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1、Critical Skills,Hiring Trends,and EducationThe 10th Annual Open SourceJobs ReportWith a Foreword by Clyde Seepersad,SVP&General Manager,Linux Foundation Training&CertificationIn partnership withJune 2022ContentsForeword.3About the Research.5The Hiring Landscape in 2022.6The Open Source Talent Pool i

2、n 2022.9The Importance of Cloud Technology Skills.11The Importance of Linux Skills.12The Importance of DevOps Skills.13The Importance of Cybersecurity Skills.13Talent Acquisition and Retention in 2022.15The Hiring Manager Point of View.17The Open Source Professional Point of View.18Changes to Cultur

3、e.19The Linux Foundation Perspective.21The Educational Advantage.22Why an Open Source Career?.23Training and Certification in 2022.24The Hiring Manager Point of View.25The Open Source Professional Point of View.26The Linux Foundation Perspective.28The Value of Architecting,Deploying,and Developing O

4、pen Source Software in 2022.29The Hiring Manager Point of View.30The Open Source Professional Point of View.33The Linux Foundation Perspective.35Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion in 2022.36Progress is Visible.37More Progress on DEI Initiatives is Needed.38About the 2021 The Linux Foundation DEI Study.4

5、0Conclusions.41Methodology.42How Missing Data is Handled.42Survey Demographics.43Appendix.46Acknowledgments.56Disclaimer.563THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTForewordThis is the tenth iteration of the Linux Foundations Open Source Jobs Report for organizations,hiring managers,and,of course,open

6、 source professionals.While there are many immediate and important trends hiring managers need to know,looking back to our first report,the most striking trend is the long-term growth trajectory of open source.This growth will only accelerate projected by some to be at least 18.2%through 2026 meanin

7、g organizations and their hiring managers will see a commensurate increase in the challenges of open source talent recruitment and retention.Architecting,deploying,and developing open source software is the key to everyones success in 2022.It may not be a post-pandemic world yet,but this years surve

8、y results show that open source professionals,and the organiza-tions they work for,are learning to live with and work around COVID.Global business growth and a reluctance to continue to delay new projects are powering a highly competitive market for open source talent that can architect,deploy,and d

9、evelop open source solutions.The explosive increase in the use of open source,the drive for digital transformation of outdated systems,and the need for increased security are only adding to the pressures.Its clear that there is pent-up demand for more;more open source solutions and more open source

10、professionals.Taken together,these factors present serious challenges for hiring and retaining well-trained,experienced open source talent.The talent challenge is most acute for open source professionals that bring a smart combination of deep technical knowledge and the breadth of skills required to

11、 connect people and solutions across team and technical silos.Professionals who know cloud/container technologies,Linux,DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps,and cybersecurity are most in need.Demand for professionals with skills sets around artificial intelligence/machine learning is also rising,while demand for

12、 web technology focused skill sets are in decline.How can hiring managers 93%of whom report having diffi-culty hiring open source talent attract and retain people that have the right experience to meet their organizations needs?First on the list is money.The“great re-evaluation”has put money front a

13、nd center in the quest for talent acquisition and retention.While this is potentially a short-lived issue,it is not to be ignored.Professionals are jumping jobs for significant salary increases and organizations are giving open source talent higher salary increases than other business areas to stave

14、 off resignations.After financial considerations,the most common reason open source professionals cite for changing jobs is the opportunity to work on professionally challenging projects at organizations that support their drive to grow.They want organizations that offer interesting projects and sup

15、port professional learning.This includes being able to participate in the open source community,which is essential for highly-talented pros.And all of this needs to be provided with an eye toward flexibility of where and when they work in order to increase their sense of work/life balance.Faced with

16、 the reality that there are more openings than qualified people,employers are well-positioned to leverage professionals desire to learn and grow as a means to achieve the staffing goals that will enable the organization to succeed.In part because professionals and organizations align around several

17、key approaches.For example,contributing to the open source community is key to talent retention and is recognized by organizations as a strong 4THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTindicator of skilled talent as well as a morale enhancer.In the same vein,professionals want to pursue training and c

18、ertifications.Supporting this interest will both help to close an organizations talent gap and provide additional retention incentive.Diversity,equity,and inclusion initiatives represent a potential pipeline of untapped talent.While almost all organizations say they encourage diversity in hiring,the

19、 percentage of organiza-tions recruiting underrepresented individuals has declined from the 2021 survey.Organizations willing to invest in pursuing and providing extra support to encourage success for underrepre-sented groups could end up being the biggest winners of all in the talent acquisition ga

20、me.Two final thoughts.First,circumstances around the world from war to inflation to pandemic spread remain volatile,uncertain and complex.Organizations need to remain on guard for the unex-pected.Second,organizations will struggle to simply hire their way out of the talent shortage.A paradigm shift

21、is required,one that focuses long term on growing and retaining talent rather than managing churn.On behalf of the Linux Foundation,I would like to thank our partner edX and all who contributed to this research,especially the hiring managers and open source professionals who,year after year,make tim

22、e to complete the survey.We hope you will continue to participate in our research,and will leverage this insightful report designed to aid training-related strategy and decision making across the open source community.Clyde Seepersad SVP&General Manager Linux Foundation Training&CertificationPHOTO B

23、Y PAUL HANAOKA ON UNSPLASH5THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAbout the ResearchThe following report presents findings on the employment experiences and needs of open source professionals(OSPs)as well as the hiring managers charged with recruiting and retaining them.The findings are based on res

24、ponses to a survey developed in February 2022 and fielded as a web survey in March 2022.Respondents self-identified as an open source professional(someone who uses or contributes to open source technologies)or someone who recruits or hires OSPs.It is the Linux Foundations 10th annual report and is c

25、o-presented with EdX.The survey included five sections:1.Screening questions2.Demographics3.Questions for OSPs4.Questions for hiring managers of OSPs5.Finals questions on how to improve the survey and diversityTo facilitate a clear narrative,data points presented in the text reference either a figur

26、e embedded in the text or a figure in the Appendix.For more information about this research approach and sample demographics,see the Methodology section beginning on page 42.6PART 1The Hiring Landscape in 202286%of hiring managers say hiring open source talent is a priority for 2022.46%of hiring man

27、agers plan to increase open source professional hiring in the next 6 months.78%of hiring managers are hiring the same or more open source professionals compared to 2021.58%of companies report open source talent is given higher salary increases than other business areas.39%of hiring managers reported

28、 they have increased the use of open source,causing talent shortages.59%of hiring managers report organic growth is driving demand for open source talent.7THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 1:THE HIRING LANDSCAPE IN 2022The Hiring Landscape in 2022It may not be a post-pandemic world yet,but

29、 this years survey results show that open source professionals(OSP),and the orga-nizations they work for,are learning to live with and work around COVID.The pandemic has changed how we attract,hire,organize,and retain OSP talent.Perhaps the biggest change caused by the pandemic is the increase of re

30、mote work options.This has affected human resource policies and decision-making and created tensions around many employers desire to see employees return to the office.OSPs continue to be in demand because 98%of organizations use open source software(Software Bill of Materials and Cybersecurity Read

31、iness Report,January 2022).When hiring managers were asked if hiring open source professionals was a priority,86%said yes;14%said no(FIGURE A1).When explicitly asked about their organizations plans to hire open source professionals over the next six months of 2022,FIGURE 1 shows that 46%of hiring ma

32、nagers stated they are planning to hire more open source professionals compared to the prior six months;32%said they would be hiring about the same amount;8%said they would be hiring less;14%said they would not be hiring OSPs.“The explosive increase in the use of open source solutions,the drive for

33、digital transformation of outdated systems and the need for increased security are only adding to the pressures.Its clear that there is pent-up demand for more;more open source solutions and more open source professionals.”CLYDE SEEPERSAD,SVP&GENERAL MANAGER,LINUX FOUNDATION TRAINING AND CERTIFICATI

34、ONPHOTO BY LINKEDIN SALES SOLUTIONS ON UNSPLASH8THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTWe will be hiring about the same number.We will be hiring more.We will be hiring fewer.Not applicable.We are not hiring.8%46%32%14%If we aggregate the data in FIGURE 1,we see that 78%of hiring managers are hiring

35、the same or more open source professionals and 22%are hiring fewer or no open source professionals.As with the previous year,demand for open source talent is driven primarily by organic growth within organizations,as reported by 59%of hiring managers(FIGURE A2).The second most common response was th

36、at organizations had increased their use of open source,leading to talent shortages,as reported by 39%of hiring managers(FIGURE A2).These are consistent with the wider economic rebound,as organizations again experience growth and continue to invest in digital transformation activities,further drivin

37、g open source adoption.This years survey data indicates that open source is the place to be,emphasizing the importance of having skills in the technology development sector over almost any other.The data also indicate that professionals holding valid credentials are more likely to be familiar with t

38、he latest technological advances,thus helping ensure organizations have the needed skill sets to manage change effi-ciently and effectively.PART 1:THE HIRING LANDSCAPE IN 2022Open source skills are in increasingly higher demand.KEY TAKEAWAYQ65,OSP HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559FIGURE 1HIRING PLANS

39、2022 Q2-Q3In the next six months,what are your organizations plans as they relate to hiring professionals with open source-related skills as compared to the last six months?(Select one)PHOTO BY THISISENGINEERING ON UNSPLASH9A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 2The Open Source Talent Pool in 202293

40、%of hiring managers report difficulty finding professionals with the needed open source experience.69%of hiring managers report that cloud technologies are demanded the most.77%of organizations are growing their use of cloud/container technologies.77%of professionals believe more cybersecurity train

41、ing would be useful.76%of professionals work on open source projects related to Linux.10THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 2:THE OPEN SOURCE TALENT POOL IN 2022Storage TechnologiesEdge ComputingNetworking Technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)BlockchainWeb TechnologiesArtificial Intelligence/Machine

42、 LearningCybersecurityDevOps/GitOps/DevSecOpsLinuxCloud/Container Technologies71%69%46%61%45%57%33%34%26%23%19%15%11%7%4%7%3%10%13%28%Open Source ProfessionalsHiring ManagersThe Open Source Talent Pool in 202240%of OSP hiring managers found it very difficult to find profes-sionals with open source s

43、kills;53%reported that it was somewhat difficult;and 7%found it was not difficult at all(FIGURE A3).That means a total of 93%of hiring managers find it challenging to recruit all the open source professionals they need.FIGURE 2 shows the top 10 technologies in demand from the perspective of both OSP

44、s and hiring managers.Significant differ-ences exist between the demand for Linux and DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps experience as identified by hiring managers and the lesser importance attached by OSPs.Open source cloud/container technologies demand is in a class by itself(due to Kubernetes).However,when

45、 combined with the strong demand for Linux and DevOps skills sought by hiring managers,its clear that organizations biggest needs are in:Managing cloud operations Scalability Processes for application development and deploymentQ33,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,672,TOTAL M

46、ENTIONS=4,629Q55,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=559,TOTAL MENTIONS=1,832FIGURE 2TECHNOLOGIES WHERE OPEN SOURCE SKILLS ARE IN DEMANDIn what areas of the job market do you believe open source skills are in the most demand?(Select up to three)and What open source technologies are you seeki

47、ng talent for?(Select all that apply)11THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 2:THE OPEN SOURCE TALENT POOL IN 2022It has not changed.It has decreased.It has accelerated.77%21%2%Having teams of top talent has long been a differentiating factor in achieving competitive advantage.So what do hirin

48、g managers and OSPs think is the top priority for 2022?FIGURE 2 shows that 71%of OSPs and 69%of hiring managers say that cloud and container skills are in high demand.The demand for these skill sets is consis-tent with the shift to the cloud with its capabilities to automate and orchestrate at scale

49、.Similarly,FIGURE A4 shows that 73%of hiring managers report that knowledge about cloud and containers is the area most likely to have an impact on candidate selection.Knowledge about Linux is second at 66%,followed by DevOps at 49%and Cybersecurity at 40%.In 2021,among hiring managers,cloud native

50、technologies surpassed Linux for the first time in the history of this report.For 2022,these two top skill positions did not change.However,the importance of DevOps and DevSecOps skills increased in promi-nence,with cybersecurity coming in fourth.Web Technologies are now in a distant fifth place,esp

51、ecially according to OSPs.The Importance of Cloud Technology SkillsCloud technologies continue to see significant growth.FIGURE 3 shows that 77%of organizations are seeing growth in the use of cloud technologies compared to just 21%of organizations whose usage has not changed and 2%who reported decr

52、eased use.FIGURE 3HOW ORGANIZATION USE OF CLOUD TECHNOLOGY HAS CHANGED IN THE PAST YEARHow has your organizations use of cloud technology changed in the past year?(Select one)“We are a large organization where managers dont have much visibility into the newer technologies.We have to explain why a ce

53、rtification with training costs close to$500 and how we can implement it in the current business ecosystem.Managers are not well-versed in containerization and how it helps us modernize apps.”SENIOR DEVOPS ENGINEERQ37,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,481.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLU

54、DED FROM THE ANALYSIS.12THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 2:THE OPEN SOURCE TALENT POOL IN 2022The growth in demand for cloud native skills aligns with the expe-riences of the Linux Foundation Training&Certification program.From 2019 to 2021,the year-over-year growth across all Cloud Nativ

55、e Computing Foundation(CNCF)certifications has averaged 216%per year.Over 1,000 cloud certification exams are deliv-ered each week,and over 152,000 registrations are processed across the Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA),Certified Kubernetes Application Developer(CKAD),Certified Kubernetes Sec

56、urity Specialist(CKS),and Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate(KCNA)examinations total.The Importance of Linux SkillsLinux continues to rank as the most important or second most important technology as shown in FIGURE 4.When open source professionals are asked what open source projects they contrib

57、ute to;Linux ranks first at 76%and is followed by cloud/container tech-nologies at 60%;DevOps/GitOps/DevSecOps at 53%;web technol-ogies at 39%;and cybersecurity at 22%.Linux is a mainstay operating system of all of the leading cloud service providers(CSPs).In fact,most CSPs structure their compute r

58、esources around one or more Linux distributions and Windows images.Other FinOpsAutomotive TechnologiesOpen Source HardwareEdge ComputingBlockchainArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningNetworking Technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)Storage TechnologiesCybersecurityWeb TechnologiesDevOps/GitOps/DevSecOpsCl

59、oud/Container TechnologiesLinux76%60%53%39%22%15%12%10%6%6%6%3%3%5%FIGURE 4 OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONAL PROJECT INVOLVEMENTWhat open source initiatives/projects do you work with?(Select all that apply)Q19,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,940,VALID CASES=1,940,TOTAL MENTIONS=6,09613THE 10TH ANNUA

60、L OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 2:THE OPEN SOURCE TALENT POOL IN 20222%Somewhat importantExtremely importantVery importantNot very important1%Not at all important35%19%44%The Importance of DevOps SkillsDevOps skills remain in high demand and open source profes-sionals confirm this.FIGURE 5 shows that

61、79%of open source professionals view DevOps knowledge as either extremely important(35%)or very important(44%).DevOps provides a framework that can provide a full lifecycle approach to application development,deployment,and operations that integrates with domain-specific capabilities to address auto

62、-mation,scalability,and cybersecurity.This is why DevOps and its variants including GitOps and DevSecOps continue to be important even after 10 years.The convergence of cloud computing and DevOps,with Linux as a foundational technology,means that to be successful in an organi-zations digital transfo

63、rmation,you need to have employees in the talent pool from all three areas.The Importance of Cybersecurity SkillsThe rise of prominent cyberattacks and disclosures of security vulnerabilities in open source code also means proficiency in using DevSecOps and other cybersecurity toolsets and methodolo

64、gies has become increasingly important.FIGURE 6 shows that 61%of organizations agree(strongly agree 28%and agree 33%)that they are doing enough to address cybersecurity needs.This contrasts with just 18%of those disagreeing(strongly disagree 7%and disagree 11%).While this suggests that cybersecurity

65、 needs are not acute,that is far from the truth.“For technology professionals,a few things are critical to staying on top of the game:Endeavor to keep learning,even if it is slow and painful and try to find time to learn something new every day.It keeps you motivated.Try to understand the overall or

66、 system architecture relevant to the technology,and how these are tied together for product development,maintenance,and product lifecycle.Enhance problem-solving and debugging skills.Be nice to others and show empathy.Nobody knows everything,and every one of us is struggling.We all have our strength

67、s.And finally,communicate well to understand the problem and resolve conflict.Good communication is key to further progress.”OPEN SOURCE ENGINEER AT A CYBERSECURITY FIRMQ36,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672FIGURE 5IMPORTANCE OF DEVOPS FAMILIARITY IN THE OPEN SOURCE COMMUNITYHow important i

68、s it to be familiar with DevOps when working in the open source community?(Select one)14THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 2:THE OPEN SOURCE TALENT POOL IN 2022Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStronglydisagree28%11%22%33%7%An April 2022 Open Source Security Foundation(OpenSSF)survey focuse

69、d on addressing the cybersecurity challenges in open source software found that when asked how secure their open source software and open source development processes were today,the weighted average of responses on a scale from 0(poor)to 100(excellent)was just 65.Despite the 61%of OSPs reporting tha

70、t their organization is doing enough to address cybersecurity in FIGURE 6,it communicates the same fears as the OpenSSF survey did.The weighted average of responses in FIGURE 6 on a scale from 0(all organizations strongly disagree)to 100(all organizations strongly agree)is just 66.Because there are

71、hundreds of best practices that define how to perform secure software development,most organizations are exposed in many ways and the OpenSSF survey demonstrated that a leading cause was that organizations didnt know what they didnt know about cybersecurity.What is encouraging,however,is that 77%of

72、professionals either strongly agree(38%)or agree(39%)that cybersecurity training and courses would be useful to them and their employer(FIGURE A6).FIGURE 6HOW OSPs THINK ORGANIZATIONS ARE DOING ABOUT CYBERSECURITY Is the organization you work for doing enough to address its cybersecurity needs?KEY T

73、AKEAWAYFor the second year in a row,proficiency in cloud and container technologies surpasses Linux as the most desired skill set amonghiring managers and professionals.DevOps has become not only the second most desirable skill set among open source professionals but also the most in-demand position

74、 to place among hiring managers.“One problem that we face is we dont have qualified candidates who can work on DevOps.We get candidates who are very much into networking,and have depth but not breadth.We look for people who have a range of skills across networking,containers,CI/CD,Git,and developmen

75、t,with fundamental scripting knowledge.We tried to focus on that for DevOps.So,we probably missed the candidates who are very good at doing admin or networking tasks.”SENIOR DEVOPS ENGINEERQ38,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,523.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.15A

76、 GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 3Talent Acquisition and Retention in 202258%of hiring managers have given higher salary increases to retain open source talent.67%of open source professionals say a salary increase would deter a job change.43%of hiring managers rely on training to grow employee s

77、kills.73%of open source professionals believe it would be easy to find a new position.62%of open source professionals say more employed paid training would help them succeed.16THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT58%51%43%34%33%22%10%4%Salary increases have been above the company normAccommodating

78、 flexible work schedules or telecommutingAdditional training or certificationMaking open source talent“bonus eligible”Additional stock optionsSupporting and contributing to open sourceprojects that employees are passionate aboutRetaining open source talent hasntbeen an issue for our companyOtherPART

79、 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022Talent Acquisition and Retention in 2022Its no surprise that after three years of work isolation and burnout,some workers may be looking to see if there are greener pastures elsewhere.In our 2021 report,financial incentives became the most common means of k

80、eeping talent from leaving.In 2022,unsurprisingly,salary increases continue to be the primary tactic for encouraging staff retention.FIGURE 7 shows that in 2022,58%of hiring managers are giving open source talent higher salary increases than other business units receive in order to retain talent,up

81、from 42%in 2021.Additionally,43%are offering training or certification oppor-tunities as an incentive,and 34%have made open source staff“bonus eligible.Also shown in FIGURE 7 is that 33%of hiring managers support open source projects that employees are passionate about.This support includes opportun

82、ities for working on open source during working hours,stipends for core contributions and main-tenance/ownership of key open source projects important to the employee and/or the employer.FIGURE 7HOW EMPLOYERS ARE RETAINING OPEN SOURCE TALENTWhich of the following steps are you taking to retain open

83、source-related talent?(Select all that apply)Q76,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=559,TOTAL MENTIONS=1,420.”ALL OF THE ABOVE”RESPONSES HAVE BEEN REDISTRIBUTED17THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT43%41%35%16%12%3%Sought training for existing employeesHired a consultantContinued to look

84、 until we found a close fitDelayed technology projects and/or deploymentsWeve been able to find open source-related talent,so this is not an issueOtherThe Hiring Manager Point of ViewTactics for dealing with shortages of open source talent continue to evolve as shown in FIGURE 8.Many hiring managers

85、(43%)state they are increasing training for existing employees to close the skills gap.Furthermore,41%said they would hire consultants,a more expensive measure for solving staffing problems.The practice of searching until a close fit is found was practiced by 35%of hiring managers and increased by 8

86、5%over this same response in our 2021 survey.The willingness to provide training or hire consultants implies that many employers have realized the“right”people may not be out there and they must consider alternatives rather than delay projects.Said another way,in 2022 organizations are less willing

87、to delay projects because of talent shortages,with only 16%reporting doing so,a decrease from our 2021 survey.If this trend continues,organizations with product launches and other release deadlines will see increasingly positive impacts to schedules and negative impacts to bottom lines.The reality m

88、ay be the true price of the continuing skills gap is organizations have no choice but to proceed and they must hire expensive consul-tants to get work completed on schedule.PART 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022Q78,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=559,TOTAL MENTIONS=837FIGURE 8HO

89、W EMPLOYERS COPE WHEN UNABLE TO FIND ENOUGH OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALSIf unable to find professionals with the open source-related skills you need,which of the following best describe how you have met your organizations requirements?(Select all that apply)18THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT55%4

90、1%33%27%24%18%15%7%5%6%4%My job did not meet my professional expectationsOpportunity for better work/life balanceOpportunity to work on new and/or exciting projectsInadequate recognition for accomplishmentsInadequate training or certification opportunitiesInadequate remote work optionsInadequate bon

91、us plan eligibility or terms inadequateInadequate stock options/RSU/equityI change positions frequently due to project-based workPrefer not to answerNone of the aboveThe Open Source Professional Point of ViewThe majority of OSPs keep an open mind regarding new oppor-tunities.73%of OSPs believe it wo

92、uld be either very easy(18%)or fairly easy(55%)to find a new position(FIGURE A7).Likewise,68%of OSPs would consider moving to a new employer in 2022(FIGUREA8).Although 63%of open source professionals reported that their employment status has not changed(FIGURE A9),33%did either resign or accept a ne

93、w position in 2022(FIGURE A10).With 33%of open source professionals either resigning and/or accepting a new position in 2022 the field has seen a major turnover that creates an increasingly difficult situation for employers.FIGURE 9 shows that the primary reasons for resigning from a position includ

94、ed 55%who said their job did not meet their profes-sional expectations,41%who found a better work/life balance,and 33%who found an opportunity to work on new and/or exciting projects.This seems consistent with the overall willing-ness to entertain new job opportunities,as burnout and a lack of work/

95、life balance have forced many to consider their options.The perception of the value of open source skills and ease of mobility reinforces that employers must redouble efforts to retain current staff and recruit new hires.To do so,employers should pay attention to what these professionals want.FIGURE


97、reased salaryOpportunity to work on new and/or exciting projectsOpportunity for better work/life balanceOpportunity for flexible work schedule or telecommutingAdditional training opportunities or certificationHigh-level recognition for accomplishmentsOpportunity to be bonus eligibleAdditional stock

98、options/RSU/equitythe top desired incentives that would prompt a professional to move jobs includes an increased salary(67%);followed by oppor-tunities to work on new and exciting projects(38%);improved work/life balance(36%);and flexible work arrangements(30%).Changes to CultureFIGURE 11 shows that

99、 61%of open source professionals surveyed stated that their organization is embracing and extending remote work equitably across the workforce.Additionally,30%are providing services to support employee wellbeing,and 28%are establishing clear rules,expectations,and self-governance tenets for remote w

100、orkers.These activities clearly indicate that the remote paradigm is firmly establishing itself as the de-facto work culture today.PART 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022“We do not have sufficient talent to satisfy our technology requirements.Due to strict nationalization schemes and a budge

101、t shortage,our management is now focusing on hiring fresh college graduates on low-salary packages.We feel burnt out during peak activity times.Most of the current staff are fresh college graduates with no knowledge and skills to support our tasks.As the salary being offered is lower,most of the tal

102、ented or experienced staff have left,and the ones who chose to stay have to take care of all the tasks.”DEVOPS ENGINEERFIGURE 10INCENTIVES EMPLOYERS CAN USE TO COUNTER OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONAL RESIGNATIONSSelect the top incentives that would PRIMARILY deter you from moving to another employer?(Selec

103、t up to three)Q31,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,548,VALID CASES=1,548,TOTAL MENTIONS=3,70320THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT61%30%28%24%19%14%12%Embrace and extend remote workequitably across the workforceEmphasize and provide servicesthat enable employee well-beingEstablish clear r

104、ules,expectations,andself-governance tenets for remote workersSupport added paths for careerdevelopment(e.g.,lateral moves)Provide management training insupport of a distributed workforceProvide more transparency andpay equity across the workforceOtherWith remote work being commonplace in this new r

105、eality,orga-nizations must find new ways to differentiate themselves from a benefits perspective to attract new employees.OSPs were asked what their employers could do to make them more successful in their roles.FIGURE 12 shows that the top request is for employers to sponsor training opportunities

106、at 62%,followed by covering the costs of certifications at 52%.Attending technical conferences and events dropped to third place from its second place position in 2021,at 50%.This drop indicates the pandemic still makes people travel averse despite the recent loosening of restrictions in many parts

107、of the world.Additionally,44%would appreciate the ability to set aside work time to contribute to open source projects,demonstrating that employers need to enable their teams to work on projects they are passionate about to increase engagement.One of the most significant challenges that open source

108、profes-sionals identified in the survey is a lack of training opportunities.FIGURE 13 shows that 44%of OSPs said they lacked training PART 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022“I do not have every resource that I need to function in my current role.I am using Python FastAPI,OpenFaaS,drone.io,an

109、d CI pipeline with limited resources on the internet except the documentation.Some formal training and dedicated time to learn these tools would be helpful to understand the architecture of the project.Currently,I am learning by doing my job.”OPEN SOURCE CYBERSECURITY ENGINEERQ44,OPEN SOURCE PROFESS

110、IONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,672,TOTAL MENTIONS=3,144FIGURE 11EMPLOYER ACTIONS TO SUSTAIN EMPLOYEE MOTIVATIONAs the world approaches a post pandemic reality,what specifically is your employer doing to sustain employee motivation?(Select all that apply)21THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REP

111、ORT62%52%50%44%33%23%3%Provide professional training opportunitiesCover the costs of certificationsOpportunities to attend conferences and eventsAllocate paid work time to contributeto open source projectsEstablish clear policies and procedures forusing and contributing to open sourceProvide softwar

112、e toolsOtheropportunities.The second-most significant challenge is depart-mental siloing(32%).The large concern for siloing indicates continued difficulty or inexperience in using remote toolsets(instant messaging,video conferencing,web-based project management,office productivity tools,group calend

113、aring,and traditional email)to facilitate communication between depart-ments.Other concerns include a lack of documentation for open source projects(29%)and difficulty obtaining buy-in from manage-ment to use open source(29%).The Linux Foundation PerspectiveOver the last three years,the pandemic has

114、 led to permanent changes in open source workplaces.During the height of COVID,professionals specifically sought out environments which were using remote work as differentiators or were more permissive and flexible towards working arrangements.PART 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022FIGURE 12


116、%Lack of training opportunitiesSilos between departmentsLack of documentation relatedto open source software projectsDifficulties obtaining managementbuy-in for open sourceLack of necessary hardwareLack of software toolsOther(please specify)Now,OSPs simply expect their jobs to be remote.Organization

117、s can no longer differentiate and attract employees to their culture with the promise of remote work and improved work/life balance.Perhaps it is time to fight the war for talent by returning to a key basic:financial compensation.The current trend of global infla-tion only adds to the need to addres

118、s salary,bonus,profit share and other financial incentives as a means to increase retention and support recruitment.The Educational AdvantageFIGURE A11 shows that just 19%of OSPs do not have a four year college degree,43%do have a college degree,and 37%have an advanced degree.This means that 80%of O

119、SPs have at least a four year college degree,which suggests that while a college education is not essential for career success,it is the norm.“Currently,I am managing the HPC environment,VM environment,DevOps,repositories,and CI/CD pipelines,Kubernetes environment,and the PostgreSQL DB setups.Our or

120、ganization currently doesnt focus on retaining the existing talent.Hopefully,in the future,they will come up with a plan when they sustain noticeable losses due to a lack of talented individuals.”DEVOPS ENGINEERPART 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022FIGURE 13THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES FACED BY O

121、PEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALSWhat are the biggest challenges you face?(Select all that apply)Q23,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,027,VALID CASES=1,027,TOTAL MENTIONS=1,74023THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTWhen hiring managers were asked how important it was for a candi-date to have a colle

122、ge/university education,their responses were more accommodating.A total of 25%said that a college education was either not very important(18%)or not at all important(7%)(FIGURE A12).Alternatively,75%of hiring managers said that it was important for candidates of open source positions to have a colle

123、ge/university degree,with 19%saying extremely important;24%very important;and 32%somewhat important(FIGURE A12).OSPs without a university degree appear to be an industry minority.As the cost of living rises including the costs of higher education hiring OSPs becomes more expensive.One proven effecti

124、ve way to control staffing costs is to build skills through training of existing teams,which has the added benefit of improved retention.Organizations will need to adopt an all-encompassing approach to talent development and retention.Over the past year,at the Linux Foundation Training&Certification

125、,weve seen a continued emphasis on using self-paced eLearning,combined with certifica-tion,to upskill and cross-train existing teams.While this is positive progress,more needs to be done to upskill existing talent and grow the talent pool at the entry-level,in order to provide a ready pipeline of ta

126、lent to upskill.Why an Open Source Career?Smart organizations recognize that open source professionals choose their career paths for two fundamental reasons that should be considered across all recruitment and retention efforts:To work on the modern edge of technologies(63%)Long-term career success(

127、39%)What drives open source professionals job satisfaction?Providing professional training opportunities(62%)Covering the costs of certifications(52%)Providing opportunities to attend conferences and events(50%)Allocating paid work time to contribute to open source projects(44%)Establishing policies

128、 and procedures for using and contributing to open source projects(33%)What are employers actually doing?Heres what satisfied professionals say:Embracing remote work:61%Emphasizing services that enable well-being:30%Establishing clear rules for remote workers:28%Supporting added paths for career dev

129、elopment:24%Providing management training in support of a distributed workforce:19%Providing more transparency and pay equity:14%And heres what hiring managers say they are doing:Salary increases above company norm:58%Flexible work schedules/telecommuting:51%Training/certification:43%Bonus opportuni

130、ties:34%Supporting/contributing to open source projects professionals are passionate about:33%Additional stock options:22%PART 3:TALENT ACQUISITION AND RETENTION IN 2022KEY TAKEAWAYRecruiting and retaining qualified professionals has been the top priority for almost three years since Covid.PHOTO BY

131、OLEG IVANOV ON UNSPLASH24A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 4Training and Certification in 202290%of hiring managers are willing to pay for certifications.74%of open source professionals proactively ask for training.69%of hiring managers are more likely to hire certified open source professionals

132、.81%of open source professionals plan to add certifications in 2022.25THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTYesNo90%10%PART 4:TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION IN 2022Training&Certification in 2022Training programs have become essential to helping employers meet skills requirements when they cannot find t

133、alent.It also helps increase retention.As mentioned earlier(FIGURE 8 on page 17),most hiring managers(43%)report that they have trained existing staff in new technolo-gies to close the talent gap.In fact,the use of training as a means to manage the skills and talent gap persists because the alternat

134、ives include hiring outside professionals(41%),waiting to find the right person(35%),and delaying new projects(16%).Additionally,41%said they would hire consultants,a more expensive alternative to solve staffing challenges,an increase from 2021(37%).This sharp increase in willingness to hire consult

135、ants reflects the unwillingness to continue to delay technology projects and deploy-ments(16%)or wait for the“right”permanent hire(35%).These data points provide a clear indication that business transformation must move forward,and organizations will do what they need to ensure success.The Hiring Ma

136、nager Point of ViewFIGURE 14 shows that the increased desire for certified talent has encouraged companies to sponsor their employees certifi-cation efforts over the past several years.In 2022,90%of hiring managers reported being willing to pay for certifications.This value has remained around 90%ov

137、er the last two years and the willingness of employers to sponsor employee certifications is consistent with the preference of hiring managers to hire certified professionals.69%of hiring managers said that they are more likely to hire a certified OSP compared to just 28%who said it would not influe

138、nce their decision and 5%who would be less likely to hire a certified OSP(FIGURE A13).Supporting the pursuit of certifications helps with recruiting and it also is an essential retention tool.In many cases,certifications can make a company more competitive,enabling them to tout the many certified IT

139、 professionals on its team to current and prospective clients.Real world experience reinforces this finding.Corporate bulk purchases of the Linux Foundation exams are up more than five times in 2021 compared to 2019.OSPs are onboard with training and certifications as well.Hiring managers report exi

140、sting employees are increasingly asking for,or proactively taking training,with 74%reporting an increase in the past year(FIGURE A14).When selecting open source training providers,companies are FIGURE 14EMPLOYERS ARE WILLING TO UNDERWRITE CERTIFICATION COSTSWould you be willing to provide financial

141、assistance to help your employees obtain certifications?(Select one)KEY TAKEAWAY69%of hiring managers are more likely to hiresomeone witha certification.Q63,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=413.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.26THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTDont know or

142、 not sureI already have all necessary certificationsNoYes202%79%68%7%9%13%1%12%4%8%19%1%looking for vendor neutrality.A substantial majority of hiring managers(78%)state that a training provider for open source tech must be vendor-neutral,similar to the results in the last two reports(FIG

143、URE A15).With vendor lock-in always a concern,compa-nies recognize that they need IT talent who understand the core of the technology,not just a specific iteration.The Open Source Professional Point of ViewThe 64%increase in hiring managers willingness to pay for certi-fications over the last four y

144、ears is partly driven by the employees who increasingly see the value in certifications.The vast majority of OSPs(94%)believe certifications are helpful to their careers(FIGURE A16).Certification activity is holding steady,FIGURE 15 shows that 81%of OSPs plan to take a certification exam this year,u

145、p slightly from 79%in 2021,and 68%in 2020.FIGURE 15OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS TAKING CERTIFICATION EXAMS IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHSAre you considering taking any certification exams in the next 12 months?(Select one)“Our organization does provide technical training via online subscriptions to LMS channels

146、 like LinkedIn learning.However,this training generally lacks hands-on sessions and one-on-one interaction with instructors which in my sense is essential to keep pace with rapid advancements in the field.”DEVOPS ENGINEERPART 4:TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION IN 2022Q50,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,2022 SAM

147、PLE SIZE=1,654,2021 SAMPLE SIZE=612,2020 SAMPLE SIZE=58127THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTMost hiring managers(72%)state that formal training and certi-fication are a priority in evaluating candidates for positions(FIGUREA17).A majority of OSPs(65%)also stated that being able to demonstrate t

148、heir abilities to their employer was a primary benefit of certification.Additional benefits for OSPs include increased employability(64%)and the ability to command higher salaries(41%)(FIGURE A18).When asked what employers could do to help them be more successful,OSPs said they want additional train

149、ing opportunities,with 62%selecting this option,followed by covering the costs of certifications at 52%(FIGURE 12).Technology is advancing rapidly,and OSPs know they need to keep their skills sharp for job and career success.FIGURE 16 shows that OSPs get a significant amount of their profes-sional d

150、evelopment via free,online sources(69%).Taking online training courses free or paid was reported by 77%of OSPs.The numbers attending conferences,meetups,or other events have dropped to 35%in the past year,reflecting a continued reluctance to travel despite improving conditions,lifting mandates,and l

151、owering health advisories.This reduced desire to attend live events makes online training even more essential to make up for fewer in-person conferences and other in-person continuing education opportunities.77%69%62%35%27%25%25%24%12%2%Take online training coursesAccess free tutorials,webinars,and

152、other free online resourcesRead books,offline resourcesAttend conferences and/or eventsEngage in social and professional networkingAttend instructor-led open source trainingContribute to open source software projectsParticipate in open source meetupsPursue an advanced degreeOtherFIGURE 16HOW OPEN SO


154、SOURCE JOBS REPORTThe Linux Foundation PerspectiveThe importance of certifications shows a strong alignment between hiring managers and OSPs.Certifications allow employers to verify and OSPs to demonstrate abilities that may be tough to establish when dealing with new technologies.Another contributi

155、ng factor to the increase in certifications is the recognition that they represent a way for OSPs to establish them-selves as experts with cutting-edge technologies,which is critical to job and career success given the increasingly fast pace of tech-nological change.Data from the Linux Foundations T

156、raining and Certification catalog usage patterns bears this out.Since the fourth quarter of 2019,the number of monthly certification exams delivered by the Linux Foundation has more than tripled and continues to grow.Also worth noting for hiring managers,candidates schedule their exams much closer t

157、o the point of purchase.Historically candi-dates purchased in advance and had to be prompted to complete their exams.This indicates increased seriousness towards,and importance of,certifications to OSPs.PART 4:TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION IN 2022KEY TAKEAWAYOSPs want training and certifications.Hiring

158、 managers see certifications as essential verifiers to ensure roles are filled with qualified professionals.Both groups see it as a positive for improving retention.PHOTO BY KEVIN CANLAS ON UNSPLASH29A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 5The Value of Architecting,Deploying,and Developing Open Sourc

159、e Software in 202267%of hiring managers seek open source professionals with architectural skills.52%of hiring managers attribute the demand for open source professionals to business growth.71%of open source professionals say the ability to architect is key.63%of open source professionals believe ope

160、n source runs most modern technology.30THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTPART 5:THE VALUE ARCHITECTING,DEPLOYING,AND DEVELOPING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN 2022The Value of Architecting,Deploying,and Developing Open Source Software in 2022Organizations continue to recognize the value of open source

161、 projects and hire those who have worked on them.This year,we saw signif-icant priority changes in the overall demonstrated experience that hiring managers are looking for in prospective OSPs.In 2022,its all about architecting,deploying,and developing open source solutions.The Hiring Manager Point o

162、f ViewThe overwhelming desire to implement critical digital transfor-mation projects is reflected by the increased reluctance in 2022 to delay them(16%),potentially train up staff to address needs(43%),hire consultants,if necessary(41%),or redouble efforts to find a candidate and get them hired(35%)

163、(FIGURE A19).FIGURE 17 shows what hiring managers want from new OSP hires.Most important in 2022 is the ability to architect solutions based on open source software(67%);followed by the ability to deploy open source software(44%);experience with software develop-ment(42%);and knowledge of new tools(

164、33%).This indicates that organizations are more in need of OSPs that can bring a big picture view to direct and deploy open source solutions than those that make direct project contributions.KEY TAKEAWAYHiring managers seek professionals with the abilitiesto architect solutions(67%);deploy applicati

165、ons(44%);develop open source software(42%);and knowledge ofnew tools(33%).PHOTO BY NATHANA REBOUCAS ON UNSPLASH31THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT2022202167%44%42%33%33%27%26%26%22%17%15%13%8%7%58%33%63%17%30%36%16%49%40%14%16%19%21%Ability to architect solutionsbased on open source softwareAb

166、ility to deploy open source softwareExperience using open sourcedevelopment tools,i.e.,GitHubKnowledge of new toolsExperience with running projectscurrently in productionIn-depth knowledge of particularopen source technologiesUnderstanding of open sourcedevelopment methodologiesExperience contributi

167、ng toan open source projectCollaborative approach to development,i.e.,knowledge of governance practicesCybersecurity experienceUnderstanding of open sourcelicenses and compliance practicesExperience trying out software in stagingExperience creating opensource documentationOpen source program managem

168、entPART 5:THE VALUE ARCHITECTING,DEPLOYING,AND DEVELOPING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN 2022FIGURE 17WHAT OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS INFLUENCE A HIRING DECISIONWhen seeking open source professionals,which skills are most important in influencing a hiring decision?(Select all that apply)Q69,HIRING MAN

169、AGERS,2022 SAMPLE SIZE=559,2021 SAMPLE SIZE=52232THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT52%35%23%21%19%9%1%11%Company is growing,creating need foradditional open source-focused team membersIncreasing use of open source in ourcompany and need in-house supportDifficulty in retaining open source-relate

170、d talentis creating openings that we need to backfillReplacing proprietary systems with open source ones andneed open source expertise to assist in the migrationsOpen source has become core to our business and we needto increase our participation in the open source communityIncreased reliance on ope

171、n source softwareand tools due to the COVID-19 pandemicOtherDont know or not sureThere are some significant changes in hiring manager require-ments between 2021 and 2022.Key hiring manager priorities for 2022 included the ability to architect solutions based on open source(67%)and this was also a le

172、ading priority in 2021(58%).Deployment skills were the second priority in 2022 at 44%which increased considerably in priority from 2021 when they were the sixth priority.This suggests the importance of not just understanding architecture but also the realities that applied architecture has on applic

173、ation development and deployment.The importance of experience in 2022 in using open source tools(42%);knowledge of newer tools(33%);and knowledge of how projects run in production(33%)continues to reinforce the value that hiring managers now place on full-lifecycle skills from design through develop

174、ment and deployment.This was far less the case in 2021 when hiring manager priorities included using open source development tools(63%);experience in participating in open source projects(49%);and project collaboration/gover-nance skills(40%).The changing priorities of hiring managers is linked to c

175、hanging organizational needs.FIGURE 18 identifies the key changes in 2022 that are shaping the skills now seen as important for open source professionals to have.PART 5:THE VALUE ARCHITECTING,DEPLOYING,AND DEVELOPING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN 2022FIGURE 18ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES DRIVING OPEN SOURCE PRO

176、FESSIONAL HIRINGWhat has changed at your or your clients organization(s)that is driving the hiring of open source professionals in 2022,as opposed to 2021?(Select all that apply)Q57,OSP HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=559,TOTAL MENTIONS=95633THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT71%52%4

177、6%46%42%37%34%29%28%21%14%14%11%2%Ability to architect solutions based on open source softwareExperience using open source development tools(i.e.,git)Knowledge of new toolsAbility to deploy open source softwareIn-depth knowledge of particular open source technologiesExperience with running projects

178、currently in productionUnderstanding of open source development methodologiesExperience contributing to an open source projectCollaborative approach to development,i.e.,knowledge of governance practicesUnderstanding of open sourcelicenses and compliance practicesExperience trying out software in sta

179、gingExperience creating open source documentationOpen source program managementOtherFIGURE 18 indicates that 52%of hiring managers report that orga-nizational growth is a primary driver for why OSPs are being hired.Business growth means more customers,more ways to support customers,more products,and

180、 a host of new demands on IT.Direct support for organizational growth is aligned with the 2022 demands shown in FIGURE 17 that focus on open source develop-ment,deployment,and operations(production systems).Because FIGURE 18 also shows that 35%of organizations(using hiring managers as a proxy)are in

181、creasing their use of open source(in addition to growth-based increases)this is compounding the growth in open source at many organizations.Retaining open source talent,at 23%,is actually more acute than this metric suggests given the number of OSPs in this survey that changed jobs in 2022.Staff mob

182、ility and increased willingness to find new employment provide additional evidence of increased turnover,more a“great reevaluation”than a“great resignation.The Open Source Professional Point of ViewOSPs ranked their most important skills in lockstep with hiring managers as shown in FIGURE 19.The abi

183、lity to architect solutions based on open source software ranked as the most valuable skill PART 5:THE VALUE ARCHITECTING,DEPLOYING,AND DEVELOPING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN 2022FIGURE 19THE MOST VALUABLE OPEN SOURCE SKILLSWhat open source skills do you believe are most valuable in todays job market?(S

184、elect all that apply)Q32,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,672,TOTAL MENTIONS=7,46334THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT63%54%44%39%36%35%29%13%2%Open source runs most of modernday technology infrastructureIm passionate about open sourceI enjoy the freedom of open sourceK

185、nowing open source is a surething for a successful careerThe collaborative development model/working with a mass community of peersMore opportunities to work from home/remotelyMore job opportunities than other areas of techThe money and perksOtherat 71%.Experience using open source development tools

186、 ranked second at 52%and the knowledge of new tools ranked third at 46%.The top reason open source professionals report that they pursued an open source career is shown in FIGURE 20.63%said this was because open source runs most of our modern technology infra-structure.This aligns with the leading s

187、kill set in FIGURE 19.This increase may be evidence of open source being seen as a more lucrative technology area as it has become dominant.The pandemic forced other changes to work practices,such as enabling more remote work and flexible hours.But if most jobs are going to be flexible on work locat

188、ions and times anyway,compensation becomes a primary differentiator.The ability to work remotely and at home ranked sixth at 35%in FIGURE 20.Its clear this has become less of a perk and more of a boilerplate requirement in the information technology field.When open source professionals were asked ab

189、out the best aspects of their job,the leading responses were collaboration with a global community(21%)and interesting projects(21%)(FIGUREA20).Working on cutting-edge technology ranked third at 16%(FIGURE A20).Despite the lucrative opportunities in open source,job stability(6%)and money and perks(4

190、%)ranked at the bottom(FIGURE A20).Part of this is a need for mobility to drive up compensation but perhaps the low response to money and perks means that the interesting aspects of a career in open source are also a significant draw.PART 5:THE VALUE ARCHITECTING,DEPLOYING,AND DEVELOPING OPEN SOURCE

191、 SOFTWARE IN 2022FIGURE 20WHY RESPONDENTS CHOSE A CAREER IN OPEN SOURCEWhy did you or why are you seeking an open source career?(Select all that apply)Q41,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,672,TOTAL MENTIONS=5,262.35THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTThe Linux Foundation

192、PerspectiveOften,internal professionals contribute and maintain open source software code on behalf of their employers,sometimes as a hobby project.This attraction to work on open source projects has been so strong in the past that companies have lost employees to competitors who more successfully e

193、xploited open source software.Companies that allowed and encouraged professionals to partic-ipate in the open source software community during business hours tended to recruit and retain the brightest talent,even in a tight labor market such as we are now experiencing.Even though compensation ranks

194、higher than open source contribution in 2022,there is still evidence employers would benefit from giving teams time to collaborate with open source communities outside of their specific workplace.Additional benefits of this approach include improved morale and opportunities for OSPs to gain knowledg

195、e and insights useful in their day-to-day work.As we saw in FIGURE 12,44%of open source professionals would like their employer to allocate some paid work time to contribute to open source projects;33%want clear policies for using and contributing to open source projects;and 23%would like employer p

196、rovided tools.Based on our 2022 data,efforts over the past several years to give employees more time to work on open source projects may now be paying off.Organizations across all industries are increasingly adopting open source technologies and programs.Open source software is no longer limited to

197、early adopters;instead,it has become a way of life for many businesses.Many organizations have already passed the point where they simply consume open source software;they are now willing to be actual contributors in the development process.Open Source Program Offices(OSPOs)are being established to

198、align efforts across their organizations with management systems and policies designed to create a positive experience for internal professionals,external participants and the communities in which they participate.“Why am I staying at my current job?First off,the pay is good.Second,I learn a whole l

199、ot.So,earn and learn,thats a win!Besides that we are working in a truly Agile way,with no micromanagement.The company is going cloud-only,so no more legacy on-premises stuff.We work with all the cool cloud native stuff K8s,Prometheus,Grafana,Instana,Kafka,Loki,Linux,PostgreSQL,Cosmos DB,and others.W

200、e have excellent cooperation with the product teams,and upper management is also visible and transparent.”OPEN SOURCE CLOUD ENGINEERPART 5:THE VALUE ARCHITECTING,DEPLOYING,AND DEVELOPING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IN 2022KEY TAKEAWAYIn 2022,for open source hiring managers and professionals,its all about a

201、rchitecting,deploying,and developing open source software.PHOTO BY SIGMUND ON UNSPLASH36A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEPART 6Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion in 202262%of organizations employing open source professionals encourage diversity in hiring.48%of open source professionals and hiring manage

202、rs rate their employer diversity efforts as good or excellent.Organizations that encourage diversity in hiring are 2.5 times more likely to support diversity-focused industry initiatives.37THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTOtherNoYes13%62%25%PART 6:DIVERSITY,EQUITY,AND INCLUSION IN 2022Diversit

203、y,Equity,and Inclusion in 2022Diversity continues to be a“work in progress.”While most organi-zations do proactively encourage diversity in their hiring efforts,there are still a significant number of firms who do not.In addition,there are people who simply arent in roles that enable them to have aw

204、areness of their organizational policy or actions.Progress is VisibleFIGURE 21 shows that hiring managers and OSPs believe most orga-nizations are proactively encouraging diversity in hiring.Looking at the results,62%of hiring managers and OSPs said their orga-nization encourages diversity in hiring

205、;13%said they were not proactively encouraging diversity in hiring;and 25%are not able,because of their role or environment,to have awareness of organi-zational policy on diversity.The 62%is an encouraging finding,but accelerating growth in organizational diversity requires a higher level of visibil

206、ity about and into its importance.The 25%other is interesting in that there are a number of reasons why a person might select this response.The respondent might be unemployed,self employed,or employed by a very small company,or just might not have visibility into the employers approach to diversity.


208、 REPORTOrganizations that encourage hiring diversity Organizations that do not encourage hiring diversityDont know or not sureOtherHiring dedicated personnelto lead diversity initiativesthroughout the organizationActively recruitingunderrepresentedindividualsSponsoring diversity,equity,and inclusion

209、working groupsImplementing inclusionand belonging best practicesOffering diversity trainingSupporting industry diversity initiatives such as Women Who Codeor Blacks in Technology1%51%41%15%20%15%19%13%12%11%40%36%38%26%10%34%PART 6:DIVERSITY,EQUITY,AND INCLUSION IN 2022FIGURE 22PROGRESS BEING MADE O

210、N SELECTED DEI INITIATIVESWhat types of diversity,equity,and inclusion initiatives does your organization engage in?(Select all that apply)byDoes your organization proactively encourage diversity in hiring efforts?(Select one)Q84 X Q85,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS AND HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=927,VA

211、LID CASES=927,TOTAL MENTIONS=2,094.ONLY“YES”AND“NO”RESPONSES FROM Q85(FIGURE 21)ARE SHOWN FOR CLARITY.25%is a significant number of people,and if we were to exclude them from the analysis,the 62%of organizations that encourage diversity in hiring would increase to 83%.For this reason we can be optim

212、istic about the progress that diversity is making but until we have additional research,the 62%seems prudent.More Progress on DEI Initiatives is NeededIn order to better assess some of the ways that organizations are addressing diversity needs,we have segmented FIGURE 22 by FIGURE 21.This allows us

213、to better understand the difference in diversity initiatives based on how organizations hire.There is a 39THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTDont knowor not sureDont knowor not sureOrganizations thatencourage hiring diversityOrganizations thatdo not encouragehiring diversity3%Poor1%Extremely poo

214、r0%FairGoodExcellent34%43%19%Extremely poorPoorFairGoodExcellent5%13%29%28%15%9%marked difference in the level of support for diversity initiatives based on hiring practices.FIGURE 22 shows that organizations that encourage diversity in hiring are materially involved in diversity initiatives such as

215、 Women Who Code or Blacks in Technology(51%);diversity training(41%);inclusion and belonging best practices(40%);and active recruitment of underrepresented individuals(38%).Organizations that do not encourage diversity in hiring do embrace diversity initiatives to some extent.This means that diversi

216、ty initiatives are finding their way into organizations organ-ically independent of their hiring policy.This is very encouraging and shows that diversity initiatives can occur both top down and bottom up within the organizations initiatives.Across-the-board increases in diversity,equity,and inclu-si

217、on practices are positive developments,but more is needed.Organizations willing to invest in pursuing and providing extra support to encourage success for underrepresented communities in the tech community could end up being the biggest winners of all in the talent acquisition game.Feedback from OSP

218、s and hiring manager efforts to address diver-sity segmented by hiring diversity is shown in FIGURE 23.The rating distributions in FIGURE 23 show distinctly different patterns.Of those organizations who encourage diversity in hiring,34%rate their diversity efforts as excellent;43%good;19%fair;and 1%

219、poor.This contrasts with organizations who do not encourage diversity in hiring where 5%rate their diversity efforts as excel-lent;13%good;29%fair;28%poor;and 15%extremely poor.While 43%of organizations who do not encourage diversity in hiring were rated as either poor(28%)or extremely poor(15%);PAR


221、.40THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTthese organizations only account for 6%of the overall sample(43%X 13%).This contrasts with the 77%of organizations who do encourage diversity in hiring with ratings of either excellent(34%)or good(43%)that together account for 48%of the overall sample(77%X 6

222、2%).These findings are consistent with the progress shown in FIGURE22 and FIGURE 21 and together indicate that diversity practices are making progress.But diversity is still an issue in IT,where 50%of our sample was drawn from(FIGURE 27).Diversity is formally recog-nized by the majority of organizat

223、ions(62%)and the good news is that diversity continues to make strides and we are certainly beyond the diversity tipping point,and there is no going back.As organizations that embrace diversity from the C-suite down begin talking about best practices and driving more visibility of diver-sity,it will

224、 become increasingly difficult to be an organization without policy and activities that demonstrate a level of support for diversity.About the 2021 The Linux Foundation DEI StudyThis year,the Jobs Report chose not to include questions about whether or not professionals felt discriminated against due

225、 to their identity,nor did we ask specific questions related to gender,race,or disability.Our reasoning for this was that in 2021,the Linux Foundation launched its first study on Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion(DEI),specifically dedicated to exploring these issues within the open source community.The

226、 general conclusion of that study was that discrimination against groups was not a dominant factor,but feelings of inclusion differ widely between underrepresented groups.Enterprise Digital Transformation,Techlash,Political Polarization,Social Media Ecosystem,and Content Moderation are all cited as

227、trends that have exposed and amplified exclusionary narratives and designs,mandating increased awareness and recal-ibrating individual and organizational attention.Diversity in hiring and inclusivity practices have become more important within organizations,but more research is needed to understand

228、the rate of diversity adoption and whether it is increasing.KEY TAKEAWAYPART 6:DIVERSITY,EQUITY,AND INCLUSION IN 2022PHOTO BY BOITUMELO PHETLA ON UNSPLASH41THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTConclusionsThe 10th Annual Jobs Report findings illustrate that we are well past the initial recovery pro

229、cess from the pandemic.Organizations now want to get down to the business of implementing the projects they may have been delaying due to resource constraints during the past three years.From a talent acquisition and development perspective,an“all of the above”approach is whats needed.OSPs with cert

230、ified skills in cloud,containers,and orchestration systems,especially DevOps practices,are highly sought after.Not far behind in demand are cybersecurity and artificial intelligence/machine learning professionals as organizations look to bolster their security hardening efforts and find ways to bett

231、er operationalize their data.The findings imply that businesses must be more attentive to staff training and certification requests to remain talent competitive as rivals make training,hiring,and retention top priority.However,organizations should not overlook financial compensation because its evid

232、ent that even satis-fied employees arent opposed to the prospect of finding another for more money and better work/life balance.Hiring managers find talented OSPs are in even greater demand than in previous years.Closing the talent and skills gap requires top-level recruit-ment incentives as well as

233、 aggressive upskilling and certification of existing talent,which will have the added impact of supporting retention efforts.Finally,make sure your company has the necessary racial and gender diversity to remain competitive in todays market.When it comes to orga-nizational and ecosystem-wide diversi

234、ty,implementing innovative hiring practices and ensuring your workplaces are inclusive positive environments for every individual,regardless of personal characteristics is essential.Making good on this goal entails actively recruiting underrepresented indi-viduals and making an effort to ensure thes

235、e groups follow through and apply to positions in your organization.PHOTO BY TAI BUI ON UNSPLASH42THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTMethodologyThis report provides comprehensive findings of the perspectives and needs of OSPs and hiring managers of these open source professionals.This report is

236、based on data collected from the 10th Annual Open Source Jobs Survey.The survey for this research was developed in February 2022 and fielded as a web survey in March 2022 by the Linux Foundation and edX.Respondents were individuals who self-identified as an open source professional(one who uses or c

237、ontributes to open source technol-ogies)or one who hires or sources open source professionals.Screening criteria ensured that respondents had the following attributes:Self identifies as an OSP or OSP-hiring manager Employed(part-time or full time)or looking for work Self identifies as a real personT

238、he survey included five sections:Screening questions.7 Questions,Q1-Q7.Demographics.7 questions,Q8-Q14.Questions for open source professionals.39 Questions,Q15-Q53.Questions for hiring managers of open source professionals.28 Questions,Q54-Q81.Final questions on diversity and how to improve the surv

239、ey.6 Questions,Q82-Q87.A total of 1,940 respondents started the open source professional questions,and 1,672 respondents completed the section.The long nature of the survey accounts for the 268 respondents who partially completed section three.A total of 559 respondents started and completed the hir

240、ing manager questions in section four.Over 1,200 respondents(open source professionals and hiring managers)completed the diversity,equity,and inclusion ques-tions at the end of the survey.All of the Figures shown in this report are from the Linux Foundations 10th Annual Open Source Jobs Survey excep

241、t where prior years are specifi-cally identified.Percentage values may not add exactly to 100%due to rounding.How Missing Data is HandledAlthough respondents are required to answer nearly all questions in the survey,there are times when a respondent is unable to answer a question because it is outsi

242、de the scope of their role or experience.For this reason,we frequently add a“Dont know or not sure”(DKNS)response to the list of responses for a question.We accept that not every respondent will know the answer to every question that we ask.However,this creates a conundrum regarding what to do with

243、DKNS responses.One approach to dealing with a DKNS is to treat it just like any other response to the question being asked.In this way,report readers can see the percent of respondents that answered DKNS.This advantage of this approach is that it reports back the exact distribution of the data colle

244、cted.The challenge with this approach is that it distorts the distribution of valid responses those responses where respondents were able to answer the question.An approach that we have used in this report is one that excludes DKNS data from the analysis.This can be done because the data missing eit

245、her can be classified as missing at random(MAR)or missing completely at random(MCAR).The definition of both of these classifications share a characteristic that the missing data is randomly distributed either completely or within a sub-sample.Excluding DKNS data from a question does not change the d

246、istribution of data(counts)for the other responses,but it does change the size of the denominator used to calculate the percent of responses across the remaining responses.This has the effect of proportionally increasing the percent values of the remaining responses relative to the number of DKNS re

247、sponses.This approach does not infer anything from the DKNS.Instead,it simply excludes DKNS data from the analysis and the number of valid cases is adjusted accordingly.Where we have elected to exclude DKNS data,a careful examination of the footnote for the figure will enable the reader to determine

248、 the number of DKNS responses based on the difference between the sample size(DKNS inclu-sive)and valid cases(DKNS excluded).We also only use this approach when responses to a question are gener-ally mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.This avoids situations where the respondent answers D

249、KNS because they dont see one or more responses that they would otherwise have selected and were not provided with a way to say“none of the above”or“other.”METHODOLOGY43THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT1%5%7%3%3%43%29%5%3%1%Some high school but no diplomaHigh school graduateor equivalent(e.g.,

250、GED)Some college,no-degree vocational/trade program or apprenticeshipTrade/technical/vocational trainingAssociates degreeBachelors degreeMasters degreeProfessional degreeDoctorate or other advanced degreePrefer not to answerSurvey DemographicsSelected demographics from the 10th Annual Jobs Survey ar

251、e presented below.FIGURE 24HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ACHIEVEDWhat is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?(Select one)Q8,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS AND HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=2,063SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS44THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT16%5%7%8%8%16%7%29%4%1-4950-99100-1

252、-9991,000-4,9995,000-9,99910,000+Dont know or not sure31%22%16%8%7%7%4%2%2%1%1%Europe(excluding Russia)North America(Canada/US)IndiaAsia(except China,India,Japan)South AmericaAfricaMexico,Central America,and the CaribbeanAustralia/New ZealandMiddle EastOther(please specify)RussiaSURVEY D


254、TIONPlease estimate how many employees the organization you work for has worldwide?(Select one)45THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORT50%11%7%4%3%3%2%2%2%2%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%6%Information Technology(IT vendor,service provider,or manufacturer)Financial Services(Banking/Insurance/Securities)Telecomm

255、unications/Internet ServiceProvider(ISP)/Web HostingEducation(College/University)Government(Federal/National)Media(broadcast communications,entertainment,publishing,web site,social networking,etc.)Business Services(accounting,management consulting,legal,etc.)HealthcareRetail,Wholesale,&eCommerceGove

256、rnment(State or local government)Manufacturing(discrete or process)Transportation&Logistics(other than Automotive)AutomotiveEducation(K-12/Primary/Secondary)Construction/EngineeringLife Sciences(biotech,pharmaceuticals,etc.)Utilities/Energy(other than Oil&Gas)Oil&GasAgricultureOtherFIGURE 27INDUSTRY

257、 OF ORGANIZATIONWhich of the following best describes the industry your employer is in?(Select one)Q11,OPENS SOURCE PROFESSIONALS AND HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,894SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS46A GUIDE TO ENTERPRISE OPEN SOURCEAppendixA key objective in the development of this report was to present compre

258、hensive data on the state of open source software jobs based on this 10th annual survey with comparisons to data from earlier reports where possible.This Appendix includes questions from this 2022 survey that explain the derivation of statements made and referenced in this report.47THE 10TH ANNUAL O

259、PEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIX87%13%YesNo59%39%25%24%21%10%2%Company is growing,creating need foradditional open source-focused team membersIncreasing use of open source in ourcompany and need in-house supportDifficulty in retaining open source-relatedtalent is creating openings that we need to back

260、fillReplacing proprietary systems with open source ones and need open source expertise to assist in the migrationsOpen source has become core to our business and we needto increase our participation in the open source communityIncreased reliance on open source software andtools due to the COVID-19 p

261、andemicOtherQ60,OSP HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=421.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.FIGURE A2WHY ORGANIZATIONS ARE HIRING OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALSWhat has changed at your or your clients organization(s)that is driving the hiring of open source professionals in 2022,as comp

262、ared to 2021?(Select all that apply)FIGURE A1THE PRIORITY OF HIRING OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS IN 2022In 2022,is hiring open source talent a priority for you?(Select one)Q57,OSP HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=500,TOTAL MENTIONS=897.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.48THE 10TH ANN

263、UAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIX40%53%7%It has been very difficult to find professionalswith the open source-related skills we needIt has been somewhat difficult to find professionalswith the open source-related skills we needIt has not beendifficult at allQ75,OSP HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,


265、romoting open source professionals,experience with what knowledge areas impact your decision?(Select all that apply)73%66%49%40%27%22%18%13%10%9%6%5%4%3%Cloud/Container TechnologiesLinuxDevOps/GitOps/DevSecOpsCybersecurityWeb TechnologiesArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningNetworking Technologie

266、s(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)Storage TechnologiesBlockchainEdge ComputingOpen Source HardwareFinOpsAutomotive TechnologiesOtherQ56,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=559,TOTAL MENTIONS=1,93649THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIXOther FinOpsAutomotive TechnologiesOpen Source HardwareEdge Com

267、putingBlockchainArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningNetworking Technologies(5G,SDN,NFV,etc.)Storage TechnologiesCybersecurityWeb TechnologiesDevOps/GitOps/DevSecOpsCloud/Container TechnologiesLinux76%60%53%39%22%15%12%10%6%6%6%3%3%5%FIGURE A5WHAT OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS WO

268、RK ONWhat open source initiatives/projects do you work with?(Select all that apply)Q19,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,940,VALID CASES=1,940,TOTAL MENTIONS=6,096FIGURE A6THE UTILITY OF CYBERSECURITY TRAINING COURSESWould cybersecurity training and courses be useful to the company you work fo

269、r?(Select one)38%39%16%Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree2%4%Q39,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672,VALID CASES=1,550.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.50THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIX18%55%22%5%Very easyFairly easyFairly hardVery hardYesNo32%68%63%

270、1%3%13%29%No,my employment status has not changedYes,I accepted a new positionYes,I resigned a positionYes,I was laid off orfurloughed by my employerYes,the organization I workedfor went out of businessQ27,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,548,VALID CASES=1,127.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE


272、re not looking,how easy do you anticipate it will be to find a favorable new position in your area of specialty in 2022?(Select one)Q26,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,548,VALID CASES=1,322.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.FIGURE A8ARE OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS WILLING TO MOVE TO A

273、NEW EMPLOYER?Would you consider moving to a new employer in 2022?(Select one)51THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIXYes,I resigned or accepted a new position in 2022No,I did not resign or accept a new position in 202233%67%1%0%5%7%3%3%29%5%3%1%Some high school but no diplomaNo formal schoo

274、ling completedPrimary education(through 8th grade)0%High school graduateor equivalent(e.g.,GED)Some college,no-degree vocational/trade program or apprenticeshipTrade/technical/vocational trainingAssociates degreeBachelors degreeMasters degreeProfessional degreeDoctorate or other advanced degreePrefe


276、vel of school you have completed?(Select one)52THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIX19%24%32%18%7%Somewhat importantExtremely importantVery importantNot very importantNot at all important69%28%5%Yes,I would be more likely to hire a certified professionalIt would not influence my decisionNo

277、,I would be less likely to hire a certified professionalYes74%26%NoFIGURE A13IMPACT OF OPEN SOURCE CERTIFICATIONS ON HIRING DECISIONSAre your hiring decisions for open source positions influenced by whether a candidate holds a certification?(Select one)Q62,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES

278、=488.DKNS RESPONSES EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.FIGURE A14EMPLOYEE REQUESTS FOR OPEN SOURCE TRAININGHave you noticed an increase in existing employees requesting or proactively taking open source training in the past year?(Select one)Q59,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=559,VALID CASES=425.DKNS RESPONSES

279、EXCLUDED FROM THE ANALYSIS.FIGURE A12IMPORTANCE OF COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY DEGREEHow important is it that candidates for open source positions have a college/university degree?(Select one)Q64,HIRING MANAGERS,SAMPLE SIZE=55953THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIXYesNo72%28%22%31%25%9%4%9%Extreme

280、ly importantVery importantSomewhat importantNot veryimportantNot important at allNot applicable38%31%24%4%2%Extremely usefulVery usefulSomewhat usefulNot veryusefulNot at all usefulFIGURE A15IMPORTANCE OF VENDOR NEUTRALITY IN TRAINING PROVIDERHow important is vendor neutrality in your training provi



283、I will have a way todemonstrate my technicalknowhow to employersI will be more employableI will be able to commanda higher salaryI will get promotedI will have morerespect from my peersOther43%41%35%16%12%50%37%19%34%6%Sought training forexisting employeesHired a consultantContinued to look untilwe

284、found a close fitDelayed technology projectsand/or deploymentsWeve been able to findopensource-related talent,so this is not an issue20212022Q53,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,652,VALID CASES=1,652,TOTAL MENTIONS=3,559FIGURE A18BENEFITS FROM BECOMING CERTIFIEDWhat do you see as the biggest

285、benefits of becoming certified?(Select all that apply)FIGURE A19HOW ORGANIZATIONS COPE WHEN FINDING OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS IS DIFFICULTIf unable to find professionals with the open source-related skills you need,which of the following best describe how you have met your organizations requirements

286、?(Select all that apply)Q78,HIRING MANAGERS,2022 SAMPLE SIZE=559,SAMPLE SIZE 2021=38055THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAPPENDIX21%21%16%13%9%8%6%4%2%Collaboration with a global communityInteresting projectsWorking on the most cutting-edge technology challengesMore job opportunitiesWorking wit

287、h some of the worlds best developersMore opportunities to work from home/remotelyJob stabilityMoney and perksOtherQ43,OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALS,SAMPLE SIZE=1,672FIGURE A20THE BEST ATTRIBUTES OF BEING AN OPEN SOURCE PROFESSIONALWhat is the best thing about being an open source professional?(Select on

288、e)56THE 10TH ANNUAL OPEN SOURCE JOBS REPORTAcknowledgmentsWe thank all of the people who participated in the survey and interview process,as well as those who dedicate time and effort toward building inclusive communities in open source.Special thanks to the Linux Foundation colleagues for their inv

289、olvement in the various stages of the research process:Dan Brown,Hilary Carter,Michael Dolan,Lawrence Hecht,Stephen Hendrick,Jason Perlow,Melissa Schmidt,Clyde Seepersad,Mary Simpkins,and Derek Weeks,and to Henry Kesner,Carolyn Tiernan and Ana Tobin from edX,for their continued support.DisclaimerThi

290、s report is provided“as is.”The Linux Foundation and its authors,contributors,and sponsors expressly disclaim any warranties(express,implied,or otherwise),including implied warranties of merchantability,non-infringement,fitness for a particular purpose,or title,related to this report.In no event wil

291、l the Linux Foundation and its authors,contributors,and sponsors be liable to any other party for lost profits or any form of indirect,special,incidental,or consequential damages of any character from any causes of action of any kind with respect to this report,whether based on breach of contract,to

292、rt(including negligence),or otherwise,and whether or not they have been advised of the possibility of such damage.Sponsorship of the creation of this report does not constitute an endorsement of its findings by any of its Linux Foundation promotes,protects,and standardizes Linux by providing unified

293、 resources and services needed for open source to compete with closed platforms successfully and provides a neutral,trusted hub for professionals to code,manage,and scale open technology projects.edX is the trusted platform for education and learning.Founded by Harvard and MIT,edX is home to more th

294、an 40 million learners,the majority of top-ranked universities globally,and industry-leading companies.edX is transforming traditional education,removing cost,location,and access barriers.Founded in 2021,the Linux Foundation Research explores the growing scale of open source collaboration,providing

295、insight into emerging technology trends,best practices,and the global impact of open source projects.Through leveraging project databases and networks,and a commitment to best practices in quantita-tive and qualitative methodologies,the Linux Foundation Research is creating the go-to library for ope

296、n source insights for the benefit of organizations the world over.The Linux Foundations training program features courses developed and taught by expert instructors,many of whom are well-respected professionals in the open source community.Our certification team performs comprehensive industry and j

297、ob analyses to ensure every professional certification program we offer meets our exceedingly high standards.Combined with our outstanding customer success team,we can deliver respon-sive support and customized training solutions to enable individuals and businesses to succeedJune 2022 Copyright 2022 The Linux FoundationThis report is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.



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