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2、OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20222SECTION 03How to Get Started Building a Learning Taxonomy Benchmark AssessmentsCustomer Story:FerreroSECTION 01The State of Skilling Hybrid Work in 2023Building an Inclusive Work Environment2022 IT Skills and Salary Report 2022 Learning Consumptio

3、nCodecademy Learner Spotlights Customer Story:Boston Beer CompanySECTION 04The Future of Learning 2023 Digital Learning PredictionsSECTION 02What Makes a Strong Social Compact Leading and Growing Through Change The Importance of Leadership Skills within IT Forging New Pathways for WomenLeading with

4、Emotional IntelligenceCorporate Social Responsibility at Work Customer Story:CVS Health03045859234363840424649515255Additional ResourcesAbout SkillsoftWelcomeExecutive Summary Table of Contents01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF L

5、EARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20223Weve been on a remarkable learning journey.COVID-19 thrust the world into crisis;hybrid work disrupted culture,process,and labor markets;skills gaps and the great resignation forced business leaders to reassess how they build,nurture,and retain their

6、workforce.All of this disruption has given birth to a“skilling revolution.”Throughout this transformative time,we have worked closely with our customers to help them leap into action,empowering their employees through learning,and ensuring they have the skills to succeed in a new world.And,as 2022 u

7、nfolded,a common question arose:How can organizations build learning programs that show clear ROI not only to support employee growth,but to drive enterprise-wide transformation?Weve discovered that while those giant leaps into learning can be the springboard for change,its the“steady leans”that cre

8、ate sustainable gains:the day-to-day commitment to people and purpose,especially in times of crisis.When you offer your employees purpose-driven learning,you invite them to make that commitment,too leading to increased loyalty,improved employee retention,and incredible ROI along with the skills and

9、competencies that ensure a future-fit workforce.When they do well,you do well.The world stands at a critical crossroads with public health emergencies,climate concerns,economic and social disparity,and rapid technological change creating unprecedented and simultaneous disruptions.Todays employees,pa

10、rtners,and customers are asking organizations to support the greater good.And,business leaders are answering the call.At Skillsoft,we believe that learning transforms lives.But,it also transforms organizations.The businesses that will thrive tomorrow are those that embrace the new social compact of

11、today:one where employers,their people,and their communities are leaning into learning and growing together.JEFFREY R.TARRCEO,SkillsoftWelcome01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20224They say that

12、“Adversity is the greatest teacher.”If thats true,weve all acquired quite the education over the past three years.Just consider what weve been through.A pandemic.Economic uncertainty.Calls for diversity,equity,and inclusion.And despite the current economic uncertainty,it is undeniable that the tradi

13、tional balance between employee and employer has shifted.The effects of such disruptive,seismic events are still being felt today and will continue to be felt for many years to come.In Spring of 2020,the phrase“new normal”became ubiquitous.But,chances are youve experienced and adapted to several new

14、 normals already.Now its time to focus on not just whats new,but whats next.A YEAR OF REFLECTION AND RECKONINGSociety may be better equipped to manage the next wave of COVID-19,but its clear that we wont return to the organizational norms of 2019.“Business as usual”has evolved.Remote and hybrid work

15、 models are here to stay.Employers face ongoing staffing challenges from“The Great Resignation”and“Quiet Quitting.”And,skills gaps remain a challenge,affecting everything from product development and operations to customer satisfaction and succeeding in ever more competitive markets.One major develo

16、pment that may present a challenge now,but great opportunity for the future,is a distinct shift in the traditional balance between employee and employer.WHAT EMPLOYEES WANTTodays employees arent just looking for money from their next opportunity.Now,they take into consideration the companys vision,m

17、ission,goals,and social responsibility as they look for employers whose values align with their own.Perhaps most important,employees want to work for organizations that commit to and provide growth opportunities and learning and development that lead to more enriching and rewarding careers.Executive

18、 SummaryWHAT EMPLOYERS NEEDTodays employers are under intense pressure to stay abreast of and ahead of digital transformation.This means constantly assessing and upgrading skills to stay competitive.The challenge is exacerbated by current employment trends.In what remains a tight labor market,findin

19、g,hiring,and then retaining a skilled workforce is more difficult,time-intensive,and expensive than ever.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20225THE NEW SOCIAL COMPACT BUILT ON GROWTHThe social c

20、ompact between employer and employee has evolved.Businesses today must propel their people and organizations to grow together.Continual learning and skilling programs are critical.And,its just as important that the right kind of training is offered in the right way.By investing in the growth of thei

21、r people,employers ensure they have what they need,which is a sustainable workforce,one that performs and adapts as the organization does resulting in business growth.However,both parties have to hold up their end of the bargain.When they do,there are mutually beneficial outcomes.And,making the most

22、 of those opportunities is something employees must deliver back to employers.A strategy built on a culture of learning provides obvious return on investment to the business:Closing skills gaps for today Investing in a sustainable workforce for tomorrow Building in-demand tech skills Reaching the ne

23、xt level with power skillsCLOSING SKILLS GAPSAccording to the latest Fortune 500 CEO survey,leaders have identified the talent shortage,what countless headlines term“skills gaps,”as the number one threat to their business.There are three reasons:ForewordEVERY COMPANY IS A TECHNOLOGY COMPANY.Around t

24、he globe,virtually every industry is still experiencing accelerated digital transformation.New skills are constantly required for immediate use and to fuel initiatives planned for the next few years.WORKFORCE DEMOGRAPHICS ARE CHANGING.Forrester Research reports a massive demographic shift.There are

25、simply fewer professionals entering the workforce than there are leaving it.This has forced a change in the way many companies handle talent.THE LIFECYCLE OF SKILLS HAS SHORTENED.Specific skills emerge and become obsolete more rapidly than ever before.This means that roles and job descriptions chang

26、e constantly.Filling them is a never-ending issue.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20226INVESTING IN A SUSTAINABLE WORKFORCEBy 2030,there will be a global human talent shortage of more than 85

27、million people.According to Accenture,failing to meet the skills demand could put$11.5 trillion in potential GDP growth at risk over the next decade.However,with the threat of a talent shortage,many organizations overinvested in hiring,and those that did so now have to make difficult decisions.Hirin

28、g for new skills while laying off workers is not a sustainable solution.Its increasingly difficult to recruit talent for the most in-demand skills.Plus,the hiring cost can be exorbitant:50-200%of an annual salary.And in a period of economic headwinds,more will be expected from the existing workforce

29、,as they take on tasks and responsibilities of open roles whose backfill has been deferred.A theme impacting all sectors of the global economy.Bottom line?Buying skills is no longer the solution.Today,organizations must build and bridge instead.This approach drives positive outcomes for both employe

30、r and employee.In order to achieve true enterprise transformation,employers need to be focused on investing in their employees to reduce retention,enhance employee satisfaction,and develop the talent needed to fill any skills gaps.Sustainable talent development must be a strategic imperative.What do

31、 we mean by“sustainable?”Having the right people with the right skills to handle both current and future workload.The key to being ready for opportunities,challenges,and future disruptions is building,nurturing,and leveraging a sustainable workforce.BUILDING IN-DEMAND TECHNOLOGY SKILLSIn this years

32、Lean into Learning Report,youll find learning usage data that demonstrates increasing demand for certain skills,such as Application Security Awareness;Cloud Security;Secure Application Architecture;API Security;and Automated Software Testing.Compared to usage data from last year,were seeing a decrea

33、se in Agile Development,which may indicate that organizations have already implemented Agile and are already reaping the benefits.Theres also an increase in Cloud Fundamentals.This reinforces data from our IT Skills and Salary Report;Cloud is the highest paid IT function for 2022.Hard tech skills an

34、d certifications are crucial as they enable IT professionals and the companies they work for to remain competitive in dynamic market conditions.Without continued tech-based learning,organizations will:ForewordFail to keep current on technology,decreasing productivity and output Have difficulty retai

35、ning current employees Struggle to achieve their business imperative in an uncertain economic climate01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20227REACHING THE NEXT LEVEL WITH POWER SKILLSRegardless of

36、 role,learners have an insatiable appetite for power skills,such as leadership,collaboration,project and team management,adaptability,and effective and empathetic communication.In this years report,we found an increase in courses like Communicating with Confidence;Become a Great Listener;and Trust B

37、uilding through Effective Communication.Compared to last year,there was a decrease in other topics,such as Interacting with Customers and Customer Service Skills indicating,perhaps,that these timely skills are reaching levels of competence.LEVERAGING THE POWER OF DIVERSITYDiversity,equity,and inclus

38、ion(DEI)is much more than a“nice to have.”Forward-thinking organizations recognize it as a significant contributor to competitive advantage.Diversity leads to innovation,and innovation leads to growth.Consequently,organizations need to recruit,build,and develop stronger teams through diversity wheth

39、er thats professionals who are women;from Black,indigenous,and people of color(BIPOC)communities;LGBTQIA+;people of different abilities;or any other previously marginalized groups.To empower employees and drive success,organizational leaders are building,advancing,and sustaining cultures that promot

40、e employee respect,diversity,and equity.A robust DEI learning program designed for learners and leaders alike is a foundational first step toward establishing and nurturing a culture that accepts and welcomes each individuals unique and valuable contribution.ForewordWorkplace Diversity,Equity,and In


42、ERIENCESMost organizational decision-makers will assert that training is important.However,all training is not created equal.Its crucial that the right kind of training is offered in the right way.To ascertain what training is needed,organizations must:Inventory current skills.To date,there is littl

43、e standardization where skills are concerned.At Skillsoft,we collaborate with forward-thinking institutions,such as the World Economic Forum,on the idea that there needs to be a universally understood skills taxonomy,a common language that can be used across industries and around the world.Determine

44、 and create appropiate learning paths.Organizations can fill the gap between skills they have and skills they need by building and bridging internally,creating learning paths that connect the current workforce to future skills.Measure success.Organizations and individuals can track progress with uni

45、versally recognized and portable credentials,like third-party or vendor-authorized Certifications or Digital Badges.Understanding which skills are needed is important,but only the first step.How training and learning are delivered can make all the difference.Employees must have access to learning ex

46、periences via a flexible platform so they can learn when,where,and how it makes sense for them.Training must be customized,reaching learners where they are today,and directing them to where they want to be tomorrow.The most effective learning experiences are:ForewordAnd finally,organizations need to

47、 invest as much energy in communicating learning opportunities as they do in building the learning programs themselves.Employees must see a clear path for growth and development,or they may look elsewhere.Through a commitment to a targeted,meaningful,and powerful culture of learning,leaders can effe

48、ct lasting change.An investment in an organizations people is an investment in that organizations future.ABSORBINGCompelling content commands attention and piques curiosity that sinks in.CONNECTEDLessons and technology that let learners interact with peers is proven effective.TRUSTEDVetted,rated ins

49、tructors help inspire learners to perform at their highest potential.EXPONENTIALLearning that begets learning continually generates returns on time and investment.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPO

50、RT 20229THE STATE OF SKILLINGSection I01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202210Hybrid Work in 2023What People Leaders Need to Pay Attention to When Managing Hybrid TeamsWithout question,the work

51、environment became more challenging in 2022.Hybrid work the orchestration of work between in-office and work-from-home environments has become both a powerful enabler and a critical challenge for people and their leaders.At the same time,enterprises are trying to get their people to return to the of

52、fice.Enterprise leaders realize that something is missing or not working in the hybrid work world especially for employees who recently joined the enterprise1.This segment takes a look at what will change in hybrid work in 2023 and what leaders can do to succeed in the new environment.WHAT WILL CHAN

53、GE FOR HYBRID WORK IN 2023?The following are a few key trends that will start to emerge and evolve in 2023 and beyond:BY HOLGER MUELLER,VP&PRINCIPAL ANALYST,CONSTELLATION RESEARCHCONSTELLATION RESEARCH1 Salesforce CEO Mark Benioff discussed the productivity of new hires in the work-from-home era.Jor

54、dan Novet,“Marc Benioff tells Salesforce workers that new employees are facing lower productivity,”CNBC,December 16,2022.https:/ Hybrid work will become the norm.In 2023 even the last remaining believers that the“old times”are coming back will realize that the traditional office work culture is not

55、going to return.Hybrid work will establish itself as the norm.The trend to watch will be whether industries that require onsite workforce presence(e.g.,healthcare,and manufacturing)relax in-office requirements for people who can adopt a hybrid approach.Talent scarcity and candidate demands will forc

56、e these industries to adapt.Leaders will improve;some will master the new work environment.Great leaders excel by leading their teams to successful operation,attaining and surpassing objectives.A lot can go wrong,and challenges may require leaders to change the way they manage.Better leaders will cr

57、eate new best practices to help their teams succeed,foster a sense of purpose for team members,and create a sense of belonging ultimately fostering a higher level of resilience.Enterprises need to augment the office experience.Undoubtedly,some in-person experiences still will have to happen.But beca

58、use it is no longer a given that everybody is in the office Monday through Friday,the office needs to provide a better employee experience.Better meeting facilities,more humane offices,easier nomad working options,child and elder care,open offices,better food and catering options,an experience-drive

59、n approach to in-office meetings,and more will be key for a better office experience in 2023.Leadership best practices go vertical.The prevalence in some industries versus the absence of hybrid work in others will create different best practices for leaders.And,the gap between leaders in hybrid indu

60、stries and leaders in in-person industries will widen.Enterprises will start requiring leaders they hire to have two to three years experience in successfully managing hybrid working teams.Overall,this is good news,because leadership research and best practices have stayed horizontal for way too lon

61、g in a world that has become increasingly vertical.People management remains in the experimental phase.Leadership and people management in the hybrid environment will continue in 2023 and hit overdrive without clear guidance and standards.Enterprises need to foster experimentation for the sake of be

62、tter best-practices evolution and must allow leaders to fail,recover,learn,and experiment until new best practices crystallize.New people management software will emerge.Enterprise software automates best practices,and as best practices crystallize in 2023,new people management software will emerge.

63、Innovation will come from startups but also from traditional productivity system vendors that want to stay relevant.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202211Hybrid Work in 2023WHAT WILL PEOPLE LE

64、ADERS HAVE TO DO IN 2023?Here are some key strategies people leaders should consider in 2023:Forget MBWA it is now all MBTA.Remember how“managing by walking around”once was revolutionizing leadership?Now the revolution is“managing by traveling around.”Successful leaders will see employees and spend

65、time with them in their homes or other out-of-office work locations.Your open door is nice;your open calendar is what matters.Much like MBWA,the open-door policy was a change for office culture and enabled employees to see their leaders.In a hybrid work environment,doors are irrelevant but availabil

66、ity of leaders via calendar and point-of-presence(POP)systems such as chat is what matters.Make“no team member left behind”your new mantra.It is critical for leaders to support and embrace their whole team,not leaving people behind or excluding them,regardless of their work location.Leverage the new

67、 global talent pool.The talent war is real,but with hybrid work practices,the talent pool has opened up to encompass an entire time zone,if not adjacent time zones,and,in some cases,has even gone global.Thanks to hybrid work,leaders have larger talent pools than ever to tap into for hiring and augme

68、nting talent.Promote remote people.In the past,remote workers often were left out when it came to promotions and career progression.Hybrid work has effectively democratized the promotion pool:Because everybody is working hybrid,remote workers are no longer subject to stigma(and the risk of being ove

69、rlooked).Flexibility wins;foster and use it.People want more flexibility.Smart leaders will tap into that desire,foster it,and use it to their teams advantage.Embracing flexibility for their team not as a nuisance but as a differentiator will be key for leaders.MyPOV Hybrid work management done righ

70、t will not only foster but will also propel what matters to enterprises:Enterprise Acceleration2,the higher agility and acceleration of all enterprise processes,applied to the enterprises value chain and value creation.A more flexible workforce will be more productive,more successful,and more motiva

71、ted and will show more resilience than ever.It is time for leaders to create environments that will unleash these key qualities for their teams.2023 is a great time to start.2 Mueller uses the term Enterprise Acceleration to refer to the need for enterprises to move faster and become more agile.For

72、more,see:Holger Mueller,“Why the C-Suite Must Embrace Enterprise Acceleration,”May 2,2019.https:/ INTO LEARNING REPORT 20221101THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202212Building an Inclusive Work En

73、vironmentEvery individual brings unique strengths and talents to the workplace.To empower employees and drive success for organizations,leaders are building,advancing,and sustaining cultures that promote employee respect,diversity,and equity.And,learning plays a pivotal role in this.ENCOURAGING INCL

74、USIVITYDiversity,equity,and inclusion(DEI)is and continues to be a trending topic within organizations.But,not everyone understands or is comfortable with the nuances of this timely and emotionally charged subject.There are a lot of questions and learners,leaders,and organizations actively looked fo

75、r answers,particularly in the areas of communication and unconscious bias.TOP DEI COURSES 2021 TOP DEI COURSES 2022#1Understanding Unconscious Bias#1Workplace Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion in Action#2Overcoming your Own Unconscious Bias#2Becoming a DEI Ally and Agent for Change#3How Culture Impacts

76、 Communication#3Understanding Unconscious Bias#4Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress#4Moving from Bias to Inclusion in a DEI Journey#5Your Role in Workplace Diversity#5Adopting an Inclusion Mindset at Work#6Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace#6How Culture Impacts Communication#7Expert

77、Insights on Unconscious Bias#7Using Communication Strategies to Bridge Cultural Divides#8Using Communication Essentials#8Overcoming Your Own Unconscious Biases#9Expert Insight on Communication Essentials#9Your Role in Workplace Diversity#10Bridging the Diversity Gap#10Expert Insights on Communicatio

78、n Essentials DEI often brings up more questions than answers.Whats expected of me?What can I do?What are you doing for me?How can I feel valued?How do I make you feel valued?01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LE

79、ARNING REPORT 202213Building an Inclusive Work EnvironmentINVITING WOMEN TO THE TABLE The top courses on women and leadership in 2022 remain fairly consistent with those taken in 2021.The truly exciting story is the number of people investing their time in these courses.In 2021,nearly 1.7 million le

80、arners were curious to know how women could be valued more in the corporate world.In 2022 that figure rose 12%.Its not a huge jump,but its a start.Theres still so much to do as women continue to recover from the Pink Pandemic of COVID-19.In a survey conducted by the Center for American Progress,20%o

81、f stay-at-home mothers would enter the workforce if they had better access to quality child care.And,another 42%would pursue a higher-paying job,and 29%would seek additional schooling or training for career advancement.According to Teach for America,more than four million child care slots could be l

82、ost due to COVID-19.And,most of these losses will affect low-income families and people of color.However,gender equality continues to make small strides.And,thats good news since women who work for companies that focus on gender equality experience a higher percentage of productivity,mental well-bei

83、ng,job satisfaction,inclusive behavior,and loyalty to their employers.It stands to reason that this creates a win-win for both employer and employee.TOP WOMENS COURSES 2021 TOP WOMENS COURSES 2022#1Women in Leadership:Moving Beyond Gender Roles as a Leader#1Women in Leadership:Moving Beyond Gender R

84、oles as a Leader#2Women in Leadership:Building your Infrastructure for Leadership#2Leadership Insights on Developing Women Leaders#3Women in Leadership:Mastering Key Leadership Competencies#3Women in Leadership:Building your Infrastructure for Leadership#4Leadership Insights on Developing Women Lead

85、ers#4Expert Insights on Women in Leadership#5Expert Insights on Women in Leadership#5Women in Leadership:Mastering Key Leadership Competencies#6Developing Women Leaders#6Womens Career Development Amidst the Pink Pandemic 01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED

86、04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202214Building an Inclusive Work EnvironmentWHY ACHIEVING MEANINGFUL DIVERSITY MATTERS DEI in the workplace is critical to making employees feel involved,included,and engaged so they can be their whole,authentic selves both in and outside

87、of the office.It means recognizing,accepting,and appreciating individuals for their unique perspectives,and the ways they can enhance the employee experience.By building skills through DEI programming,organizations can cultivate a culture centered around the needs of their employees.In turn,those em

88、ployees can learn,inspire,and do their best work,which directly translates to an organizations success.With diverse companies outperforming their less diverse peers,the business case for DEI is stronger than ever.According to McKinsey&Company,organizations in the top quartile for ethnic/cultural div

89、ersity among executives were 36%more likely to achieve above-average profitability.A CULTURE OF INCLUSION WHAT DOES IT MEAN?Building a culture of inclusion means establishing an environment where everybodys voice matters.It means listening when someone has something to say,regardless of who they are

90、,where they come from,or what their role is.Its welcoming new thoughts and ideas with an open mind,creating a space where the most high-profile people and the most underrepresented voices are heard equally.Inclusion makes diversity and equity work.We asked Christopher Whalen,Skillsofts Culture and I

91、nclusion Specialist,for his advice on creating an inclusive environment.“When were talking about building a culture of diversity,equity,and inclusion,its a pyramid.At the bottom level is organizational awareness what is bias?How does bias impact the way that I show up at work?What is allyship?How ca

92、n I be more inclusive in my language?The goal is to get people thinking about their own behavior and help them identify the next step on their own journey.Level two is inclusive leadership.Leaders need active listening skills and emotional/cultural intelligence to build and maintain trust,and to cre

93、ate a psychologically safe environment for their teams.This helps them to recgonise,empower,and remove barriers to growth.That all leads to a courage culture a culture that embraces active allyship,where feedback and new ideas flow freely and are embraced by leaders.Thats the pinnacle.But,you need t

94、he two foundational elements before you can really have a courage culture.Which is what we are all striving for.Inclusion works best when its a bottom-up initiative.Let your people lead the way.”ORGANIZATIONAL AWARENESS COURAGE CULTURE INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIPLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20221401THE STATE

95、OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202215Skillsofts 2022 IT Skills and Salary ReportSkillsoft published the 17th edition of the IT Skills and Salary Report,illuminating the most in-demand skills;current sala

96、ries and compensation;training;leadership development and certifications;overall career satisfaction;and how the IT industry is handling todays most pressing disruptions.The IT Skills and Salary Report provides a global view with input from both IT staff and IT decision-makers throughout North Ameri

97、ca,Latin America,Europe/Middle East/Africa,and Asia-Pacific.Its a go-to resource for valuable data,worldwide trends,historical analysis,and educated projections to better prepare IT teams for whats ahead.Not surprisingly,data shows that this has been a year filled with change and uncertainty as the

98、vast majority of us went into recovery mode in a post-pandemic world.And,despite a pendulum swing towards layoffs,were still facing a global human talent shortage.While skills gaps are shrinking,recruiting and maintaining qualified employees especially those with tech skills are still top concerns.T

99、he IT world is ever evolving.No big surprise there.But,that means training needs to be at the forefront.IT cant just be a supporting role;its a critical and strategic component of any successful enterprise.As we stated in the IT Skills and Salary Report,“Innovation starts with transformation and cha

100、nge happens when diverse minds come together and shake things up.”Lets take a closer look at how the past year shook things up as the new normal became the everyday.IT is coming out of the backroom and emerging as a major player within organizations.And,hard technological skills are no longer the on

101、ly means to an end.IT professionals need to step out of their technology comfort zone and embrace power skills leadership,effective communication,teamwork,time management,motivation,and adaptability in order to prepare for and embrace the next big thing.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG S

102、OCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202216Skillsofts 2022 IT Skills&Salary ReportSALARIES Overall,most regions reported stable or slightly lower salaries across the board.Asia Pacific led the way on bonuses with 59%of respondents reporting ha

103、ving received one.North America continues to lead globally with a base salary of$108,165.As expected,IT staff and decision-makers earn more money as they accumulate more experience.Data suggests that through job performance and/or by learning new skills,employees are making a direct impact on salary

104、 increases.In most regions,raise percentages increased year-over-year with slight discrepancies between IT decision-makers and staff.CERTIFICATIONS IT professionals and their employers still see great value in certification.As we reported last year,91%of respondents hold at least one certification a

105、nd the average IT employee holds four.Forty-one percent of those were earned in the last six months,demonstrating a current and robust value perception around certifications.Interestingly,although North America leads with salaries,they fall to the lowest position when it comes to holding certificati

106、ons(although it should be noted that 87%still hold at least one).Ninety-six percent of Latin America IT professionals are certified.Enterprise Architecture certification nets the highest salary in North America($163,205),EMEA($94,586),and Asia-Pacific($92,016).In Latin America the highest netting ce

107、rtification goes to Dev Ops with an average salary of$90,053.The most popular non-cyber security certifications are Microsoft,Google Cloud,Amazon Web Services(AWS),Cisco and ITIL,and IT Service Management.The most popular security,governance,compliance and/or privacy related certifications are Micro

108、soft,ISACA,CompTIA,Cisco and(ISC)2.ASIA-PACIFIC$57,710$58,336$57,258 EMEA$67,711$64,097$73,207 NORTH AMERICA$108,165$94,302$127,676 LATIN AMERICA$48,771$40,886$59,538 OverallIT StaffIT Decision-makerREGIONAL SALARY BY LEVEL91+9+R91+9+R94+6+R87+13+R96+4+RCERTIFIED PROFESSIONALS BY REGION91%9%EMEA91%9


110、d concerns around retaining and attracting skilled and talented professional to fill key staff positions.Skills gaps remain a top concern for many,but the good news is that fewer reported current skills gaps in their organizations.More concerning is that a small percentage of decision-makers surveye

111、d were unsure of whether or not they had a skills gap.This uncertainty implies a significant lack of awareness around skills needed and may lead to big problems in the future.Increased stress,delays,talent acquisition costs,and operating costs,as well as decreases in productivity,customer satisfacti

112、on,and innovation are real byproducts of skills gaps.When it comes to budgets,decision-makers feel comfortable,with nearly 60%worldwide seeing an increase in their IT budget.And that means more money to invest in certifications.This is good news for the 55%of respondents who plan to train existing p

113、eople to combat skills gaps.Ninety-six percent of IT managers believe certified staff adds value to their organization.Cloud computing is the top certification priority for 41%of decision-makers;cybersecurity(ranked number one last year)falls to second place with 31%.AI/machine learning and infrastr

114、ucture/systems are also top priorities.The hardest positions to fill are cloud computing(30%),analytics/big data/data science(28%),and cybersecurity(25%).When it comes to vendors,decision-makers are investing in AWS(41%)and Google Cloud(33%).PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Perhaps one of the most important

115、 takeaways from the report is that IT professionals see real value in professional development and training.More than half of those surveyed have participated in certification-focused IT training in the last 12 months.Slightly less have gone through some type of skills-based training.Even more promi

116、sing is the fact that nearly a quarter of all respondents have received training in management competencies,reinforcing that the IT world recognizes and supports development of leadership skills.Globally,web-based,on-demand sessions are the preferred learning format.This became the number one choice

117、 by far(63%)in the post-pandemic world,with only 18%saying they prefer an in-person,instructor-led program.Fifty-four percent say they have taken advantage of subscription-based learning and value it for the quality of the content(46%),opportunities for hands-on practice(41%),updated content(33%),mu

118、ltiple learning methods(24%),and authorized content and year-long access to content(19%).Although the report demonstrates a high perceived value of training,there is still a disconnect when it comes to leadership training.While 90%offer compliance training for new technology,only 17%report active le

119、adership development programs.TYPES OF TRAINING OFFERED BY COMPANYFormal(instructor-led,structured)66%Informal(peer-to-peer,impromptu,unstructured)54%None14%FORMAL TRAINING OFFERED BY COMPANYOnline third-party training (e.g.,digital,on-demand,etc.)69%Live instructor-led training61%Internally-led IT

120、training (e.g.,training staff,supervisors)58%Employees attend conferences and events50%Other 1%Skillsofts 2022 IT Skills&Salary Report01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202218JOB SATISFACTION Sev

121、enty-three percent of respondents are satisfied with their chosen field and 37%say they feel extremely good about their job security.Across industries,employees are more likely to switch job roles than employers.While less than a quarter switched employers in the past year,more than half of our resp

122、ondents are planning to make a switch and the number one reason for doing so is compensation.This shows that employers need to invest in employees now,before their talent looks for satisfaction elsewhere.Employers need to make certain IT professionals feel valued for their contributions and give the

123、m the opportunity to grow.A stagnant career path leads to a quick exit and high turnover rates can be disastrous for an organization.MANAGING DISRUPTION No assessment on the state of skills and salary in the IT industry(or any other)would be complete without examining the disruptions we all faced in

124、 the past couple years.From pandemic recovery to the possibility of a global recession and rising inflation(or shrinkflation),to international conflicts,and supply chain troubles,the past year had its fair share of issues.Employees want more from their employers especially when it comes to developme

125、nt and opportunities to grow and if they dont get it,theyll take their skills elsewhere.Most of our respondents are satisfied with the diversity,equity,and inclusion(DEI)policies within their organizations.But,a quarter have experienced microaggressions,and some have experienced blatant harassment a

126、nd/or discrimination in the workplace.Clearly there is still work to be done.WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS There was good news in the most recent IT Skills and Salary Report,but there is also room for improvement.As business evolves,people and the investments made in them will be as important as the techn

127、ology we use.In some cases,even more so.Companies that are resilient,agile,and adaptable will succeed by building,nurturing,and retaining employee skills.The mission critical steps to success are clear:Determine where your skills gap exists or will exist Research which certifications will keep you c

128、ompetitive Create a learning environment Decrease skills gaps by increasing diversity Rely on trusted partners who will help you reach goals27+46+17+8+2+R27%8%17%2%46%JOB SATISFACTIONExtremely satisfiedSomewhat satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedExtremely dissatisfiedSki

129、llsofts 2022 IT Skills&Salary ReportLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20221801THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 2022192022 Skillsoft Learning ConsumptionIf 2021 was centered around settling into a new nor

130、mal,2022 has been about forging new pathways.Theres no time to step back and see whats coming at you.The time to act is now.Whether adding critical new skills to stay competitive,aligning current staff with future needs,or embracing compliance as a key part of business culture,learning is at the hea

131、rt of forward movement.Upskilling,reskilling,and committing to the continual professional development of employees pays off in dividends.Employees that feel seen and valued by leadership will bring passion and loyalty,as well as experience and skills,to their job.And,employers who retain employees w

132、ill also find it easier to recruit new talent.The good news in 2022 is that learning and development was given the respect it deserves,with companies worldwide investing in their people.Those that did looked at challenges with a growth mindset,made plans,and acted rather than reacted.Learning by ind

133、ustry Most popular topics Skillsoft Aspire Journeys completed Skillsoft Digital Badges earned Technology&Developer trends Compliance trends Leadership&Business trends Productivity&Collaboration trends Trends in regard to DEI,ESG,&Women Trends in key geographies EMBRACING CHANGE Every company is a te

134、chnology company.And,technology by its very nature,is always in a state of flux.Were always looking for new innovations,ways to do things faster,smarter,with less effort.If we slow down,technology passes right by.Get stuck in one mindset and youre missing growth opportunities.Thats why its imperativ

135、e for organizations to embrace change.And,for learning to keep pace with technology.The employer that invests in its employee is ahead of the curve.LEARNING:WHATS NOW?WHATS NEXT?In this report,weve looked at Skillsoft learning consumption for 2022 and compared it to 2021.The results demonstrate many

136、 year-to-year consistencies and reveal emerging trends to keep in mind for the future.SKILLSOFT LEARNING CONSUMPTIONYear-Over-Year Learning Consumption via Skillsoft Percipio Platform This included:32%39%27%Increase in Leadership&Business Skills learning hoursIncrease in Technical Skills learning ho

137、ursIncrease in Compliance learning hours across all platforms26+74+R37+63+R26%Increase in unique learners 37%Increase in learning hours 01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 2022202022 Skillsoft Lea

138、rning ConsumptionTOP 20 INDUSTRIES THAT LEVERAGED LEARNING The top industry,Business Services and Consulting,remained constant from 2021 to 2022.But,there were some noticeable shifts in the rest of the top 20.Manufacturing left the second spot and moved down to the fifth.Telecommunications,on the ot

139、her hand,advanced from tenth on the list to second.Government and Military made a significant jump from fourteenth to third place,while Banking and Finance dropped from third to seventh.Overall,its encouraging to see so many different industries lean into learning to develop and nurture workforce sk

140、ills.TOP INDUSTRIES 2021TOP INDUSTRIES 2022#1Business Services/Consulting#1Business Services/Consulting#2Manufacturing#2Telecommunications#3Banking/Finance#3Government/Military#4Medical#4Manufacturing#5Technology(e.g.,computers,software,ISP,etc.)#5Retail#6Insurance#6Banking/Finance#7Education#7Educa

141、tion#8Retail#8Medical#9Pharmaceuticals#9Insurance#10Telecommunications#10Technology(e.g.,computers,software,ISP,etc.)#11Aerospace#11Transportation#12Healthcare#12Training and Development:#13Transportation#13Non-Profit#14Government/Military#14Health Care#15Oil&Gas#15Pharmaceuticals#16Non-Profit#16Min


143、A SKILLSOFT PERCIPIO Looking at 2022s trending topics from technical“hard skills”like Cloud Security and Java Programming,to cross-discipline“power skills”like Communication Essentials and Working Effectively as a Team the depth and breadth of learning are evident.2022 Skillsoft Learning Consumption


145、rning environment.Aspire Journeys provide sequential learning that builds on current skills as learners progress and move through guided roadmaps to success.TOP ASPIRE JOURNEYS 2021TOP ASPIRE JOURNEYS 2022#1Virtual Work in the New Normal#1First Time Manager Journey#2Leadership Development Core Journ

146、ey#2Leadership Development Core Journey#3First Time Manager Journey#3Agile for Software Development#4Product Management Journey#4Delighting Customers with Design Thinking#5Delighting Customers with Design Thinking#5Mid-Level Manager Journey#6Building Resilience in Your Personal and Professional Life

147、#65G Technologies and Practices#7Automated Testing with Selenium#7Virtual Work in the New Normal#8Network Security Specialist to CloudOps Security Architect#8Customer Service Representative Journey#9Python Novice to Pythonista#9Corporate Trainer Journey#10Agile for Software Development#10Agile for A

148、ll#11Forging New Paths:Womens Advancement in Life and Work#11Creating an Inclusive Culture of Trust and Belonging#12Software Project Lead to Advanced Scrum Master#12Building Resilience in Your Personal and Professional Life#135G Technologies and Practices#13Sustainability and Restoring our Earth#14I

149、nspiring Engagement and Resilience#14Automated Testing with Selenium#15Sustainability and Restoring Our Earth Earth Day 2021#15Enriched Web Development with Angular 11#16Mid-Level Manager Journey#16Finance for Non-Financial Professionals Journey#17Enriched Web Development with Angular 11#17Administr

150、ative Assistant Journey#18Programmer to Secure Agile Programmer#18Forging New Paths:Womens Advancement in Life and Work#19Beyond Status Quo:DEI and the Future of Work#19Product Management Journey#20Human Resources Journey#20Leader of Leaders Journey2022 Skillsoft Learning Consumption01THE STATE OF S

151、KILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202223TOP 20 SKILLSOFT DIGITAL BADGES EARNED In 2022,learners were proud of their achievements and earned accredited records in the form of digital badges that were shared via

152、social media channels.In fact,learners collected and celebrated 15.8 million digital badges in 2022,up 25%from 12.7 million earned in the 12 months of 20213.TOP SKILLSOFT DIGITAL BADGES 2021TOP SKILLSOFT DIGITAL BADGES 2022#1Application Security Awareness&Validation#1The Open Web Application Securit

153、y Project(OWASP)Top 10 List Items#2Secure Application Architecture&IAM#2Cloud Security Fundamentals:Cloud Application Security#3API Security#3API Security#4The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP)Top 10 List Items#4Application Security Awareness&Validation#5Cloud Security Fundamentals:Cloud

154、Application Security#5Secure Application Architecture&IAM#6Automated Software Testing#6Become a Great Listener#7Agile Test-Driven Development#7Communicating with Confidence#8Agile Software Development Scrum#8Trust Building through Effective Communication#9Cloud Computing Fundamentals:Introduction#9W

155、orkplace Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion in Action#10Need for Design Patterns&the Principles Guiding Design Patterns#10Becoming a DEI Ally and Agent for Change#11Communicating with Confidence#11The Art and Science of Communication#12Developing the Product&Sprint Backlogs#12Writing Effective E-mails a

156、nd Instant Messages#13Agile Principles and Methodologies#13Aligning Goals and Priorities To Manage Time#14Release&Sprint Planning#14Agile Principles and Methodologies#15The Language of DevOps:DevOps Tools&Processes#15Developing Emotional Intelligence#16Software Data Analysis:Project Management Metri

157、cs#16SOLID&GRASP#17Using Kanban in IT&Software Development#17Understanding Unconscious Bias#18Trust Building through Effective Communication#18Cloud Computing Fundamentals:Introduction#19Understanding Unconscious Bias#19Maximize Your Productivity by Managing Time and Tasks#20Become a Great Listener#

158、20Automated Software Testing2022 Skillsoft Learning Consumption15.8MILLIONDIGITALBADGES25+75+R25%Increase Over 2021 3 This data was sourced from Skillsoft Percipio from January 2022 through December 2022.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF L

159、EARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202224TOP 10 TRENDING TOPICS:TECHNOLOGY SKILLS Once again,Cloud Security tops the list of trending Technology Skills topics.However,changes to the other items on the top 10 demonstrate that nothing moves quite as fast as the speed of tech.The second and th

160、ird place trends from 2021,The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP)and API Security,dont even make 2022s top 10.Meanwhile,we find Networking Core Concepts,IT Hardware Technician,Java,Java SE Programmer,Security Core Concepts,Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals,and Linux Administration on

161、that list,none of which ranked as high in 2021.TRENDING TOPICS 2021TRENDING TOPICS 2022#1Cloud Security#1Cloud Security#2The Open Web Application Security Project(OWASP)Top 10 List Items#2Networking Core Concepts#3API Security#3IT Hardware Technician#4Agile Basics#4Java#5Scrum#5Cloud Basics#6Cloud B

162、asics#6Scrum#7CompTIA A+Certification Prep#7Security Core Concepts#8Agile for Software Development#8Oracle Certified Professional,Java SE Programmer#9Software Testing Automation#9Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals#10IT Project Management#10Linux Administration 2022 Skillsoft Learning Consumption


164、inent topics like Virtual Work in the New Normal enabled teams to approach challenges and opportunities from a common ground so they could continue to thrive in the modern workplace.Interest in leadership,which is a competency not a role,increased as well.Whether an individual manages a large,global

165、 team or simply their own tasks and time,acquiring and strengthening leadership skills is key to success.In the category of leadership and business,Written Communication takes over as the the top trend for 2022.This year,we see increased interest in Unconscious Bias;Fostering Diversity,Equity,and In

166、clusion;and Inspiring Engagement and Resilience.TRENDING TOPICS 2021TRENDING TOPICS 2022#1Customer Service Skills#1Written Communication#2ITIL Foundation#2Unconscious Bias#3Working Remotely#3Virtual Work in the New Normal#4Agile Project Management#4Working Remotely#5Time Management#5Communication Es

167、sentials#6Unconscious Bias#6Essential Customer Service Skills#7Developing Agile and Growth Mindsets#7Time Management#8Trust and Relationship Building#8Learn Agile Fundamentals#9Communication Essentials#9Fostering Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion#10Accountability and Managing Yourself#10Inspiring Engag

168、ement and Resilience 2022 Skillsoft Learning Consumption01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202226TOP 10 COURSES:COMPLIANCE Legal and workplace safety issues affect everyone.Thats why effective co

169、mpliance training has to be more than a“check-the-box”activity.Forward-thinking organizations think of compliance as a mindset rather than a mandate.In fact,a thoughtful and effective compliance program,built firmly on an organizations values and principles,can be a competitive advantage.TOP COURSES

170、 2021TOP COURSES 2022#1Global Anti-bribery#1Active Shooter#2Global Cybersecurity Basics#2Information Security and Privacy#3Hazard Communication:An Employees Right to Understand#3Anti Corruption Compliance#4Harassment Prevention#4US Professional Conduct and Anti-Harassment Compliance|US Employees#5Fi

171、re Safety and Prevention#5Professional Conduct and Anti-Harassment in the Global Workplace|Employees#6Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness#6Cybersecurity Short:Avoiding Phishing Attacks#7Active Shooter#7Fire Safety and Prevention#8Slips,Trips&Falls#8Level 2 Information Security and Privacy Compliance#9EU G

172、eneral Data Protection Regulation#9Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness#10Global Privacy and Information Security#10Back Safety and Injury Prevention2022 Skillsoft Learning Consumption01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO

173、 LEARNING REPORT 202227REGIONAL LEARNING CONSUMPTION We also measured the trending topics within the 100 most consumed courses by geographic region,determined by companies headquartered in each region.Communication is key in APAC,North America,the UK,and France,while project and time dominate the li

174、st for Germany,Austria and Switzerland.Learning new technologies is important in India and North America.TOP 20 TRENDING TOPICS IN AUSTRALIA,PHILIPPINES,SINGAPORE AND NEW ZEALAND#1Essential Customer Service Skills#2Networking Core Concepts#3Virtual Work in the New Normal#4IT Hardware Technician#5Sec

175、urity Core Concepts#6Working Effectively on a Team#7Communication Essentials#8Marketing in the Digital World#9JavaScript Core Concepts#10Presentation Skills#11Written Communication#12Harnessing Disruption through Data Analytics#13Windows Client#14Working Remotely#15Excel#16Customer Service Operation

176、s#17Learn Agile Fundamentals#18Project Management Essentials#19Selling Essentials#20Certified Business Analysis Professional(CBAP)TOP 20 TRENDING TOPICS IN FRANCE#1Excel#2Working Remotely#3Unconscious Bias#4PowerPoint#5Essential Customer Service Skills#6Communication Essentials#7Word#8PMP#9Time Mana

177、gement#10Fostering Diversity,Equity&Inclusion#11Python for Data Science#12Personal Productivity#13Power BI#14Virtual Work in the New Normal#15Learn Agile Fundamentals#16Enriched Web Development with Angular 11#17Data Visualization Core Concepts#18The Art of Great Consulting#19Machine Learning#20Goog

178、le Cloud2022 Skillsoft Learning ConsumptionTOP 20 TRENDING TOPICS IN GERMANY,AUSTRIA AND SWITZERLAND#1Project Management Professional(PMP)ATP Bootcamp:8 Day UK Cohort#2Project Management Fundamentals Bootcamp#3Essential Customer Service Skills#4Time Management#5Working Remotely#6Communication Essent

179、ials#7Virtual Work in the New Normal#8Excel#9Written Communication#10Project Management Essentials#11Selling Essentials#12Customer Service Operations#13Leadership Foundations#14Learn Agile Fundamentals#15Managing Yourself#16The Art of Great Consulting#17Presentation Skills#18Inspiring Engagement and


181、 Engagement and Resilience#6Software Testing#7Working Remotely#8Self-Development#9Time Management#10The Art of Consulting#11Managing Yourself#12Communication Essentials#13Marketing in the Digital World#14Excel#15Working Effectively on a Team#16Web App Vulnerability Analyst-2022 Update#17Cisco Networ

182、king#18Personal Productivity#19Presentation Skills#20Essential Customer Service Skills TOP 20 TRENDING TOPICS IN NORTH AMERICA#1Excel#2Written Communication#3Cloud Security#4Unconscious Bias#5Virtual Work in the New Normal#6Working Remotely#7Communication Essentials#8Essential Customer Service Skill

183、s#9Time Management#10Learn Agile Fundamentals#11Scrum#12Networking Core Concepts#13Web App Vulnerability Analyst-2022 Update#14Java#15Fostering Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion#16IT Hardware Technician#17Presentation Skills#18Inspiring Engagement and Resilience#19Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals

184、#20Cloud Basics2022 Skillsoft Learning ConsumptionTOP 20 TRENDING TOPICS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM#1Fostering Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion#2Leading DEI In The Workplace#3Embracing Diversity#4Web Accessibility#5Unconscious Bias#6Excel#7ITIL#8Critical Thinking#9Communication Essentials#10Virtual Work in

185、 the New Normal#11Working Remotely#12Managing Across Generations#13Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion Leadercamps#14Time Management#15Essential Customer Service Skills#16Keynotes#17Yellow Belt#18Written Communication#19Java#20Managing Diversity 01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT

186、03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202229TECH-FORWARD LEARNING THROUGH CODECADEMY Last year,Skillsoft acquired Codecademy,a leading online learning platform for technical skills.Through Codecademy,millions of people worldwide have unlocked modern technic

187、al skills to help them reach their potential in a tech-enabled workforce.Acquiring in-demand technical skills has enabled millions of people around the world to build rewarding new careers or advance in their current ones.With Codecademys hands-on learning environment,they study at their own pace,se

188、e progress,and build confidence.Search and course consumption via Codecademys learner-driven platform provide an enlightening snapshot of current tech learning trends.When it came to the most searched topic in 2022,Python led the way and Java came in second.Full-Stack Engineer held the number one sp

189、ot,while Front-End Engineer came in second.TOP SEARCH CATEGORIESTOP SUBJECTS BY PATH ENROLLMENTSTOP COURSES BY ENROLLMENTSTOP PATHS BY ENROLLMENTS#1PythonWeb DevelopmentLearn Python 3Full-Stack Engineer#2JavaData ScienceLearn JavaScriptFront-End Engineer#3SQLMachine LearningLearn HTML Code Foundatio

190、ns#4JavaScriptComputer ScienceLearn Java Computer Science#5HTMLData AnalyticsLearn Python Analyze Data with SQL#6ReactData VisualizationLearn SQL Data Scientist;Machine Learning Specialist#7CSSCode FoundationsLearn C+Build a Website with HTML,CSS,and GitHub Pages#8C+Web DesignLearn CSS Data Scientis

191、t:Analytics Specialist#9C#Interview Prep Learn C#Back-End Engineer#10Web DevelopmentMobile Development Learn ReactAnalyze Data with Python 2022 Codecademy Learning Consumption01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO L

192、EARNING REPORT 2022302022 LEARNING TRENDS AND PREDICTIONS In 2022,the quest for new technical skills continued to increase.Kunal Ahuja,General Manager,Consumer at Codecademy,credits the uptick to remote work.“More and more people,due to digital transformation and remote work,will begin to enter the

193、technical field and technical roles,”he observes.“Attending in-person,live training is not for everyone especially those also juggling a full-time job and family responsibilities and online alternatives can be more appealing.Theyre looking for flexible and affordable learning,which can even suppleme

194、nt in-person training.”Search and course consumption via the Codecademy platform provide an enlightening snapshot of current tech learning habits.Ahuja sees three major growing trends as we move into 2023:the continued growth of career opportunities in tech,the democratization of data science and da

195、ta analytics for all,and the use of AI in programming.Another prediction is that there will be continued upskilling in power skills outside of technical topics.Ahuja asserts,“In technical roles,you learn a lot on the job.But for many developers,their career trajectory is often determined by their pr

196、oblem-solving skills,ability to communicate,and work in a team.”Finally,Ahuja also anticipates the growth of learning for the purpose of onboarding via customized onboarding solutions.When it came to the most searched topic in 2022,Python led the way by far and Java came in second.There was also a s

197、ignificant disparity between the number one spot for top paths by number of unique user enrollments in 2022.Full-Stack Engineer held the number one spot,while Front-End Engineer came in second.2022 Codecademy Learning Consumption“More and more people are entering tech roles and working for tech comp

198、anies,enabled by remote work as remote teams become more mainstream.And today,technology drives every industry.Earlier,people may have thought that low code and no code tools would make the developer obsolete.Thats not going to happen.Development is not about hitting buttons.Theres a lot of logic th

199、at goes into it.AI will make the practice,habit,and process of development much more efficient.”KUNAL AHUJA,General Manager,Consumer Codecademy01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202231From Produc

200、t Owner to Front-End Engineer at Adidas in 15 MonthsFrom Project Manager to UX Designer in 3 MonthsI was a Product Owner at Adidas for 10 years;thats how I discovered how cool coding was.I had a comfortable salary already,but I felt limited because I wasnt learning anymore.In August 2019,I subscribe

201、d to the aspiring engineer program.I developed a plan to learn HTML,CSS,JavaScript,and React all programs I needed to apply for a Software Engineer position.When the pandemic struck,learning from home with Codecademy not only helped me learn new technical skills,but also guided me through the daunti

202、ng process of changing careers.I prepared for technical interviews,studied data structure and algorithms,and practiced solving coding problems.The hands-on environment helped me write real code from my very first lesson.After five months,the Head of Software Engineering asked,When are you going to a

203、pply?I was confident from all the work Id done with Codecademy.And you know what?I nailed it.At Adidas,our motto is,Change is a team sport.I had a mentor,a great organization supporting my growth,and Codecademy in my corner.In my last job as a Project Manager,we were developing a platform that conne

204、cts people with tech jobs.I kept reading about user experience,and thought it was the right career for me.But I also knew I had a lot to learn.I made a list of books,blogs,and Codecademy courses,and worked my way through them.With kids at home,it was a juggle I was up until 2:00 in the morning study

205、ing.But I loved it so much that I had to pull myself away to go to bed.Codecademys UI/UX course was brilliant for learning Figma.I came out of it with real projects and something to show.Then I shared my journey on LinkedIn,which was a game-changer.Qrious,the experience transformation design studio,

206、didnt have a vacancy advertised,but they saw my LinkedIn post,which included coding skills learned with Codecademy.I started my first UX course in April and was hired as a UX Designer in July.Im proud for my children to see that women can have careers,progress,and follow their dreams.SERENA ISONESof


208、er Company began in 1984 with a generations-old family recipe that Founder and Brewer Jim Koch uncovered in his fathers attic.Aptly named Samuel Adams Boston Lager,in recognition of one of the U.S.s founding fathers,that beer soon became a catalyst of the American craft beer revolution,ultimately pr

209、oducing millions of jobs in communities coast-to-coast.From walking bar-to-bar with a suitcase full of beer,to leading one of the worlds most awarded breweries at international beer competitions,Jim and his team at the Boston Beer Company know a thing or two about growth and innovation.In fact,their

210、 mission is“to seek long-term profitable growth by offering the highest quality product to the U.S.beer drinker.”They also know that sustainable business growth is dependent on empowering employees to grow,too.One way theyre doing just that is by working with Skillsoft Coaching to offer powerful lea

211、dership development opportunities.To succeed during workforce transformation,businesses must prepare all employees to be leaders not just the C-Suite.And in our virtual-first world,digital coaching can play a critical role throughout the employee lifecycle.We recently checked in with Bailey Borzecki

212、,Leadership Development Program Manager at Boston Beer Company,to see how its coaching program is developing:“We naturally follow the 70-20-10 model for learning and development.Seventy percent comes from hands-on experiences.About 10%comes from coursework.The final piece,that critical 20%,is exposu

213、re to coaches,mentors,and masters.Skillsoft Coaching represents a huge piece of that practical magic through relationships,conversations,encouragement,feedback,and shared expertise.”With Skillsoft Coaching,Boston Beer Company has access to:Boston Beer Companys leadership curriculum targets three lev

214、els:developing leaders,leaders of functions,and the executive leadership team.Coursework and coaching are designed to facilitate each level,while selection of candidates is largely based on their desire to transition,taking on new roles or responsibilities.“Working with Skillsoft Coaching has helped

215、 us open up new leadership development opportunities across the organization.At first,we thought it might be overwhelming:what if everyone raises their hand?But we quickly saw that people who really want to grow into leadership roles are going to find a way to do it and if youre not on board,theyll

216、go elsewhere.Feedback around the program has been incredibly positive so far,and were taking learnings from our teams to make it even better.Offering coaching has found us these great,high potential folks who are loyal,motivated,and want to learn.And thats what we want in this program.”BAILEY BORZEC

217、KI,Leadership Development Program Manager,Boston Beer CompanyCUSTOMER STORYA PERSONALIZED COACHING EXPERIENCEEmployees work one-on-one with expert,ICF-accredited coaches to define goals and develop strategies tailored to their needs.SCALABLE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTHundreds of employees,not just a han

218、dful,benefit from coaching.Skillsofts turnkey digital solution can be integrated with a vast collection of learning resources.MEASURABLE BUSINESS IMPACTCoaching engagements,satisfaction,and performance are tracked across all employees.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW


220、ChangeBY MICHELLE BOOCKOFF-BAJDEK CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER,SKILLSOFTIn an age of tremendous change and upheaval,were witnessing a new social compact between employers and employees.And,its based on more than a paycheck.But creating that environment is far more complex and reaches beyond pay and flexi

221、bility,although both are important.Employers must evolve their value propositions across many dimensions to attract and retain talent.This might include creating inclusive environments,evaluating childcare and leave policies,focusing on employee well-being,and understanding and making strides across

222、 other aspects of the employee experience.Leaders must be acutely aware of these themes and be willing to connect with employees on the issues that are most important to them.And,theres one lever,one dimension,thats essential to both companies and their employees:Growth.Of course,were used to thinki

223、ng of corporate growth and individual growth separately.But,its becoming obvious that the two are inextricably linked.Where we work,why we work,and the skills we need to develop are all changing,and business leaders need to lead their teams through the change.Across industries and around the world,e

224、mployees are pushing the companies for which they work to create better,more innovative working environments.Employees crave personal growth in their abilities,in their careers,and ultimately in their professional fulfillment.Employers crave business growth not only financially,but growth that prepa

225、res the organization to meet new challenges,head-on.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202235Leading and Growing through ChangeHOW CAN ORGANIZATIONS LEAD THROUGH CHANGE?By investing in the growth

226、 of their people,employers ensure they have what they need,which is a sustainable workforce one that performs and adapts as the organization does resulting in business growth.And,making the most of those opportunities is something employees must deliver back to employers.Much of this revolves around

227、 strategic workforce transformation and adopting a“build and bridge strategy”rather than a“buy strategy.”Continual learning and skilling programs are critical.And,todays organizations mustnt simply focus on“hard skills,”like technical competencies.They also need to develop and nurture“power skills,”

228、such as agility,flexibility,inclusivity,and communication.BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE WORKFORCE Going forward,the main story will be about organizations building a sustainable workforce,one that breathes and grows along with the business rather than the old and less sustainable practice of finding the sk

229、ills needed from outside the organization.In the face of economic uncertainty and especially during times of massive disruption,we know that organizations must stay nimble and competitive.And,to do that,they must invest in their people.They must make talent development and building a sustainable wor

230、kforce a strategic imperative.This is an opportunity for us to help build a culture of continuous learning that recognizes and empowers employees to grow as whole people,with vast potential to give to our workplaces and our world.The best business leaders are passionate about their work.And,it seems

231、 like today,more than ever,a significant part of that passion stems from believing in the purpose of the business,one that serves customers,sustains the planet,and provides growth and development opportunities for its people.As leaders,were learning,too to meet people where they are and empower them

232、 to grow both personally and professionally,even in times of upheaval.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202236The Importance of Leadership Skills within ITBY ORLA DALYCHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER,S

233、KILLSOFTWe all know Leadership is not about seniority or title;its about characteristics any individual in the organization can display that deliver improved results and outcomes.Its not about what we do;its about how we do it,how we show up each and every day.Leadership skills benefit the individua

234、l,the team,and the company.Much has been written about leadership skills,but I still find its the most obvious of those skills that are undervalued and are areas where most all of us have something to learn and can continue to improve.Perhaps its a reflection of the ever-changing landscape we operat

235、e in,whether thats the new norm of hybrid work,or adapting to how advances in technology continue to change whats expected and needed for us to be effective.It is no surprise therefore,that we see a wide spectrum of skill areas in the Trending Leadership Topics each year.So,if leadership skills are

236、key,it stands to reason they are also essential within technology teams.But which leadership skills are most important to master?FOUNDATIONAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR TECHNICAL TEAMS A key objective for any technical team is to understand how their work can advance company goals.Leadership skills are e

237、ssential to understanding and delivering business outcomes.Whether thats the skills to understand and appreciate the business challenge,decipher which areas are most important to focus on,or identify and deliver the best solutions,it all requires the ability to communicate effectively,prioritize and

238、 influence,while being resilient and adaptive to change.I am sure most IT team members have experienced being asked for an enhancement or a new solution,and when said solution was delivered,it didnt meet expectations,even if it met the specifics of the ask.Effective communication skills are critical

239、 to helping teams fully outline their business problem or need,identifying the implications of different solution options(be those people,process,data,or technology related),and enabling cross functional teams to work together to deliver a solution to meet expectations.This requires effective listen

240、ing and the ability to communicate clearly with impact,crafting a strong narrative,not dissimilar to the art of storytelling.Impactful IT leaders will ultimately spend much of their time influencing to achieve desired outcomes.As a cross-functional team,we have the benefit of seeing across the organ

241、ization,with the opportunity to break down silos,and therefore advance company agendas even where its not our direct responsibility.The ability to effectively influence is therefore key to ensure that others can see the bigger picture and ensure the best interests of the company are promoted.Technol

242、ogy team members are also very familiar with the challenge of demand far exceeding available capacity,that voice that always comes across the loudest,the tyranny of the urgent over the important.Therefore,the ability to prioritize is a key leadership skill that while important in any capacity is par

243、ticularly important in IT.The ability to effectively prioritize also calls on the other skills we just spoke of,the ability to communicate and influence to drive alignment and understanding of the prioritization,and subsequently the ability to get people to adhere to that prioritization.Finally,if y

244、ou have mastered the ability to communicate,influence,and have now achieved a clear set of priorities,you may feel your work is done.But,as we know,the only thing we can count on with certainty is change!This is why I would highlight resiliency as a key leadership skill to master,now more than ever.

245、Resilience can be considered a collection of skills or characteristics that require development and practice,such as self-awareness,openness to and acceptance of change,self-confidence,and my favorite perspective.Perspective is like an anchor around which the other elements of resilience can develop


247、eneficial for the new skill we acquire,but equally important is the act of learning,which increases our curiosity and broadens our perspective,creating an appetite to learn and explore further.It goes without saying,that developing leadership skills has a direct impact on our ability to be effective

248、 in our role,while elevating team performance.Leadership skills are important for career growth,but also help us gain a better understanding of how our role connects to company goals,and effectively prioritizing to solve for business challenges,which creates a greater sense of purpose and stronger e

249、ngagement,key contributors to creating a more positive work environment.We can also directly apply leadership skills we develop in advocating for ourselves or our team,broaden our networks,get exposed to or explore new areas of the business.Foundational leadership skills also spill over into how we

250、navigate our personal lives,how we communicate,influence,prioritize our personal time,and deal with change.For every opportunity we have,to practice these skills at work,we are building the muscle.CREATE SAFE LEARNING SPACES Whether its mastering a new hobby,or developing a new leadership skill,ther

251、e is a sense of satisfaction and excitement when we see improvement.We also recognize if we only sporadically engage in that new hobby,we are unlikely to see much improvement.Therefore,its important to find opportunity to practice and apply our leadership skills,to improve,gain confidence,and avoid

252、getting rusty.Its important to find opportunities to practice our skills,and as leaders of others,we need to create opportunities to broker learning experiences to help with new skill development.For example,for those looking to improve presentation skills,create an opportunity to present in front o

253、f a small audience to gain confidence,and then create an opportunity for that individual to present to a larger group.The individual becomes more proficient,and when others see their peers willing to go outside their comfort zone,they are also more likely to stretch themselves,augmenting the impact

254、one individuals learning has on the overall team,creating an environment thats recognized as a safe place to learn.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202238Forging New Pathways for WomenBY NESHA

255、PAI CPA TURNED AUTHOR AND SPEAKERIm often asked how organizations can retain female employees and attract women back into the workforce.The biggest piece of advice I have is to find ways to support women having both a career and being a mom.Moms dont want to miss out on their kids lives,as they go b

256、y so fast.But,at the same time,they need to feel that their skills and contributions are valued and rewarded.Here are some examples of what businesses can do:Instate flexible work hours.Provide ways to increase skills via online course scholarships or visiting instructors.Offer work from home opport

257、unities,even if hybrid.Extend part-time and full-time work options.Create community with initiatives and events around women.Enhance employee benefits in areas that matter to women,like childcare.Women are grateful for any of these offerings,depending on the size of your budget and company.If theres

258、 one thing Ive learned about navigating the corporate world,its that all of our situations are different.We come from diverse backgrounds and have unique relationships to work.This is especially true for women,whether theyre trying to combat gender inequality they feel at the office or are looking t

259、o re-enter the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom.I can relate because Ive experienced these issues first-hand.OVERCOMING THE MOM-GAP More than a decade ago,in the middle of tax season,I was sitting in my bosss office.I had been at this major accounting firm for five years,part-time as a singl

260、e mom,and I was looking for more hours and a raise.When I approached him,with a list of accomplishments that illustrated my high value,he looked me in the eyes and said,“No.”He told me I couldnt have a raise due to the mom gap in my resume.Without a second of hesitation,I looked at him and said,“I q

261、uit.”Just like that.Without a plan or even knowing what I was going to do next.What I did know is that I could do it better.I could create my own firm,that not only serves small businesses with higher quality,but one that supports moms who want more in their own lives.Too often,women are faced with

262、having to choose between motherhood and a career,when that should never have to enter their mind to begin with.I knew I never wanted another mom to feel the way I did in that moment small and unvalued.So,that day back in 2011,I had what I look back on as my“Jerry Maguire moment.”I called my one big

263、client and explained what I could do for them.They decided to come with me.I started Pai CPA and never looked back.Pai CPAs model is based on hiring stay-at-home moms so they can have flexibility and work from home.It gives them purpose outside of raising tiny humans.Today,I have six on my team,and

264、they are the hardest working,most dedicated women I know.In fact,being a mom gives women an extra superpower;they are the best of the best in“quality multitasking,”a phrase I coined for how moms get the work done on time and in high quality.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT

265、03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202239Forging New Pathways for WomenREENTERING THE WORKFORCE AND REGAINING POWER I meet with a lot of moms,many of whom have been out of the workforce a long time.Skilled,experienced,and eager to work,they wonder how to

266、 reenter the workforce and regain the career power they may have left.First off,we live in a world where working from home is common(it wasnt in 2011 when I started my firm),and there are far more opportunities now.I tell them that there are plenty of ways to sharpen and catch up their skills.Heres

267、the advice I typically share:Decide what you want to do and what motivates you.Find online courses to fill any gaps and hone your skills.Employers want to see that youre investing in yourself to learn a skillset thats valuable to them.Fortunately,with technology running so much of our world,its easy

268、 to find courses to get up to speed in any given industry.BUILDING A WIN-WIN SITUATION Working toward gender equity requires a concerted effort by both women and the organizations that employ them.But,its worth it.Study after study has shown that businesses with women in leadership roles outperform

269、those without.Again,I speak from firsthand experience.Pai CPA started on my kitchen table,and now has 80+clients and six part-time employees.Women are resilient and we will always find a way especially if we create it ourselves.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET

270、STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202240Emotional Intelligence:A power skill for leaders TERRI WILLIAMS ICF PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED COACHIf we look back on leaders in the early 90s,we see that the main ingredient to moving up the leadership ranks was a solid,skills-b

271、ased resume.But in the latter part of the decade a new skill was emerging,and people started noticing its importance and its necessity in leadership development.Emotional Intelligence(EQ)had evolved to become a core component in effective leadership.WHAT IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE&WHY DOES IT MATTER?

272、EQ,at its simplest level,is a superpower.Brought to the forefront by psychologist Daniel Goleman,EQ is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions,as well as others,to control or navigate through situations.Its a set of skills that helps leaders effectively communicate,collaborate,and eng

273、age with their teams.It gives context as to who leaders are as unique human beings and provides competencies as to how they show up and treat people.To be an effective leader,its critically important to manage yourself,manage your network,and manage your team in that precise order.EQ helps leaders i

274、dentify and navigate their own emotions and become more self-aware,forcing them to face any unconscious biases and lead with a sense of authenticity,purpose,and trust.When a leader gets in touch with what drives or motivates them,what holds them back,how they interact with people,when they feel empo

275、wered or in control,they are better able to empathetically lead their people.And,while some people feel that technology is driving people away from communicating with one another or stifling emotions,the reality is that technology is bringing disparate groups together.The need for self-awareness and

276、 emotional intelligence is huge.According to a Talent Smart survey,EQ is responsible for 58%of success in all types of jobs and is the strongest predictor of performance.25+75+R90%Top performers have high EQSometimes viewed as“soft skills”by critics,EQ skills are more appropriately positioned as“pow

277、er skills.”01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202241Emotional Intelligence:A power skill for leadersSo,too,is the need for emotional intelligence when dealing with different generational groups.G

278、eneration Z,individuals born after 1997 and a rapidly increasing part of the workforce,is the most emotionally astute generation in history.Theyve grown up expecting dialogue and free expression,and possess social emotional awareness.The idea of emotions being present and on the table is very much a

279、live for them.Leaders will need to keep pace with EQ to effectively lead this group.But EQ is not always an intuitive skill.Its four pillars(self awareness,self management,social awareness,and relationship management)need to be learned and coached.An EQ assessment is invaluable for identifying stren

280、gths and weaknesses.It involves taking a step back to examine self awareness and looking at oneself through a different lens in a safe,judgement-free space that ultimately broadens perspectives.After assessing your EQ,accountability is the next step.What needs to be done differently?How do you act o

281、n your shortcomings?What can be done to change a situation?What ownership do you have?This is when you know youre not dealing with a soft skill.This is hard,boots-to-the-ground work.Its going from a simple,black-and-white transactional conversation to a transformational conversation,where meaningful

282、 change can happen.This isnt an easy process or one that can be accomplished in a vacuum.Effective coaching allows for respectful dialogue that challenges thought and presents new lenses for you to see what you might not see otherwise.Coaching is also valuable when dealing with gender,geographical,o

283、r cultural preconceptions.Conscious and unconscious biases create barriers to assessing and ultimately strengthening EQ.With the guidance of a coach,leaders can ask themselves:Am I using past experiences or norms to reject or create barriers to EQ?Is asking for help seen as a weakness or a strength?

284、Are my beliefs clouding my thought process with false perceptions?The negative brain can lead to a distorted assessment.But,effective coaching allows for clarity,which leads to growth and change.The most effective EQ is ongoing and taught in the flow-of-work.Its intentional and transformational.Its

285、at the core of a successful,productive workplace,and needs to be valued for its contribution to building productivity and performance.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202242Corporate Social Res

286、ponsibility at Work As long as there have been organizations,there have been those that chose to behave ethically,to give back,and to safeguard the health and welfare of people and planet.However,we are experiencing a new era in corporate social responsibility one in which customers and employees ar

287、e driving organizations to make or renew their commitments to the greater good.The phrase“Corporate Social Responsibility”(CSR)describes how organizations demonstrate accountability through economic,social,and environmental efforts.Todays CSR activities focus on issues of social justice,economic dis

288、parity,climate change,and balancing profits with purpose.We recently conducted a Corporate Social Responsibility at Work study on how organizations are making an impact with their CSR efforts.One of the big takeaways is that CSR efforts are on the rise.More than 60%of our respondents report an uptic

289、k in CSR interest and investment from both employers and employees alike.In fact,the vast majority report that they would leave a company that didnt support CSR efforts.Private companies report being more likely to have a dedicated CSR budget(57%)than public companies(43%),and industrial sectors hav

290、e more defined programs than the agriculture,forestry,and mining sectors.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202243Corporate Social Responsibility at Work PRIORITIZING CSR Diversity,equity,and inc

291、lusion efforts lead the way when it comes to where companies are focusing their CSR energy,followed closely by fair trade and labor policies.Fewer organizations prioritize community volunteering and disaster relief.Not surprisingly,CSR priorities differ between countries and cultures.In India,CSR is

292、 mandated by the government and often centers around education,charitable giving,and health and wellness.In the United States,top survey priorities include DEI,improving labor practices,participating in fair trade,and reducing carbon footprint.These priorities could be considered responses to a nati

293、onwide call for social justice,growing economic disparity,and consumer awareness of environmental issues threatening the future of our planet.However,a significant percentage of survey respondents are aligned when it comes to the factor that primarily influences their CSR priorities:40%of those who

294、responded say it is a commitment to“doing the right thing.”THE RESONSIBILITY OF CSR CSR is typically spearheaded by executive leadership or human resources.But,when it comes to getting employees involved,37%of survey respondents say that offering training opportunities to help scale CSR initiatives

295、across the organization makes a big impact on a programs success.Organizations vary by country in how they report CSR initiatives.The United States doesnt require reporting,while some countries(India,China,Denmark,Malaysia,and South Africa)have reporting mandates in place.Currently,there isnt a glob

296、al,cross-industry structure for reporting,although most organizations communicate key information,hold themselves accountable,and showcase areas of improvement.MEASURING CSR SUCCESS It can often be difficult to quantify success metrics for CSR,given the long-term vision of most programs.Many organiz

297、ations look at the overall health and security of employees and community members,social contributions,and industry awards and recognition to gauge CSR success.Most,however,dont factor in employee-satisfaction ratios,number of CSR activities completed,or community members outreached as measures of s

298、uccess.The top barriers to implementing a successful CSR program include reputation value(20%),regulations and standards(18%),customer awareness(17%),and stakeholder awareness(15%).These figures drive home the importance of communicating clearly with all stakeholders and securing cross-organization

299、buy-in from the top down.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING MOST INFLUENCES YOUR ORGANIZATIONS CSR PROGRAM?A commitment to“doing the right thing”Current eventsBusiness directivesPersonal passionsOther40+32+15+12+1+R12%1%15%32%40%DEPARTMENTS RESPONSIBLE FOR CSR EFFORTS86+84+83+77+76+76+75+72+65Operations 86%Inve

300、stor relations 84%Finance 83%Marketing 77%Sustainability 76%Philanthropy 76%Executive leadership 75%Compliance 72%HR 65%01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202244Corporate Social Responsibility at

301、 Work THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CSR AND ESG ESG refers to an Environmental,Social,and Corporate Governance framework through which organizations invest in and report outcomes of investments in their communities and the planet as a whole.However,54%of our survey respondents use the terms CSR and ESG i

302、nterchangeably.The majority of respondents who report having a CSR program also have an ESG program.Seventy percent report having an ESG program in general,although our study shows that CSR programs are preferred because they cover a greater range of issues.CSR tends to have a broader perspective,wh

303、ile ESG is more measurable.For example,69%of respondents say that CSR is what they do within their organization from a sustainability and corporate accountability point of view;ESG is how its reported to investors.Fifty-nine percent feel that CSR is used to communicate initiatives;ESG measures how w

304、ell they adhere to the objectives of those initiatives.In simpler terms,CSR often serves as a footnote in the typical annual report,while ESGs quantifiable results are given more real estate.The study shows that nearly half of the companies who responded will be replacing their CSR efforts with ESG

305、programs.WHATS THE FUTURE OF CSR?For most organizations,CSR efforts are still evolving,but successful CSR programs should follow the same blueprint to reap the highest rewards:Offer training to employees Invest in long-term plans,not short-term campaigns Commit time and people resources Create authe

306、ntic connections and partnerships Break CSR silos and integrate throughout all departmentsDOES YOUR ORGANIZATION HAVE AN ESG PROGRAM?YesNot SureNo74+14+12+R74%14%12%LEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20224401THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING

307、05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202245Top Environmental,Social,and Governance Courses More and more,companies are asked to articulate and comply with commitments to the environment,to society,and to corporate governance(ESG).ESG is used as a framework to evaluate how an organization manages ris

308、k and opportunities that shifting market and non-market conditions create.But,ESG is also about creating and sustaining long-term value.Organizations need to promote from within that they are trustworthy and transparent.With short-term profits in mind,ESG efforts can sometimes be overlooked.But,they

309、 are critical to longer-term,corporate value creation.Todays consumers,employees,and investors are looking at ESG.To that end,were seeing an increase in the number of organizations investing in ESG education.The hottest course topics for 2022,like those of 2021,point towards DEI and building a cultu

310、re of inclusion.TOP ESG COURSES 2021TOP ESG COURSES 2022#1Expert Insights on Unconscious Bias#1Workplace Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion in Action#2Bridging the Diversity Gap#2Becoming a DEI Ally and Agent for Change#3Leading by Motivating#3Adopting an Inclusion Mindset at Work#4Acting with Diplomacy

311、 and Tact#4Psychological Safety:Building a Culture of Inclusion and Innovation#5Expert Insights on Managing a Culturally Diverse Team#5Expert Insights on Unconscious Bias#6Expert Insights on Diversity&Inclusion#6Acting with Diplomacy and Tact#7CompTIA Security+:Social Engineering&Techniques&Other At

312、tack Types#7The Effects of Environmental Change on Business#8The Effects of Environmental Change on Business#8Demystifying the E in DEI#9Building a Strategic Commitment to Sustainability#9Expert Insights on Managing a Culturally Diverse Team#10Leadership Insights on Developing Women Leaders#10Leadin

313、g by Motivating Todays leaders are holding themselves accountable,ensuring their policies and practices benefit customers,employees,shareholders,and the greater community.If we are to effect lasting and meaningful change now and in the future,we need to embrace sustainability principles and guidelin

314、es for both the greater good and more responsible business.01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202246When People Make the DifferenceCVS Health is a purpose-driven company committed to“making healt

315、hier happen”together with millions of patients,members,and customers.At the core of its achievements are local presence,digital channels,and dedicated colleagues.CVS Health takes on many of the countrys most pressing health care issues and works to deliver accessible,affordable,human-centered care.F

316、rom the top down,CVS Health is passionate about developing people.Its belief is that when an employee has a great day and feels good about the work theyre doing,that same enthusiasm trickles down to the customer,member,and patient experience.And,thats why L&D is such an important part of its corpora

317、te culture.CVS recognizes that to be great today and tomorrow,dedicated time and intentional activities focused on nurturing and developing colleagues is not only needed,but highly valued.CVS Health leverages Skillsoft to help augment the many ways it reaches colleagues where they are with what they

318、 need to grow and develop.Skillsoft has been instrumental in partnering with L&D to curate content and create learning journeys.Spending the time and energy to create curated journeys and content is important because what matters the most to colleagues and to the business align most of the time,but

319、not always at the same time.And Eileen Cooke,CVSs Vice President,Enterprise Learning,says shes okay with that,because she believes that engagement and development are both personal and professional.“The paradigm or premise my team and I work by is that corporate L&D isnt only about what you learn.It

320、s about what you do with what you learn.Its not just knowing something new,but being able to do something new,”she explains.“The curated learning journeys weve created with Skillsoft arent just focused on what needs to be known,but continues the development to include what to do with what has been l

321、earned.Working with Skillsoft to include the critical ingredient of what to do makes the time and energy devoted to development much more likely to have impact,and makes the difference the colleague was hoping for when they started the learning journey.”“When you think about it,its the workforce at

322、the front lines,their skills and purpose,that create the consumer experience.Its at the front line where we meet our patients,our members,and our customers on the phone,in the pharmacy,or clinic.We often talk a great deal about leader development,which is important,but the emphasis and investment in

323、 L&D must be where we meet our customer and thats at the frontline.”EILEEN COOKE,VP,Enterprise Learning for CVS HealthCUSTOMER STORYHaving excellent curated learning journeys at the ready means you meet both the business and the colleagues when they are ready to learn,grow and develop,regardless of

324、subject matter.Its always there.LEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20224601THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202247When People Make the DifferenceHow well people are doing their job is of utmost importance

325、.And,at the enterprise level,employee engagement and retention are two of many primary goals of CVS Healths L&D program.Cooke credits development with playing a big role in keeping employees passionate about their work and about being a part of the CVS Health enterprise.The goal is not just the work

326、 theyre doing now but preparing them for whatever comes next.As a large organization with multiple lines of business,there is never a shortage of rewarding L&D work to tackle.For example,CVS Health has many distribution centers that ensure all stores and pharmacies are stocked with what our customer

327、s and patients need.Leaders saw a great opportunity to reimagine approaches and processes and distribution centers that create a welcoming experience for new colleagues and engaging experience for tenured colleagues.Part of this exciting work includes L&D and an investment in onboarding,orientation,

328、new hire training,and ongoing development.Its a powerful combination when the business and L&D come together to welcome,engage and retain colleagues.Another role that universally presents great opportunity for L&D is that of CVSs frontline managers.Typically,frontline managers are promoted from with

329、in and know the work of their team inside and out.They supervise and greatly influence the experience of the colleagues who create CVSs customer,member,and patient experiences.And,because CVS is dedicated to ensuring that those experiences are exceptional,the organization provides exceptional manage

330、r development.The ROI on the investment in manager development cant be overstated.Ultimately,CVS Health is committed to an L&D program that is a powerful combination of self-serve and curated for their colleagues.Cooke strongly advocates that,“You dont experience sustained high performance and succe

331、ss across a large complex dynamic organization unless L&D is a core component of your colleagues work experience.”Employees benefit from on-demand learning,available whenever theyre curious about a skill or topic.Learning is cohort-based and social,with ample opportunities to apply whats been learne

332、d.Learning is available,easy to access and simple to use.Colleagues and leaders can measure if their learning has had an impact.ENGAGEEXPLOREEXECUTEEVALUATELearning at CVS Health is organized into“Four Es”:LEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 20224701THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03H

333、OW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202248HOW TO GET STARTED Section III01THE STATE OF SKILLING02WHAT MAKES A STRONG SOCIAL COMPACT03HOW TO GET STARTED04THE FUTURE OF LEARNING05RESOURCESLEAN INTO LEARNING REPORT 202249Building A Learning Taxonomy In 2022,the hot topic around learning was building a skills taxonomy.With 40%of core skills changing in the nex



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