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1、Best practices,tips,and insights on using Connected TV for B2B marketing.The B2B Guide to Performance TV.Not every ad solution is created equal when it comes to performance marketing on Connected TV.Many offer branding and awareness campaigns,but fail to deliver meaningful ways to measure the outcom

2、es that matter to a B2B brand.Were not like the rest of them.Weve helped hundreds of advertisers achieve their demand generation and direct-response performance goals on CTVwe even named our CTV ad solution Performance TV.If that doesnt tell you how serious we are about performance marketing,we dont

3、 know what will.This guide is designed to share the learnings accumulated over years of helping every sort of advertiserB2B includedgenerate strong results on Performance TV.We know what works best,and how to implement those best practices into your own strategy.And now,were going to share it with y

4、ou.Introduction.THE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 3Measurement&PerformanceRetargeting Campaigns11 Take Your Message Omnichannel08 Target Valuable Audiences07 Pick Your Goal and the Optimizations Follow15 Display vs.Connected TV17 Get Aggressive With Your Creative23 Cross-Device Insight is Absolutely N

5、ecessary12 Prospecting Key Takeaways09 Make Your Creative Direct-Response 16 Target Your Audience Based on Intent18 Your Goal Will Determine How to Drive Leads25 Expand Your Reporting to Google Analytics19 Retargeting Key Takeaways26 A/B Test Your Campaigns CreativeTechnology Checklist 04Matched Aud

6、ience Campaigns20Starting Your Approach05Prospecting Campaigns061322Table Of Contents.THE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 4This technology uses your campaign goal to determine the types of optimizations needed to hit your target.Performance Goal OptimizationAll campaign optimization is carried out autom

7、aticallyto ensure ads reach the viewers best suited to your goal.Automated Media BuyingThis pits CTV ad creative in head to head tests todetermine which version generates better performance.A/B Creative Testing ToolAds are served exclusively across top-tier CTV networkson TV screens,delivering bette

8、r campaign performance.Living Room QualityThis tracks when an ad is viewed on a TV screen,andwhen it generates a site visit,lead or demo request onanother household device.Cross-Device Verified VisitsIt delivers omnichannel presence by automatically serving ads across other devices like mobile phone

9、,tablet,desktop or laptop,to viewers who saw your CTV ad.MNTN Multi-TouchYour Technology Checklist.PERFORMANCE TVYou need a combination of the right technology and approach to make CTV a B2B-friendly channel.Before we dive into discussing the approach,lets establish the purpose-built technology need

10、ed.THE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 5You have options when it comes to building a strategy and setting up campaigns.You can narrow those options down based on what youre trying to accomplish.Are you trying to:01 Reach new prospects to generate leads,demos,conversions,etc.?02 Capitalize on prospects a

11、lready in your sales funnel?03 Cover the full funnel,from first contact to conversion?There are three main strategies suited to your overall missionthird-party prospecting,retargeting,and matched audience campaigns from your CRM lists.Your choice between these threewill affect key aspects of your ap

12、proacheverything from audiencesto your campaign goals and optimizations.What Are You TryingTo Accomplish?STARTING YOUR APPROACHGo with option#3 and cover the entire customer journey with all three.Youll generate performance on both ends of the sales funnel by reaching highly-qualified audiences and

13、keeping them immersed in your message.Performance Pro TipProspecting campaigns cover the top of the sales funnel andoffer a number of benefits when launched with direct-response perormance in mind.You drive new,highly-qualified traffic to your site.You attract site visitors who are more likely to in

14、itiate the sales process.You generate leads,demos,or conversions from the top of the funnel.You fill your first-party targeting pool,which you can retarget later on.If youre accomplishing the above,youre in good shape.But itsnot as simple as just launching some adswell explore exactlywhat you need t

15、o do next.Find Fresh Leads With Prospecting.PROSPECTINGKeep your prospecting campaigns running constantly to keep qualified traffic flowing to your site,which can then be nurtured with other channels or initiatives.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 7Establishing what you want your c

16、ampaign to achieve is important.A goal isnt just a way to measure campaign success,it informs what optimizations are needed to ensure you hit your target.Performance TV offers a variety of different campaign goals.Here are a few that can help you hit your KPIs.Pick this if youre tryingto drive visit

17、s and leadsat an efficient rate.Go with this if youre trying to maximize the amount of traffic reaching your site.Select this if you caremost about deliveringyour message in full.eCPAVisitsCompleted ViewsWhat makes these goals possible?Performance TVs automated media buying technology instantly opti

18、mizes your campaign thousands of times a day.It outperforms manual optimization because it constantly adjusts ad delivery,targeting,and bids in a way thats tailored to your goal.Pick Your Goal and theOptimizations Follow.PROSPECTINGVisits and awareness are solid goals for a prospecting campaign,but

19、an eCPA goal will zero in on the prospects who are likely to visit your site and request a demo or fill out a form,whether thats after the first few touch points or later on down the funnel.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 8Building your audience strategy is a time to put your mark

20、et researchto workwho are your key demographics?What are they interested in?What do they normally buy?Take your ideal customer profile and match it with 3rd party audience segments.These are available via sources like Oracle Data Cloud,which is fully integrated into Performance TV.You can pair your

21、customer data with a wide range of criteria,and build custom audiences right in the platform.Industry&OccupationKeep the following best practices in mindwhen building your audience strategy.Go Big and ExperimentTheres a wealth of audience data available and valuable audiences can hide in unexpected

22、places.Search a rangeof keywords related to your business to see what surfaces.Use“Or”StatementsCombine different segments in the audience builder.Use“or”statements to link audiences together;using an“and”statement will narrow your audience to match all the criteria you listed.Keep In-Market In Mind

23、Include audiences that are“in-market”to includeprospects who are likely to engage now.LocationSales VolumeJob SeniorityTarget Valuable Audiences.PROSPECTINGTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 9Regardless of your creative approach,there are two thingsevery successful prospecting ad will have in common.01

24、 They tell the audience what to do.02 And they tell them where to go.Include these two key components in your creative to do that.Make Your CreativeDirect-Response.PROSPECTINGInclude both a visual and audible CTA at the end of your ad.Make your URL impossible to miss and keep it constant if you can.

25、A CTAA Persistent URLTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 10CTAs are a best practice in digital advertising for a reason,and that same reasoning applies here.You want these viewers to take action and theres a psychological benefit in telling them exactly what to do.Seriously,Follow These Best PracticesAn

26、 analysis of Performance TV advertisers found that campaigns that followed both best practices outperformed in key metrics versus those that did not.Higher Average Visit RateLower Cost Per Visit32%48%Make Your CreativeDirect-Response(Contd)PROSPECTINGUtilize your video assets from other ad channels,

27、like social,YouTube,or linear TV(if you have them).This not only stretches your ad creatives use,it helps deliver a cohesive message experience across multiple channels.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 11Its a best practice to sync CTV ad strategy with other ad channels.This helps

28、create an immersive ad experience that delivers a consistent message wherever your audience is spending their digital time.Performance TV campaigns do this automatically using MNTN Multi-Touch,which serves ads beyond television to more devices in the household(including mobile phone,tablet,or deskto

29、p)to anyone who has seen your CTV ad.This helps elevate your campaigns presence in a few ways.It increases audience touchpoints to keep your message top of mind.It covers the entire households digital ecosystem,from phones,to tablets,to desktops.It hits your audience at a time when theyre able to na

30、vigate to your site.Take Your Message Omnichannel.PROSPECTINGMatch your ads messaging and aesthetic from your other devices to your CTV creative.Youll want to trigger recognition in your audiences mind,and using the same CTA,visuals,and color palette will boost ad recall.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B G

31、UIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 12Prospecting on CTV is an effective way to not only reach new B2B audiences,but prospects in those audiences who are likely to take action.Remember this list of best practices that have guided ourmost successful advertisers.01 Keep Prospecting“Always On”Keep a steady flow of

32、new users visitingyour site by running prospecting nonstop.02 Set the Right GoalPrioritize a visit goal to drive the most traffic,or aeCPA goal to focus on users who will not only visityour site,but take action while theyre there.03 Target to ConvertMatch your audience targeting to your ideal custom

33、erprofile,and pair it with in-market options.04 Build Direct-Response CreativeEnsure your ads feature a persistent URLand an audible and visual CTA at the end.05 Create Consistent Omnichannel AdsPair your CTV ads with MNTN Multi-Touch ads across other household devices including mobile phone,tablet

34、or desktop to spread your message across the entire household.Key Takeaways.PROSPECTINGIf youve done everything in the guide up to this point,all thats left to do is:01 Launch your prospecting campaign.02 Watch the results roll in.03 Bask in the feeling of a job well done.04 Prepare your retargeting

35、 campaign.Youre not done yet!Up next is preparing a retargeting campaign that capitalizeson your site traffic and brings prospects back to convert.Retargeting.NEXT UP:THE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 14You do a lot to get potential leads to your site,now its time to make the most of that hard work.CT

36、V retargeting campaigns are a vital piece of direct-response performance strategy,and we highly recommend deploying these alongside your prospecting campaigns.They focus on high-intent visitors who did not convert on your site.They keep your audience engaged at a crucial time in the sales cycle.They

37、 deliver leads and conversions at the bottom of the funnel.They can be easily integrated into your existing ABM strategy.Drive More LeadsWith Retargeting.RETARGETINGKeep your retargeting campaigns on at all times because theyre extremely effective tools.If a high value prospect visits your site,you

38、can keep them engaged and keep your message top of mind.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 15If you already run display retargeting,you may wonder if its worth adding CTV to your lower funnel strategy.The answer is a resounding yes.Performance TV not only delivers retargeting ads on

39、CTV,it uses MNTN Multi-Touch to expand the message of your Connected TV campaign beyond television to more devices in the household(mobile phone,tablet,or desktop).We analyzed how this stacks up against display retargeting alone,and the results show Performance TVs omnichannel approach delivers bett

40、er results.Performance TV Retargeting vs.Display-Only RetargetingAverage Conversions+35%Average Costper Acquisition-54%Average Visits+123%Average Number ofImpressions Serveper Conversion-30%Display vs.ConnectedTV Retargeting.RETARGETINGDont hesitate to spend big on CTV retargeting.Performance TV adv

41、ertisers spent 82%more on average,but still achieved a higher ROAS vs.display-only.This indicates that spending more on CTV does not reduce your return,rather it actually improves it.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 16Retargeting uses your 1st party site data to build audiences bas

42、ed on the actions visitors took on your site.This lets you focus on valuable users who took high-intent actions while visiting.Performance TV lets you segment your audience based on a number of insightful behaviorshere are a few different types of behaviors or actions we recommend considering.Multip

43、le site visits High number of viewed pages Frequency of visits in a set amount of timeTarget Your AudienceBased on Intent.RETARGETINGYou can include users who visited your website over a set period of time.So if you have a long sales cycle,be sure that youre retargeting users whovisited within that

44、time frame.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 17Remember our advice about prospecting creative?The same two rules apply to successful CTV retargeting.01 Tell the audience what to do with a CTA.02 Tell them where to go with a persistent URL.Since these ads will reach potential leads f

45、urther along the sales funnel,you can get aggressive when it comes to driving a conversion.This is an opportunity to offer any available incentives that you wouldnt offer someone just entering your sales funnel.Get AggressiveWith Your Creative.RETARGETINGThe same rules apply to your omnichannel MNTN

46、 Multi-Touch display creative.You can offer your CTV ads special promotion,or incorporate certain dynamicad elements to drive engagement.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 18Just like Performance TV prospecting campaigns,choosing your retargeting goal will help gauge success and dete

47、rmine how your campaign is optimized.You have three options to choose from.Your Goal Will DetermineHow to Drive Conversions.RETARGETINGWe recommend going with an eCPA goal at this stage,since retargeting audiencesare further down the sales funnel,and it will ensure your ads are optimized to generate

48、 leads,sales,or registrations.Performance Pro TipPick this if youre tryingto drive visits and leadsat an efficient rate.Go with this if youre trying to maximize the amount of traffic reaching your site.Select this if you caremost about deliveringyour message in full.eCPAVisitsCompleted ViewsTHE B2B

49、GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 19Retargeting with Performance TV delivers better results than display-only retargeting.When CTV ads are included in a retargeting campaign,you benefit from the heightened impact that only commercials on TV can deliver.Combine them with these best practices,and you set yourse

50、lf up for success.01 Never Stop RetargetingMake the most of your site traffic by keeping a retargetingcampaign running to bring users back to convert.02 Target Based on Intent Target site visitors who acted like theyre interested in your offering and are considering taking action.03 Build Tempting C

51、reativeTell your audience where to go and what to do,and considerupping the stakes by offering incentives to this group.04 Use Consistent Messaging Across ChannelsLeverage the same messaging you used in your CTV ad across your other customer touchpoints(like mobile phone,tablet and desktop)to create

52、 a uniform experience.05 Cover the Whole HouseholdPair your CTV ads with MNTN Multi-Touch ads on the web andmobile to spread your message across the entire household.Key Takeaways.RETARGETINGAt this point youre driving plenty of new traffic to your site,and youre retargeting them to keep them engage

53、d.But what about high value prospects and current customers,anything special you can do with them?You better believe it.Matched Audience Campaigns.NEXT UP:THE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 21Performance TV allows you to match email lists found in your CRM with CTV audience targeting data,and deliver h

54、igh-impact,memorable ad creative to reach these valuable audiences.This has a number of benefits.You cut through the usual B2B marketing clutter on other channels.You expand the usefulness of email addresses in your CRM.You can upsell existing customers with impactful creative.You can integrate this

55、 approach into your ABM strategy.You likely have a wealth of email information on valuable prospects as well as current customers.If youre using them to serve ads to those prospects while theyre streaming their favorite shows,your brand will immediately stand out from the competition.Target Valuable

56、 UsersWith Matched Audiences.MATCHED AUDIENCE CAMPAIGNSWe recommend using a combination of prospecting,retargeting,and matched audiences to ensure youre hitting every crucial audience that matters to your brand.Performance Pro TipYour creative is set,your audience is defined,and your campaigns are o

57、ptimized to hit your goals.Now its time to track and measure performance.Lets Talk Measurement.NEXT UP:THE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 23Reporting on direct-response CTV campaigns is the same as its digital counterparts.That means you can track a wide range of key metrics that keep you informed on h

58、ow well your campaigns are performing.Take note that not all CTV ad solutions are created equal in regardsto reporting.Many limit your view to branding and awareness metricslike impressions.If you want to use CTV for direct-response,go with purpose built technology like Performance TV.Measuring Dire

59、ct-Response Connected TV Performance.MEASUREMENT&PERFORMANCEConversionsConversion RateVisit RateAnd MoreKeep an eye on the metrics that matter most to your campaign objective.You can build custom dashboards in the Performance TV reporting suite to help you keep an eye on whats important.Performance

60、Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 24CTV advertising is cross-device by nature.An ad is served on a television,then a user visits your site or converts on a phone or desktop.You need a reliable way of measuring that journey.Performance TV uses Cross-Device Verified Visits,which is our proprietar

61、y technology that measures any user visits to your site following the guaranteed in-view display of your CTV ad.Cross-Device Insight is Absolutely Necessary.MEASUREMENT&PERFORMANCEUser completes an ad on a household device.010203User visits advertisers site on any household device within the Verifie

62、d Visit window.User converts within the conversion window.Your conversion window is customizable,so you should sync it with your sales cycle.Performance Pro TipTHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 25Its a best practice to integrate a 3rd-party analytics platform into your reporting schema.It allows you t

63、o compare campaign performance alongside the rest of your digital channels,giving you a holistic view of your campaigns performance in relation to the rest of your digital marketing plan.Performance TV is fully integrated with Google Analytics,meaning your CTV campaign performance will populate in y

64、our GA dashboard.This is a feature that isnt offered by any other CTV ad solution.Expand Your Reportingto Google Analytics.MEASUREMENT&PERFORMANCETHE B2B GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE TV 26This ensures your campaign will be using the best possible ad creative for driving performance.A/B testing television cr

65、eative has traditionally been a difficult endeavor.Thankfully Performance TV has built-in A/B testing,allowing you to simply upload,test,and pick a winner.The higher performing creative will automatically be applied to your campaign.When testing two creatives against one another,there aresome best p

66、ractices to follow.Limit the differences between the two versions to a single variable,like a CTA,voice over,or special offer.This will tell you exactly what variable prompted the difference in performance.Avoid changing too many variables because youll lose the ability to see which exact difference

67、 mattered.Youll muddy the waters and limit what youll learn.A/B Test YourCampaigns Creative.MEASUREMENT&PERFORMANCEDont rely on the same B2B playbook that all your competitorsuse.Expand your strategy to streaming television,and tap intothe purpose-built technology Performance TV offers.Want to learn more?Bring YourB2B Strategy to Connected TV.Visit



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