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1、Snacking with SubstanceFunctional and Healthier Nibbles for the HolidaysWalking down a snack aisle can be overwhelming,with ever-changing and expanding options.There are new snack bars,innovative sweets,new chip formatsall sorts of new ways to ingest your health benefi ts.While snacking used to be s

2、een as an optional,even decadent,treat between meals,todays health-forward snacks are more integrated into even well-established diets.As we have seen in functional beverages,consumers have rising expectations about their snacks.The question is,which ingredients and benefi ts are most important?Are

3、they functional,emotional,or both?In this report,we look at emerging snacking conversations on social media,along with our latest consumer survey data,to identify some of the growing snacking trends and consumer expectations as they approach the snacking occasion.Functional Snacks:How to win friends

4、 and infl uence snacking consumerAt Evergi,we use social listening to learn about emerging trends just beginning to rise in popularity.In snacking conversations over the last six months,we see an increase in talk about health trend-forward or alternative snack formats,like chip alternatives(lentil c

5、hips,or chickpea puffs,beyond your traditional potato or corn),or energy/granola bites(balls are the new bars).And plant-based snacks have been a huge talking point lately!Mushroom jerky,anyone?Conversely,talk about traditional snacks like chips(corn,potato)and protein bars have been in steady decli

6、ne for the past six months.With these innovative recreations of traditional favorites rising in the chatter,we can expect to see more expansion of these functional alternatives in market.Snack Trends start and grow on social media Healthier snackers typically likely fall into two main personas:Welln

7、ess Seekers and Trendy Enthusiasts.Trendy Enthusiasts are the people at the cutting edge of health and wellness trends who are the fi rst to try new products and diets they hope will better their minds,bodies,and spirits.Wellness Seekers are fast-followers who pay attention to wellness trends but ar

8、ent on the bleeding edge.They know whats capturing the attention of more tuned-in Trendy Enthusiasts so theyre poised to jump on the trend when at the right time.Theres a third persona,our Better-Way Believers,who are also ripe targets for healthier snacks.This group strives to better their bodies a

9、nd the planet.Theyre open to trying new things out once they have been proven to be effective.While open to and interested in new snacks,they are not as invested or trendy as our top two personas.But what is underneath these changing choices?Healthy Snacker Personas*Healthy snackers include those wh

10、o have purchased snacks healthier snacks in the past 3 monthsThe snack types trending on social media also happen to over-index among our more health-conscious consumer personas,the Trendy Enthusiasts and Wellness Seekers.Our consumer data suggests these consumers want snacks that deliver more than

11、just great taste and convenience.As functional foods continue to become the norm,and as infl ation-struck consumers seek to stretch their dollars further,theyll come to expect more from their snacks.We see in our social listening data that traditional snacks like regular potato chips and packaged co

12、okies under-index among these consumers,suggesting their preference for more health-forward versions.The snacks preferred among this group offer a range of healthy ingredients and a range of positive benefi ts,with label claims like protein or energy-boosting caffeine.While they place importance on

13、more whole body health claims like Sleep Aiding,Stress Reducing and Energy Boosting,they are just as focused on maintaining some basic nutritional guardrails in their snacks,seeking label claim reassurance of low sugar/sodium/fat/carb.What are health-focused snackers looking for?*Health-conscious sn

14、ackers include those from our Trendy Enthusiasts and Wellness Seeker personas who have purchased snacks in the past 3 monthsLooking at growing need states and important health claims for these snackers,we see that they view health and wellness holistically(mental,emotional,and physical),with an outs

15、ized focus on reducing stress,getting enough sleep,and boosting energy.To complement these fi ndings,we see growth in social conversations around Functional Health(+43%over last 6 months)as well as Digestive Health,Energy,and Heart Health.This stands as evidence that consumers want as much bang for

16、their buck as possible from their snacks.That said,snacking brands should never lose focus on great taste,or they risk losing repeat purchase!The expectation that brands show a commitment to Sustainability also continues to grow (+26%last 6 months)through environmental and social claims like Locally

17、 Grown,Sustainably Farmed and Supporting Local Businesses.This refl ects the near-universal desire,especially among younger consumers,to feel good about their brand choices.While neither a new trend nor the top purchase driver,these factors have become table stakes.Brands should prioritize and tout

18、their environmental practices to ensure consumers feel good about their choices,inside and out.Conversations also refl ect growing consumer savviness around functional ingredients,featuring both traditional like calcium or honey,and increasingly,less established ingredients like magnesium,collagen,a

19、nd chia seeds.These new players have growing mainstream appeal.These ingredients hold a high or growing share-of-voice.Ultimately,the ingredients people talk about most tend to be familiar and accessible,but emerging stand outs are always on the horizon.Social chatter and consumer insights on health

20、 needs,claims&ingredients refl ect consumer demand for power-packed,multi-benefi t snacks.Functional snacks are expanding in both familiar and newer fl avors.Were seeing more examples of alternative grains or bases(like cassava,mushrooms,or kelp seen here),often paired with health claims like Immuni

21、ty or Brain Health.New twists on salty,crunchysnacks,with added popSweet snacks to satisfy cravings while feeding the body For the sweet tooth snacker,there is no shortage of options out there.Between fruit snacks combined with new grains and seeds,and“healthy”dark chocolate,snack companies are fi n

22、ding more ways to incorporate functional ingredients into their healthier treatsWith the sea of available snack options and pricing pressures,competition for snacking dollars is at a fever pitch.Insight into what consumers want now,and clues to what they might want in the future,is vital to getting

23、products into carts and winning repeat purchasers.As snacking needs vary widely,with different choices made by the day,usage occasion and mood of the eater,it will continue to be quite a balancing act for product developers to deliver on the wide range of benefi ts and claims consumers have come to

24、expect if they want to enter and remain in the snacking rotation.As with any food product,and even more so with Snacks,ensuring great taste should be the paramount priority.As accessible and cost-effective as many more indulgent snacks are(think about all the chips at every convenience store),consum

25、ers still want to enjoy the same delightful experience and satisfaction when choosing healthier options.With new snack forms and ingredients regularly breaking onto the scene,focusing on a single hero ingredient,sustainability attribute,or functional benefi t may not be enough to satisfy consumers.I

26、n the case of healthy snacking,more is more!Most interestingly,perhaps,our insights refl ect that consumers think beyond the functional when it comes to snacking.In addition to demanding snacks that are convenient,environmentally friendly,and great tasting,consumers are seeking deeper emotional sati

27、sfaction from snacks-to create balance,lift their mood,or facilitate relaxation.At the end of the day,we all want snacks that make us happy!Key Takeaways:Snacks must be multidimensional to satisfy!Brightfi eld Group is the leading research fi rm for emerging categories including CBD,cannabis,and wellness.By integrating multi-source data with AI and research expertise into our cross-comparable data lake,we uncover robust insights as new markets develop.Since 2015,we have helped Marketing,Innovation,and Insights leaders drive customer-centric strategies on their next big idea.Learn more at



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