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1、An on-ramp to sustainable mobilityAccelerating the shift to electric vehiclesIBM Institute for Business Value|Research Insights2 To put your sustainability goals into action,you need a strategy and solutions that are specific to your needs.Make informed decisions by making the most of your data.Conn

2、ect your strategy with day-to-day operations to embed sustainability into your business transfor-mation.For more information,please visit: unprecedented disruptions demand automakers rethink how they operate,servecustomers,and impact the planet.Automakers strive to become more connected,predictive,a

3、utomated,intelligent,and sustainable.IBM technology advancements are poised to enablefundamental new capabilities to meet these goals.For more information,please visit: IBM can help150%of consumers expect to own an EV within the next three years.But they continue to be concerned about the cost and l

4、ack of an adequate charging infrastructure.By 2030,auto industry executives estimate corporate spending on EVs will increase 61%and the EV sales share will be 40%.They project that their organizations will no longer sell traditional internal combustion engine(ICE)cars after 2041,cutting spending on

5、those cars in half by 2030.Less than 30%of traditional OEM executives consider vehicle IT systems,including EV platforms,to be core EV capabilities.Only around 40%consider batteries as their core business,but redefined operational models across the automotive value chain appear to be a work-in-progr

6、ess.The automotive industry is advancing sustainable mobility by accelerating its transition to electric vehicles.Key takeaways23In the headlights:The electric vehicle imperativeElectric vehicle(EV)sales have been surging in major markets since 2020.While still a small percentage of overall passenge

7、r vehicle sales,EV sales doubled from 2020 to 2021 to a 9%share,with that share growing another 4%from 2021 to 2022.1 Advances in battery technologieswhich help reduce vehicle costs and improve travel rangescombined with more model choices and purchase incentives are making EVs much more enticing to

8、 consumers.But is the upward trajectory enough to answer the urgent calls to slash greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions?Global climate scientists are sounding the alarm:current national plans are falling short of 2050 net-zero emissions targets established in the Paris Climate Accords.2 With the transportat

9、ion sector contributing almost one-quarter(23%)of global CO2 emissionsroad transport making up 75%of thosethe automotive industry is under pressure to get more EVs on the road.3 Not surprisingly,sustainability weighs heavily on the minds of automotive original equipment manufacturer(OEM)CEOs,ranking

10、 as their greatest challenge over the next two to three years.4 Over the lifetime of an electric car,total GHG emissions are typically lower than those of a gasoline car,with the amount depending on the source of the electricity powering the vehicle.5 Consequently,as governments pin their hopes on v

11、ehicle electrification to reduce a significant portion of GHG emissions,they have set aggressive goals for automakers to grow EV sales.6 The US aspires for EVs to comprise 50%of sales by 2030,and China,Japan,the EU,and the UK are aiming for 100%by 2035.7 But society has contemplated embracing EVs in

12、termittently for decades,sparked by the high gas prices of the 1970s and then again by heightened environmental awareness in the 1990s.8 Following the introduction of more successful brands such as Tesla in the early 2000s,consumer interest piqued once more.Still,as the IBV explored in a 2011 report

13、 about the shift to EVs,high purchase prices,little to no charging infrastructure,and simple lack of consumer education were preventing the movement from taking off.9 Have pressing climate concerns and encouraging techno-logical innovations created the moment when EVs will be universally adopted?To

14、see if the auto industry and consumers are truly intent on making the full pivot to EVs,the IBM Institute for Business Value(IBV)interviewed 1,501 executives from nine countries.We also surveyed 12,663 consumers from seven countries to understand their readiness to accept EVs.Our results found consu

15、mers are indeed willing but wary about the persistent cost and charging issues that have plagued the EV market since its inception.And executives also appear committedbut not entirely confident.45The shift to EVs is real this time,but challenges remainBased on our survey responses,it appears the tra

16、nsition to EVs has gathered enough speed to carry it forward as part of a future of sustainable mobility.50%of consumers who drive expect to own an EV within the next three years,with ownership plans varying widely by countrythe US and Japan lagging China and India significantly.And auto industry ex

17、ecutives say that EVs are taking a more prominent position within corporate strategies,with only 4 out of 1,501 respondents stating that EV is not a strategic focus today.But more significantly,executives project their spending on EVs will surpass their allocations to ICE vehicles within the next fe

18、w years(see Figure 1).By 2030,they expect to be spending 61%more on EVs than they do now,and ICE allocations will be cut in half.Perhaps even more striking,none of the executives expect to sell ICE vehicles after 2041,with 62%expecting ICE sales to phase out around 2035 (see Figure 2).Yet,despite th

19、eir strategic and spending priorities,only 44%of automotive executives expect to achieve the industrys ambitious 2030 EV sales goals,which range mostly from 50%to 80%of total sales in Europe,the US,and China.10 Why might they be uncertain?EVs mark a significant transition for automakers,requiring en

20、tirely new designs,components,skills,partnerships,and processes as well as a renewed focus on what is most important to consumers.And herein lie the challenges.6FIGURE 1Automakers are committed to the EV transition,shifting spending allocations from ICE vehicles to EVs.Spend allocation by powertrain

21、90%70%50%30%10%202220252030Q.Percent of your global spend aligned to the following powertrain programs in 2022,2025,and 2030.EVHybrid electric vehicle/fuel cell electric vehicleICE vehicleOur survey surfaced several speed bumps that need attention to maintain the momentum of the industrys EV transfo

22、rmation:A disconnect between consumer expectations and executive perceptions as OEMs define how to price and sell EVs The need for stronger ecosystem collaboration to support the charging infrastructure and battery lifecycle needed for widespreadand eventually universaladoption of EVs Continued eval

23、uation as to which new operational competencies OEMs should strengthen and keep in house versus those they should outsource or develop in partnership with external parties.Leaders must take decisive action for operational alignment to smooth the road for the full transition to EVs.Those who leverage

24、 advanced technologies and build robust ecosystems will be better positioned to meet the speed of change needed to deliver on global net-zero emissions goals and seize a competitive market edge.7FIGURE 2Executives expect the availability of ICE vehicles to end after 2041.Note:Excluding 13%of respond

25、ents who do not offer ICE products/services currently.Q.By when do you expect ICE(cars/components/services)will no longer be available from your global organization?Projections of when ICE vehicles and related product sales will phase out7202520302035204020500%3%62%36%0%ICE vehicles will survive/205

26、1 and after0%89Roadblocks to remove for continued EV growthThe disconnect between consumer wants and executive perceptionsAs automotive executives define revenue models for the EV market,its important that they understand what consumers want in terms of price and features.We asked both groups about

27、the factors that influence the decision to purchase an electric vehicle and found a sharp difference.While consumers chose more cost factors,executives expect charging issues and concern about the environment to be the consumers primary considerations(see Figure 3).FIGURE 3Executive and consumer vie

28、ws differ on factors influencing EV purchases.67%ExecutivesConsumersWidespread access to charge stationsEnvironmental awarenessAbility to charge at homeAbility to charge at homeLow running costFluctuating fuel priceEnvironmental awareness66%63%60%52%62%63%Charge relatedExecutive Q.Select the factor

29、most important to customers decision to obtain an EV.Consumer Q.Choose the extent that each factor influences your decision to obtain a BEV;percentages represent those who selected 5(to a very large extent)and 4(to a large extent).Cost related 10The purchase price of the EV is critical to consumers,

30、named as the top criterion when choosing an EV and more important than battery range.But again,executive perceptions and consumer expectations dont line up.Executives project consumers are willing to pay a price premium of 5%-8%on the initial purchase of an EV.Survey results indicate consumer intere

31、st tapers off around$60,000,which based on IBV analysis,is a current price premium of 16%in the US.Despite the industrys constant efforts to reduce EV prices,a clear gap still exists.A more interesting dichotomy exists between executives and consumers around EV total cost of ownership(TCO).Assuming

32、a five-year ownership period,executives say they expect consumers will pay an 18%premium over the life of ownership,but more than half of global consumers(52%)expect the TCO to be equal to or lower than for a conventional car.Based on IBV analysis,EVs have a clear advantage with energy costs,but a m

33、ajor contributing factor to EV TCO is depreciation cost,resulting from battery deterioration over time.In addition,the factors that play into TCO may not always be clear to consumers.For example,in the US in 2023,some EVs will be eligible for tax breaks while others will not.11 Looking at expected u

34、sage of EVs,again,executives and consumers arent on the same page.Executives expect EV ownership to be almost evenly divided between corporate fleets(53%)and personally owned vehicles(47%).For the personally owned EVs,they envision new usage patterns as EVs go mainstream,but consumers dont yet have

35、this same view of the future(see Figure 4).Executives anticipate business uses,such as ride-sharing services,deliveries,home repair services,sales,and real estate,will be the top ways customers will use personally owned vehicles,but consumers overwhelmingly chose commutes and errands.Business useCom

36、mutes and errandsLong-distance tripsLeisure/recreationFIGURE 4 Executives envision new uses for personally owned EVs as they go mainstream.59%7%54%72%12%37%30%9%Executives ConsumersNote:Executives chose the top two uses;consumers chose one use.Executive Q.Choose the primary uses of privately owned E

37、Vs in your country.Consumer Q.What will be the main use of BEV?11The continuing charging infrastructure challengeAn Achilles heel for vehicle electrification has long been the lack of an adequate charging infra-structure.The International Energy Agency(IEA)notes that this issue is even more pronounc

38、ed in developing and emerging countries.12 Reducing carbon emissions through EVs requires a systemic view that includes the battery value chain to the charging infrastructure.Our survey confirms charging issues are still primary blockers to EV adoption.More than half(57%)of consumers are concerned a

39、bout the lack of public charging stations,and 51%cite the difficulty of installing an at-home charging station.Just over half(53%)expect home charging stations to be their main method of charging,so the up-front installation costs may also be a deterrent.US consumers told us they are prepared to spe

40、nd slightly more than$1,000(see Figure 5).13 UK and Japanese consumers have tighter budgetsless than$900while those in India,China,and Brazil are more willing to open their wallets,saying they would spend over$1,500 for installation.More than half of consumers are concerned about the difficulty of i

41、nstalling an at-home charging station.FIGURE 5 Consumer expectations for the cost of installing at-home charging equipment vary by country.$1,000USJapan$1,064Global$1,018Germany$539$1,872$1,680$1,500BrazilChinaIndiaUK$869Source:Based on IBV analysis of consumer responses.1112Of course,not everyone h

42、as the option or capacity to install an at-home charging station,for example,those renting,living in multifamily dwellings,or without a dedicated parking space.Plus,current EV users report driving twice as many miles per day as conventional vehicle owners and taking long-dis-tance trips five times m

43、ore often,so they need places to charge.Only half of consumer respondents expect home charging stations to be their primary charging method,so destination charging points(such as work,shopping,and travel destinations),shared charging stations near homes,and en route fast charging stations are needed

44、 as EV adoption goes mainstream(see Figure 6).But recognizing the substantial effort needed to build the EV charging infrastructure,executives dont foresee adequate availability of these various charging methods in the immediate future.Not until 2040 do 89%of respondents anticipate their countries w

45、ill be ready to support the EV fleet.This does not align well with their global EV sales share projections of 40%in 2030;only 13%expect enough charging stations to be available by then(see Figure 7).In addition to the infrastructure,the battery range factors into the charging equation.IBV analysis d

46、etermined that most consumers want more than 300 miles of EV range,but the median range in the US in 2021 was 234 miles.14 The industry has made good progress on improving battery performance and energy density,resulting in increased ranges.However,other battery issues remain.FIGURE 6 With only half

47、 of consumers planning to charge at home,the charging infrastructure should offer a variety of options.Home charging stationDestination charging pointsShared charging stations at or near homeEn route fast charging stations13FIGURE 7 Executives anticipate the EV charging infrastructure will be widely

48、 available between 2035 and 2040.50%40%30%20%10%0%BY 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Anticipated readiness of EV charging infrastructureQ.When do you expect your country to have adequate charging infrastructure to overcome consumer concerns?0%13%41%35%10%1%Battery performance deteriorates over time,so

49、 as the number and speed of charges increase,this affects battery ranges as well as the residual value of EVs.Safety problems such as thermal events are concerning.And the environmental impacts of sourcing raw materials,emissions during manufacturing,and recycling used batteries need to be addressed

50、.However,the chemistry behind how batteries work is extremely complex,requiring detailed models of molecular interactions that exceed the limits of classical computing.Some companies are looking to quantum computing to help test these new chemistries,with the hopes of identifying less expensive,more

51、 abundant materials that can be used to produce more environmentally friendly,high-performing batteries(see case study“Quantum powers battery materials and energy grid research”).14Case studiesQuantum powers battery materials researchTodays EV batteries primarily use critical earth minerals such as

52、lithium,cobalt,and nickel.But material shortages could become another barrier to meeting the goals for zero-emission vehicles.Following years of incremental progress in battery technology,researchers are turning to quantum computing to supercharge the identification of alternative materials,helping

53、accelerate EV production while keeping them affordable.Quantum computing overcomes the time limitations of classical computing in materials simulationhelping researchers avoid laborious and costly experimental methods.Quantum simulations can be used to more realistically simulate materials and their

54、 interactions with device operation,manufacturing processes,and the operating conditions,enabling productive experi-mentation on the computer and less lab research and manufacturing development.15 Manufacturers have joined the IBM Quantum Network as they look to this powerful technology to fuel thei

55、r battery research:Mitsubishi Chemical is pursuing the promise of lithium-oxygen batteries,which on paper appear to be substantially lighter and to last longer on a single charge.The researchers seek to better understand lithium-oxygens potential as an energy source by using new algorithms that take

56、 advantage of quantum computing.16 Engineers at Mercedes-Benz expect the next great leap in battery technology to come from the lithium-sulfur battery.They plan to use quantum to simulate the multitudes of molecular properties and behaviors that go into the research before building physical prototyp

57、es.17 1415Responding to operating model impactsAutomakers are facing the most consequential change in automotive history.They are pivoting to electronics-heavy products controlled by software that supports differen-tiating features such as over-the-air updates,in-vehicle entertainment,gaming,and eve

58、n autonomous driving.The mechanics of a vehicle take a back seat to the massive amounts of programming now required.Goldman Sachs estimated that by 2025,each car could require 650 million lines of codea completely different level of complexity when compared to a smartphone operating system or even a

59、 fighter aircraft that has an average of 20-40 million lines of code.18 Looking at EVs more specifically,the manufacturing shift is equally dramatic in that they require different parts than ICE vehicles.For example,EVs dont need engines,intake systems,fuel systems,and traditional transmissions.Inst

60、ead,they use electric motors and bigger batteries.Industry executives observe that the implications from this EV transformation stretch across the automotive value chain.From design and development,to manufacturing,to sales models and aftersales,they are assessing impacts and evaluating new operatio

61、nal challenges(see Figure 8).FIGURE 8 The shift to EVs impacts the entire auto manufacturing value chain.Impacted operations Component development Model development Production engineeringTop 3Operations challenges Manufacturing Aftersales Component developmentQ.Extent that shift to EV will require y

62、our organization to make changes in the phase of the value chain;Which value chain phases will EV-related changes present the greatest challenge to your organization?Areas listed reflect the choices of executives who responded 5(to a significant extent)and 4(to a great extent).16For decades,automake

63、rs and their suppliers have known their strengths.Theyve been clear on their core competencies,and theyve built vertical supply chain bases to support their operations.But at this critical juncture in their history,they are facing a future filled with fresh demands for software,hardware,and electric

64、 components.To accelerate the transition to EVs,executives require a high-resolution target operating model in each operational area across the value chain,enabling them to adapt to everything new:products,manufacturing processes,and sales and service models.Then they can define a practical roadmap

65、to get there.As part of this process,they need to define the core competencies that should be kept in-house versus the areas where they require external parties expertise through either outsourcing or partnering.Based on responses,it appears strategic decisions around operational models are still a

66、work-in-progress.Perhaps most surprising are executives current views on vehicle IT systems(see Figure 9).While most EV components are controlled by software versus mechanical parts,less than 30%of automakers position software and other vehicle IT capabilities as core.These are areas where they coul

67、d differentiate their products,but it is not clear whether they will continue to see them as non-core or if they will begin to build these capabilities in-house.FIGURE 9 Executives core competency choices are influenced by financial factors and lack of skills or technology.554540602178Traditional OE

68、Ms In-source Outsource N/A2874544541582475Component R&D Electronic componentsEV batteryEV HW platformVehicle IT systemsConnected platformEV software platformEdge computingManufacturingVehicle assemblyElectronic componentsBatteryEV platformQ.Components/functions that you expect to retain i

69、n-house versus outsource to business partners/third parties.17Most executives also say EV hardware and software platforms are not core competencies.Although a few companies are announcing EV platforms,many carmakers may envision sourcing those capabilities from external partners and distinguishing t

70、hemselves through features and applications that run on top of the platforms.19 Automakers,for now,seem to be staying mostly in their comfort zone.Survey results show vehicle integration and assembly continue to be core compe-tencies,and electric components are emerging as new core capabilities.Also

71、 of interest,despite headlines of new battery factory announcements by OEMs,only 40%of traditional OEM executives position battery R&D and manufacturing as parts of their core business.20 But this is a fluid situation,and because battery production requires significant investments,strategies may var

72、y widely among companies.Traditional OEMs indicate the decision to keep a function in-house is guided primarily by financial factors,as some of these new capabilitiessuch as battery productionrequire substantial investments,while the decision to outsource is driven by lack of skills or technology.EV

73、 adoption is also expected to drive changes in sales and ownership models.Nearly half of executives(48%)say fully online sales and financing will be the most important sales model and 46%cite traditional dealer sales.But with the EV market leader,Tesla,selling directly to consumers and eliminating t

74、he role of dealer franchises,executives are evaluating other sales channels,including third-party car buying services and direct selling.The evolution of sales models may take different paths based on each companys strategy and the regional context in which they operate.Industry executives project 3

75、7%of EVs will be subscribed to rather than financed or leased in 2030.Executives are also envisioning a significant shift in ownership models for privately owned EVs as compared to the current market.While currently,subscriptions make up only 3%of EV ownership models,by 2030 executives expect owners

76、hip to be almost evenly divided between subscriptions,leases,and purchases.A related IBM survey in the German market reveals that subscriptions may in fact be a more viable path to widespread EV adoption by making the cost more manageable.21The switch to subscriptions also works in favor of the auto

77、makers.Executives anticipate that EV subscrip-tions will be a promising revenue source for their businesses by 2030,second only to battery-related services.Although subscription models are still emerging,this executive attention is likely to help propel them to the forefront.Shifting to the supplier

78、 outlook,they appear optimistic in their view of the transition,anticipating 21%global revenue growth by 2030.Nearly half are prioritizing scaling down/exiting from the ICE business,and more than half plan to reskill their workers to meet the changing needs.Fewer than 30%anticipate a corporate restr

79、ucturing,such as selling or merging with another company,forming a joint venture,or buying another company.As companies search for the most efficient path to design,development,and manufacturing,those who recognize and address consumer pain points as well as commit confidently and quickly to their n

80、ew core competencies are more likely to capture the EV market.1819Driving EV adoption forward with ecosystems and technology Partnering for progressSustainability and the solutions that support it demand strategic collaboration and innovative approaches across industries(see case studies,“Building a

81、 sharing economy for energy”).In the IBV 2022 CEO Study,we found that transformational CEOs engage broadly with their ecosystems to solve environmental problems.They are establishing entirely new business networks or platforms,and they are deepening collaboration to foster open innovation.22 Similar

82、ly,auto executives report continued use of business ecosystems and partner-ships for technology platforms,such as EV software and the in-vehicle customer experience(see Figure 10).As examples,General Motors and Toyota are sharing overall EV platform development costs with other OEMs to enable faster

83、 rollouts of a greater variety of models.23 Likewise,Volkswagen and Ford Motor Company are expanding their e-mobility partnership with Ford planning to produce a new electric model for the European market based on Volkswagens MEB electric platform.24The charging infrastructure is also ripe for partn

84、erships.They obviously extend from the auto industry to the energy and utilities industry,which is working to build a clean and balanced grid that further reduces CO2 emissions(see Perspective,“IBM tools support electrification efforts”).The charging infrastructure network also touches the manufactu

85、ring industrythose who are building the EVs,the batteries,and the charging equipment and who also need to ensure they are using sustainable,cost-effective,efficient practices.Then consider the retail,real estate,and travel industries,which represent the places people go in their EVs.Consumers need t

86、o know they can conveniently recharge while they shop at a store,dine at a restaurant,or sleep at a hotel.Governments have a role to play as well,creating the charging infrastructure along the public roads they maintain and planning the cities where EV owners live,work,and travel.20Case studiesIn an

87、ticipation of Sweden making the move to EVs this decade,Eljun a Stockholm-based green energy companyis concerned whether the country has the charging support infrastructure in place to support this growth.In response,the company is building a network that connects EV owners to charging stations in a

88、 mutually beneficial manner.Vehicle owners can locate convenient charging stations,while charging station owners can earn money in the hours when their stations are not otherwise in use.Eljun relies on open source technology,cloud computing,and a managed services platform running in a serverless env

89、ironment for its solution.These tools have allowed Eljun to design the architecture and then let it manage itself,scaling up and down as needed.Looking ahead,Eljun hopes to incorporate predictive analytics so they can make suggestions based on weather or if a charging station may need maintenance.An

90、d if all the single,privately owned charging stations can connect to this type of sharing economy,Eljuns leaders predict the infrastructure problem could be solved.E.ON,one of Europes largest operators of energy networks and infra-structure,is also thinking ahead to solve the distribution of energy

91、across the grid.The company anticipates that energy will no longer flow unilat-erally from utility to consumer,but instead smaller companies and even households could feed the grid through their photovoltaic(PV)systems or electric cars.Coordinating and controlling such a system requires enormous com

92、puting power that classical computing systems cant accommodate.E.ON is looking to quantum computing with IBM to help manage the processes more efficiently and effectively.Building a sharing economy for energy252021EV softwareData monitizationIn-vehicle customer experienceEV hardwareConnected carMate

93、rial recyclingMobility servicesOver-the-air(OTA)Data securityPayment/subscriptionEV component supply chainElectric grid managementData managementRepair/aftersales/servicesFIGURE 10 Executives plan to continue leveraging business ecosystems and partnerships for technology platforms.51%51%50%48%47%47%

94、47%47%46%44%41%36%35%34%Q.To what extent do you expect to leverage business ecosystems and partnerships for each of the following technology platforms?Percentages represent those who responded 5(significantly)or 4(very significantly).IBM tools support electrification efforts26PerspectiveWith no comm

95、on definition of“clean electrification”or agreed-upon standards for achieving it,utilities are struggling to set goals and monitor progress.In response,IBM,in partnership with a global team of energy and sustainability experts,and the American Productivity and Quality Center(APQC),a world leader in

96、open standards benchmarking,have created the Clean Electrification Maturity Model(CEMM).This open-standards model for clean electrification includes 200 organizational attributes across eight domain competencies:market innovation,strategy and leadership,organization and culture,technology,sustainabi

97、lity,grid operations,work and asset management,and customer experience.Using this tool,electric utilities can assess their organizational maturity against new and emerging clean energy competencies.In a separate effort to help a UK client create an electrification solution,IBM ultimately developed a

98、 reference architecture for EV charging.A product of multiple workshops,studies,and surveys,the reference architecture covers the essential entities for managing the charging of EVs:a digital experience platform,an eMobility service provisioning system,the charging station management system,charging

99、 sites,the EVs,enterprise systems,and electrification market integration.2122Executives recognize the charging network must be broad.They expect EV manufacturers to lead alongside energy companies,charge equipment and battery manufacturers,and others(see Figure 11).Of note,executives from Chinawhere

100、 EV sales surpass those of other countriessay that real estate owners should play a large role in the network.27 And they anticipate dealerships providing charging points and facilitating power grid integration.FIGURE 11 The EV charging network requires the contributions of multiple critical players

101、.EV manufacturers Energy companies Charge equipment manufacturers Battery manufacturers Governments Real estate owners/operators Car dealers and service centers Public/private consortiaAutomakers are embracing their role in the EV charging network,with 65%of executives saying EV manufacturers are cr

102、itical players.2223Embracing technology to accelerate the EV transformationAcross the automotive value chain,the transition to EVs introduces many opportunities for progress,and the industry can use technologies to help achieve them(see Figure 12).Building on its productive use of business and opera

103、tions automation across factory floors and throughout the back-office,the industry can infuse solutions backed by advanced technol-ogiessuch as AI and machine learning,advanced analytics,augmented/virtual reality,and hybrid cloudto reshape areas including product design and development,manufacturing

104、,sales and marketing,service and aftersales,and ecosystem collaboration.Consider component and subsystem designwhich is heavily driven by software engineeringas well as product design.Speed is essential to getting new components,products,and functionality to market quickly.AI-powered engineering lif

105、ecycle management helps optimize requirements and workflow management as well as enables collabo-rative modeling,design,and testing environments(see case study,“Lumen Freedom standardizes design management for wireless charging units).Similarly,digital twinswhich are digital replicas of a physical o

106、bject fed by real-time dataallow for simulations,such as crash tests.Or when combined with AI and machine learning,they help engineers identify design issues before building the actual product.28Switching gears,think about the expected growth of subscription models for obtaining EVs.While not unique

107、 to EV sales,this approach allows automakers and rental car companies to offer additional fee-based,software-based services,such as autonomous or assisted driving capabilities.Administering these services can quickly become complex,but an intelligent subscription platform can automate the many reven

108、ue processes involved,such as quoting,billing,collections,and analytics.Turning to connectivity,the software-heavy EV is in constant communication with other vehicles,its surroundings,infotainment service providers,and the automakers back-end systems.For instance,over-the-air software updates can be

109、 delivered to the vehicle to meet regulatory requirements or to patch security gaps quickly.And with the expansion of 5G technology,even more data can be exchanged at the edge,which means the back-end systems must be able to respond quickly,and robust edge capabil-ities need to be built accordingly.

110、To meet these low-latency requirements,automakers are using a variety of technologies,including hybrid cloud platforms,to deploy systems regionallya tactic that also supports managing local regulatory requirements.29The increase in connected vehicles lights up the radar of cyber criminals by expandi

111、ng the attack landscapeeven extending beyond cars into the charging infrastructure.The effects trickle into the insurance industry as well,as they struggle to assess an unfamiliar set of risks and losses.Automakers are tackling this complex and multilayered situation,starting with protective measure

112、s in the vehicle electronics and extending into real-time monitoring of vehicle use through Vehicle Security Operations Centers(V-SOCs).30 Regulators are also trying to keep up,expanding standards for automakers to follow.31 This includes UNECE R155,which outlines specific vehicle cyber-security gui

113、delines such as the establishment of a cybersecurity management system.This system must take a holistic view of the vehicle and its enabling connected services ecosystem,from development through production,operation,and disposal.32 Meeting this requirement enables car manufacturers to build trust wi

114、th consumers and fleet owners.The auto industry can leverage technology-infused solutions to reshape areas across the automotive value chain,from R&D to ecosystem collaboration.24OpportunitiesSupporting technologyResearchBattery performanceComponent light-weightingQuantum for chemistry/materials res

115、earchSemiconductor researchComponent and subsystem developmentSoftware developmentDesign of new componentsVehicle cybersecurity management systemsEngineering lifecycle management softwareProduct developmentProduct differentiationIncreased connectivityDigital twinsEdge and cloud computingSupply chain

116、New supplier baseSupply chain visibilityControl towersAI-powered intelligent workflowsManufacturingCostTransition to new productionSmart factoryOEE analyticsSales&marketingEmerging sales modelsEmerging revenue sourcesHybrid sales platformsSubscription platformsFinancingNew financing modelsEvaluation

117、 of residual valueFinance platform modernizationAI/advanced analyticsService&aftersalesTechnician shortagesEV component servicingRemote diagnostics/connected insightsMobile service enablement/augmented and virtual realityRecyclingBatteries and precious metalsTrackingCircular economy platformParts/ma

118、terials trackingITIncreasingly complex environmentsSpeed to deliverHybrid cloudDevSecOps/agile modelsEcosystemsHorizontal partner expansionNew stakeholdersAPI managementMarketplacesAdmin/HRAttracting talent ReskillingLearning platforms/AI-based skills assessmentBusiness process automationSustainabil

119、ityDefine KPIsESG reportingAI/data analyticsRegulatory analysis and reporting platformFIGURE 12 Technology can transform the automotive value chain throughout the EV transition.25Finally,automotive executives dont seem to be connecting their EV programs with their corporations sustainability strateg

120、ies.Fewer than half(49%)say the EV program is essential to achieving corporate sustainability targets.And just over half(55%)view CO2 emissions as an explicit measure in evaluating their EV program.This lack of alignment could be a missed opportunity.Not only can tech tools expedite design and deliv

121、ery of environmentally friendly vehicles,but digital solutions can offer an end-to-end view of sustainability throughout the production process,including deeper insights into manufacturing emissions and the effectiveness of responsible sourcing and recycling efforts.The 2022 IBV CEO study on transfo

122、rmational sustainability featured executives who deliberately integrate sustainability and digital transformation and as a result are realizing higher revenue growth than their peers.33 For automotive executives,this suggests they should define clear operational models that fit with their EV strateg

123、y across its value chainfrom design to disposaland align the programs goals to the overall corporate sustainability strategy.Case studiesEnvisioning that consumers wont want to physically plug in their electric cars every time they need to charge,Australian company Lumen Freedom ventured into develo

124、ping wireless charging.But as the business progressed and the demand for variations grew,its design and management efforts became more complex and difficult to manage.Working with IBM Business Partner Olive Grove IT,Lumen Freedom deployed two key software-as-a-service engineering lifecycle managemen

125、t products from IBM that standardized and unified workflow management in their product development processes.The software helps drive efficiencies by centralizing design and workflow effortsincluding more than 10,000 requirementswithin a single tool and common interface.It also boosts staff efficien

126、cy by providing visibility into each team members workload,so resources can be reallocated as needed.Lumen Freedom standardizes design management for wireless charging units342627 Action guideThe shift to EVs is accelerating,but work remains for auto executives to verify their EV strategy and its in

127、tegration with sustainability goals,understand their customers,refine their operational roadmap,and extend their ecosystems horizontally to support electrification.Consider these next steps as part of your near-term planning exercises.01Ensure your organizations strategy is aligned with the EV trans

128、ition Revisit and define which market position your organization is targeting with EVs and align financial commitments accordingly.Determine your differentiating factors in the chosen market,capitalizing on your organizations unique strengths/expertise.Consider new business models to allow room for

129、emerging revenue sources.Define a technical blueprint that allows your organization to be flexible.Make certain it accounts for interoperability,continuous innovation,and scalability.Ensure EV program goals and KPIs align with corporate sustainability strategies.Build a data architecture that allows

130、 you to measure financial outcomes and progress against sustainability goals.02Assess customer needs and wants for EVs and determine how to satisfy current and future needs Validate market insights in your target geographies,brand,and customer context.Understand customers by talking to them in the f

131、ield and holding discovery workshops.Clarify their pain points and reflect those in product planning.Use sophisticated data and analytics capabilities to monitor and improve sales KPIs.Include a timely feedback mechanism to reflect the fluid market situation.Actively pursue new revenue sources,for e

132、xample,subscriptions and services around batteries.28 03Define a high-resolution target operating model and clear roadmap to guide the transition to EVs Conduct benchmarking to assess how your organizations EV-related capabilities compare with competitors.For each operational area,define your new ta

133、rget operating model with core competencies and partnership/outsourcing opportunities.Create a clear roadmap to get there.Plan resource allocations accordingly.Find capable partners and pursue creative partnerships to build missing capabilities while managing costs.If vehicle IT/software capabilitie

134、s are missing,leverage external partners resources and gradually build internal skills.04Work with ecosystem players for electrification efforts Identify quick-gain investment areas to solve charging concerns for your unique customers,such as installing charging stations where your customers frequen

135、t.Create innovative value propositions to consumers and industry stakeholders and help each stakeholder understand the role they play in the charging network.Consider creative and viable business models that bring financial incentives to all stakeholders.Use technology platforms to facilitate collab

136、oration with ecosystem partners.Action guide29Noriko SuzukiGlobal Research Leader Automotive,Electronics,Energy and Utilities IndustriesIBM Institute for Business V Namic KerimovAssociate PartnerNorth American Automotive Accounts IBM C is responsible for developing thought leadership for the automot

137、ive,electronics,and energy industries at the IBM Institute for Business Value.She has more than 20 years of experience working with global manufacturing customers on technology strategies and implementation.Her recent expertise includes Industry 4.0,digital transformation of operations,mobility solu

138、tions,and sustainable transportation.Misuzu Nakanishi PartnerIBM ConsultingIBM Japan L is in charge of mobility business transformation and company-wide digital transformation reform for automotive companies.She also has the experience of many global strategy consulting projects for industrial compa

139、nies across more than 30 countries.Mardan is an automotive and mobility thought leader focused on the application of CASE technologies in service to global automakers and their customers.He is responsible for bringing the breadth of IBM to US clients,building industry partnerships,and co-creating th

140、e future together.During Mardans 15 years as a global automotive practitioner,he has held roles in automotive research,design,development,manufacturing,testing,and aftersales with leaders in the industry.About the authors29AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the following IBM executive s

141、ponsors for supporting this research effort:Daniel Knoedler,Director,Global Manufacturing Industries,IBM Technology,and Yuhko Nakamura,Senior Partner and VP,Automotive Industry,IBM Consulting Japan.30Related reportsThe power of electrification“The power of electrification:A path to reliable,resilien

142、t,and renewable energy.”IBM Institute for Business Value.March 2022.https:/ 2030“Automotive 2030:Racing toward a digital future.”IBM Institute for Business Value,September 2019.https:/ future of automotive commerce“The future of automotive commerce:Digital experience will make the difference.”IBM In

143、stitute for Business Value.October 2020.https:/ Institute for Business ValueFor two decades,the IBM Institute for Business Value has served as the thought leadership think tank for IBM.What inspires us is producing research-backed,technology-informed strategic insights that help leaders make smarter

144、 business decisions.From our unique position at the intersection of business,technology,and society,we survey,interview,and engage with thousands of executives,consumers,and experts each year,synthesizing their perspectives into credible,inspiring,and actionable insights.To stay connected and inform

145、ed,sign up to receive IBVs email newsletter at can also follow IBMIBV on Twitter or find us on LinkedIn at https:/ibm.co/ibv-linkedin.The right partner for a changing worldAt IBM,we collaborate with our clients,bringing together business insight,advanced research,and technology to give them a distin

146、ct advantage in todays rapidly changing environment.Study approach and methodologyThe IBM Institute for Business Value(IBV)conducted executive interviews and online consumer surveys on electric vehicles in major automotive markets with a focus on EVs that run purely on electricity.Consumer survey co

147、untries represent over 75%of global sales.Respondents included 1,501 executives from nine countries and 12,663 consumers from seven countries.74%of executives were at the C-suite or senior/executive vice president level,and 26%were directors.Half had global responsibilities and the other half had re

148、gional responsibilities.Company types included traditional auto OEMs(22%),EV manufacturers/brands(17%),component suppliers(31%),and ecosystem players such as charging hardware/software and charging point providers(30%).Functional areas included strategy/general management,finance,R&D,manufacturing,p

149、rocurement,sales and marketing,customer service/aftersales,IT,and regulatory/sustainability.About Research InsightsResearch Insights are fact-based strategic insights for business executives on critical public-and private-sector issues.They are based on findings from analysis of our own primary rese

150、arch studies.For more information,contact the IBM Institute for Business Value at .31Notes and sources 1“Electric Vehicles Tracking report.”International Energy Agency.September 2022.https:/www.iea.org/reports/electric-vehicles2“For a livable climate:Net-zero commitments must be backed be credible a

151、ction.”United Nations Climate Action.Accessed January 4,2023.https:/www.un.org/en/climatechange/net-zero-coalition 3“Global energy-related CO2 emissions by section.”International Energy Agency.October 26,2022.https:/www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-energy-related-co2-emissions-by-sector

152、;“Transport sector CO2 emissions by mode in the Sustainable Development Scenario,2000-2030.”International Energy Agency.October 26,2022.https:/www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/transport-sector-co2-emissions-by-mode-in-the-sus-tainable-development-scenario-2000-2030 4“2022 Global CEO study.Own

153、your impact:Practical pathways to transformational sustainability.”IBM Institute for Business Value.Unpublished data.5“Electric Vehicle Myths.”US Environmental Protection Agency.December 22,2022.https:/www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths6“The Closing Window:Climate crisis calls for rapi

154、d transformation of societies.”UN Environment Programme Emissions Gaps Report 2022.2022.https:/www.unep.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2022 7“Historical and projected data on electric vehicle sales,stock,and charging infrastructure and oil displacement.”International Energy Agency Global EV Data

155、 Explorer.May 23,2022.https:/www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/data-tools/global-ev-data-ex-plorer;“Key policies and measures that support the deployment of electric and zero-emission vehicles.”International Energy Agency Global EV Policy Explorer.May 23,2022.https:/www.iea.org/data-and-sta-tistics/da

156、ta-tools/global-ev-policy-explorer8“The History of the Electric Car.”US Department of Energy.September 15,2014.https:/www.energy.gov/articles/history-electric-car9 Gyimesi,Kalman and Ravi Viswanathan.“The shift to electric vehicles:Putting consumers in the drivers seat.”IBM Institute for Business Va

157、lue.November 2011.https:/ EV Outlook 2022:Securing supplies for an electric future.”International Energy Agency.May 2022.https:/www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-202211“New US EV Tax Credit:Heres Everything You Need to Know.”InsideEVs.September 28,2022.https:/ “Electric Vehicles Tracking report.

158、”International Energy Agency.September 2022.https:/www.iea.org/reports/electric-vehicles 13“How Much Does an Electric Car Charging Station Cost?”HomeAdvisor.August 29,2022.https:/ 14“FOTW#1220,January 10,2022:In Model Year 2021 the Electric Vehicle with the Longest Range Reached 405 Miles on a Singl

159、e Charge.”US Department of Energy.January 10,2022.https:/www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1220-january-10-2022-model-year-2021-electric-vehicle-longest-range15“The Quantum Decade:A playbook for achieving awareness,readiness,and advantage.”IBM Institute for Business Value.July 2021 second e

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161、g Over the Auto Industry.”Goldman Sachs.November 8,2022.https:/ 3219“GM Reveals New Ultium Batteries and a Flexible Global Platform to Rapidly Grow EV Portfolio.”General Motors Newsroom.https:/ further develops e-car platform.”Shaping Mobility Hub.December 6,2022.https:/shaping-mo- 20 Fields,Samanth

162、a.“Why carmakers are pouring billions into new electric vehicle battery factories.”Marketplace.May 25,2022.https:/www.marketplace.org/2022/05/25/why-carmakers-are-pouring-billions-into-new-electric-vehicle-battery-factories/21 Based on unpublished IBM research.22“2022 Global CEO study.Own your impac

163、t:Practical pathways to transformational sustainability.”IBM Institute for Business Value.May 2022.https:/ibm.co/c-suite-study-ceo23“GM Reveals New Ultium Batteries and a Flexible Global Platform to Rapidly Grow EV Portfolio.”General Motors Newsroom.https:/ e-TNGA platform explained.”EV Pulse.Decemb

164、er 22,2020.https:/ 24“Volkswagen and Ford expand collaboration on MEB electric platform.”Volkswagen press release.March 14,2022.https:/www.volkswagen- an electric vehicle charging sharing economy.”IBM case study.https:/ allies with IBM Quantum to Advance Energy Transition Goals.”E.ON press release.S

165、eptember 2,2021.https:/ 26 Puglise,Francis.“Clean electrification will power the planet:Is your utility ready?”IBM Institute for Business Value blog.https:/ and Jos Roling.“Reference Architecture for Managing the Charging of Electric Vehicles.”June 2020.27“Electric Vehicles Tracking Report.”Internat

166、ional Energy Agency.September 2022.https:/www.iea.org/reports/electric-vehicles 28 Boisseau,Bertrand.“Common use cases for digital twins in automotive.”Ubuntu.September 20,2022.https:/ 29 Windpassinger,Hans.“On the Way to a Software-defined Vehicle.”SpringerProfessional.August 2022.https:/www.spring

167、erprofessional.de/on-the-way-to-a-software-defined-vehicle/23270660 30 Ibid.31“2023 Global Automotive Cybersecurity Report.”Upstream.January 2023.https:/upstream.auto/reports/global-automotive-cybersecurity-report/32 Windpassinger,Hans.“On the Way to a Software-defined Vehicle.”SpringerProfessional.

168、August 2022.https:/www.springerprofessional.de/on-the-way-to-a-software-defined-vehicle/23270660 33“2022 Global CEO study.Own your impact:Practical pathways to transformational sustainability.”IBM Institute for Business Value.May 2022.https:/ibm.co/c-suite-study-ceo 34“Fewer design hassles.More inno

169、vation.No wires.Lumen Freedom standardizes its engineering lifecycle management onto a common platform.”IBM case study.https:/ Copyright IBM Corporation 2023IBM Corporation New Orchard Road Armonk,NY 10504Produced in the United States of America|February 2023IBM,the IBM logo,and are trademarks of In

170、ternational Business Machines Corp.,registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at“Copyright and trademark information”at: document is current as of the initial date


172、AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-INFRINGEMENT.IBM products are warranted according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided.This report is intended for general guidance only.It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professi

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