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1、1 Public service experience through a new lensPublic service experience through a new lensReframing experience in the changing context of peoples lives 2 Public service experience through a new lensWhen it comes to public service experiences,agencies dont need to chase digital giantsPrivate sector c

2、ompanies often deliver experiences so seamless that theyre part of the fabric of our lives.They seem to happen without us even thinking about them.Our packages show up at the door.Our entertainment recommendations are always binge-worthy.Our lattes are waiting at the counter.Its only natural that th

3、ese experiences shape how we expect to connect with government.So it makes sense that governments look to emulate them.Yet insights from our 2022 survey of 5,500 consumers and 3,000 public service workers in ten countries highlight the unique experience requirements needed to deliver public services

4、 today.1 2 Public service experience through a new lens3 Public service experience through a new lens3 Public service experience through a new lensNaturally,most government agencies focus on compliance and outcomes,not on attracting and retaining customers.They have the added challenge of delivering

5、 vital services equitably to diverse populations,often at times when people are in great need.Approaches that might work in the private sector wont necessarily work in government and can limit vulnerable groups access to core services.With just over half of people we surveyed finding it frustrating

6、to access public servicescoupled with the current emphasis on experience in daily life and momentum agencies gained during the pandemicits time to tackle the issue with a fresh perspective.After all,meeting mission priorities can hinge on the experiences agencies deliver.Governments can combine digi

7、tal technology and human ingenuity,using digital services strategically to serve people in the changing context of their lives.The goal?Making experiences simple,human and secure to help build confidence in government.of the people we surveyed find it frustrating to access public services.53%Whats s

8、o unique about the public service experience?4 Public service experience through a new lensZooming in on public service experiences todayThe broad scope of services is one of the most distinguishing things about government.No other service provider does so much for so many peoplefrom distributing so

9、cial services and facilitating travel and trade to protecting the public and providing education.Serving a diverse population with varying needs makes it difficult for agencies to fully understand peoples preferred interaction channels.However,our research uncovers when and how people access service

10、s,which can help set the stage for advancing the public service experience.The first experience matters the mostMost people we surveyed use government services infrequently (once or twice a year).This infrequency of interactions should not deter agencies to underinvest in experiences.Instead,it rein

11、forces the importance of providing intuitive and simple processes so constituents can more easily and accurately get what they need.of people interact with government services zero to two times a year.75%With infrequent interactions,there arent chances to“practice”getting comfortable with interfaces

12、 or processes,so experiences should be intuitive to resolve issues the first time.Otherwise,people keep trying until they get what they need,which adds frustration for them and expense for agencies.This dynamic can also affect peoples confidence in government services.And heres something to consider

13、.Add up all these infrequent interactions,and the volume of public service transactions is enormous.For example,if every adult in the United States interacted with a government service just once this year,that would be 258.3 million transactions.2 This puts a fine point on a primary challenge of gov

14、ernment service:delivering first-time resolution at scale.4 Public service experience through a new lens5 Public service experience through a new lensDigital does not always deliver Much like the private sector,public sector agencies are increasingly turning to digital channels to provide services.H

15、owever,digital doesnt always deliver.For one,access is an issuemore than 20%of people we surveyed dont have high-speed internet access at home.4 Also,people who infrequently use government services are more likely to prefer connecting through human-to-human channels.Just 39%want to increase digital

16、interaction with government in the next year compared to 70%of those who use government services more frequently.Peoples preferences for one-on-one service experiences dont appear to be connected to discomfort with digital technology.Eighty-eight percent say they are very or quite comfortable using

17、it.And yet,40%still say that“in-person”is one of their preferred ways to access information from the government.5 Public service experience through a new lensof people used basic digital channels3 when accessing a government service in the past two years.71%6 Public service experience through a new

18、lensThe takeaway?As“digital”as society is,some people who could interact with government through digital channels still prefer human-to-human service.Of course,peoples situations influence their channel preferences.For example,someone renewing their drivers license might be comfortable doing so onli

19、ne,while someone reporting a stolen car is likely to want to talk to the police in person.Equally important,agencies have always had to ensure equity and access,addressing barriers of the digital divide.This will continue to be critical.Its about the whole service.Its about how does an in-person ser

20、vice complement a telephone service,complement a digital service?.”5Public service executive6 Public service experience through a new lens7 Public service experience through a new lensWhat people want from public service experiencesMost importantly,our research also uncovers insights into what peopl

21、e want from public service delivery experiences.Everyone has their own unique needs and preferences.However,in basic terms,people want simplicity,humanity and security above all else.These arent the“fancy”digital bells and whistles of cutting-edge private sector experiences.They are the fundamentals

22、 of good experiences.Make it easy for people to get the help and outcomes they need Strike the right balance between digital and human interactions,serving with empathy Strengthen security practices to grow confidence in government as a service provider and employer SimplicityHumanitySecurity7 Publi

23、c service experience through a new lens8 Public service experience through a new lensSimplicityMake it easy for people to get help and outcomes they needLengthy and confusing processes are peoples top complaints in describing public services.Some say they dont know what materials they need or where

24、to start.Public employees see process challenges too.They point to inefficient or frequently changing processes as the biggest barriers to providing great service to constituents.8 Public service experience through a new lens9 Public service experience through a new lensWe often find that government

25、 services are more aligned with operational structures and procedures than with“how people want to be served”and“how employees want to work.”Just 36%of people say government agency processes and interactions are intuitive.Only 5%feel they can always start a public service process using one channelon

26、line,on a device or in personand then complete it using another channel without starting over.A maze of processes makes it harder for people to resolve issues the first time they contact an agency.As such,they may never get the outcomes they need or may be unable to comply with requirements.At the s

27、ame time,agency employees end up with more stress.This is why simple processes are so critical.In fact,at least 46%of people say they would be more likely to use digital technology to access government services if the technology was easier to use.of people say government agency processes and interac

28、tions are intuitive.of people agree or strongly agree that government processes are clear and understandable.OnlyOnly41%36%9 Public service experience through a new lensSimplicityAs one public service executive told us,“Public services need to be designed in a way so they are easily available,can be

29、 accessed effortlessly and in a timely manner by citizens.”6 10 Public service experience through a new lensNo organization sets out to make overly complex experiences.Complexity comes from many factors that typically end up compounding the problem.Addressing complexity requires large-scale transfor

30、mation that takes time and money.However,there are quicker and more affordable fixes that can make a tremendous difference.These are things like redesigning interactive voice response(IVR)flows,providing targeted employee training or revising service messaging for target audiences.Case in point:A US

31、 state human services agency relabeled a link in its website navigation from“apply for unemployment insurance”to“apply for unemployment payments.”The switch to everyday language made it easier for people to access the service and begin the process of getting help.10 Public service experience through

32、 a new lensMaking it easier to plan for the future Planning for retirement shouldnt be stressful.Thats why the Central Provident Fund Board(CPFB),Singapores social security organization,applied the perfect mix of technology and skilling to its online experience,making its digital services simple,mor

33、e accessible and personalized.CPFB modernized mainframe applications,migrating eServices to the cloud to lay the foundation for enhanced platforms and system interfaces.At the same time,the organization re-engineered business processes and focused on a comprehensive effort to train CPFB officers to

34、work in new ways.Now,everyonewhether they access their information via the web or a mobile devicecan enjoy a personalized experience.The new system can handle significantly more user traffic and is easy to maintain and update,so it can age as gracefully as its users.User satisfaction ratings were co

35、nsistently around 90%after the transformation.7Simplicity11 Public service experience through a new lensHumanityStrike the right balance between digital and human interactions,serving with empathyFrom assisting with routine services to helping in a crisis,serving and protecting people is at the hear

36、t of public service.Yet today,30%feel like their concerns arent treated with sensitivity when they interact with a government agencyup from 20%in 2019.8 Nearly one in three people feel they are treated more like a number than a human.This is a signal that agencies could widen the aperture of how the

37、y see the people they serve.With a life-centric approach,agencies can see customers as they see themselves:unique individuals doing their best to make their way through life.911 Public service experience through a new lens12 Public service experience through a new lensQQFigure 1:How do you prefer to

38、 access information from the government?Select the top threeFigure 2:How do you prefer to receive updates from the government?Select the top three12 Public service experience through a new lens55%WebsiteEmailOver the phoneIn personSmartphone appLetter or paper formThrough social mediaOtherNo prefere

39、nceTextOnline chat with a human beingOnline chat with a virtual agent/bot48%46%40%31%23%22%11%8%8%3%0%72%EmailLetter or paper formWebsiteTextOver the phoneSmartphone appIn personThrough social mediaOtherNo preferenceOnline chat with a human beingOnline chat with a virtual agent/bot42%37%31%29%28%22%

40、12%9%5%4%0%HumanityThere has been an increase in peoples interest in digital interactions with agencies39%want more today compared to 29%in 2019.10 Even so,people still value“human”channels where they can feel“known”and connect with another person.This is especially true when they are accessing(Figu

41、re 1)information.For example,46%rank“over the phone”as one of their top preferred channels for accessing government information,and 40%rank“in person”as a top channel.People prefer less“human”channels such as emails,letters,websites and texts when receiving(Figure 2)information from agencies.Much fe

42、wer are interested in getting updates over the phone(29%)or in person(22%).These affinities signal a chance for agencies to determine which activities to digitize and which to direct to frontline staff.13 Public service experience through a new lens13 Public service experience through a new lensHuma

43、nityAgencies that solicit feedback and co-create solutions with people have more insight into the best ways to deploy digital solutions.Yet as personalized as digital solutions can be,people still need an“escape hatch.”This is the option to bring a human into the experience if a chat bot,IVR tree,on

44、line application or another digital tool isnt helping them.This need is aligned with the focus on care thats come out of the pandemic period.Care is so essential to being human,and people are discussing the need for it more openly.11Employees human needs should also be considered as agencies explore

45、 service experiences.Many public servants chose a career in public service because they are inspired to do mission-driven work87%feel empowered by their work.But no one becomes a case worker because they love responding to emails.By automating repetitive tasks,agencies can make jobs more rewarding a

46、nd mission oriented.The good news is that public service employees are open to learning new tools if it means they can serve people better.Seventy-four percent feel optimistic when new tools are introduced at work.A public service executive we spoke to explains,“Tools provided to employees need to h

47、elp reduce their cognitive load,not increase it,so they can focus on providing the best service possible to their client.”12of public service workers believe their work is meaningful.95%14 Public service experience through a new lens14 Public service experience through a new lensTraining people for

48、the human side of social workGovernment workers are often called on to support people when they are at their most vulnerable or in need.Take caseworkers,for example.It might fall on them to assess if a family or individual should receive financial assistance;or if a child requires care outside the h

49、ome.To explore a better way to train caseworkers on the human side of social work,San Diego County turned to a virtual reality training approach.This voice-activated and hands-free training builds an immersive scenario in which trainees step into the metaverse to interview applicants,obtaining and v

50、alidating information to make benefits decisions in a fully risk-free way.When trainees put the headset on,they find themselves in a county cubicle,with a family sitting across from them.Over 90%of participants say the training improved their skills in engaging people and provided a realistic expect

51、ation of their new role.And 100%would recommend the experience to a coworker.13“.Co-designing not just with and for the users but with and for employees as well.So that employees can focus on the things theyre most passionate about which,quite often,is about providing great service and getting peopl

52、e the help they really need.”14Public service executiveHumanity15 Public service experience through a new lensSecurityStrengthen security practices to grow confidence in government as a service provider and employerPredictably,peoples concerns about the security of their personal information influen

53、ce their views of public service experiencesand their confidence in these interactions.Many are concerned about agencies ability to secure their personal information and use it appropriately.Only 49%are confident that agencies are using their data for what they say.15 Public service experience throu

54、gh a new lens16 Public service experience through a new lensThis skepticism reveals a troubling confidence gap.Its fair to assume that most people intuitively understand there are very real threats to government assets,websites and infrastructure given the world we live in.Closing this confidence ga

55、p is key to making people feel more comfortable accessing public services.After all,“trust is the currency in public service,”15 as one public service executive reminded us.Its about giving people peace of mind that agencies will protect their data and keep their service promises.Addressing this dat

56、a security issue goes beyond a technology fix.The solution is multi-layered.It involves making agency leaders security champions,breaking down organizational silos,prioritizing cultural changes and delivering transparent outreach campaigns to improve public awareness.Data security is also a critical

57、ly important training issue for the agency workforce.Only 33%of public servants surveyed report that they receive cyber and data security training.Employee learning doesnt change public confidence,but it can help to prevent future breaches,which can further erode confidence.Training approaches shoul

58、d go beyond checking regulatory boxes.Truly changing behavior starts with engaging content and human-centered learning models.Because human fallibility is every organizations biggest security risk.of people are more likely to use digital technology to access government services if they had more conf

59、idence in data security and privacy.of the public service workforce receives regular cyber and data security training.43%Only 1/316 Public service experience through a new lensAt leastSecurity17 Public service experience through a new lensWhats heartening is that despite the confidence gap and secur

60、ity-related concerns,53%of people are comfortable sharing more data with government agencies if that means more convenient and efficient service delivery.This finding highlights the critical relationship between service quality and confidence in government.It also reinforces how important it is for

61、agencies to have the right skills,technologies and governance to realize the full potential of data insights.Agencies may also benefit from executive level oversight from a chief data officer.17 Public service experience through a new lensCreating a culture of cybersecurityLike most other organizati

62、ons,Crdit Agricolea French international banking groupfaced a dramatic rise in cybercrime threats during the COVID-19 crisis.Information systems security teams in Crdit Agricole Consumer Finance knew that it was critical to respond by increasing employees awareness of new cyber risks.The goal was to

63、 strengthen cybersecurity by reducing human risks.The team organized“cyber days,”a series of tailor-made employee workshops.These workshops covered data confidentiality,workstation protection,password security,telework,hacking techniques and phishing techniques.More than 340 employees attended the f

64、irst two days of workshops,which were designed to make complex technical information more accessible.The team is using other tools,such as newsletters,web series and podcasts,to continue to bring “cyber days”messages to employees.Security18 Public service experience through a new lens18 Public servi

65、ce experience through a new lensWhere technology and human ingenuity meet Agencies are exploring innovative ways to use emerging technologies and uniquely human skills to make interactions more simple,human and secure.What they are doing today is laying the groundwork for an exciting future of exper

66、ience.Revenue agencies are using artificial intelligence(AI)automated services and cutting-edge natural language processing to manage calls in new ways.AI-powered,conversational virtual agents can understand and answer callers questionstalking the way people do.This is an example of the kind of intu

67、itive services that dont just simplify experiences,they fit seamlessly into peoples lives.16Higher education institutions are beginning to evolve experiences using the metaverse and virtual reality,creating digital replicas of the campus and classrooms.This makes it possible for prospective applican

68、ts to take college tours from their living rooms,for students to learn and collaborate no matter their physical location,and for faculty and staff to participate in training.19Border agencies are making the process of immigration more intuitive with electronic case management systems.Simple step-by-

69、step structures make it possible for people to finish applications in one sitting without being overwhelmed by too much information all at once.Immigrants can fill out applications themselves,which means less processing work for agency staff.17 Social services agencies are using data and analytics i

70、n powerful new ways to shape interventions and provide timely benefits.By applying machine learning tools to case data,agencies can uncover factors that correlate with high risk of delays and predict which cases might be problematic.With these insights,agencies can proactively address issues so dela

71、ys never happen.20 Public safety agencies are creating digital case files where people can report incidents and include supporting evidence and digital witness statements.Offers are assigned to digital case files,and people can track progress and updates online and connect directly with the officer

72、as needed.The self-service model makes it possible to redirect contact center staff to urgent and complex issues.1818 Public service experience through a new lens19 Public service experience through a new lensSet your sights on 5 areasHow to deliver the experiences people wantPublic service agencies

73、 can deliver on peoples expectations for simplicity,humanity and security with a strategy that includes both quick wins and long-game actions across five fundamentals.19 Public service experience through a new lens20 Public service experience through a new lensDeploy digital tools with intentionMake

74、 strategic and situational choices in how your agency uses digital tools to serve people and improve the employee experience.The quick winsConduct an experience assessment to understand how people are using channels to interact with your agency.Begin to standardize an approach to digital identity in

75、 your branch of government.Assess how your employees use digital tools and channels to do their jobswhats working and whats not.The long gameTrack emerging concepts like the metaverse21 to identify breakthrough ways to humanize digital interactions and make the most of all available channels.Collabo

76、rate with partner agencies to further develop digital identity applications,such as a portable digital wallet.Empower in-person,hybrid and remote employees with omnichannel access to tools and information.0121 Public service experience through a new lensBring the public into the design processThe qu

77、ick winsDevelop service exit surveys to gather peoples feedback on their experiences and make plans to act on their input.Commit to human-centered design to improve experiences,seeking input from end users and frontline workers.Explore more ways to solicit feedback from people,such as digital journa

78、ling,focus groups,task tracking and IVR tree testing.The long gameEstablish communication channels between the public and agencies;use community-based organizations to expand outreach.Embed human-centered design as a natural part of projects,improving results with ongoing employee training and fundi

79、ng.Create a human-centered design studio with a cross-disciplinary team with expertise in everything from design and behavioral psychology to data analysis.02Invite input from people to develop public service experiences that are based on understanding,not assumptions.22 Public service experience th

80、rough a new lensInstill confidence in the workforceThe quick winsComplete a workforce skills assessment to understand the skills gaps in your workforce and pinpoint training needs.Triage training needs for staff and leadership,offering immediate solutions for priority skills gaps.Understand what you

81、r employees value about their jobs and determine how to help them do the work they love in a diverse and inclusive workplace.The long gameBroaden access to training through partnerships with colleges and universities.Evolve training experiences to make them more immersive with virtual reality,and ul

82、timately,via training in the metaverse.Create more opportunities for employees in your agency to work on purpose-driven and meaningful work by automating repetitive tasks.03Prepare the workforce with the skills they need to work in new ways,while growing their confidence and engagement.23 Public ser

83、vice experience through a new lensDevelop strong partnershipsThe quick winsIdentify the technology and policy barriers standing in the way of building key partnerships.Explore and pilot non-traditional partnerships with private sector players to improve experiences.Audit public information with part

84、ners to ensure messages reflect what people need from government,not how government is structured.The long gameWork with key partners to develop a roadmap to successful cross-agency partnerships.Streamline administrative operations where possible and codify ways of working with private sector partne

85、rs.Develop shared content practices and standards and centralize content development where possible to eliminate siloing of information within agencies.Helping entrepreneurs get down to business The Finnish government wanted to unite a wider ecosystem of government agencies in a way thats natural fo

86、r people and predictive of their wants and needs.The result is Starting up Smoothly,a world-class network of virtual assistants to help foreigners set up businesses in Finland.By using readily available,AI-powered technology,the Finnish government is providing relevant,personalized services from a s

87、ingle source so it can become the next top-talent hub for the worlds most forward-thinking businesses.2204Bring a whole of government approach to service delivery grounded in“how people live”rather than“how government is structured.”24 Public service experience through a new lensCommunicate to cut c

88、omplexityThe quick winsAssess your agencys digital effectiveness with targeted usability studies.Audit the way that digital content is produced as well as reporting processes in your agency.Coordinate your communications strategy across multiple channels to improve access and consistency.The long ga

89、meUse data insights and analytics to deliver highly relevant content to specific audiences across all channels.Establish policies and approaches to centralize marketing,including content production and analytics.Continually optimize content across channels for clarity and consistency and to address

90、changes in audience needs and attitudes.05Build peoples confidence,awareness and understanding of what programs are availableand what they need to do to receive them,while focusing on equitable access and reach.25 Public service experience through a new lensRefocus to see experiences in a new light

91、People cant switch government service providers like they can switch private sector companies.And profit isnt at risk from poor public service delivery experiences.But something more profound is.Good or bad,these experiences shape peoples perceptions ofand confidence ingovernment and their ability t

92、o access services they are entitled to when they need them.Its no longer about what the digital giants are doing and feeling pressure to emulate them.Its an exciting time for agencies to approach public service experience through a new lens.By seeing experiences through customers and employees eyes,

93、agencies can seize opportunities to achieve more compliance and mission outcomes.Theres never been a better time for fresh approaches to make experiences more simple,human and secure.So ask yourself,where do you see the possibilities?Contact us for more information about this research or to discuss

94、how we can help you with strategies and solutions to reframe public service experiences for peoples lives.25 Public service experience through a new lens26 Public service experience through a new lensAbout the researchIn spring of 2022,Accenture Research conducted an electronic survey of 5,500 consu

95、mers(The 2022 Accenture Government Users Survey)and 3,000 public service workers(The 2022 Accenture Public Sector Employee Survey)across Australia,Canada,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,Singapore,Spain,the United Kingdom and the United States.The surveys were designed to collect consumers and public serv

96、ice employees perspectives on government service experiences.Consumer respondents reflect a balance of ages,genders and income levels.Employee respondents include workers in border services,government administration,higher education,postal services,public health,public safety,public transportation a

97、nd infrastructure,social services and tax and revenue.Most have worked with government between 11 and 20 years.In addition to conducting these surveys,Accenture researchers conducted four interviews with public sector executives to gain a more detailed understanding of how government leaders approac

98、h customer experience today.ContributorsRainer Binder Prasanna Ellanti Samantha Fisher Alexa JaegerWee Wei NgRyan OakesDan SheilsJames SlessorHelene Vallieres-GouletAuthorsEyal DarmonManaging Director,Advanced Customer Engagement,Public Service Industry,AEyal works across the public sector to help a

99、gencies use digital technologies to transform customer experiences.He leads teams of strategy,consulting,technology and digital professionals to design and deliver conversational AI solutions.Eyal takes a pragmatic approach to using digital to reinvent experiences.Kevin Ellenwood Managing Director,P

100、ublic Service Industry,Accenture SKevin leads a global team focused on delivering great experiences to residents,business and anyone interacting with government agencies.He is passionate about working with designers,technologists and data scientists to deliver meaningful and transformative experienc

101、es across digital and physical channels.Jenny Brodie Health&Public Service Research Lead,Accenture Jenny leads a global public sector research team,where she is focused on understanding and exploring the problems facing governments.She is passionate about identifying trends and insights that can hel

102、p government clients improve how they deliver services and create positive outcomes.27 Public service experience through a new lensAbout AccentureAbout Accenture ResearchReferencesAccenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital,cloud and security.Combining un

103、matched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries,we offer Strategy and Consulting,Song,Technology and Operations services all powered by the worlds largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers.Our 710,000 people deliver on the promise of technolog

104、y and human ingenuity every day,serving clients in more than 120 countries.We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients,people,shareholders,partners and communities.Visit us at .1 See About the research for more information.All data is from Accentures 2022 consum

105、er and public service worker surveys unless otherwise noted.2 U.S.Census Bureau,“Population Under Age 18 Declined Last Decade,”August 12,2021 at https:/www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/united-states-adult-population-grew-faster-than-nations-total-population-from-2010-to-2020.html#:text=In%2020

106、20%2C%20the%20U.S.%20Census,from%20234.6%20million%20in%2020103 Basic digital channels include websites,dashboards and portals.4 This survey was conducted online and therefore carries an inherent bias towards respondents who have access to the internet and are comfortable filling out digital forms.5

107、 Accenture Research executive interviews,July 20226 Accenture Research executive interviews,July 2022 7 Accenture,“Social Security:Securing Life Goals,”https:/ Accenture,Accenture Citizen Experience Survey,20199 Accenture,“The Human Paradox,”2022 at https:/ Accenture,Accenture Citizen Experience Sur

108、vey,201911 Accenture,“Fjord Trends 2022,”at https:/ Accenture Research executive interviews,July 202213 Accenture,“Caseworker Training Reimagined,”at https:/ Research shapes trends and creates data-driven insights about the most pressing issues global organizations face.Combining the power of innova

109、tive research techniques with a deep understanding of our clients industries,our team of 300 researchers and analysts spans 20 countries and publishes hundreds of reports,articles and points of view every year.Our thought-provoking researchsupported by proprietary data and partnerships with leading

110、organizations such as MIT and Harvardguides our innovations and allows us to transform theories and fresh ideas into real-world solutions for our clients.Visit us at Accenture Research executive interviews,July 2022 15 Accenture Research executive interviews,July 2022 16 Accenture,“Improving Taxpaye

111、r Experience:Revenues Voicebot,”at https:/ Accenture,“EnterFinland:Border Management and Immigration,”at https:/ Accenture,“People+Machines:Reshaping Public Safety Contact,”December 1,2021 at https:/ Accenture,“Meet Me in the Metaverse for Higher Education,”at https:/ Accenture,“Using Analytics to I

112、mprove Family Outcomes,”at https:/ Accenture,“Technology Vision 2022:Meet Me in the Metaverse,”at https:/ Accenture,“AI-Driven Virtual Agent Network for Entrepreneurs,”https:/ content is provided for general information purposes and is not intended to be used in place of consultation with our profes

113、sional advisors.This document refers to marks owned by third parties.All such third-party marks are the property of their respective owners.No sponsorship,endorsement or approval of this content by the owners of such marks is intended,expressed or implied.Copyright 2022 Accenture.All rights reserved.Accenture and its logo are registered trademarks of Accenture.



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