer service agents tos

16、end photos back and forth for improved communication and a more timely resolution of theirissues.Check out MMS messages(https:/ yourself,scroll to the bottom of thispage,enter your phone number,and have a MMS message sent your way in just a few seconds.If youlike what you see,speak to a member of ou

17、r team(https:/ learnhow you can get started sending images to your recipients.WhatsAppWith over 2 billion monthly active users(https:/ the worlds most popular messaging application.Thanks to its extensive global reach,highly engaged user base,and rich communications capabilities,WhatsApp is a key pl

18、atform any businesses can use to reach customers where they already are(https:/ app also offers more features than SMS and MMS,so you can more easily create rich andengaging customer experiences for your users.Your business can share images,audio files,PDFs,locations on a map,and more with WhatsApp.

19、Plus,it can be more trustworthy than SMS and MMS.Each WhatsApp account is tied to one singularnumber,so your prospects and customers will always know a message is coming from yourbusiness.Branded business profiles also allow you to list your social media links,store addresses,website URL,and additio

20、nal business details or offers,so your customers can find and access moreinformation about your brand,all within one app.If youre looking to get started,Twilio makes diving into WhatsApp messaging simple.Sign up(https:/ a Twilio account(if you havent already)and navigate to theWhatsApp page(https:/

21、the Twilio console,orlearn more about our Messaging API(https:/ dont have to just be one-way.Chat allows you to send and receive messages to and fromyour recipients.This allows you to have in-depth 1:1 conversations with your customers to helpanswer their questions and push them towards making a pur

22、chase.Chat allows your customers toreach out to your team wherever theyre browsing,be it via web browser,phone browser,or phoneapp.Plus,with Twilios Conversations API(https:/ can easilybring chat and all of the above channelsSMS,MMS,and WhatsApptogether in one place.Yourcustomers can pick to engage

23、with your brand on whichever channel they prefer,helping you build abetter,more seamless customer experience.UP NEXTWhats New for SMS&Email in 2022CHAPTER 4CHAPTER 4/Whats New for SMS&Email in 2022While 2022 hasnt shaken things up too much for email and SMS senders,here are a fewkey updates long-tim

24、e veterans and new senders should be aware of:For EmailApples Mail Privacy ProtectionIn September 2021,Apple launched its Mail Privacy Protection(MPP)(https:/ feature allowing iOS 15 and macOS12 Monterey users to anonymize their email activity.For users who opt-in,MPP prefetching andcaching email co

25、ntent at the time of delivery,rather than waiting for a user to manually open anemail.This will cause any tracking pixels to prematurely fire,marking the email as opened regardlessof whether or not your recipient actually opened your email.The downside for senders?MPP inflates open rates,making this

26、 longstanding key performanceindicator(KPI)an unreliable way to measure recipient engagement.We encourage all senders to relyless on open data and more on alternative engagement metrics like clicks,conversions,and appactivity.These metrics can give you a better understanding of which emails are actu

27、ally engagingyour recipients./Another way to understand how MPP might be affecting your open rates is by using Twilio SendGridsApple Open Indicator(https:/ the Twilio SendGrid platform,if the field,“sg_machine_open”is set to“true,”this indicates that an open event has been triggered by Applessystems

28、.Please note,the indicator cant distinguish whether the open was triggered by the actualrecipient or automated by Apple Mail.Still,this visibility can help you determine which open eventswerent triggered by Apple machines,so you can continue relying on them as user engagementindicators.Apples Mail P

29、rivacy Protection:How Email Senders Can AdaptLEARN HOW TO REMAIN A COMPETITIVE SENDER AMIDST APPLES MPP UPDATE.(HTTPS:/SENDGRID.COM/MARKETING/APPLES-MAIL-PRIVACY-PROTECTION-HOW-EMAIL-SENDERS-CAN-ADAPT/)For SMSA2P 10DLC fines beginLast year,the US SMS messaging ecosystem experienced a once-in-a-gener

30、ation shift.The countryintroduced new registration requirements for business messaging over 10-digit-long codes,or A2P10DLC(https:/ jog your memory,US carriers created registration requirements to build and protect a spam-free,trusted SMS ecosystem that preserves customer engagement.For brands,A2P 1

31、0DLC(https:/ to help improve deliverability,increase throughput,and improve long-term customer engagement./If you send more than 3,000 messages per day or use more than 5 long code numbers(https:/ messaging to the US,you must complete A2P 10DLC registration.Otherwise,your brand will face fines from

32、carriernetworks fines that went into effect on March 1,2022.While shared short codes will be banned under A2P 10DLC,no formal date has been set yet.The onlyexception to this ban will be shared short codes used to send 2-factor authorization(2FA)(https:/ one-timepasscodes(OTPs)(https:/ you are curren

33、tly using a shared short code,consider migrating to a number that will beused uniquely by your business so youre prepared when a shared short code end date is finallyestablished.If you are a Twilio customer using a 10-digit long code and have not yet registered,please visit theTwilio console(https:/

34、 getstarted.What A2P 10DLC Registration Means for YouUP NEXTCommon Use Cases for Email&SMSCHAPTER 5/CHAPTER 5Common Use Cases for Email&SMS Common Use Cases for EmailWhile email has been around for what seems like ages,the way we use thechannel is always changing.From confirming transactions to re-e

35、ngaging users,here are a few of the most common ways companies leverage email tocommunicate with their customers:1.TransactionalTransactional emails(https:/ a great way to timely and securely communicate with users along thecustomer journey.Sending user-triggered transaction messages(https:/ passwor

36、d resets and purchase or shippingconfirmationsyou can keep customers updated every step of the way.These/emails are never promotional(https:/ they act as digital receiptsfor customers to track their actions on your site like order details,supportrequests,and shipping confirmations.2.Customer feedbac

37、kAnother effective use of email is to use it to request customer feedback.Youcan set up a workflow to reach out to customers following the receipt of theirorder or redemption of a service and ask them to share their thoughts.Collecting customer feedback and reviews can not only help you identify are

38、asof improvement for your business,but it can also help grow your brandrecognition and credibility in the marketplace.3.Engagement and storytelling(https:/ are many users in your database wont be quite ready to convert whenthey first discover your brand.Email marketing can build a stronger relations

39、hipwith these users over time,helping to increase visibility and familiarity of yourbrands products and services,while reinforcing your brands reputation.Welcome emails(https:/ restock announcements,product spotlights,promotions,and monthly newsletters can keep your brand top of mind forthese custom

40、ers so when it comes time to convert,youre their first pick.4.ReengagementLastly,sending targeted emails can be a great way to reengage customers(https:/ did not complete their journey on your website.You can sendabandoned cart emails(https:/ the specific product they were/considering buying and a p

41、ersonalized discount code to try to entice them tocomplete their checkout experience.Or,you can give them the option toresume an application or form they failed to finish.These emails allow yourcustomers to pick up right where they left off and allow you to reduce customerdrop-off.Common Use Cases f

42、or SMSLike email,SMS needs to be used at the right time and for the right message.And,because SMS has more immediacy than email,its often better suited forcertain messages over others.Below are some of the most common use casesfor leveraging SMS in addition to email:1.MarketingSMS marketing(https:/

43、known as“text marketing”is a favorite because of highlyreceptive audiences,unmatched open rates,and timeliness.When theres atimely deal,an SMS message can create a sense of urgency and inspireimmediate action.It also gives you a seamless opportunity to turn one-wayoutbound marketing into a two-way c

44、onversation(https:/ notably,it can circumvent crowded and competitive email inboxes to helpensure your customers actually read and engage with your messages.The keyto boosting engagement lies in building direct customer relationships viachannels that are meaningful to customers.Sending email after e

45、mail to acustomer who rarely checks their inbox wont do your brand any good.Meetingyour customers on a channel they use and prefer,like SMS/MMS,can allowyour business to effectively get your customers attention during key points inthe customer lifecycle and drive loyalty.2.AlertsSMS can be an excell

46、ent way to send alerts(https:/ immediately inform your customers and account holders if security-relatedactions have been performed in their account,if theres a public safetyannouncement,or if theres a relevant neighborhood update./You may have received similar SMS messages in the past after changin

47、g youremail or password in an online account.Alerts like these are not just wanted bycustomers,theyre expected.The SMS API even allows you to program repeatupdates,like weekly account balances if your customers want them.3.VerificationTwo-factor authentication(https:/ a popular way to add an extra l

48、ayer ofsecurity to your companys user login process.When users opt-in to 2FA,theycan choose SMS as their channel of choice to receive a backup code to verifytheir identity,in addition to their personal password or biometrics(like a usersfingerprint,voice,or face)./Once the user enters the numeric co

49、de from the SMS message in your websiteor applications login flow,they are authenticated and can log in to theiraccount.Because SMS is a channel many users find easy to use,its a great wayto send your users a 2FA code.4.NotificationsLike a reminder,a notification(https:/ a perfect email enhancement.

50、It may be inappropriate or unwelcome to sendyet another email to your customers if a shipment has been sent,or if an orderis available for pickup.An SMS in these situations can be the perfect way tocommunicate a real-time update to your customers./For most people,a mobile device is on-hand all the t

51、ime,which makes an SMSnotification even more valuable if youre looking to communicate withcustomers immediately.5.ConfirmationsFor many customers,a confirmation message(https:/ an essential communication that they want to receive after placing an orderonline or making an account update.It lets custo

52、mers know that your companyhas received their order or has accepted the changes theyve made to theiraccount./What happens if that customer no longer uses their email address?Or perhapsthe confirmation isnt delivered to the inbox correctly(https:/ anSMS,you can add an extra layer of communication,and

53、 text the confirmationdirectly to your customers.6.RemindersA reminder(https:/ a perfect example of how SMS can enhance your existing communication planwith your customers.If your customers have already received a bookingconfirmation,sending another email the day before or the day of theirappointmen

54、t,trip,or reservation may be overkill.Unfortunately,customers thatdont receive a reminder may not show up,leading to lost revenue.A conciseSMS can be the perfect prompt for them to check their calendar and followthrough./Twilios SMS and SendGrid email APIs are perfect for when you need to let yourus

55、ers know whats going on in multiple channels.In this video,well send anappointment confirmation email using Twilio SendGrid.Then,on the day of theappointment,well send an SMS reminder using Twilio Programmable SMS.UP NEXTEmail vs.SMS:Deciding Which to SendCHAPTER 6The average response time for an SM

56、S is 90 seconds,compared to 90 minutes for email.Tap Into The Marketing Power of SMS,GartnerFACT:/CHAPTER 6Email vs.SMS:Deciding Which to SendThe most effective SMS program is used to enhance your emails,not replacethem.SMS and email are used for many different types of communication,butultimately,y

57、our customers want both.The best way to determine how to include SMS into your communicationstrategy is to ask yourself:How quickly should the recipient receive the message?How business-critical is the content of the message?Depending on your answers and how much imagery,branding,or design yourequir

58、e,you can quickly map how you should get your message to yourrecipients and by what channel:/In some cases,it may be necessary to send both an email and an SMS.In asecurity breach situation,youd want to inform any affected customersimmediately,so sending messages across both channels is advised.In o

59、thercases,sending over both channels should be driven by recipient engagement.For example,a retail promotion might include both SMS and email messages,but youll want to use engagement segmentation to identify which channeleach user is more likely to engage with.For some recipients that will meancomp

60、lementary texts and emails,whereas others will only receive one or theother./UP NEXTLearn How to Send and Receive SMSCHAPTER 7CHAPTER 7Learn How to Send and Receive SMS/Getting started with SMS is easy.Twilio provides quickstart docs and videos(https:/ major coding languages,including Java(https:/ a

61、 few lines of code,your PHP application can send,receive,and reply to text messages with Twilio Programmable SMS.There are an estimated 6.5 billion smartphone users in theworld today.Number of smartphone subscriptions worldwide 2016-2026,Statista,2022FACT:/UP NEXTEmail Best PracticesCHAPTER 8CHAPTER

62、 8Email Best PracticesWhen it comes to sending strategic,effective email communications,youllwant to make sure you consider adopting these best practices:Be strategic about email collection:Never buy email lists(https:/ a sure-fire way to harm your emaildeliverability(https:/ IPreputation(https:/ vi

63、olate GDPR.Not to mention,they usually result in abysmal engagement rates.Instead,build your lists steadily over time to ensure you attract recipients who actually want tohear from your brand.Youll also want to keep in mind how youre adding recipients.Storing as much user information atthe point of

64、collection as possiblelike IP address,date,time,form,URL,etc.can be useful/down the road and come in handy if you need to resolve issues with blocklist operators andinternet service providers(ISPs).Stay compliant:Email is one of the best,most commonly used communication tools in the world.If youre s

65、ending emails to recipients in other countries,make sure youre following any and allapplicable laws.Whether its CAN-SPAM or GDPR,make sure youre practicing safe emailing.Other inbox providers:Gmail,Yahoo,and Hotmail may be the most commonly used inboxproviders,but there are many others out there tha

66、t you may want to consider.Mail.ru,Live,andGMX may not be common inbox providers in the United States,but theyre much more common inRussia,Germany,and Canada.If youre sending email to other countries,make sure thosemessages are optimized for those inboxes.Build better segments:Every audience is uniq

67、ue.Focus more on building smaller,more targetedaudience segments,so you can cater your messages to your recipients specific interests andneeds(https:/ can help youdrive engagement,improve your relationship with customers,and,ultimately,boost sales.You can even take your segmentation a step further u

68、sing Twilio Segment(https:/ can send your recipients personalized emails,text messages,ads,and more based on how they interact with your brand.Get started with hyper-segmentation.LEVERAGE YOUR CUSTOMER DATA TO SERVE THE RIGHT MESSAGE AT THE RIGHT TIME WITH TWILIOSEGMENT.(HTTPS:/SEGMENT.COM/DEMO/?REF

69、=NAV)Test,test,test:Every email program is different,and the fact is,what works for one company(orindustry),may not work for you.Its important to be agile,test new things,and keep an eye on allyour engagement metrics(https:/ make sure youre always improving.A/B testings/(https:/ help you experiment

70、with new visuals,messaging,send times,senders,and more to compareresults and see what resonates with your audiences,helping you incrementally improve your emailprogram.Find your engagement sweet spot:Think of your engagement metrics as a scale.As you increasethe number of messages you send each mont

71、h,your open and click rates will likely go down.Trytesting different send frequencies(https:/ mixing up the content of your emails to find the right numberof messages to send each month while maintaining as high a click-to-open rate as possible.Create a preference center:One of the top reasons recip

72、ients unsubscribe from emails is becausethey hear too frequently from a brand.A preference center(https:/ your subscribers determine how often theyd like tohear from you or choose what content they want to receive.Practice good list hygiene(https:/ the time to“scrub”your email list,or remove inactiv

73、e,invalid,bounced,and non-engagedemail addresses.This practice can help you improve your sender reputation(https:/ engagement rates,andreduce the chance of landing on an email deny list.UP NEXTCommon Email Mistakes to AvoidCHAPTER 9CHAPTER 9Common Email Mistakes to Avoid/Were all humanmistakes happe

74、n!But,while your recipients might bewilling to overlook the occasional spelling error or broken link,they might beless forgiving when it comes to certain email faux pas,like send frequency anda lack of personalization.Here are the most common email missteps we seebrands make and how to ensure your b

75、rand doesnt fall victim to them:Losing the personal touch:Ditch the batch and blast mentality and replace it with hyper-personalization.Segmenting your lists(https:/ demographics,engagement levels,or even recent activity can also helpyou send more valuable,relevant content and offers to your audienc

76、es,which can increaseengagement and boost conversions.Including broken links:Broken links not only frustrate your users,but they also hurt the ROI of youremail program.Before hitting send,make sure you double or triple-check every link to ensureevery link works.It never hurts to implement and follow

77、 a consistent pre-send routine so that youcan check these factors before you press sendour Pre-Send Email Checklist(https:/ get you started oncreating your own.Sending too many emails:Our 2022 Global Messaging Engagement Report(https:/ that52%of recipients said they would unsubscribe if they started

78、 receiving emails daily.Experimentwith different send frequencies,but be cautious of email fatigue(https:/ yet,create a preference center(https:/ recipients can set how frequently they want to receive your emails.Not optimizing for mobile:With recipients opening emails on their smartphones throughou

79、t theday,you need to ensure your emails maintain their visual integrity on smaller screens.If yourmessages arent responsive and dont render correctly,youll create a poor user experience andincrease the likelihood of your email getting deleted.Responsive design is certainly the ideal,but ifit cant be

80、 incorporated into your messages,we recommend at least approaching design from a“mobile-first”(https:/ GDPR:As of 2018,the European Unions General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)(https:/ it so companies cannot email individuals who have not explicitly opted-in to receive theircommunications.Just be

81、cause someone does business with your company,doesnt mean theyve/agreed to receive your marketing emails.You need their explicit permission to email them,otherwise,you can face hefty fines.Not analyzing email performance:Every email you send is a direct link to your customers.Everyaction they take(o

82、r dont take)is a strong indicator of what they like(or dont like)about youremail strategy.Tracking open rates,click rates,influenced sales or conversions,and A/B testresults can allow you to hone your email strategy and continue to send messages your audienceloves.Need some help tracking your email

83、performance?Twilio SendGrids Email Statistics(https:/ Deliverability Insights(https:/ real-time dashboardsthat make it easy to track your customer engagement,identify positive or negative trends,andtake action to perfect your email campaigns.Email performance tracking made easy.GAIN POWERFUL INSIGHT


85、practices:Get permission:Like with email,youll need to get permission before sending(https:/ messages to your customers.Customers can opt-in to receive your text messages through an online form or by texting to themessage with a keyword or phrase.For example:“Text MOBILE to 75757 to subscribe to our

86、weekly discounts!”If you dont have permission,dont message a number.Check your list:Double check that the phone numbers on your list are correct and can receive textmessages.Invalid numbers(like landlines)will cause message delivery problems,and changed(orfake)phone numbers will fail to reach their

87、destination.If someone requests to stop receiving SMSmessages from you,promptly remove them from your list and honor their opt-out.If youre aTwilio customer,our Programmable Messaging API(https:/ with built-in phone number validation,so well save you money by automatically rejectinginvalid numbers(h

88、ttps:/ a short code:Use either toll-free numbers(https:/ short codes(https:/ higher sending volumes and reduced filtering.Short codes are 5 or 6 digit phone numbersmade specifically for mass mobile communications.Wireless carriers individually approve shortcodes,so theyre less likely to be blocked a

89、nd can send at a faster rate compared to regular mobilenumbers.Consider using a unique,brand-friendly short code for mass SMS messages.Note:Toll-free numbers and short codes arent available in every country.Improve deliverability:Follow country,state,local regulations,and wireless carriers messaging

90、policies to improve your SMS deliverability.A reliable API will help you send and receive SMS withcustom short codes,engage in two-way conversation,and use RCS(Rich Communications/Services)(https:/ sendimages and attachments that are automatically optimized for mobile.For help with your emaildeliver

91、ability,reference our 2022 Deliverability Guide(https:/ it simple and concise:Text messaging is intended to be short and sweet.Keep yourmessages simple with clear-cut CTAs(https:/ relevant content.Control your frequency:How often you send is just as important as what you send.Less is more.Excessive

92、content,deals,and updates can cause annoyance and even increase opt-out rates.Datashows(https:/ opt-out rates tend to increase significantly whenbusinesses begin sending more than 10-12 SMS messages a month.Start sending SMS.ATTER WHAT LANGUAGE YOURE CODING WITH,GETTING STARTED WITH SMS IS QUICK AND


94、y,while only 2out of 10 customers agree.Twilio,Bridging the Communications DivideFACT:/UP NEXTCommon SMS Mistakes to AvoidCHAPTER 11CHAPTER 11Common SMS Mistakes to AvoidSMS is a powerful tool,but it can be equally destructive when used incorrectly.Here are the most common SMS mistakes and how to av

95、oid them:Sending unsolicited messages:Permission,permission,permission.Like with an email preferencecenter(https:/ transparent and let yourcustomers know what to expect.Better yetlet them decide the specific messages they receive,the frequency,and the timing.DTR from the start:A common mistake with

96、SMS communications is not laying the foundation forfuture messaging.Failing to let your customers know when and how you plan to stay in touch canleave them angry and confused when they receive your next SMS blast.DTR(define therelationship)from the beginning with a welcome text after users opt-in to

97、 explain the terms ofyour communications.Using the same messages for SMS and email:While it might save time to copy/paste the sameemail and SMS messages,youll lose out on the benefits each channel offers.Due to its 160-character limit,SMS is perfect for short,time-sensitive promotions and informatio

98、n.Email,on theother hand,is great for longer messages with important links and images.Sometimes youll sendthe same information via email and text,but make sure you optimize the message to fit themedium./Poor timing:Whether youre sending to locals or a global audience,a poorly timed message is anunop

99、ened or irrelevant message.SMS is best used to encourage urgent action,so timing meanseverything.To account for a global audience,use an API provider that systematically scales andoptimizes(https:/ differentcountries mobile regulations.Since no one wants to receive brand texts at 1 AM,use a provider

100、that automatically delivers your messages to your audience at the right time in the right time zone.Sending long messages:SMS is meant to be short and sweet.Longer messages on mobile goignored,so make sure your message length matches the medium.If you can,condense themessage to fit the 160-character

101、 limitif you cant,determine if the message would be moreappropriate as an email.Forgetting a clear CTA:Because SMS messages are so short,there should never be more than oneCTA.Whether its completing a task,subscribing to your mailing list,entering a contest,participating in a sale,or responding to a

102、 survey,limit your messages to just one ask.Sending too many messages:Less is more when it comes to SMS.Sending multiple messages aday is a good way to earn unsubscribes and blockslimit marketing texts to your customers toonce or twice a week.Using link shorteners:While you can include links in your

103、 SMS/MMS messages,try to avoid usingURL shortening services as they can be flagged as spam and impact message deliverability.Somespammers use these services to hide the true destination of a URL,which can flag these serviceson spam filters and blacklists,ultimately impacting your message deliverabil

104、ity if you use the samesystem.Not thinking of the customer first:Think about what messages your customers actually want toreceive on their phone.They may have opted in to receive important updates from your company,but they likely couldnt care less about your new product when they reached for the ph

105、oneexpecting a personal message from friends or family.Only using SMS:Dont hop on SMS to replace email or your other channelsuse it to complementyour entire communications strategy.SMS and email dont compete with each othertheyre usedhand-in-hand to create a seamless communication experience for you

106、r customers.UP NEXTLeveraging SMS to Improve Email and Vice VersaCHAPTER 12/CHAPTER 12Leveraging SMS to Improve Email and ViceVersaSome tasks can be accomplished via email but not SMS,and vice versa.However,the pair dont just benefit each other in a roundabout way.SMS andemail have different purpose

107、s and use cases,but they can be used to directlybenefit the other.Grow your lists together:Use your SMS list to cross-pollinate your email list(https:/ vice versa.Periodically encourage your email list to subscribe to your SMS messages and yourSMS recipients to opt in to your emails,so your customer

108、s dont miss out on timelymessages and exclusive deals from your brand.Cross-promote campaigns:Some campaigns dont need to be email or SMSthey canbe both.For example,at a hiring event,Twilio had interested applicants submit theirapplication by texting a numberquite different from the traditional emai

109、l registrationapproach./Segment your audience:Learn from both SMS and email engagement holistically tocreate customer personas that transcend channels.If a customer always opens emailsabout new hats but not shoes,theyll likely respond similarly to SMS messagesfeaturing the shoe content.UP NEXTCompan

110、ies Using SMS and Email TogetherCHAPTER 13CHAPTER 13Companies Using SMS and Email TogetherIts one thing to talk about using email and SMS together,its another thing tosee it in action.Heres a closer look at how top brands,like Airbnb,Uber,Yelp,and Instacart,use email and SMS in tandem to engage thei

111、r customers./When hosts receive a reservation request through Airbnb,they only have 32hours to accept or decline the request.While Airbnb quickly shoots the host anemail once a guest submits a rental request,the company knows hosts arentalways at their computers and able to respond quickly to email.

112、To facilitate a better user experience,Airbnb turned to text messaging.If a hostdoesnt respond to a booking request,they receive an automated SMS messagewith info on the guests,dates requested,and prices for the booking.Hosts canthen easily accept or decline the booking from their phone with a short

113、 textresponse.Learn how Airbnb uses SMS to improve their users experience(https:/ emails werent providing the speed and reliability riders needed in orderto know if a ride had arrived or canceled on them.To deliver the level ofcommunication its service demanded,Uber turned to text messages.With Twil

114、io SMS,customers can stay up-to-date on their Uber ride with real-time text alerts for when a driver accepts the request,is less than a minuteaway,or has to cancel for any reason.Learn how Uber created a fantastic ride sharing experience with SMS(https:/ Reservations gives restaurants the tools they

115、 need to manage theirreservations.However,they needed a way for restaurants to reach theircustomers in the critical moments before their reservation time.Learn more about why Yelp chose to use SMS as the medium for thosemessages (https:/ a Yelp user makes a restaurant reservation,they receive a conf

116、irmationemail containing the details of their booking.Unfortunately,even with reminderemails,many users would forget about their bookings and miss theirreservation.In order to curb reservation abandonment,Yelp started using SMS messages toreach their customers.Now,Yelp users could easily confirm or

117、cancel theirreservations via text,so restaurant partners could reliably know who to expectand plan accordingly.Learn how Instacart creates an excellent customer service experience withTwilio(https:/ more examples of how businesses use email and SMS to engage customers?CHECK OUT HOW 6 SUCCESSFUL COMP


119、cations channels at their disposal.In orderto stay relevant,you need to send messages where and how your customers/want to receive them.Thats why having a communications strategy that usesboth SMS and email is critical for any company wanting to engage its users.To build a successful email and SMS s

120、trategy,you need to follow best practicesand listen to what your recipients want.Every audience is differentsomeindividuals prefer email,some SMS,and some want both.The key to buildingengagement and lasting customer relationships lies in creating acommunications strategy that reaches your recipients

121、 where and when theywant to hear from you.Getting started with email and SMS is incredibly quick and easy,no matterwhat coding language youre using.You can sign up for Twilio SendGrid for free(https:/ start sending today.Or,if you havequestions on how to get started,our sales team is here to help(ht

122、tps:/ Started with SendGridSendGrid helps you focus on your business without the cost andcomplexity of owning and maintaining an email infrastructure.And with a full-featured marketing email service that offers aflexible workflow,powerful list segmentation,and actionableanalytics,all of your email needs are met in one simple platform.See Plans and Pricing(/pricing)WE THINK YOULL LIKE THESE TOO



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