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1、Building the insight-driven airportHow insight-driven decision making is transforming aviation ForewordAirports are not immune to these demands and in fact,the airport is where the rubber hits the road with the airport experience playing a defining role in the overall trip.A seamless flow through th

2、e airport isnt necessarily top of mind for travelers,but they expect it to be there consistently.Travelers expect minimal queues,self-service options at check-in,no last-minute gate changes,access to retail and restaurants appropriate to their trip,personalized offers,tailored service and smooth re-

3、accommodation should disruption occur.Data can help airports and their airline partners better understand the operating environment to unlock greater efficiency and deliver on these needs.However,the world of data like the world of travel is an ever-changing landscape.But the accuracy of the data,th

4、e speed with which it can be assembled,aggregated and analyzed,the way in which is it displayed,and how different data feeds from siloed functions work together,have always been a challenge for airports.These challenges reflect the fragmented nature of the airport technology landscape,where an airpo

5、rt might have different providers for different processes,using different standards.Simply collecting the data from each silo can be a challenge.But connecting the different data silos in a way that allows data-driven decisions to be taken,based on a holistic and all-encompassing data view,has prove

6、d particularly difficult for airports.Until now.Welcome to Amadeus Airport Insights.Todays travelers continue to evolve their tastes and preferences,developing new needs and demands as a result of their growing digital awareness.Travelers have an expectation of personalized services and interactions

7、 delivered seamlessly and consistently to the device of their choice,in the manner of their choosing.2Our Airport Insights solution sits on top of our existing product portfolio,specifically Amadeus Flow for passenger servicing and our Airport Operational Database,to aggregate,analyze and display th

8、e data from passenger flows touchpoints into dashboards that offer a single view into an airports operations.Imagine knowing the volume of passengers that have checked-in at specific times,how many go to the lounge,restaurant or duty-free shop,where these groups of people spent most time during the

9、end-to-end passenger flow,and how much airport infrastructure theyve used during the process.Such aggregate views of passenger behavior can be extremely valuable.These dashboards provide powerful insights that airports can use to inform planning,to feed operational decision-making and to optimize ev

10、ery aspect of the passenger experience.From accurately predicting passenger demand on a given day,by drawing on data from urban transport systems,to predicting baggage misconnections before they happen.Airport Insights delivers the data foundation airports need to unlock the potential of Artificial

11、Intelligence(AI)across their operations.Amadeus is uniquely placed to help the industry become insight driven.We power passenger service points end-to-end with access to complete and timely data.Our platform approach means we can join data from different stakeholders across the industry for a more c

12、omplete and more actionable view.And we are a leader in cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence for the travel industry,a position we are building on further through our strategic partnership with Microsoft.Its time for airports to set their business apart by harnessing data and insights to prov

13、ide a better experience for travelers and optimized operations.This in turn can support a more effective commercial relationship between the airport and its airlines,its landside and airline retail providers and its extended supply chain.So,how can airports and their partners benefit from an insight

14、s-driven approach?The examples below highlight some potential use cases for Airport Insights and are based on successful trials and initial proofs of concept with our airport customers.3For airports seeking to become insights-driven,the ability to collect and act upon timely and accurate data from a

15、cross their own infrastructure can be transformational.While airports can amass data from various sources today to undertake simple demand forecasts,most airports arent able to collect the data generated by their own operations.If they can,its typically only one element of that infrastructure,for ex

16、ample check-in kiosks.This means airports are missing the complete end-to-end view of their operations,which is a barrier that prevents continual optimization and insight-driven collaboration across airport stakeholders.Amadeus Airport Insights has been designed to overcome this challenge.For airpor

17、ts that operate with Amadeus Flow,our end-to-end solution for passenger services,its straightforward to collect high quality data from check-in,bag drop units,and boarding gates.Thats because Amadeus Flow is designed to be pre-integrated and runs from the cloud,meaning data is standardized and ready

18、 for analysis.Similarly,Airport Insights collects high-quality data from our operational product portfolio too,including the Airport Operational Database.This negates the costly and complex data integration and standardization that has held back airports previous attempts to make better use of their

19、 data.Aggregating the information generated across all passenger service points,from check-in to boarding,and airports management systems,provides a complete data set supporting a single view of airport operations.End-to-end visibility to optimize every aspect of airport operations4This means Airpor

20、t Insights can help airports and their stakeholders to understand:-When passengers enter the terminal-Where they go within the terminal e.g.lounge,duty free or a restaurant-How long they spend at each service point (dwell time)-How much infrastructure is being used to meet passenger demand-If proble

21、ms are being experienced at specific service points like check-in or bag drop-Where baggage handling problems occur or are likely to occur-An accurate view on shared resource usage by each airlineWith this single view of passenger operations airports and their stakeholders can take data-informed dec

22、isions.5Perhaps we expect very high demand by 14:00-16:00,so more staff,check-in kiosks and automated bag drop units should be made available.Conversely,if demand is expected to be much lower between 17:00-19:00 the airport could power down these service points to minimize power consumption and lowe

23、r the airports carbon footprint.But how do you know if the data is providing an important insight?Airport Insights can alert the airport,its broader stakeholders and also be consumed by external systems.For example,if the weather APIs linked to Airport Insights predict a snowstorm,then alerts can be

24、 sent to the airport operations manager informing them of the likely impact the storm will have on operational key performance indicators for the following day of operations.In this case,predictions of the likely impact on runway capacity and demand for deicing equipment would feature.These pro-acti

25、ve alerts and predictive insights help airports to manage resources ahead of time to minimize disruption.Insights-driven resource allocation that better matches demand Airports,airlines and ground handlers have faced a period of rapidly fluctuating demand as the industry continues its recovery.Fluct

26、uations in demand make it more important than ever to take insights-based decisions to allocate resources based on accurate demand forecasts.Airport Insights achieves this by generating accurate forecasts based on boarding pass scans accumulated over time.Machine learning is then used to analyze the

27、 specific behavior of each flight to understand the number of passengers likely to show-up and how many are likely to rely on airport services,like on-site check-in.Demand forecasts can be further enhanced by integrating APIs from urban transport providers like Transport for London.For example,this

28、can factor in the number of tickets purchased for the Heathrow Express train or the number of tube tickets purchased for each airport terminal,providing a highly accurate view of demand on a per hour basis.These forecasts can then be cross-referenced with an airports operational plans to generate mo

29、re accurate and efficient resource allocation.This can be achieved using reports generated by Airport Insights,or through integration with an airports resource planning tool to achieve further automation.6Predictive optimization of the passenger flow How passengers behave as they pass through the ai

30、rport from check-in to bag drop to pre-security,the lounge and boarding is a gold mine of valuable insight that can help an airport to continually refine and improve the passenger experience.As passengers authenticate at each of these touchpoints with boarding passes,we know (in an aggregated and an

31、onymized manner)how long they spend at each stage,and this can help to inform real-time decision-making.For example,if passengers are spending longer than average at a particular kiosk,then an alert can trigger a maintenance inspection.Or if passengers from a specific region appear to be struggling

32、with self-service check-in or bag drop,then perhaps the language options at those devices can be improved.With Airport Insights the passenger flow can be managed pro-actively,based on predictive analytics.Using machine learning,airports can be alerted to the likelihood of a self-service machine fail

33、ing before it happens,allowing predictive maintenance to occur.Similarly,if the system identifies unexpectedly large numbers of passengers heading to the terminal on public transport it can issue an alert recommending additional resources be made available.Predictive optimization of baggage handling

34、During 2021,the number of mishandled bags increased by 21%,representing more than four in every 1,000 bags.Yet there is significant data available about the performance of baggage handling across an airlines route network.By applying AI alongside the Airport Insights data foundation,airlines can ide

35、ntify the baggage routes where problems occur and identify the root cause.Once problems are identified through data analysis greater focus can be applied in the right places to reduce mishandling.Taking the use of data one step further,its also now becoming possible to predict baggage delays and mis

36、connections before they happen.Amadeus is already working on a project to provide airlines with a complete view of mishandling across their network with AI used to provide predictions about expected rates of mishandling per route.This insight is used by airlines to make route planning decisions and

37、to understand the impact of those decisions on mishandling rates and associated costs.Gaining a single data view of baggage operations means airlines and ground handlers can understand the Minimum Connection time(MCT)for baggage on a given route or for a given station.This insight can then be factor

38、ed into schedule and passenger re-accommodation calculations that take place during disruption.If its apparent that a passengers bag cant make a specific connection in time,then perhaps they should be reaccommodated on a slightly later flight.7New aeronautical revenue opportunitiesToday,most airport

39、s still bill airlines based on forecasts of passenger numbers or self-reported information from airlines.With Airport Insights this estimation is replaced by an accurate understanding of how many passengers actually used the shared airport resources like check-in counters,kiosks and bag drop units.T

40、his allows the airport to prevent revenue leakage whilst ensuring billing for each airline is fair and accurate,based on the number of passengers that were actually served.Similarly,when an airport understands the number of passengers it serves and their ultimate destinations,it opens new options to

41、 collaborate with airline partners.Airports can use this insight to make a data-informed case that airlines might choose to open new routes,maximizing aeronautical revenues.Non aeronautical revenue opportunitiesOne of the historic challenges airports face is a limited understanding of the passengers

42、 that flow through the airport.Passengers hold the relationship with their airline and passenger data is held in airline systems,which arent typically made available to airports.But this situation is gradually improving as aggregate(non-personal)passenger data can be shared,upon airline agreement.Fo

43、r example,demographic data like age,nationality,and gender,as well as travel-specific information like time spent in destination are now being shared as airlines and airports collaborate more closely.At Amadeus we have built a data mesh using modern technology specifically to this purpose.This type

44、of passenger demographic data can be used by airport commercial teams to promote retail products through digital signage,targeted based on the age and nationality of passengers.Merchandising teams can adjust displays in the retail stores based on the likelihood of different passenger groups to purch

45、ase specific types of goods.For example,certain flights might serve a group of passengers thats more like to choose luxury goods.Airport Insights is also able to provide a complete end-to-end view of where passengers spend time at the airport.At one airport in the Middle East,they used this approach

46、 to better understand how passengers used the lounge.They discovered that high-value passengers tended to spend virtually all their time in the luxury lounges,which meant they werent visiting the retail outlets.The airport decided to introduce luxury retailing within the lounge using personal shoppe

47、rs,digital signage and shopping to be purchased via an app,helping to boost non-aeronautical revenue.Similarly,as passengers move through airport service points like check-in and bag drop,Amadeus has unique insight to enable more customized offers to be presented.For example,if we expect lengthy que

48、ues at security then the passenger could be offered security fast-track.8More sustainable operationsWith Airport Insights its possible to reduce the carbon impact of an airports operations by gaining a faster and more accurate understanding of whats happening.For example,an integrated data platform

49、can combine with the Internet of Things(IoT)to improve the utilization of ground assets,improving turnaround times in the process.With a single data view,airports can use KPIs to assess average aircraft taxi times due to A-CDM procedures,fine tuning these operations over time to reduce unnecessary f

50、uel burn.Additionally,better understanding the post-departure sequence means aircraft can be allocated more efficient routes,further reducing fuel burn on the runway.Providing better predictions about the number of bags that are likely on a given flight also helps to conserve fuel.Load controllers a

51、re able to request the correct amount of fuel without the need to adjust the fuel load at the last minute.9Disruption scenarios further highlight the need for closer collaboration between airports and airlines.Today,when disruption occurs,airline systems work to rebuild flight schedules and to optim

52、ally reaccommodate passengers based on the airlines priorities.Whilst there is great value in this responsive optimization it currently happens in isolation from the airport.Yet any effective response to disruption means the airport must also factor in the new schedules of each airline to plan how t

53、o allocate landing and take-off slots as well as resources like stands and gates.Responding to disruption requires continual information exchange and negotiation between an airport and its airlines to achieve the best possible outcome.Today this process of aligning the airports plans and resources t

54、o new airline schedules is largely manual.Airport operational control centers and the airline service managers that staff them are in email and phone communication with airlines in order to negotiate the allocation of resources and to create a revised plan.This slows the response and misses the oppo

55、rtunity to harness AI to recommend optimal solutions to complex disruption scenarios.Amadeus is in the process of transforming this area of the industry with a common data foundation.We already provide airline disruption management systems to rebuild schedules and recommend passenger re-accommodatio

56、n options.Work is ongoing to build deep links to our airport solutions,including our Airport Operational Database(AODB)and A-CDM Tools like Pre-Departure Sequence Manager,and the optimizers that intelligently allocate slots,A platform approach to better manage and continually learn from disruption10

57、stands and gates.Our vision sees airline and airport optimizers talking with one another,so they can negotiate the best possible response to disruption in near real time,based on the complete picture.These decisions,negotiated by people today,are incredibly complex.The impact on passengers,regulator

58、y requirements(is a flight carrying medical equipment?If so,it must be prioritized),airline service level agreements and airport revenue implications all factor when calculating how best to reallocate resources during disruption.Thats one reason why any future looking system to collaboratively manag

59、e disruption needs to be able to learn and improve.This is where Airport Insights comes in.Airport Insights is able to collect data from these decision-making systems to enable operational analysis,prediction and support recovery planning of an airports performance during disruption.Not only does th

60、is mean an airport can learn how the choices and prioritizations made during prior disruptions performed,but also begin to predict and mitigate future disruption.Airport Insights can consume external weather data to understand when a snowstorm is approaching and combine it with its knowledge of past

61、 scenarios.This capability means disruption can be handled predictively,allowing the airport to pre-warn a specific airline that they are only likely to have half the usual number of slots,up to 48 hours in advance.It is this advanced notice that matters.Passengers can be alerted before they travel

62、to airport,with options to rebook.Rather than a ground handler being notified three hours before snow falls,they can be ready with additional de-icing trucks well in advance to ensure the best possible response.11Our vision for insight driven airportsTo achieve these benefits the industry requires a

63、n accurate,complete and timely data foundation that can power advanced data optimization.At Amadeus,our pre-integrated portfolio of airport and airline solutions as well as relevant eco system data is specifically designed to generate this valuable data asset,making it available as rich reports to i

64、mprove human decision making or as integrations with operational systems to improve the quality of automated decisions.Our Airport Insights solution offers a simple,quick and cost-effective way to become insight-driven by harnessing the data generated across an airports infrastructure.Further value

65、can be achieved by enriching this asset with additional data from partners like airlines and third party data sources,providing the perfect foundation for applying AI.Indeed,at Amadeus we are in the process of re-engineering our systems at the company level so we can deliver platform based technolog

66、ies.This means we will soon be able to offer a set of APIs that allow our airport customers,their stakeholders and third-party companies to build applications on top this platform accessing information,insight and logic from Amadeus to do so.Those companies can also contribute data back into the pla

67、tform too.We believe this will be a game changer for the aviation industry-providing the flexibility the industry needs to innovate more quickly with a platform that makes information sharing easier.We believe airports and airlines are on the verge of insight-driven transformation that can significa

68、ntly improve the quality of forecasting,resource allocation,operational performance and disruption management.In each area,the industry is approaching the era of proactive,predictive management where AI and machine learning can unlock significant new value.12Contact us to learn about:Traveler Insigh

69、ts Performance Insights Market InsightsBaggage InsightsAirport operations planning InsightsLearn more at: us: Follow on LinkedIn:Amadeus Airport SolutionsWhy Amadeus Airport Insights?-A single accurate,compete and timely data source covering an airports entire end-to-end operational process-Open tec

70、hnology that allows for API links to external data sources like weather or urban transport information-A collaborative platform approach that allows data to be more easily shared between airport and airline partners-Deep integration that allows airport and airline optimizers to talk with one another

71、 to better manage complex disruption scenarios-Predictive analytics capabilities that help airports prevent problems before they occur-The ability to apply Artificial Intelligence to continually learn from past scenarios to improve future operations13Learn more at: us: Follow on LinkedIn:Amadeus Airport Solutions



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