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Brand Finance:2023年可持续发展认知指数报告(英文版)(54页).pdf

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Brand Finance:2023年可持续发展认知指数报告(英文版)(54页).pdf

1、SustainabilityPerceptionsIndex2023The inaugural report on the value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds leading brands January 2023Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 2Contents.2023 All rights reserved.Brand Finance Plc.About Brand Finance3Get in Touch3Foreword4The IAA A Global Co

2、mpass for Sustainability5Dagmara Szulce,Managing Director,IAA Global Planet Mark Embedding Sustainability and Net Zero at the Core of Business Strategy6Steve Malkin,CEO and Founder,Planet Mark Methodology7Research Analysis12Sustainability Perceptions Scores16Insights21Sustainability Reporting22 Robe

3、rt Haigh,Strategy and Sustainability Director,Brand Finance Delivering on sustainability through comprehension and community 26 Sasan Saeidi,World President&Chairman,IAAThe Paradox of Greenwashing28 Herv de Clerck,VP IAA Global,Sustainability Council Chair Creating a smarter regulatory environment t

4、hat protects consumers,allows businesses to thrive,and helps save the earth too30 Jeffrey A.Greenbaum,Chair,IAA Public Policy CouncilSustainability Perceptions Value Ranking32Our Services46Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 3About Brand Finance.Brand Finance is the worlds leading brand v

5、aluation consultancy.We bridge the gap between marketing and financeBrand Finance was set up in 1996 with the aim of bridging the gap between marketing and finance.For 25 years,we have helped companies and organisations of all types to connect their brands to the bottom line.We quantify the financia

6、l value of brandsWe put 5,000 of the worlds biggest brands to the test every year.Ranking brands across all sectors and countries,we publish nearly 100 reports annually.We offer a unique combination of expertiseOur teams have experience across a wide range of disciplines from marketing and market re

7、search,to brand strategy and visual identity,to tax and accounting.We pride ourselves on technical credibilityBrand Finance is a chartered accountancy firm regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales,and the first brand valuation consultancy to join the International Val

8、uation Standards Council.Our experts helped craft the internationally recognised standards on Brand Valuation ISO 10668 and Brand Evaluation ISO 20671.Our methodology has been certified by global independent auditors Austrian Standards as compliant with both,and received the official approval of the

9、 Marketing Accountability Standards Board.Get in T business enquiries,please contact:Robert HaighManaging DFor media enquiries,please contact:Michael JosemAssociate Communications DFor all other enquiries:+44 207 389 Robert Haigh Strategy&Sustainability Director,Brand FinanceBrand Finance Global 500

10、 4Foreword.Acting sustainably and being seen to do so is imperative for brands,but sustainability is a multifaceted concept that can be hard for business leaders to navigate.Investors,CFOs and CEOs are told by campaigners,NGOs,consultants and sustainability teams that committing to sustainability is

11、 both the right thing to do and a business imperative.There are indeed many opportunities,whether in supplying the products and services that facilitate the transition to a green economy,or simply by differentiating your brand as a sustainable alternative.However,without articulating the case in fin

12、ancial terms it can be hard to determine the business case for action.The Sustainability Perceptions Index is intended to be the first step to addressing this challenge.By quantifying the value of sustainability perceptions,we hope to make the value of action on sustainability more tangible.Our rese

13、arch shows that even for individual businesses,there could be billions of dollars of financial value to be gained from enhanced action and associated communication.Equally,there can be billions at risk from insufficient action that leads to accusations of greenwashing,or even misallocated or excessi

14、ve investments in sustainability communication that does not cut through.We hope this report is a useful first step in understanding the financial role of sustainability perceptions to your business(or the business leaders that you are trying to persuade).If you would like to continue the conversati

15、on,please get in touch.We have developed an extensive program of research and a full suite of services intended to deliver actionable insight for our clients.We work with CEOs,strategists,recruitment teams,CFOs,Sustainability Officers,and of course marketers,to help answer a range of pressing questi

16、ons,including:How sustainable is your businesses perceived to be?How do you compare vs competitors?How important is sustainability in driving consumer choice?How important is sustainability when recruiting staff,or securing investment?What is the potential value of enhancing sustainability perceptio

17、ns?Is your brand recognized for its sustainability leadership?Do your brands actions live up to its claims?Could value be at risk?What are the sustainable consumer segments and how do we target them?Which sustainability issues and themes are most relevant?Which NGOs/causes should I align my brand wi

18、th?How do I champion corporate action on sustainability?How do I maximize funding for my cause?If you have been wrestling with any of these questions,we look forward to helping you solve them!Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 5The IAA A Global Compass for Sustainability.With the digital

19、 revolution continuing to open new channels and new consumer markets around the world,CEOs,CMOs,and CFOs who understand the tangible and intangible assets contributing to the creation of brand value can have a significant business and economic advantage.However,many marketing and financial teams str

20、uggle to connect these dots and,as a result,underestimate the significance of their brands to business.The latest economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on changing consumers perceptions towards brands.Sustainability is increasingly a priority for consumers when

21、 purchasing brands and,as a result,sustainability perceptions have an increased impact on brand valuation.Expectations have shifted from“do no harm”to“must create positive impact”.If brands do not push to transform their business into a sustainable one,they,more than ever,risk their bottom line.For

22、many consumers,purchasing a product now requires an alignment on ethical grounds.International Advertising Association is the only global association that represents all spheres of the marketing and marketing communications industry.We partner with leading global consulting firms to serve the market

23、ing communications industry as the global compass in the ever-evolving marketing communications world.For over 80 years,IAA has played a strong role in reporting the latest trends in the industry to provide valuable insights for CMOs to understand“WHATS COMING NEXT”.Weve partnered with Brand Finance

24、,a global leader in bridging the gap between marketing and finance,to provide the industrys first consumer-centric index that measures consumers sustainability perception of the most valuable global brands.The Brand Finance/IAA Sustainability Perceptions Index is the first of its kind a ranking of t

25、he worlds biggest brands based on the financial value of their sustainability perceptions,and well be launching it at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2023.We see this as an incredibly potent tool to incentivize action that aligns with the UN SDGs and wider aims of the UN Global Compact.

26、Our research shows that the worlds biggest brands,whether they are seen as sustainability champions or not,have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of value contingent on how sustainable they are perceived to be.By highlighting the financial value that is contingent on sustainability perceptions,w

27、e hope to harness businesses profit motive,moving them past the point where they see sustainability as a hygiene factor,to a point of rapid,concerted action.IAA believes that in a fragmented and always evolving global marketplace,the marketing communications industry could benefit from a global pers

28、pective and a global framework.We believe the world would be a better place if we work together as an industry to leverage brands to help create a more sustainable world for consumers,communities,and for the planet.Dagmara SzulceManaging Director,IAA GlobalBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions In

29、dex 6Planet Mark Embedding Sustainability and Net Zero at the Core of Business Strategy.The events of the past few years have highlighted both the resilience and fragility of our global environmental,social and economic systems.Weve experienced a worldwide pandemic,supply chain disruptions,a challen

30、ged energy market,extreme weather conditions,and more.The need for business transformation and collaboration has never been more critical and at this time we are reminded that the economic pillar of sustainability is just as important and the environmental and social pillars.Embedding sustainability

31、 at the core of business strategy and communicating the value radical decarbonisation is having not only on the operation,but its people too,encourages huge positive association with brands.It helps attract and retain both employees,channel partners and consumers.In 2013,we began Planet Mark as a tr

32、uly effective,people-driven sustainability certification helping organisations,of any size,to measure what matters and to devise practical pathways to positive change while increasing business value.10 years on,our core purpose remains the same,but more.Continued focus on scope 3 within a net zero p

33、athway shines a light on how all organisations exist within a commercial ecosystem that is as complex and synergistic as the natural one.No organisation can achieve Net Zero alone,we have to work together,to engage and to communicate our journey to those around us.This includes our customer and pros

34、pects,whose perception of our brands and propensity to buy from us,feeds our organisational growth and market performance.While cash remains king,brand drivers have changed,and sustainability is now a core priority for consumers.Those brands that stay ahead of the curve and move with the times will

35、be able to leverage their credentials for commercial gain.Those already on a pathway to net zero will already be reaping huge rewards through commercial resilience,future-proofing their business and adding tangible financial value to their balance sheets as demonstrated in this report.The time to ac

36、t is now for the future of the planet,and for the future of your business.Steve MalkinCEO and Founder Planet MarkMethodology.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 8The starting point of the sustainability perceptions value is brand value.When we talk about brand we therefore mean more than

37、just a logo.It is the focal point for all accumulated perceptions about a business.Any characteristic of a product or service that cannot be directly experienced or tested by the customer at the point of purchase is evaluated through the brand.A business commitment to sustainability is one such char

38、acteristic.Whilst there are dozens of reporting frameworks and data sources providing some level of information on sustainability performance,these typically only provide partial information,and are usually not easily found or evaluated by most stakeholders,including employees and customers.Further,

39、the sheer proliferation of such schemes can create uncertainty around the relative importance of the information they provide.The brand therefore remains an essential tool in the evaluation of sustainability by most stakeholders.The perceptions that these stakeholders(be they employees,customers,inv

40、estors etc)hold are expressed through employment decisions,purchase habits,or investment decisions etc.These decisions have clear economic implications,which brand valuation seeks to quantify.The full brand valuation methodology is covered later in this report.There are many features bound up with b

41、rand,these could be a reputation for being good value for money,for reliability,for innovation,customer service and support,or easy to use.Commitment to sustainability is just one of these characteristics.Therefore,the next step in deriving the sustainability perceptions value is to evaluate the rol

42、e that sustainability plays in driving the choice.We do this using an analytical technique known as brand drivers analysis.The starting point is our annual,flagship market research exercise,the Global Brand Equity Monitor.We research the attitudes of over 100,000 members of the general public from o

43、ver 36 countries about over 4,000 brands.Respondents are asked a wide range of questions,including marketing funnel questions about awareness,familiarity and consideration.They are also asked whether they associate a list of attributes(such as value for money,reliability etc)with a brand.Sustainabil

44、ity is included in this list.Sustainability is of course not a monolith.To capture some of the nuance and varying themes within sustainability(whilst maintaining a manageable analysis),we have subdivided sustainability using the ESG framework,i.e.Environment,Social and Methodology-Sustainability Per

45、ceptions Index.Valuing the proportion of Brand Value that is attributable to Sustainability perceptions Brand Finance Plc 2023High ImportanceLow Importance%$XX=ISO10668Group Brand ValueSustainability Driver(%)Sustainability Perceptions ScoreSustainability Perceptions ValueSustainability Driver%is de

46、rived using drivers analysis to determine the importance of sustainability within a sector.The Sustainability Perceptions Score is calculated using Brand Finances latest Global Brand Equity Monitor data.Brand Value is calculated for the brand in accordance with ISO10668.Sustainability Perceptions Va

47、lue Value demonstrates the proportion of Brand Value that is attributable to Sustainability perceptions.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 9Governance,by asking respondents the following three attribute questions.Is BRAND X committed to protecting the natural environment?Is BRAND X profe

48、ssionally,ethically,and responsibly managed?Is BRAND X committed to supporting communities&wider society?Drivers analysis involves running multiple correlation analyses between the consideration of usage of a brand,and the various brand attributes to determine how much explanatory value each attribu

49、te has.In simple terms,the results of these correlation analyses are layered on top of one another in different combinations to determine their relative role in driving consumer consideration.The output is a percentage figure for each attribute that can be interpreted as its contribution to revenue,

50、and therefore to brand value.We have conducted brand drivers analysis at the sector level.As might be expected,there is considerable variation between sectors,with a range of 2.8%for engineering and construction,to 22.9%for luxury auto.The final stage of the process involves determining a brand-spec

51、ific Sustainability Perceptions Score.To do this we ask the following question:How sustainable is BRAND X in your opinion,in terms of its actions to protect the environment and in supporting communities and wider society?ModernOpen and honest4%3%0%5%10%15%20%25%30%Great value for moneyDriver(%)Attri

52、buteTrustworthyWidely availableInnovativeLuxuriousSustainabilityOffers something differentCoolFun27%17%11%7%4%10%5%8%4%Role of Sustainability in Driving Consideration(Household Product Sector)Brand Finance Plc 2023Sustainability Driver(%)Easy to deal withGenuinely offers something differentInnovativ

53、eExcellent website&appsGreat customer serviceCommitted to supporting communities and wider societyPuts their customers firstGreat value for moneyOpen and honestGood range of products to choose fromCommitted to protecting the natural environmentWidely availableModernTrustworthyIs professionally,ethic

54、ally,and responsibly managedNone of these8.0%InsuranceThe Sustainability Driver%is the combined consideration driver%score of the three ESG metrics in the GBEM research,showing the importance of Sustainability to consumers in this sector.Question:Which of these statements,if any,do you think apply t

55、o Brand X?Methodology-Sustainability Perceptions Index.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 10Respondents are asked to select one of five options,which have an associated allocation of points:A leader in sustainability(10),taking significant actions(5),making some effort but could do more(

56、2),making very limited efforts(1),making no real effort to be a sustainable business(0).The mean of these scores is then taken to create a national level sustainability perceptions score out of a possible maximum of 10.National level scores are then combined on a revenue weighted basis to create the

57、 overall sustainability perceptions score.Taken in isolation,these scores can be interpreted as how sustainable consumers perceive brands to be,and are the most direct KPI for long term management of sustainability perceptions.These scores also feed into the value calculation.The degree to which a b

58、rands score differs from the median for the sector is used to moderate the sector driver score.For example a brand with a sustainability perceptions score of 6 and a median for the sector of 5,would have a moderating factor of 1.2 applied to the sustainability driver for that sector.Finally,the bran

59、d-specific moderating factor,the sustainability driver for the sector and the brands value are combined to arrive at the sustainability perceptions value.Valuing the proportion of Brand Value that is attributable to Sustainability perceptions Brand Finance Plc 2023Sustainability Driver%is derived us

60、ing drivers analysis to determine the importance of sustainability within a sector.%Utilities 9.4%Telecoms 8.7%Insurance 8.0%Oil&Gas 8.0%Banking 6.8%Brand Sustainability Perceptions Score Sector Median Sustainability Perceptions Score The Sustainability Perceptions Score is calculated using Brand Fi

61、nances latest Global Brand Equity Monitor data.3.994.20/Brand Value is calculated for the brand in accordance with ISO10668.$48,351m$Sustainability Perceptions Value Value demonstrates the proportion of Brand Value that is attributable to Sustainability perceptions.$3,915mXX=ISO10668Brand ValueSusta

62、inability Driver(%)Sustainability Perceptions ScoreSustainability Perceptions ValueMethodology-Sustainability Perceptions Index.Research Analysis.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 12Amazon has the highest sustainability perceptions value of any brand,US$19.9 billion.This may come as a s

63、urprise to some.Like many of the worlds top brands,Amazon has a huge scope for impact due to the sheer scale of its operations.It has been the focus of regular criticism about issues as diverse as labour conditions,emissions associated with its supply chains,and the polluting effects of packaging.It

64、 is important to reiterate that Amazons position at the top of the table is not an assessment of its overall sustainability performance.Instead,we are focussed on perception.Regardless of Amazons track record,it is clear that consumers around the world have confidence that Amazon is minimising its n

65、egative impacts,or at least is committed enough for them to continue to use its services.This should by no means be seen as a cause for complacency however.The driver score for the retail sector is 6.1%,demonstrating a material role for sustainability in driving choice.Amazons$19.9 billion of value

66、is reliant on maintaining its reputation for(a certain level of)sustainability.Consumer expectations may change in response to exposes,enhanced reporting requirements,education,and media coverage.If Amazon fails to keep pace through a precautionary approach to improving its sustainability performanc

67、e,and to communicate clearly and honestly about its progress,those billions of dollars of value could be at risk.Tesla is a somewhat more expected strong performer.Tesla is not only a valuable brand driven by high revenue forecasts,but it is also well known as a pioneer of the electric vehicles and

68、battery technology that are aiding the transition to a lower carbon economy.This image has clearly carried across into the perceptions held by global consumers.Tesla has the highest sustainability driver score of any brand,at 26.9%,resulting in a sustainability perceptions value of US$17.8 billion.T

69、he Luxury Autos sector accounted for a number of brands that performed extremely well in terms of sustainability perception,such as Porsche and Mercedes-Benz.The research has revealed the important role of sustainability perception in driving choice amongst consumers in the sector,reflected through

70、an average driver score of 22.9%.It might seem counterintuitive that brands associated with high fuel consumption are so reliant on a reputation for sustainability.However,our research has found that at the premium end of all sectors,sustainability plays a powerful role.In luxury auto,where the purc

71、hase is Research Analysis.Largest Sustainability Perceptions Value Brand Finance Plc 2023 6 7 8 9 10 1 3 4 5 26.27US$8.4 bn4.44US$8.1 bn4.55US$8.0 bnUS$7.4 bn5.64US$6.5 bn4.744.404.504.744.285.43US$19.9 bnUS$14.7 bnUS$14.6 bnUS$9.0 bnUS$17.8 bnBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 13Researc

72、h Analysis.discretionary and the brand is publicly expressed,the role of sustainability is further enhanced.After luxury auto,there is a notable dip in driver scores,but other sectors in which sustainability plays a powerful role are soft drinks(13.7%),supermarkets(12.6%),media(10.1%)and cosmetics(1

73、0%).For soft drinks and supermarkets,the potential impact of the products in question is a lot more tangible for consumers than in many sectors,be it plastic pollution,deforestation,or food miles.In cosmetics,many brands have for decades focused marketing communications on the natural qualities of t

74、heir products and avoidance of animal testing.There is also variation in the roles of the sub-elements of sustainability,i.e.environmental,social,and governance concerns.The Household Products and Media sectors have similar overall driver scores for sustainability(10%),however this is where the simi

75、larity ends.0 5 10 15 20 25Luxury AutomobilesSoft DrinksSupermarketsAutomobilesOil&GasFoodCosmetics&Personal CareBeersBankingAirlinesHousehold ProductsInsuranceApparelRestaurantsLeisure&TourismHealthcare ServicesTechPharmaEngineering&Construction22.9%13.7%12.6%9.4%8%6.6%10%9%6.8%6.2%10%8%6.7%5.2%4.8

76、%3.1%4.7%3.1%2.8%Role of Sustainability in Driving Consideration by Sector Brand Finance Plc 2023Sustainability Driver Score(%)Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 14Research Analysis.Relative Importance of Environment,Social and Governance sustainability drivers Brand Finance Plc 20235%4%

77、3%2%1%0Commited to protecting the natural environmentIs professionally ethically and responsibly managedCommited to supporting communities and wider societyDriver%ESGFor household products,a commitment to protecting the natural environment is the strongest driver,at 4.3%.Its governance and social dr

78、iver scores are 3.2%and 2.4%respectively.The potential environmental impact of household goods via chemical runoff,plastic waste and transport emissions,that are of increasing concern to consumers help to explain this.In contrast in the media sector,the environment is of relatively limited concern(2

79、.3%),while the governance and social drivers have a more powerful role.Concern over media bias,political influence and fake news could be helping to drive this.As part of the analysis,we evaluate how sustainable each brand is perceived to be,allocating a Sustainability Perceptions Score.Taken in iso

80、lation,the impact of revenues is removed to see which brands consumers think are the most committed to sustainability.On this measure,Tesla,IKEA and Patagonia performed well across a wide range of markets.Lush and The Body Shop scored very highly in the UK.In France,Yves Rocher and tyre brand Michel

81、in stood out,while Brazilian cosmetics giant Natura scored highly in its home market.Further analysis of sustainability perceptions can be found in the following article.Household Products MediaBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 15Sustainability Perceptions Scores.Tesla,best known for it

82、s manufacturing of electric vehicles,received strong sustainability perceptions scores across the board in Brand Finances research.Tesla is a leader in the EV market,and an increasingly important player in solar power and battery production.It defines its mission as to accelerate the worlds transiti

83、on to sustainable energy.Teslas commitment to sustainability is twofold.Firstly,it produces products and services,such as electric vehicles,that replace less sustainable traditional alternatives.In 2021 it sold close to 1 million electric vehicles.Secondly,it produces solar panels.Tesla claims these

84、 have generated more electricity than has been consumed by its vehicles and factories between 2012 and 2021.Tesla continues to see success in its markets and contributes significantly to the innovation and advancement of the capabilities of electric vehicles,sustainable energy sources,and sustainabl

85、e technology.Despite having sustainability as central to its brand,Teslas communication of its sustainability initiatives is relatively limited considering the impact that it has.This is potentially due to a worry that the brand is too defined by sustainability.However,Brand Finances research sugges

86、ts that this worry is unwarranted,and in fact,having a strong sustainability perception will only increase consumer choice,particularly in the luxury auto sector.Luxury Auto brands perform strongly Somewhat surprisingly the Luxury Autos sector accounted for a number of brands that performed extremel

87、y well in terms of sustainability perception.Brand Finances research has revealed the important role of sustainability perception in driving choice amongst consumers in the sector,reflected through an average driver score of 22.9%.This is likely down to the widely discussed negative impact that cars

88、 and the auto industry has traditionally had on the environment being at the forefront of consumers minds when making purchases.This is particularly the case amongst consumers making discretionary purchases in the luxury auto market,and who are less restrained by budget.Ferrari for example,performed

89、 particularly well in Italy with a score of 5.83.This is partly due to Ferraris strong home-grown loyalty amongst consumers in Italy.However,it also comes from its clearly communicated sustainability strategy.Ferrari is entering an important decade of development in which sustainability will be cent

90、ral to its strategic direction,pushing it towards carbon neutrality by 2030.It has also looked to develop hybrid and electric technology,highlighted through its launch of the 296 GTB plug-in hybrid model in 2021.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 16Sustainability Perceptions Scores.Ferra

91、ris continued involvement in Formula 1 also continues to raise its brand profile.It was one of only three teams praised for its sustainability efforts in the sport.This has allowed Ferrari to further communicate its ESG efforts to consumers and enhance its brand perception.Other luxury auto brands a

92、lso scored well,for example,Porsche and Mercedes-Benz who have both have incorporated sustainability into the core of their brands strategies.Mercedes has also taken one step further towards an all-electric future through its development of next-generation high-performance battery cells and modules,

93、and the announcement of the expansion of its partnership with Chinese battery producer CATL.Sustainability drives choice in the Cosmetics sector The Cosmetics sector also had a high average driver score of 10%,highlighting the importance of sustainability in driving consumer choice in the sector.Man

94、y brands within the cosmetics sector have themes relating to nature,the environment,and body image at the heart of their brand identities.This has subsequently increased the wider importance of sustainability in driving choice amongst consumers within the sector.The Brazilian brand Natura,for exampl

95、e,performed well in its home market with a sustainability perception score of 6.25.Hailing from one of the most bio-diverse countries on earth,sustainability is central to natura as a business and brand.Its strategic decisions have been consistently guided by this,becoming the first Brazilian cosmet

96、ics brand to offer refills in 1983.It also launched the Amazon Programme in 2011,to direct investment into the area.These actions,amongst others,earned natura the coveted UN Global Climate Action Award in 2019,and an impressive sustainability perceptions score.Brands have tended to perform very well

97、 in their home markets,as in the case of natura.Consumers are inherently loyal towards home-grown brands,who often have a proportionally larger ESG impact in their home market.It is also often easier for brands to communicate their sustainability messages to those who can relate to more localized is

98、sues.Two French brands,Yves-Rocher and Roche-Posay demonstrate this particularly clearly,both performing best in their home market,scoring 5.87 and 5.85 respectively in France.In a similar way to natura,Yves-Rocher was built upon a deep connection to nature,which continues to guide its business deve

99、lopment and strong commitment to sustainability.By doing all growing,harvesting,and manufacturing in-house,the brand is more accurately able to control its environmental impact.This has created high brand equity amongst sustainably minded consumers and has been inextricably linked to its growth as a

100、 brand.Lush(7.13),The Body Shop(6.83),and Dove(5.77)all scored highly in sustainability perception score in the UK.All three have sustainability themed stories at the core of their brand identities and have successfully communicated these to consumers.The Body Shop was a pioneer within the cosmetics

101、 industry,being one of the first brands to have ESG concerns as its main driving force.It has used this to not only fight for the better preservation of the planet and a more equal world,but also as a key marketing tool.The success of this has been reflected in The Brand Finance Sustainability Perce

102、ptions Index 17Sustainability Perceptions Scores.Body Shops B Corp certified status.Lush has followed a similar model,particularly focusing on its natural products and its positive impact on the environment,building strong loyalty amongst consumers.Despite having a strong environmental policy,Dove h

103、as leveraged another ESG matter,body positivity,as its central brand image.It is a founding partner of the Be Real Campaign,a movement formed to change attitudes to body image,and have consistently promoted its inclusive concept of“Real Beauty”in its advertising campaigns.These continued efforts tow

104、ards the promotion of body positivity have raised its ethical perception amongst consumers.All three UK based brands have clearly positioned themselves around strong ideologies and commitments towards protecting the planet and creating a better future.These brands have actively taken a stance and su

105、ccessfully leveraged PR from this to promote their messages and build a strong sustainability perception.Country Breakdown Patagonia is another brand that performed well in sustainability perception amongst consumers in the UK market.In 2022,founder Yvon Chouinard handed ownership of Patagonia to a

106、charitable trust dedicated to climate and other environmental causes.Much of Patagonias value is reliant on its longstanding commitment and perceived sustainability.This acts as a powerful driver in determining the decisions of customers,investors,potential employees,regulators,and others,in the nat

107、ure focused sector that Patagonia operates in.French car tyre producer Michelin performed well in France,earning a 6.79 sustainability perception score.The tyre industry is beginning to take steps towards addressing the environmental issues caused by tyre use.These include tyre and road wear particl

108、es,and the unsustainable disposal of old tyres.Michelin has led the way in this movement,setting itself the challenge of integrating 100%sustainable materials into its tyres by 2050.This entails using renewable or recycled materials in the production of its tyres while maintaining performance and re

109、ducing environmental impact.It is making positive progress on this challenge,already producing a tyre that integrates 58%sustainable materials.It has also successfully communicated these developments to stakeholders,boosting its sustainability perceptions score.The retail chain Woolworths,which oper

110、ates in Australia,was one of the highest scoring brands in the region.The food-retail sector has increasingly looked to tackle sustainability related issues,such as single use plastic,food waste and harmful emissions.In 2022 Woolworths increased its focus on customer experience,rolling out a number

111、of curated ranges which were tailored to local communities.This offered more inclusive experiences to a wider range of consumers.On top of this,the Group also continued to manage the impacts of climate change,working to reduce emissions from its own operations through green electricity and electric

112、vehicle trials,as well as the phasing out of problematic plastic use.The multinational food and drink processing giant Nestl has had a mixed track record when it comes to ESG matters.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 18Sustainability Perceptions Scores.Indias Tata group has had philanth

113、ropy and a commitment to sustainability at the core of its long-term business strategy since day one.For example,it has collaborated with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation(EAF)to create a common understanding of Circular Economic thinking,actively promoting this within Tatas businesses and beyond.This

114、has allowed them to shift towards industrial processes that minimise waste and focus on resource productivity.Tata is also particularly committed to social and philanthropic causes in India,holding a close relationship with its local communities and being involved with a variety of education,health,

115、environment,and empowerment initiatives.These initiatives impacted over 11 million people in 2019 and continue to have a positive impact on communities across India.Tatas sustainability perception is strong amongst consumers within India,with a score of 5.77.However,as a brand it has imminent potent

116、ial to add value through further leveraging the communication of its ESG strategy to a global audience.High Impact sectors take positive steps forward Some sectors are invariably more damaging to the environment than others because of the roles they carry out and materials and processes they use.Som

117、e brands within these high impact sectors have increasingly begun to realise the importance of taking action to counter the damage caused to the environment.This not only helps protect the planet but can also be leveraged by brands through communication,differentiating them amongst competitors and a

118、ttracting stakeholders.IKEA for example,has in the past been accused of contributing to the fast-furniture trade.This denotes cheap and poor-quality mass-produced furniture made from non-sustainably sourced materials.IKEA has set out an ambitious sustainability strategy to become a circular business

119、 by 2030.This would enable customers to acquire,care for,and pass on products in circular ways.Every product will be designed to be reused,refurbished,remanufactured,and finally recycled,as well as being made from renewable and recyclable material.Moreover,IKEA has committed to becoming climate posi

120、tive by 2030,As well as historically being a large contributor of single-use plastic,Nestle has been involved in a number of high-profile controversies.These include false marketing of products and alleged forced labour during its production process,amongst other accusations.These controversies have

121、 undoubtedly negatively affected Nestles brand equity and sustainability perception amongst consumers in the past.However,as with other food-retail brands,Nestle has begun to realize the importance of sustainability to its brand,not only for protecting the environment,but also in building up a stron

122、g brand image.Nestle has now taken more positive steps towards a more sustainable future.It has pledged to reduce landfill waste to zero,and transition to 100%renewable energy and recyclable or reusable packaging.Nestle had a sustainability perception score of 5.44 in Brazil,highlighting that even b

123、rands that have had problematic ESG stances in the past can change consumer perceptions with a committed sustainability strategy and proactive communication of this.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 19Sustainability Perceptions Scores.near future.This has reduced waste and emissions,as

124、well as beginning to communicate sustainable consumption concepts to consumers to adopt in their daily lives.Despite not featuring in the top 5 brands in China in terms of sustainability perception score,these efforts have undoubtedly contributed to JDs decent sustainability perception score of 5.51

125、.Chinese media giant WeChat has the highest sustainability perception score amongst Chinese respondents.Brand Finances research revealed that respondents in certain regions,notably Asia,seem to place high value on the societal value and impact of businesses when considering sustainability.WeChat is

126、deeply engrained in Chinese society,offering instant messaging,social media,and mobile payment,with over 1 billion monthly active users.However,it has limited communication of its ESG efforts to stakeholders.This suggests its strong sustainability perception score is most likely the result of Chines

127、e respondents associating this with the strong societal value that WeChat has to them and China more generally.State owned telecommunications company China Tower also scored disproportionately highly with a score of 5.53 in China,despite also having limited communication of its sustainability effort

128、s.Another example is the Taiwanese brand TSMCs extremely high score of 6.87.TSMC is critical to Taiwans economy and supply chains around the world and has subsequently ranked highly amongst consumers in sustainability perception score.meaning it will reduce more greenhouse gas emissions than the ful

129、l IKEA value chain emits.This demonstrates a positive step in the right direction,reflected in its sustainability perception score of 6.1 in Italy.IKEA continues to communicate its sustainability strategy to consumers and will hopefully push other brands within the sector to follow suit.Similarly,th

130、e shipping industry is a heavy impact sector.It accounts for high levels of air pollution,water pollution and port congestion.Global container carrier brand Evergreen has led the way in aligning its business strategy with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).80%of Evergreens curren

131、t fleet is less than 10 years old,allowing maximum efficiency with lower energy consumption.It has also obtained double certification for its greenhouse gas emission inventory.This accurately tracks current emissions so Evergreen can set proactive carbon reduction targets,including a 50%reduction of

132、 CO2 emission rates by 2030.It is initiatives such as these which have increased its sustainability perception amongst consumers,earning it a 6.01 score in Italy.Chinese brand JD Logistics has also looked to counter the sectors high emissions and increase its sustainability perception amongst consum

133、ers.Through its Green Stream Initiative and Recycling Program,JD now offers re-usable packaging on thousands of products and plans to move 100%of its logistics packaging to recyclable and reusable materials in the Insights.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 21Sustainability Reporting.Int

134、roduction Communication on sustainability performance was for many years at best a mixed bag,with only a small number of companies providing any meaningful information and only a subset of these providing reliable,verifiable information.As the commercial imperative to provide for information has gro

135、wn(to address customer concerns and align with the requirements of ESG investment products),the number of businesses publishing sustainability data has grown.More recently,the legal imperative has also forced many businesses to publish sustainability data,as countries introduce legal requirements fo

136、r businesses to report on their impact and exposure to certain sustainability-related risks,particularly climate.The standards that are applied vary significantly by jurisdiction,though there is an increasing push to harmonize these at a global level by organizations such as the ISSB.In this article

137、 well explore the state of sustainability reporting,current requirements,and the direction of travel.Definitions ESG/sustainability reporting is the disclosure of data related to the Environmental,Social and Governance aspects of a business.Such reporting is typically formally presented in a sustain

138、ability report,in the sustainability section of an annual report and in formats aligned with specific sustainability reporting standards,so can be distinguished,to an extent,from more informal customer-orientated sustainability communication in advertising,PR etc.Robert HaighStrategy&Sustainability

139、Director,Brand FinanceBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 22As with traditional financial reporting,a materiality threshold is applied.The IFRS defines materiality as follows:“Information is material if omitting,misstating or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence the deci

140、sions that the primary users of general purpose financial statements make on the basis of those financial statements,which provide financial information about a specific reporting entity.”In a sustainability reporting context,material information includes information about the governance of a busine

141、ss,or its exposure to environmental or social forces that could affect decisions taken on the basis of financial accounts alone.For example,a companys portfolio of real estate assets may be exposed to rising sea levels,or the supply chains of an CPG business may be disrupted by changing agricultural

142、 conditions.Businesses are of course not just exposed to ESG risks but,unfortunately,can exacerbate their causes too.This has led to the development of the concept of double materiality,for which there is as yet not a fixed definition.One definition of double materiality would include not just direc

143、t financial exposure but also financial impact of the legal and reputational consequences that a business faces as a result of unsustainable behavior(an example of which would be the sustainability-perception valuations included in this report).Of greater concern to many stakeholders than impact on

144、the business,is the impact of the business.An even broader definition would also include impacts that cannot yet be easily financially quantified.Many stakeholder groups(such as employees or civil society)would already consider a businesses negative externalities to be material(regardless of direct

145、financial impact)but even financially orientated groups such as investors with an ESG mandate can be eager consumers of this information.Reporting Standards Profusion to Convergence By some accounts there are over 600 frameworks to facilitate this reporting,but by far the best known are the group of

146、 five,the CDP,Climate Disclosure Standards Board(CDSB),Global Reporting Initiative(GRI),International Integrated Reporting Council(IIRC)and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB).The frameworks operated by this group vary considerably.For example,the SASB format is more financially orientat

147、ed,and takes a tighter,financially driven approach to double materiality.GRI on the other hand adopts a broader definition requiring impacts across a wider range of topics,making it,some say,more resource intensive.Meanwhile the IIRC format introduces an integrated assessment of sources of value cre

148、ation(financial,manufactured,intellectual,human,social and relationship,and natural capital)creating a potentially useful summary for external consumers,but one that is arguably less granular.Even amongst this narrower group,concern has been expressed by some commentators about the variation in the

149、types and extent of information disclosed.As a result,the group of five announced in September 2020 that they would work together towards a more unified standard.Since then,there has been rapid consolidation and progress.Delivering on sustainability through comprehension and community.Brand Finance

150、Sustainability Perceptions Index 23businesses using a strong definition of double materiality to identify the topics on which to base their disclosures.At a regional level,there has been a rapid catch up amongst Asian businesses,with 89%of the top 100 firms there reporting compared to fewer than 50%

151、a decade ago.Firms in Africa and the Middle East(at a general level)have further to go,with 56%reporting.At a topic level,reporting on environmental risks is most prevalent,with 64%of businesses reporting on such risks compared to 49%for social risks and 44%for governance.Within environmental risks,

152、climate related risks dominate,with 80%of G250 businesses reporting on climate related risks.In contrast,only 46%of these businesses report on biodiversity.However,following the landmark COP 15 in Montreal and the development of the Taskforce on Nature Related Financial Disclosures that picture may

153、change fairly rapidly.Recent Developments and The Future The majority of sustainability reporting is performed voluntarily.Compulsory sustainability reporting remains in its relative infancy,however the picture is changing rapidly.The IIRC and SASB merged in 2021 to form the Value Reporting Foundati

154、on.Subsequently,both the Value Reporting Foundation and CDSD were consolidated into the IFRS foundation to provide resources for the IFRSs International Sustainability Standards Board(ISSB),which will drive the creation of unified reporting standards.Also of note is the TCFD.In 2015,following the Pa

155、ris Climate Conference,the Financial Stability Board and G20 created the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures to create a more harmonized and comparable means of reporting climate-change-related financial risks.The TCFD and ISSB are working closely together to integrate the principles

156、of the TCFD into the new ISSB standards.The Extent of Sustainability Reporting Many of the worlds largest corporates have taken a precautionary approach and begun to report on a voluntary basis using one or more of these frameworks and have been reporting at least some sustainability information for

157、 at least a decade as the following chart shows.The robustness of identification of material topics is more variable however,with only 30%even of G250 Delivering on sustainability through comprehension and community.0Global sustainability reporting rates(1993-2023)Brand Finance Plc 2023 N

158、100 G2501993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 2020 202335%45%64%93%96%83%92%96%95%93%12%18%24%53%73%18%64%75%41%71%77%79%Base:5,800 N100 companies and 250 G250 companiesSource:KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2022,HPMG International,September 2022Brand Finance Sustainability Perception

159、s Index 24Many nations have created reporting requirements for businesses based on TCFD.The UK is one example.Under the 2022 legislation,companies of over 500 people“will be required to include disclosures on climate change related risks and opportunities,where these are material.The disclosures sho

160、uld cover how climate change is addressed in corporate governance;the impacts on strategy;how climate related risks and opportunities are managed;and the performance measures and targets applied in managing these issues.”Many other countries such as New Zealand,Canada,Japan and France have introduce

161、d similar legislation.Malaysia is particularly notable for having made sustainability reporting a requirement for listed businesses since 2016.One of the most important pieces of sustainability reporting legislation however is the EUs Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive(CRSD),which was rati

162、fied on December 16th 2022 and comes into effect in January 2023.The CRSD is notable for both the range of businesses to which it will apply(any EU listed business with at least 50 employees and EUR 8 million in revenue is covered)and the range of topics covered,including climate change,pollution,wa

163、ter and marine resources,biodiversity and ecosystems,and resource use and circular economy;social topics including the business workforce,workers in the value chain,affected communities,consumers,end-users;and a governance theme relating to business conduct.EFRAG(the EU agency responsible for CSRD)h

164、as stated that it will work closely with the ISSB,as have the TCFD and GRI,to ensure that the ambition of a truly global set of standard can continue to be pursued.In March 2022,the ISSB published two draft standards on climate and general sustainability related disclosures and the formal versions o

165、f the standards(IFRS S1 and IFRS S2)are expected in 2023,so when the next edition of the Brand Finance Sustainability Index is issued,we can expect significant progress.Delivering on sustainability through comprehension and community.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 25Methodology-Susta

166、inability Perceptions Index.Task Force on Climate Related Financial DisclosuresEst.2015 by the Financial Stability Board at request of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.Value Reporting FoundationEst.2021 by SASB and IIRC to merge efforts internationally.Sustainability Accounting Stand

167、ards BoardEst.2011 by Jean Rogers to help businesses and investors develop a common language about the financial impacts of sustainability.International Integrated Reporting CouncilEst.2010 in response to global financial crisis by GRI,the International Federation of Wales Accounting for Sustainabil

168、ity.Climate Disclosure Standards BoardEst.2007at World Economic Forum.International Sustainability Standards BoardEst.2021 by IFRS Foundation,formally consolidating CDSB and VRF.International Sustainability Standards BoardEst.2021 by IFRS Foundation,formally consolidating CDSB and VRF.Global Reporti

169、ng InitiativeEst.1997 in Boston,MA,following public outcry after Exxon Valdez oil Spill.Carbon Disclosure ProjectEst.2000 at 10 Downing Street as first platform to leverage investor pressure to influence corporate disclosure on environmental impact.InfluencesComplementsSource:AuditBConsolidatesBrand

170、 Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 26Delivering on sustainability through comprehension and community.In the recent Cannes Lions 2022,there was a lot of focus on brands and sustainability.This included great content and dialogue on how brands and creativity can solve some of the dire climate,

171、environmental,and ecological problems that we are experiencing today.It was also discussed how through genuine and sustained commitment brands can contribute towards the bill and pay their share to course correct and bring down the heat.P&Gs Marc Pritchard further stressed the importance of creativi

172、ty as a key enabler,commenting:“there is tremendous value from creativity as a force for growth and a force for good”.All relevant and correct.Building on this further,the fact remains,and data proves that sustainable brands grow 6 x faster compared to others,based on a report on the sustainability

173、commitment of brands by Kantar.In the same research,it is outlined that brands that are perceived to have high commitment and authenticity in the space of sustainability have grown twice the rate of others.So,it pays to be sustainable in its real sense.However,as a result,trends such as“Green-washin

174、g”and“Green-hushing”have really taken flight.Green-hushing is a consequence;it is when brands and businesses avoid talking about sustainability targets or progress due to fear of accusations of Green-washing.So,one can only imagine the utter chaos that is ensuing in boardrooms over decisions pertain

175、ing to this topic.To do or not to do?From balancing profits,to protecting long-term brand value,investing in the long term,and the pressures of prioritizing Wall Street Vs high street.In the midst of all this,a lack of originality is surfacing.More than ever,we see and hear brands using similar clai

176、ms or motives to showcase their intent and ambition to do good.In some cases,this is genuine intent,but for most,its a trend and a tick-box;a tactic Vs a long-term ambition to solve real-life challenges,and simply not believable.But beyond believability which is a major credibility issue for brands

177、and businesses to overcome;research also shows and proves that because of the plethora of same for same messages that are being so widely used by every single brand,uniqueness to stand out and connect has also become almost non-existent.Consumers to a large extent do not understand the terms and lin

178、go being used and overused.NetZero,Offsetting,Net Climate Negative;Carbon Neutral,Climate Positive,CO2Kge,Carbon Scoring,amongst many more.The basic construct of good communication essentially follows a linear model of comprehension to action.This means first understanding the message and then takin

179、g action or not,depending on the level of engagement.I can carefully say that most sustainability messages by our industry brands are not understood,or believed.If you actually test a lot of sustainability communication,you will find a big delta on comprehension and true engagement.Very simply,if th

180、e consumer cant picture in their mind how you as a brand intend to make the world more sustainable,I think its fair to say that we have a job to do!In order for sustainability to become a true driver of your brand equity;in a believable,relatable,and convincing manner;it needs to be simple.Its an ac

181、t that needs to break down the walls of complexity formed around this topic.It needs to use simple human language to explain complex mechanics.And more importantly,it needs to involve the community.This last point is perhaps the most important success criterion for a successful sustainability promis

182、e.Sasan SaeidiWorld President&Chairman,International Advertising AssociationBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 27So,in summary:1.Be human and use simple language.In order for your sustainability commitment to be believed it needs to go to a community level and involve people.Simple langu

183、age and terms help crack the code.Be original in the way you want to explain complex terms.2.Create a movement through long-term commitments.Rupen Desai,the ex-CMO of Dole said that brands need to find the superpower that lets them scale in this field.So,scaling up solutions is key for traction.Your

184、 commitment needs to go from one-off experiments to long-term practical movements.End opportunistic marketing and start long-term meaningful movements.3.Ensure your promises are accessible to all.Try hard to democratize sustainability and make it accessible and easy enough for people to get involved

185、 with.Be inclusive.4.Paint the picture of success through smaller goals.Ensuring we set smaller goals to achieve as part of the larger target is essential.This way your bigger goals become attainable.By setting bite-size goals you can see progress and strive for more.Human beings strive on progress.

186、So yes,we agree that consumers and communities expect brands and industry to step up their sustainability commitment more than ever.But,for the most part,we are not helping our cause.Its really time to ensure we get more creative and more human when it comes to our messages.Lets put ourselves in the

187、 shoes of the consumer and go beyond a sticker and a buzzword on our packaging and communication,that the next brand is also using.We are talking to a community of people,lets try harder to get them involved and engaged.Sasan Saeidi,is the CEO of Wunderman Thompson New York(WPP)and the Global client

188、 leader for The Coca-Cola Company at Wunderman Thompson.He also serves as the World President and Chairman of the International Advertising Association.Sasan Saeid:Delivering on sustainability through comprehension and community.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 28The Paradox of Greenwa

189、shing.Greenwashing is a term used by companies for advertising or marketing spin in which green PR and marketing are deceptively used to persuade the public that a product or brand is environmentally friendly.Consumer demand and the growing success of green marketing gave brands the tools to create

190、product differentiation within their markets.Research shows that consumers consider sustainability as a primary reason for their choice of products and brands.As a result,Sustainability has now become a key part of marketers business strategies and the outcome has seen an increased number of brands

191、using green marketing claims and a growth in consumer environmental awareness.Greenwashing is a brainchild of this trend:in the short term,it helps grow consumer demand,but in the long term,it destroys consumer confidence in the argument as it is often difficult to distinguish misleading claims.Bran

192、ds misleading information may result in a decrease in consumer confidence in the value of green claims.Overall,the use of greenwashing can be a double-edged sword for corporations,as it may initially attract environmentally conscious consumers,but ultimately,it leads to decreased demand for the prod

193、ucts in question.Brands are responsible for being truthful and transparent about their environmental practices,as the perceived reality of their eco-friendliness can have a major impact on the brand itself and consumer behavior.Herv de ClerckVP IAA Global,Sustainability Council Chair Founder,A Dream

194、 Leader ACT-Responsible.orgBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 29The eco-friendly contradiction A key contradiction of greenwashing is that the more a corporation engages in environmentally damaging practices,the more pressure it may feel to invest in eco-friendly measures to appear more

195、sustainable.However,when a company spends significantly more resources on advertising being green than on environmentally sound practices,critics may argue that these efforts do not address the root cause of the problem.Companies should focus on investments that impact their core environmental footp

196、rint and avoid making general environmental claims.Perception is reality Perception is a significant factor influencing consumer purchasing intentions.Perception is a reality when it comes to greenwashing,as consumers often base their purchasing decisions on how a brand presents itself as being eco-

197、friendly.Marketers have an important responsibility in being authentic and truthful when introducing their environmental claims and monitoring how it is perceived by the consumer.We are part of the problem.Lets be part of the solution The negative consequences of greenwashing affect both consumers a

198、nd companies in the green marketplace alike,regardless of whether they engage in greenwashing or not.Trust is the cornerstone of a successful consumer-brand relationship therefore,the increasing prevalence of greenwashing has created a negative backlash against the concept of sustainability,resultin

199、g in consumers losing confidence in the green market.Over the last twenty years,our industry has played an increasingly important role in the sustainability agenda.In response to consumer pressure,many brands have embraced sustainability in their corporate practices.Communications have taken an acti

200、ve stand on responsibility,highlighting authenticity,transparency,and truth as essential elements of the marketing mix.Herv de Clerck:The Paradox of Greenwashing.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 30Creating a smarter regulatory environment that protects consumers,allows businesses to th

201、rive,and helps save the earth too.In 2021,the International Consumer Protection Enforcement Network released the results of a first-of-its-kind review conducted on environmental claims being made on websites around the world.The review,which was led by the United Kingdoms Competition and Markets Aut

202、hority and the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets,found that 40%of those websites may be engaged in greenwashing.These findings didnt come as a big surprise to regulators and others who have been paying attention to the ways that marketers are promoting the environmental benefits of the

203、ir products.The International Chamber of Commerce,for example,had already embarked on a project to update its“Framework for Responsible Environmental Marketing Communications,”which it released later that year.During an IAA“fireside chat”I recently had with Raelene Martin,ICCs Head of Sustainability

204、,she explained that one of the reasons the ICC decided to update its guidelines was that“with the proliferation of environmental marketing claims,there was some concern around greenwashing and whether some of those claims were actually substantiated.”Its not just the ICC that has taken notice.A litt

205、le more than a year ago,for example,the UKs Competition and Markets Authority published its own“Green Claims Code.”In releasing the Code,Andrea Coscelli,the CMAs Chief Executive,said,“Were concerned that too many businesses are falsely taking credit for being green,while genuinely eco-friendly firms

206、 dont get the recognition they deserve.”Further,in the United States,the Federal Trade Commission just announced that it is planning to update its“Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims,”for the first time in over a decade.With regulators and self-regulators believing that we have a se

207、rious greenwashing problem,and actively engaging in efforts around the world to address it through regulation,enforcement,and other means,what steps should advertisers be taking right now to help protect the great value that their green credentials bring to their brand and to avoid staying out of le

208、gal trouble?While green marketing might feel like the wild west right now in in some areas,and while there are certainly some unanswered questions,for the most part,the rules governing green marketing in many jurisdictions are well-established.With the risk of enforcement(as well as the risk of clai

209、ms being brought by competitors and consumers)increasing as attention turns to green marketing issues,advertisers should be proactively reviewing their environmental marketing claims to ensure that they are legally compliant.Although the specific rules vary by jurisdiction,one thing that every adver

210、tiser should do is to review their marketing with a view toward replacing ambiguous,general environmental benefit claims that could have the capacity to mislead consumers with claims that promote specific environmental benefits that are backed up by proper substantiation,in accordance with local leg

211、al requirements.When talking about environmental benefits that consumers may not be as familiar with or that may be interpreted in multiple ways such as“sustainable,”“carbon neutral,”or“circularity”marketers should,at a minimum,take the time to explain to consumers what they mean by those terms,so c

212、onsumers dont take away unintended messages.Jeffrey A.GreenbaumChair,IAA Public Policy Council Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 31This is also a critical time for advertisers to engage in a meaningful dialogue about the regulation of environmental marketing with regulators and self-reg

213、ulatory organizations.At IAA,we believe that smart regulation which is the product of an open dialogue with industry and other stakeholders-can both protect consumers and create a regulatory environment that allows businesses to thrive.And when were talking about green marketing,smarter regulation c

214、an also incentivize businesses to create environmentally preferable products,making it easier and cheaper for consumers to get them,and ultimately,help address the world climate crisis.These are lofty goals,but were much more likely to achieve them if industry gives regulators and self-regulators th

215、e information and tools they need to create more effective rules and guidance.Is complying with a patchwork of different laws around the world the best approach or should governments try to harmonize their rules?Would you rather have rules and guidance that leave room for interpretation and flexibil

216、ity,or do you want specific,bright-line standards to follow?Are there rules on the books now that are acting as disincentives for you to develop environmentally preferable products?Are there standards out there that prevent you from effectively talking about the environmental attributes of your prod

217、ucts?What about standards that are out-of-date or regulatory schemes that fail to provide guidance on the types of environmental claims that marketers are making today?Are you hesitating to make long-term corporate environmental commitments for fear that you may be held responsible if you fail to ul

218、timately achieve them,notwithstanding the best of intentions?Right now,marketers should identify the barriers that are preventing them from achieving their environmental marketing objectives as well as their overall environmental goals-and then they should work closely with governments and others to

219、 come up with real-world solutions.This is the time for marketers to take action and ensure that their voices are heard.Its not just the value of your brand that is at stake.With smarter regulation,we can better protect the earth as well.Jeffrey A.Greenbaum:Creating a smarter regulatory environment

220、that protects consumers,allows businesses to thrive,and helps save the earth too.Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 32Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking(USDm).The value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 1-502023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Percept

221、ions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)1AmazonUnited StatesRetail$19,9064.402TeslaUnited StatesLuxury Automobiles$17,8175.433AppleUnited StatesElectronics$14,6504.504GoogleUnited StatesMedia$14,5774.745MicrosoftUnited StatesInternet&Software$8,9774.286WeChatChinaMedia$8,4216.277PorscheG

222、ermanyLuxury Automobiles$8,0974.448TikTok/DouyinChinaMedia$8,0004.559State GridChinaUtilities$7,3745.6410Mercedes-BenzGermanyAutomobiles$6,4854.7411WalmartUnited StatesRetail$6,2583.6412FacebookUnited StatesMedia$6,1653.9113ToyotaJapanAutomobiles$6,1045.0014DisneyUnited StatesMedia$5,9164.4715Verizo

223、nUnited StatesTelecoms$5,7713.8516CostcoUnited StatesSupermarkets$5,2103.7617Deutsche TelekomGermanyTelecoms$5,1493.6818InstagramUnited StatesMedia$5,1254.0419Samsung GroupSouth KoreaTech$5,0464.6320China Construction BankChinaBanking$5,0244.7121ICBCChinaBanking$4,7704.0322MoutaiChinaSpirits$4,6065.

224、1523Coca-ColaUnited StatesSoft Drinks$4,5594.3524AramcoSaudi ArabiaOil&Gas$4,5395.2325China MobileChinaTelecoms$4,5034.6726BMWGermanyAutomobiles$4,4454.7327AT&TUnited StatesTelecoms$4,1903.8028Home DepotUnited StatesRetail$4,1804.5329Agricultural Bank Of ChinaChinaBanking$4,0554.1330Bank of ChinaChi

225、naBanking$4,0445.0231accentureUnited StatesIT Services$3,9837.7932Allianz GroupGermanyInsurance$3,9154.0133Ping AnChinaInsurance$3,7264.1334NTT GroupJapanTelecoms$3,6484.4935TencentChinaMedia$3,6043.5436ShellUnited KingdomOil&Gas$3,5493.8437VolkswagenGermanyAutomobiles$3,3254.2138Mitsubishi GroupJap

226、anAutomobiles$3,2354.2439YouTubeUnited StatesMedia$3,2014.0340StarbucksUnited StatesRestaurants$3,0814.3041Bank of AmericaUnited StatesBanking$2,7884.2442UPSUnited StatesLogistics$2,7234.5743NetflixUnited StatesMedia$2,6984.1844XfinityUnited StatesTelecoms$2,6674.1845Hyundai GroupSouth KoreaAutomobi

227、les$2,6234.1446WuliangyeChinaSpirits$2,5814.7447SK GroupSouth KoreaTelecoms$2,5095.0148SinopecChinaOil&Gas$2,4984.7949Tata GroupIndiaIT Services$2,4707.3050HondaJapanAutomobiles$2,4584.36Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 33Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.The value of sustainabi

228、lity perceptions to the worlds top brands 51-1002023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)51UberUnited StatesCar Rental Services$2,3674.3752LidlGermanySupermarkets$2,3584.4753PetroChinaChinaOil&Gas$2,3464.1254Sams ClubUnited StatesSuper

229、markets$2,3334.7355J.P.MorganUnited StatesBanking$2,2934.2456NikeUnited StatesApparel$2,2654.6857PepsiUnited StatesSoft Drinks$2,1913.8158FedExUnited StatesLogistics$2,1684.4659HuaweiChinaElectronics$2,1564.4560DeloitteUnited StatesCommercial Services$2,0834.5161IBMUnited StatesIT Services$2,0666.16

230、62American ExpressUnited StatesCommercial Services$2,0614.5263FordUnited StatesAutomobiles$2,0283.9264ChaseUnited StatesBanking$2,0113.7765McDonaldsUnited StatesRestaurants$1,9453.9366TaobaoChinaRetail$1,9434.2167ALDI SdGermanySupermarkets$1,9314.9668OracleUnited StatesInternet&Software$1,9104.4169L

231、ouis VuittonFranceApparel$1,8944.6670TescoUnited KingdomSupermarkets$1,8764.4471Wells FargoUnited StatesBanking$1,8693.3372VISAUnited StatesCommercial Services$1,8664.7173CitiUnited StatesBanking$1,8443.5574WoolworthsAustraliaSupermarkets$1,7715.4675SpectrumUnited StatesTelecoms$1,7593.4076China Tel

232、ecomChinaTelecoms$1,7434.4177FerrariItalyLuxury Automobiles$1,7024.6378TmallChinaRetail$1,6674.0279Sumitomo GroupJapanTrading Houses$1,6634.5980TargetUnited StatesRetail$1,6463.9581TotalEnergiesFranceOil&Gas$1,6454.1482CVSUnited StatesRetail$1,6333.5483China Merchants BankChinaBanking$1,6283.9084TSM

233、CTaiwanSemiconductors$1,6206.8785LinkedInUnited StatesMedia$1,6083.8886OrangeFranceTelecoms$1,5943.9087MastercardUnited StatesCommercial Services$1,5884.78887-ElevenJapanSupermarkets$1,5543.8889AudiGermanyAutomobiles$1,4904.6190PWCUnited StatesCommercial Services$1,4794.3691VodafoneUnited KingdomTel

234、ecoms$1,4783.9592PublixUnited StatesSupermarkets$1,4744.1593ReweGermanySupermarkets$1,4704.7294EYUnited KingdomCommercial Services$1,4674.2695LowesUnited StatesRetail$1,4663.0796CHANELFranceApparel$1,4624.8897China LifeChinaInsurance$1,4073.9098CarrefourFranceSupermarkets$1,3803.9399TDCanadaBanking$

235、1,3763.97100NestlSwitzerlandFood$1,3534.10Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 34The value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 101-150Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions

236、Score(/10)101AsdaUnited KingdomSupermarkets$1,3365.12102Goldman SachsUnited StatesBanking$1,3174.16103HSBCUnited KingdomBanking$1,2873.81104JD.comChinaRetail$1,2764.45105AIAHong KongInsurance$1,2704.18106STCSaudi ArabiaTelecoms$1,2704.63107VankeChinaReal Estate$1,2704.48108GucciItalyApparel$1,2694.6

237、0109AXAFranceInsurance$1,2613.93110Capital OneUnited StatesBanking$1,2584.03111Bank of CommunicationsChinaBanking$1,2543.89112ChevronUnited StatesOil&Gas$1,2473.73113LOralFranceCosmetics&Personal Care$1,2404.64114EDEKAGermanySupermarkets$1,1935.12115CPICChinaInsurance$1,1913.89116UniversalUnited Sta

238、tesMedia$1,1683.56117IKEASwedenRetail$1,1524.79118AdidasGermanyApparel$1,1404.71119EquinorNorwayOil&Gas$1,1384.53120Etisalat by e&UaeTelecoms$1,1294.86121JRJapanLogistics$1,1264.85122PetronasMalaysiaOil&Gas$1,1214.59123IntelUnited StatesSemiconductors$1,1184.46124EnelItalyUtilities$1,1114.26125Walgr

239、eensUnited StatesRetail$1,1063.40126SantanderSpainBanking$1,1033.83127NissanJapanAutomobiles$1,0964.29128Postal Savings BankChinaBanking$1,0943.78129E.LeclercFranceSupermarkets$1,0934.31130BPUnited KingdomOil&Gas$1,0873.40131LG GroupSouth KoreaTech$1,0764.63132SAPGermanyInternet&Software$1,0694.6313

240、3UnitedHealthcareUnited StatesHealthcare Services$1,0694.25134ColesAustraliaSupermarkets$1,0664.88135EDFFranceUtilities$1,0634.09136CiscoUnited StatesElectronics$1,0634.06137ViettelVietnamTelecoms$1,0515.31138NBCUnited StatesMedia$1,0454.16139Circle KCanadaSupermarkets$1,0403.30140BYDChinaAutomobile

241、s$1,0384.43141Morgan StanleyUnited StatesBanking$1,0384.30142GEICOUnited StatesInsurance$1,0383.65143KrogerUnited StatesSupermarkets$1,0343.89144HermsFranceApparel$1,0144.63145SkyUnited KingdomTelecoms$9984.33146NetEaseChinaMedia$9973.47147PayPalUnited StatesCommercial Services$9964.68148Canada Life

242、CanadaInsurance$9964.54149InfosysIndiaIT Services$9855.90150Dell TechnologiesUnited StatesElectronics$9823.97Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 35The value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 151-200Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector20

243、23 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)151ChubbUnited StatesInsurance$9794.17152LICIndiaInsurance$9764.96153DBSSingaporeBanking$9715.44154AllstateUnited StatesInsurance$9664.21155YiliChinaFood$9535.22156SalesforceUnited StatesInternet&Software$9524.55157CSCECChi

244、naEngineering&Construction$9484.69158Christian DiorFranceApparel$9464.65159MitsuiJapanEngineering&Construction$9444.32160RBCCanadaBanking$9433.76161SoftBankJapanTelecoms$9273.79162PICCChinaInsurance$9233.89163LexusJapanAutomobiles$8994.28164DHLGermanyLogistics$8994.50165auJapanTelecoms$8993.75166KFC

245、United StatesRestaurants$8903.76167EngieFranceUtilities$8884.25168FoxUnited StatesMedia$8863.29169LamborghiniItalyLuxury Automobiles$8754.79170BarclaysUnited KingdomBanking$8724.14171Poly Real EstateChinaReal Estate$8654.94172ChevroletUnited StatesAutomobiles$8644.15173ScotiabankCanadaBanking$8584.2

246、2174CartierFranceApparel$8564.42175Red BullAustriaSoft Drinks$8563.92176CATLChinaElectronics$8565.32177Country GardenChinaReal Estate$8344.36178ExxonMobilUnited StatesOil&Gas$8323.60179CapgeminiFranceIT Services$8256.59180China Overseas Land&InvestHong KongReal Estate$8234.84181MonsterUnited StatesS

247、oft Drinks$8223.86182Longfor PropertiesChinaReal Estate$8084.47183eniItalyOil&Gas$8064.19184VolvoSwedenAutomobiles$8063.94185S&P GlobalUnited StatesCommercial Services$8044.62186KPMGUnited KingdomCommercial Services$8024.04187NVIDIAUnited StatesSemiconductors$7944.29188SonyJapanElectronics$7924.4218

248、9EnterpriseUnited StatesCar Rental Services$7884.38190TruistUnited StatesBanking$7864.59191Este LauderUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$7834.92192RolexSwitzerlandApparel$7814.72193HeinekenNetherlandsBeers$7814.63194SainsburysUnited KingdomSupermarkets$7714.73195KiaSouth KoreaAutomobiles$7653.9819

249、6TelstraAustraliaTelecoms$7633.87197MetlifeUnited StatesInsurance$7623.46198MercadonaSpainSupermarkets$7574.26199China Resources LandHong KongReal Estate$7554.44200SwisscomSwitzerlandTelecoms$7525.34Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 36The value of sustainability perceptions to the world

250、s top brands 201-250Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)201Whole FoodsUnited StatesSupermarkets$7314.58202NiveaGermanyCosmetics&Personal Care$7294.95203Prudential PlcHong KongInsurance$7293

251、.79204SF ExpressChinaLogistics$7255.23205Mahindra GroupIndiaAutomobiles$7244.39206CRECChinaEngineering&Construction$7235.7720720th TelevisionUnited StatesMedia$7204.33208ESPNUnited StatesMedia$7203.89209SpotifySwedenMedia$7174.00210LaysUnited StatesFood$7164.40211GatoradeUnited StatesSoft Drinks$714

252、4.64212CBSUnited StatesMedia$7143.61213Warner BrosUnited StatesMedia$7123.39214Shanghai Pudong Development BankChinaBanking$7093.76215TravelersUnited StatesInsurance$7083.73216ConadItalySupermarkets$7044.23217China CITIC BankChinaBanking$7033.28218SafewayUnited StatesSupermarkets$7013.87219Progressi

253、veUnited StatesInsurance$7012.93220BMOCanadaBanking$7003.80221NescafSwitzerlandSoft Drinks$6953.69222Corona ExtraMexicoBeers$6924.19223PNCUnited StatesBanking$6914.04224AirtelIndiaTelecoms$6904.13225DecathlonFranceRetail$6905.14226CRCCChinaEngineering&Construction$6895.71227ZARASpainApparel$6874.022

254、28Land RoverUnited KingdomAutomobiles$6744.01229NONGFU SPRINGChinaSoft Drinks$6735.23230SubaruJapanAutomobiles$6734.35231GuerlainFranceCosmetics&Personal Care$6704.77232DoveUnited KingdomCosmetics&Personal Care$6684.64233PTTThailandOil&Gas$6665.25234BNP ParibasFranceBanking$6643.48235KauflandGermany

255、Supermarkets$6634.33236Generali GroupItalyInsurance$6593.82237BaiduChinaMedia$6593.70238Industrial BankChinaBanking$6583.48239TelusCanadaTelecoms$6553.85240OptumUnited StatesHealthcare Services$6454.72241AChinaRetail$6444.25242BudweiserUnited StatesBeers$6434.35243MUFGJapanBanking$6384.17244Movistar

256、SpainTelecoms$6333.73245INGNetherlandsBanking$6303.82246GilletteUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$6304.31247China Everbright BankChinaBanking$6293.72248Activision BlizzardUnited StatesMedia$6273.97249ItaBrazilBanking$6234.21250AnthemUnited StatesHealthcare Services$6234.62Brand Finance Sustainabi

257、lity Perceptions Index 37The value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 251-300Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)251UBSSwitzerlandBanking$6233.75252ConocoPhillipsUnited

258、StatesOil&Gas$6193.64253BrookfieldCanadaBanking$6194.06254H&MSwedenApparel$6154.22255UNIQLOJapanApparel$6094.69256Luzhou LaojiaoChinaSpirits$5984.30257RelianceIndiaOil&Gas$5984.23258GreenlandChinaReal Estate$5983.98259DanoneFranceFood$5974.54260LancmeFranceCosmetics&Personal Care$5955.14261BentleyUn

259、ited KingdomLuxury Automobiles$5914.42262El Corte InglsSpainSupermarkets$5884.62263Commonwealth BankAustraliaBanking$5874.50264Siemens GroupGermanyEngineering&Construction$5864.31265MeituanChinaRetail$5853.86266Dollar GeneralUnited StatesRetail$5843.69267U.S.BankUnited StatesBanking$5803.68268Zurich

260、SwitzerlandInsurance$5793.88269Bud LightUnited StatesBeers$5754.35270E.ONGermanyUtilities$5744.30271SephoraFranceRetail$5734.40272Electronic ArtsUnited StatesMedia$5683.99273JeepUnited StatesAutomobiles$5674.21274Standard CharteredUnited KingdomBanking$5653.87275HiltonUnited StatesHotels$5654.15276C

261、ognizantUnited StatesIT Services$5655.10277SuzukiJapanAutomobiles$5573.56278BellCanadaTelecoms$5573.06279AEONJapanSupermarkets$5565.14280China PostChinaLogistics$5525.18281AdobeUnited StatesInternet&Software$5493.90282CIBCCanadaBanking$5483.89283RenaultFranceAutomobiles$5473.90284PampersUnited State

262、sHousehold Products$5464.55285Munich ReGermanyInsurance$5454.32286DeltaUnited StatesAirlines$5443.87287State Bank of IndiaIndiaBanking$5404.33288WiproIndiaIT Services$5376.72289NaverSouth KoreaMedia$5374.46290MaerskDenmarkLogistics$5344.27291ChunghwaTaiwanTelecoms$5344.522923United KingdomTelecoms$5

263、343.60293MTNSouth AfricaTelecoms$5325.23294BNSFUnited StatesLogistics$5314.16295Xinghuacun Fen WineChinaSpirits$5303.52296Union PacificUnited StatesLogistics$5293.71297SpriteUnited StatesSoft Drinks$5284.05298CliniqueUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$5284.92299DiscoverUnited StatesBanking$5283.89

264、300JioIndiaTelecoms$5234.38Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 38The value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 301-350Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)301Ti

265、deUnited StatesHousehold Products$5234.50302PanasonicJapanElectronics$5224.81303HCLTechIndiaIT Services$5176.17304Stop&ShopUnited StatesSupermarkets$5164.64305HennessyFranceSpirits$5154.53306Poste ItalianeItalyInsurance$5143.29307TysonUnited StatesFood$5103.98308ManulifeCanadaInsurance$5104.40309QNB

266、QatarBanking$5083.90310QuakerUnited StatesFood$5084.87311BBCUnited KingdomMedia$5074.37312Japan Post HoldingsJapanLogistics$5063.76313Tiffany&CoUnited StatesApparel$5064.40314ABCUnited StatesMedia$5053.31315MideaChinaElectronics$5044.49316NatWestUnited KingdomBanking$5013.98317O2United KingdomTeleco

267、ms$5014.09318Swiss ReSwitzerlandInsurance$4964.21319Dr PepperUnited StatesSoft Drinks$4963.59320MerrillUnited StatesBanking$4943.51321BlackrockUnited StatesBanking$4914.37322Fubon Financial HoldingsTaiwanInsurance$4894.41323YangheChinaSpirits$4883.96324CadillacUnited StatesAutomobiles$4844.16325BBVA

268、SpainBanking$4824.28326AIGUnited StatesInsurance$4794.09327SiriusXMUnited StatesMedia$4794.67328HavalChinaAutomobiles$4773.84329Al-Rajhi BankSaudi ArabiaBanking$4774.96330BTUnited KingdomTelecoms$4764.21331American AirlinesUnited StatesAirlines$4763.56332HumanaUnited StatesHealthcare Services$4754.2

269、4333TIMItalyTelecoms$4733.41334MorrisonsUnited KingdomSupermarkets$4704.16335CarMaxUnited StatesRetail$4694.07336China Minsheng BankChinaBanking$4673.65337Intesa SanpaoloItalyBanking$4672.95338Nissay/Nippon Life InsuranceJapanInsurance$4614.83339KEPCOSouth KoreaUtilities$4604.60340TJ MaxxUnited Stat

270、esRetail$4583.63341GreeChinaElectronics$4585.23342Tokio MarineJapanInsurance$4574.57343PanteneUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$4564.42344Waste ManagementUnited StatesUtilities$4565.23345Prudential(US)United StatesInsurance$4553.67346MengniuChinaFood$4535.05347Yahoo!GroupJapanTech$4533.78348Geely

271、ChinaAutomobiles$4523.35349GMCUnited StatesAutomobiles$4524.28350BoeingUnited StatesAerospace&Defence$4504.06Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 39The value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 351-400Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector20

272、23 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)351BoschGermanyEngineering&Construction$4484.55352General ElectricUnited StatesEngineering&Construction$4483.65353KelloggsUnited StatesFood$4474.17354United AirlinesUnited StatesAirlines$4463.64355RabobankNetherlandsBanking

273、$4464.25356VeoliaFranceUtilities$4444.61357Dai-Ichi LifeJapanInsurance$4434.36358ClaroMexicoTelecoms$4423.62359Lloyds BankUnited KingdomBanking$4423.91360LiptonUnited KingdomSoft Drinks$4424.67361SyscoUnited StatesCommercial Services$4414.37362HDFC BankIndiaBanking$4413.82363COOPItalySupermarkets$43

274、44.62364DiscoveryUnited StatesMedia$4284.29365Cathay Life InsuranceTaiwanInsurance$4264.71366TelenorNorwayTelecoms$4244.27367PinduoduoChinaRetail$4203.32368KakaoSouth KoreaMedia$4153.59369SubwayUnited StatesRestaurants$4144.38370HPUnited StatesElectronics$4144.15371GarnierFranceCosmetics&Personal Ca

275、re$4134.52372OCBC BankSingaporeBanking$4124.48373Modelo EspecialMexicoBeers$4124.37374China UnicomChinaTelecoms$4114.30375Crdit AgricoleFranceBanking$4114.35376CNOOCChinaOil&Gas$4073.91377AvivaUnited KingdomInsurance$4063.70378RepsolSpainOil&Gas$4004.47379ADPUnited StatesCommercial Services$4004.243

276、80AirbusFranceAerospace&Defence$3994.37381BroadcomUnited StatesSemiconductors$3974.43382Hannover ReGermanyInsurance$United StatesLeisure&Tourism$3963.89384BlackstoneUnited StatesBanking$3964.76385QualcommUnited StatesSemiconductors$3964.21386SingtelSingaporeTelecoms$3934.31387HaitianChinaFood$3924.2

277、8388Thomson ReutersCanadaMedia$3923.79389COACHUnited StatesApparel$3914.03390KirinJapanBeers$3885.49391Power ChinaChinaEngineering&Construction$3885.46392HitachiJapanEngineering&Construction$3874.62393SLBUnited StatesOil&Gas$3864.04394UOBSingaporeBanking$3854.09395CJ GroupSouth KoreaFood$3855.05396M

278、aybellineUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$3844.323973MUnited StatesElectronics$3834.55398Rolls-RoyceUnited KingdomLuxury Automobiles$3824.63399TeliaSwedenTelecoms$3823.98400HaierChinaTech$3814.51Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 40The value of sustainability perceptions to the world

279、s top brands 401-450Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)401VattenfallSwedenUtilities$3804.75402CanonJapanElectronics$3794.25403Crdit MutuelFranceBanking$3764.37404KTSouth KoreaTelecoms$3744

280、.31405Tim HortonsCanadaRestaurants$3724.56406NABAustraliaBanking$3724.10407RossmannGermanyRetail$3725.66408Dish NetworkUnited StatesMedia$3722.95409kpnNetherlandsTelecoms$3714.70410Deutsche PostGermanyLogistics$3705.27411Dominos PizzaUnited StatesRestaurants$3683.73412DUKE ENERGYUnited StatesUtiliti

281、es$3684.16413Credit SuisseSwitzerlandBanking$3673.84414NespressoSwitzerlandSoft Drinks$3664.08415LSEGUnited KingdomCommercial Services$3663.97416HBOUnited StatesMedia$3653.69417PinterestUnited StatesMedia$3654.12418MSCIUnited StatesCommercial Services$3644.59419Johnson&JohnsonUnited StatesPharma$364

282、4.20420PetrobrasBrazilOil&Gas$3624.83421AutoZoneUnited StatesRetail$3623.86422PlayStationJapanElectronics$3614.32423EnBWGermanyUtilities$3603.99424eBayUnited StatesRetail$3603.90425USPSUnited StatesLogistics$3594.17426CSXUnited StatesLogistics$3584.67427Telkom IndonesiaIndonesiaTelecoms$3564.00428Ib

283、erdrolaSpainUtilities$3563.82429SnapchatUnited StatesMedia$3563.73430EmiratesUaeAirlines$3554.41431BradescoBrazilBanking$3534.08432ColgateUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$3534.57433GS GroupSouth KoreaFood$3534.57434BNY MellonUnited StatesBanking$3514.47435EsselungaItalySupermarkets$3514.55436iQi

284、yiChinaMedia$3504.02437Indian OilIndiaOil&Gas$3484.44438XboxUnited StatesElectronics$3473.91439The Co-operativeUnited KingdomSupermarkets$3464.83440MarshallsUnited StatesRetail$3464.24441PradaItalyApparel$3454.66442McLaneUnited StatesLogistics$3454.23443dmGermanyRetail$3455.76444SnowChinaBeers$3444.

285、42445Best BuyUnited StatesRetail$3423.87446McKinseyUnited StatesCommercial Services$3424.25447LululemonCanadaApparel$3414.01448Head&ShouldersUnited StatesCosmetics&Personal Care$3404.32449KOGASSouth KoreaUtilities$3404.72450SFRFranceTelecoms$3393.38Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 41Th

286、e value of sustainability perceptions to the worlds top brands 451-500Sustainability Perceptions Value Ranking.2023 RankBrandCountrySector2023 Sustainability Perceptions Value2023 Sustainability Perceptions Score(/10)451WrigleyUnited StatesFood$3394.11452KB Financial GroupSouth KoreaBanking$3384.294

287、53BurberryUnited KingdomApparel$3374.50454ValeroUnited StatesOil&Gas$3363.60455PKN OrlenPolandOil&Gas$3364.49456Don QuijoteJapanSupermarkets$3363.48457Taco BellUnited StatesRestaurants$3343.53458Delivery HeroGermanyLogistics$3334.36459Tractor SupplyUnited StatesRetail$3324.09460PECHOINChinaCosmetics

288、&Personal Care$3324.59461CitizensUnited StatesBanking$3314.80462HikvisionChinaElectronics$3314.44463KikkomanJapanFood$3315.64464Banco do BrasilBrazilBanking$3303.96465CaterpillarUnited StatesEngineering&Construction$3294.64466CaixaBankSpainBanking$3283.93467Huaneng Power InternationalChinaUtilities$

289、3273.97468NordeaSwedenBanking$3273.77469FISUnited StatesInternet&Software$3255.01470PolarisUnited StatesAutomobiles$3253.81471John DeereUnited StatesEngineering&Construction$3254.73472SNBSaudi ArabiaBanking$3244.40473OxyUnited StatesOil&Gas$3233.86474WendysUnited StatesRestaurants$3233.97475XiaomiCh

290、inaElectronics$3223.97476Yonghui SuperstoresChinaSupermarkets$3224.10477TwitterUnited StatesMedia$3223.12478Sun LifeCanadaInsurance$3214.01479ErgoGermanyInsurance$3214.09480BRIIndonesiaBanking$3204.42481MaseratiItalyLuxury Automobiles$3204.70482Food LionUnited StatesSupermarkets$3184.19483CDWUnited

291、StatesRetail$3183.88484PumaGermanyApparel$3184.30485MaybankMalaysiaBanking$3184.74486La PosteFranceLogistics$3184.20487YamahaJapanAutomobiles$3174.07488NokiaFinlandElectronics$3153.68489JD SportsUnited KingdomRetail$3153.81490HuggiesUnited StatesHousehold Products$3153.96491AMDUnited StatesSemicondu

292、ctors$3144.14492Phillips 66United StatesOil&Gas$3123.43493UQ CommunicationsJapanTelecoms$3123.39494AlwaysUnited StatesHousehold Products$3114.24495Yves Saint LaurentFranceApparel$3104.57496Pizza HutUnited StatesRestaurants$3103.93497CNP AssurancesFranceInsurance$3093.84498PolestarChinaAutomobiles$30

293、95.32499LoblawsCanadaSupermarkets$3093.77500ORilley Auto PartsUnited StatesRetail$3093.63Brand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 42Enterprise ValueBranded Business ValueBrand ContributionDefinitions.AlphabetGoogleGoogleGoogleBrand Value+Enterprise Value The value of the entire enterprise,made

294、 up of multiple branded businesses.Where a company has a purely mono-branded architecture,the enterprise value is the same as branded business value.+Branded Business Value The value of a single branded business operating under the subject brand.A brand should be viewed in the context of the busines

295、s in which it operates.Brand Finance always conducts a branded business valuation as part of any brand valuation.We evaluate the full brand value chain in order to understand the links between marketing investment,brand-tracking data,and stakeholder behaviour.+Brand Contribution The overall uplift i

296、n shareholder value that the business derives from owning the brand rather than operating a generic brand.The brand values contained in our league tables are those of the potentially transferable brand assets only,making brand contribution a wider concept.An assessment of overall brand contribution

297、to a business provides additional insights to help optimise performance.+Brand Value The value of the trade mark and associated marketing IP within the branded business.Brand Finance helped to craft the internationally recognised standard on Brand Valuation ISO 10668.It defines brand as a marketing-

298、related intangible asset including,but not limited to,names,terms,signs,symbols,logos,and designs,intended to identify goods,services or entities,creating distinctive images and associations in the minds of stakeholders,thereby generating economic benefits.Brand ValueBrand Finance Sustainability Per

299、ceptions Index 43Brand Valuation Methodology.1324Definition of BrandBrand is defined as a marketing-related intangible asset including,but not limited to,names,terms,signs,symbols,logos,and designs,intended to identify goods,services,or entities,creating distinctive images and associations in the mi

300、nds of stakeholders,thereby generating economic benefits.Brand ValueBrand value refers to the present value of earnings specifically related to brand reputation.Organisations own and control these earnings by owning trademark rights.All brand valuation methodologies are essentially trying to identif

301、y this,although the approach and assumptions differ.As a result published brand values can be different.These differences are similar to the way equity analysts provide business valuations that are different to one another.The only way you find out the“real”value is by looking at what people really

302、pay.As a result,Brand Finance always incorporates a review of what users of brands actually pay for the use of brands in the form of brand royalty agreements,which are found in more or less every sector in the world.This is sometimes known as the“Royalty Relief”methodology and is by far the most wid

303、ely used approach for brand valuations since it is grounded in reality.It is the basis for a public rankings but we always augment it with a real understanding of peoples perceptions and their effects on demand from our database of market research on over 3000 brands in over 30 markets.DisclaimerBra

304、nd Finance has produced this study with an independent and unbiased analysis.The values derived and opinions produced in this study are based only on publicly available information and certain assumptions that Brand Finance used where such data was deficient or unclear.Brand Finance accepts no respo

305、nsibility and will not be liable in the event that the publicly available information relied upon is subsequently found to be inaccurate.The opinions and financial analysis expressed in the report are not to be construed as providing investment or business advice.Brand Finance does not intend the re

306、port to be relied upon for any reason and excludes all liability to any body,government or organisation.We review what brands already pay in royalty agreements.This is augmented by an analysis of how brands impact profitability in the sector versus generic brands.This results in a range of possible

307、royalties that could be charged in the sector for brands(for example a range of 0%to 2%of revenue)The BSI score is applied to the royalty range to arrive at a royalty rate.For example,if the royalty range in a sector is 0-5%and a brand has a BSI score of 80 out of 100,then an appropriate royalty rat

308、e for the use of this brand in the given sector will be 4%.We adjust the rate higher or lower for brands by analysing Brand Strength.We analyse brand strength by looking at three core pillars:“Inputs”which are activities supporting the future strength of the brand;“Equity”which are real current perc

309、eptions sourced from our market research and other data partners;“Output”which are brand-related performance measures such as market share.Each brand is assigned a Brand Strength Index(BSI)score out of 100,which feeds into the brand value calculation.Based on the score,each brand is assigned a corre

310、sponding Brand Rating up to AAA+in a format similar to a credit rating.We determine brand-specific revenues as a proportion of parent company revenues attributable to the brand in question and forecast those revenues by analysing historic revenues,equity analyst forecasts,and economic growth rates.W

311、e then apply the royalty rate to the forecast revenues to derive brand revenues and apply the relevant valuation assumptions to arrive at a discounted,post-tax present value which equals the brand value.Brand ImpactBrand Impact Brand StrengthBrand StrengthForecast Brand Value CalculationBrand Financ

312、e Sustainability Perceptions Index 44Brand StrengthAnalytical rigour and transparency are at the heart of our approach to brand measurement at Brand Finance.Therefore,in order to adequately understand the strength of brands we conduct a structured,quantitative review of data that reflect the Brand V

313、alue Chain of brand-building activities,leading to brand awareness,perceptions and onwards to brand-influenced customer behaviour.To manage the Brand Value Chain process effectively we create and use the“Brand Strength Index”(BSI).This index is essentially a modified Balanced Scorecard split between

314、 the three core pillars of the Brand Value Chain:Brand Inputs,Brand Equity and Brand Performance.Brand Strength IndexWidely recognised factors deployed by marketers to create brand loyalty and market share.Perceptions of the brand among different stakeholder groups,with customers being the most impo

315、rtant.Quantitative market and financial measures representing the success of the brand in achieving price and volume premium.Stakeholder EquityBusiness PerformanceMarketing InvestmentBrand Strength.132Although we follow a general structure incorporating the three pillars(Brand Inputs,Brand Equity an

316、d Brand Performance),the attributes included are different depending on the sector.A brand strength index for a luxury apparel brand will differ in structure from an index designed for a telecommunications brand.An index for luxury apparel brand may emphasize the exclusiveness,word of mouth recommen

317、dation,and price premium,whereas an index for a telecommunications company may emphasis customer service and ARPU as important metrics.These attributes are weighted according to their perceived importance in driving the following pillar:Brand Investment measures in driving Brand Equity;Brand Equity

318、measures for Brand-Related Business Performance measures;and finally the relevance of Brand-Related Business Performance measures for driving business value.Attribute Selection and WeightingBrands ability to influence purchase depends primarily on peoples perceptions.Therefore,the majority of the Br

319、and Strength Index is derived from Brand Finances proprietary Global Brand Equity Research Monitor research,a quantitative study of a sample of over 100,000 people from the general public on their perceptions of over 4,000 brands in over 25 sectors and 37 countries.However,at Brand Finance we also b

320、elieve that there are other measures that can be used to fill gaps that survey research may not capture.These include total investment levels for example in marketing,R&D,innovation expenditure,that can a better guide to future performance than surveys.They also include online measures such as ratin

321、gs by review sites and social media engagement that can give a more granular understanding of marketing effectiveness.Finally they also include real behaviour for example net additions,customer churn and market share,to overcome the tendency for surveys to incorporate intended behaviour rather than

322、real.Over a period of 3 to 4 months each year,we collect all this data across all the brands in our study in order to accurately measure their comparative strength.Data CollectionIn order to convert raw data in to scores out of 10 that are comparable between attributes within the scorecard,we then h

323、ave to benchmark each attribute.We do this by reviewing the distribution of the underlying data and creating a floor and ceiling based on that distribution.Each brand is assigned a Brand Strength Index(BSI)score out of 100,which feeds into the brand value calculation.Based on the score,each brand is

324、 assigned a corresponding rating up to AAA+in a format similar to a credit rating.Analysing the three brand strength measures helps inform managers of a brands potential for future success.Benchmarking and Final ScoringBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 45Global Brand Equity Monitor.Orig

325、inal market research in 36 countries and across 29 sectors with over 100,000 consumers rating over 5,000 brands.Brand KPIs and Diagnostics1.Brand Funnel2.Brand Usage3.Quality4.Reputation5.Loyalty6.Closeness9.Brand Imagery7.Recommendation(NPS)10.Advertising Awareness8.Word of Mouth11.Brand MomentumAw

326、arenessHave heard of your brandFamiliarityKnow something about your brandConsiderationWould consider buying/using your brandApparelAutomobilesLuxury AutomobilesBanksCosmetics&Personal CareFoodInsuranceOil&GasRestaurantsRetail&E-CommerceTelecomsUtilitiesAirlinesLuxury ApparelAppliancesBeersLuxury Cos

327、meticsGeneral RetailHealthcare ServicesHotelsHousehold ProductsLogisticsMediaPharmaReal EstateSoft DrinksSpirits&WineTechnologyTyresTier 1Tier 2Our Services.A Brand Value Report provides a complete breakdown of the assumptions,data sources,and calculations used to arrive at your brands value.Each re

328、port includes expert recommendations for growing brand value to drive performance and offers a cost-effective way to gaining a better understanding of your position against peers.Request your ownBrand Value ReportBenefitsContentsCompetitorBenchmarkingVisit email enquiriesbrandfi Brand Valuation Summ

329、aryBrand Strength TrackingCost of Capital AnalysisRoyalty RatesCustomer Research FindingsInsightStrategyBenchmarkingEducationCommunicationUBrand Finance Sustainability Perceptions Index 48Brand Finance InstituteBrand Finance Institute is the educational division of Brand Finance,whose purpose is to

330、create and foster a professional environment for knowledge-sharing and networking among practitioners and experts in the market.BFI organises events,in-company training,and corporate educational initiatives around the world.In the quest for marketing excellence and with the purpose to equip the bran

331、d valuation and strategy practitioners with the necessary skills and tools,we have developed a wide range of programmes and certifications in collaboration with the most coveted business schools,universities and thought leaders in the field.Brandirectory is the worlds largest database of current and

332、 historical brand values,providing easy access to all Brand Finance rankings,reports,whitepapers,and consumer research published since 2007.+Browse thousands of published brand values+Track brand value,strength,and rating across publications and over time+Use interactive charts to compare brand valu

333、es across countries,sectors,and global rankings+Purchase and instantly unlock premium data,complete brand rankings,and researchVisit to find out more.Brand Finance Group.Brand DialogueBrand Dialogue is a public relations agency developing communications strategies to create dialogue that drives brand value.Brand Dialogue has over 25 years of experience in delivering campaigns driven by research,me



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