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1、GLOBAL REAL ESTATE DEI SURVEY 2022A survey of diversity,equity and incl usion practices and benchmarking metrics among commercial real estate firms gl obal l yThe Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey is the onl y corporate study of diversity,equity and incl usion(DEI)management practices and data benchmar

2、king in the commercial real estate industry.This report provides an in-depth view of DEI metrics rel ating to:DEI program structure,resources and ownership.Pol icies focused on recruitment,retention,training and devel opment,incl usivity,tracking and accountabil ity,and pay equity.Empl oyee demograp

3、hics by gender,race/ethnicity and national ity,across seniority and job function,as wel l as DEI hiring,promotion and departure trends year-over-year.The Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 represents more than 357,041 ful l-time empl oyees,$2.34 tril l ion of assets under management,and a cross sec

4、tion of the commercial real estate industry in terms of size,region and business cl assification.The Survey brings together participation from 192 unique organizations which provided 210 submissions detail ing their DEI practices in North America(81.4%of respondents),Europe(12.4%)and Asia-Pacific(6.

5、2%).Data was col l ected between Jul y 28 and October 7,2022.The final report,rel eased in December 2022,incl udes 139 pages of DEI management practices and metrics that al l ow participants to benchmark themsel ves against the industry and their peers to identify ways to run their businesses more e

6、ffectivel y,efficientl y and incl usivel y.We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to al l participating organizations for providing val uabl e information.The Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2022Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 1INTRODUCTIONLindsay Wil husen Survey Director,Ferguson Partners

7、 Meredith Doucette Vice President,Ferguson Partners Charl es Haase Chief Executive,ANREV Lonneke Lwik CEO,I NREV Zoe Hughes CEO,NAREI M Dan Dierking President,NCREI F Gail Haynes President,PREA Michael Brooks CEO,REALPAC Ron Pressman Gl obal CEO,ULI 3 Executive summary 4 Real estate firms push furth

8、er on DEI 7 Key takeaways 12 Regional characteristics 13 North America snapshot 16 Europe snapshot 19 Asia-Pacific snapshot 22 Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 Resul ts 23 Note to participants 24 Company demographics 31 DEI program structure 54 DEI initiatives/policies 101 Employee demographics A

9、sia-Pacific 108 Employee demographics Europe 115 Employee demographics North America 135 Survey participants 136 List of survey participants 140 Participating associationsContentsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 2INTRODUCTIONExecutive summaryGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 3The Gl obal Real E

10、state DEI Survey 2022 suggests commercial real estate companies are broadening and deepening their diversity,equity and incl usion programs and initiatives.Real estate firms push further on DEI Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 4EXECUTIVE SUMMARYAT A GLANCE#1DEI goal among firms is to increase the

11、 representation of senior professional s from underrepresented groups.79.2%of European firms give al l empl oyees the option to work remotel y at l east part of the week.The gl obal average is 61%.76.9%of Asia-Pacific firms have a formal DEI committee.86.3%of formal programs set qual itative and/or

12、quantitative DEI goal s.41.2%of firms train managers on anti-bias hiring.Wide reach The Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 brings together participation from 192 unique organizations which provided 210 submissions detail ing their DEI practices and empl oyee demo-graphics in North America(81.4%of r

13、espondents),Europe(12.4%)and Asia-Pacific(6.2%).Original l y started in 2017,as a suppl ement to a North America compensation survey for real estate investment managers,the Survey expanded in 2021 to incl ude Asia-Pacific and Europe,as wel l as to a cross-section of the CRE industry.The 2022 Survey

14、today represents 357,041 ful l-time empl oyees and organizations with more than$2 tril l ion of assets under management.Produced through the partnership of seven real estate industry associations representing various jurisdictions ANREV,I NREV,NAREI M,NCREI F,PREA,REALPAC and ULI and conducted by Fe

15、rguson Partners,the DEI Survey al l ows firms to benchmark internal DEI pol icies and metrics and l earn from their regional and gl obal peers.Dimensions of diversity Over the past two years,the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey has demonstrated that there is no gl obal response to DEI.DEI pol icies an

16、d initiatives are regional and gl obal concl usions are difficul t to draw from any survey resul ts.However,there are several key trends that do appl y across North America,Europe and Asia-Pacific not l east that commercial real estate(CRE)firms are broadening and deepening their DEI initiatives and

17、 programs.Whil e the mal e/femal e gender divide and racial/ethnic focus have remained chief areas for firms to tackl e,other dimensions of diversity hitherto l ower down the pecking order are gaining more attention,demonstrating a cl ear sense among the gl obal CRE community that more must be done

18、to l evel up opportunities for underrepresented groups.Data from respondent organizations shows that al l respondents DEI programs are addressing gender or gender identity,and al most al l address race,ethnicity and national ity.But when compared with 2021 data,respondents are pl acing a higher degr

19、ee of importance on other dimensions of diversity,namel y sexual orientation,age,disabil ity,rel igion,socioeconomic background,and mental heal th and neurodiversity,than before.Steps forward The mission doesnt stop here.The next 12 months wil l be at l east as chal l enging as the previous 12,espec

20、ial l y if corporate earnings take a hit as the economy is expected to sl ow down,which wil l have adverse effects on budgets.The task at hand is al ready tough enough it is not uncommon for respondents to report that the greatest obstacl e to successful DEI impl ementation is that DEI is a l ow pri

21、ority or DEI targets are not tied firml y enough to business objectives.I t is encouraging that over 95%of respondents say they are addressing DEI issues either by having a formal program or by enacting at l east some initiatives and pol icies to improve the representation of women and underrepresen

22、ted groups at their respective organizations.Among respondents that have a formal DEI program,over 85%set either qual itative or quantitative goal s,or both,and,over the next 12 months,11.1%that do not set formal goal s or objectives say they pl an to do so.Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 5EXECU

23、TIVE SUMMARYSexual orientationRace/ethnicity/nationalityGender and/or gender identity100.0%93.9%79.1%Age66.8%Physical disability(visible)57.1%Physical disability(not visible)56.1%Religion49.5%Mental health condition44.4%Veteran status*42.3%Socioeconomic background41.8%38.3%Mental or cognitive disabi

24、lity/neurodiversity*Veteran status was only asked of participants completing the survey on behalf of their North American operationsWhat dimensions of diversity are directly addressed?See Q9c chart 1 on page 36 for the full resultsThe main goal s are increasing the representa-tion of underrepresente

25、d groups at the senior l evel (72.6%)and improving empl oyee engagement(69.4%).Evidence points to firms doing more,not l ess.Respondents cite pol icies they view as most impactful to be communicating the importance of DEI to empl oyees,offering work/l ife bal ance programs and getting candidates fro

26、m underrepresented groups into hiring candidate pool s,to name a few.I n many instances,firms that do not al ready have such initiatives in pl ace pl an to have them within 12 months.The Survey suggests commercial real estate companies are tackl ing pay equity in greater numbers.I n 2021,79%of firms

27、 surveyed said they were anal yzing pay gaps based on gender or at l east pl anned to do so;this figure has risen to 85.2%in 2022.About one-third of companies that empl oy between 50 and 600 ful l-time empl oyees intend to anal yze pay gaps based on race/ethnicity/national ity and/or age within 12 m

28、onths.There are positive signs on many fronts,incl ud-ing sl ight increases in the overal l percentage of women who are ful l-time empl oyees in Asia-Pacific,Europe and North America.I n North America,there is al so sl ightl y better representa-tion of Hispanic and Asian empl oyees.Yet,there is so m

29、uch further to push and pl enty of head-room in corporate boardrooms for change.There has been a sl ight dip in Bl ack or African American representation at CRE firms in North America,with white mal es stil l commanding the l argest proportion of boardroom seats and sen-ior management positions.Gl o

30、bal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 6EXECUTIVE SUMMARY78.5%60.5%57.0%46.0%42.5%6.5%1.5%OtherImproved rating/ranking from third-party evaluationHigher employee retentionImproved decision-making/improved firm performanceGreater diversity at the senior leadership levelImproved employee engagement/productiv

31、ityGreater diversity throughout the organizationOther includes:greater employee/investor knowledge,engagement and/or awareness on DEI issuesWhat are the most important outcomes that would result from successful DEI efforts?See Q17 chart 1 on page 52 for the full resultsReal estate has been tradition

32、al l y dominated by men,especial l y when it comes to l eadership and company equity.But as time has moved forward and mission statements attest,companies are working to more cl osel y mirror the popul ation makeup at l arge in their own human capital pool s.To el evate diversity,equity and incl usi

33、on in the workpl ace,firms are undertaking a host of efforts,ranging from informing their staff of DEI goal s,putting anti-bias and other training into pl ace,tackl ing uneven pay,working to harness tal ent from underrepresented groups and more.The rich trove of data throughout the Gl obal Real Esta

34、te DEI Survey 2022 provides food for thought.Whil e progress can be seen and measured year over year,it is worth bearing in mind that change does not happen overnight.So,when data shows more women are now at CRE firms proportional l y,the change is often not seismic and one needs to dig deeper to fi

35、nd that whil e women form the majority of junior-l evel staff,the numbers thin significantl y as the rungs get higher.This suggests a step-by-step,consistent approach over the l ong term.Many takeaways are possibl e from any given chart or data point,but some sal ient themes are provided in the next

36、 section.Note that the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 brought together participation from 192 unique organizations,with submissions for North America representing 81.4%of responses,European submissions representing 12.4%of responses and submissions from Asia-Pacific representing 6.2%of response

37、s.Demonstrating intent Given the differences in cul tural understanding/perception and resource avail abil ity,cuts by region and company size are best positioned to give us a deeper understanding of these trends.At the regional l evel,the gender composition of CRE workforces has become increasingl

38、y bal anced year over year for al l regions,and,in North America,where empl oyee demographic data is col l ected on race/ethnicity,organizations have reported increased representation across al most al l non-white ethnicities.See chart on p.8 for a breakdown of gender and ethnicity in North America,

39、Europe and Asia-Pacific.Between 2021 and 2022 in North America,the gender bal ance moved in favor of more femal e representation in CRE by 3.7%increasing from 41%of the workforce being represented by women to 42.5%.I n North America,non-white ethnicities al so increased their representation year ove

40、r year by al most 8%,increasing from 29%to 31.3%in 2022.Among participants reporting for Europe,femal e representation increased by al most 4%,from 38%to 39.5%.And in Asia-Pacific,participants reported that women represented 50%of the workforce,up from 47%in 2021 a 6.4%increase year over year.Size i

41、s often a defining factor in the depth of DEI pol icy and indeed the avail abil ity of capital to invest behind it.The l arger the company by headcount and assets under management,the more l ikel y it is to have a formal DEI pol icy as opposed to l ess formal initiatives or none at al l.Gl obal Real

42、 Estate DEI Survey 2022 7EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:KEY TAKEAWAYSKey takeawaysCompanies have a choice of setting measurabl e quantitative targets and/or more qual itative goal s.Some 11.1%set onl y quantitative measurabl e goal s,a further 31.6%of companies report setting just qual itative goal s,and a great

43、er proportion 43.6%opt for a mixture of both qual itative and quantitative goal s.These numbers shoul d rise further as 11.1%of respondents that do not set DEI-rel ated goal s and objectives,say they pl an to do so in the next 12 months.What targets firms have around their DEI objectives depends on

44、priorities.On the ground,CRE firms are evol ving in their aspirations even within the short space of one year.The most popul ar measurabl e goal among companies in 2021 was hiring from underrepresented groups.I n 2022,the top aim is to achieve a higher percentage of peopl e in senior positions from

45、underrepresented groups.Over 70%of respondents have establ ished formal committees responsibl e for devel oping,impl ementing and reviewing DEI initiatives.This committee most commonl y takes the l ead in decision-making on DEI pol icies and initiatives.Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 8EXECUTIVE

46、 SUMMARY:KEY TAKEAWAYS20212022North America(81.4%of Survey responses)MenWomenMenWomenCompany overal l59.0%41.0%57.5%42.5%Hispanic or Latino5.0%4.0%5.2%4.4%White(not Hispanic or Latino)44.0%25.0%39.1%25.5%Bl ack or African American3.0%4.0%3.1%3.7%Native Hawaiian or other Pacific I sl ander0.1%0.1%Asi

47、an5.0%5.0%5.9%5.9%Aboriginal/I ndigenous/Native American1.0%0.1%0.2%Mul tiracial (two or more races)1.0%1.0%1.5%1.1%Did not discl ose/specify1.0%1.0%2.5%1.6%20212022Europe(12.4%of Survey responses)MenWomenMenWomenCompany overal l62.0%38.0%60.5%39.5%20212022Asia-Pacific(6.2%of Survey responses)MenWom

48、enMenWomenCompany overal l53.0%47.0%50.0%50.0%Distribution of responses:Gender and race/ethnicity at commercial real estate firms(2021 vs 2022)At other firms,the C-suite(excl uding the CEO and chief diversity officer)or HR makes decisions.I n the sampl e of Asia-Pacific firms,decisions are made in 3

49、0.7%of cases by the CEO,a far higher percentage than in North America(8.1%)or Europe(7.7%).Meanwhil e,some firms have empl oyed chief diversity officers to l ead decision-making.The l arger the firm,the more l ikel y it is to have a dedicated DEI empl oyee such as this,though the vast majority of fi

50、rms(74.6%)do not have any empl oyees sol el y dedicated to DEI.By the numbers Other key takeaways in this report incl ude:Over the next year firms pl an to impl ement new anti-bias measures when it comes to recruitment and hiring.A third of respon-dents intend to ensure managers receive training on

51、anti-bias hiring within 12 months.Over 20%want to review postings,appl ica-tion processes and assessments to el iminate adverse impact and bias.Nearl y one in five pl an to redact potential identifiers of race,national ity and gender.Furthermore,a fifth want to ensure peopl e from underrepre-sented

52、groups are in the candidate pool before making a hiring decision.CRE companies are tackl ing pay equal ity in greater numbers.Last years Survey showed 79%of firms were anal yzing pay gaps based on gender or pl anning to do so,but the figure has risen to 85.2%in 2022.The top tactic to retain tal ent

53、from underrepresented groups is to outl ine job requirements very cl earl y and set unambiguous expectations.Gaining feedback is a hugel y important tool.Over 80%of firms seek feedback on DEI pro-grams from their empl oyees.When it comes to how they col l ect feedback,al most hal f do so internal l

54、y.Al most a quarter use a bl end of internal and third-party providers.Onl y 12.8%say they rel y on third parties al one.Over 90%of firms either currentl y communi-cate the importance of DEI programs to al l empl oyees within the firm or pl an to do so in the next 12 months.Two-thirds al so l ike to

55、 communicate with customers,cl ients,inves-tors or suppl iers.A third make detail s of DEI programs publ icl y avail abl e.Over three-quarters of firms say the most important resul t of a successful DEI program is having greater diversity throughout the organization.They al so cite improved empl oye

56、e engagement/productivity(60.5%)and greater diversity at the senior l eadership l evel (57%).Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 9EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:KEY TAKEAWAYSWhich five DEI policies have been most impactful?See Q24 chart 1 on page 88 for the full resultsCommunicating the importance of DEI to empl

57、 oyees34.6%Offering programs that provide a work/l ife bal ance(e.g.,childcare,flexible work arrangements)33.7%Ensuring there are individual s from underrepresented groups in the candidate pool before making a hiring decision26.3%Eval uating empl oyees based on wel l-defined,pre-determined criteria(

58、j ob performance reviews)20.5%Creating schol arships/internships to increase the number of underrepresented individual s in candidate pool s18.0%Present chal l enges Companies do not operate in a vacuum,so col l ecting and comparing data is key to successful benchmarking.However,between 17%and 35%of

59、 firms surveyed say they are not l egal l y entitl ed to gather data on various diversity dimensions,incl uding socioeconomic background,rel igion,mental or cognitive disabil ities,LGBTQ+status,mental heal th conditions,physical disabil ity or refugee status.Whil e more common at l arger organizatio

60、ns,firms of al l sizes are working on l evel l ing the pay gap.Nearl y hal f of firms with fewer than 50 empl oyees are either using or pl an to use redemption strategies(e.g.,making pay adjustments),with this figure increasing to 84.7%at firms with 600 empl oyees or more.However,the l argest propor

61、tion of firms in al l regions have no pl ans to increase the l evel of transparency around compensation at their organizations.Overcoming barriers Four in every ten firms in North America say their company has barriers to achieving DEI success.This rises to 70%for Europe and Asia-Currently implement

62、edPlan to implement in the next 12 monthsNo current plans to implement5.311.1%83.6%5.913.2%80.9%11.8%22.0%66.2%21.4%18.4%60.2%19.7%25.6%54.7%24.2%27.8%48.0%17.4%36.4%46.2%44.2%21.6%34.2%38.1%28.9%33.0%Providing cultural differences trainingProviding training for leadership of diverse groupsProviding

63、 inclusive leadership trainingProviding regularly scheduledgeneralized diversity trainingProviding DEI discussion topics,information sessions and roundtablesProviding soft skills trainingProviding conscious and unconsciousbias management trainingProviding anti-harassment/anti-discrimination training

64、Communicating the importance of DEI to employeesWhich of the following is your organization doing to provide DEI-related training and development?See Q20 chart 1 on page 67 for the full resultsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 10EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:KEY TAKEAWAYSGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 11

65、Pacific.There are several reasons why DEI pol icies can fail or fal l short.Frequentl y,respondents cite DEI not being a high priority internal l y,or seeing l ittl e to no connection between DEI and business objectives.The l ack of funding and dedicated budgets for DEI programs can al so be a barri

66、er to success.Onl y 30.4%of firms report they have a dedicated budget for DEI;whil e an increase from 25%in 2021,more than hal f fund DEI initiatives from other parts of the business,such as HR,and 14.4%do not prioritize funds for DEI.How much is being earmarked differs.Smal l and mid-sized companie

67、s tend to fund DEI from non-specific budgets.At the very l argest companies with separate budgets,the average annual avail abl e spend on programs is more than$300,000.A bl ended average spend across companies of al l sizes and in al l regions is$225 per head per year.Yet progress is being made.I ns

68、titutions participating in the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 judge that the pol icy most successful in l evel l ing up DEI is communicating its importance to empl oyees.A cl ose second is offering programs that provide a work/l ife bal ance,incl uding chil dcare and flexibl e work arrangements

69、.The third most impactful initiative is ensuring they interview individual s from underrepresented groups before making a hiring decision.More work wil l be done in al l these areas,as there is al so cl earl y appetite among firms to share experiences.Over 190 unique organizations participated in th

70、e DEI Survey 2022,submitting more than 210 responses and we hope that the findings wil l be useful and il l uminating as a benchmarking tool for the industry to move forward in its path of progress towards equity.Our thanks to al l invol ved.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:KEY TAKEAWAYSGlobal Real Estate DEI Surv

71、ey 2023 To participate in the 2023 edition of the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey,pl ease contact your association or Ferguson Partners.No(14.4%)No,our DEI initiatives are funded from the budgets of other business areas(e.g.,HR budget)(55.2%)Yes(30.4%)Does your company have a dedicated DEI budget?See

72、 Q11a chart 1 on page 42Regional characteristicsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 12The Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 represents more than 357,041 full-time employees,$2.34 trillion of assets under management and a cross section of the commercial real estate industry in terms of size,region a

73、nd business classification.The Survey brings together participation from 192 unique organizations which provided 210 submissions detailing their DEI practices and employee demographics in North America(81.4%of respondents),Europe(12.4%)and Asia-Pacific(6.2%).Data was collected between July 28 and Oc

74、tober 7,2022.Because responses for the DEI Survey 2022 have come from Asia-Pacific,European and North American firms,it is possible to observe regional characteristics in the data and shed light on DEI practices among commercial real estate firms globally.It also allows for firms to not only benchma

75、rk their DEI initiatives against other firms in their operational region,but also peers in other regions by number of full-time employees and assets under management.Over the next nine pages,we provide a region-by-region bulletin of DEI practices,strategies and approaches.North American respondents

76、comprise the l argest contingent participating in the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022.A total of 171 organizations provided answers specifical l y for this region(81.4%).The average gross AUM of a respondent in North America is$16bn.With such a l arge number of firms contributing a rich col l ec

77、tion of data,it is important to note that smal l percentage changes coul d be a reflection of progress occurring at a number of organizations.Data col l ection for firms in the region tends to be more granul ar on some dimensions,especial l y around race/ethnicity,and particul ar status is given to

78、veterans.The overal l data shows a shift,al beit a smal l one,towards more women ful l-time empl oyees(FTEs)and greater representation from a wider racial/ethnicity set.From 41%l ast year,the average North American CRE firm has a workforce that is 42.5%women.The proportion of women at the board,exec

79、utive management and mid l evel s have ticked up sl ightl y,with a smal l decl ine at the junior l evel.White mal es constitute 39.1%of the average workforce at the participating CRE firms stil l by far the l argest singl e grouping,but down from 44%in 2021.Some smal l increases can be seen for Lati

80、nos or Hispanics and Asians,and a smal l decrease in Bl ack or African American professional s.The picture for interns is broadl y encouraging as North American firms make some gains on diversity.On average 43.3%of interns were women in 2022 compared to 36%in 2021.Whil e men were hired on ful l time

81、 at a sl ightl y higher rate than women,more white and Asian women interns were hired on ful l time than their mal e counterparts.Smal l er firms,that is to say those with l ess than$3bn AUM and firms with l ess than 50 FTEs,both engage women interns at higher rate than men.For the first time,the DE

82、I Survey received sufficient responses to report data on nonbinary professional s.Al most 33%of firms say they col l ect gender identity data outside of a mal e/femal e binary definition.Among interns,just 0.5%identify as nonbinary and did not discl ose their race or ethnicity.North America snapshot

83、 Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 13REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:NORTH AMERICAAT A GLANCE 30.4%of firms have the DEI team/committee l ead on decision-making.52.9%of firms address veteran status.88.1%of firms recruit underrepresented candidates by empl oyee referral/word of mouth.33.7%of firms pl an t

84、o introduce anti-bias hiring training in 2023 on top of 39.8%that al ready do.77.9%of carried interest is awarded to men compared to 22.1%for women.Some 56.1%of respondents say they have a formal DEI program up from 49%l ast year.A further 38.6%at l east have some pol icies and initiatives in pl ace

85、.Over 5%of firms do not have a DEI program,the onl y ones among the three regions surveyed.Al l North American firms directl y address gender in their DEI initiatives,and al most al l tackl e race/ethnicity/national ity at a much higher proportion than in Europe and Asia-Pacific.Firms in the region

86、al so score significantl y higher in addressing mental heal th conditions and neurodiversity.Just over hal f take into account veteran status.When it comes to measurabl e goal s,defining percentage targets of senior empl oyees from underrepresented groups and improving empl oyee engagement are the t

87、op priorities,the same as other regions.After that comes defining hiring targets for underrepresented groups and having a certain percentage of FTEs from diverse groups.Onl y 34.8%target increased diversity at the board l evel,l ower than in the other regions.Sl ightl y over 70%of respondents have a

88、 formal DEI committee,which,in this region,is most l ikel y to be the main decision-maker on DEI pol icies.Whil e onl y 29%of firms have a dedicated DEI budget,this is up sl ightl y from l ast year.For those North American firms that do have a budget,the average company spends$323,643 per year and t

89、he average spend per ful l-time empl oyee is$231.There are even fewer North American firms who have empl oyees dedicated sol el y to DEI.Onl y one in five have such empl oyees,a proportion unchanged from 2021.Firms are making significant efforts to communicate their programs to staff,cl ients and sh

90、arehol ders.However,fewer than one in three North American firms make their DEI programs publ icl y avail abl e.Focus areas As in other regions,North American firms are l ooking for certain outcomes,most of al l greater diversity across the whol e organization,but al so changing the diversity of l e

91、adership,retaining tal ent from underrepresented groups,and improving productivity.I nterestingl y,onl y 54%of firms in 2022 stated that increasing l eadership diversity was one of the most important outcomes,compared to 74%l ast year.To reach these goal s through recruiting efforts,most firms say t

92、hey are presenting the company as a representative pl ace to work,fol l owed by expanding their reach to find tal ented candidates from outside the CRE Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 14REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:NORTH AMERICATotal DEI budget in US$25th percentil eMedianAverage75th percentil eAl l

93、 respondents$60,000$150,000$311,798$336,321 North America$55,000$140,000$323,643$357,547 What is your DEI budget?See Q11b chart 1 on page 43 for the full resultsindustry and ensuring that hiring pool s incl ude individual s from underrepresented groups.Over three-quarters of participants work with p

94、rofessional associations or nonprofit organizations focused on underrepresented groups to source these candidates.A l ist of partner organizations is provided on p.6162.I n the next 12 months,a third of firms pl an to mandate managers to take anti-bias hiring training and 39.8%al ready do so.To reta

95、in staff,l ess than hal f of firms provide cl ear criteria for promotion at al l l evel s,a proportion unchanged since 2021.However,this has cl earl y been identified as a key area for improvement,as 38.9%of participants say they endeavor to impl ement this pol icy in the next 12 months.Providing me

96、ntorship or formal advocacy for diverse individual s is another area firms pl an to invest in,as is introducing training for l eadership of diverse groups.Use of mentorship has al ready increased 45.6%of firms had impl emented this step in 2022,up from 36%in 2021.On the whol e,North American firms h

97、ave room to improve on tracking rel evant data.Whil e they are most effective at col l ecting empl oyee demographics and compensation,many l ag in assessing exit interview data and feedback from empl oyees.Onl y 17%of companies do not gather feedback on pol icies from their empl oyees.Over hal f pub

98、l ish resul ts of DEI findings both internal l y and external l y.On the issue of pay equity,North American firms are behind Europe in anal yzing pay gaps based on gender and using pay adjustment strategies,but ahead in al l regions when it comes to anal yzing pay gaps based on race/ethnicity.There

99、is room for improvement in this area,as evidenced by the fact that men in North America receive carried interest and equity or equity-l ike currencies at a rate at l east three times higher than women.2022 saw an increase of 11 percentage points from 2021 on the number of North American firms that h

100、ave begun anal yzing pay gaps based on gender,from 58%to 69%,though this is bal anced by a drop in the number of firms pl anning to do so in the next 12 months from 23%to 16%.Firms judge the most impactful pol icy as communicating the importance of DEI to empl oyees,fol l owed by offering work/l ife

101、 bal ance programs such as chil dcare and flexibl e work arrangements.These are l argel y unchanged from 2021,though the number of firms that rated ensuring there are individual s from underrepresented groups in the candidate pool before making a hiring decision as impactful fel l from 34%to 29%in 2

102、022.Just under 60%of firms said they al l ow al l staff the option to work remotel y at l east part of the week.Onl y 9.1%said no empl oyees had this possibil ity,as they have been impl emented too recentl y.As for obstacl es to DEI success,firms in North America do not have the same l egal restrict

103、ions in col l ecting demographic data present in other regions.I nstead,the main barriers are that DEI measures have l ow priority versus other business goal s and not seeing the connection between DEI measures and business goal s.For dat a on Nor t h Amer i can demogr aphi cs,see p.115 Gl obal Real

104、 Estate DEI Survey 2022 15REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:NORTH AMERICAGreater diversity throughout the organizationI mproved empl oyee engagement/productivityGreater diversity at the senior l eadership l evelI mproved decision-making/improved firm performanceHigher empl oyee retentionI mproved rating/rank

105、ing from third party eval uationOtherAl l respondents78.5%60.5%57.0%46.0%42.5%6.5%1.5%North America78.4%61.7%53.7%48.1%43.8%5.6%1.9%What are the most important outcomes that would result from successful DEI efforts?See Q17 chart 2 on page 53 for the full resultsOf the 192 unique organizations that p

106、articipated in the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022,26 organizations provided answers specifical l y for this region(12.4%).The average gross AUM of a respondent in Europe is$28.7bn.European firms are showing signs of increased sophistication on DEI matters,especial l y broadening initiatives aim

107、ed at increasing the representation of underrepresented groups at the top l evel s,l inking metrics such as compensation to outcomes,l evel l ing pay disparities and facil itating incl usiveness.Pl ease note that this data represents a rel ativel y smal l sampl e size and contains submissions from l

108、 arge international organizations.I n order to retain and reward tal ent from underrepresented groups,100%of respondents say they offer work/l ife bal ance programs,though such programs are general l y required by government pol icy.These programs may incl ude chil dcare and flexibl e work arrangeme

109、nts.On average 94.5%of real estate empl oyees at European firms have the option to work remotel y for at l east part of the week,the highest of any region and beating the gl obal average of 77.6%.The main DEI training and devel opment initiative European firms provide is communicating the importance

110、 of DEI to empl oyees.Over 92%of firms al ready do this,and the remainder pl an to do so in the next 12 months.Firms in this region are more l ikel y to provide more soft skil l s training than their North American counterparts.The main area of opportunity European firms have identified,however,is i

111、n providing incl usive l eadership training.Whil e onl y 33.3%of firms currentl y provide this training,54.2%pl an to impl ement it in the next year.When it comes to incl usive practices,where the average European firm scores particul arl y highl y is promoting empl oyee social events,al l owing par

112、ental l eave beyond l egal requirements,providing external mental heal th/famil y support,and cel ebrating days such as Pride Month,Bl ack History Month and I nternational Womens Day.Europe snapshot Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 16REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:EUROPEAT A GLANCE 100%of firms offer w

113、ork/l ife bal ance programs to retain more empl oyees from underrepresented groups.24.1%of firms say l egal restrictions around col l ecting demographic data are a barrier to the success of DEI pol icies.15.8%of the board room seats are occupied by women.79.2%say the top strategy to broaden hiring i

114、s flexibil ity on educational and experience prerequisites.88.9%of firms have a measurabl e target to get more diversity within senior-l evel positions.Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 17Tracking DEI data is occurring for many key aspects such as gathering empl oyee feedback on DEI practices,exit

115、 interview data and empl oyee data to compl y with regul atory requirements.European respondents show particul ar initiative in l inking compensation to DEI outcomes.On average over 45%of firms impl ement this practice,with another 29.2%pl anning to do so in the next year.This occurring at a far hig

116、her rate than at North America and Asia-Pacific firms.What European firms are doing in a greater proportion to other regions is working on pay equity,as required by some jurisdictions.More firms on average say they are anal yzing pay gaps based on gender and working to increase the l evel of pay tra

117、nsparency than in other regions.Firms al so regard this aspect as one of their most impactful strategies they have currentl y impl emented to improve DEI.Buil ding on a strong foundation Al l European respondents say they either have a formal DEI program(50%)or enact some initiatives and pol icies t

118、o improve DEI at their company(50%).European firms are no different to the other regions in terms of which diversity dimensions they prioritize.After gender or gender identity(100%),it is race/ethnicity/national ity and sexual orientation(80.8%each).A higher percentage of firms in the region address

119、 age,disabil ities both physical and non-visibl e,and socioeconomic background than those in other regions.Over 15%al so address refugee status.On average al most seven in ten European firms set both quantitative and qual itative goal s.The remainder is evenl y spl it between having onl y qual itati

120、ve goal s and not currentl y setting formal goal s,but intending to do so in the next 12 months.There is a big push in the region to meet targets for underrepresented groups in senior-l evel positions.On average al most 90%of European firms say this is their main priority when it comes to measurabl

121、e goal s,the highest of any region.The next most important goal is to get empl oyees on board by improving empl oyee engagement on DEI initiatives,which is a key measure as DEI programs are onl y as good as the buy in from al l members of the firm.To achieve their DEI goal s,34.6%have created dedica

122、ted DEI budgets,which is sl ightl y above the gl obal average of 30.4%.A further 57.7%use budgets from other business areas,whil e a smal l percentage does not budget for DEI initiatives.Firms approach decision-making in different ways.At the gl obal l evel,the DEI team or committee usual l y takes

123、the l ead,fol l owed by REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:EUROPEDefined target percentage of senior-l evel empl oyees from underrepresented groupsAl l respondents72.6%RegionAsia-Pacific71.4%Europe88.9%North America69.6%I f your organization sets quantitative/measurable goals,which have you put in place?See Q

124、10b chart 2 on page 41 for the full resultsthe C-suite.I n Europe,al most a quarter of respondent firms put decisions in the hands of the board of directors.The second choice is the C-suite,fol l owed equal l y by HR or a senior-l evel DEI empl oyee,which coul d be a chief diversity officer.Onl y 3.

125、8%have the DEI team and the C-suite working together to direct the DEI program.Al though Europe on average l eads on many DEI measures,more than 65%of firms do not have any empl oyees dedicated to DEI within the organization.However,firms that do have dedicated empl oyees for the most part el evate

126、them to the executive management or senior l evel at the highest rate out of the three regions.They al so report the l owest engagement with external consul tants for hel p impl ementing part or al l of the DEI program.One of the ways firms can find tal ented empl oyees from underrepresented groups

127、is to broaden their nets beyond traditional avenues of recruitment such as prestigious universities or investment banking programs.Al most eight in ten European respondents are using this strategy,primaril y by being flexibl e on educational and experience prerequisites and by creating schol arships

128、/internships to increase the underrepresented in candidate pool s.Once hired,keeping diverse tal ent can be a chal l enge.I n addition to work/l ife bal ance programs,which al l European respondents offer,firms say they are improving the cl arity of job performance reviews and putting in pl ace anti

129、-discrimination pol icies.Areas of improvement within the next 12 months incl ude tying managers performance to diversity retention,having cl ear criteria for promotion at al l l evel s of the firm,putting peopl e from underrepresented groups into succession management pathways,and being transparent

130、 when it comes to promotion decision-making.Europe is the region with the l owest average proportion of women in CRE,at 39.5%overal l.Whil e women comprise 57.2%of junior staff,the number fal l s to 12.9%at the executive management l evel.Onl y 12.1%of senior-l evel promotions were of women.For dat

131、a on Eur opean demogr aphi cs,see p.108Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 18REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:EUROPEWhich of the following is your organization doing to provide DEI-related training and development?See Q20 chart 2 on page 68 for the full results Currentl y impl ementedPl an to impl ement in

132、the next 12 monthsNo current pl ans to impl ementCommunicating the importance of DEI to empl oyees92.3%7.7%Providing anti-harassment/anti-discrimination training73.1%15.4%11.5%Providing conscious and unconscious bias management training73.1%26.9%Providing soft skil l s training91.6%4.2%4.2%Of the 19

133、2 unique organizations that participated in the Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022,13 organizations provided answers specifical l y for this region(6.2%).The average gross AUM of a respondent investment firm in Asia-Pacific is$8.8bn.Asia-Pacific firms are rising to the chal l enge in several aspect

134、s of DEI.A majority(61.5%)of Asia-Pacific respondents say they have either establ ished a formal DEI program or enacted some initiatives and pol icies(38.5%).When reviewing this section,pl ease keep in mind the smal l sampl e size and presence of very l arge,international organizations providing dat

135、a for this region.Like their European and North American coun-terparts,the dimensions of diversity most l ikel y to be addressed at Asia-Pacific firms are gender(100%),race/ethnicity/national ity(76.9%),sexual orientation(69.2%),age(61.5%)and physical disabil ity(53.8%).Firms in the region are l ess

136、 focused on rel igion and socio-economic background.The high rate of establ ishment of formal pl ans goes hand in hand with the high rate of goal setting at firms 87.5%report that they set both quantitative and qual itative goal s,whil e the remainder sets onl y qual itative goal s.The areas of high

137、est priority are increasing the representation senior-l evel empl oyees from diverse groups,improving empl oyment engagement and defining hiring targets for underrepresented groups.This is the same order as in other regions.The trend in Asia-Pacific appears to be moving towards creating specific DEI

138、 budgets for firms that have formal ized DEI programs.Some 38.5%of Asia-Pacific respondents have that now up from 22%in 2021.Al though a greater proportion of firms fund DEI initiatives from other budgets such as human resources,this figure is reducing in favor of a ringfenced one.Decision-making is

139、 l ed primaril y by DEI committees,HR and senior-l evel empl oyees.However,al most a third of CEOs make decisions on DEI.To run a DEI program successful l y requires having peopl e committed to the goal.Some Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 19REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:ASIA-PACIFICAT A GLANCE 38.5%

140、of firms col l ect gender identity data outside the binary mal e/femal e definition.27.4%of men who l eft their firms j oined or started a competing firm.50.3%of mid-l evel professional s promoted l ast year were women.Women onl y comprised 37.5%of those hired at this l evel.42.8%of the board of dir

141、ectors is composed of men over 60 years ol d.81.8%of firms recruit interns directl y from col l ege/university campuses.Asia-Pacific snapshot firms empl oy peopl e to work sol el y on DEI matters,often the l argest organizations with the biggest budgets.I n 2021,33%of firms said they did so.However,

142、in 2022 the figure is 61.5%.Al l participating firms in the region are communicating their programs to their entire empl oyee base,and three-quarters al so make this information avail abl e to the publ ic.Success measures Defining success is an important part of running an effective DEI program.For

143、the average Asia-Pacific CRE respondent,the most important outcomes are twofol d:having more peopl e from underrepresented groups in senior positions and gaining diversity throughout the entire organization.Where on average al most seven out of 10 empl oyees at the junior l evel are women,the propor

144、tion fal l s to 47.5%at the mid l evel and 24.6%among executive management.When it comes to attracting tal ent from diverse groups,91.7%of respondents say they create schol arships and internships to increase the pool of candidates from underrepresented groups and most firms recruit interns directl

145、y from col l eges and universities.Al so significantl y,Asia-Pacific firms are now using third parties to hel p them,whereas l ast year that was hardl y the case at al l.Firms are adopting a number of strategies to recruit potential empl oyees from underrepresented groups.Exampl es incl ude presenti

146、ng the company as a representative workpl ace to potential empl oyees,ensuring diversity is represented in candidate pool s,reaching outside the CRE industry to increase the pool of diversity,and redacting potential identifiers of race,national ity and gender from resumes and appl ications to reduce

147、 unconscious bias.The average Asia-Pacific CRE firm agrees with North American firms as to what pol icies have been most impactful.However,where they differ is in providing DEI discussions topics/information sessions,judged to be the fifth most impactful initiative by 23.1%of firms compared to just

148、12.5%and 15.5%in Europe and North America,respectivel y.Anal yzing empl oyee feedback,and acting upon it when appropriate,is al so far more common practice.On average,over 90%of Asia-Pacific firms col l ect empl oyee feedback.Two-thirds do this by gathering it directl y from empl oyees internal l y,

149、20%more than other regions.A higher percentage of firms in the region al so Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 20REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:ASIA-PACIFICWe have a formal DEI program in pl ace at our companyWe do not have a formal DEI program,but we enact some DEI initiatives and/or pol icies to improv

150、e DEI at our companyWe do not have a DEI programAl l respondents53.6%41.7%4.7%RegionAsia-Pacific61.5%38.5%Europe50.0%50.0%North America56.1%38.6%5.3%How does your company address DEI?See Q9a chart 2 on page 33 for the full resultsactivel y col l ect empl oyee demographic data and periodical l y revi

151、ew inputs.Training is common practice with eight out of 10 firms on average communicating the impor-tance of DEI pol icies to staff,and providing anti-harassment and discrimination courses,as wel l as soft skil l s training.There are training areas where participants are l ooking to improve over the

152、 next 12 months:roughl y a quarter of Asia-Pacific firms on average say they intend to introduce DEI discussion topics and round-tabl es and incl usive l eadership training.Some 30.8%said they pl anned to bring in regul ar schedul ed diversity training.Once through the door,firms must work mindful l

153、 y to keep and promote more individual s from underrepresented groups.On average,a very high percentage of firms set cl ear expectations,offer work/l ife bal ance initiatives,have anti-discrimination pol icies,eval uate empl oyees based on pre-determined criteria,and provide DEI-rel ated training.Wh

154、en it comes to the pol icy of pay equal ity,66.7%of respondents anal yze the rel evant data,and a further 8%say they wil l do so within 12 months.The same proportion is currentl y using redemption strategies,such as making pay adjustments.However,working to increase pay transparency l evel s is l es

155、s popul ar,with onl y 16.7%of companies on average doing so at present.Last year,just 8%said they were trying to col l ect gender identity of empl oyees who identify as nonbinary.This year the proportion has risen to al most 25%.Overal l,there is an equal number of men and women at the average firm

156、in the Asia-Pacific CRE industry,but the proportion fal l s from 67.4%of women at the junior l evel to 23.9%at the board of directors.The option to work from home is the l owest among al l regions.16.7%of firms do not offer this flexibil ity,and l ess than hal f of firms offer this option to al l em

157、pl oyees.For det ai l s on Asi a-Paci fic demogr aphi cs,see p.101 Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 21REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS:ASIA-PACIFICCurrentl y impl ementedPl an to impl ement in the next 12 monthsNo current pl ans to impl ementPresenting your company as a representative workpl ace to poten

158、tial empl oyees91.7%8.3%Broadening or being flexibl e on educational and experience requirements for new hires83.3%16.7%Ensuring there are individual s from underrepresented groups in the candidate pool before making a hiring decision91.7%8.3%Reaching outside the CRE industry to increase your pool o

159、f candidates from underrepresented groups75.0%25.0%Creating schol arships/internships to increase the number of underrepresented individual s in candidate pool s91.7%8.3%Which of the following is your organization doing to recruit or hire more individuals from underrepresented groups?See Q18 chart 2

160、 on page 56 for the full results With more than 200 Survey submissions reporting for the Asia-Pacific,European and North American regions,across different types of commercial real estate organizations,the scal e of data on DEI practices and empl oyee demographics is unprecedented.To aid anal ysis an

161、d review,the participating associations and Ferguson Partners have created an accompanying Excel document al l owing DEI Survey 2022 participants access to the ful l data set for sel ect questions.As can be seen from the report,DEI demographic and practice resul ts have been broken down by the fol l

162、 owing categories:Gender:Mal e/Femal e/Nonbinary Region:Asia-Pacific,Europe and North America Race/ethnicity:Onl y sufficient data was col l ected for North America,categories for which incl uded:Hispanic or Latino;Bl ack or African American;White;Native Hawaiian or other Pacific I sl ander;Asian;Ab

163、original/I ndigenous/Native American;mul tiracial (two or more races);and individual s who did not discl ose or specify a race/ethnicity.By seniority:Company overal l;board of directors;executive management;senior-l evel professional s;mid-l evel professional s;junior-l evel professional s Size of f

164、irm,gl obal ful l-time empl oyees(FTEs):Less than 50 FTEs;50149 FTEs;150599 FTEs;600 FTEs and greater Size of firm,AUM:Less than$3bn AUM;$3bn$9.9bn AUM;$10bn$29.9bn AUM;$30bn AUM and greater Type of business/business category:Al l companies;REI Ts/REOCs;REPE/REI M firms.Throughout the report,key acr

165、onyms wil l be used incl uding:AUM:Assets under management CRE:Commercial real estate DEI:Diversity,equity&incl usion FTE:Ful l-time empl oyees POC:Peopl e of col or REIM:Real estate investment management REIT:Real estate investment trust REOC:Real estate operating company REPE:Real estate private e

166、quity Note to participantsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 23SURVEY NOTESCurrencyConversionCAD to USD0.787737EUR to USD1.140899GBP to USD1.326432Other notes:Underrepresented group is a subset(s)of the empl oyee popul ation with a smal l er percentage than the overal l empl oyee popul ation.Chart

167、numbers correl ate to the DEI Survey questionnaire.Where more than one chart has been created from one question,we have l abel ed them chart 1,chart 2,etc.At l east five(5)companies must provide a response for any given data point in order to provide meaningful resul ts.is shown in instances where t

168、he resul t is 0.0%.I SD is shown in circumstances where there is insufficient data on which to report(i.e.,fewer than five observations).Al l spel l ings are US Engl ish.Al l data is displ ayed in USD.Pl ease note that the fol l owing conversion rates are used in this report.Currency conversions use

169、d are based on the average conversion rate over a two-year period(104 weeks).Company demographicsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 24CONTENTS This section outlines various company demographic metrics.Specific analyses include:Company ownership,classification,operations by region,FTEs and AUM Remot

170、e working policies Note:The Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 received 210 distinct submissions on behalf of 192 unique organizations.Asia-Pacific received 13 submissions to comprise 6.2%of responses,Europe received 26 responses to comprise 12.4%of responses,and North America received 171 responses

171、 to comprise 81.4%of responses.DEI program structureGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 31CONTENTS This section outlines metrics related to DEI program structure.Specific analyses include:Use of DEI program/initiatives,by region and globally Dimensions of diversity DEI program goals and objectives D

172、EI budgets,committees and decision-making DEI staffing and resources,by seniority and use of consultants DEI communications,results publication and employee feedback practices Note:The Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 received 210 distinct submissions on behalf of 192 unique organizations.Asia-Pac

173、ific received 13 submissions to comprise 6.2%of responses,Europe received 26 responses to comprise 12.4%of responses,and North America received 171 responses to comprise 81.4%of responses.DEI initiatives/policiesGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 54CONTENTS This section outlines details regarding s

174、pecific DEI initiatives/policies.Specific analyses include:Recruitment practices Retention practices Training and development practices Inclusive culture practices Tracking and accountability and data collection practices Pay equity Most successful initiatives Impact of and obstacles to initiatives/

175、policies Note:The Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 received 210 distinct submissions on behalf of 192 unique organizations.Asia-Pacific received 13 submissions to comprise 6.2%of responses,Europe received 26 responses to comprise 12.4%of responses,and North America received 171 responses to compri

176、se 81.4%of responses.Employee demographics Asia-PacificGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 101CONTENTS This section outlines various employee demographic metrics for Asia-Pacific.Specific analyses include:Demographic data collection Demographics by region Demographics by gender&seniority Demographic

177、s by age,gender identity&seniority Hires,promotions&departures Intern demographics Note:Responses in this section are based on the survey participants who completed the survey on behalf of Asia-Pacific(6.2%).The nonbinary/nonconfirming category has been removed throughout the demographics section,as

178、 we did not receive enough data to report on it.Employee demographics EuropeGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 108CONTENTS This section outlines various employee demographic metrics for Europe.Specific analyses include:Demographic data collection Demographics by region Demographics by gender&senior

179、ity Demographics by age,gender identity&seniority Hires,promotions&departures Intern demographics Note:Responses in this section are based on the survey participants who completed the survey on behalf of Europe(12.4%).The nonbinary/nonconfirming category has been removed throughout the demographics

180、section,as we did not receive enough data to report on it.Employee demographics North AmericaGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 115CONTENTS This section outlines various employee demographic metrics for North America.Specific analyses include:Demographic data collection Demographics by region&age G

181、ender&race/ethnicity demographics by seniority Real estate function demographics by gender Real estate function demographics by race/ethnicity Hires,promotions&departures by gender&race/ethnicity Reasons for departure Carried interest and equity/equity-like currencies allocation by gender&race/ethni

182、city Intern demographics Note:Responses in this section are based on the survey participants who completed the survey on behalf of North America(81.4%).The nonbinary category has only been included where there was sufficient data to report on it.Survey participantsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022

183、 1358G Capital Partners AEW Capital Management Alberta Investment Management Corporation Altis IM Ardian Delancey DWS Generali Real Estate SGR HB Reavis Henderson Park Hines Ivanho Cambridge JPMorgan Asset Management LaSalle Investment Management M7 Real Estate Madison International Realty Niam Nuve

184、en Real Estate PAREF Group Patrizia SE PGIM Real Estate Savills Investment Management Swiss Life Asset Managers Tishman Speyer Tristan Capital Partners Van Lanschot Kempen AEW Capital Management ARA Asset Management(Fortune)CBRE Investment Management City Developments Limited Hang Lung Properties Hi

185、nes Ivanho Cambridge JPMorgan Asset Management LaSalle Investment Management Mirvac NEO Property Management PGIM Real Estate Phoenix Property Investors List of survey participantsGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 136SURVEY PARTICIPANTSAsia-PacificEuropeAccord Group Holdings AEW Capital Management

186、Alberta Investment Management Corporation Alliance Global Advisors Alter Domus American Landmark Apartments Angelo Gordon ArrowMark Partners Artemis Real Estate Partners Artis REIT Asana Partners ASB Real Estate Investments Ascentris AvalonBay Communities Barings Basis Investment Group Beach Point C

187、apital Management Beacon Capital Partners Belay Investment Group BentallGreenOak Berkadia Commercial Mortgage Berkshire Residential Investments Blue Moon Capital Partners Blue Vista Capital Management Boardwalk REIT Boston Properties Brasa Capital Management Bridge Investment Group Holdings Brookfie

188、ld Properties Buzz Oates Cabot Properties Cadillac Fairview Callan CallisonRTKL Calmwater Capital Camber Creek Canada Post Pension Plan Canadian Urban Limited Cannon Hill Capital Partners CapitaLand International Carmel Partners CARROLL CBRE Investment Management Cerberus Chartwell Retirement Reside

189、nces Chatham Financial CIM Group Citymark Capital Clarion Partners CMLS Financial Columbia Property Trust Cominar CommonWealth Partners Cortland Covenant Capital Group CP Group Crestpoint Real Estate Investments Crombie REIT Crow Holdings Capital CT REIT Design Workshop DivcoWest Dorsay Development

190、Dream Unlimited DWS Eastdil Secured Elion Partners Epic Investment Services Limited Partnership EQT Exeter Everwest Real Estate Investors Fairfield Residential FCP List of survey participants continuedGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 137SURVEY PARTICIPANTSNorth AmericaIvanho Cambridge JPMorgan As

191、set Management Jamestown JLL Kayne Anderson Real Estate King Street Capital Management KKR&Co KSL Capital Partners L&B Realty Advisors LaSalle Investment Management LBA Realty LEM Capital Lendlease Long Wharf Capital Madison International Realty Madison Marquette Manulife Investment Management Meado

192、w Partners Meketa Investment Group Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing Mosser Capital MultiGreen Properties National Real Estate Advisors New York Life Noble Investment Group Northwestern Mutual Real Estate Nuveen Real Estate ONE Properties OPTrust PCCP Penwood Real Estate Investment Management PGI

193、M Real Estate Piedmont Office Realty Trust Prima Capital Advisors Prime Finance Principal Real Estate Investors Proprium Capital Partners Pure Industrial QuadReal Property Group RCLCO RealFoundations Realterm US Rethink Healthcare Real Estate Rialto Management Group Rockpoint Group Shorenstein Realt

194、y Services Skidmore Owings&Merrill SmartCentres REIT List of survey participants continuedGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 138Fengate Asset Management Fifth Wall First National Financial GP Foster Garvey Gaw Capital Partners GEM Realty Capital GID Investment Advisers Graceada Partners Griffis Res

195、idential Grosvenor GWLRA Harbert Management Corporation Harrison Street Real Estate Capital Hazelview Investments Heitman Hines Hodes Weill&Associates HOOPP|Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Hopewell Development Hudson Pacific Properties IDS Real Estate Group Infrastructure Ontario Intercontinental

196、 Real Estate Corporation Invesco Real Estate SURVEY PARTICIPANTSNorth America continuedThe Shopping Center Group/Hart Realty Advisers Tishman Speyer Torchlight Investors Transwestern Investment Group Tricon Residential Triovest Unico Properties USAA Real Estate Veritas Investments Virginia Retiremen

197、t System Virtus Real Estate Capital Wafra Walton Street Capital Waterton Wheelock Street Capital White Oak Partners ZellerGl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 139SURVEY PARTICIPANTSList of survey participants continuedSmithGroup SoLa Impact Starlight Investments StepStone Group Real Estate Stockbridg

198、e Capital Group TA Realty The Davis Companies The Green Cities Company The Menkiti Group The Minto Group North America continuedI NREV,the European Association for I nvestors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicl es,was l aunched in May 2003 as a forum for institutional investors and other participants i

199、n the growing non-l isted real estate vehicl es sector.I NREV has 500 members which incl ude 118 of the l argest institutional investors as wel l as 40 of the 50 l argest real estate fund managers,pl us banks and advisors across Europe and el sewhere.The non-profit association is focused on increasi

200、ng the transparency and accessibil ity of non-l isted vehicl es,promoting professional ism and best practice,and sharing knowl edge.I t is based in Amsterdam,the Netherl ands.NAREI M NAREI M is the industry association dedicated to the business and organizational strategy of real estate investment m

201、anagement.Founded in 1990,NAREI M today represents real estate investment management firms with combined assets under management of more than$2 tril l ion.For 30 years,NAREI M has been the home of real estate investment management benchmarking and best practice education,where investment managers ca

202、ndidl y share intel l igence and l earn through peer-to-peer workshops how to drive process and strategy,and how others in the industry are innovating their businesses,their departments and individual rol es and strategies.ANREV is the Asian Association for I nvestors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehic

203、l es.We are a not-for-profit organization with a membership base of over 200 corporate firms.We are the l eading pl atform for investors in the Asia-Pacific non-l isted real estate industry,with the goal of improving transparency and best practice across the region.Our agenda is driven by our member

204、s,who contribute directl y to our data and research hel p to grow the qual ity and quantity of information avail abl e across the market.This ensures investors have the tool s to make informed decisions for their Asia-Pacific real estate portfol ios.As a gl obal tal ent management boutique serving a

205、l l industries and with a strong concentration of real estate,real assets,heal thcare,hospital ity,and private equity cl ients,Ferguson Partners orchestrates the essential discipl ines impacting human capital executive and board recruitment,compensation consul ting,diversity,equity&incl usion,l eade

206、rship consul ting and management consul ting to del iver trustworthy sol utions that hel p cl ients capital ize on the advantages of great l eadership.Our boutique firm has el even offices worl dwide dedicated to understanding your businesss unique needs and advancing its success.Gl obal Real Estate

207、 DEI Survey 2022 140PARTICIPATING ASSOCIATIONSFounded in 1970,REALPAC is the national l eadership association dedicated to advancing the l ong-term vital ity of Canadas real property sector.Our members incl ude publ icl y traded real estate companies,real estate investment trusts(REI Ts),pension fun

208、ds,private companies,fund managers,asset managers,devel opers,government real estate agencies,l enders,investment deal ers,brokerages,consul tants/data providers,l arge general contractors,and international members.Our members represent al l asset cl asses in Canada office,retail,industrial,apartmen

209、t,hotel,seniors residential from coast,to coast,to coast.Visit us at real pac.ca.TheUrban Land I nstituteis a nonprofit education and research institute supported by its members.I ts mission is to shape the future of the buil t environment for transformative impact in communities worl dwide.Establ i

210、shed in 1936,the institute has more than 45,000 members worl dwide representing al l aspects of l and use and devel opment discipl ines.For more information on ULI,pl ease visitul i.orgor fol l ow us onTwitter,Facebook,LinkedI n,andI nstagram.NCREI F is an association that serves the institutional r

211、eal estate investment community to improve private real estate investment industry knowl edge by providing transparent and consistent data,performance measurement,anal ytics,standards and education.Our members incl ude investment managers,investors,consul tants,appraisers,academics,researchers and o

212、ther professional s in the real estate investment management industry who have a significant invol vement in pension fund real estate investments.They come together to contribute to NCREI F quarterl y performance data on their properties and funds,and al so to address vital industry issues and promo

213、te research on the asset cl ass.Founded in 1979,the Pension Real Estate Association(PREA)is a non-profit trade association for the gl obal institutional real estate investment industry.PREA currentl y l ists over 700 corporate member firms across the United States,Canada,Europe and Asia.Our members

214、incl ude publ ic and corporate pension funds,endowments,foundations,sovereign weal th funds,Taft-Hartl ey funds,insurance companies,investment advisory firms,REI Ts,devel opers,real estate operating companies and industry service providers.PREAs mission is to serve its members engaged in institution

215、al real estate investment through the sponsorship of objective forums for education,research initiatives,membership interaction and the exchange of information.Gl obal Real Estate DEI Survey 2022 141PARTICIPATING ASSOCIATIONSANREV 1701,17/F,Kinwick Centre 32 Hol l ywood Road Central HONG KONG anrev.

216、orgFerguson Partners 123 North Wacker Drive Suite 2500 Chicago,I L 60606 UNI TED STATES I NREV I to Tower,8th floor Gustav Mahl erpl ein 62 1082 MA Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS inrev.orgNAREI M 99 Wal l Street,Suite 1340 New York,NY 10005 UNI TED STATES nareim.orgNCREI F 200 E.Randol ph St,Suite 5135 C

217、hicago,I L 60601 UNI TED STATES ncreif.orgPREA 100 Pearl Street 13th Fl oor Hartford,CT 06103 UNI TED STATES prea.orgREALPAC 77 King St W,TD North Tower Suite 4030,PO Box 147 Toronto,ON M5K 1H1 CANADA real pac.caUrban Land I nstitute 2001 L Street,NW Suite 200 Washington,DC 20036 UNI TED STATES ul i.org



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