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2、3%OTHER3%ROLESENIORITYSupply chain disruptions and volatility are nothing new.The impact is just hitting sourcing teams harder than ever.Under-resourced functions and tired processes are nothing new.Team burnout is just getting more extreme.Something must give,and 2023 looks to be the year it finall

3、y will.Sourcing professionals:get ready to embrace the power of autonomous sourcing bots.The automation revolution starts now.Global procurement and sourcing professionals have spoken.REVENUEFIVE REGIONS$1BN+39%$500M-$1B 24%$500M 37%EUROPE/UK 15%TRANSPORTATIONDIRECTMATERIALSINDIRECTMATERIALSINDIRECT

4、SERVICESPACKAGINGMATERIALSCATEGORYThe impact widely felt:Global conflict and labor disputes will continue to disrupt the supply chain in 2023.The availability of containers will continue to fluctuate.Inflation will erode purchasing power for buyers,while the market simultaneously grapples with the t

5、hreat of deflation that will see the price of many goods plummet.The consensus is that recession is on the horizon,if not already here.of survey respondents experienced significant operational impact from both the semiconductor shortage,and from Russias invasion of Ukraine.44%experienced severe supp

6、ly chain disruption due to COVID.65%said inflation has impacted their supply chain costs.91%said supply chain operations were impacted by inflation and recession.58%Theres no hiding from constant market pressures.The good news?Procurement professionals dont intend to.The last few years have seen sou

7、rcing teams encounter unprecedented levels of unpredictability.83%Overcoming supply chain disruption78%Combatting inflation and rising costs57%Scaling productivity with limited resources/budget54%Sourcing sustainable suppliers52%Improving supplier diversity49%Nearshoring or sourcing new suppliers to

8、 mitigate risk45%Managing geopolitical risks39%Modernizing sourcing technology37%Overcoming a declining(or flat)workforce34%Managing more spot bids and/or cancelled contractsEncouragingly,there was also a 20%increase in procurement professionals who rank sourcing sustainable suppliers as of the high

9、est importance,now up to 54%this year from 34%previously.Welcome recognition that sourcing can do more to address its impact on climate change.Sourcing will take control of disruption.Its professionals have placed dealing with market unpredictability*at the top of their agenda:83%77%74%71%overcoming

10、 supplychain disruptioncombating inflationand rising costs managing market volatilitymanaging geopolitical risk*ranked as very important%Highest level of importance to sourcing teamsKeelvar Expert:“Tracking more supplier KPIs,such as on-time delivery and load acceptance percentages,then factoring th

11、em into award decisions,is just one of the ways sourcing professionals intend to deal with supply chain disruption.”David Siedt,Senior Analyst KeelvarWatch:How Microsoft Shifted Their Sourcing Strategy in a Volatile Market Supplier costs are soaring,and sourcing is shouldering the weight.Almost half

12、 of all respondents have experienced supplier cost increases of 10%or more,with a further third experiencing increases of at least 5%.While 25%of respondents cant see costs coming down in the foreseeable future,the majority of sourcing leaders are actively putting pressure on their suppliers to cut

13、costs.65%will emphasize more favorable payment terms and discounts62%will strategically negotiate long-term contracts56%will increase competition in sourcing events53%will weigh more supplier attributes in decisions40%will implement tech to support events21%will increase sourcing cadenceProcurement

14、professionals will also look to mitigate risk by improving supplier diversity(52%,up from last years 25%)and nearshoring suppliers(49%).Sourcing will make more competitive deals.Keelvar Expert:“Demand and supply curves change rapidly,and pricing is moving fast.As a result,Im seeing sourcing teams le

15、verage e-auctions to allow quick and easy negotiations on recurring items.”Dylan AlperinHead of Professional Services KeelvarTo be exact,86%of respondents saw an increase in their workload last year,while 52%reported they had less resources to act on it.The imbalance of workload versus resource is n

16、egatively impacting sourcing teams throughout the world.Fuelling the workload is onboarding suppliers they wouldnt have previously(39%).Fuelling the burnout is frustration with long,complex sourcing processes(36%).With less hands at the pump,malpracticeand rogue spend creeps in.No surprise then that

17、 tactical spend has been earmarked for digitization.Procurements people will demand better.In times of such turbulence,pressure to do more increases.But resources to do it,decrease.of respondents reported higher levels of burnout and stress.55%have a flat,or declining,workforce72%are cutting corners

18、 to ensure supply24%purchase outside of approved supplier lists22%Did you know?79%of employees quit jobs due to a lack of appreciation,OC Tannertactical spend-category planning-strategic sourcingspend analyticssupplier relationshipssavings tracking46%-39%-37%52%Top Digital Priorities for Sourcing Pr

19、ofessionals:To navigate unpredictable conditions,bring more competition to deals,keep sourcing teams happy and address rogue tactical spend,they are revamping processes:73%will reduce time spent on repetitive,manual tasks45%will improve visibility for better market insights41%will dedicate more time

20、 for strategic initiatives 40%will eliminate rogue spend32%will remove the risk of human errorSourcing professionals will embrace automation.And digitizing with autonomous sourcing technology:An investment worth protecting While 36%are cutting budget for capital expenses,only 12%are cutting budget f

21、or tech and innovation.89%86%63%say automation will reduce time spent on manual tasksthink it will result in extra time for more strategic initiatives.are banking on automation to enable smarter decisions that take more factors into account.We help global procurement teams drive better outcomes rega

22、rdless of industry,category,complexity or type of spend.With Keelvar,you can unlock more value from strategic events as well as manage more of the tactical and tail without increasing resource.You can replace excel and email with a smarter,more competitive way of working.Save more cost,increase effi

23、ciency,and improve buyer and supplier engagement.Empowering entire organizations to source like experts.Our unique combination of autonomous sourcing and sourcing optimization enables every individual in your organization to drive better outcomes.Not just those in procurement.Automated workflows for

24、 lower value business buying.Plugged into the same powerful optimization engine sourcing experts use for strategic events.More bidders and non-cost items.Increased competition and savings for every type of spend.The revolution is already here.Introducing Keelvar Total Sourcing.Thats why the industry

25、 loves Keelvar Total Sourcing:Sourcing Professionals:“I can honestly say its been groundbreaking for us in the Coca-Cola System.We now have a structured digital solution to manage all our“Off Tender”requests,removing 100s of emails from our inboxes on a weekly basis.”Alan Smith,Procurement Director,

26、Global Logistics(CEPG),The Coca-Cola CompanySuppliers:“Over the years,I have used many bidding tools from different vendors,but Keelvar is the one I have liked most of all.”Dragan Vidicki,Director of Transport&Logistics,AgroritHelping achieve cost avoidance in technology$60m saved by switching from

27、air charters to commercial flights Reducing rogue spend in food&drink 6,000 automated events for unanticipated shipmentsSpeeding up cycletimes in technology85%time saved building,running and evaluating RFQsOnly Keelvar combines autonomous sourcing with sourcing optimization.Welcome to Total Sourcing.Why not speak to the Keelvar team and see the bots in action?REQUEST A DEMO



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