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1、Research and Innovation Industrial technology roadmapERAin energy-intensive industriesfor low-carbon technologiesERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industriesEuropean CommissionDirectorate-General for Research and InnovationDirectorate E ProsperityUnit

2、E.1 Industrial research,innovation and investment agendasContact Pauline Sentis Angelo Wille Email EU-INDUSTRIAL-TECHNOLOGY-ROADMAPSec.europa.eu pauline.sentisec.europa.eu angelo.willeec.europa.eu RTD-PUBLICATIONSec.europa.euEuropean CommissionB-1049 BrusselsManuscript completed in March 2022.1st ed

3、ition.The European Commission is not liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication.The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.More information on the European Union is

4、available on the internet(http:/europa.eu).PDFISBN 978-92-76-44692-7doi:10.2777/92567KI-01-21-501-EN-NLuxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2022 European Union,2022The reuse policy of European Commission documents is implemented based on Commission Decision 2011/833/EU of 12 December

5、2011 on the reuse of Commission documents(OJ L 330,14.12.2011,p.39).Except otherwise noted,the reuse of this document is authorised under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International(CC-BY 4.0)licence(https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).This means that reuse is allowed provided appropri

6、ate credit is given and any changes are indicated.For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the European Union,permission may need to be sought directly from the respective rightholders.The European Union does not own the copyright in relation to the following elements:Image cred

7、its:Cover:skypicsstudio#286372753,Viktoriia#345410470,Rudzhan#443123976,2022.Source:Stock.A EUR 2021.5872 ENEUROPEAN COMMISSIONDirectorate-General for Research and Innovation2022ERA INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP FOR LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES in energy-intensive industriesLEGAL NOTICEThis publication b

8、y the European Commissions Directorate-General for Research and Innovation aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process.It gives an overview on the state of play in R&I development and uptake of low-carbon industrial technologies for energy-intensive industr

9、ies.The report has been developed with help of an external contractor,Member States and stakeholders.The outputs and recommendations expressed do not imply any policy position on the part of the European Commission.Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is

10、responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in this report.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD.4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.6 Key findings.6 Key opportunities for action.7 INTRODUCTION.8 CHAPTER 1 TRANSITION OF ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES TO CLIMATE NEUTRALITY.14 1 De

11、carbonisation of energy-intensive industries.14 The greenhouse gas emissions of energy-intensive industries 14 Concentration of emissions in the main sectors 16 Focus on steels,chemicals and cement 17 2 Current decarbonisation scenarios.22 Need for accelerated innovation the IEA Net Zero by 2050 Sce

12、nario 22 Market scale-up trajectories 23 Three high-level pathways to net zero emissions for EU heavy industry 24 3 Conclusions on the transition of the EII ecosystem to climate neutrality.26 CHAPTER 2 KEY TECHNOLOGICAL PATHWAYS.27 1 Synthesis of pathways,technologies and levels of maturity.27 2 The

13、 innovation areas and the approach of the Processes4Planet Partnership.32 3 The Clean Steel Partnership approach and technological pathways.36 4 The SET Plan approach and prioritised R&I activities.40 5 Enablers including circularity.44 6 Conclusions on key technological pathways.47 CHAPTER 3 R&I IN

14、VESTMENTS.49 1 R&I needs for decarbonising energy-intensive industries.49 The Processes4Planet Partnership:funding and investment needs along the timeline 49 The Clean Steel Partnership funding&investment needs along the timeline 51 SET Plan Action 6 on energy efficiency in industry:estimations of f

15、unding needs 52 Three pathways to net-zero emissions R&I funding&investment needs 53 2 Estimated public and private R&I investments.57 Public 57 Private 60 3 Patents and bibliometrics in climate change mitigation technologies.65 Update on trends in green patenting overall 65 Patenting trends in gree

16、n inventions relevant to energy-intensive industries 67 EU Scoreboard companies in green inventions for energy-intensive industries 70 Top Scoreboard innovators per energy-intensive industry 72 Geography of patents:regional technology hotspots 74 National and regional performance in the EU 76 Biblio

17、metrics 78 4 EU public investments and programmes.80 Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe 80 Financial instruments:European Fund for Strategic Investment(EFSI)/InvestEU.89 Innovation Fund 93 3 Breakthrough Energy Catalyst partnership 95 Modernisation Fund 96 LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme 96

18、COSME 96 The Ideas Powered for business SME Fund 96 European Regional Development Fund(ERDF)in 2014-2020 97 European Regional Development Fund(ERDF)in 2021-2027 106 Just Transition Fund 107 5 National investments and programmes.109 Recovery and resilience plans&national energy and climate plans:Memb

19、er States action towards climate neutrality under the scrutiny of the Commission 109 Strategies related to industrial decarbonisation and R&I 112 Specific schemes for development and towards deployment of green technologies 113 Schemes on specific stages of technology development 115 6 Conclusions o

20、n R&I investments.117 R&I needs and public and private investments 117 Patents 118 EU programmes addressing low carbon industrial technologies 119 National support schemes and strategies 121 CHAPTER 4 FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS.123 1 Regulatory framework conditions.123 EU regulatory framework for energy-i

21、ntensive industries 123 1.3.Policy framework for digital technologies to enable green transformation 132 1.4.State aid for R&D and innovation in the area of low-carbon technologies overview of applicable EU State aid rules 133 1.5.Sustainable Finance and EU Taxonomy 135 2 Valorisation and standardis

22、ation for low-carbon industrial technologies.135 Valorisation of R&I results 135 Standardisation as an important aspect of knowledge valorisation 137 Standardisation use cases as examples for valorisation of research results 138 Standardisation gaps 141 3 Conclusions on framework conditions.143 Regu

23、lation 143 Valorisation and standardisation for low-carbon industrial technologies 143 INPUT TO THE TRANSITION PATHWAY.143 REFERENCES.147 ABBREVIATIONS&ACRONYMS.153 FIGURES,TABLES AND BOXES.157 ANNEXES.162 4 FOREWORD At the time of this publication and for several months,Europe has been facing high

24、and volatile energy prices.After Russias unprovoked invasion of Ukraine,a spike in conventional energy prices and security of supply concerns have exacerbated the situation.The Commission decided to act decisively and presented a Joint European action for more affordable,secure and sustainable energ

25、y:REPowerEU.While Europe is looking at short-term solutions to cater for the current needs,we remain more than ever bound to the objectives of the EU Green Deal.The EU transition to clean energy has become even more urgent and the case has never been stronger and clearer.Implementing the European Gr

26、een Deal goes hand in hand with making the EU independent from Russian gas imports.Looking at the impact on industry,Russias invasion of Ukraine hits the EUs energy-intensive industries ecosystem hard.The REPowerEU plan of March 2022 shows confidence in our capability to accelerate the switch to ren

27、ewable electrification and green hydrogen.Meeting the objectives of the Green Deal requires some changes of paradigm,climate mitigation measures and a strong research-based energy sector.Accelerating the implementation of our goals requires even bolder and stronger innovations.That is why,in complem

28、ent to the new Emissions and Pollutants package of proposals,we publish the first industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries.We renewed the European Research Area with the objective of increasing the impact of research and innovation and to speed up the

29、transfer and uptake of research results by industry in the economy.This roadmap delivers on this objective.It provides a synthesis on the state of play in the development of low carbon technologies across energy-intensive sectors and points to critical investment needs.These needs appear not yet ful

30、ly covered in existing investment agendas and support mechanisms.This roadmap is drawing a pathway for more synergies in the use of existing mechanisms and cooperation instruments.The roadmap is addressed to policy makers at EU level and in the Member States and regions,but also to decision makers i

31、n the industry,and all stakeholders having a stake in the development of low-carbon technologies.The roadmap is there to help Member States to maintain their trajectory towards climate neutrality and to team up with researchers,innovators and the industry for concrete action.I thank all who have con

32、tributed to this report and I am confident that you find it informative and inspiring.I am looking forward to continuing and deepening our cooperation,joint action and investments to live up to our commitments for a sustainable,fair,secure and climate-neutral Europe.Mariya Gabriel Commissioner for I

33、nnovation,Research,Culture,Education and Youth 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The EU industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries has been published within the context of the new European Research Area by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation(DG R&I)Dire

34、ctorate E,Prosperity.The project was coordinated under the leadership of Angelo Wille and Doris Schrcker(respectively,Deputy Head and Head of DG R&I.E1 Industrial Research,Innovation&Investment Agendas).This document was produced by Angelo Wille,Pauline Sentis,Adrian Marica,Florence Roger and Evgeni

35、 Evgeniev as the main authors.In the same unit,Bernhard von Wendland,Patrick McCutcheon and Alex Talacchi,respectively,contributed to the content on state aid,on patents and on investments.Peter Drll,Director for Prosperity in DG R&I,and Andrea Ceglia,made substantial contributions to the review of

36、this work.Jrgen Tiedje,Garbine Guiu Etxeberria and Dominique Planchon(DG R&I.E3,Industrial transformation,)also contributed to the review of the draft report.In DG R&I,we are also thankful for their inputs to Julien Ravet,Ocane Peiffer-Smadja and Athina Karvounaraki(G1,Chief Economist);to Stefanie K

37、alff-Lena and Gergely Tardos(E2,Valorisation policies&IPR);and to Daniel Szmytkowski(G6,Common knowledge and data management service).This report is the outcome of strong collaboration with services all around and beyond the Commission,involving colleagues from the Joint Research Centre(JRC),the Dir

38、ectorates-General for Energy(DG ENER),for Regional Policy(DG REGIO),for Industry,Internal market and SMEs(DG GROW)and for Climate Action(DG CLIMA),for Education and culture(DG EAC),for Environment(DG ENV),the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency(EISMEA).In particular,we are grateful

39、 to Eric Lecomte from DG ENER for the close collaboration on the whole report.The chapter on energy-intensive industries was based on contributions from JRC colleagues:Andreas Uihlein,Ignacio Hidalgo-Gonzalez,Maria Ruehringer.The content on SMEs received contributions from Alberto Valenzano(GROW),Ni

40、cola-Elisabeth Morris(GROW)and Aurelie Gommenginger(EISMEA).The sections on decarbonisation scenarios and key technologies was the result of a collaboration between the European Commission and the Austrian Institute of Technology.We are thankful for the thorough assessment and analysis work conducte

41、d by Wolfram Rhomberg,Karl-Heinz Leitner and Bernhard Dachs.We also thank Julian Somers(JRC)for his review and contributions.The chapter on R&I investments received inputs and suggestions from colleagues in JRC(Aliki Georgakaki,Francesco Pasimeni,Anabela Marques Santos,Andrea Conte,Karel Herman Haeg

42、eman,Carmen Sillero Illanes and Niels Meyer),in CLIMA(Jose Jimenez Mingo,Carla Benauges,Johanna Schiele and Ewelina Daniel),in EISMEA(Katerina Borunska and Andres Alvarez-Fernandez),Kalina Dinkova from ECFIN and Dalibor Mladenka from EAC.The section on standardisation and valorisation was coordinate

43、d by Andreas Jenet from the JRC and involved contributors from the JRC(Paolo Bertoldi,Silvia Dimova,Evangelos Kotsakis,Marco Lamperti Tornaghi,Alain Marmier,Jose Moya,Amalia Munoz Pineiro,Ioulia Papaioannou,Fabio Taucer)and from CEN-CENELEC(Ashok Ganesh,Philip Maurer,Livia Mian).We are grateful to G

44、razia Angerame,Martina Daly and Sandra Milev(DG R&I)for their support in the communication activities.6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The EU has to drastically accelerate the clean energy transition and increase Europes energy independence from fossil fuels and from Russia.This focus is not new:decarbonisation

45、of industry is a key element on the EUs path to achieving the objective of climate neutrality by 2050 and an intermediate target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55%by 2030,as laid down in the European Climate Law.However,bringing innovative low-carbon industrial technologies quickly

46、 to the market has become more urgent than ever.The European Research Area(ERA)industrial technology roadmap sketches out the key technologies and the means to transfer them to the industrial ecosystem for energy-intensive industries at EU and national level.Key findings Scaling up and deploying the

47、 manageable number of innovative low-carbon technologies currently at high technology readiness is needed to reach the 2030 emission objectives and to further reduce industry dependence on gas.Technologies that are still in pilot and demonstration phase and at an even lower development levels are cr

48、ucial for reaching the 2050 emission targets.The challenge is to speed up innovation projects at scale to reach the market.There is a gap between the current overall research and innovation(R&I)investments across energy-intensive sectors and the amount needed to reach Green Deal emission targets.The

49、 biggest investment gap concerns investments in the coming years for first-of-a-kind(FOAK)installations and further deployment of technologies currently at high technology readiness levels.While EU co-programmed public-private partnerships provide a strong forum for cross-sector cooperation,there is

50、 no broad and open platform to establish efficient coordination of research,development and innovation investment plans for low-carbon industrial technologies.Several Member States have developed national sector-specific or even cross-sectoral strategies towards decarbonisation in energy-intensive i

51、ndustries,co-created with relevant stakeholders(such as in Finland,Germany,Slovenia and Sweden).These are important instruments designing a detailed process with milestones towards commonly agreed emission reduction(and other)targets.Nevertheless,not all Member States with high CO2 emission(per capi

52、ta)have had high European regional development fund(ERDF)allocations for low-carbon projects during the programming period 2014-2020.A key barrier to rollout are the uncertainties around authorisations of FOAK installations.Designing and building a pilot or demonstration plant at scale is one of the

53、 major challenges for the development of many decarbonisation technologies on the regional level and across borders.Patenting filings in green inventions,which give early indications of technological and economic developments,continue to increase globally and patents by major EU companies still play

54、 a key role in energy-intensive industries.However,the role of small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)in energy-intensive industries inventions remains unclear.EU green standards for several low-carbon technologies appear to be underdeveloped in areas such as carbon capture and storage,hydrogen and

55、 industrial symbiosis.As compared to other green technologies like biomass,their number of referenced policy documents and EuroVoc descriptors is significantly lower.7 Key opportunities for action In order to make best use of the public toolbox to leverage private R&I investment,to increase cross-se

56、ctor cooperation and accelerate deployment,the following opportunities for action arise:Assess the potential for establishing an industrial alliance or similar initiative for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries based upon the Processes4Planet and the Clean Steel Partnerships,as re

57、ferred to in the 2020 New Industrial Strategy.Such initiatives should have a special focus on cross-sectoral technologies linked to the energy efficiency of the industrial processes and use and integration of renewables.Implementing this cross-sectoral approach and the synergies identified by the ro

58、admap would allow a more efficient use of the public toolbox to accelerate decarbonisation and independence from gas towards clear targets.In this context,relevant hub structures could facilitate investment into development and uptake of cross-sectoral low-carbon industrial technologies.Awareness ra

59、ising actions and expert discussions about private R&I investment under the EU taxonomy for sustainable finance and about existing national support structures for uptake could help increasing R&I investments.Facilitate specific national sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies or programmes with key s

60、takeholders as part of ERA policy agenda.This can include joint discussions between the ERA Forum and the Strategic Energy Technology(SET)-Plans working party on energy efficiency in industry and/or peer counselling and working under the policy support facility and mutual learning exercise.R&I input

61、 into the European Semester could facilitate better matching of ERDF and national funding by Member States with a focus on the highest emitting Member States and regions.Establish a community of practice to facilitate authorisation for FOAK installation for low-carbon industrial technologies,buildin

62、g upon similar approaches under the European Chips Act,the Regulatory Hubs Network(RegHub)under the regulatory fitness and performance programme(REFIT),EU recommendations for approval processes for renewable energy installations,the Hubs4Circularity community of practice and involvement of existing

63、networks of relevant agencies.Improve the knowledge on patenting for green technologies and for energy-intensive industries,such as cement and steel,through more granular sector analysis,and through enabling simpler online searchers for existing green patents.Facilitate further valorisation by explo

64、ring with industry the opportunity to open up IP on central(cross-sectoral)green inventions,widening the access to IP for licensing (e.g.patent pool)and knowledge transfer.Cooperate with European standardisation organisations(e.g.CEN,CENELEC)and industrial partnerships to identify and fill main stan

65、dardisation gaps for innovative low-carbon industrial technologies.8 INTRODUCTION Policy context This industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries is published at a moment,when the Commission and EU leaders have launched strong measures to respond to Russi

66、as unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and to break the EUs dependence on Russian gas imports.Very high energy prices and the need to strongly accelerate the clean energy transition call for a combination of pragmatic short-term solutions and determined first steps to implement ambitious medium-and long-

67、term strategies.This technology roadmap highlights the technological options for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries,including the use of green electricity and hydrogen,it points to available support instruments,synergies and action to accelerate the transition.It is a call for a

68、dialogue with Member States and regions on their specific as well as common and cross-border interests and needs,and provides comprehensive input for Europes decision makers.As a cornerstone of the European Green Deal1,the European Climate Law2 sets in legislation the EUs objective of climate neutra

69、lity by 2050 with an intermediate target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55%by 2030,compared to 1990 levels.Climate neutrality by 2050 means achieving a balance between anthropogenic economy-wide emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases domestically within the

70、EU by 2050,mainly by cutting emissions.The law aims to ensure that all EU and national policies contribute to achieving this goal and that all sectors of the economy and society play their part in doing so.It steps up efforts to tackle climate change and to deliver on implementation of the Paris Agr

71、eement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.The European Climate Law takes on board the European Councils3 emphasis on the key role of forward-looking research,development and

72、innovation in achieving climate neutrality.Its accompanying impact assessment emphasises the key role research and innovation(R&I)plays in achieving the EUs climate goals and show that R&I will determine the speed at which decarbonisation can take place,at what cost and with what accompanying benefi

73、ts.An upcoming OECD report advocates the role that R&I need to play as part of the transition to a climate-neutral economy4.The report shows that the scale of the current innovation response is not in line with the climate neutrality targets.The empirical evidence points to a stagnation in public sp

74、ending for low-carbon R&D as a share of GDP and a worrisome decrease in climate-related innovation as measured by patent filings,along with a stable share of global VC funding directed at climate-related start-ups.Therefore,the report explores the possibilities towards more ambitious R&I policies fo

75、r climate neutrality,including interactions with other policy areas.In this context,Russias invasion of Ukraine is a stark reminder that the EU has to drastically accelerate the clean energy transition and increase Europes energy independence from fossil fuels and from Russia5.1 COM/2019/640 final,C

76、ommunication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the European Council,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions The European Green Deal.2 Regulation(EU)2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 2021 establishing the fr

77、amework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulations(EC)No 401/2009 and(EU)2018/1999(European Climate Law).3 European Council conclusions,12 December 2019(europa.eu).4 OECD(2022),Driving low-carbon innovations for climate neutrality,OECD Publishing,Paris.Forthcoming.5 See RePowerEU:http

78、s:/energy.ec.europa.eu/repowereu-joint-european-action-more-affordable-secure-and-sustainable-energy_en.9 The purpose of this first ERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries is to help aligning and linking key partnerships under Horizon Europe with

79、the industrial ecosystem for energy-intensive industries,so as to ensure that efforts team up and that research results are known and rolled out faster in the economy9.The roadmap pulls together analysis and stakeholder feedback on the state of play and future needs in R&I to develop and take up key

80、 low-carbon technologies.With this comprehensive overview,including the available policy toolbox,it will facilitate an efficient use of the full set of support mechanisms to crowd in private investments in key cross-border projects.The roadmap provides the basis for action at EU and national level t

81、o speed up the transfer of research results into the economy with R&I investment agendas from basic research to deployment10.The new ERA policy agenda incorporates the two green industrial technology roadmaps on low-carbon and circular industrial technologies together with complementary action to ac

82、celerate the twin green and digital transition for key industrial ecosystems11.6 2022 Facts and Figures of the European Chemical Industry,https:/cefic.org/a-pillar-of-the-european-economy/facts-and-figures-of-the-european-chemical-industry/.7 Please see also:Leopoldina,Akademie der Wissenschaften:Ad

83、-hoc-Stellungnahme|8.Mrz 2022,Wie sich russisches Erdgas in der deutschen und europischen Energieversorgung ersetzen lsst;https:/www.leopoldina.org/publikationen/detailansicht/publication/wie-sich-russisches-erdgas-in-der-deutschen-und-europaeischen-energieversorgung-ersetzen-laesst-2022/.8 As a fee

84、dstock for materials/chemicals(especially in the chemical industry)it is difficult to substitute and might continue to play a key role in smaller quantities.9 COM(2020)628 final,Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and th

85、e Committee of the Regions A new ERA for Research and Innovation(A new ERA).A second industrial technology roadmap will address circular industrial technologies and will be published before end of 2022.10 Action 5 of the New ERA for Research and Innovation,COM(2020)628.11 European Commission(2021),E

86、uropean Research Area Policy Agenda Overview of actions for the period 2022-2024,p.15 and following.Council Conclusions 26 November 2021(14308/21).Box 1|IMPACT OF A GAS SHORTAGE AND GAS PRICE RISE ON THE DECARBONI-SATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES IN EU ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES DUE TO RUSSIAS INVASI

87、ON OF UKRAINE Compared with coal and oil,natural gas has lower CO2 emissions in relation to its respective calorific value and is therefore an important transitional energy source on the road to climate neutrality.In the chemical industry for example,it accounted for 35.6%of the energy consumption i

88、n 20196.Replacing Russian natural gas poses a major challenge,particularly in the generation of process heat and heating.The heating effect of natural gas can be replaced in the medium to long-term by a combination of renewable electricity and hydrogen.However,this also requires enormous additional

89、quantities of energy generated in Europe or imported,as well as a conversion of industrial plants and storage and supply infrastructures7.Existing transformation paths must therefore be looked at considering the new framework conditions.Against the background of the scarcity of natural gas,-also as

90、a transition fuel,natural gas should play only a minor or no role in future technological solutions/R&I projects for emission reduction of industrial processes8.The implications of reduced availability and higher cost of gas on the technology pathways analysed in this industrial technology roadmap w

91、ill be be summarised under Chapter 2.10 The EUs updated industrial strategy from May 202112 defines 14 industrial ecosystems,one of which being energy-intensive industries(EIIs)13.Following this strategy,the findings from this industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies feed into the u

92、pcoming transition pathway for the energy-intensive industries ecosystem,which the European Commission is co-creating with stakeholders to facilitate the green and digital transition and to increase resilience.It contributes the R&I elements to the envisaged actionable plan,which the transition path

93、way is designed to deliver for the energy-intensive industries industrial ecosystem.An industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon industrial technologies This ERA industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon technologies in EIIs provides an evidence base to underpin R&I action for accelerated deve

94、lopment and uptake of these technologies,building on the Horizon Europe Processes4Planet and Clean Steel partnerships.It comprises input from several Commission services concerned,while providing complementary analysis of technology development and existing EU-wide R&I action to support it.World-lea

95、ding research on low-carbon industrial technologies is being carried out at EU level and at national and regional levels within the EU.The Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes are funding cutting-edge R&I in these areas,including partnerships with industry to help move low-carbon technologies

96、for energy-intensive industries from basic research to deployment.The European Commission regularly collects and assesses evidence on the development and uptake of low-carbon industrial technologies.This includes industrys focus on R&D investment,Member States engagement in relevant R&I,and local ac

97、tion to support industrial transformation.Relevant monitoring tools include the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard,the Strategic Energy Technology Information System(SETIS),the Science,research and innovation performance of the EU(SRIP)reports14,the Horizon Europe Results Platform,the Innovatio

98、n Radar,policy mechanism projects15,the Global Industrial Research&Innovation Analyses(GLORIA)project,the progress report on competitiveness of clean energy technologies,etc.They continuously improve their monitoring and assessment work including on breakthrough industrial technologies and innovatio

99、n ecosystems,in collaboration with the European Innovation Council(EIC).The Commissions work with industry experts has identified specific(groups of)technologies expected to have a particularly high potential to lower EU carbon emissions in EIIs16.These technologies also play a key role in greenhous

100、e gas emission reduction 12 COM(2021)350 final,Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy:Building a stronger Single Market for Europes recovery(Updated

101、 industrial strategy).13 The energy-intensive industries(EII)ecosystem covers the chemicals,steel,paper,plastics,mining,extraction and quarrying,refineries,cement,wood,rubber,non-ferrous metals,ferro-alloys,industrial gases,glass and ceramics industries,as defined by the Commission in SWD(2021)277,C

102、ommission Staff Working Document For a resilient,innovative,sustainable and digital energy-intensive industries ecosystem:Scenarios for a transition pathway(Transition pathway for the EII ecosystem).The sectors included in the ecosystem are characterised by high energy intensity and by being at the

103、starting point of most value chains,providing raw,processed and intermediate materials rather than finished goods.In this document,the focus is on the following sectors:cement and lime,chemicals,iron and steel,pulp and paper,ceramics,glass,non-ferrous metals.14 European Commission,DG R&I(2022),Scien

104、ce,Research and Innovation performance of the EU 2022 report.Forthcoming.15 Horizon Results Platform(europa.eu);https:/www.innoradar.eu;Projects for policy(P4).16 Processes4Planet Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda(SRIA);Clean Steel Partnership SRIA;European Commission(2019),Masterplan for a c

105、ompetitive transformation of EU energy-intensive industries enabling a climate-neutral,circular economy by 2050;COM(2020)953 final REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on progress of clean energy competitiveness.11 scenarios referred to in the EUs first Strategic for

106、esight report17.This analysis suggests,that scaling up existing innovative technologies as well as developing new breakthrough technologies is crucial to achieve both the 2030 and the 2050 objectives18.For mature technologies,the necessary investment into large-scale demonstration and deployment mig

107、ht require increased pooling of resources19.The industrial technology roadmap for low-carbon industrial technologies aims to substantiate the R&I needs to bring industry on the path for transition to reach both objectives and to provide a basis for common action with industry,member states and other

108、 stakeholders.17 COM(2021)750 final,COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL,2021 Strategic Foresight Report:The EUs capacity and freedom to act,key point III.2“Securing decarbonised and affordable energy”.18 A clean Planet for All,p.157;European Commission(2020),

109、Science,Research and Innovation Performance of the EU 2020:A fair,green and digital Europe,p.38;see also industry priorities in Masterplan for EII a Competitive Transformation of EU energy-intensive industries,p.25,and Capgemini,Fit For Net-Zero.20 According to Emission Trading System(ETS)greenhouse

110、 gas inventories,2019.21 Capgemini Invent(2020),Fit for Net-Zero:55 Tech Quests to accelerate Europes recovery and pave the way to climate neutrality(Fit for Net-zero),p.58 and following;International Energy Agency(2021),Net Zero by 2050:A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector(Net-Zero by 2050),p.121

111、 and following.Box 2|THE ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES ECOSYSTEM IN THE EU Energy-intensive industries accounted for 17%of the EUs total greenhouse gas emissions in 201920.These emissions mainly come from(fossil)energy use or from emissions from processes.That makes the decarbonisation of industry cru

112、cial for EU and global pathways towards carbon neutrality21.Without further major steps in industrial innovation for low-carbon technologies,the EU will not be able to reach its climate goals22.Industries producing key materials(steel,refinery products,fertilisers and cement)and chemicals emit aroun

113、d 500 million tonnes of CO2 a year,14%of the EU total23.The EII ecosystem is made up of around 548 000 companies across the EU,employing around 7.8 million people and providing a value added of EUR 549 billion(4.55%of the EU total)24,with different sectors accounting for different proportions(see Fi

114、gure 1).The EII ecosystem has a high percentage(99.4%)of SMEs,which represent 31.3%of the EII ecosystems turnover and 36.9%of its value added.Figure 1 Energy-intensive industries ecosystem Source:European Commission,Annual Single Market Report 2021(COM(2021)351 final).12 This industrial ecosystem is

115、 present in production facilities in all Member States and is particularly relevant for decarbonisation,due to its high energy usage,emission rates,and its spread across the EU(see Figure 2).Figure 2 Production facilities of the EIIs ecosystem in the EU Source:Energy and Industry Geography Lab(Joint

116、 Research Centre).Low-carbon industrial technologies for energy-intensive industries are currently at very different levels of market readiness,often lagging behind what is required to contribute to decarbonisation pathways in order to achieve 2030 and 2050 climate objectives25.However,it is importa

117、nt to assess and mitigate risks before beginning large-scale deployment26 and to provide a synthetic view on industrial transformation through advanced technologies in order to embed it in the broader vision of systemic change to 21 Capgemini Invent(2020),Fit for Net-Zero:55 Tech Quests to accelerat

118、e Europes recovery and pave the way to climate neutrality(Fit for Net-zero),p.58 and following;International Energy Agency(2021),Net Zero by 2050:A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector(Net-Zero by 2050),p.121 and following.22 SWD(2020)176,COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompany

119、ing the document COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT,THE COUNCIL,THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Stepping up Europes 2030 climate ambition-Investing in a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people,p.31,p.211 and following

120、.The European Commission had also carried out in-depth analysis exploring how climate neutrality can be achieved across the key economic sectors in the SWD In-depth analysis in support on the COM(2018)773,A Clean Planet for all:A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous,modern,competitiv

121、e and climate neutral economy(A clean planet for all),p.241 and following.23 According to ETS greenhouse gas inventories,2019.24 SWD(2021)277,Transition pathway for the EII ecosystem.25 Throughout this report we use the term decarbonisation to mean aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in indust

122、rial processes.The term decarbonisation does not,in the case of this report,mean substituting carbon as an essential element of most chemicals and polymers.26 A clean planet for all,p.243.13 ensure the overall sustainability of our economies and societies.To avoid risks of technological lock-in and

123、stranded technologies,thorough consideration of R&I results-as with industry in Horizon Europe partnerships such as Processes4Planet and Clean Steel-plays a crucial role in enabling efficient investment in future technologies.Therefore,the development and implementation of a common EU vision for R&I

124、 action and investment in EU technology roadmaps put together with industry,Member States and other stakeholders are essential for the EU to achieve its policy objectives27.27 SET Plan;European Parliament,2020,Study on energy-intensive industries;A new ERA;Fit For Net-Zero,p.18.14 CHAPTER 1:TRANSITI

125、ON OF ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES TO CLIMATE NEUTRALITY Energy-intensive industries(EIIs)are a major contributor to EUs greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions.This chapter provides an overview of the EU industrial ecosystem for EIIs and the emission footprint generated by its facilities in the EU.It then look

126、s into specific scenarios towards net zero emission in energy-intensive industries.1 Decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries The greenhouse gas emissions of energy-intensive industries The EII ecosystem,present in all Member States,is particularly relevant for decarbonising and transforming E

127、U industry,due to its significant share of EUs total GHG emissions28.According to Eurostats energy balances,energy-intensive industries consumed 83%of the final energy used by EU industries in 2018.Based on greenhouse gas emission inventories29,energy-related emissions(all gases)of EU manufacturing

128、industries and construction amounted to 448 metric tons of carbon dioxide(Mt CO2)in 2018,while emissions associated to industrial processes were 349 Mt CO2(56%and 44%of industry-related emissions respectively).Figure 3 Energy-intensive industries facilities CO2 emissions in the EU Source:Energy and

129、Industry Geography Lab(Joint Research Centre).28 According to ETS greenhouse gas inventories,2019.29 European Environment Agency,https:/www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/national-emissions-reported-to-the-unfccc-and-to-the-eu-greenhouse-gas-monitoring-mechanism-17 15 While emissions generated by

130、energy-intensive industry plants come from all Member States,there is a correlation between emission intensity and share of national Gross Domestic Product(GDP)in EUs GDP.The top four Member States in terms of GDP(Germany,France,Italy and Spain),with an overall share of 63%of EU27 GDP30,account for

131、more than half of all EU greenhouse gas emissions originating in energy-intensive industries plants.This trend is confirmed if the next two Member States with the highest emissions are included the Netherlands and Poland.This results in the top six Member States accounting for almost 73%of EU27 GDP3

132、1,and their combined share of greenhouse gas emissions originating from EII installations making up two thirds(66.9%)of total EU EII greenhouse emissions.Figure 4 Distribution of EII greenhouse gas emissions by Member State Source:European Environment Agency,GHG Data Viewer.However,data on EII plant

133、s CO2 emissions per capita reveals that several Member States have a CO2 intensity per capita that is more than double the EU average:Belgium,Slovakia,and Austria.The countries with a CO2 intensity per capita almost double the EU average are Finland,Netherlands and Luxembourg.Other Member States wit

134、h a CO2 intensity per capita considerably higher than the EU average are Lithuania and Estonia.Table 1 EIIs CO2 emissions per capita Country CO2 emissions from EII per capita Country CO2 emissions from EII per capita Country CO2 emissions from EII per capita Belgium 2.7 Germany 1.5 Poland 1.0 Slovak

135、ia 2.4 Cyprus 1.4 Ireland 1.0 Austria 2.4 Greece 1.3 France 0.9 Finland 2.3 EU27-average 1.3 Bulgaria 0.9 Netherlands 2.2 Spain 1.2 Slovenia 0.9 Luxembourg 2.1 Sweden 1.2 Romania 0.8 Lithuania 1.8 Croatia 1.2 Hungary 0.8 Estonia 1.7 Portugal 1.0 Denmark 0.7 Czechia 1.6 Italy 1.0 Latvia 0.5 Note:ERDF

136、 projects refer to the period 2014-2020 and CO2 emissions to the year of 2018.Malta is not reported in the table because there are no facilities of the EII in the country covered by the ETS.Source:Marques Santos,A.,Reschenhofer,P.,Bachtrgler-Unger,J.,Conte,A.,and Meyer,N.,2022,Mapping Low-Carbon Ind

137、ustrial Technologies projects funded by European ERDF in 2014-2020,Territorial Development Insights Series,JRC128452,European Commission.30 DG R&I calculations based on Eurostat data on GDP and main components,https:/ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/nama_10_gdp/default/table?lang=en 31 Ibid.02

138、0.00040.00060.00080.000100.000120.000140.000GHGs(kt CO2 eq)16 For more information on the link between CO2 emissions per capita and European regional development fund(ERDF)funding in low-carbon projects by Member State,see subchapter 3.4:EU programmes.Concentration of emissions in the main sectors T

139、here is an uneven distribution of emissions not only at national level,but also at sector level.Three of the sectors in the energy-intensive industries ecosystem non-metallic mineral products,basic metals,chemical products account for 63%of EII greenhouse gas emissions,making them particularly relev

140、ant in the EUs quest for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Figure 5 Concentration of greenhouse gas by sector Source:ETS&Eurostat data,processed by the Austrian Institute of Technology.Looking at the most emission-intensive sectors of the EIIs(non-metallic mineral products and basic metals),there ar

141、e differences between Member States emission levels:While Germany expectedly ranks first,the second and third ranks differ between these two sectors.Figure 6 Concentration of GHG emissions at national level for the two most emission-intensive sectors Source:ETS&Eurostat data,processed by the Austria

142、n Institute of Technology.Combined ETS and Eurostat data shows that there are different emission concentrations by sector.For instance,in the basic metals sector(e.g.steel,iron,aluminium),just the 18 most emitting industrial plants in the EU are responsible for 50%of the sectors emissions;and 43 pla

143、nts for 75%of the sectors emissions.By contrast,emission concentration is much lower in the chemical sector,where more than 400 of the most emitting plants account for 50%of the sectors emissions.17 Figure 7 Concentration of greenhouse gas emission plants Note:data for chemicals is not displayed to

144、scale on the graph because of the very high number of plants in the sector.The blue bar refers to the number of plants accounting for 50%of greenhouse gas emissions in the sector,the red bar for 75%.Source:ETS&Eurostat data,processed by the Austrian Institute of Technology.Focus on steels,chemicals

145、and cement These sectors are energy-intensive industries,which the Commission included in its 2022 Annual Single Market report32 as specific areas of relevance for the EUs green,digital and resilient transformation.FOCUS SECTOR|STEEL There are more than 500 steel production facilities across 23 Memb

146、er States.The steel industry is responsible for 2.6 million direct,indirect and induced jobs across the EU(of which 330 000 are direct jobs)33.Figure 8 EU steel-manufacturing facilities Source:Energy and Industry Geography Lab(Joint Research Centre)based on Plantfacts.The EU is the second-largest st

147、eel producer in the world,and it produced approximately 160 million tonnes in 202034.China is the top producer,with production exceeding 1 billion 32 Annual Single Market Report 2022 SWD(2022)40 final.33 SWD(2021)353 final,Towards a Competitive Clean European Steel.34 European Steel Association(EURO

148、FER),https:/www.eurofer.eu/about-steel/learn-about-steel/#Facts-at-a-glance 18 tonnes a year,representing roughly half the worlds annual production(53%).There has been a recent move in the industry to decarbonise steel production.The five biggest steelmakers(by production in 2019)have announced net

149、zero targets by 2050.All the biggest EU steelmakers have set targets to be carbon neutral or close to carbon neutral by 2050(with reductions of 80%)35.Steel production in the EU is mainly divided into two major routes36.The blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace(BF-BOF)route relies on coal as the main c

150、arbon-bearing material for steelmaking,and it mostly creates new steel.This route accounts for around 60%of the steel produced in the EU.The electric arc furnace(EAF)route,which largely relies on scrap steel as the main feedstock.It accounts for just over 40%of EU steel production.Figure 9 Steel pro

151、duction by Member State Source:JRC based on World Steel Association(2021),2021 World Steel in Figures.CO2 emission intensity of steelmaking varies greatly across the world.The main factor influencing the average CO2 intensity is the share of steel coming from each countrys different production route

152、s,i.e.the amount of steel made from iron ore through the BF-BOF route versus the share of steel made though the EAF route,which mainly uses steel scrap.The materials used in each process also affect the average CO2 intensity.Steelmakers add steel scrap to BF-BOFs to control the reaction temperature,

153、but the amount added depends on the availability and price of scrap and the desired characteristics of the final product.Increasing the amount of scrap reduces the amount of hot metal(from the blast furnace)needed per final tonne of steel,thus lowering the CO2 intensity.Similarly,EAFs can be loaded

154、with iron feedstock such as direct reduced iron(DRI),liquid hot metal or pig iron(from a blast furnace)in addition to scrap,depending on local availability,cost and the desired quality of the crude steel.Comparing steel productions average CO2 intensity by country(combining all production routes),th

155、e USA has the lowest,followed by Turkey and Europe(EU27,UK and Norway).This is because the first two countries(USA and Turkey)produce around 70%of their steel through the EAF route.EU countries have the lowest CO2 intensity out of those countries with over 50%of BF-BOF steel production.37 35 Somers,

156、J.,Technologies to decarbonise the EU steel industry,EUR 30982 EN,Publications Office of the European Union,Luxembourg,2022,ISBN 978-92-76-47147-9,doi:10.2760/069150,JRC127468.36 EUROFER,https:/www.eurofer.eu/about-steel/learn-about-steel/what-is-steel-and-how-is-steel-made/37 Ibid;Somers,J.,Making

157、the EUs steel industry fit for carbon neutrality,Publications Office of the European Union,Luxembourg,2021,JRC127468.19 Table 2 Announced or ongoing hydrogen-DRI steel decarbonisation projects in the EU Country Project(site)Company Reductant/fuel Technology Technology description Timeline Status Bel

158、gium(Ghent)ArcelorMittal NG,then H2 H-DRI 2.5 Mt DRI plant and two EAFs 2030:Operational 2.3 Mt DRI Letter of intent signed Germany H2Steel(Duisburg)Thyssenkrupp H2(electrolysis)H-DRI DRI with submerged arc furnace and BOF 2024:Commission first large-scale DRI 2025:Produce 0.4 Mt green steel with H2

159、 2030:Produce 3 Mt of green steel Announcement Germany H2morrow(Duisburg)Thyssenkrupp Blue H2 Blue H2 Supply of blue H2(offshore CCS storage)2021:Feasibility study completed Feasibility study Germany H2Hamburg ArcelorMittal Grey H2 then H2(electrolysis)H-DRI Grey H,then green H-DRI 2023:Produce 0.1

160、Mt(grey)H-DRI Plant design commissioned Germany HyBit(Bremen)ArcelorMittal NG,then H2(electrolysis)Electrolyser and H-DRI 24 MW H2 electrolyser 2026:commercial DRI MoU signed Germany(Eisenht-tenstadt)ArcelorMittal NG then H2(pyrolysis)H2 pyrolysis and H-DRI H2 from pyrolysis 2026:pilot innovative DR

161、I Announcement Germany(Wilhelms-haven)Uniper and Salzgittter H2(electrolysis)Electrolyser and H-DRI 2 Mt DRI plant with upstream electrolyser n/a Feasibility study Germany SALCOS(Salzgitter)Salzgitter NG then H2 Wind,electrolyser and H-DRI Wind park,electrolyser and H-DRI 2020:Commissioned 30 MW win

162、d park and electrolyser 2022:DRI plant Construction started Spain(Gijon)ArcelorMittal NG,then H2(electrolysis)H-DRI 2.3 Mt DRI plant and 1.1 Mt EAF 2025:Operational 2.3 Mt H-DRI MoU signed France(Dunkirk)ArcelorMittal NG then H2 H-DRI Initially NG,then H-DRI with submerged arc furnace 2021:MoU signe

163、d with Air Liquide MoU signed France(Dunkirk)Liberty Steel NG then H2 H-DRI Initially NG,then H-DRI 2021:MoU signed MoU signed Austria HYFOR(Donawitz)voestalpine H2(electrolysis)H-DRI H-DRI using fine ores 2021:Pilot plant operational Pilot Austria H2Future(Linz)voestalpine H2(electrolysis)Electroly

164、ser 6 MW H2 electrolyser for steel 2020:PEM 6 MW electrolysis plant operational Pilot Netherlands H2ermes(IJmuiden)Tata Steel NG,then H2(electrolysis)Electrolyser and H-DRI H2 production for H-DRI 2021:Final investment decision 2025:Start H2 production Feasibility study Romania(Galati)Liberty Steel

165、NG then H2 H-DRI NG then H-DRI 2023-2025:commercial with NG(2.5 Mt)MoU signed Sweden Hybrit(Lule)SSAB H2(electrolysis)Electrolyser and H-DRI Decarbonisation of full steelmaking value chain 2021:pilot plant operational 2026:commercial demonstration plant Pilot plant Sweden LKAB(Kiruna)LKAB H2(electro

166、lysis)Electrolyser and H-DRI Ore miner shift to H-DR 2029:DRI plant in Malmberget Announcement Sweden H2green Steel(Svartbyn)Northvolt team H2(electrolysis)Electrolyser and H-DRI Greenfield plant Before 2030:5 Mt capacity Announcement Source:Somers,J.,Making the EUs steel industry fit for carbon neu

167、trality,Publications Office of the European Union,Luxembourg,2021,JRC127468.20 FOCUS SECTOR|CHEMICALS The chemical sector has production facilities across 23 Member States,according to data from the JRCs Energy and Industry Geography Lab.The EU chemical industry is the second-largest producer in the

168、 world,after China,based on total sales38.However,the overall share of the EU chemical industry in the world market has been declining,falling from 26.7%in 1999 to 14.8%in 2019.The total volume of chemicals produced in the EU increased between 2004 and 2007,peaking at 314 million tonnes in 2007.Foll

169、owing a decrease in production during the financial crisis of the late 2000s,production levels resumed after 2010.However,they remain lower than the pre-crisis record,in spite of an increase of more than 10 million tonnes in 201739.The chemical industry is concentrated in a few Member States.In 2018

170、,around 70%of EU chemical sales came from just five countries:Germany,France,Italy,the Netherlands and Belgium40.Figure 10 EU chemical-manufacturing facilities Source:Energy and Industry Geography Lab,Joint Research Centre.38 Cefic,Facts and Figures 2021,https:/cefic.org/app/uploads/2021/02/FactsFig

171、ures2021_Leaflet_V05.pdf 39 Eurostat,Chemicals production and consumption statistics,https:/ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Chemicals_production_and_consumption_statistics#Total_production_of_chemicals 40 Cefic,2020 Facts and Figures of the European Chemical Industry,https

172、:/www.francechimie.fr/media/52b/the-european-chemical-industry-facts-and-figures-2020.pdf(data reported for EU28)21 FOCUS SECTOR|CEMENT The EU was the worlds third-largest producer of cement in 2019,producing over 182.1 million tonnes.This was approximately 4.3%of the worlds production,after China(2

173、 300 Mt)and India(320 Mt)41.However,EU cement production has declined by 19.2%since 2001,when 225.5 Mt was produced.The sector employed 35 169 people in 2019 across the EU.Overall,there were around 350 EU companies active in the cement-manufacturing sector in 2015,with an estimated turnover of EUR 1

174、5 billion and a value added of EUR 4.8 billion42.Based on the total number of companies,most were active in Spain(22%),followed by Italy(20%),Poland(11%),Germany(9%)and France(4%).However,looking at the companies turnover,Germany had the biggest share(19%),followed by France(18%),Italy(10%),Spain(10

175、%)and Poland(8%).Figure 11 EU cement-manufacturing facilities Source:Energy and Industry Geography Lab,Joint Research Centre.41 CEMBUREAU,Global Cement Production,https:/cembureau.eu/media/zutk4pir/global-cement-production-2019.png data reported for EU28 42 European Commission(2018)Competitiveness o

176、f the Cement and Lime Sectors,http:/publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07d18924-07ce-11e8-b8f5-01aa75ed71a1.0001.01/DOC_1 22 2 Current decarbonisation scenarios Several research consortia,agencies and two Horizon Europe partnerships investigate the potential of decarbonisation through the use of

177、 innovative industrial technologies and the relevant R&I investment needs in energy-intensive industries,including process industries.There is broad consensus on the key types of technologies and the level of maturity they have reached today thanks to R&I efforts in recent years.There is also growin

178、g consensus about the relative importance of innovation at low,medium and high technology readiness levels(TRLs)43,from the perspective reaching the EUs 2030 and 2050 climate targets while ensuring the competitiveness of EU energy-intensive industries44.The Processes4Planet Partnership(P4P)and the C

179、lean Steel Partnership(CSP)under Horizon Europe have developed specific roadmaps Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas(SRIAs)for industrial decarbonisation with their respective partners.These are mainly driven by private engagement leveraged through Horizon Europe work programmes(and the Resear

180、ch Fund for Coal and Steel(RFCS)in the case of the CSP).In the context of the SET plan45,Member States and associated countries,industry and research stakeholders,coordinated by the European Commission,updated the Implementation Plan46 of the SET Plan Action on Energy Efficiency in Industry in 2021.

181、The SET Plan prioritises specific industrial decarbonisation R&I activities,including aspects of clean energy production outside the scope of this roadmap.It also sets concrete targets to be reached in their development within a fixed time horizon reflecting the EUs climate and energy objectives for

182、 2030 and 2050.Complementary and relevant analysis has been done by the High-Level Group on Energy-Intensive Industries(HLG EII),the International Energy Agency(IEA),Capgemini Invent,Material Economics,the European Parliament,Fraunhofer and NGOs,who have published important studies and specific road

183、maps.Based on these,this analysis highlights how new low-carbon technologies can best contribute to decarbonisation in energy-intensive industries.Need for accelerated innovation the IEA Net Zero by 2050 Scenario In its latest decarbonisation scenario(net zero emission NZE)and publication on(industr

184、ial)technological perspectives,the IEA emphasises the urgent need to speed up innovation and the introduction of new low-carbon technologies in the coming decades47.According to the IEAs calculations and empirical findings,a major acceleration in clean energy innovation,including its production,will

185、 be necessary to reach net zero emissions by 2050(up to 40%quicker than in the past few decades).In the NZE scenario,innovative technologies that are on the market today(TRL 9-10)provide nearly all of the emissions reductions required by 2030.However,after 2030 reaching net zero emissions will requi

186、re 43 Description of technology readiness levels as per EC,Horizon Europe 2020 work programme 2018-2020,general annexes:TRL 1:basic principles observed;TRL 2:technology concept formulated;TRL 3:experimental proof of concept;TRL 4:technology validated in laboratory;TRL 5:technology validated in relev

187、ant environment(industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies(KETs);TRL 6:technology demonstrated in relevant environment(industrially relevant environment in the case of KETs);TRL 7:system prototype demonstration in operational environment;TRL 8:system complete and qual

188、ified;TRL 9:actual system proven in operational environment(competitive manufacturing in the case of KETs;or in space).44 See chapter 2.45 Strategic Energy Technology Plan(europa.eu)46 https:/setis.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2021-12/SET%20Plan%20Action6%20on%20EE%20in%20industry-Implementation%20Plan

189、-Rev2021-final-endorsed.pdf 47 IEA,Net Zero by 2050.23 the widespread use of technologies still being developed today and therefore at lower TRLs.In 2050,almost 50%of CO2 emissions reductions in the NZE scenario come from technologies currently at demonstration or prototype stage(TRL 4-8).This figur

190、e is even higher in energy-intensive sectors(see figure below).48 Figure 12 Global CO2 emissions in heavy industry and reductions by technological options(mitigation measures)and technology maturity level,in the NZE of the IEA Note:CCUS stands for carbon capture,utilisation and storage.Source:IEA,20

191、21,all rights reserved.A range of measures can help reduce emissions in heavy industry49,with innovative decarbonisation technologies such as carbon capture and utilisation(CCU),carbon capture and storage(CCS),fuel shift,electrification,hydrogen and material efficiency/circular economy.The role of C

192、CS might be more important globally than in Europe,as Europe is aiming for leadership in decarbonisation and thus innovative,non-carbon production processes that require no or fewer carbon capturing measures.For investment decisions in heavy industries,the long investment cycles mean that clean tech

193、nologies will have to be made ready quickly for large-scale deployment.Therefore,the challenge in Europe and globally is to ensure that innovative low-carbon industrial technologies that are at large prototype and demonstration stage today reach market within the next decade,when around 30%of existi

194、ng assets will be 25 years old and therefore require an investment decision50.Market scale-up trajectories The recent Capgemini Invent study51 confirms the need for accelerated innovation for industrial decarbonisation and the need to get more innovative low-carbon technologies to market-readiness s

195、tage.The figure below shows three different mass market trajectories for 2020 and 2050,addressing different levels of maturity of low-carbon technological options(see also Chapter 2).48 Ibid,p.123 49 Heavy industries:energy-intensive process industries+shipbuilding,manufacturing etc.50 IEA,Net Zero

196、by 2050,p.124.51 Capgemini,Fit for Net Zero.24 Figure 13 Industrial low-carbon technologies mass market trajectories Source:Capgemini,2020.The orange diffusion curve Drive to market scale comprises innovative technologies of TRL9-10.Mass deployment of such(niche)technologies must be achieved by 2030

197、+.These technologies are ready to be deployed on the mass market.Short-term acceleration of relatively mature technologies,scaling up,and quick replication are the priorities.The green trajectory Acceleration&scale up covers technologies that could reach mass deployment by 2040+,and the early market

198、 adoption(TRL 9)phase from 2024 onwards.They have reached TRL 4-8 now,are still in pilot or demonstration phase and are crucial for reaching emission targets after 2030.Kickstarting innovation for several,existing large-scale pilot sites(TRL 7-8)to become profitable in mass market deployment until 2

199、025 is crucial.The ambition here is for the predominant share of invested R&D to contribute to reaching TRL 8 by 2030 latest.The blue mass market trajectory,Innovation bets comprises breakthrough technologies for decarbonisation that are still emerging(TRL 1-3).They have the potential to reach mass

200、deployment by 2050+,an early market adoption phase from around 2035 onwards,and EU-wide replication by 2040.The mission is to speed up such innovation projects on a scale enabling them to reach TRL 9 in this timeframe,and to enable breakthrough technologies for sector-wide use also beyond 2050.While

201、 these technologies might not be able to influence decarbonisation up to 2050 significantly,given the long investment cycles in energy-intensive industries,they are highly relevant from the perspective of continued global decarbonisation and competitiveness after 2050.Three high-level pathways to ne

202、t zero emissions for EU heavy industry In their study Industrial Transformation 2050 Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions from EU Heavy Industry52,a research consortium led by Material Economics explored three general pathways to net zero emissions for EU heavy industry(in their publication this,refers to

203、 steel,plastics,ammonia and cement sectors).The approach taken in this study recognises that EU industry and society can choose different ways and that views differ on the most promising solution.All three pathways have in common that they leave no or very few emissions in place in 2050,and use the

204、range of possible technological and non-52 Material Economics(2019),Industrial Transformation 2050,Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions from EU Heavy Industry,p.36 and following,https:/ transformation 2050).25 technological solutions for net zero(see next chapter on technologies),but each with a different

205、 emphasis.The figure below visualises the three pathways proposed,New Processes,Circular Economy,and Carbon Capture.These three high-level pathways group together a number of more specific solutions(referred to as“technological pathways”in Chapter 2):materials efficiency and circular business models

206、;materials recirculation and substitution;new processes;CCS.In each of the three net zero pathways the mitigation share of the distinctive four solutions(including business models)is calculated,with different weight given to each of them,the most important one giving the name to the pathway.Figure 1

207、4 Potential emission reductions from EU steel,chemicals,and cement(Mt CO2/year),by means of different pathways to net zero emissions Source:Material Economics(2019),Industrial transformation 2050,p.37.26 In the New Processes pathway,most emission reductions are achieved by introducing new core produ

208、ction processes and new feedstock.This is a high electricity demand scenario that emphasises new,alternative feedstock.Key themes are innovation,elec-trification and investment.This scenario therefore relies heavily on new core industrial processes driven by electricity,either directly or using hydr

209、ogen.Key enablers are electricity supply and the rapid commercialisation of new processes.In the Circular economy pathway,the EU succeeds in making the transition to a circular economy,harnessing much of the potential for materials recirculation,materials efficiency and new business models.Jointly,t

210、hese account for nearly 50%of the emissions abatement in this scenario.It relies on the realisation of the potential for a more circular economy for materials recirculation and greater materials efficiency.Key enablers in this case are new business models,digitisation and extensive coordination acro

211、ss the entire value chain.In the Carbon capture pathway,a critical mass of carbon capture infrastructure is a key enabler of major emissions cuts.In this scenario,most of the 235 Mt of captured CO2 is stored underground.This reduces this pathways social acceptability however.CCU can nevertheless pla

212、y a role as an intermediate step in accelerating carbon emission reduction,notably in the sector coupling of steel and chemicals production.Key enablers are a critical mass of CCS infrastructure and risk distribution,and the reconfiguration of production processes to allow for high CO2 capture rates

213、.Extensive carbon capture in this pathway provides early emissions reductions,buying time for a more gradual introduction of new processes.It also requires less electricity than the New Processes pathway53.3 Conclusions on the transition of the EII ecosystem to climate neutrality The reduction of gr

214、eenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive industries is a cornerstone for achieving the EUs climate goals for 2030/2050 under the European Green Deal.The concentration of these emissions facilitates a significant impact from R&I policy action to support the development and uptake of low-carbon indu

215、strial technologies for energy-intensive industries.Energy-intensive industries accounted for 17%of the EUs total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019.Three sectors(non-metallic mineral products,basic metals,and chemical products)accounted for almost two thirds(63%)of all greenhouse gas emissions from t

216、he energy-intensive industry ecosystem.Within some EII sectors,installations are highly concentrated.For basic metals(steel,iron,aluminium etc.),the 18 most-emitting installations account for half of the sectors total emissions.In the chemicals sector,the more than 400 most installations account for

217、 the same share.The different degree of concentration in the sectors will be an important element of the decarbonisation approach,and have an impact on the need for knowledge dissemination.While EII facilities are present in all 27 Member States,there is a concentration of greenhouse gas emissions a

218、t territorial level.Data on CO2 emissions from EII facilities per capita reveals that a number of Member States(Belgium,Slovakia,Austria and Finland)have an emission intensity almost double the EU average,while other Member States(Netherlands,Luxembourg,Lithuania and Estonia)register significantly h

219、igher rates than the average.This is a call for national policy action to support the development and/or uptake of low-carbon industrial technologies.53 See also Material Economics,Industrial Transformation 2050,p.38.27 CHAPTER 2:KEY TECHNOLOGICAL PATHWAYS This chapter describes the key technologica

220、l pathways identified for reaching decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries in the EU and gives an overview of the state of play of decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries in the EU.1 Synthesis of pathways,technologies and levels of maturity The following overview of technological decar

221、bonisation pathways is based on a deep-dive analysis and assessment of technological options for the decarbonisation of industrial processes.It was put together by the European Commission in collaboration with its contractor,the Austrian Institute of Technology(AIT),based on several current reports,

222、studies and roadmaps,including those of the P4P and CSP54.The most important studies on which this synthesis is based,are referenced in the following sections of this chapter.The synthesis table shows the main technological pathways with relevant TRLs,and in all pathways,most technological options h

223、ave already reached medium and/or higher TRLs,except in the Electrification of production and processes pathway,where there are more lower TRLs than in other pathways.According to the the study and masterplan of the High-Level Group on energy-intensive industries and the feedback of business associa

224、tions during the consultation phase,the application potential of the different pathways and options identified is high for most of the eight industrial sectors investigated55.Exceptions are Use of hydrogen and CCS/CCU.In these pathways application potential is high particularly in the chemicals and

225、iron&steel sectors.54 The detailed analysis of this summary is available in a separate annex.The main studies included in this in-depth analysis,overview and assessment are:-European Commission(2021),Pilot industrial technology prospect report R&I evidence of EU development of low-carbon industrial

226、technologies;-P4P SRIA and CSP SRIA;-High-Level Group on energy-intensive industries(HLG EII)(2018),Masterplan,Study and Addendum;-European Parliament,Committee on Industry,Research and Energy(ITRE)(2020),Roadmap on Energy-Intensive Industries;-European Parliament,Panel for the Future of Science and

227、 Technology(STOA),Carbon-free steel routes-IEA(2020),Energy Technology Perspectives 2020;IEA,Net Zero by 2050;-Capgemini,Fit for Net Zero;-Material Economics,Industrial Transformation 2050;-ICF&Fraunhofer ISI(2019),Industrial Innovation:Pathways to deep decarbonisation of Industry;-Exponential Roadm

228、ap Initiative(2019,revised 2020),Exponential roadmap 2030:Scaling 36 solutions to halve emissions by 2030;-Energy Transitions Commission(2018),Mission Possible:Reaching net-zero carbon emissions from harder-to-abate sectors by mid-century;-Written input/feedback on draft technology assessment from e

229、nergy-intensive industries business associations representing the sectors at EU level.55 Industries included in the analysis are:cement&lime,chemicals,iron&steel,ferroy-alloys&silicon,pulp&paper,aluminium&non-ferrous metals,ceramics,and glass.28 Table 3 Overview of technological pathways,TRLs and ap

230、plication potential by sector Technological decarbonisation pathways in EII High priority in Material Economics pathways56 P4P innovation area Assessment of technology readiness(i)and application potential by sector57(ii)Prioritised R&I activities in the SET Plan Action 6 on energy efficiency in ind

231、ustry,in each thematic group(in bold)Electrification Processes,Circular economy,Carbon capture Electrification of thermal processes Electrically driven processes(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:chemicals,non-ferrous metals;iron&steel,ceramics,glass Heat&cold:1.1.Heat upgrade from low to high grade Chemic

232、als:4.1.Electrification Iron&steel:5.2.CO2 emissions avoidance through direct reduction iron using electricity Pulp&paper:6.3.Process optimisation and electrification(modular approach)Systems:2.2.Non-conventional energy sources in process industry including CCU Use of green58 hydrogen Processes,Circ

233、ular economy,Carbon capture Hydrogen integration as energy source and as reductant(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:chemicals,iron&steel and non-ferrous metals Chemicals:4.2.Integrated production of hydrogen with low carbon footprint Iron&steel:5.1.CO2 emissions avoidance through direct reduction of iron

234、using hydrogen CCS Carbon capture CO2 capture and concentration(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:cement&lime,chemicals,iron&steel Cement:3.3.CCUS CCU Carbon Capture CO2 capture for utilisation CO2 utilisation in minerals CO2&CO utilisation in chemicals and fuels(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:cement&lime,chem

235、icals,iron&steel;but also for all other EII Systems:2.2.Non-conventional energy sources in process industry including CCU Cement:3.3.CCUS Iron&steel:5.5.CCU Chemicals:4.4.CO2/CO as an alternative feedstock Alternative fuels and feedstocks(excl.H2),bio-based resources,and integration of renewable ene

236、rgy Processes,Circular economy,Carbon capture Integration of renewable energy and circular feedstock as energy source(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:cement,chemicals,pulp&paper,non-ferrous metals,glass;but also for all other EII Heat&cold:1.4.Polygeneration(heat,cold,electrical power)and hybrid plants i

237、ntegrating renewable heat Chemicals:4.3.Plastic waste as an alternative feedstock;4.5.Biomass as an alternative feedstock Pulp&paper:6.6.Biomass as alternative feedstock Alternative materials and more energy efficient processes Processes,Circular economy Integration of renewable energy and circular

238、feedstock as energy source Energy and resource efficiency Heat reuse(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:cement&lime,chemicals,iron&steel,pulp&paper,non-ferrous metals,ceramics;but also for all other EII Heat&cold:1.2.Waste heat to power(low and high temperature);1.3.Waste heat to cold generation Cement:3.1.

239、Resource efficiency;3.2.Energy efficiency Chemicals:4.6.Process efficiency Iron&steel:5.3.Process integration:HIsarna smelting reduction process for lowering energy consumption and CO2 emissions of steel production;5.4.Process integration:top gas recycling blast furnace using plasma torch Pulp&paper

240、:6.1.Integral drying and heat recovery processes;6.5.Onsite renewable energy conversion Materials efficiency,secondary resources and waste valorisation(incl.recycling/CE and industrial symbiosis)Circular Economy Energy and resource efficiency Circularity of materials Industrial-urban symbiosis Circu

241、lar regions(i)low/medium/high (ii)High:in all EII Iron&steel:5.6.Circular economy Systems:2.1.Industrial symbiosis Pulp&paper:6.2.Paper making without water evaporation Notes:In the central column,phrases highlighted in bold mean that in this technology pathway most technological options are at this

242、/these TRLs.Source:In-house by the European Commission(DG R&I)in collaboration with AIT.56 See the description of the three Material Economics overall pathways,under the section on scenarios.57 According to the HLG EII as well as feedback from business associations.58 Green means fully renewable sou

243、rces to produce hydrogen;stakeholders highlighted the emphasis on renewables but also low-carbon hydrogen.29 Box 3|IMPACT OF A GAS SHORTAGE AND GAS PRICE RISE ON THE DECABONISATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES IN EU ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES DUE TO RUSSIAS INVASION OF UKRAINE The current geopollitical

244、situation makes it necessary to drive and accelerate the transformation of energy supply and industrial processes even more vigorously than before59.In general,this means that technological solutions for decarbonisation that are already on the market(best available techniques(BAT)or are in the succe

245、ssful demonstration stage(TRL 7-9)must be quickly brought to the market of the user process industries and implemented competitively to achieve short-term and medium-term effects on emission reduction.Existing R&D projects and activities,especially from the medium TRL(4)onwards,must also be brought

246、towards innovation and market transfer more quickly than before through a joint public and private effort.To achieve synergy effects and dissemination as quickly as possible,cross-sector solutions and technologies are a key lever for that acceleration.That urgency may lead to a stronger emphasis on

247、dissemination and replication,and on R&D needs that focus even more on non-technological issues.Against the background of the price hike of natural gas and the dependency on natural gas imports and supply cuts due to Russias invasion of Ukraine,gas should play only a minor or no role in future key t

248、echnologies for decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries.The implications of reduced availability and higher cost of gas on the technology pathways identified in Table 3 can be summarised as follows:Electrification:The electrification of industrial processes(heat,mechanical,electrochemical)is

249、becoming even more important.Decarbonisation requires that the electric power is produced as clean energy.Use of green hydrogen:Since the production of hydrogen with natural gas not only leads to greenhouse gases,but natural gas could also become a(expensive)scarce commodity,hydrogen must be produce

250、d from water,with the aid of electrolysis fuelled by green electricity,in particular from renewables.Dispensing with natural gas seems feasible as soon as corresponding quantities of hydrogen produced with low CO2 emissions are available.Materials efficiency,secondary resources and waste valorisatio

251、n:The shortage of natural gas will significantly increase the importance of recycling materials and secondary raw materials as waste products containing carbon(e.g.slag).In addition,waste gases will be used as raw materials for the production of materials and chemicals where natural gas was used pre

252、viously(see also CCU).In addition,the importance of steel scrap could increase,as industry might prioritise processes,which use more scrap but require no or less natural gas(e.g.scrab-based EAF).Alternative fuels and feedstocks,bio-based resources,and integration of renewable energy:Alternative feed

253、stocks/fuels must be promoted even more.In addition to renewable,bio-based feedstocks/energy carriers,the production of synthetic fuels/energy carriers(e.g.synthetic natural gas)is gaining importance.The integration of electric power from renewable energy sources(wind,hydro,solar)has very high prior

254、ity to enable emission-free electrification of industrial processes(see above).An increased use of heat pumps,also in industry,and an intensified use of biogas(besides hydrogen)becomes more urgent60.Alternative materials and more energy efficient processes:increasing the energy efficiency of industr

255、ial production processes is necessary to reduce the importance of natural gas as a transition fuel and to use natural gas more efficiently than before in industry(both as a feedstock for chemical products(e.g.hydrogen)and as a fuel/reduction agent).Short-term and low-cost efficiency measures in indu

256、stry gain in importance.Carbon capture&utilisation(CCU):if less natural gas as a hydrocarbon source is available as fuel,reducing agent and raw material,the utilisation and valorisation of CO2/CO as feedstock for fossile based chemicals and the production of synthetic fuels or plastics becomes more

257、important.However,the question arises whether the use of green hydrogen as a feedstock/reactant for CO2/CO valorisation is sufficiently energy efficient,as it has to be produced via electrolysis before.Carbon capture&storage(CCS):storing CO2 in the ground is related to the reduced use of natural gas

258、 to the extent that less storage capacity for CO2 emissions from natural gas use may be required.The prerequisite for this is that natural gas is not replaced by other fossil fuels in industrial processes(oil/coal).The latter would also be counterproductive for European emission targets.30 Several t

259、echnological options61 and R&D&I topics can be applied across(several)industrial sectors62.Examples across the above pathways include the following:electrification of thermal processes(furnaces)and process steps;heat pumps for low/medium and high temperature processes;electrically driven separation;

260、electrochemical processes;use of hydrogen for better combustion in furnaces of high temperature process industries;capture and storage of CO2 from process emissions and combustion processes;CO2 capture and purification technologies for CO2 valorisation;integration of alternative fuel(mixes)and renew

261、ables;processing of(non-recyclable)waste and of biomass in high temperature furnaces;direct use of bio-based resources as feedstock in industrial applications/processes;hybrid systems,e.g.hybrid kilns;new kiln technologies,installing heat exchangers;energy/waste heat recovery(also between sectors63)

262、and optimal combustion processes;drying technologies;process intensification,e.g.through next-gen catalysis;industrial and industrial-urban symbiosis and reuse;innovative materials for better life cycle performance;inherent recyclability of materials;upgrading of secondary resources;better separatio

263、n and sorting technologies.59 Leopoldina,Akademie der Wissenschaften:Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme|8.Mrz 2022,Wie sich russisches Erdgas in der deutschen und europischen Energieversorgung ersetzen lsst.60 See RePowerEU.61 For technological options and R&D&I topics that could be used across factories and sect

264、ors boundaries see also P4P cross-sectoral innovation areas,P4P SRIA p.73 62 See also P4P cross-sectoral innovation areas.63 Being also part of“industrial symbiosis”.31 SME Focus 1|POTENTIAL ROLE IN DEVELOPING AND ADOPTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES Small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)can play a significa

265、nt role in creating further synergies at industry level to develop and mainstream the use of new industrial technologies aiming to decarbonise EIIs.Around 38%of SMEs reported to not yet use environmental technologies,with an ever higher share of SMEs not using low-carbon technologies(49%),according

266、to consultations ran by DG Research and Innovation(survey results64).Among the respondents to the survey,the share of firms which use environmental technologies is highest in southern Europe,followed by western/northern Europe and Central/Eastern Europe.At the same time,the share of companies which

267、develop new technologies or solutions is the lowest among SMEs located in central/eastern Europe.Figure 15 Development or use of environmental technologies at regional level Note:West/North:BE,DE,DK,FI,IE;Central/East:BG,CZ,PL,RO;South:ES,GR,IT,PT.Source:European Commission/Enterprise Europe Network

268、 SME Survey,conducted from November 2021 to January 2022(see Annex 1).The survey further indicates that the development of technologies is influenced by the size of a company.Therefore,larger companies are expected to develop new technologies in a considerably higher share than their SME counterpart

269、s.Figure 16 Development or use of environmental technologies and firm size Source:European Commission/Enterprise Europe Network SME Survey,conducted from November 2021 to January 2022(see Annex 1).32 2 The innovation areas and the approach of the Processes4Planet Partnership The EU co-programmed pub

270、lic-private partnership Processes4Planet(P4P)-successor to Horizon 2020 SPIRE Partnership-which covers ten leading sectors65 of the European process industries(cement,steel,ceramics,chemicals,engineering,minerals and ores,non-ferrous metals,steel,water,refineries,pulp/paper)is the only European leve

271、l cooperation involving industry and research organisations in the development of cross-sectoral low-carbon technologies for energy-intensive industries in the EU.Through innovation in decarbonisation technologies and processes as well as non-technological innovations,the P4P Partnership aims to bri

272、ng European process industries on a transformation pathway to make them circular and achieve overall climate neutrality at EU level by 2050,while enhancing their global competitiveness.For this reason,the partnership emphasises the need for crosscutting and cross-sectoral innovation.Through technolo

273、gical and non-technological innovations,cross-sectoral collaboration and engagement with the local ecosystem,P4P process industries aim to develop and deploy sustainable circular business models and will move towards resource circularity and resource efficiency.To accelerate the GHG emission reducti

274、on,cross-sectoral coupling,for example by combining fossil-based process integration with CCUS,will be encouraged.The cross-sectoral dimension of innovation challenges must also be considered at regional level:process industries are often clustered in industrial parks in the interests of better ener

275、gy,services,infrastructure and material flows.There is still a significant opportunity to further develop this approach,enabling the circularisation of value chains across industrial sectors and in the urban environment,triggering the development of regional circularity hubs.In this context,industri

276、al symbiosis and cross-sectoral cooperation mean a long-term commitment across the boundaries of individual companies in dealing with waste and the use of by-products.Currently,this often fails due to numerous barriers between companies,even if the technologies exist and could in principle be adapte

277、d and used.This is why the P4P Partnership urgently calls for more integrated approaches between sectors and companies,supported by circularity hubs and cross-sectoral and cross-organisational cooperation.The P4P Partnership defines 36 detailed innovation programmes to turn this vision into reality.

278、They are clustered in 14 innovation areas.The three high-level pathways outlined in the Material Economics study cover these innovation areas.As the backbone of the P4P approach,the innovation areas are expected to collectively deliver the necessary technological and non-technological solutions up t

279、o the market readiness stage.64 DG R&I has run a series of consultations targeting SMEs,and their findings will be indicated throughout the roadmap.For methodology indications and more details,please consult Annex 1 of the report,describing the results of the SME surveys.65 Largely but not precisely

280、 corresponding to energy-intensive industries.33 Figure 17 Estimate of the progression of P4P innovation area level Source:Processes4Planet SRIA,October 2021.According to the P4P roadmap,about 50%of the technologies in question,which the partnership addresses,could be applied by 2030,and 100%by 2050

281、(entering the TRL9 phase).Up to 2024,less than a quarter of technological options proposed by P4P will have entered their first deployment stage.P4Ps innovation programmes are designed to push multiple technologies towards commercial application(TRL 9),starting with low(TRL 1-3),medium(TRL 4-6)and h

282、igh(TRL 7-8)TRLs in the different innovation areas,depending on existing levels of maturity.P4P explicitly follows a cross-sectoral approach to generate synergies for technology development between industries and to create conditions conducive to technology transfer.Its three main goals are:developi

283、ng and deploying climate-neutral solutions;closing the energy and feedstock loop;global leadership in climate-neutral and circular solutions to accelerate innovation and unlock public and private investments.As does the CapGemini report,P4P stresses the need for technological development to happen w

284、ithin and between process industries as quickly as possible in order to reach climate neutrality by 205066,and the additional systemic challenges integrating process industries into the new value chains and a low-carbon energy system entails.To reach these goals,P4P emphasises the role of enablers s

285、uch as digitalisation and the establishment of hubs for circularity to enable the fast development of new materials and processes as well as industrial-urban symbiosis,which in turn makes a major contribution to improving the energy and resource efficiency of plants and value chains.P4P also aims to

286、 promote non-technological innovation and its implementation,particularly addressing 66 See also IEA,Net Zero by 2050.34 the non-technological aspects of efficient and effective technology take-up and diffusion,as well as the need to upskill and re-skill the workforce,and social acceptability.Proces

287、s industries are facing industrial competitiveness issues in terms of access to affordable climate-neutral energy and due to the absence of a carbon pricing level playing field with non-European competitors67.These factors hinder the transition to climate-neutral solutions.However,the potential for

288、digitalising the industry is a way to boost competitiveness.European process industries have not yet exploited the potential of digital technologies for resource efficiency and productivity gains.In fact,ICT currently invests very little in low-carbon innovation.However,it does contribute by develop

289、ing enabling technologies,such as AI.According to a recent Joint JRC and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)study(2021),20%of climate-related patents have a digital component,creating more potential for the digital transformation to enable the green transition across many car

290、bon-intensive sectors,and that 60%of climate-related trademarks are also ICT-related.The use of digital solutions is therefore widespread at the commercialisation stage68.According to the P4P Partnership,many challenges faced by several sectors can be addressed through cross-sectoral collaboration,e

291、.g.sharing information in the value chain quickly and safely,with the help of digital technologies.The effectiveness and efficiency of innovation programmes can be increased by developing such innovation jointly,enabling technology transfer and mutual learning.Cross-sectoral innovation also has the

292、advantage of faster deployment and greater impact at scale,as well as common risk sharing.The following figure summarises the partnerships vision of how to achieve the transformation of process industries.Industrial-urban symbiosis,process innovation,digitalisation and non-technological aspects are

293、crucial for transforming process industries.Process innovation includes innovation in the pathways of electrification,renewables,fuel and feedstock shift and hydrogen,the capture and use of CO2,and energy and resource efficiency.Industrial symbiosis as part of a circular economy,digitalisation and n

294、on-technological aspects support and accelerate the digital transformation and will integrate the process industries of the future into a climate-neutral and circular society.Figure 18 P4P approach to achieving its ambitions and goals Source:Processes4Planet SRIA,October 2021.67 Draft proposal for a

295、 European Partnership under Horizon Europe Processes4Planet,https:/ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/research_and_innovation/funding/documents/ec_rtd_he-partnerships-industry-for-sustainable-society.pdf(underpinning the Memorandum of Understanding for the Co-programmed European Partnership Proce

296、sses4Planet,approved and signed on 14 June 2021).68 See Amoroso,S.et al(2021),World Corporate Top R&D Investors:Paving the way for climate neutrality.A joint JRC and OECD report,Publication Office of the European Union,Luxembourg,2021,ISBN 978-92-76-43373-6,doi:10.2760/49552,JRC126788.35 Beside othe

297、rs,the P4P Partnership also emphasises the urgent need to develop and transfer technological solutions for the decarbonisation of industrial processes in a cross-sectoral approach to accelerate the pace of decarbonisation and dissemination of appropriate and promising solutions,and thus also to expl

298、oit synergy potentials between sectors of the process industry.Many challenges e.g.related to the integration of alternative raw materials and fuels,the improvement of energy efficiency,the valorisation of CO2,the increased use of secondary materials or the electrification of processes are in princi

299、ple the same between sectors.Technological solutions that address these common challenges have the potential to be relevant for several sectors,even if at the end of the day sector-specific adaptations and further developments have to be made.The examples given above can serve as a starting point fo

300、r such common,cross-sectoral solutions and applications,which can subsequently be defined jointly and more precisely by the participating sectors.For example,one sector could take the lead together with the equipment industry in such a pilot and demonstration project(e.g.in integration of renewables

301、 for electrification,new kiln technologies,CO2 purification and valorisation,or biomass in high temperature furnaces),further develop the required technological solutions surrounding this challenge 69 European Commission,Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,Sommer,K.,Study and portfolio r

302、eview of the projects on industrial symbiosis in DG Research and Innovation:findings and recommendations,Publications Office,2020,https:/data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/381211.70 SPIRE Trends Report 2020.Box 4|CROSS-CUTTING AND CROSS-SECTORAL INNOVATION UNDER P4P Cross-cutting and cross-sectoral innovati

303、on,including circular business models,technologies to increase resource efficiency and(urban)industrial symbiosis are at the heart of the EU co-programmed public private partnership Processes4Planet.This partnership encompasses ten leading sectors of the European Energy Intensive Process Industries(

304、cement,steel,ceramics,chemicals engineering,minerals and ores,non-ferrous metals,steel,water,refineries,pulp/paper)and is successfully showing the way forward on how innovation challenges common to several sectors can be addressed through cross-sectorial collaboration.Many similar innovation challen

305、ges are encountered across energy intensive industrial sectors such as,achieving high temperatures using electricity,integrating renewable energy in the process,making more efficient use of resources including energy,materials and water,developing CO2 capture and use,demonstrating industrial symbios

306、is,or addressing non-technical e.g.skills,data sharing or standards,related challenges.The effectiveness and efficiency of the innovation pathways can be increased by developing such innovations jointly and by putting learnings in common.Cross-sectoral innovation offers the advantage of faster deplo

307、yment and impact at scale.Processes4Planet(former SPIRE)has shown the effectiveness of its unique cross-sectoral innovation approach and aims to find more synergies in the coming period.Industrial-Urban Symbiosis,CO2 Carbon Capture and Use and Digitalisation achievements are some of the Processes4Pl

308、anet(former SPIRE)process industries successful cross-cutting,cross-sectoral innovations 69,70.Industrial symbiosis is the process by which wastes or byproducts of an industry or industrial process become the raw materials for another.This includes all resources:waste,by-products,residues,energy and

309、 water.In addition,symbiotic industrial clusters can share logistics,capacity,expertise,equipment and materials,and investments.Industrial symbiosis is an important element contributing to establishing a circular economy that goes beyond the optimisation of processes at the single value chain level.

310、The potential has been expanded towards industrial-urban symbiosis involving also municipalities and regions on issues like waste,energy and water allowing such industries to develop and anchor in these regions.This is the foundation for the hubs for circularity(H4C),an initiative put forward under

311、the Green Deal under the umbrella of the partnership.36 together with representatives from other sectors up to TRL9,and in this way secure and shape the know-how transfer to these other relevant sectors.This would also increase the chance that these sectors take up the results and technologies and i

312、n turn further develop them into viable sector-specific solutions and demonstration projects of their own.Therefore,this kind of industrial development and demonstration projects require mechanisms and formats that enable cross-sectoral cooperation and a transfer of solutions between locations and d

313、ifferent sectors efficiently and effectively.Trust-based mutual learning and the readiness for deep cooperation must be in the foreground and realised through transfer mechanisms at the right time along the ladder of technological development.The marbles proposed by P4P71 could in one or the other c

314、ase be an effective way to realise such cross-sectoral projects up to first-of-a-kind(FOAK)and thus TRL9.For instance,one of the marbles identified in the P4P roadmap 2050 as M33 New era for electrical&electrochemical processes is very relevant both for ceramics and for minerals sectors;M25 and M26

315、referring to CO2 capture,purification and utilisation,for cement,lime and ceramics;M49 Biomass and Biowaste as renewal energy-Torrefaction of biomass for steel and ceramics.In all these examples,cross-sectoral cooperation will enable actors across industries to optimise research results,reach econom

316、ies of scale,accelerate the uptake and widen the deployment of these technological pathways.3 The Clean Steel Partnership approach and technological pathways EU Emissions Trading System(ETS)data put the steel industrys degree of responsibility for the industrial CO2 emissions the ETS covers at about

317、 20%to 25%72.Steelmakers show a high commitment to reducing their emissions,thereby contributing to the achievement of the EUs climate and energy targets.The steel industry has been at the forefront of R&D&I into breakthrough technologies to reduce its climate footprint for many years73.The establis

318、hment of the European Clean Steel Partnership(CSP)and the development of its innovation roadmap is a further,important step in this process.The CSPs long-term vision is to support the drive for European leadership in transforming the steel industry into a climate-neutral sector.Six specific objectiv

319、es,to be achieved in seven to 10 years,will support the achievement of the general objective.These specific objectives are:enabling steel production by means of carbon direct avoidance(CDA)technologies at demonstration scale;promoting smart carbon usage(SCU)-CCUS technologies in steelmaking routes a

320、t demonstration scale,thereby cutting CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels(e.g.coal)in existing steel production routes;developing deployable technologies to improve energy and resource efficiency(SCU-process integration(PI);increasing the recycling of steel scrap and residues,thereby impr

321、oving the use of smart resources and further supporting a circular economy model in the EU;71 See P4P SRIA,chapter 5.5.A.SPIRE members have coined the term“marbles”to describe a first-of-a-kind(FOAK)large scale application of one or more new technologies,deployed by the process industry.They indicat

322、ed their intention to invest in marbles to bring them to TRL 9.72 See CSP SRIA,p.12.73 European Commission(2018),European Steel:The Wind of Change.37 demonstrating clean steel breakthrough technologies contributing to climate-neutral steelmaking;strengthening the global competitiveness of the EUs st

323、eel industry in line with the EU industrial strategy for steel.To achieve these objectives,R&D&I activities supported by the CSP will revolve around the following main intervention areas:two technology pathways:carbon direct avoidance(CDA)and SCU,further divided into SCU-CCUS and SCU-PI;circular eco

324、nomy(CE)projects broadly supporting technology pathways;possible combinations of the different pathways and CE projects;enablers and support actions,i.e.activities that can support the implementation of solutions developed in the other intervention areas,as well as the global competitiveness of the

325、EUs steel industry.The CSPs general objective is to develop technologies at TRL 8 to reduce CO2 emissions from EU steel production by 80-95%from 1990 levels,ultimately leading to climate neutrality.Increasing circularity through the use of recycled steel and reducing steel demand are important lever

326、s for the decarbonisation of EU steelmaking.However,virgin steel will continue to be needed in the future.This requires the deployment of new steelmaking technologies to replace the coal-based blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace(BF-BOF)route.The steel sector is currently exploring various strategies

327、to reduce CO2 emissions.In the short term,extensively modifying processes and switching from fossil fuels to low-CO2 energy sources can enable some limited CO2 mitigation.Combined with CCUS technologies,deeper emissions cuts can potentially be made.A different pathway,which seems to be emerging as t

328、he principal strategy for most European steelmakers,is to fully replace existing processes with breakthrough technologies that rely on hydrogen or electricity to reduce iron ore,making it possible to produce steel with little to no CO2 emissions.Deploying these technologies would require the replace

329、ment of existing steel processes with new steel plants.Key technologies include the following.1.The direct reduction of iron ore(DRI)to iron using hydrogen(H-DRI),thereby completely avoiding the use of fossil fuels.This process could already be deployed by 2030,but relies on the availability of low-

330、CO2 hydrogen and electricity in large quantities and at low cost.Several steelmakers are exploring the use of natural gas as a transition fuel until enough hydrogen is available at an acceptable cost.2.Electrolytic processes,whereby iron ore is reduced using only electricity,at high temperature(molt

331、en oxide electrolysis)or low temperature(electrowinning).While these technologies are potential game changers,they are not expected to be deployed before 2040.3.The smelting reduction of iron ore to steel with fossil free inputs,such as hydrogen plasma in a single reactor.This technology is highly i

332、ntegrated and potentially very efficient,but is also at an early stage of development and not expected to be available before 204074.74 Greensteel for Europe Project(2021),Decarbonisation Pathways 2030 and 2050,Somers,J.(2021),Technologies to decarbonise the steel industry,Publications Office of the

333、 European Union,JRC127468.38 The following graph from the CSP roadmap shows the six areas of intervention and how they relate to each other.Figure 19 Technological pathways and enablers to reduce the EUs steel industrys CO2 emissions Source:CSP Roadmap,2020.Carbon Direct Avoidance(CDA)includes technologies that avoid carbon emissions during steelmaking.CDA mainly relies on steel production process



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