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1、Attracting top talent in todays evolving workforceEmployer Branding GuideAs more and more candidates use a variety of tools to research organizations and their roles,employer branding is becoming increasingly important for all recruiting and retention efforts.This is especially true when hiring the

2、next-generation workforce,who are driven by are values,work/life balance,identifying with a culture,employee diversity,and business sustainability.Add to that a talent shortage and post-pandemic hiring challenges,and its no wonder that employer branding is more important than ever.Todays job candida

3、tes vet potential employers in ways similar to how they shop for consumer items on their favorite digital platforms,asking around,and reading reviews.What will that mean for your organization?Will your company be able to pass muster?To attract top talent and find better matches for your ever-evolvin

4、g roles,employer branding is what will differentiate you and help you stay competitive.PG.2A job ad is no longer enough.Generations X,Y and Z are making decisions based on relevant information and data.Talent can pick and choose between many job opportunities,and they will likely notbe based solely

5、on the highest salary.Stefan Hobiger,VP strategy,solutions&delivery,MonsterEmployer branding:Its not just a buzzword.When done right,employer branding acts as a magnet to attract the right people,and at the same time,a filter to remove those who arent the right fit from the process.Getting the right

6、 people,not simply more people,to apply to your roles shouldbe the ultimate goal.What it isEmployer branding isnt really any one thing,but a collection of all the elements that make up what working at your company is all about.Its your Employer Value Proposition(EVP)EVP is your promise,as an employe

7、r,of what you will give to your employees in return for their time,loyalty and productivity.Its often a bold,compelling,yet genuine statement that defines you.From your own career site to job postings to being consistent on social media and networking platforms,sharing your employer value propositio

8、n and company values in an authentic way is crucial.Its your people What is important to your employees?How does your company show employee appreciation?Is your workforce inclusive and welcoming to new viewpoints?Are your employees proud to work for your organization?Its the candidate experienceRecr

9、uiting etiquette being accessible,responsive,and courteous is part of your employer brand.What first impression are you giving to people who apply for your roles?And for those who arent hired,are you leaving the door open for future opportunities?Its not just.your career site,your job listings,your“

10、pillars”or your list of“values”,your corporate brand,your tagline or hashtag.Its all of the theseand more!How to evaluate and improve your employer brand Start monitoring your media mentions.Whats being said about you?How do people respond to your outreach?Are you met with positivity overall?Conside

11、r a focus group to answer some questions in an unbiased way to help you understand if your brand creates the desired impression with your target audience.See how your competitors are perceived and how you measure up or compare.Use engagement surveys to understand how connected people are to your wor

12、kplace.DID YOU KNOW?A Monster survey found that 46%of college grads go to YouTube/TikTok for job advice,while 30%of non-college job seekers use the platforms for their actual job search.Employer Branding 101:CONSIDER THIS:In a Monster survey of 1,000 college grads and 500 non-college grads,job candi

13、dates said they ghosted a recruiter because:The recruiter or hiring manager was rude or lied about the position 34%The recruiter or hiring manager took too long to get back to them 29%The process felt impersonal 26%PG.3Meet MonsterStrategic TalentSolutionsMore than ever,job seekers care about purpos

14、e and vision.They look for reasons to work for a company that go way beyond a bulleted list of perks and benefits.They want to see their potential future selves,thriving and growing at their new job.Attracting the right talent through an authentic employer brand helps create a happier workplace.We b

15、elieve employer branding should engender a feeling of belonging.When employer branding is done properly,your employees will feel their part and candidates will be able to see themselves,in the story you tell.Authenticity is keyPG.4Our goalAs an employer,you already have a brand.Essentially,its how p

16、eople perceive your company as a place to work.Your employer brand is communicated through your website,social media profiles,reputation sites,etc.Our goal is to help you take control of your brand message and amplify it across every candidate touchpoint.What we doWhether its updating career sites,c

17、onducting employer brandanalyses,or defining employervalue propositions,we help companies get a clear picture of their current digital state and create a memorable identity that will help them attract candidates who fit their jobs,company,and culture.How we helpMaybe youre a small business thats nev

18、er done an employer brand analysis and you dont know where to begin.Or you might be a midsize company with an outdated career site looking for a refresh.You might even be a large company ready for a total rebrand.Whatever your needs,our employer brand specialists can assess your career site and help

19、 you build a clear roadmap for your initiatives.We will work with you to implement seamless solutions and guide you every step of the way.Ready to transform your employer brand?Contact a Monster STS brand specialist.Strategic Talent SolutionsGET IN TOUCH PG.5You need a framework to build a compellin

20、g employer branding message that will resonate with quality candidates.Try running your brandthrough these six values:1.Care.Is it obvious that you care for youremployees as well as your customers?Do your benefits and workplace culture show that you support your workforce and go above and beyond to

21、make sure you have a healthy and vibrant workplace?2.Interest.Do you deliver a stimulating,interesting work environment,and innovative employment policies and procedures?How does what you do add valueto society?3.Social.Does your employment atmospherepromote teamwork and camaraderie?Dopeople get to

22、work on cross-departmentalprojects?Does the company host socialevents and family days?4.Economic.Economic values are not justsalary.What is the economic security ofyour company like?Is your pay competitive?Do you offer benefits that have real value?5.Development.Do you invest in growing your employe

23、es,recognize their achievements,and provide the opportunity for career-enhancing experiences?Are there clear paths to promotion?6.Application.Are candidates giventhe opportunity to use their skills andknowledge to contribute to the companybeyond their job description?Areemployees encouraged to bring

24、 ideas inan open forum?Is innovation rewarded?The elements of an employer brandCAREINTERESTSOCIALAPPLICATIONECONOMICDEVELOPMENTWhere to showcase your employer brandPG.6Every touchpoint that a prospective hire has with your company is part of your employer brand.These are just a few of the main areas

25、 to focus on:Career site.Think of your career site as the hub for all of your content.Its where you share the story of the company,your EVP,images,and videos of your employee culture and what various roles are like,and the ways in which you support employees with benefits,career advancement,and comp

26、ensation.It should be sleek and professional,with lots of multimedia features.Job ads.Often the first impression,be sure you make it a good one.Make your job postings about life at the company,the impact the organization is making,and how the ideal candidate will contribute to that mission,rather th

27、an a laundry list of job responsibilities.Social footprint.Social media allows you to show and tell real stories.These platforms can help validate the claims you make in your EVP.Candidates can follow and watch your company in action in real-time to get a better feel for the culture.Quick fact:1 in

28、5 college grads expect companies to have a strong social media presence.The hiring process.Candidate experience is so important for illustrating that the basic claims you make about your company are true.The process should be seamless,everyone involved should be sharing the same messaging and be on

29、the same page,and there should be lots of communication.In all that you do.Employer branding doesntstop once someone is hired.Your authentic brand should live,breathe,and resonate with employees day in and day out.PG.7Ideally,your employer brand and corporate brand live together in harmony and are p

30、art of the same ecosystem.“There are a couple of brands that have really hit deep integration,where there is no sense of corporate brand or employer brand.It is THE brand,”says James Ellis,self-proclaimed employer branding nerd,podcaster,and author of“Talent Chooses You.”The goal should be that cons

31、umers,investors,employees,and candidates can all look at the brand and understand what its all about,albeit from different perspectives.“Its telling similar messages that are congruent to each other so that when corporate says something,its not completely divergent or potentially divergent from what

32、 you want to tell a candidate,”says Ellis.Adding Employer BrandingIt used to be that the consumer brand of one the worlds largest furniture retailers was the main focus of all marketing efforts.Since it performed so well,it would be natural to assume that the consumer brand would spill over into a p

33、ositive employer brand.The thinking went that if this organization was a successful,socially responsible,fun company,wouldnt candidates naturally view it as a great place to work?”But a few years ago,the company recognized that the job market had changed,and candidates began demanding more informati

34、on than a job description before theyd commit to applying to a job.Thats when they began putting together some employer branding guidelines.In the years since,the team has embarked on in-depth employee research to uncover their true EVP.More than just what consumers believed about their brand,it was

35、 important to authentically tell their story and communicate why it was great to work there.While still a work in progress,they will soon be launching a whole new employer branding platform that will include:Concrete messaging that includes proof points Copy and visuals that make people want to read

36、 more Amplifying the employer brand duringrecruiting,onboarding and retention initiatives as well as within consumer branding/marketing communicationThe relationshipbetween employer brand vs.corporate brandPG.8How the pandemic changed the employer branding landscapeCandidates have said loud and clea

37、r in Monster polling and other research that whats important to them as an employee changed after having lived and worked through the coronavirus pandemic.From wanting to maintain a remote or hybrid work schedule to needing new types of support,to upending the way companies recruit,hire and onboard,

38、employers have had to pivot and adapt to their approach to employer branding.Building a culture remotely.So much of company culture has always been deeply connected to the look and feel of the physical workplace.Therefore,culture can be more challenging to define when not everyone reports to an offi

39、ce but that doesnt mean it cant be done.Employers must find new,creative ways to recruit and onboard new hires virtually,engage staffers,and cultivate a passion to do great work.Incorporating flexibility into employer branding.With more people working from home at least some of the time and 34%of ne

40、w grads citing flexible schedule options as their top desired job benefit showcasing your companys commitment to work-life balance is crucial.Showing support in new ways.Monsters“Hiring Gen Z”report found that 91%of college grads and 83%of non-college candidates say its important to them to feel com

41、fortable discussing mental wellness at work.Organizations need to refresh their message and explain to audiences what theyre doing to support employees,whether its offering employee assistance programs or providing more wellness benefits.Doubling down on Diversity,Equity and Inclusion.The era of jus

42、t talking about DEI has passed employers need to show their receipts.More than a quarter of candidates shared with Monster that they are looking for job postings that illustrate a diverse workforce.And more than 1 in 5 said they look for diversity and women in leadership roles.Move away from a trans

43、actional hiring model.What used to be the standard way to“put the butt in the seat,”needs to become a more relationship-driven recruiting model,says Ellis.“Its where you say,I dont want a million people applying for my jobs.Theres no value for me in having more than five people apply because Im only

44、 hiring one person.The only way to make that happen is to have pools of relationships with people who get what your brand is about,and what your company stands for.”Stop being vague.Most employer branders think that their job is to make their company look like a great place to work,but that is the m

45、ost BS phrase in the world,says Ellis.Thats because the definition of what it means to be great will be different for everyone.“You cant take leadership from Goldman Sachs and leadership from Meta and say,Were just going to switch you two because youre both really smart,”he says.“What Goldman is loo

46、king for and what Meta is trying to achieve is so different,”he says.“And so,when you say youre a great place to work,the more important questions are,for whom is it great and in what way?”Maintain good relationships with former employees.When people change jobs or get a new job,they can be very voc

47、al about the place they have left.Try to ensure that everyone leaves on good terms by having an exit interview process.Get into the daily details.Go beyond just the slick marketing videos to illustrate what life is really like working for your organization.Provide an inside look at the hiring proces

48、s,document a day-in-the-life with an employee,get specific about how your hybrid schedule works,etc.Walk the talk.If you go on a companys career site,sometimes its too close to the corporate brand where it feels like theyre talking about products and not people.What candidates really want to see is

49、how your employees are living the brand internally.If you say youre a company thats focused on career growth,but internally the managers are not enabling mobility,your brand is not being lived.Your employerbranding toolkitNow that you know what employer branding is and have some examples of what wor

50、ks,its time to get down to some best practices.Here are five to keep in mind as you move forward:BY DEVELOPING AN ACTION-ORIENTEDEMPLOYER BRAND,YOU CAN ENSURETHAT YOU NOTONLY HAVE ANATTRACTIVE MESSAGE,BUT THAT ITS BEING LIVED OUT EACH DAY.PG.9PG.10Visit website Case Study:The creation of an EVPOutco

51、me:Our team created a beautifulend-to-end product with messaging and visuals that bring to life the Helen of Troy employer brand,and resonates with its target talent.Messaging and visuals1.Uncover and create 2.Execute and monitorPHASE:1PHASE:2Challenge:Helen of Troy,a designer,developer and worldwid

52、e marketer of consumer brand-name home&outdoor,health&wellness,and beauty products,needed an employer value proposition that would help them enhance their digital footprint,clearly articulate their employer brand,differentiate from the competition,and optimize their Web presence.Solution:Monster fol

53、lowed its proven two-phase,five-step EVP methodology:Understanding internal andexternal perceptions1.Research 2.Assess 3.ValidateMonster Data Source:Monster Emerging Workforce Survey,March 2022Discover how we can help guide your creationof a robust employer brand by visitingMonsters Employer Branding Solutions or contact a Monster Sales Representative at 1-800-monster.



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