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红帽(Red Hat):2022年企业开源状况报告(英文版)(16页).pdf

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红帽(Red Hat):2022年企业开源状况报告(英文版)(16页).pdf

1、2022The State of Enterprise Open Source 2After two years of working through the pandemic,organizations around the world are settling into new ways of operating.COVID-19 forced companies to figure out how to work remotely.They had to learn how to meet immediate customer needs,while adding the agility

2、 to adapt to a still-unknown future.However,this way of working is something that open source communities have been doing for more than 25 years.These communities,as well as the companies that participate in them,had a head start on distributed collaboration.The open source solutions built from this

3、 innovation are now being looked to as the blueprint for other entities.What we found as we embarked on our fourth annual“The State of Enterprise Open Source:A Red Hat Report is that not only is the open source development model showing no signs of slowing down,it has actually accelerated during the

4、 pandemic.As proof points,we see more companies bringing products to market based on open source projects while communities like Operate First,Fedora,and Kubernetes are thriving.The report,which explores why enterprise leaders are choosing the open source development model and technologies built wit

5、h this model,found that 92%of IT leaders surveyed feel enterprise open source solutions are important to addressing their COVID-related challenges.*This is not surprising to me,considering the moves I saw many businesses make towards the open hybrid cloud even before the pandemic.Whether an intentio

6、nal architecture choice or a result of rapid market changes,cloud computing and always-on services built using the open source development model and open source code are increasingly crucial to nearly every organization regardless of industry.The open hybrid cloud enables innovation,providing the fr

7、amework that brings together applications running on premise whether because of legacy or by design,with the best of any cloud provider(private or public)all based on open source.This trait is also reflected within the report,as outside of the pandemic challenges we saw 95%of respondents say that en

8、terprise open source is important to their organizations overall enterprise infrastructure.*Why?Its because of the innovation and agility the model makes possible.Some technology persists for decades if not longer,and the decisions IT leaders are making today will impact their organizations nimblene

9、ss and market response down the road,whether its in two years or 20.As new infrastructure is being built out,you cant leave behind existing systems and tools.You need products and services that work with them.Thats the value of open source.As we said in the very first report:“The question is no long

10、er whether your enterprise should adopt open technologies;the question is whenand how.”Theres so much to digest in this report,but what I hope you will take away is that while the open source development model may have started in the playground of developers,hackers and visionaries decades ago,weve

11、moved far past that.Its now a mainstream part of commercial software development and the engine for consistent innovationfrom the server room to public clouds to the edge and beyond.Paul CormierPresident and CEO,Red Hat How important were enterprise open source solutions in addressing COVID-related

12、challenges?How important is enterprise open source to your organizations overall enterprise infrastructure software strategy?*APAC=95%,EMEA=94%,LATAM=94%,U.S.=89%*APAC=95%,EMEA=96%,LATAM=95%,U.S.=94%The State of Enterprise Open Source 3Commentary throughout the report is written by Gordon Haff,a tec

13、hnology advocate at Red Hat.Gordon writes about technology,trends,and their business impact.He is a frequent speaker at customer and industry events.He has authored books including How Open Source Ate Software and From Pots and Vats to Programs and Apps.About this reportRespondents were unaware that

14、 Red Hat was the sponsor of this survey.Respondents had to influence purchase decisions within their organization in app development,app infrastructure,cloud,storage,middleware,server OS,or virtualization.Respondents had to be familiar with enterprise open source,and have at least 1%Linux installed

15、at their organizations.EMEA includes the United Kingdom,Germany,and the United Arab Emirates.English-speaking APAC includes Australia,New Zealand,Hong Kong,and Singapore.LATAM includes Argentina,Brazil,Chile,Colombia,Mexico,and Peru.Research conducted in 2021.00398Total interviews were co

16、nducted with IT leaders worldwideCompleted submissions from English-speaking Asia Pacific(APAC)Completed submissions from Europe,the Middle East,and Africa(EMEA)Completed submissions from Latin America(LATAM)Completed submissions from the United States(U.S.)The State of Enterprise Open Source 4Why v

17、endor contribution to open source mattersLast year,for the first time in this annual survey,we asked IT leaders if they cared whether their vendors contributed to open source projects.We were not sure what the result would be.However,we suspected responses would be somewhere between indifference and

18、 mildly positive.We were wrong.In fact,our respondents were overwhelmingly more likely to select vendors who contributed to open source communities.This year,we asked the question again.Again,the positive response was overwhelming,with a total of 82%almost evenly split between saying they were“much

19、more likely”and“somewhat more likely”to select a contributing vendor.While Red Hat understands the many benefits our customers(and more broadly,the open source community)gain when we and others contribute to upstream communities,we also wondered why the IT leaders we surveyed cared.So we asked them.

20、Responses were roughly evenly split among the choices provided.Most reflected how full participation in the open source development model by default allows a vendor to build expertise and to otherwise influence development roadmaps in ways that benefit users directly.At the same time,we were pleased

21、 to see that one top response identified the value of contribution as helping“sustain healthy open source communities.”Sustainability is perhaps a subtler point than the first-order benefits.It is gratifying to see that so many respondents appreciate the importance of healthy open source projects.of

22、 IT leaders are more likely to select a vendor who contributes to the open source community.(APAC=77%,EMEA=82%,LATAM=83%,U.S.=82%)82%When deciding on a software vendor,what impact does knowing that they contribute to the open source community have on your decision?The State of Enterprise Open Source

23、 5Top reasons why enterprise open source vendors are preferred APAC EMEA LATAM U.S.Familiar with open source processes51%Help sustain healthy communities49%Effective if I face technical challenges45%Influence the development of features that we need43%Help sustain healthy communities49%Influence the

24、 development of features that we need49%Effective if I face technical challenges46%Familiar with open source processes45%Influence the development of features that we need54%Help sustain healthy communities53%Familiar with open source processes52%Effective if I face technical challenges45%Familiar w

25、ith open source processes51%Effective if I face technical challenges48%Help sustain healthy communities45%Influence the development of features that we need45%1They are familiar with open source processes49%2They help sustain healthy open source communities49%3They can influence the development of f

26、eatures that we need48%4They are going to be more effective if I face technical challenges46%Security is a major benefit of enterprise open source 89%of respondents believe that enterprise open source software is as secure or more secure than proprietary software.Overall,the numbers told a story sim

27、ilar to last years survey,although the“more secure”choice was up by four percentage points.Anyone who has spent time in the IT industry will recognize that this is a significant shift from mainstream perceptions about open source software from a decade or so ago when open source software security of

28、ten surfaced as a weakness.Why are you more likely to select vendors that contribute to the open source community?The State of Enterprise Open Source 6But what makes enterprise open source such a benefit with respect to security?That was another new question we dug into this year.Interestingly,answe

29、rs that historically often came up in open source security discussions were at the bottom of the list.Neither the idea that“given enough eyeballs,all bugs are shallow”(to quote a long-standing open source aphorism)nor the ability to audit the code directly were as important to respondents as other b

30、enefits.What we might call the mythology of open source security,both for better and worse,seems to be on the way out.Rather,the top benefit was that their“team can use well-tested open source code for our in-house applications.”This reflects the increasingly widespread use of open source code for i

31、nternal applications.(It also explains the amount of attention that the security of software supply chains is now receiving.)Other top benefits reflect the confidence that the IT leaders we surveyed have in how enterprise open source software is created and delivered in general.For example:“Security

32、 patches are well-documented and can be scanned for”(one of the aspects of software supply chain security)and“vendors make vulnerability patches for enterprise open source available promptly.”of IT leaders believe enterprise open source is as secure or more secure than proprietary software.(APAC=89%

33、,EMEA=90%,LATAM=87%,U.S.=90%)89%Why security is a benefit of enterprise open sourceMy team can use well-tested opensource code for ourin-house applicationsSecurity patches are well-documentedand can be scanned forVendors make vulnerability patchesfor enterprise opensource available promptlyMore peop

34、le have had their eyes on the code than with proprietary softwareMy team can audit the code55%52%51%44%38%Which of the following best completes this statement?Compared to proprietary software,I think enterprise open source software is _.In what ways is security a benefit of using enterprise open sou

35、rce solutions?The State of Enterprise Open Source 7APACEMEALATAMU.S.Security patches are well-documented54%Can use well-tested open source code for our in-house applications48%More people havehad their eyes on the code47%Vendors make vulnerability patches available promptly44%My team can audit the c

36、ode35%Can use well-tested open source code for our in-house applications53%Security patches are well-documented51%Vendors make vulnerability patches available promptly49%More people have had their eyes on the code46%My team can auditthe code43%Can use well-tested open source code for our in-house ap

37、plications59%Vendors make vulnerability patches available promptly53%My team can audit the code46%More people have had their eyes on the code44%Security patches are well-documented43%Can use well-tested open source code for our in-house applications57%Security patches are well-documented57%Vendors m

38、ake vulnerability patches available promptly54%More people have had their eyes on the code42%My team can audit the code31%Enterprise open source continues to gain at the expense of proprietary software Software may be eating the world.But,increasingly,it is enterprise open source software that is do

39、ing most of the chewing.The trend is not subtle.Especially when you consider the fact that enterprise software deployments are not ordinarily known for rapid change.Proprietary software as a percentage of the software already in use in respondents organizations is expected to drop eight points over

40、the next two years.That is a huge decline.Over the same period,they expect enterprise open source to shoot up five points,with community-based open source also popping up three points over the same period.The State of Enterprise Open Source 8Expected change in softwareProprietary softwareEnterprise

41、open source softwareCommunity-based open source software45%37%TodayIn two years29%34%21%24%TodayIn two yearsAPACProprietary softwareEnterprise open source softwareCommunity-basedopen source softwareEMEA43%35%29%34%22%26%Proprietary softwareEnterprise open source softwareCommunity-basedopen source so

42、ftware46%36%28%33%21%25%LATAMProprietary softwareEnterprise open source softwareCommunity-basedopen source softwareU.S.44%37%29%35%22%24%Proprietary softwareEnterprise open source softwareCommunity-basedopen source software44%38%31%35%22%24%Approximately what percentage of your organizations softwar

43、e is proprietary vs.open source now/two years from now?(Other responses not reported.)The State of Enterprise Open Source 9Unsurprisingly,the increasing use of enterprise open source extends to important new emerging technology workloads,with 80%planning to increase their use of enterprise open sour

44、ce in areas such as artificial intelligence(AI),machine learning(ML),edge computing,and the Internet of Things(IoT).of IT leaders expect to increase their use of enterprise open source software for emerging technologies.(APAC=80%,EMEA=80%,LATAM=82%,U.S.=80%)80%71%Artificial intelligence(AI)or machin

45、e learning(ML)71%Edge computing or Internet of Things(IoT)68%Containers61%Serverless computingIT leaders are currently making good use of emerging technologiesAPACEMEALATAMU.S.AI or ML 73%Edge or IoT 68%Containers 66%Serverless 58%AI or ML 70%Edge or IoT 69%Containers 63%Serverless 64%AI or ML 65%Ed

46、ge or IoT 71%Containers 69%Serverless 58%AI or ML 75%Edge or IoT 73%Containers 73%Serverless 61%Which of the following best describes your companys use of these emerging technologies?Do you expect your organizations use of enterprise open source software for emerging technologies to increase,decreas

47、e or stay the same over the next 2 years?The State of Enterprise Open Source 10Why the growth?A big part of it is that the IT leaders we surveyed continue to perceive enterprise open source in an ever more favorable light.An impressive 77%said that they now have a more positive perception of enterpr

48、ise open source than they did just a year ago.of IT leaders have a more positive perception of enterprise open source than they did a year ago.(APAC=75%,EMEA=79%,LATAM=77%,U.S.=77%)77%How are organizations using enterprise open source?Infrastructure modernization consistently takes the top position

49、when we ask IT leaders how they are using enterprise open source software and solutions in their organizations.Historically,this would often have meant they were ripping out their proprietary software and sliding in enterprise open source in its place.That still happens,but there are also whole new

50、categories of software that didnt exist to any significant degree in the proprietary software world.Top uses for enterprise open source1IT infrastructure modernization62%2Digital transformation54%3Application development52%4Application modernization48%How has your perception of enterprise open sourc

51、e changed over the past year,if at all?For what is your organization using enterprise open source solutions or technologies?The State of Enterprise Open Source 11Containers,Kubernetes for the associated container orchestration,and the vast number of complementary cloud-native open source projects ma

52、y be the best examples of new categories of software.It is a software ecosystem thats growing and shows no signs of slowing down.70%of IT leaders we surveyed work for organizations that use Kubernetes and almost a third plan to significantly increase their use of containers over the next 12 months.*

53、of IT leaders work for organizations that use Kubernetes.(APAC=67%,EMEA=70%,LATAM=73%,U.S.=68%)70%All this infrastructure modernization(along with other leading uses of enterprise open source such as application development and digital transformation)does come with a downside though.When asked about

54、 barriers to adopting containers,the top obstacle varied slightly by geographical region but they were mostly either the lack of development staff,overall resources,or necessary skills.This is consistent with what we are seeing both anecdotally and in other surveys we have conducted.APACEMEALATAMU.S

55、.IT infrastructuremodernization 63%Digital transformation 52%Applicationmodernization 46%Hybrid or multi-cloud management 45%IT infrastructuremodernization 59%Application development 55%Digital transformation&Applicationintegration 49%Applicationmodernization 47%IT infrastructuremodernization 65%Dig

56、ital transformation 59%Applicationdevelopment 50%Applicationintegration 47%IT infrastructuremodernization 62%Digital transformation 56%Applicationdevelopment 55%Applicationmodernization&DevOps 50%Does your organization use Kubernetes?Do you expect your organizations use of containers to increase,dec

57、rease or stay the same over the next 12 months?*APAC=29%,EMEA=33%,LATAM=26%,U.S.=37%The State of Enterprise Open Source 12What barriers have prevented you from adopting containers?What would you consider to be the top three barriers to using enterprise open source solutions or technologies?Obstacles

58、 to adopting containersAPACEMEALATAMU.S.Development staff or resources51%Necessary skills for adoption48%No applications to containerize31%We dont have the time17%Necessary skills for adoption41%Development staff or resources39%No applications to containerize37%We dont have the time33%Necessary skil

59、ls for adoption47%Development staff or resources44%No applications to containerize31%We dont have the time30%Necessary skills for adoption41%No applications to containerize32%Development staff or resources31%We dont have the time29%Top barriers to broad enterprise open source adoption are roughly si

60、milar to the results from prior years.They include concerns such as the level of support,compatibility,and security.These closely mirror some of the IT leader concerns we hear about commercial proprietary software.Perceived barriers to using enterprise open source1Concerns about the level of support

61、36%2Compatibility concerns33%3Concerns about inherent security of code32%4Lack of internal skills to manage and support enterprise open source32%We dont have the necessary skills for adoptionWe dont have the developmentstaff or resourcesWe dont haveany applicationsto containerizeWe dont have the tim

62、e43%39%33%29%The State of Enterprise Open Source 13APACEMEALATAMU.S.Lack of internal skills to manage and support enterprise open source37%Concerns about the level of support34%Concerns about inherent security of code32%Compatibility concerns31%Lack of internal skills to manage and support enterpris

63、e open source34%Concerns about the level of support32%Not enough peer orgs using desired enterprise open source31%Compatibility concerns&Smaller technology ecosystem vs.proprietary software30%Concerns about the level of support&Compatibility concerns38%Concerns about inherent security of code36%Not

64、enough peer orgs using desired enterprise open source&Lack of testing or proven track record30%Lack of internal skills to manage and support enterprise open source28%Concerns about the level of support39%Concerns about inherent security of code35%Smaller technology ecosystem vs.proprietary software3

65、3%Compatibility concerns32%The benefits are broad and strategic When we began running this survey four years ago,the top benefit of enterprise open source was clear:lower total cost of ownership(TCO).This result was likely a surprise to no one.Linux,along with enterprise open source more generally,w

66、as adopted by companies in no small part because it was a less expensive alternative to proprietary UNIX and proprietary networking-related applications.Even if this view of enterprise open source began to increasingly diverge from reality,it remained a stereotype.“Open source is an engine of innova

67、tion for the financial industry.In 2001,when we migrated from UNIX to Linux,we didnt know we were changing our business.From standard foundations that increase productivity to the communities that foster the next frontiers of technology,open source opens doors to the future.”Graeme HayManaging Direc

68、tor and Distinguished Engineer,Morgan StanleyThe State of Enterprise Open Source 14However,we have seen a steady shift away from enterprise open source being defined as cheaper software rather than better software.Of course,this is not to say that enterprise open source cant be less expensive to acq

69、uire and operate than proprietary software.But price is not how IT leaders generally frame their thinking about enterprise open source today.This years top two benefits?Better security and higher quality software.By contrast,lower TCO has declined dramatically in importance.It is now near the bottom

70、 of the benefits list in ninth place.APACEMEALATAMU.S.Better security34%Ability to safely leverage open source tech29%Ability to customize apps&Lower total cost of ownership27%Default choice for digital transformation24%Higher quality software&Ability to safely leverage open source tech31%Better sec

71、urity&Used by most digitally advanced companies28%Designed to work in cloud,cloud-native tech26%Trusted by the smartest software engineers25%Higher quality software32%Better security31%Designed to work in cloud,cloud-native tech28%Ability to safely leverage open source tech27%Better security37%Highe

72、r quality software36%Designed to work in cloud,cloud-native tech27%Ability to safely leverage open source tech&Used by most digitally advanced companies25%Access to latest innovations&Total cost of ownership24%Top benefits of using enterprise open source1Better security32%2Higher quality software32%

73、3Ability to safely leverage open source tech28%4Designed to work in cloud,cloud-native tech26%What would you consider to be the top three benefits of using enterprise open source solutions or technologies?The State of Enterprise Open Source 15Enterprise open source as a strategic asset carries over

74、to its associated attributes identified by the survey.The story here is that the attributes are not about any single thing.Rather,they are almost uniformly positive across the board.More than 75%agreed that enterprise open source provides flexibility,ensures their organization has access to the late

75、st innovations,has been instrumental in their organizations ability to take advantage of hybrid cloud architectures,and is a key part of their security strategy.That covers a lot of ground.“We see open source leading the way in technology innovation and accelerating digital transformation in the reg

76、ionand globally.”Mohsin Al-LawatiDirector of Systems and Development Department,Muscat Securities MarketAdvantages of enterprise open source79%77%77%76%75%Provides flexibility to customize solutions to meet companys needsEnsures my organization has access to the latest innovationsHas been instrument

77、al in my organizations ability to take advantage of hybrid cloud architecturesSimplifies the process of adopting a hybrid cloud infrastructureIs a key part of my organizations security strategy How much do you agree that enterprise open source?The State of Enterprise Open Source 16APACEMEALATAMU.S.E

78、nsures access to the latest innovations81%Provides flexibility to customize solutions79%Instrumental in our ability to take advantage of hybrid cloud79%Simplifies the process of adopting hybrid cloud76%Key part of my organizations security strategy72%Provides flexibility to customize solutions79%Ens

79、ures access to the latest innovations78%Simplifies the process of adopting hybrid cloud75%Key part of my organizations security strategy75%Instrumental in our ability to take advantage of hybrid cloud74%Provides flexibility to customize solutions79%Instrumental in our ability to take advantage of hy

80、brid cloud78%Simplifies the process of adopting hybrid cloud76%Key part of my organizations security strategy73%Ensures access to the latest innovations72%Provides flexibility to customize solutions80%Ensures access to the latest innovations79%Instrumental in our ability to take advantage of hybrid

81、cloud78%Simplifies the process of adopting hybrid cloud78%Key part of my organizations security strategy76%About Red HatRed Hat is the worlds leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions,using a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Linux,hybrid cloud,co

82、ntainer,and Kubernetes technologies.Red Hat helps customers develop cloud-native applications,integrate existing and new IT applications,and automate and manage complex environments.A trusted adviser to the Fortune 500,Red Hat provides award-winning support,training,and consulting services that brin

83、g the benefits of open innovation to any industry.Red Hat is a connective hub in a global network of enterprises,partners,and communities,helping organizations grow,transform,and prepare for the digital future.2022 Red Hat,Inc.Red Hat,Red Hat Enterprise Linux,and the Red Hat logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat,Inc.or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S.and other countries.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



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