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1、THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022年度报告China Academy of Urban Planning&Design 中国城市规划设计研究院“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVETURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT动荡与重构中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院前言PREFACE2022 年,新冠肺炎疫情持续肆虐,俄乌冲突波及全球,能源危机愈演愈烈,全球化危机一波未平,一波又起。多重冲击下,全球交通联系动荡,产业链供应链破碎化,各国政府纷纷加大本土投资保障发展


3、互交织影响下,今年全球城市复苏态势冷暖有别,美洲提升、欧洲下降、东亚持平,全球城市格局正在发生重大调整。随着全球产业链供应链多元化、近岸化重构,新一轮科技革命和产业变革加速演进,全球城市秩序重构的趋势初露端倪。In 2022,COVID-19 continues to rage.Meanwhile,the Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to consequences worldwide,with intensifying energy crisis and globalization crisis coming in waves.The external sh

4、ocks have resulted in disruptions of global transportation connectivity and fragmentation in supply chains.Governments around the world are increasing their domestic investments to safeguard development security and resilience.Faced with uncertain challenges and opportunities,global cities are going

5、 through turmoil.Against the backdrop of growing risks from the confrontation of opposing camps in global governance and the rising trade barriers,the concept of inclusive globalization advocated by the Belt and Road Initiative is a warm current amid the cold wave of globalization,injecting new mome

6、ntum into globalization process.Inclusive globalization advocates more equitable development,with the aim to facilitate emerging countries to embed themselves into the network of global cities through various paths and create a diverse and symbiotic rainforest of global cities.This year,we have cont

7、inued to optimize and improve the index system and algorithm of global dynamic cities and Belt and Road potential cities,with new observation on the features of global cities recovery and consideration of the trend of industrial evolution and intensified technological competition.We have improved th

8、e data sources and technical analysis methods to digitize and delve into the features and trends of global innovation network,production and service network,and connectivity facility network.Under the influence of profound changes unseen in a century intertwined with the once-in-a-century pandemic,t

9、he recovery of global cities remains uneven,with growth in the Americas,recession in Europe and stagnation in East Asia,leading to significant adjustments to the landscape of global cities.With the diversification and nearshoring of global supply chains,a new wave of technological revolution and ind

10、ustrial evolution is picking up speed,thus giving shape to the reshuffling of global cities order.中国城市规划设计研究院目录CONTENTS全球城市的动荡与重构全球活力城市“一带一路”潜力城市城市观察TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT OF GLOBAL CITIESGLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIESBELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIESOBSERVATION ON GLOBAL CITIES123page 04附录 1:2022 年全球活力城市指数排名A

11、PPENDIX 1:2022 RANKING OF GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIES INDEXpage 32附录 2:2022 年“一带一路”潜力城市指数排名APPENDIX 2:2022 RANKING OF INDEX FOR BELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIESpage 34附录 3:城市列表APPENDIX 3:LIST OF CITIESpage 36page 05page 19page 244中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院全球城市的动荡与重构TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT OF GLOBAL CITIES全球化危机一

12、波未平,一波又起CRISIS OF GLOBALIZATION COMING IN WAVES新冠肺炎病毒变异不断、持续肆虐。联合国数据显示超过 90%的确诊病例来自城市地区,人口集中的城市是新冠肺炎疫情的震中。猴痘病毒汹汹来袭,世界卫生组织再度发布“全球最高级别公共卫生警报”,全球城市公共卫生安全面临不断的威胁与挑战。俄乌冲突对全球能源、粮食、矿产供应链的冲击不断显现,国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测 2022 年全球经济增速显著放缓,美国和欧洲部分经济体的通胀已达 40 年来的最高水平。地缘政治紧张、极端天气频发、全球经济风险等纷繁复杂的挑战相互交织,进一步加剧了全球城市复苏的不确定性。CO

13、VID-19 mutations and variants continue to wreak havoc.According to the UN,urban areas with high population density are epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic,accounting for more than 90%of reported cases.With the onslaught of monkeypox,the WHO issued the highest level of alert for Public Health Emergen

14、cy of International Concern.Public health and safety in global cities are under constant threat and challenge.The impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict on the global supply chains of energy,food and minerals continues to emerge.The IMF projected slower global economic recovery in 2022.Inflation in the U

15、S and some European economies has hit the highest level in 40 years.Geopolitical tensions,frequent extreme weather events,global economic risks and other complex challenges are intertwined,further exacerbating the uncertainty in the recovery of global cities.全球城市动荡变革与秩序重构TRANSFORMATION AMID TURMOIL

16、AND REALIGNMENT OF ORDER全球交通联系动荡。新冠肺炎疫情下各国管制措施松紧有别,全球航空客运尚未完全恢复。地缘冲突不断升级导致国际陆路交通受阻、关键海上通道中断,全球货运动荡起伏进一步加剧。此外,“北溪”天然气管道受损、海底光缆故障等重大国际事件,也接连对全球城市物流、信息流网络带来扰动。全球产业链供应链重塑。频频爆发的“黑天鹅”事件加速了全球供应链重塑的步伐,主要国家地区出于安全考虑推动产业链供应链多元化、近岸Global transportation connectivity is disrupted.During the pandemic,different cou

17、ntries have introduced varying restrictions and the global air passenger traffic has not yet fully recovered.Escalating geopolitical conflicts have led to disruptions in international land transportation as well as important sea lanes.Besides,major international events,such as the Nord Stream gas pi

18、peline damage and submarine cable failures,have also disturbed the networks of global urban logistics and information flow.Global supply chains are being reshaped.The frequent outbreak of black swan events has accelerated the realignment pace of global supply chain.Major countries and regions are se

19、eking to diversify,nearshore and friend-shore their supply chains for security reasons to reduce the dependence in key areas such as semiconductors,new energy batteries,key minerals and medical supplies on a single foreign supplier.As a result,the industrial landscape of global cities is undergoing

20、profound changes.Technology race and innovation competition are growing.In the context of the fourth industrial revolution,the pace of digitalization and green transformation of industries has accelerated,and innovation has become a key variable in reshaping the global and regional competitive lands

21、cape.Governments have readjusted their priority areas of science and technology,and increased investment in homegrown cutting-edge technology research and scientific innovation.The innovation landscape of global cities is entering a period of rapid readjustments.化、“友岸化”布局,降低半导体、新能源电池、关键矿物和医药用品等关键领域对

22、外国单一供应商的依赖,全球城市产业格局正在发生深刻变革。技术和创新竞争日趋剧烈。在第四次工业革命浪潮背景下,产业数字化绿色化转型步伐加快,创新成为重塑全球和区域竞争格局的关键变量。各国政府纷纷重新调整科技重点领域布局,加大本土尖端技术研究和科技创新投资,全球城市创新格局正在进入快速调整变化的时期。全球活力城市GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIES总体格局:全球城市复苏冷暖有别GENERAL LANDSCAPE:UNEVEN RECOVERY OF GLOBAL CITIES今年,东京、上海、北京继续稳居全球前三位,但在全球范围内,各区域城市的复苏势头强弱不均,排名总体呈现美洲提升、欧洲下降

23、、东亚持平的差异化特征。在美洲板块,由于创新能力进一步增强、国际客运航班快速恢复,芝加哥、亚特兰大等城市排名提升,其中亚特兰大凭借繁忙的全球航班联系首次进入全球前 20 位。波哥大、圣地亚哥等南美首都城市积极嵌入全球生产与服务网络,发展活力提升。在欧洲板块,受一系列国际事件的影响,伦敦、巴黎、鹿特丹等交通枢纽型城市受到较大This year,Tokyo,Shanghai and Beijing continue to maintain their top 3 positions globally,but the recovery of global cities remains uneven.

24、The cities in the Americas rise in the rankings,whereas European cities fall and East Asian cities hold the line.For the Americas,Chicago and Atlanta witness improved rankings due to further strengthened innovation and rapid recovery of international passenger flights,with Atlanta entering the globa

25、l top 20 for the first time with its busy global flight routes.Capital cities in South America including Bogota and Santiago are actively seeking to embed themselves into the global production and service network and thus are gaining momentum in development.In Europe,transport hubs such as London,Pa

26、ris and Rotterdam have been hit harder by a series of international events.In East Asia,Tokyo,Shanghai and Beijing continue to rank high,中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE040

27、5图 2-1 全球活力城市指数排名及得分(前 20 位)Figure 2-1 RANK AND SCORE OF GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIES INDEX(TOP 20)全球创新网络 Global Innovation Network全球生产与服务网络 Global Production and Service Network全球联通设施网络 Global Facility Connectivity Network00.51.521图 2-2 全球活力城市排名变化情况 Figure 2-2 CHANGE IN THE RANKINGS OF GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITI

28、ES图 2-3 全球活力城市聚落分布 Figure 2-3 DISTRIBUTION OF GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITY CLUSTERS1 基于全球活力城市地理分布与全球活力城市指数,融合 DBscan 算法与 3I 模型,识别全球活力城市的聚落体系。Based on the geographical distribution of global dynamic cities and Global Dynamic Cities Index,DBSCAN algorithm and 3I model are integrated to identify the cluster sys

29、tem of global dynamic cities.冲击。在东亚板块,东京、上海、北京等城市持续位居前列,整体表现较为稳定,深圳凭借创新及先进制造优势稳中有进。我们发现,全球领先的活力城市呈现区域性集聚的特征,由一个或多个极点城市联动区域形成全球活力城市聚落1,它们在全球城市发展中扮演着引领性角色。东亚地区引领世界级活力城市聚落,中国、日本 3 大城市聚落进入全球前 5。多极组合型城市聚落如粤港澳大湾区、欧洲北部城市群、达拉斯-休斯敦等,将成为未来城市群协同发展与潜力释放的新形态。跨境型城市聚落如温哥华-西雅图、欧洲北部城市群、粤港澳大湾区等,将成为未来跨制度、跨文化协作的重要载体。wi

30、th stable overall performance.Shenzhen makes steady progress by building upon its advantages in innovation and advanced manufacturing.We find that the leading global dynamic cities are characterized by regional clustering.That is,one or several core cities are driving the growth of the entire region

31、 to generate a cluster of global dynamic cities,which plays a leading role in the development of global cities.East Asia is leading the world in the development of global dynamic city clusters1,with three major city clusters in China and Japan entering the global top 5.The city clusters with several

32、 core cities,such as Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,Northern European city cluster and Dallas-Houston cluster,will become the new paradigm of future city clusters to coordinate development and unleash potential.Cross-border city clusters such as Vancouver-Seattle cluster,Northern Europea

33、n city cluster and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,will become the major platforms for collaboration across,institutions and cultures.GLOBAL INNOVATION NETWORK:POLARITY AND UBIQUITY 全球创新网络:创新极化与泛在并存2OF INNOVATION2全球创新城市格局高度极化,东京、旧金山、北京、伦敦、圣迭戈、剑桥等极少数城市在全球创新网络中占据主导地位,是全球创新“塔尖”。此外,创新优势城市在日本东

34、京湾、旧金山湾区、The landscape of global innovation cities is highly polarized.A very few cities such as Tokyo,San Francisco,Beijing,London,San Diego,and Cambridge dominate the global innovation network as the pinnacles of global innovation.In addition,cities with advantages in innovation are concentrated i

35、n Tokyo Bay of Japan,San Francisco Bay Area,2 智慧芽创新研究中心作为全球“技术前沿”网络部分研究支持方。Patsnap Innovation Research Center is a research partner,providing support for the section on Global Technology Frontier Network.东京 Tokyo上海 Shanghai北京 Beijing新加坡 Singapore伦敦 London纽约 New York深圳 Shenzhen首尔 Seoul旧金山 San Francis

36、co香港 Hong Kong洛杉矶 Los Angeles芝加哥 Chicago广州 Guangzhou迪拜 Dubai巴黎 Paris阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam亚特兰大 Atlanta哥本哈根 Copenhagen华盛顿 Washington波士顿 Boston排名提升排名小幅提升排名不变排名小幅下降排名下降创新网络生产服务网络联通设施网络城市聚落TOP5全球城市聚落多极组合型城市聚落中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GL

37、OBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE0607图 2-4 全球创新城市网络格局 Figure 2-4 LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL INNOVATION NETWORK图 2-5全球创新城市聚落分布 Figure 2-5 DISTRIBUTION OF GLOBAL INNOVATION CITY CLUSTERSmarkets and developing countries,such as New Delhi and Kuala Lumpur,have become new players in the

38、global innovation network thanks to their advantages in industries and markets.They are spreading global innovation resources and factors across a broader range of places.As a result,the landscape of global innovation features both polarity and ubiquity.In the context of technological decoupling,the

39、 rankings of research-driven cities in Europe and the United States,including London and Cambridge,have risen significantly,while Hangzhou and Taipei,which bear the brunt of the technology rivalry,fall this year due to relatively weak R&D capabilities.New Observation on Global Innovation Frontier Ne

40、tworkAt present,the world is ushering in the sixth wave of innovation marked by artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.The competition among countries around science and technology is more intense than ever.The frontier science and technology are playing an increasingly prominent role in

41、 changing the dynamics of national powers.This year,based on our observation on the trends and guiding policies home and abroad,we have identified nine science frontiers such as artificial intelligence,brain science and quantum information,seven technology frontiers3 such as new materials and new en

42、ergy vehicles and several industry frontiers such as unicorns and representative innovation enterprises.We pay special attention to the performance of global cities in terms of innovation in science,technology and industry frontiers.Scientific Innovation Frontier:European and American cities are lea

43、ding global theoretical innovation and Asian cities are rapidly on the riseUniversities and research institutes are the mainstay of the science frontier,who produce original and disruptive core technologies or ideas through basic research.The core players in this area include Beijing,London and Camb

44、ridge.Despite the rapid rise of Asian cities such as Beijing,European and American cities remain dominant in global research activities.As for the science frontier network,the connections within Europe and between Europe and eastern US cities are relatively close,while Chinese cities have strong int

45、ernal ties but insufficient international cooperation.经济体城市也凭借产业化和市场化优势,成为全球创新网络中的新力量,推动全球创新资源要素向更广阔的区域扩散,呈现创新极化与泛在并存的图景。“技术脱钩”背景下,伦敦、剑桥等欧美基础科研型城市排名显著上升,而杭州、台北等由于基础研发能力相对不足,今年排名有所下降,处于科技博弈动荡的前沿。全球创新前沿网络特别观察当前,全球进入到以人工智能和物联网等为标志的第六波创新浪潮,各国围绕科学技术的竞争空前激烈,前沿科技领域在改变国家力量对比方面的决定性作用愈加凸显。今年,我们结合国内外趋势与政策导向,识别


47、英伦地区集聚形成全球创新聚落,成为推动全球创新发展的重要载体。随着全球科技创新进入多点突破、群体迸发的新阶段,新德里、吉隆坡等部分新兴市场和发展中northeastern United States,Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei,Northern Europe and the UK to form global innovation clusters,serving as the important venues for the development of global innovation.

48、As breakthroughs are achieved in various areas of innovation in science and technology by multiple players worldwide,cities in emerging 3 九大科学前沿领域分别为人工智能、脑科学、量子信息、半导体、医学健康、生物技术、新材料、新能源、太空;七大技术前沿领域分别为人工智能、通信、半导体、新材料、生物医药、新能源汽车、新能源。The nine science frontiers are artificial intelligence,brain science,q

49、uantum information,semiconductors,healthcare,biotechnology,new materials,new energy,and space.The seven technology frontiers are artificial intelligence,communications,semiconductors,new materials,biomedicine,new energy vehicles,and new energy.科学前沿技术前沿产业前沿科学前沿技术前沿产业前沿科学前沿价值技术前沿价值产业前沿价值联系(线)城市(点)中国城市

50、规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE0809技术创新前沿:以东京领衔的东亚城市创新活跃技术前沿多以研发机构、实验室等力量为主体,主要表现为以专利产出等为载体的技术创新。当前全球处于技术爆发阶段,东亚城市在 PCT 专利申请和授权方面展现出特别优势,日本有 5 座城市进入全球前 20 位,占据全球技术创新高地,首尔、北京、深

51、圳、上海、新加坡等城市持续强化技术沉淀,均进入第一梯队。Technological Innovation Frontier:East Asian Cities led by Tokyo are vibrant in innovationR&D institutes and laboratories are the mainstay of the technology frontier,whose technological innovations are mainly in the form of patent.Currently,the world is on the cusp of tec

52、hnology explosion.East Asian cities have advantages in PCT patent application and licensing.Five Japanese cities have entered the global top 20,representing the strongholds for global technological innovation.Due to continuous improvement in technological capabilities,Seoul,Beijing,Shenzhen,Shanghai

53、 and Singapore become the top-tier cities in the area.图 2-6 全球科学创新前沿网络格局 Figure 2-6 LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION FRONTIER NETWORK图 2-7 全球技术创新前沿城市网络 Figure 2-7 GLOBAL TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FRONTIER NETWORK表 2-1 科学创新前沿 TOP20 城市Table 2-1 TOP 20 CITES IN SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION FRONTIER表 2

54、-2 技术创新前沿 TOP20 城市Table 2-2 TOP 20 CITES IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FRONTIERRanking排名617181920City城市北京Beijing伦敦London剑桥Cambridge巴黎Paris首尔Seoul上海Shanghai纽约New York牛津Oxford东京Tokyo波士顿Boston罗马Rome香港Hong Kong苏黎世Zurich马德里Madrid西雅图Seattle米兰Milan芝加哥Chicago莫斯科Moscow华盛顿Washington斯德哥尔摩St

55、ockholmRanking排名617181920City城市东京Tokyo大阪Osaka圣迭戈San Diego剑桥Cambridge首尔Seoul北京Beijing埃因霍温Eindhoven深圳Shenzhen纽约New York旧金山San Francisco伦敦London筑波Tsukuba横滨Yokohama千叶Chiba圣何塞San Jose巴黎Paris上海Shanghai牛津Oxford柏林Berlin新加坡Singapore产业创新前沿:旧金山引领全球产业创新,新兴经济体城市涌现产业前沿主要以全球代表性科技创新企业、独角兽企业为主导

56、,进行技术开发与产业发展。该环节以旧金山、西雅图、伦敦为核心。由于拥有大量的数据、大规模的计算和应用场景,中美产业创新活力充足,其中,美国在前五位城市中占据四城,中国城市上海、北京、杭州、深圳位列8-11Industrial Innovation Frontier:San Francisco is leading global industrial innovation and cities of emerging economies are on the riseThe industrial frontier is led by innovative technology companies

57、 and unicorns who promote the development of technology and industry.San Francisco,Seattle and London are the core players in this area.With a large amount of data and use cases for computing and application scenarios,Chinese and American cities are vibrant in industrial innovation.Four of the top f

58、ive spots belong to the cities in the US,while Shanghai,Beijing,Hangzhou and Shenzhen are ranked 8th to 11th.In addition,cities of emerging economies are on the rise.For instance,科学前沿技术前沿中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIE

59、S IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE1011位。此外,新兴市场和发展中经济体城市涌现,如雅加达凭借广阔消费市场和活跃创业生态,2021 年以来新增 5 家独角兽企业。半导体是数字经济的基石,高度依赖全球产业分工协作。中美贸易战以来,欧美韩等国纷纷加大芯片产业投资以提升供应链安全,2022 年芯片和科学法案的签署更进一步加剧了半导体产业的逆全球化危机。基于三大前沿分析,半导体领域的创新中心以旧金山湾区(圣克拉拉、圣何塞等)、东京都市圈(东京、筑波、横滨等)、欧洲(剑桥、埃因霍温等)以及中国台湾(新竹)图 2-9 全球半导体领域前沿网络格局

60、 Figure 2-9 LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL SEMICONDUCTOR FRONTIER NETWORKfive new unicorns have been established in Jakarta since 2021.The city is known for its vast consumer market and dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem.Semiconductors are the cornerstone of digital economy and highly dependent on global divisi

61、on of labor.Since the start of the US-China trade war,the US,Europe and South Korea have all increased investment in the chip industry to enhance supply chain security.The signing of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 has further exacerbated the crisis of deglobalization in the semiconductor industry

62、.According to the analysis of the above three frontiers,the innovation centers in the semiconductor industry are mainly located in the San Francisco Bay Area(Santa Clara and San Jose),the Greater Tokyo Area(Tokyo,Tsukuba and Yokohama),Europe(Cambridge and Eindhoven)and 图 2-8 全球产业创新前沿网络格局 Figure 2-8

63、LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION FRONTIER NETWORK表 2-3 产业创新前沿 TOP20 城市Table 2-3 TOP 20 CITES IN INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION FRONTIERRanking排名617181920City城市旧金山San Francisco西雅图Seattle伦敦London圣何塞San Jose纽约New York首尔Seoul东京Tokyo上海Shanghai北京Beijing杭州Hangzhou深圳Shenzhen菲尼克斯Phoenix

64、班加罗尔Bangalore新加坡Singapore洛杉矶Los Angeles波士顿Boston柏林Berlin巴黎Paris圣保罗So Paulo奥斯汀Austin全球生产与服务网络:生产更分散、服务更集聚GLOBAL PRODUCTION AND SERVICE NETWORK:DECENTRALIZED PRODUCTION AND CENTRALIZED SERVICE在全球产业变革背景下,北美、西欧及北欧、东亚上榜全球生产网络前百强城市减少,上榜全球服务网络前百强城市增多,呈现生产更分散、服务更集聚的空间特征。在前 20 位城市中,北京、东京仍旧稳居前两位,新加坡、台北、深圳、巴黎等

65、在战略性新兴产业或制造智能化中有突出表现的城市排名稳固或提升。此外,随着全球新能源产业进入繁荣期,部分战略资源型城市迎来新机遇,如智利首都圣地亚哥,集聚了引领全球锂电池技术发展方向的大型企业,发展潜力巨大。In the context of global industrial transformation,the number of cities in North America,Western Europe,Northern Europe,and East Asia that enter the top 100 list of the global production network ha

66、ve increased.Meanwhile,the production network is more decentralized whereas the service network becomes more centralized.Among the top 20 cities,Beijing and Tokyo remain in the top positions,while Singapore,Taipei,Shenzhen,Paris and other cities with outstanding performance in strategic emerging ind

67、ustries or intelligent manufacturing have maintained or improved their rankings.In addition,as the global new energy industry enters a booming period,cities with abundant strategic resources are embracing new opportunities.For instance,Santiago,the capital of Chile,with numerous large enterprises th

68、at lead the global development of lithium battery technology,enjoys great development potential.为主,中国城市如北京、上海、武汉、香港等在基础研究领域有一定基础,但技术和产业化方面仍有巨大差距。随着科研封闭趋势持续酝酿和传播,全球化的创新体系面临解体,全球创新生态面临巨大挑战。Taiwan of China(Hsinchu).Chinese cities such as Beijing,Shanghai,Wuhan and Hong Kong have made progress in basic

69、research,yet they still lag far behind in terms of technology and industrialization.As the trend of deglobalization in scientific research is brewing worldwide,the globalized innovation system has been stretched to the breaking point and the global innovation ecosystem is facing great challenges.产业前


71、 4 选取梅赛德斯奔驰、福特、本田、特斯拉、比亚迪为样本企业,数据来源企业官网,仅识别工厂、研发职能所在地。Mercedes-Benz,Ford Motor,Honda Motor,Tesla and BYD are selected as sample companies,with data sourced from their official websites,identifying only the locations of factories and R&D functions.生产分散化:北美、西欧及北欧、东亚三大板块周边成为新增长点在全球生产网络维度,产业方向变革带动生产优势城市

72、阵型的变化。以汽车制造业为例,随着新能源汽车需求爆发,全球汽车制造中心从底特律、Decentralized Production:North America,Western and Northern Europe,and East Asia as New Sources of GrowthIn the global production network,the trend of industrial transformation has changed the matrix of cities with advantages in production.Taking automotive ma

73、nufacturing as an example,with explosive demands for new energy vehicles,the global automotive manufacturing centers 表 2-4 全球生产网络 TOP20 城市Table 2-4 TOP 20 CITES IN GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORKRanking排名617181920City城市北京Beijing东京Tokyo首尔Seoul上海Shanghai台北Taipei新加坡Singapore香港Hong Kong深

74、圳Shenzhen广州Guangzhou迪拜Dubai伦敦London哥本哈根Copenhagen里加Riga巴塞罗那Barcelona孟买Mumbai旧金山San Francisco波哥大Bogot武汉Wuhan鹿特丹Rotterdam圣地亚哥(智利)Santiago(Chile)科隆、柏林、东京,走向引领全球生产方式革新的旧金山、上海、深圳。同时,由于全球产业链供应链格局调整重塑,生产优势城市分布趋于分散,北美、西欧及北欧、东亚上榜前百强城市数量占比从2021年的56%下降至50%,相应中美、东欧及南欧等周边区域上榜城市数量增加。服务集聚化:北美、西欧及北欧、东亚三大板块城市占比更加提升在

75、全球服务网络维度,服务优势城市分布趋于集聚,北美、西欧及北欧、东亚上榜前百强城市数量占比从 2021 年的 50%上升至 54%。在服务业数字化、网络化、智能化趋势下,纽约、伦敦稳居前列,都柏林、伊斯坦布尔等边缘门户城市崛起。由于国际金融及专业服务业格局调整,东欧、南欧地区的保加利亚、罗马尼亚、乌克兰、克罗地亚、塞尔维亚等新兴市场和发展中经济体城市排名相对下降。have shifted from Detroit,Cologne,Berlin,and Tokyo to San Francisco,Shanghai,and Shenzhen who are leading the global i

76、nnovation of automotive production.Meanwhile,due to the reshaping of global supply chains,the distribution of cities with advantages in production tend to decentralize.The proportion of top 100 cities in North America,Western Europe,Northern Europe,and East Asia has decreased from 56%of the total la

77、st year to 50%,with more cities in Central America,Eastern Europe and Southern Europe making the list.Centralized Service:Cities in Western and Northern Europe,and East Asia Account for A Higher ProportionIn the global service network,cities with advantages in service tend to cluster.The proportion

78、of top 100 cities in North America,Western Europe,Northern Europe and East Asia has increased from 50%of the total in 2021 to 54%.Following the trend of digitalization,networking and intelligence,New York and London continue to hold the top positions,while gateway cities in the peripheral areas like

79、 Dublin and Istanbul are on the rise.Due to the readjustment to the landscape of international finance and professional services,the rankings of cities in the emerging markets and developing countries in Eastern Europe and Southern Europe such as Bulgaria,Romania,Ukraine,Croatia and Serbia have drop

80、ped.图 2-11 全球生产网络格局 Figure 2-11 LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORK传统汽车制造新能源汽车制造前百强城市全球代表性制造业企业网络中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE1415表 2-5 全球服务网络 TOP20 城市Table 2-5 TOP 2

81、0 CITES IN GLOBAL SERVICE NETWORKRanking排名617181920City城市纽约New York北京Beijing东京Tokyo伦敦London上海Shanghai巴黎Paris多伦多Toronto香港Hong Kong首尔Seoul华盛顿Washington法兰克福Frankfurt阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam新加坡Singapore深圳Shenzhen旧金山San Francisco马德里Madrid慕尼黑Munich芝加哥Chicago斯德哥尔摩Stockholm都柏林Dublin全球联通设施网络:全球动荡

82、持续,门户枢纽城市保持领先地位GLOBAL FACILITY CONNECTIVITY NETWORK:CONTINUED GLOBAL TURMOIL AND LEADING PERFORMANCE OF GATEWAY HUB CITIES在新冠疫情、贸易摩擦、地缘冲突等重大国际事件的影响下,设施联通“流”的特征,相对敏感地展现了全球城市联通性的时空波动。从全球范围看,亚太、北美两大板块表现出较好的活力与“韧性”,欧洲则普遍下滑。上海、新加坡、东京、芝加哥等世界级门户枢纽城市在设施联通网络中表现突出,其中芝加哥、东京在全球航空服务水平名列前茅,新加坡、上海则主要得益于全球领先的海运服务水平

83、。In the midst of COVID-19,trade frictions and geopolitical conflicts,the flow of facility connectivity has keenly responded to the temporal and spatial variation in the connectivity among global cities.Globally speaking,the Asia-Pacific and North America show stronger dynamism and resilience,while E

84、urope is largely in decline.World-level gateway hubs like Shanghai,Singapore,Tokyo and Chicago have impressive performance in the facility connectivity network.Chicago and Tokyo rank among the top for their global airline services,whereas Singapore and Shanghai stand out for their world-class mariti

85、me transport services.图 2-12 全球服务网络格局 Figure 2-12 LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL SERVICE NETWORK图 2-14 国际中转枢纽TOP100机场中枢纽职能韧性较强的机场分布(2022Q1)Figure 2-14 DISTRIBUTION OF TOP 100 AIRPORTS WITH RESILIENT INTERNATIONAL TRANSIT HUB FUNCTIONS(2022Q1)图 2-13 国际中转客流 TOP100 机场分布(2019Q1)Figure 2-13 DISTRIBUTION OF TOP 100

86、AIRPORTS BY INTERNATIONAL TRANSIT PASSENGER(2019 Q1)2022前百强城市2021前百强城市各区域代表性银行全球网络表 2-6 航空服务水平 TOP20 城市Table 2-6 TOP 20 CITIES IN AIRLINE TRANSPORT SERVICERanking排名617181920City城市芝加哥Chicago 亚特兰大Atlanta 东京Tokyo达拉斯Dallas新德里New Delhi伊斯坦布尔Istanbul洛杉矶Los Angeles迈阿密Miami 阿姆斯特丹Amsterd

87、am丹佛Denver 西雅图Seattle 法兰克福Frankfurt纽约New York波士顿Boston 迪拜Dubai广州Guangzhou马德里Madrid雅加达Jakarta伦敦London巴黎Paris航空:全球整体复苏反弹,亚太不增反降2022 年,全球航空客运航班持续复苏,美、中、英航班量排名前三,其中欧美各国国内和国际航班同比增长较快,中国则主要为国内航班。对比疫情前国际航空枢纽格局,总体呈现北美枢纽国际中转“韧性”显著、西欧缓慢回升的特征,芝加哥、亚特兰大在国际航空服务水平维度表现突出,而中国城市均有较明显下滑。海运:全球运量相对稳定,重大事件引发波动一系列“黑天鹅”事件对

88、全球物流和供应链带来重大影响,全球物流体系不断面临“韧性”挑战。近年来,以海运为主要载体的全球大宗物资运输总量相对稳定,局域波动显著,受国际事件影响敏感,多式联运成为发展趋势。综合来看,新加坡、上海等国际航运中心在海运服务水平维度保持了较强“韧性”,香港在该维度排名略有下滑。Aviation:Overall Recovery of Global Performance with a Surprising Decline in the Asia-PacificIn 2022,global air passenger traffic has continued to recover,with th

89、e US,China and the UK ranking in the top three in terms of scheduled flights.The year-on-year growth of domestic and international flights in Europe and the US is faster,while the growth in China is mainly driven by domestic flights.Compared to the landscape of international airline hubs before the

90、pandemic,the international transit hubs in North America show significant resilience,while the rebound in Western Europe is slow.Chicago and Atlanta have excellent performance in the dimension of international airline services,while the performance of Chinese cities is in clear decline.Maritime Tran

91、sport:Relative Stability in Global Volume and Volatility Triggered by Major EventsA series of black swan events had a significant impact on global logistics and supply chains,and the resilience of the global logistics system has been put to the test.In recent years,the global transportation of commo

92、dities,which is largely seaborne,has remained stable in quantity,in spite of strong local fluctuations.As a result of the international events,multimodal transport has become a trend.Generally speaking,in terms of maritime transport service,the performance of international shipping hubs such as Sing

93、apore and Shanghai are quite resilient,but Hong Kongs ranking slightly drops.中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE1617表 2-7 海运服务水平 TOP20 城市Table 2-7 TOP 20 CITIES IN MARITIME TR

94、ANSPORT SERVICERanking排名617181920City城市新加坡Singapore上海Shanghai宁波Ningbo深圳Shenzhen香港Hong Kong釜山Busan鹿特丹Rotterdam 青岛Qingdao汉堡Hamburg伦敦London厦门Xiamen东京Tokyo天津Tianjin迪拜Dubai雅典Athens纽约New York大连Dalian名古屋Nagoya广州Guangzhou墨尔本Melbourne表 2-8 各维度上的领先城市Table 2-8 TOP CITIES IN THREE DIMENSIO

95、NS排名Ranking全球创新网络Global Innovation Network全球生产与服务网络Global Production and Service Network全球联通设施网络Global Connectivity Facility Network1东京Tokyo北京Beijing上海 Shanghai2旧金山San Francisco东京Tokyo新加坡 Singapore3北京Beijing首尔Seoul东京 Tokyo4伦敦London纽约New York芝加哥 Chicago5上海Shanghai上海Shanghai洛杉矶 Los Angeles6首尔Seoul新加坡S

96、ingapore宁波 Ningbo7深圳Shenzhen伦敦London深圳 Shenzhen8纽约New York香港Hong Kong伦敦 London9新加坡Singapore台北Taipei纽约 New York10西雅图Seattle深圳Shenzhen亚特兰大 Atlanta11巴黎Paris迪拜Dubai香港 Hong Kong12香港Hong Kong广州Guangzhou迪拜 Dubai13慕尼黑Munich旧金山San Francisco釜山 Busan14洛杉矶Los Angeles孟买Mumbai广州 Guangzhou15圣迭戈(美国)San Diego(USA)巴黎

97、Paris达拉斯 Dallas16波士顿Boston哥本哈根Copenhagen迈阿密 Miami17柏林Berlin斯德哥尔摩Stockholm青岛 Qingdao18杭州Hangzhou华盛顿Washington鹿特丹 Rotterdam19剑桥Oxford芝加哥Chicago丹佛 Denver20悉尼Sydney维也纳Vienna西雅图 SeattleInformation:Europe,US and East Asia Are Leading the Telecom SectorWith the advent of digital globalization,the cross-bor

98、der flow of traditional goods,services and capital is slowing down,whereas that of intangible data and information is skyrocketing.Currently,the infrastructure of emerging information technologies such as 5G is mainly deployed in the US,China,Europe,and South Korea,while less developed countries and

99、 regions such as Africa and Southeast Asia are accelerating their efforts to expand access to modern communication networks to promote urbanization and industrialization for better development opportunities.信息:欧美、东亚领跑通信领域随着数字全球化时代到来,传统商品、服务和资本的跨境流动趋缓,无形的数据和信息的跨境流动激增。目前美国、中国、欧洲、韩国是全球 5G等新兴信息技术重要设施布局的

100、目标区域,非洲、东南亚等欠发达国家和地区加快接入现代化通信设施网络,推动城市化与工业化进程并获得发展机会。“一带一路”潜力城市BELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIES总体格局:欧亚大陆城市成为推动包容性发展的中坚力量GENERAL LANDSCAPE:EURASIAN CITIES HAVE BECOME THE BACKBONE OF INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT“一带一路”潜力前百强城市中,欧洲、大洋洲上榜城市数量较去年显著增多,亚洲上榜城市在前二十强中占比近半,头部带动作用突出。随着“一带一路”倡议深入推进,欧亚大陆城市在促进政策沟通稳定,保障设施联通通

101、畅,强化贸易与资金紧密往来,推动民心相通走向深入等方面发挥了重要作用,成为践行包容性全球化发展理念的中坚力量。In the top 100 list for Belt and Road Potential Cities,there is a considerable increase in the number of cities from Europe and Oceania.Asian cities continue to demonstrate their leading roles,accounting for nearly half of the top 20 cities on t

102、he list.As the Belt and Road Initiative further advances,Eurasian cities are playing an important role in facilitating smooth policy coordination,safeguarding unhindered facility connectivity,strengthening unimpeded trade and financial integration and deepening people-to-people bond.They have thus b

103、ecome the backbone of inclusive development in the globalization process.图 3-1“一带一路”潜力城市指数排名及得分(前 20 位)Figure 3-1 RANK AND SCORE OF THE INDEX FOR BELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIES(TOP 20)政策沟通 Policy Coordination设施联通 Facility Connectivity贸易畅通 Unimpeded Trade资金融通 Financial Integration民心相通 People-to-Peopl

104、e Bond00.北京 Beijing莫斯科 Moscow香港 Hong Kong上海 Shanghai首尔 Seoul新加坡 Singapore伦敦 London巴黎 Paris圣彼得堡 Saint Petersburg华沙 Warsaw明斯克 Minsk深圳 Shenzhen釜山 Busan符拉迪沃斯托克Vladivostok吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur哈巴罗夫斯克 Khabarovsk万象 Vientiane纽约 New York东京 Tokyo柏林 Berlin中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市


106、。今年阿根廷正式加入“一带一路”大家庭,改变了长期以来拉美主要经济体都未正式加入“一带一路”倡议的状况。非洲作为“一带一路”倡议的重点政策沟通地区,今年也取得了新突破,马拉维加入“一带一路”朋友圈。“一带一路”政策沟通的传统友好城市保持稳定,中国同俄罗斯、中亚、泛亚地区的城市关The circle of friends for policy coordination under the Belt and Road Initiative continues to expand into wider region,with new progress made in Latin America an

107、d Africa this year.Argentina,as a major economy in Latin America,has officially joined the community of the Belt and Road Initiative.It has reversed the situation of long-standing absence of major Latin American economies under the Belt and Road Initiative.Africa,as a priority region for policy coor

108、dination,has also made a new breakthrough,with Malawi joining the circle of friends for the Belt and Road Initiative.The traditional friendship cities on policy coordination under the Belt and Road Initiative remain stable,with further strengthened intercity relationships between China and Russia,Ce

109、ntral Asia and Pan-Asian 图 3-2“一带一路”潜力城市格局 Figure 3-2 LANDSCAPE OF BELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIES欧亚大陆城市在前二十强榜单中表现亮眼,伦敦、巴黎、华沙与首尔排名较去年有小幅提升,柏林首次进入前 20 位,釜山也重回前 20 位。俄罗斯城市整体表现得到提升,莫斯科从去年第 3 位上升到第 2 位,圣彼得堡和哈巴罗夫斯克重回前20 位,符拉迪沃斯托克首次进入前 20 位。The top 20 list features impressive performance of Eurasian cities

110、.London,Paris,Warsaw and Seoul all witness slight improvements in their rankings over last year.Berlin makes into the top 20 list for the first time.Busan also find its way back to the top 20.Russian cities have seen general improvements in their performance,with Moscow moving upward by one position

111、 to the 2nd place,Saint Petersburg and Khabarovsk coming back to the top 20 list and Vladivostok entering the list for the first time.系进一步巩固。政策沟通排名前 20 位城市主要分布在中蒙俄经济走廊、中国-中南半岛经济走廊和中巴经济走廊沿线国家的城市,是政策沟通领域最为紧密的合作区域。作为“一带一路”倡议发起国的首都,北京今年仍高居政策沟通榜单的首位。region.Most of the top 20 cities on policy coordination

112、 are distributed along the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor(CMREC),the China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor(CICPEC)and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC),which represent the regions with the closest cooperation on policy coordination.As the capital of the initiator of the Belt

113、and Road Initiative,Beijing remains at the top of the list for its potential in policy coordination.设施联通潜力:铁路与港口设施短期扰动,总体格局稳定POTENTIAL FOR FACILITY CONNECTIVITY:GENERAL STABILITY MAINTAINS DESPITE OF SHORT-TERM DISRUPTIONS IN RAILWAY AND PORT FACILITIES尽管铁路与港口运输遭遇短期扰动,得益于强大的港口联通能力以及国际货运班列持续投入等因素,深圳、

114、青岛、香港稳步发展,持续占据设施联通维度的前 3 位。以中欧班列等为代表的跨境铁路仍是促进“一带一路”城市联结的重要通道。地缘冲突使得中欧班列部分线路被迫改道,运输效率和能力受到一定影响,但预期逐步趋向稳定。此外,西部陆海新通道、中老铁路等通道价值显现,为跨境铁路服务提供更丰富的可能性。2022 年,经满洲里、霍尔果斯等铁路口岸进出境中欧班列稳步提升,带来哈尔滨、乌鲁木齐等主要枢纽排名上升。中国港口经营恢复,海外运营港口不断拓展。招商局港口、上海国际港务集团等港口运营商积极推进东南亚、南亚、欧美等地区的商业投资,扩大港口投资建设布局,助力沿线港口城市提升国际影响力。深圳、香港、上海、宁波在港口

115、联通方面维持领先,其中,上海、宁波等城市港口的船舶到港航次、载重和箱量均名列前茅。In spite of the short-term disruptions in railway and port transportation,Shenzhen,Qingdao and Hong Kong continue to top the list for facility connectivity with stable development,thanks to their strong port connectivity and continuous investment in internati

116、onal freight trains.As represented by the China Railway Express(CRE)between China and Europe,cross-border railways continue to serve as an important channel to connect cities along the Belt and Road Initiative.Due to geopolitical conflicts,the China Railway Express had to change some of its routes,w

117、hich to a certain extent undermined the transportation efficiency and capacity.But it is expected to gradually stabilize.In addition,the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in western China and the China-Laos Railway are demonstrating their value in delivering greater possibilities for cross-b

118、order railway services.The steady increase in freight trains of the China Railway Express through Manzhouli,Horgos and other railway ports leads to improved rankings for major hubs like Harbin and Urumqi in 2022.Chinese ports have recovered their operations,along with further expansion in overseas p

119、ort operations.Port operators such as China Merchants Port and Shanghai International Port Group have taken an active approach to their commercial investment in Southeast Asia,South Asia,Europe and the US,with efforts to extend port investment and construction towards greater international influence

120、 for ports along the Belt and Road Initiative.Shenzhen,Hong Kong,Shanghai and Ningbo all maintain their leading positions on port connectivity,with Shanghai and Ningbo topping the list of port cities on number of port calls,cargo tonnage and container volume.中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡


122、TIESPOTENTIAL FOR FINANCIAL INTEGRATION:GENERAL UPGRADE AMONG EUROPEAN CITIES AND OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE OF ASIAN FRONT RUNNERS得益于中国内地对外贸易的快速复苏,北京、上海保持在贸易畅通榜单的前 10 位,2021 年全年北京、上海地区进出口总值分别跨越 3 万亿元和 4 万亿元大关,对共建“一带一路”国家进出口快速增长。深圳、广州提升明显,分别进入前10 位以及前 20 位,粤港澳大湾区作为我国开放程度最高、经济活力最强的区域之一,对外贸易表现出了强劲活力。随着区域

123、全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)的签署和正式生效,亚太地区自由贸易发展步入新阶段,RCEP 成员国万象、吉隆坡、新加坡、首尔、雅加达进入今年贸易畅通榜单前 20 位。此外,中国也在积极拓展在南美地区的贸易市场,与南美等发展中国家城市的贸易增速较快,今年南美上榜贸易畅通前百强的城市排名整体提升,巴西等多个城市进入前百强。由于在海外移动支付和人民币跨境结算支付方面的突出表现,欧洲成为上榜资金融通百强城市数量增加最多的区域。并且俄罗斯多家银行加入人民币跨境支付系统(CIPS),拓展了跨境人民币业务在欧洲的市场,东欧地区成为今年资金融通百强城市上榜增速较快的地区,莫斯科首度进入了榜单前 20 名。东亚

124、地区虽然上榜资金融通百强的城市数量有所减少,但在前二十强中仍占较多席位,北京、香港和上海等头部城市表现突出。近年来,中国积Thanks to the rapid rebound of foreign trade in Chinese mainland,Beijing and Shanghai maintain their top 10 positions on unimpeded trade.Their total import and export value exceeded RMB 3 trillion and RMB 4 trillion respectively in 2021,wi

125、th rapid increase in both imports and exports with the Belt and Road countries.Shenzhen and Guangzhou both move upward substantially,leapfrogging into the top 10 list and top 20 list respectively.As one of the regions with the highest degree of openness and economic vitality,the Guangdong-Hong Kong-

126、Macao Greater Bay Area has shown strong momentum in foreign trade.The signing and entry into force of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)ushered in a new stage of free trade development in the Asia-Pacific region.RCEP parties such as Vientiane,Kuala Lumpur,Singapore,Seoul and Jakarta a

127、ll make to the top 20 list for unimpeded trade in 2022.Besides,China is also actively expanding its trade market in South America,resulting in fairly fast growth in trade with developing countries in the region.There is general improvements in the rankings of South American cities in the top 100 lis

128、t for unimpeded trade,with Brazil and many other cities entering the top 100.Due to their outstanding performance in overseas mobile payment and RMB cross-border settlement,Europe cities has witnessed the largest increase in numbers in the top 100 list for financial integration.With multiple Russian

129、 banks joining the RMB Cross-border Inter-bank Payment System(CIPS),the market for cross-border RMB settlement further expanded in Europe.Eastern Europe becomes a fast-growing region on the top 100 list for financial integration in 2022.Moscow also makes into the top 20 for the first time.Although t

130、he number of East Asian cities on the top 100 list has contracted,they have still taken up a large proportion of the top 20 list,with strong performance of front runners like Beijing,Hong Kong and Shanghai.China has taken proactive measures in recent years to 极推进 CIPS 的建设,将其打造成为服务人民币国际化的金融基础设施。这一系统的

131、直接参与者主要集中在以北京、上海和香港为主的东亚地区城市。同时,香港作为国际金融中心,也是全球最大的离岸人民币业务中心,为“一带一路”资金融通提供了强大的金融支持。promote CIPS,in an effort to build it into a financial infrastructure to facilitate internationalization of the RMB.The direct participants of the system are mostly concentrated in East Asia,such as Beijing,Shanghai an

132、d Hong Kong.In the meantime,Hong Kong also functions as an international financial center,as well as the worlds largest offshore center for RMB business,offering powerful support for financial integration of the Belt and Road Initiative.民心相通潜力:文化交流成为民心联系纽带,东亚东欧热度持续升高POTENTIAL FOR PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE BO

133、ND:CULTURAL EXCHANGES BECOME THE TIES FOR PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE BOND,AS EAST ASIAN AND EASTERN EUROPEAN CITIES STEP UP COOPERATION东亚、东欧文化圈的城市在文化交流中扮演了沟通桥梁和传播枢纽的作用,各有 3 个城市上榜前二十强,较 2021 年均增加 1 个。首尔、莫斯科、明斯克等城市是中国的传统友好城市,与中国存在紧密的城市网络、科教网络联系,而海外文化中心的设立以及持续的活动开展深化了城市间的文化网络联系,成为中外文化交流互鉴的重要桥梁,跻身全球前 20 位。此外,纽约、巴

134、黎、伦敦作为世界艺术文化中心,也展现出强大的文化影响力。疫情背景下,文化交往和互鉴成为“一带一路”民心相通的强力纽带,国内历史文化名城的文化展示和传播水平迈上新台阶,国际影响力快速提升,对“一带一路”沿线辐射作用明显。北京排在民心相通榜单第 2 位,上海、西安、天津、杭州等历史文化名城排名上升,这些城市通过不断推动文化创新发展,积极参与国际跨文化交流合作,引领“一带一路”多元文化相通共融。Cities within the East Asian and Eastern European cultural spheres are bridges and communication hubs in

135、 cultural exchanges,with three cities in each region making to the top 20 list,up by one compared with 2021.Cities like Seoul,Moscow and Minsk are traditional friendship cities of China,with closely-interconnected urban,scientific and education networks.The setup of overseas cultural center and thei

136、r ongoing activities further deepened the ties of intercity cultural networks.They have thus become important bridges for cultural exchanges and mutual learning,entering into the top 20 list for people-to-people bond.In addition,as international centers of art and culture,New York,Paris and London h

137、ave also demonstrated strong cultural influence.Given the context of the pandemic,cultural exchanges and mutual learning have become powerful ties for people-to-people bond along the Belt and Road Initiative.National historical and cultural cities of China managed to break new ground in showcasing a

138、nd disseminating their cultural legacies,leading to rapid increase in international influence and clear spillover effect along the Belt and Road Initiative.Beijing takes up the 2nd place on the list,along with improved rankings for other historical and cultural cities like Shanghai,Xian,Tianjin and

139、Hangzhou.With their ongoing efforts to push for development in cultural innovation and active participation in cross-cultural exchanges and cooperation,these cities are leading the course for intercultural communication and integration with great diversity under the Belt and Road Initiative.中国城市规划设计


141、心竞争力以及在多重危机下的强大韧性。然而,国际汇市震荡、供应链重组、城市人口产业风险等内外挑战持续存在。通过营造全球包容的城市环境,东京持续拓展国际市场以驱动本土发展,并在充满变数的世界环境中坚定遵循长期发展策略、谋划稳健的行动以应对已知和未知的挑战。全球城市活力:制造业加速“三网”协同发展东京汇聚了日本半数左右的国际顶尖企业,细分行业中电子、电器设备行业的公司数量最多。在过去的十余年间,东京制造业的企业研发经费投入一直维持日本领先的高位水平,东京-横滨城市群 PCT 专利申请量全球领先。多年来,东京In 2022,Tokyo tops the Global Dynamic Cities In

142、dex again as its triple networks have contributed to its high degree of competitiveness and incredible resilience to multiple crises.However,domestic and international challenges,including volatile currency market,restructuring of supply chains and risks in urban development continue to exist.Tokyo

143、has been working on building a more inclusive urban environment and expanding its global reach to drive domestic growth.In a world of uncertainties,its consistency in long-term development strategies and action plans enables it to counter existing and future challenges.Global Dynamic City:Manufactur

144、ing sector leads coordinated development of the Triple NetworkTokyo is home to more than half of Japans most recognizable international companies,most of which are manufacturers of electronics and household appliances.Its R&D investment in manufacturing has been leading the country for more than a d

145、ecade and the number of PCT filings of TokyoYokohama Cluster has been leading the world.今年,我们选取东京、深圳、伦敦、西安、河内作为样本,对这些城市在全球化以及“一带一路”中的参与表现进行深入观察。东京蝉联全球活力城市指数榜首,在全球城市的动荡中展现了较强韧性;深圳与伦敦分别代表创新与服务优势城市,在高度压力中积极探寻前行之道,并在“一带一路”倡议中也展现出优秀的合作潜力;西安是中国向西开放的重要门户枢纽,依靠区位优势与特色资源,为我国西部城市参与全球发展探索了新路径;河内秉持多边开放的政策,成为在全球贸

146、易体系重构过程中快速成长的城市范本之一。The report this year has covered a representative sample of global cities,including Tokyo,Shenzhen,London,Xian and Hanoi.They have been observed and analyzed in terms of engagement in globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative.Tokyo tops the ranking of Global Dynamic Cities I

147、ndex again,demonstrating remarkable resilience against all odds.Shenzhen and London,through exploring news way to forge ahead,have shown advantages in innovation and service respectively,and both of them have unleashed huge potential in their BRI endeavors.Xian has proved itself as an important gate

148、way in the western region of China to opening up;due to its geographical location and unique resources,it has become a pioneer in finding new paths for cities in the region to participate in globalization.Hanoi,through implementing multilateral trading policies,has set a good example for adapting to

149、 the restructuring of global trading system.的国内外联通设施网络为生产与服务网络提供支撑,在产业不断升级的过程中又推动了本土创新网络的活力发展“三网”的相辅相成助其连夺全球活力城市指数桂冠。“一带一路”潜力:官民协力加强多边合作,共同开拓多方市场东京政策、资金等维度网络发达。近年来,随着官方态度的逐渐缓和,东京企业与中方一同积极参与多边合作,共同拓宽“一带一路”沿线市场。东京海外企业的贸易协定利用率高,在 RCEP 生效后参与度更是急速攀升,未来东京港与上海、深圳、青岛等城市港口进出口联系将进一步紧密、货物交换体量将进一步加大。For years,t

150、he global facility connectivity of Tokyo enables its global production and service network to grow and upgrade,which in turn drives the development of its innovation network.The synergy of the triple networks is key to Tokyos first place in the ranking as the most dynamic global city.Belt and Road P

151、otential:Expanding markets through multilateral cooperation of the government and businessesTokyo has full-fledged networks in terms of trade policies and capital.Thanks to easing tensions between China and Japan,companies based in Tokyo have started to actively work with Chinese partners in multila

152、teral cooperation and expansion of markets along the Belt and Road Initiative.Tokyos companies have high FTA utilization rates,which have witnessed even stronger growth since RCEP entered into effect.Therefore,the connection between Tokyo and cities with major ports such Shanghai,Shenzhen and Qingda

153、o is expected to grow,which will give a boost to bilateral trade in goods.“一带一路”潜力城市指数第19名全球活力城市指数第1名要素集聚都心 前景存在变数全球创新网络物流依然强大 区域统筹奏效全球联通设施网络资源倾斜制造 行动提振金融全球生产与服务网络主动意愿加大 合作持续拓展航运外贸扩张 重点服务亚洲第三方市场合作加强 共建“一带一路”基建机构集聚东京 服务国际需求“友城”网络稳定 广泛开展合作政策沟通民心相通资金融通贸易畅通设施联通深圳:创新支撑嵌入全球城市网络SHENZHEN:INNOVATION-DRIVEN I

154、NTEGRATION INTO THE GLOBAL CITIES NETWORK深圳是我国对外开放和发展改革的试验田和排头兵、中国式现代化的样本,经济模式高度外向,作为依靠全球化成长起来的创新型城市,As the pioneer in Chinas reform and opening up,Shenzhen has been developing through a process of trial and error.And it has become a model city of Chinese-style modernization with a highly export-ori

155、ented economy.The city benefits from globalization in its innovation-driven 中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE2425“一带一路”潜力城市指数第12名全球活力城市指数第7名市场化特色突出 技术创新领先全球创新网络国际航线持续完善 货运业务

156、稳步发展全球联通设施网络创新驱动产业发展 科技引领服务能级提升全球生产与服务网络国际对接活跃 活动形式多元贸易合作支撑作用强化 物流枢纽服务水平提升紧密联系发达市场 创新提供强大动能外资引进成效突出 香港窗口作用稳固欧洲民心交往活跃 板块覆盖有待提升政策沟通民心相通资金融通贸易畅通设施联通在“技术脱钩”加速背景下肩负着创新突围的使命。此外,深圳紧密结合自身技术优势,在海外贸易、对外投资、对外基建等领域开展了大量实践,在“一带一路”倡议中发挥了独特作用。全球城市活力:市场化创新引领开放发展深圳创新的市场研发、转化、产业化动力充沛,驱动制造业高质量发展,成为支撑深圳压力中前行的重要力量。深圳技术创

157、新能力全球领先,PCT 专利申请总量仅次于东京,其中通信、人工智能、新能源汽车及新能源领域技术创新水平进入全球第一阵营。依赖本土创新型跨国企业的全球布局,深圳创新合作呈现外向且高度集中的特征,在新加坡、慕尼黑等城市形成“专利合作飞地”。但科技博弈与高成本“挤出”效应不断增大等内外挑战下,深圳近年独角兽产出较少、后继乏力,主导产业的产业链供应链稳定性、安全性亟待提升,多元活跃的城市创新生态面临难以为继的风险。growth,thus it is in the vanguard of tackling the challenges brought by accelerated technologic

158、al decoupling.Shenzhen has already made use of its technological advantages in a wide range of economic activities,including international trade,foreign investment and overseas infrastructure projects,demonstrating its unique role in the Belt and Road Initiative.Global Dynamic City:Market-oriented i

159、nnovation leading the wayWith increasing momentum in market research,product development,technology commercialization and industrial production,Shenzhen has seen high-quality growth of the manufacturing industry and maintained economic stability in spite of difficulties.It is one of the most innovat

160、ive cities in the world with PCT fillings second only to Tokyo.In particular,it is at the forefront of global innovation in telecommunication,artificial intelligence,new energy vehicles(NEVs),and renewable energy.By utilizing the global network of Shenzhen-based international companies,the city has

161、been making progress in international cooperation on innovation with carefully-chosen partnerships,such as the patent-related cooperation with Singapore and Munich.However,due to the high costs of tech rivalry as well as the increasing crowding out effect,few unicorns have emerged in the city in rec

162、ent years,leading to a lack of sustainable competitiveness.There is an urgent need to improve the stability and security of major industrial and supply chains.Otherwise,the future of the dynamic and pluralistic innovation system could be jeopardized.“一带一路”潜力:创新、产业、政策优势支撑打造重要节点深圳依托独特的创新、产业、政策等优势,在“一带

163、一路”中的参与表现逐步提升。设施联通方面,深圳以不断拓展的海外港口网络、持续增长的货运业务,在推进基础设施互联互通方面表现突出。贸易畅通方面,深圳关区 AEO 高级认证企业数量超300家,涵盖华为、比亚迪等深圳领军企业,这些企业为深圳对外贸易经济提供了强大动能。但受制于行政层级与资源本底,深圳在政策沟通、民心相通方面的发展相比仍有不足。Belt and Road Potential:Building up advantages through innovation,production and policy frameworkShenzhen has steadily improved per

164、formance under the Belt and Road Initiative thanks to its advantages in innovation capacity,industrial development and policy framework.In terms of facility connectivity,Shenzhen has been including more overseas ports in its network and increasing its freight services,thus it has earned a high ranki

165、ng in upgrading infrastructure.In terms of unimpeded trade,Shenzhen has more than 300 companies with Authorized Economic Operator(AOE)status,including local industrial leaders Huawei and BYD Company,providing powerful boost to its international trade.However,its administrative limits and resource co

166、nstraints have led to insufficiency in policy coordination and people-to-people exchange.伦敦:多重危机下的城市服务转型LONDON:TRANSFORMING SERVICES AMID MULTIPLE CRISES继英国脱欧、新冠疫情后,英国首都伦敦今年继续面临政府债务高企、能源短缺、通货膨胀、政治矛盾、汇率波动等因素导致的经济危机,是本年度深陷全球动荡漩涡的中心城市之一。然而,伦敦持续以开放、强大的市场再次建立良好的财富管理信誉,凭借全球领先的金融和专业服务能力维持了城市韧性。After Brexit

167、,London,as the capital of UK,continues to face a variety of challenges including government debt,energy shortage,inflation,political turmoil,currency fluctuations and other risks that are threatening its economic development in the post-pandemic world.It is one of the cities right at the center of g

168、lobal uncertainties.In spite of all odds,London has re-established its reputation in wealth management and demonstrated great resilience through maintaining its leading role in financial service and other services.“一带一路”潜力城市指数第7名全球活力城市指数第5名潜心术业专攻 高度关注回报全球创新网络国际联系增强 设施迭代更新全球联通设施网络服务出口强劲 产业绿色升级全球生产与服务

169、网络重要联通据点 世界活动舞台基建投资积极 服务能力全面欧洲总部集聚 离岸结算提升全球金融枢纽 服务多方市场国际文化中心 多元包容发展政策沟通民心相通资金融通贸易畅通设施联通中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE2627全球城市活力:绿色产业引领城市高位迭代升级作为新晋的欧洲可持续创新中心,伦敦是英国推行“绿色产业革

170、命”战略的“领头羊”。与“全能”的东京相比,伦敦更加专注于绿色产业链中的商业价值实现,三大维度中均有通过“净零”升级实现更高回报率的行动。例如,伦敦是 2017 年以来全球气候技术融资累计第二大“吸金”区域,仅次于美国旧金山湾区;2021年世界第一的“绿色金融中心”,通过可持续金融科技赋能行业发展。“一带一路”潜力:专业全能服务支撑国际合作服务出口强劲的伦敦一直是全球化经济的最大受益城市之一,完善的专业服务网络是支撑其国际多元市场的强大后盾,“一带一路”相关服务是其中的重要组成部分。例如,伦交所列有三分之一倡议成员的债券和 27 个成员国或地区半数以上的股票,亚洲基础设施投资覆盖大部分倡议成员

171、国或地区等。2021 年,伦敦持续成为全球最大的人民币外汇和离岸支付(除香港外)双中心,合作潜力持续提升。Global Dynamic City:Green industry is driving urban transformation in the new eraAs an emerging center of sustainability-driven innovation in Europe,London is leading UKs Green Industrial Revolution.While its rankings on each dimension are not as

172、high as Tokyo,it has a more pronounced commitment to commercialization of green industrial chains,securing higher return on investment on each dimension through implementing Net Zero Strategy.For example,since 2017,London has become the second largest center for financing climate-tech,following San

173、Francisco Bay Area;in 2021,the leading global center of green finance has continued to drive industrial development through sustainable finance.Belt and Road Potential:International cooperation underpinned by professional servicesRobust export of services has made London one of the biggest beneficia

174、ries of economic globalization.A fully-fledged service network is key to its diversified international marketing,with BRI-related services being part of it.For example,one third of the Belt and Road countries have bonds listed on London Stock Exchange and 27 members have witnessed more than half of

175、their companies listed on LSE.Its Asian infrastructure investment services cover most of the member countries or regions under the Belt and Road Initiative.In 2021,London remained the biggest RMB foreign exchange hub in the world and the second biggest offshore RMB payments center(second to Hong Kon

176、g),creating huge potential for further cooperation.西安:丝路经济带上的开放门户XIAN:THE SILK ROAD GATEWAY TO OPENING-UP西安是丝绸之路的东方起点和中华文明重要的发源地,“硬科技”发展基础坚实。立足区位、科技、产业、人文等综合比较优势,西安着力增强关键核心领域源头创新和自主创新能力,积极参与全球经贸、人文交流和国际合作,为我国西部地区城市扩大开放与转型发展探索了新模式、新路径。全球城市活力:“硬科技”引领经济发展西安在全球活力城市排名中位列国内第二梯队。不同于深圳市场导向的创新模式,西安创新主Xian us

177、ed to be an eastern gateway of the ancient silk routes and a cradle of Chinese civilization.The city has a solid foundation in developing key technologies.By harnessing its advantages in geographical location,high-tech industry and people-to-people change,Xian is committed to independent innovation

178、in core areas and has been increasingly active in global trade,cultural exchange and international cooperation,setting a brilliant example of further opening-up and industrial restructuring for other cities in the vast western region of China.Global Dynamic City:Key technologies are leading economic

179、 developmentIn the Global Dynamic Cities Index,Xian is a second-tier city in China.Different from the market-oriented innovation in Shenzhen,innovation of“一带一路”潜力城市指数第47名全球活力城市指数第63名科教资源汇聚富集 “硬科技”特色鲜明全球创新网络航线网络通达能力提升 国际货运“韧性”显现全球联通设施网络本土龙头引领转型 持续推进开放发展全球生产与服务网络区域对外政治交往中心 积极拓展沿线国际合作区位优势持续彰显 铁路服务能力领先通

180、道平台多元推进 自由贸易创新示范积极扩大金融开放 亚欧资金联系紧密彰显地域特色魅力 引领文化交流互鉴政策沟通民心相通资金融通贸易畅通设施联通要依靠当地科研院所和高校,聚焦新能源、新材料、高端装备、航空航天、核工业等国家战略科技领域,“硬科技”特色鲜明。依托创新优势领域与工业基地本底优势,西安在全球生产网络中取得较好表现。其通过积极引进电子信息、高端装备等先进制造业领域外资企业落户,推动本地能源行业龙头向新能源转型发展,不断筑牢生产优势基础。“国产替代”给西安带来新的机遇,但科学创新水平不高、国际科技合作联系不足等问题也给西安未来跨越发展带来新的挑战。“一带一路”潜力:商贸物流、人文交往优势彰显

181、西安把握“一带一路”建设机遇,在设施联通、民心相通领域表现突出。西安是联通欧亚、承东启西、连接南北的重要交通枢纽,依托中欧班列长安号的高质量稳定运行,西安的“一带一路”铁路服务水平位居全球前列,与上合组织成员国以及丝路沿线国家的投资和贸易往来稳步提升,枢纽功能与向西开放价值不断强化,成为带动西部地区参与“一带一路”的门户枢纽与服务中枢。Xian has been driven by local research institutes and higher educational institutions with a tech-intensive focus on new energy,new

182、 materials,high-end equipment,aerospace engineering,nuclear industry and other areas of national strategic importance.It has also delivered good performance in terms of its global production and service network by utilizing strength in innovation and experience as a long-time industrial base.In addi

183、tion,Xian has continuously reinforced its industrial advantages by inviting international manufacturers of electronics and high-end equipment to set up operations and encouraging local energy giants to transition into the new energy realm.However,despite the fact that Xian is benefiting from the imp

184、ort substitution industrialization(ISI),new challenges have emerged as it is still lagging behind in terms of high-quality innovation and international scientific cooperation.Belt and Road Potential:Outstanding performance in trade of goods and people-to-people exchangeXian has excelled in facility

185、connectivity and people-to-people exchange as it has fully utilized opportunities presented under the Belt and Road Initiative.It is an important transportation hub not only for China but also for Eurasia.Thanks to Changan China Railway Express,freight rail lines connecting China and Europe,Xian sec

186、ured a high position through railway services along the Belt and Road Initiative.Its bilateral trade and investment with SCO members and BRI members has witnessed steady growth,further enhancing its role as a transportation hub and a model of opening-up in the western part of China.It will continue

187、to 中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE2829“一带一路”潜力城市指数第61名全球活力城市指数第186名依托生产优势 擦出创新火花全球创新网络区域港群合作 总体能力提升全球联通设施网络产业地位上升 转型挑战重重全球生产与服务网络推动多边协议 生产服务世界中欧班列对接 跨境合作加大全球贸易”中介”近年实现顺差外商

188、联系甚高 融通潜力提升交流方式升级 丰富参与主体政策沟通民心相通资金融通贸易畅通设施联通此外,西安作为世界文化名城、古丝绸之路起点,依托丰富的中华文化资源,在“一带一路”民心相通领域的潜力不断提升,逐步发展成为对外交流交往的重要平台。lead the region in engaging in the Belt and Road Initiative and providing related services.In addition,as a world-renowned city for its culture and a starting point of the ancient sil

189、k routes,Xian has valuable cultural resources to contribute to people-to-people exchange and has become a new platform for international communication.河内:贸易体系重构过程的“中间人”HANOI:AN INTERMEDIARY IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE在国际供应链进一步切割和重构的进程中,河内依托国家全球贸易“中间人”策略,成为在全球制造变局中成长最快的世界城市之一。近年来,河内积极利用区位优势承接全球生产外溢需求,借助产业

190、发展乘势推动城市“三网”能级提升和区域转型升级。随着全球贸易壁垒不断增多,河内首都圈未来国际“中转”生产服务或将更具潜力。全球城市活力:产业发展优势与挑战并存近年来,以河内为中心的越北经济区成为了中美贸易战背景下的重要进出口“中介”之一,产业地位不断提升,城市集群化发展模式正在形成。With global supply chains being restructured and division of labor being reorganized,Hanoi has emerged as one of the fastest-growing cities in the worlds manu

191、facturing landscape by taking the role of an intermediary in international trade.In recent years,it has succeeded in taking on spillover demand from other parts of the world.It has resulted in improvements in its triple networks and reshaped its role in the region.As trade barriers continue to grow,

192、Hanoi Capital Region may become a vibrant transit center in global supply chains.Global Dynamic City:Industrial advantages coexisting with challengesIn recent years,the Northern Key Economic Region with Hanoi at its center has played an important intermediary role amid China-US trade disputes.As a r

193、esult,it has gained increasing strength in industrial development and has been showing positive results through 分析显示,多家国际知名企业在数轮区域供应链调整后仍然选择扩大河内及其周边地区的生产网络,这或许得益于河内至中国紧密的产业和物流联系。然而,全域产业“来料加工”特点明显、核心生产要素成本与供应稳定性已不具优势,对产业链把控能力的欠缺也将为其打造“世界工厂”之路增添一定阻碍。“一带一路”潜力:全球化多边体系的践行者越南自推行“革新开放”国策起,便不断加快签订全球多边贸易协议,目

194、前已与世界 200 余个市场建立了贸易关系,近十年来持续领跑全球自由贸易特定原产地证书签发数量榜首。今年8月,首列西安-河内国际货运班列开通实现了中欧班列与中越线路的无缝衔接,助力中欧班列服务拓展至更广泛的东盟市场,进一步推动区域城市参与“一带一路”合作。agglomeration.Many international companies continue to use their production networks in Hanoi and its neighboring regions after several rounds of regional supply chain rest

195、ructuring.This can be attributed to Hanois close ties with industrial production and logistics in China.However,its industrial development is mainly driven by processing materials from other countries and its advantages in key factors of production and stable supply are shrinking.The insufficiency i

196、n managing the whole industrial chains would become an obstacle on its path to a global manufacturing hub.Belt and Road Potential:Fully committed to a multilateral trading systemSince the launch of its Doi Moi economic reforms,Vietnam has witnessed fast growth in newly-signed multilateral trade agre

197、ements and has established trade ties with more than 200 countries and regions.And it has maintained the top position in terms of the number of FTA Certificates of Origin issued over the past decade.In August,the first Xian-Hanoi freight train went into operation,allowing for seamless connection bet

198、ween the rail routes between China-Europe and China-Vietnam.It will give a boost to the service of China Railway Express in ASEAN and better engage cities of ASEAN countries under the Belt and Road Initiative.本报告全球专利数据支持机构为智慧芽;The report is supported by the global patent database of Patsnap;本报告中所有图纸

199、,均基于审图号为 GS(2021)6375 号的高德地图制作,底图要素无修改;All the drawings in this report are prepared based on maps from under the figure number of GS(2021)6375,with no modifications to its base map elements.版权声明:本报告版权归中国城市规划设计研究院所有,如引用发布,需注明数据来源及引用出处。任何机构和个人不得以任何形式私自翻版、复制和发布。Copyright statement:China Academy of Urba

200、n Planning and Design.All rights reserved.If quoted in publications,the source of data and quotation should be indicated.No part of this publication may be reproduced,replicated or published in any form by any institution or individual.说明 Notes:1.2.3.中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报

201、告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE3031排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking1日本Japan东京Tokyo2中国China上海Shanghai3中国China北京Beijing4新加坡Singapore新加坡Singapore5英国U.K.伦敦London6美国USA纽约New York7中国China深圳Shenzhen8韩国Kor

202、ea首尔Seoul9美国USA旧金山San Francisco10中国香港 Hong Kong,China香港Hong Kong11美国USA洛杉矶Los Angeles12美国USA芝加哥Chicago 13中国China广州Guangzhou14阿联酋UAE迪拜Dubai15法国France巴黎Paris16荷兰The Netherlands阿姆斯特丹Amsterdam17美国USA亚特兰大Atlanta 18丹麦Denmark哥本哈根Copenhagen19美国USA华盛顿Washington20美国USA波士顿Boston 21德国Germany汉堡Hamburg22瑞典Sweden斯

203、德哥尔摩Stockholm23加拿大Canada多伦多Toronto24澳大利亚Australia悉尼Sydney 25中国China青岛Qingdao排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking26西班牙Spain马德里Madrid27印度India孟买Mumbai28美国USA西雅图Seattle 29韩国Korea釜山Busan30德国Germany法兰克福Frankfurt31德国Germany慕尼黑Munich 32中国台湾Taiwan,China台北Taipei33中国China杭州Hangzhou34澳大利亚Aus

204、tralia墨尔本Melbourne 35中国China天津Tianjin36中国China成都Chengdu37美国USA圣迭戈San Diego38巴西Brazil圣保罗So Paulo39奥地利Austria维也纳Vienna40中国China大连Dalian41德国Germany柏林Berlin42挪威Norway奥斯陆Oslo 43土耳其Turkey伊斯坦布尔Istanbul44日本Japan大阪Osaka45中国China武汉Wuhan46加拿大Canada温哥华Vancouver 47哥伦比亚Colombia波哥大Bogot48美国USA迈阿密Miami 49瑞士Switzerl

205、and苏黎世Zurich 50印度尼西亚Indonesia 雅加达Jakarta附录 1:2022 年全球活力城市指数排名APPENDIX 1:2022 RANKING OF GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIES INDEX排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking51荷兰The Netherlands鹿特丹Rotterdam 52比利时Belgium 布鲁塞尔Brussels 53俄罗斯Russia莫斯科Moscow54意大利Italy罗马Rome55中国China宁波Ningbo56美国USA丹佛Denver 57中

206、国China南京Nanjing58智利Chile 圣地亚哥Santiago 59波兰Poland华沙Warsaw 60捷克Czech 布拉格Prague 61印度India新德里New Delhi62爱尔兰Ireland都柏林Dublin 63中国China西安Xian64泰国Thailand 曼谷Bangkok65希腊Greece雅典Athens66中国China厦门Xiamen67芬兰Finland赫尔辛基Helsinki 68美国USA费城Philadelphia69意大利Italy米兰Milan70美国USA达拉斯Dallas71瑞士Switzerland日内瓦Geneva*72葡萄牙

207、Portugal里斯本Lisbon 73西班牙Spain巴塞罗那Barcelona74阿联酋UAE阿布扎比Abu Dhabi75匈牙利Hungary 布达佩斯Budapest注:*为 2022 年新增城市Note:Cities marked with*are new additions to the list in 2022排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking76美国USA奥斯汀Austin77马来西亚Malaysia吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur78阿根廷Argentina布宜诺斯艾利斯Buenos Aires79加拿

208、大Canada蒙特利尔Montreal 80墨西哥Mexico墨西哥城Mexico City81卢森堡Luxembourg卢森堡Luxembourg82沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia利雅得Riyadh83巴西Brazil里约热内卢Rio de Janeiro84拉脱维亚Latvia里加Riga85立陶宛Lithuania维尔纽斯Vilnius86加拿大Canada卡尔加里Calgary 87英国U.K.爱丁堡Edinburgh88中国China重庆Chongqing89美国USA底特律Detroit90斯洛伐克Slovakia布拉迪斯拉发Bratislava91越南Vietnam 胡志明H

209、o Chi Minh92美国USA盐湖城Salt Lake City93南非South Africa约翰内斯堡Johannesburg94爱沙尼亚Estonia塔林Tallinn95肯尼亚Kenya内罗毕Nairobi96俄罗斯Russia圣彼得堡Saint Petersburg97美国USA菲尼克斯Phoenix98科威特Kuwait科威特Kuwait99德国Germany斯图加特Stuttgart100以色列Israel特拉维夫Tel Aviv中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院3233动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGN

210、MENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking1中国China北京Beijing2俄罗斯Russia莫斯科Moscow3中国香港 Hong Kong,China香港Hong Kong4中国China上海Shanghai5韩国Korea首尔Seoul6新加坡Singapore新加坡Singapore7英国U.K.伦敦London8法国France巴黎Par

211、is9俄罗斯Russia圣彼得堡Saint Petersburg10波兰Poland华沙Warsaw 11白俄罗斯Belarus明斯克Minsk12中国China深圳Shenzhen13韩国Korea釜山Busan14俄罗斯Russia符拉迪沃斯托克Vladivostok15马来西亚Malaysia吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur16俄罗斯Russia哈巴罗夫斯克Khabarovsk17老挝Laos 万象Vientiane18美国USA纽约New York19日本Japan东京Tokyo20德国Germany柏林Berlin21泰国Thailand 曼谷Bangkok22印度尼西亚Indones

212、ia 雅加达Jakarta23匈牙利Hungary 布达佩斯Budapest24柬埔寨Cambodia金边Phnom Penh25澳大利亚Australia悉尼Sydney 排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking26蒙古Mongolia乌兰巴托Ulan Bator27意大利Italy罗马Rome28俄罗斯Russia叶卡捷琳堡Yekaterinburg29缅甸Myanmar仰光Yangon30德国Germany汉堡Hamburg31新西兰New Zealand奥克兰Auckland32哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan阿斯塔纳

213、 Astana33塞尔维亚Serbia 贝尔格莱德Belgrade 34巴基斯坦Pakistan卡拉奇Karachi 35澳大利亚Australia布里斯班Brisbane 36俄罗斯Russia喀山Kazan 37哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan阿拉木图Almaty38意大利Italy米兰Milan39卢森堡Luxembourg卢森堡Luxembourg40中国China武汉Wuhan41爱尔兰Ireland都柏林Dublin 42俄罗斯Russia赤塔Chita43澳大利亚Australia墨尔本Melbourne 44澳大利亚Australia珀斯Perth45斯里兰卡Sri Lanka科

214、伦坡Colombo46阿联酋UAE阿布扎比Abu Dhabi47中国China西安Xian48俄罗斯Russia伊尔库茨克Irkutsk49俄罗斯Russia布拉戈维申斯克Blagoveshchensk50新西兰New Zealand惠灵顿Wellington附录 2:2022 年“一带一路”潜力城市指数排名APPENDIX 2:2022 RANKING OF INDEX FOR BELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIES排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking51阿联酋UAE迪拜Dubai52韩国Kore

215、a光州Gwangju53中国China天津Tianjin54菲律宾The Philippines马尼拉Manila55比利时Belgium 布鲁塞尔Brussels 56澳大利亚Australia堪培拉Canberra57奥地利Austria维也纳Vienna58德国Germany法兰克福Frankfurt59韩国Korea大田Daejeon60中国China南京Nanjing61越南Vietnam 河内Hanoi 62巴基斯坦Pakistan伊斯兰堡Islamabad63法国France里昂Lyon64俄罗斯Russia托木斯克Tomsk65中国China广州Guangzhou66英国U.K

216、.曼彻斯特Manchester67西班牙Spain马德里Madrid68英国U.K.爱丁堡Edinburgh69越南Vietnam 胡志明Ho Chi Minh70日本Japan大阪Osaka71丹麦Denmark哥本哈根Copenhagen72俄罗斯Russia伏尔加格勒Volgograd73俄罗斯Russia新西伯利亚Novosibirsk74俄罗斯Russia克拉斯诺亚尔斯克Krasnoyarsk 75瑞典Sweden斯德哥尔摩Stockholm排名Ranking国家/地区Country/Region城市City排名变化Change in Ranking76俄罗斯Russia乌苏里斯克U

217、ssuriysk77捷克Czech 布拉格Prague 78德国Germany杜塞尔多夫Dusseldorf*79中国China青岛Qingdao80俄罗斯Russia下诺夫哥罗德Nizhny Novgorod81波兰Poland罗兹Lodz82俄罗斯Russia比罗比詹Birobidzhan83土耳其Turkey伊斯坦布尔Istanbul84芬兰Finland赫尔辛基Helsinki 85韩国Korea济州Jeju86希腊Greece雅典Athens87中国China杭州Hangzhou88美国USA洛杉矶Los Angeles89德国Germany慕尼黑Munich 90泰国Thailan

218、d 清迈Chiang Mai 91美国USA旧金山San Francisco92加拿大Canada温哥华Vancouver 93葡萄牙Portugal里斯本Lisbon 94法国France马赛Marseille95瑞士Switzerland苏黎世Zurich 96韩国Korea大邱Daegu97中国China重庆Chongqing98意大利Italy佛罗伦萨Florence99哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan十月城Kandyagash100罗马尼亚Romania布加勒斯特Bucharest注:*为 2022 年新增城市Note:Cities marked with*are new additi

219、ons to the list in 2022中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院3435动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市 2022 年度报告分析了全球 516 个城市区域城市美洲埃德蒙顿、安娜堡、奥克兰(美国)、奥斯汀、巴尔的摩、巴兰基亚、巴拿马、巴西利亚、贝伦、贝洛奥里藏特、波哥大、波士顿、波特兰、布里奇顿、布宜诺








227、onCityAmericaEdmonton,Ann Arbor,Oakland(USA),Austin,Baltimore,Barranquilla,Panama,Brasilia,Belm,Belo Horizonte,Bogot,Boston,Portland,Bridgetown,Buenos Aires,Dallas,Denver,Detroit,Tijuana,Toronto,Phoenix,Philadelphia,Fortaleza,Guayaquil,Halifax,Havana,Washington,Quito,Caracas,Kingston,San Francisco,C

228、algary,Kansas City,Campinas,Cochabamba,Cleveland,Quebec,La Paz,Las Vegas,Recife,Rio de Janeiro,Lima,Raleigh,Rosario,Roseau,Los Angeles,Managua,Miami,Medelln,Mrida,Montevideo,Monterrey,Montreal,Memphis,Minneapolis,Mexico City,Nassau,New York,Paramaribo,Pittsburgh,Georgetown,Saipan,San Antonio,So Paul

229、o,Santiago(Cuba),San Diego(USA),Santiago(Chile),Santo Domingo,San Jos(Costa Rica),San Jose(USA),Santa Cruz,St.Louis,St.George,San Salvador,St.John,Port-au-Prince,Honolulu,Tampa,Guatemala,Vancouver,Ottawa,Port of Spain,Seattle,Cincinnati,Houston,Asuncin,Atlanta,Salt Lake City,Indianapolis,Porto Alegr


231、divostok,Copenhagen,Gothenburg,Glasgow,Khabarovsk,Kharkiv,Heidelberg,The Hague,Hamburg,Helsinki,Warsaw,Kyiv,Chisinau,Cambridge,Kazan,Cartagena,Kazincbarcika,Coventry,Cologne,Krasnoyarsk,Reykjavik,Lyon,Riga,Lisbon,Liverpool,Leeds,Ljubljana,Luxembourg,Rotterdam,London,Rome,Lodz,Madrid,Marseille,Manche

232、ster,Mannheim,Milan,Minsk,Moscow,Munich,Naples,Nice,Oxford,Newcastle,Nuremberg,Papeete,Geneva,Zagreb,Sarajevo,Saint Petersburg,Saint Denis,Saint Helier,Saint Pierre,Stockholm,Skopje,Stuttgart,Zurich,Sofia,Tallinn,Tomsk,Valletta,Valencia,Willemstad,Vilnius,Vienna,Ussuriysk,Nizhny Novgorod,Sheffield,L

233、ouvain-la-Neuve,Novosibirsk,Athens,Yekaterinburg,Yelabuga,IrkutskAsiaAbu Dhabi,Almaty,Altai,Ashgabat,Yerevan,Ahmedabad,Ankara,Ankang,Amman,Osh,Macao,Batam,Baghdad,Baku,Vadodara,Basra,Baishan,Baise,Bangalore,Baotou,Baoji,Beihai,Beijing,Beirut,Bishkek,Penang,Bortala,Chengdu,Chongzuo,Chonburi,Dhaka,Dam


235、ad(India),Haifa,Haiphong,Haikou,Hambantota,Hangzhou,Hefei,Hanoi,Heihe,Yokohama,Honghe,Hohhot,Hulunbuir,Ho Chi Minh,Huizhou,Jixi,Jeddah,Chattogram,Kuala Lumpur,Jinan,Jeju,Kathmandu,Kolkata,Kalimantan,Jiamusi,Jiayuguan,Jiangmen,Kyaukpyu,Phnom Penh,Jinhua,Chennai,Jinzhou,Shizuoka,Kabul,Kashgar,Karachi,

236、Karawang,Colombo,Kuwait,Kizilsu Kyrgyz,Quetta,Kunming,Lahore,Ramallah,Lhasa,Rashakai,Lanzhou,Lo Cai,Lijiang,Riyadh,Lianyungang,Lincang,Liuzhou,Rayong,Mal,Malacca,Manila,Muscat,Mecca,Manama,Mandalay,Bangkok,Mng Ci,Mumbai,Medan,Nagoya,Morowali,Mudanjiang,Multan,Muse,Nanchang,Nanjing,Nanning,Nanta,Nant

237、ong,Naypyidaw,Nicosia,Ningbo,Astana,Pyongyang,Phuket,Chiba,Qinzhou,Qinhuangdao,Chiang Mai,Quanzhou,Incheon,Rizhao,Sanaa,Xiamen,Shantou,Shanghai,Shenzhen,Shenyang,Kandyagash,Shijiazhuang,Seoul,Bandar Seri Begawan,Siping,Surabaya,Sukkur,Suzhou,Tacheng,Tashkent,Taipei,Taiyuan,Tangshan,Tel Aviv,Tianjin,

238、Tonghua,Dong Dang,Turkmenabat,Bandung,Vientiane,Weihai,Wenzhou,Ulan Bator,Ulanqab,Urumqi,Wuxi,Wuhan,Wuwei,Bekasi,Xian,Sihanoukville,Xining,Xishuangbanna,Xilingol,Sendai,Siem Reap,Da Nang,Hong Kong,New Delhi,Xinfu,Singapore,Xingan,Xuzhou,Nha Trang,Jakarta,Aden,Yantai,Yanbian,Yangzhou,Yangon,Jerusalem

239、,Ili,Iskra,Islamabad,Istanbul,Izmir,Yinchuan,Yingkou,Sapporo,Zhanjiang,Changchun,Changsha,Zhengzhou,Chongqing,Zhuhai,TsukubaOceaniaAdelaide,Alofi,Apia,Avarua,Auckland(New Zealand),Brisbane,Darwin,Wellington,Honiara,Canberra,Port Moresby,Melbourne,Nukualofa,Palikir,Perth,Suva,Tarawa,Port Vila,SydneyA

240、fricaAbidjan,Abuja,Adama,Algiers,Accra,Asmara,Bamako,Bangui,Banjul,Pretoria,Bissau,Porto-Novo,Brazzaville,Bujumbura,Dakar,Dar es Salaam,Tangier,Durban,Tripoli(Libya),Douala,Dukem,Dodoma,NDjamena,Freetown,Gaborone,Harare,Pointe-Noire,Kigali,Djibouti,Kinshasa,Khartoum,Casablanca,Cairo,Cape Town,Kampal

241、a,Conakry,Cotonou,Rabat,Lagos,Lekki,Libreville,Lilongwe,Lusaka,Port Louis,Luanda,Lom,Malabo,Maputo,Maseru,Monrovia,Mogadishu,Moroni,Mbabane,Nairobi,Niamey,Nouakchott,Praia,Chambishi,So Tom,Port Sudan,Suez,Antananarivo,Tunis,Ouagadougou,Victoria,Windhoek,Yaound,Addis Ababa,Alexandria,Johannesburg,Jub

242、aA total of 516 cities worldwide are analyzed in the 2022 Annual Report of Global Cities in the Vision of the Belt and Road Initiative 附录 3:城市列表APPENDIX 3:LIST OF CITIES中国城市规划设计研究院中国城市规划设计研究院3637动荡与重构:2022 年“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市报告 TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT:THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ON GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE



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