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1、Finlands Moonshots for Green Growth Maximizing Finlands Growth and Handprint in the Green TransitionFebruary 2023 By Boston Consulting Group and Climate Leadership CoalitionBoston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture the

2、ir greatest opportunities.BCG was the pioneer in business strategy when it was founded in 1963.Today,we work closely with clients to embrace a transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholdersempowering organizations to grow,build sustainable competitive advantage,and drive positive soc

3、ietal impact.Our diverse,global teams bring deep industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives that question the status quo and spark change.BCG delivers solutions through leading-edge management consulting,technology and design,and corporate and digital ventures.We work in a uniquel

4、y collaborative model across the firm and throughout all levels of the client organization,fueled by the goal of helping our clients thrive and enabling them to make the world a better place.Climate Leadership Coalition is the largest non-profit climate business network in Europe.CLC has 93 organiza

5、tional members.CLC believes that profound transition to a sustainable world can be economically beneficial,viable and financeable.Together we aim to make a significant positive climate impact through business solutions.CLC encourages decision makers to speed up the green transition and the green rec

6、overy by attracting investments via predictable and ambitious policies and systemic market-driven solutions.2FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH3MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONContents06|Executive Summary 08|Introduction:An Opportunity Finland Cannot Afford to Miss12

7、|Global Value Chains:Where are the Opportunities for Green Growth14|Finlands Competetive Advantages and Regulatory Tailwinds18|Finlands Green Growth Opportunities 20|The Five Moonshots for Green Growth:Business as Unusual 32|The Acceleration Roadmap:What Government Can Do 36|Conclusion5MAXIMIZING FI

8、NLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION4FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTHExecutive SummaryThe green transition is one of the biggest drivers of change during the on-going and coming decades,and an opportunity Finland cannot afford to miss Globally,it is estimated that required climate-

9、aligned investments will total between$100 trillion and$150 trillion by 2050,representing an average of$3 trillion to$5 trillion per year1 EU regulation(e.g.,Fit for 55)reinforces the transition,triggering green demand across industries Finland needs to seize this growth opportunity to secure its fu

10、ture welfare;over the past decade,Finlands GDP growth has been trailing other Nordic countries2 and its budget deficit has increased3 Finland has several competitive advantages to tap into the growing green demand,and surprisingly many green innovations and growth opportunities across key value chai

11、ns Advantages comprise of tangible resources(such as forests,minerals,and rapidly growing renewable energy capacity),competitiveness in industrial process efficiency and digitalization,and national commitment to a green future-climate neutral by 2035 target set in law Finland can maximize its growth

12、 and handprint by providing solutions to the five consumer-facing value chains(Housing,Food,Travel,Fashion,and Consumer Products),that account for nearly all global GHG emissions when considering end-to-end value chains from raw materials to end-of-life Research revealed in total 28 green growth opp

13、ortunities for Finnish companies across key value chains,energy,and industrial processesIn this report,we identify five Moonshots for green growth to future-proof Finlands existing export sectors and create new industrial mainstays,having a total export potential of 85 billion to 100 billion by 2035

14、:1.NET-POSITIVE LIVING,incl.wooden construction,net-zero living solutions,and demand response systems 2.BIO-BASED PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS,incl.circular textile fibers,circular consumer packaging,long-lasting consumer products,and advanced lightweight biomaterials3.DECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGY AND SERVI

15、CES,incl.electrification,lifecycle services,and energy system optimization 4.CIRCULAR BATTERIES AND GREEN METALS,incl.circular battery ecosystem,and green specialty steel for advanced applications5.GREEN HYDROGEN-ENABLED SOLUTIONS,incl.green steel,synthetic fuels,green ammonia-based fertilizers,and

16、food proteins Finlands ultimate success in the green transition depends on actions taken now.There are several levers to catalyze green growth and unlock the full potential of the Moonshots Levers include accelerating green investments,catalyzing domestic green demand,ensuring prerequisites for gree

17、n growth,and positioning Finland as the forerunner in green solutions To ensure that Finland seizes this opportunity,Boston Consulting Group(BCG)and Climate Leadership Coalition(CLC)initiated the Moonshot work and interviewed over 60 stakeholders comprising company and industry representatives,resea

18、rchers and academia with sustainability expertise,senior ministry officials,and representatives from the largest political parties.This report showcases how,through the five Moonshots,Finland can simultaneously drive growth and thereby well-being,reach its own ambitious climate targets,and become gr

19、eater than its size in solving the climate crisis.6FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH7MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONIntroduction:An Opportunity Finland Cannot Afford to Miss Finland has several competitive advantages to tap into the growing green demand.First,Finla

20、nd possesses rich natural resources such as forests,minerals,and growing renewable energy capacity that are valuable assets in the green transition.Second,the countrys export sectors,focused mainly on industrial processes and technologies,have for decades relied on process efficiency,optimization,an

21、d digitalization.Third,Finlands government and corporations have set an ambitious target to be climate neutral by 2035,backed up by citizens that highly value nature.Tapping into new areas of growth is an opportunity that Finland cannot afford to miss.GDP growth for the past decade has been weak:Fin

22、lands average GDP growth was 0.7%per annum between 2012 and 2021,trailing other Nordic countries with average annual GDP growth between 1.6%and 1.9%.2 Over the same period,Finlands budget deficit increased from 42%of GDP to 51%.3 The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)has hi

23、ghlighted that Finland is falling behind its Nordic peers in attracting direct foreign investments.5 Most worryingly,the foundations upon which Finlands future welfare is built are beginning to show cracks:the level of basic education,healthcare,public R&D,and youth well-being are not where they use

24、d to be.The green transition is one of the biggest drivers for change during the on-going and coming decades.Globally,it is estimated that the required climate-aligned investments will total between$100 trillion and$150 trillion by 2050,representing an average of$3 trillion to$5 trillion per year.1

25、Switching to renewable energy will not be enough to reach the 1.5C target set by the Paris Agreement a reduction in energy demand is also needed.4 In addition,the loss of biodiversity in marine,freshwater,and terrestrial ecosystems sets further limitations on future demand.The required change is rei

26、nforced by an unprecedented amount of new regulation,with the EU leading the way,including an extended energy trading scheme and more stringent requirements for energy efficiency.The rules of the game are fundamentally changing for companies across value chains.Companies must rapidly adapt and futur

27、e-proof their businesses for a new era in which an increasing amount of goods and services must be produced using fewer resources and less energy,and value creation maximized within the planetary boundaries.Across all major value chains,demand for green solutions will grow,ranging from more sustaina

28、ble and circular raw materials to net-zero production technology to smarter and more energy-efficient end products.To ensure that Finland seizes the unique opportunity at hand and maximizes its growth in the green transition,Boston Consulting Group(BCG)and Climate Leadership Coalition(CLC)have initi

29、ated an effort to identify the countrys Moonshots for green growth and the prerequisites needed for them to reach their full potential.(See the Sidebar“Whats a Moonshot?”).This work builds on BCGs Nordic Net Zero:The Green Business Opportunity report that presented how Finland,as part of the Nordics

30、,can meet its own net zero targets through smart decarbonization.6 Now,the focus is on how Finland can maximize its export growth in the global green transition.Besides optimizing economic growth,the objective is to identify potential new sources of competitive advantage for Finland that could enabl

31、e developing new industrial mainstays.Moreover,by enabling decarbonization of the worlds highest-emitting value chains,Finland can become greater than its size in solving the global climate crisis.8FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH9MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONWH

32、ATS A MOONSHOT?The Moonshot,a term originating in the 1960s from the US project to send men to the moon and return them safely to earth,essentially means focusing collective attention and effort to achieve highly ambitious,outside-the-box goals to serve the greater good.Finlands Moonshots for green

33、growth have four distinctive characteristics(See Exhibit 1).LASTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE enabled by unique resources or capabilities Unique resources or strong domestic capabilities and knowhow providing strong starting position and sustainable advantage,making moonshots long-term growth drivers fo

34、r FinlandECOSYSTEM with potential to become more than the sum of its parts Comprising more than one strong company,bringing together leading corporate,academic and public players while providing a growth platform for smaller playersSIGNIFICANT LEAP in terms of export growth and carbon handprint Futu

35、re-proofing existing export sectors or converting emerging green opportunities into new industrial mainstaysGOVERNMENT CATALYZATION OR COORDINATION needed to realize full potential Government with possibility to accelerate the growth opportunities that would otherwise take longer to takeoff due to l

36、ack of coordination in the ecosystem,limited domestic demand,insufficient investments and R&D,challenges in scaling,or limited go-to-market effortsSignificant leap Ecosystem Government catalyzation or coordinationLasting competitive advantageEXHIBIT 1The five Moonshots that we have identified for Fi

37、nland are the following:NET-POSITIVE LIVING Finland as the leader in providing holistic net-positive living offering(e.g.,wooden construction,net-zero living solutions,and demand response systems).BIO-BASED PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS Finland as the global leader in developing and supplying bio-based sol

38、utions(such as circular textile fibers,circular packaging materials,long-lasting consumer products,and advanced lightweight biomaterials e.g.,for automotive).DECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES Finland as the forerunner in providing smart technology solutions for high-emitting industrial process

39、es(e.g.,electrification,lifecycle services,and energy system optimization).CIRCULAR BATTERIES AND GREEN METALS Finland with a circular battery ecosystem,and Finland as the leading supplier of green specialty steel,and other metals in Europe(e.g.,for automotive and aviation).GREEN HYDROGEN-ENABLED SO

40、LUTIONS Finland as a competitive country for producing green hydrogen-enabled solutions(e.g.,green steel,synthetic fuels,green ammonia-based fertilizers,and food proteins).In this report,we will detail these Moonshots and outline the research that led to their identification,as well as offer deep di

41、ves on the following topics:Finlands competitive advantages in the green transition;the regulatory tailwinds that will trigger green demand;and the actions that the Finnish government can take to unlock the full potential of the Moonshots and Finlands green growth.Finland has an opportunity to be at

42、 the forefront of the green transition and become a leader in green technology and solutions.Given the magnitude of change,how Finland plays its cards in the green transition should be high on the national agenda.Finlands main export sectors machinery,forest products,metals,and chemicals will remain

43、 the same,but they need to transform within to remain competitive in the green transition -Antti Herlin Chair,KONE,Chair,Tiina and Antti Herlin Foundation10FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH11MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONEXHIBIT 2|Global GHG emissions along the hi

44、ghest-emitting value chainsFor example,the housing value chain,which includes residential and commercial buildings along with infrastructure,represents more than one-third of all emissions globally.Reducing emissions from the production of building materials such as steel and concrete,and day-to-day

45、 living(usage),has very high leverage in terms of GHG emission reduction.In food production,the greatest impact comes from renewing agricultural or aquacultural practices and switching to alternative food products(raw materials).Meanwhile,in the travel sector,reduction of emissions from driving,flyi

46、ng,and shipping(usage)provide the greatest opportunities for decarbonization.In fashion and consumer products,the production of goods has the highest leverage,followed by usage,which includes emissions generated,for example,by washing,using,and charging products.Energy,industrial processes,and trans

47、portation of goods serve all value chains,accounting for roughly 80%of global emissions.Some of the highest-leverage measures involve shifting away from fossil fuels through renewable power and heat generation,and decarbonizing industrial processes through,for example,electrification,energy efficien

48、cy improvements and process optimization.Currently,process industries represent about 75%of Finnish product exports.34 With the right solutions,Finnish companies can tap into green growth and support decarbonization of the highest-emitting value chains.Global Value Chains:Where Are the Opportunities

49、 for Green Growth?Finland can make the greatest contribution to reducing global GHG emissions by providing solutions to the five consumer-facing value chains that account for nearly all global GHG emissions:housing(35%),food(30%),travel(20%),fashion(10%),and consumer products(5%).(See Exhibit 2).The

50、 first three are responsible for roughly 80%of GHG emissions around the world.A value chain,in this context,is the sum of all activities that cause GHG emissions during a products lifecycle from raw material extraction to production,transportation,distribution,and usage by consumers,until the end-of

51、-life stage,where products are discarded,recycled,or reused in some other form.In identifying Finlands Moonshots,we considered which parts of the value chain generate the most emissions,and hence provide the greatest opportunities for decarbonization.(See the sidebar“Guiding Principles for Identifyi

52、ng Green Growth Opportunities”).FOODHOUSINGTRAVELFASHIONCONSUMER PRODUCTSTransportationDistributionProductionUsageEnd-of-Life5%5-10%5-10%5-10%35-45%35-40%5-10%5%5%5%5-10%60-70%5%5%5%70-90%5-10%5-15%5%25-35%500B1 Finland the only European country with access to all minerals needed for batteries(esp.c

53、obalt)Significant base,ferrous and precious metal reserves COMMITTED SOCIETYOne of the worlds highest corporate SBTi engagements2Climate action backed up by society with 90%of people highlighting natures importance to themselves3AFFORDABLE RENEWABLE AND CARBON NEUTRAL ELECTRICITY90%of electricity ge

54、neration carbon neutral,of which already 50%renewable and increasing through growing wind power capacity4Nuclear baseload stabilizes productionPROCESS EFFICIENCYLong legacy in industrial process excellence and technology exportsHigh material efficiency and integrated process circularity provide soli

55、d building blocks for green productionAMBITIOUS GOVERNMENT AGENDA Finland climate neutral by 2035 worlds first carbon neutrality target that is set in lawFORESTSOver 75%of land area is forest5,total value 240-510B6 Strong commitment to biodiversity from corporates and the government(National Forest

56、Strategy 2035)Can be utilized for carbon sequestration,buildings,various bioproducts,and biogenic CO2WATERWater richest country in the world7Existing 5B water sector with leading expertise (e.g.,wastewater to X,hydrogeology and water infra)8GREEN BRAND2nd best cleantech expertise globally and positi

57、oned in the forefront of green economy9Pure,green and healthy Nordic brand supporting green export business EDUCATED,SKILLED,DIGITALIZED SOCIETY1st most digitally skilled workforce (Digital Economy and Society Index)10 Worlds leading testing ground for new technologies (e.g.,IoT,Smart Grid-solutions

58、,and 6G network)STABLE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT1st most stable country and business environment increase investor predictability11Strong innovation environment(top 10 in resident patent applications per GDP)12 and available venture capital(highest VC-capital per GDP in the world)13Finland Has Several Co

59、mpetitive Advantages to Tap into Green Demand1.Estimate by Geological Survey of Finland;2.Report by The Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi);3.Survey by Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra;4.Statistics Finland;5.Estimate by Metsteollisuus;6.Estimate by BCG;7.Keele University;8.Estimate by Finland Toolbo

60、x:9.Global Cleantech Innovation Index;10.EU Digital Economy and Society Index;11.Global Innovation Index;12.World Intellectual Property Indicators;13.European Venture Capital Statistics16FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH17MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONEXHIBIT 3|Fi

61、nlands green growth opportunities along key value chains,energy,and industrial processesTo identify the Moonshots for Finland,CLC and BCG conducted an analysis involving three phases of work.First,we mapped the sources of global emissions across key value chains,identifying a long list of green grow

62、th opportunities,particularly noting those where Finnish anchor companies or spearhead offerings existed.We then assessed the impact of each opportunity along six criteria:export potential,GHG handprint(and other environmental benefits),competitive advantages,maturity level of technology,regulatory

63、pressure,and other potential economic or national benefits for Finland.In addition,as part of this initiative,we interviewed more than 60 stakeholders comprising company and industry representatives,researchers and academics with sustainability expertise,senior ministry officials,and representatives

64、 from the largest political parties.Our findings revealed more opportunities than initially expected a total of 28 green growth opportunities for Finnish companies across sectors.(See Exhibit 3).Common themes include,for example,innovative materials,sustainable production processes,supply chain opti

65、mization to reduce waste,sustainable product design,and more energy-efficient usage of goods and services.In housing,emerging opportunities for Finland include low-carbon building materials(e.g.,green steel and sustainable alternatives for cement),net-positive wooden Finlands Green Growth Opportunit

66、iesbuilding materials(e.g.,cross-laminated timber)that could replace conventional carbon-intensive building materials,and net-zero living solutions that reduce energy-related emissions.In the food sector,identified opportunities comprise solutions that reduce emissions from existing agri-and aquacul

67、ture practices,such as net-zero fertilizers and advanced animal feed additives that reduce methane emissions from livestock.Other opportunities include waste-to-x solutions that turn manure and food waste to biogas,biochar,or alternative fertilizers,and data-driven demand forecasting that optimizes

68、food flows in the supply chain.These solutions represent significant abatement potential since between 60-70%of emissions are caused by agricultural practices the first step in the food value chain.Additionally,alternative proteins and food products provide a significant opportunity to reduce the ne

69、ed for land,farming,and livestock altogether.In travel and transportation,green growth opportunities include circular batteries and lightweight bio-based materials for automotive and aviation industries.Moreover,solutions in sustainable marine transport have the potential to abate emissions from shi

70、pping and cruise operations for example low carbon marine solutions(e.g.,hybrid propulsion systems and data-driven routing optimization),sustainable port operations(e.g.,electric lifting machinery),and climate-neutral shipbuilding.In fashion and consumer products,green growth opportunities cover inn

71、ovations in raw materials,such as sustainable textile fibers from biomaterials(e.g.,cellulose)and textile waste,as well as bio-based,circular consumer products and packaging.Other opportunities include AI-enabled systems that reduce overproduction and waste across the value chain,as well as platform

72、s for reuse and sharing that increase the utilization rate of products and extend their useful lifetime.In energy and industrial processes the sectors serving all the industry value chains opportunities with the highest abatement potential enable the shift away from fossil fuels to renewable energy

73、sources and raw materials.Globally,fossil fuels still account for roughly 80%of primary energy sources used for power and heat,according to the International Energy Agency(IEA).32 In energy,green growth opportunities for Finland include renewable fuels(e.g.,sustainable transport fuels,biogases,power

74、-to-x),as well as fossil-free heat supply(e.g.,district heating through geothermal,nuclear,or circular heat generation).Other opportunities contribute to optimized energy generation(e.g.,combined heat and power)and consumption(e.g.,demand response systems)that minimize energy losses and enable a shi

75、ft to distributed renewable energy generation(e.g.,advanced,connected smart grid systems).Within industrial processes,opportunities include,for example,the electrification of carbon-intensive processes,(e.g.,high-temperature process heating)and smart machinery designed for energy,process,and materia

76、l efficiency.%of total global or value chain GHG emissions30%20%10%5%35%Net-zero/low-carbon building materialsFOODTRAVELFASHIONCONSUMER PRODUCTSRaw materialsTransportationDistributionProductionUsageEnd-of-LifeENERGYAdvanced agri-&aquacultureAlternative food productsBio-based,circular consumer packag

77、es&long-lasting productsPlatforms for circularity&sharingData driven supply chain optimization(to reduce food waste)Waste to X modular refineriesCircular,low carbon battery production&recyclingCarbon neutral shipbuildingLow carbon marine solutionsSustainable port&airport solutionsLow carbon&circular

78、 materials for automotive&aviationNet-positive,bio-based&circular textile fibresZero-waste supply chain solutions(demand forecasting&distribution planning)Wooden constructionFossil-free&circular district heatingINDUSTRIAL PROCESSESGreen metalsAdvanced wood-based materialsSustainable chemicalsCarbon

79、negat.paper&board w/BECCUTech.for process decarbonizationSustainable machineryDemand flexibility solutionsCircular gas productsMinimal-loss energy supplySustainabletransport fuelsGreen energy from Power-to-XNet-zero living HOUSINGAs a result of climate change and biodiversity loss,resources are beco

80、ming increasingly scarce circular economy and circular business models are significant opportunities for Finland-Minna Halme Professor of Sustainability Management,Aalto University School of Business Energy transition is very much a connectivity challenge when the whole energy system is moving from

81、a one-directional pipe,large generating units,and passive consumers,to a much more decentralized system-Pekka Lundmark President and CEO,Nokia18FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH19MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONThe Five Moonshots for Green Growth:Business as Unusual

82、The five Moonshots we have identified fulfill the Moonshot characteristics introduced at the beginning of this report:they lean on Finlands lasting competitive advantages and have the potential to help the country make significant leaps in terms of exports and carbon handprint.(See Exhibits 4-8).In

83、addition,the Moonshots are not the province of one or two companies but of a larger stakeholder ecosystem,bringing businesses in the value chain together and leveraging academia and research institutions.Finally,the government can play a role as a catalyst,enabling the Moonshots to realize their ful

84、l potential.BIO-BASED PRODUCTS&MATERIALSFinland as the global leader in developing&supplying bio-based solutions (such as circular textile fibers,long-lasting consumer products,advanced lightweight biomaterials)NET-POSITIVE LIVINGFinland as the leader in providing holistic net-positive living offeri

85、ng(e.g.,wooden construction,net-zero living solutions,and demand response systems)DECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGY&SERVICESFinland as the frontrunner in providing smart technology solutions for high-emitting industrial processes (e.g.,electrification,lifecycle services,and energy system optimization)CIRCU

86、LAR BATTERIES&GREEN METALSFinland with a circular battery ecosystem,and Finland as the leading supplier of green specialty steel,and other metals in Europe(e.g.,for automotive&aviation)GREEN HYDROGEN-ENABLED SOLUTIONSFinland as a competitive country for producing green hydrogen-enabled solutions(e.g

87、.,green steel,synthetic fuels,green ammonia-based fertilizers,and food proteins)20FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH21MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION2035e2027e202013858%9-12B EUR6%Net-zero livingWooden constructionConventional exportsDemand response systems280HANDPR

88、INT OF WOODEN CONSTRUCTIONof kg CO2/m3 of built spacedifference between carbon footprints of concrete frame and CLT frameSIGNIFICANT LEAP IN TERMS OF EXPORTS AND HANDPRINT Potential to abate emissions in Housing(35%of global GHG emissions)by shifting to wooden construction and net-zero living and en

89、ergy solutions.900 billion projected global market by 2030 driven by regulatory push.Within the EU,Fit-for-55 forcing more stringent requirements on energy efficiency both for new and existing buildings.The total export potential for Finnish net-positive living products and services is from 9 billio

90、n to 12 billion by 2035,based on the countrys current exports and market expansion for green alternatives that are projected to grow at a 10%-20%CAGR until 2035(vs.conventional by only 2%-5%).33 34 35 Moreover,the Moonshot has a significant handprint potential.For example,within wooden construction,

91、a cross-laminated timber(CLT)frame has a carbon handprint of 280 kg CO2 per m3 compared to a concrete frame(carbon footprint of CLT 200 kg CO2 per m3 vs.480 kg CO2 per m3 for concrete frame)while storing 800-900 kg CO2 per m3).36 37LASTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Finland has a lasting right-to-win as

92、one of worlds most forested(75%of land area)and digitally advanced country(#1 in EUs Digital Economy and Society Index).ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS The Moonshot brings together housing sector players(providers of wooden building materials,constructors,and energy solutions providers)to create a holistic net-po

93、sitive living offering.HOW COULD GOVERNMENT CATALYZE1.Ensure world-leading know-how in net-positive architecture and wooden construction 2.Accelerate domestic demand through public-sector procurement,zoning,and urban planning3.Coordinate the net-zero living industry through a Center of Excellence to

94、 accelerate the exchange of ideas,drive innovation,and facilitate coordination among corporate,academic and research organizations NET-POSITIVE LIVINGMoonshot 1EXHIBIT 4|Finlands export potential,B EUR VISION Become a leader in aggregating net-positive living offering Wooden construction:Become a le

95、ading supplier of wooden building components(e.g.,glue laminated timber,laminated veneer lumber,and cross laminated timber)in the global construction market Net-zero living:Be a world-leading provider of net-zero solutions that minimize operational emissions in new and existing buildings through ren

96、ewable energy solutions(e.g.,geothermal heating,wastewater heat recovery)and smart solutions and design for energy efficiency(e.g.,controls and sensors,insulation)Demand response systems:Develop demand response solutions and be a leading networks provider and operator(e.g.,generation and storage,ICT

97、 systems),enabling a shift to distributed renewable energy generation Net-positive buildings:Position as a leader in aggregating wooden construction,net-zero living and demand response systems into a holistic,net-positive living offering Wooden construction is a low hanging fruit for Finland with si

98、gnificant CO2 reduction,indoor air improvement and aesthetic potential,but change in the construction industry is painfully slow-Antti Mkinen Chair,Stora Enso(c)PLP Architecture,Smith&Wallwork Engineers,and Cambridge Centre for Natural Material Innovation23MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN

99、 THE GREEN TRANSITION22FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH2027e20202035eBio-based chemicalsConsumer products&packagingBiomaterials for auto.&aviationNet-positive textile fibresConventional exports5%3%24191410-13B EUR3.3HANDPRINT OF SUSTAINABLETEXTILE FIBERSof kg CO2/kg of textile fiberdifference bet

100、ween carbon footprints of cotton fibers and bio-based circular fiberSIGNIFICANT LEAP IN TERMS OF EXPORT AND HANDPRINT Potential to abate 5%-10%of global GHG emissions by shifting to bio-based materials.1 trillion projected global market by 2030 that needs sustainable alternative materials(800 billio

101、n commodity plastics,100 billion engineering plastics,100 billion textiles).By 2035,the overall export potential of bio-based and circular products and materials is between 10 billion and 13 billion.The green alternatives are projected to grow at a 6%-12%CAGR up to 2035 (vs.conventional only 1%-4%).

102、33 34 35 As replacements for emission-intensive and non-degradable materials and products in many industries,these products will have a positive carbon handprint and environmental impact.For example,sustainable textile fibers have a carbon handprint of 3.3 kg CO2 per kg of textile fiber compared to

103、conventional cotton fibers.38LASTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Finland has a lasting right-to-win as one of the worlds most forested(75%of land area)countries(assuming logging is done within set boundaries,to retain forests role as carbon sinks).ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS The Moonshot forms a foundation for bio-

104、based and circular products and materials,bringing together players producing specialized bio-based products and materials for different industries.HOW COULD GOVERNMENT CATALYZE1.Accelerate transition to advanced bio-based materials and higher value-add products through e.g.,incentives,securing fore

105、st industrys competitiveness in the future2.Speed up innovation of high-tech solutions from wood and other bio-based materials through collaborative innovation programs among the ecosystem players(incl.corporate,academic,and public institutions)3.Position Finland as the global R&D hub for bio-based

106、innovations,attracting foreign investment and leading capabilities,e.g.,through facilitated pilot and demonstration processes4.Revise higher-level education programs to future-proof talent,ensuring world-leading know-how and sufficient resources in bioeconomy.Attract international students and workf

107、orce to Finland BIO-BASED PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS Moonshot 2EXHIBIT 5|Finlands export potential,B EURVISION Finland as the global leader in developing and supplying advanced bio-based solutionsBio-based consumer products and packaging:Position as a main supplier of bio-based and circular consumer pac

108、kaging materials and long-lasting products,enabling the phase-out of commodity plastics and increasing the use of circular materials in the global FMCG market Circular textile fibers:Become a leading supplier of bio-or waste-based,circular textile fibers to global fashion brands,later moving further

109、 in value chain to fiber processingAdvanced biomaterials for automotive and aviation:Be a leading supplier of advanced,lightweight biomaterials for global vehicle and airplane production,replacing engineering plastics in the marketsBio-based chemicals:Become a pioneering supplier of advanced bio-bas

110、ed alternatives for fossil-based chemicals e.g.,in global resins,cosmetics,and pharma marketsThe forest industry already has the most significant sustainable material flows,but we need to increasingly shift towards higher value-add products and materials,especially now with biodiversity loss and sca

111、rcity of raw materials -Antti Arasto,Vice President,VTT25MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION24FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH30-32BEUR12252035e20202027e235%5%Conventional exportsDecarbonization servicesDecarbonization technology5236251.3HANDPRINT OF ELECTRIFIED CRACK

112、ING&POLYMERIZATION TECHNOLOGYof kg CO2/kg of plasticdifference between carbon footprints of conventional plastic production and production using electrified cracking&polymerization techSIGNIFICANT LEAP IN TERMS OF EXPORTS AND HANDPRINT Industrials account for 18%of global GHG emissions,a majority of

113、 which are process related.With a 2 trillion industrial machinery market that needs to decarbonize,the export potential of decarbonization technology and services is between 30 billion and 32 billion by 2035 based on Finlands current exports and projected market growth for the green solutions.The gr

114、een alternatives will grow at a projected 8%-15%CAGR until 2035(vs.conventional only 3%-6%).33 34 35Both decarbonization technology and services have a significant carbon handprint.As an example,electrified cracking and polymerization technology in plastic production has an estimated handprint of 1.

115、3 kg CO2 per kg of plastic,reducing the emissions from plastic production by more than 30%.39LASTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Finland has an established industrial machinery sector that represents a significant share of its exports(30%of total exports)and leans on strong engineering,process efficiency,

116、and digitalization capabilities.ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS Brings together established machinery players and emerging players with pioneering green technology solutions,taking the existing Finnish machinery industry to the next level through decarbonization.HOW COULD GOVERNMENT CATALYZE1.Provide coordinated

117、support(R&D and investment funding)for first movers in scaling emerging technologies and capabilities e.g,around process machinery electrification,sustainable process heat,smart lifecycle solutions,and energy optimization2.Accelerate domestic demand for decarbonization technologies and services thro

118、ugh regulation and subsidies,enabling Finnish companies to pilot technologies and services domestically3.Mobilize technology partnerships across industrial sectors to enable new holistic decarbonization-as-a-service business model DECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES Moonshot 3EXHIBIT 6|Finlands

119、export potential,B EURVISION Finland as the forerunner in providing smart technology solutions for high-emitting industrial processes,such as electrification and decarbonization-as-a-serviceDecarbonization technology:Become the leading provider of decarbonization technology,such as efficient,smart m

120、otors and drives that improve energy efficiency,and smart electrification technology that replaces fossil fuels and reduces CO2 emissions in heat-intensive manufacturing(e.g.,steel)Decarbonization solutions and services:Be a forerunner in decarbonization-as-a-service,such as energy system optimizati

121、on(e.g.,energy management and demand response systems),smart lifecycle solutions(to decarbonize existing process operations),or designing sustainable industrial processes and plant retrofitting(e.g.,oil refineries to produce renewable fuels)Finland already has a strong multibillion-euro industrial m

122、achinery sector but there is still significant growth potential the green transition is a natural growth opportunity for Finland -Jukka Leskel Managing Director,Finnish Energy(c)Coolbrook,RotoDynamic Technology,202227MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION26FINLANDS MOONSHOT

123、S FOR GREEN GROWTHConventional exportsCircular,green batteriesGreen steel2035e20202027e27-29BEUR6%12%2916938,000HANDPRINT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLESof kg CO2/cardifference between carbon footprints of gasoline car and electric vehicleSIGNIFICANT LEAP IN TERMS OF EXPORTS AND HANDPRINT The iron and steel in

124、dustry alone cause 7%of global GHG emissions.In travel and transport,electrification is the most significant lever to reduce emissions as the usage phase is responsible for 70%-90%of emissions.For EVs,existing battery manufacturing accounts for up to 50%of the footprint.Global steel market is 1 tril

125、lion,with growing demand for decarbonization driven by carbon border taxes and emission trading.The EU battery market is estimated to reach 25 billion by 2030.The total export potential for green steel and green batteries is estimated to be between 27 billion and 29 billion by 2035.The green alterna

126、tives are estimated to grow at a 15%-20%CAGR until 2035(vs.conventional only 3%-4%).33 34 35In the steel industry,green steel produced using an electric arc furnace(EAF)and green hydrogen-based direct reduced iron(DRI)can reduce CO2 emissions from steel production by up to 100%,representing a carbon

127、 handprint of 1.9 kg CO2 per kg of steel produced.39 Similarly,a medium-sized EV,powered by a sustainable battery produced in the Nordics,has an estimated handprint of 38,000 kg CO2 over the cars lifecycle compared to a conventional gasoline car.40LASTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Finland has comprehens

128、ive mineral reserves,access to increasing renewable electricity,and bio-based raw materials(e.g.,lignin)to leverage in alternative battery materials and technology.ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS The Moonshot brings together players to enable green metal and circular battery production(leveraging green hydrogen),

129、building on the existing Responsible Mining network.HOW COULD GOVERNMENT CATALYZE1.Through permits and regulation,enhance importance of sustainable mineral extraction and processing of mineral reserves as a building block for green transition2.Evaluate capability gaps to a green,end-to-end battery e

130、cosystem,and coordinate its development through a Center of Excellence,focusing on circularity and capability development beyond raw materials (e.g.,processing of cathode active materials and bio-based anode materials)3.Support academic research and first movers in scaling emerging electrification t

131、echnology in metals industry as well as biochar and hydrogen utilization.Promote circularity as an integral part of the emerging battery ecosystem CIRCULAR BATTERIES AND GREEN METALS Moonshot 4EXHIBIT 7|Finlands export potential,B EURVISION Finland with a circular battery ecosystem,and Finland as th

132、e leading supplier of green specialty steel,and other metals in Europe(e.g.,for automotive and aviation)Nordic end-to-end sustainable and circular battery ecosystem:Form a leading end-to-end sustainable battery ecosystem with sustainable extraction,green manufacturing,and circularity together with N

133、ordic peers,such as SwedenAlternative battery technologies:Position as a leader in alternative battery technologies,e.g.,by leveraging bio-based lignin-materials in lithium-ion batteries to replace graphitic carbon Green steel for consumer products:Become the leading European producer of green steel

134、 for consumer products(e.g.,cooking products),helping brand owners broaden their sustainable offeringGreen specialty steel for automotive:Become a leading European producer of green specialty steel for demanding end-use applications,helping e.g.,automotive OEMs meet their net zero targetsFinland is

135、potentially the only European country with the opportunity to establish a sustainable circular battery ecosystem for European Markets -Markku Kivist Head of Industry,Cleantech,Business Finland29MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION28FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH54Gre

136、en fertilizers;Sustainable marine&aviation fuelsConventional exportsAlternative proteins10-12BEUR2035e20202027e1485135HANDPRINT OF ALTERNATIVEPROTEINSof kg CO2e/kg of proteindifference between carbon footprints animal protein and alternative proteinSIGNIFICANT LEAP IN TERMS OF EXPORTS AND HANDPRINT

137、Green hydrogen is key in decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries that contribute to the three most emitting value chains Housing,Food and Travel which account for 80%of global GHG emissions.Globally,green hydrogen and its derivatives will be an estimated 1 trillion market by 2050.The EU has set a tar

138、get to produce 10 Mt of green hydrogen within the region by 2030,of which Finland has the conditions to produce 10%.This would translate to a 50 billion investment in wind power and green hydrogen within this decade.41 The total export potential for green fertilizers,sustainable marine,and aviation

139、fuels,as well as for alternative proteins is between 10 billion and 12 billion.The green alternatives will grow at a projected 16%-20%CAGR up to 2035(vs.conventional only 3%-7%).33 34 35The carbon handprint potential is substantial:for example,green hydrogen-based alternative proteins alone have an

140、estimated carbon handprint of 270 kg CO2e per kg of protein produced compared to beef.42 43LASTING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Finland is uniquely positioned with access to growing renewable electricity,biogenic CO2,freshwater,and strong engineering capabilities.ECOSYSTEM PLAYERS The Moonshot forms a full

141、 green hydrogen economy comprising production,infrastructure,conversion,and utilization,contributing to decarbonization across industries.HOW COULD GOVERNMENT CATALYZE1.Prepare an ambitious and comprehensive industrial strategy on green hydrogen and ensure its execution,building on the National Clim

142、ate and Energy Strategy2.Eliminate unnecessary regulatory barriers,accelerate permits and zoning processes,and catalyze investments to reach sufficient renewable electricity generation(wind power)3.Provide coordinated support(R&D and investment funding)for first movers in scaling emerging technologi

143、es around industrial electrolysis,BECCU,and green hydrogen transportation and storage4.Stimulate demand by broadening national“blending mandates”and implementing national targets for e.g.,low-carbon fertilizers and green shipping corridors domestically GREEN HYDROGEN-ENABLED SOLUTIONS Moonshot 5EXHI

144、BIT 8|Finlands export potential,B EURVISION Finland as a competitive country for producing green hydrogen-enabled solutions,such as green steel,synthetic fuels,green ammonia-based fertilizers,and food proteinsGreen steel for consumer and industrial applications:Finland producing green steel for cons

145、umer products,such as kitchen ware,and green specialty steel for demanding end-use applications,such as automotiveSustainable marine and aviation fuels for the green Nordic corridors:Finland producing green ammonia-based fuels for marine and aviation,creating a lighthouse green corridor in the Nordi

146、cs Green fertilizers:Finland producing green ammonia-based fertilizers for the EU market,utilizing green hydrogen and bio-based ingredients Alternative proteins:Finland supporting European food resilience by producing and supplying low carbon green hydrogen-based proteins to the EU marketFinland has

147、 a geographical advantage for green hydrogen and its derivatives production through affordable wind power,large amounts of biogenic carbon dioxide,and rich water resources -Herkko Plit,CEO,P2X Solutions31MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION30FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN G

148、ROWTHGOVERNMENT HAS ALREADY TRIGGERED GREEN EXPORTSThe Finnish government and cities already have experience in successfully applying these levers to catalyze green exports.For example,in the 1970s,the city of Helsinki decided to publicly procure development of the metro line,which led ABB,Valmet an

149、d other industrial technology companies to co-develop the trains.44 Through R&D investments,ABB became a global leader in driver technology,and continues to export drive technology to this date.Furthermore,the national biofuel blending obligations first introduced in 2008 and the bioeconomy strategy

150、 launched in 2014 catalyzed domestic demand for biofuels.Finnish players,such as Neste,started to invest early on in biofuel R&D,which gave them a first mover advantage and enabled them to become the worlds leading renewable diesel and jet fuel provider.45 46 More recently,government provided financ

151、ial grants for growing the national EV charging infrastructure,enabling players,such as Kempower and Virta,to scale and successfully expand beyond the domestic market.47Each Moonshot represents a major export and carbon handprint opportunity for Finland.Besides generating new sources of growth for F

152、inland,these five Moonshots would ensure that Finlands existing export industries future-proof themselves for the green transition.However,it is not set in stone that these Moonshots will realize their full potential Finlands ultimate success in the green transition depends on actions taken now.Ther

153、e are several levers to unlock the full potential:accelerating green investments,catalyzing domestic green demand,ensuring prerequisites for green growth,and positioning Finland as the forerunner in green solutions.Finland has already used several of these levers in the past.(See Sidebar“Government

154、has Already Triggered Green Exports”).Accelerating green investments In order to attract green investments,predictable and profitable operating environment is needed,e.g.,in terms of taxation(such as electricity tax).Moreover,as recommended by the OECD,Finlands government could more actively remove

155、bottlenecks for foreign direct investments by streamlining inefficient and burdensome policies and reducing bureaucracy.5 Permit processes could be streamlined in construction and operational areas,such as wind power development.Finally,private-sector funding is often tied to short-term projects,and

156、 investors expect rapid returns.Yet government can support academia and first movers in scaling emerging technologies and bringing them to the point of commercialization by sharing the risk in pilot and demonstration stages.Fertile areas for R&D funding include,e.g.,industry electrification,energy u

157、se optimization,and circularity especially in the emerging battery value chain.Catalyzing domestic green demand To gain first-mover advantage and achieve economies of scale,sufficient demand for new offering is required.Often,companies scale abroad after first having conquered the home market.In the

158、 green transition,government can accelerate domestic demand through procurement policies,e.g.,government can increase demand for zero-emission buildings and wooden construction by renovating existing public buildings and opting for wooden building materials in new public construction(e.g.,schools).G

159、overnment can also encourage private-sector demand and investments through incentives and policies.For example,zoning rules can promote wooden construction and net-zero living.With blending mandates,government can catalyze the development and adoption of new sustainable fuels.Furthermore,subsidies c

160、an enable Finnish solution providers to pilot decarbonization technology and services domestically before scaling abroad.Ensuring prerequisites for growth Any one of the five Moonshots will require expertise and R&D to successfully take off.For example,wooden construction requires architects special

161、ized in building with wooden materials,such as cross-laminated timber,while bio-based products and materials will need increasing know-how and resources in bioeconomy across industrial use cases.Consequently,revised or new higher-level education pathways and degrees are required to address the emerg

162、ing expertise needs driven by the green transition.In addition to educating its own workforce,Finland should attract international students and workforce.Acknowledging that the full potential of the Moonshots will require national coordination and strategic planning across ministries and public inst

163、itutions,the Finnish government can build on its existing National Climate and Energy Strategy.For example,it can provide planning support for green hydrogen efforts that need access to renewable energy and fresh water.Finally,developing competitive green offerings requires co-development and collab

164、oration among different value chain players.Ideally,universities and research institutions also contribute to the broader ecosystem.Centers of Excellence can significantly accelerate the exchange of ideas,drive innovation,and facilitate coordination among ecosystem players.These Centers can also sup

165、port in attracting investment,talent,and partners.By placing the Centers outside the capital region,close to the relevant natural resources,Finland can create jobs and drive attractiveness of less populated areas in Finland.The Acceleration Roadmap:What Government Can Do There will be significant am

166、ount of climate-aligned investments globally and it is important to attract some of these investments to Finland.Also,Finland needs to shift its R&D funding increasingly to more disruptive green technologies incremental improvements in productivity will not be enough-Juha Majanen Permanent State Sec

167、retary,Ministry of Finance33MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION32FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTHEXHIBIT 9NET-POSITIVE LIVINGNet-zero livingGreen hydrogen production,conversion,storage&distributionRenewable energy generationRenewables integrationLignin-based solutions

168、Cellulose-based materialsWaste-based materialsEnergy efficient material handlingSustainable extraction&processingSustainable process heat systemsEnergy efficient material handlingDecarbonization as-a-serviceBio-based,circular consumer products&packagingNet-positive textile fibresCircular,low carbon

169、batteriesNet-zero materials for automotive&aviationAdvanced agricultureAlternative food productsDemand response systemsWooden constructionRENEWABLE ENERGY&GREEN HYDROGENINNOVATIVE BIO-BASED MATERIALSDECARBONIZATION TECHNOLOGY&SERVICESSUSTAINABLE FOOD-TECHNET-ZERO TRAVEL&TRANSPORTSUSTAINABLE FASHION&

170、CONSUMER PRODUCTSWELCOME TO GREEN TECH FINLAND THE WORLDS LEADING EVENT FOR GREEN TECH The Nordics have an opportunity to create a Green Silicon Valley.We have a strong reputation,but there is still unclarity on how to realize this -Minna Aila EVP,Sustainability&Corporate Affairs,Neste Accelerating

171、the green transition is integral for the Finnish economy,and innovation on its own is not enough enabling scaling,ensuring talent and resources,and forming ecosystems is needed.”-Pekka Ala-Pietil CLC Board,Chair,Huhtamki and Sanoma We should have a Green Tech Slush in Finland an annual green tech ex

172、po to match tech providers,investors and companies that are looking for green solutions-Antti Herlin-Chair,KONE Chair,Tiina and Antti Herlin FoundationPositioning Finland as the forerunner in green solutions Finland can generate and channel green demand by positioning itself as a leader in green tec

173、hnologies.First,an easy-to-navigate online platform could showcase Finlands comprehensive offering in green tech and decarbonization solutions in one place(similar to the one Denmark has on its State of Green website).By structuring offering according to key sectors,global companies could learn abou

174、t the latest green technology and solutions applicable to their businesses,and Finlands numerous green tech companies would get an effective go-to-market platform.Second,Finland could organize an annual,world-leading Green Tech event in Finland(such as Slush)to gather green tech companies,foreign in

175、vestors,and global companies looking for green solutions together.(See Exhibit 9).Finally,a green growth PR strategy promoting Finlands spearhead offering and key milestones such as the first circular battery or the worlds first net-positive high-rise building would earn valuable presence in interna

176、tional media and attract further interest toward Finlands green offerings.(C)Samuli Pentti,Slush 201835MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION34FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTHConclusion From these green growth opportunities,five areas emerge as the Moonshots for Finland,

177、the must-win-battles that Finland cannot afford to lose.These Moonshots lean on Finlands lasting competitive advantages such as forests,mineral reserves,and growing renewable energy capacity and ensure that established export sectors future-proof themselves.If fully realized,these Moonshots would li

178、ft Finlands exports,and thereby its GDP growth,to a permanently higher level.In total,the Moonshots have an export potential of 85 billion to 100 billion by 2035.Finlands ultimate success in the green transition depends on actions taken now.There are several levers to catalyze green growth and unloc

179、k the full potential of the Moonshots,including removing bottlenecks for green investments,securing the required enablers for growth,accelerating domestic demand,and ensuring that existing subsidies and funding are aligned with green growth.In addition,Finland can position itself as the forerunner i

180、n green tech and channel green demand to Finland through collective go-to-market efforts.Through the Moonshots,Finland can simultaneously drive growth and thereby well-being,reach its own ambitious climate targets,and become greater than its size in solving the climate crisis.The green transition pr

181、ovides significant new growth opportunities for Finland,whose economy needs healthy GDP growth for the coming decades to secure its welfare and balance fiscal deficit.Finland is particularly well-positioned to tap into green growth given its natural resources,export sectors that are focused on indus

182、trial processes and technology,and nationwide green ambition.Finland already has a vast number of green solutions and spearhead offerings to support decarbonization of the worlds highest emitting value chains,including housing,food,travel,fashion,and consumer products.36FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN

183、GROWTH37MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITIONContributorsELINA IBOUNIG is a Partner in BCGs Helsinki office and part of the Climate&Sustainability leadership team in the Nordics.She is BCGs global expert in holistic sustainability transformations,focusing on sustainability

184、 strategies that build competitive advantage and consider the planetary boundaries.You may contact her at Ibounig.E.ANTTI BELT is a Managing Director and Partner in BCGs Helsinki office and part of the Climate&Sustainability leadership team in the Nordics.He leads the Energy practice in Finland and

185、acts as a global expert in digital trading.You may contact him at Belt.A.WERA WILKKO is a Consultant in BCGs Helsinki office and a core member of Climate&Sustainability and Energy practices in the Nordics.You may contact her at Wilkko.W.TUULI KASKINEN is the CEO of CLC.She has developed 1.5C strateg

186、ies with corporations and has been actively shaping climate policies for 20 years.Prior to CLC Kaskinen worked at think tank Demos Helsinki in several positions,including chief executive.You may contact her at Tuuli.Kaskinenclc.fi.OLLI KANGAS is an Associate in BCGs Helsinki office and a core member

187、 of Climate&Sustainability practice in the Nordics.You may contact him at Kangas.O.JUHA TURKKI is a Development Director at CLC.He has a long background on energy-and climate policy issues in public and private sectors.You may contact him at Juha.Turkkiclc.fi.LAURI SAARELA is a Managing Director and

188、 Partner in BCGs Helsinki office and part of the Nordic Climate&Sustainability leadership team.He leads the materials and process industries work in the Nordics,focusing on corporate finance&strategy,digital and transformations topics.You may contact him at Saarela.L.SANNI INOVAARA is a Project Lead

189、er in BCGs Helsinki office and part of the Nordic Climate&Sustainability team.Shes also a core member of the Social Impact practice.You may contact her at Inovaara.S.BOSTON CONSULTING GROUPCLIMATE LEADERSHIP COALITION38FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH39MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN

190、THE GREEN TRANSITIONAcknowledgmentsINDUSTRY,RESEARCH AND NON-PROFIT REPRESENTATIVESAalto University Business Finland Confederation of Finnish Industries(EK)Finnish Energy Finnish Industry Investment(Tesi)Finnish Climate FundHydrogen Cluster FinlandTechnology Industries FinlandThe Finnish Innovation

191、Fund SitraThe Chemical Industry Federation of FinlandTiina and Antti Herlin FoundationVTT AFRYCoolbrookFiskars GroupHelen VenturesHuhtamkiKeskoKONE CorporationMets SpringNesteNokiaNordic Foodtech VCP2X SolutionsSanomaSEBStora EnsoUPMWrtsilMINISTRY AND GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVESMinistry of Economic A

192、ffairs and Employment Ministry of EnvironmentMinistry of FinanceFinns PartyNational Coalition PartySocial Democratic Party of FinlandThe authors would like to extend a thank you to the CLC Board of 2022 and to the CLC Advisory Board for their support in the making of this report.In addition,they wou

193、ld like to especially thank CLC founding CEO,Jouni Keronen for creating a solid ground for their work.They thank Matti Heikonen,Guye Sancho,and Jessica Collado from BCG Design Studios,Francesca Bressan from the Web team and the Editorial team for their valuable contributions in design and production

194、 of this report.Furthermore,they want to thank Debbie Lagus and Julia Viitasaari for their extensive work in marketing and communications for the publication.In addition,they want to acknowledge Esben Hegnsholt,Peter Jameson,Maurice Jansen,Trine de Nully,Joonas Pivrinta and Henrik Suikkanen for thei

195、r contributions as BCGs Climate&Sustainability topic experts.Boston Consulting Group 2023.All rights reserved.For information or permission to reprint,please contact BCG at .To find the latest BCG content and register to receive e-alerts on this topic or others,please visit .Follow Boston Consulting

196、 Group on Facebook and Twitter.41MAXIMIZING FINLANDS GROWTH AND HANDPRINT IN THE GREEN TRANSITION40FINLANDS MOONSHOTS FOR GREEN GROWTH1.Boston Consulting Group and Global Financial Markets Association,Climate Finance Markets and the Real Economy,December 2020,https:/www.sifma.org/wp-content/uploads/

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205、ass/(link as of 03/02/2023).16.European Commission,Digital Economy and Society Index(DESI)2022:Finland,September 2022,https:/ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/redirection/document/88700(link as of 20/01/2023).17.WIPO,Global Innovation Index 2021,2021,https:/www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2021.pd

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210、4.European Commission,Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive(EU)2018/2011 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources,Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency,May 2022

211、,https:/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2022%3A222%3AFIN&qid=00(link as of 16/01/2023).25.Finnish Government,EU reaches provisional deal on emissions trading for road transport and buildings,maritime transport and aviation,December 2022,https:/valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/eu-r

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217、t1_v6.pdf(link as of 16/01/2023).30.European Commission,Directive(EU)2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment,June 2019,https:/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32019L0904(link as of 16/01/2

218、023).31.European Commission,Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on shipments of waste and amending Regulations(EU)No 1257/2013 and(EU)No 2020/1056,https:/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52021PC0709&qid=60(link as of 16/01/2023).32.IE

219、A,World Energy Outlook 2022,November 2022,https:/www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2022(link as of 23/01/2023).33.Statistics Finland,International trade in services by region and service item(annually,2013-2021),https:/pxweb2.stat.fi/PxWeb/pxweb/en/StatFin/StatFin_tpulk/statfin_tpulk_pxt_12gr

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