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1、Chinas Practice andIts Global RelevanceFrom Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:“Understanding Chinese Modernization”Series ReportPreface/1I.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas/3(I).Dynamic Poverty Prevention.4(II).Rural Industry Support.7(III).East-West Paired Assi

2、stance.9(IV).Assimilation of Relocated Residents.11(V).Modernization of Rural Governance.13II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Practice/17(I).Julu County(Xingtai City,Hebei Province):“1+3+1”Dynamic Poverty Prevention Mechanism.18(II).Meituo Village(Tongren City,Guizhou Province):The Development of a Moder

3、n Eco-friendly Tea Industry.21(III).GuangdongGuangxi Paired Assistance:A New Cooperation Model for the Production and Trading of Agricultural Products.23Table of Contents(IV).Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture(Yunnan Province):The Systematic Assimilation of Relocated Residents.25(V).Lianhua Town(Xia

4、men City,Fujian Province):The Expansion of the New Rural Governance Path of“Neighborhood Chiefs”.28III.Relevance of Chinas Experience to the World/31(I).Giving Full Play to the Coordinating Role of Multilateral Organizations.32(II).Expanding Inclusive and Public-benefit Regional Collaboration.34(III

5、).Promoting and Disseminating the Development Logic ofIndustrial Poverty Reduction.37(IV).Adhering to the Overall Idea of Sustainable Development.39In his report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),Xi Jinping,general secretary of the CPC Central Committee,noted that th

6、e past decade marked three important events with profound historical significance for the cause of the Party and the people.The First Centenary Goal achieved is the eradication of absolute poverty and build-up of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.From 2013 to 2020,a total of 98.99 mill

7、ion impoverished rural residents have been lifted out of poverty.An annual average of 12.37 million people have gotten rid of poverty with the incidence of poverty down by 1.3 percentage points each year.1 China has completed the arduous task of eliminating extreme poverty as scheduled.Eliminating e

8、xtreme poverty is not the end,but the beginning of a new life and journey.As China embarks on a new journey to advance Chinese modernization and build the country into a modern socialist country in all respects,the most challenging and arduous tasks remain in Chinas rural areas.In 2021,the country h

9、as set all-around rural revitalization as one of its major tasks.China will make use of all resources available to advance the high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas and achieve solid progress in promoting common prosperity,which will provide firm 1 “A Full Victory in the Fight agai

10、nst Poverty and Continuous Livelihood Improvement of Formerly Impoverished Farmers Report No.20 of the Achievement in Economic and Social Development since the 18th CPC National Congress”,National Bureau of Statistics,Oct.11,2022.PrefaceCover Photos(from top to bottom)Figure 1:Harmony Community in L

11、ushui County,Nujiang PrefectureFigure 2:Lamade Community in Lumadeng Town,Fugong County,Nujiang PrefectureFigure 3:Baoshan-Lushui ExpresswayFigure 4:The relocation site on the west bank of Nujiang river in Fugong County,Nujiang PrefectureProvided by:Publicity Department of CPC Nujiang Prefecture Com

12、mitteematerial foundations and a proactive mindset for realizing Chinese modernization.The steady progress in Chinas poverty alleviation is made possible with the scientific coordination and planning by the Chinese government to realize agricultural and rural modernization.The abundant opportunities

13、 brought about by Chinas economic transformation and upgrading also play a part.Based on national realities,the country has blazed a path in consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation,as well as effectively connecting with rural revitalization.A five-pronged governance mecha

14、nism for poverty reduction dynamic poverty prevention,rural industry support,East-West paired assistance,assimilation of relocated residents,and modernization of rural governance(“DREAM”)has been put in place.The mechanism has laid solid foundation for the countrys coordinated economic and social de

15、velopment to offer enlightenment for the international community in the battle to reduce poverty.Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies March,2023“DREAM”:CHINAS APPROACH TO POVERTY ALLEVIATIONIN RURAL AREASI 45From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global R

16、elevanceI.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas(I).Dynamic Poverty PreventionPoverty reduction is a long-term,systematic project.As 98.99 million people in rural areas have been lifted out of poverty,China has completely eliminated extreme poverty.Yet,among the rural resident

17、s out of poverty,vulnerable groups(physiologically and socially)including the aged,the disabled,orphans,and widows still face the long-term potential risk of falling back into poverty caused by major diseases,natural disasters,and emergency accidents,among others.This is because they are in a disadv

18、antaged position to earn a living,and their families are also confronted by financial burdens.To effectively prevent the large-scale return to poverty of key groups(such as those who have just emerged from poverty but whose position is far from secure and those on the verge of poverty who can fall b

19、ack in again easily),it is necessary to have a systematic mechanism that regularly monitors any trends indicating a return to poverty and provides associated support measures.To ensure the enduring and sustainable effect of eliminating extreme poverty,the Chinese government has put in place a dynami

20、c poverty prevention mechanism.With this mechanism,lower-income rural residents can self-declare their information,rural officials working at the grassroots can identify precisely the groups in need of help after door-to-door visits,and the departments of social security and public health can connec

21、t the data to give early warning.With all these measures,a grid-based monitoring system covering all towns,villages,and villager groups has been formed.Those in need of monitoring will be accurately identified after a series of screening with relevant monitoring data dynamically collected.If,due to

22、risks like disaster,illness,or the COVID-19 pandemic,a trend indicating a return to poverty is spotted,relevant grassroots departments will offer support such as social assistance and medical insurance1 to eliminate the risk of slipping back to poverty for those people.In 2022,mechanisms for annuall

23、y adjusting the monitoring standard in line with local conditions have been put in place to provide help for all those in need.65.3 percent of the population monitored have been helped to avoid the risk of slipping back to poverty and the rest have been offered with associated support measures.2 1“T

24、he Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Key Tasks to Compre-hensively Promote Rural Revitalization in 2022”,Peoples Daily,Feb.23,2022,Page 1.2“The Per Capita Net Income of People out of Poverty in 2022 Registered a Year-on-year Increase of 14.3 Percent”,Peoples Daily,Jan.25

25、,2023,Page 1.Rural construction is a major part in Chinas poverty alleviation.From consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation achievements to promoting all-around rural revitalization,the Chinese government has carried out measures by putting people first,maintaining self-confidence and standin

26、g on its own feet,upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground,adopting a problem-oriented approach,and applying systematic thinking.Adopting consistent and stable policies and measures to safeguard the sustainable development of rural areas,China has thus created“DREAM”,an approach that

27、 suits its national realities.67From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceI.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural AreasA total of 18,171,000 people of the population emerged from poverty have been covered by subsistence allowances,extr

28、eme poverty relief funds,or other support and assistance to help them meet their basic needs.Among key groups such as those who have just emerged from poverty but whose position is far from secure,those on the verge of poverty who can fall back in again easily,and those experiencing difficulties in

29、meeting their basic needs due to expenditure induced by emergency accidents;2,402,500 people in total have been included into assistance schemes.1 Generally speaking,the dynamic poverty prevention mechanism has effectively consolidated Chinas achievements in fighting against poverty.1 Source of stat

30、istics data:the official site of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China,https:/ Industry SupportThe governance mechanism of Chinas poverty reduction,instead of falling into a“welfare trap”and transfusing blood,focuses on a more sustained effort from the self-motivation of the

31、 poor as well as the independent production and reproduction of poverty-stricken areas.Fostering rural industries with local features to expand the channels of income is an important measure to build the internal growth momentum of formerly impoverished areas.As Chinas poverty reduction effort conti

32、nues,the nations vast rural areas have ended the original industrial development model featuring only low-end industry with imbalanced structure.In line with local realities,they have set up high value-added industries such as agricultural product production and processing,rural e-commerce business,

33、and rural leisure tourism,unleashing the internal dynamism of all production factors.Rural industries with local features have been improved and county-level industries capable of increasing rural peoples income have been developed.These efforts fulfill the actual need of constantly increasing the i

34、ncome of people lifted out of poverty,as well as facilitating their stable employment.The measures are also vital for consolidating the fruits of poverty alleviation to sustainably develop the rural economy in general.Several problems,such as weak production and operation foundation,lower competitiv

35、eness,and insufficient development momentum,still haunt the industries of formerly impoverished areas.In response,the Chinese government has adopted preferential financial policies,improved infrastructure,and encouraged the employment of more diverse production and operation means to support the gro

36、wth of the industries.In terms of finance,the Chinese government has adopted incentive policies in credit support,tax preference,and the use of land to divert production resources including labor force,finance,and land towards rural industries.Chinas Rural Subsistence Allowances Person covered by su

37、bsistence allowances(unit:10,000 persons)04008000240028003200360040002022Jan.2022Feb.2022Mar.2022Apr.2022May2022Jun.2022Jul.2022Aug.2022Sep.Household covered by rural subsistence allowances(unit:10,000 households)Person covered by rural subsistence allowances(unit:10,000 persons)Table 1:C

38、hinas Rural Subsistence Allowances,JanuarySeptember,2022(Source of data:the official statistics data of the Ministry of Civil Affairs)89From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceI.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural AreasWith regard

39、to infrastructure,by speeding up the transportation hardware and software upgrading in townships,towns and administrative villages,full electricity coverage,and connected expressway network,the Chinese government has opened up the critical path to connecting rural industries and market.As for produc

40、tion and operation,the Chinese government has introduced an industrial operation model with multiple entities featuring interactions and mutual benefits among leading companies,cooperatives,industrial parks,and village collectives.In 2021,the output value of leading industries with local features in

41、 areas emerged from poverty already exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan.832 counties that got out of poverty have established 2 to 3 characteristic industries with strong competitiveness to serve as development booster.In more than 300 counties among them,the output value of one leading industry has exceeded

42、 1 billion yuan.1 In 2022,over 55 percent of the rural revitalization subsidies from the central government funding were used to support the development of industries.70 percent have been covered by the special insurance for leading rural industries.The per capita net income of people who have been

43、lifted out of poverty reached 14,342 yuan,an increase of 1,792 yuan and 14.3 percent over last year.2 Initial success has been reached in rural industries with local features and county-level industries capable of increasing rural peoples income.(III).East-West Paired AssistanceChinas poverty allevi

44、ation effort has never been confined regionally.It is an integrated and systematic project that focuses on coordinated,shared,and common development among all regions.3 Influenced by factors like history,natural environment,weather conditions,and labor force,Chinas eastern region generally enjoys be

45、tter foundation,initial speed,and sustained momentum in economic development than the west.Comparatively speaking,the poverty alleviation task is more arduous for the west.Market regulation alone cannot address the imbalanced and uncoordinated development between the east and the west,nor can it red

46、uce the poverty reduction gap between the two regions spontaneously,timely,and orderly.In view of this,the Chinese government has launched the East-West Paired Assistance 1“A Years Time in Consolidating and Expanding Achievements in Poverty Alleviation:Improved Livelihood for People Emerged from Pov

47、erty”,Peoples Daily,Feb.25,2022,Page 1.2 Source of statistics data:the official site of the National Rural Revitalization Administration,http:/ Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening East-West Paired Assistance in Poverty Alle-viation”,the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Gener

48、al Office of the State Council,Dec.7,2016.Table 2:Quarterly Per Capita Disposable Income of Chinas Rural Residents,20212022(Source of data:the official statistics data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)Net transfer incomeNet property incomeNet operative incomeSalary income季度累计变化情况(元)1

49、011From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceI.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areasto fully leverage the development resources and potential of the west,enabling the two regions to complement each other.This is particularly impo

50、rtant for the common prosperity of the regions.Under this background,the Chinese government has adopted the policies of East-West Paired Assistance and targeted assistance by the central authority.Under the framework of cooperation,developed cities and counties(districts)in the eastern region offer

51、one-to-one assistance to poverty-stricken cities(prefectures)and counties(districts)in the western region,building a more targeted poverty reduction goal with accurately defined responsibilities.Coordination and cooperation are formed in aspects like industries,labor service,and talented people to m

52、ake the efforts of poverty alleviation more integrated,systematic,and coordinated.In terms of industrial cooperation,the east supports the west in fostering industries with local features.Moreover,through the initiative of“10,000 private enterprises revitalizing 10,000 villages”launched by the centr

53、al government,the east relocates its labor-intensive companies and cultural tourism companies to the west to increase local employment.In labor service cooperation,the east is able to provide relevant skill training programs and jobs to the rich labor force in the west.As for talent support,excellen

54、t young officials are sent by the east to take up temporary posts in the west,guiding professionals and technical personnel of the east to apply their strength and support to the development of western China in aspects of public health,science and technology,culture,and social science.As the East-We

55、st Paired Assistance and relevant mechanisms continues to improve,8 provinces(municipalities)in the eastern region have offered paired assistance to 10 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)in the western region.A total of 23.09 billion yuan has been actually invested as a financial assist

56、ance fund,and 3,146 officials and 23,188 professionals have been sent from both regions.95.45 billion of agricultural products from areas receiving paired assistance were purchased and helped to be sold.2,633 enterprises were guided by governments of eastern provinces(municipalities)to invest in are

57、as receiving paired assistance with an actual investment of 135.42 billion yuan.The task quotas set in the 2022 East-West Paired Assistance Agreement were over-fulfilled.1 Meanwhile,as the labor service cooperation deepens between the two regions,the east is able to ensure stable employment of weste

58、rn residents emerged from poverty by creating more jobs,sharing employment information,encouraging companies to take part,and matching employees with relevant posts.As of the end of 2022,32.78 million people lifted out of poverty have been employed as workers across China,a year-on-year increase of

59、1.33 million people over 2021 and 2.59 million more than the goal of the annual task.2(IV).Assimilation of Relocated ResidentsChinas poverty alleviation effort focuses on producing far-reaching effects by eliminating the fundamental hidden peril and risk of a return to poverty.Due to geological loca

60、tions,some areas lifted out of poverty had been trapped in a vicious development cycle of harsh environment,scarce resources,and overpopulation.With poverty relief by relocation,the impoverished populations have been relocated from inhospitable areas to a better environment with rich resource endowm

61、ent,thereby ridding survival predicament and poverty alleviation to fundamentally end the intergenerational transmission of poverty.The relocation sites serve as a new start 1“National Rural Revitalization Administration:The Per Capita Net Income of People out of Pover-ty in 2022 Reached 14,342 Yuan

62、”,CCTV News,Jan.20,2023.2 Source of statistics data:the official site of the National Rural Revitalization Administration,http:/ Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceI.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areasfor the relocated people

63、 lifted out of poverty.To encourage a change in lifestyle and ensure equal access to basic public services of the relocated people,the relocation mechanism needs to be designed comprehensively and systematically so that they can assimilate into new communities.The overall objective in enabling the a

64、ssimilation of relocated residents is to improve hardware facilities and public services of the relocation sites.Moreover,other measures in aspects like managing household registration,protecting legitimate rights and interests,and helping relocated residents to assimilate into local society have al

65、so been fully executed to better govern relocation sites.1 The actual results of relocation are manifested by,among others,the coverage of public health and medical care,the integration of education and employment,and the cultivation of social etiquette and civility.Since 2021,nearly 10 million peop

66、le in China have been relocated to relocation sites.2 There are 35,000 relocation sites across the country.To better develop these sites,local governments have set up over 6,100 kindergartens and primary and secondary schools,more than 12,000 hospitals and community health centers,over 3,400 elderly

67、 care facilities,and more than 40,000 sites for cultural activities.8,300-plus agricultural and animal husbandry industrial bases or parks,over 10,000 workshops for poverty reduction,over 460 commerce logistics industrial bases or parks,and more than 1,000 programs for tourism development have also

68、been built.3 Among 2.18 million 1“The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Key Tasks to Compre-hensively Promote Rural Revitalization in 2022”,Peoples Daily,Feb.23,2022,Page 1.2“The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:China has no Return to Poverty in Large Num-bers”,

69、C,Mar.5,2022.3 Source of statistics data:the official site of the National Development and Reform Commission,https:/ households with available labor force,4.594 million have been employed with at least 1 person from each relocated household employed.1 From poverty relief by relocation to assimilatio

70、n of relocated residents,Chinas poverty alleviation effort has become more sustainable and orderly with the full integration of relocated people into local society as one desired result.(V).Modernization of Rural GovernanceVillage,as the smallest unit in Chinas governance system for poverty alleviat

71、ion,is also the focus and purpose of Chinas agriculture and rural development.The primary goal of rural governance modernization is to address the loose governance by 1“Significant Results of Sustainable Supporting Measures after Relocation”,CCTV.com,Jul.11,2022.6516.816.220070工资性收入转移性收入生

72、产经营性收入财产性收入Property incomeProduction incomeOperative incomeSalary incomeTable 3:Income Composition of Chinas Relocated Population(Source of statistics data:the official statistics data of the National Development and Reform Commission)Salary incomeOperative incomeProduction incomeProperty incomeInco

73、me Composition of Chinas Relocated Population(%)1415From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceI.“DREAM”:Chinas Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areasgrassroots authorities under a highly-efficient and effective mechanism to reasonably allocate r

74、esources such as rural finance,land,and manpower.This way,rural areas are able to develop soundly in aspects like industrial distribution,living environment,and talent cultivation.Only with an improved modern rural governance system can we ignite the dynamism of self-motivation to make progress in e

75、conomic,social,and cultural development of rural areas,effectively consolidate the fruits of poverty alleviation,and turn absolute poverty elimination into rural revitalization to arrive at the long-range objective of common prosperity.A sounder Party-led rural governance system combining self-gover

76、nance,the rule of law,and the rule of virtue is crucial for the modernization of rural governance in China.In building rural grassroots organizations,the Party has worked to strengthen the leadership of the Party branch in rural areas and fully leverage the role of resident first secretaries and tas

77、k forces in Party building and rural revitalization.Combining this with a new social governance philosophy based on collaboration,participation,and shared benefits,a modern rural governance framework has been formed.In this framework,self-governance is strengthened via diverse public discussion and

78、consultation among residents,the rule of law is highlighted via enhanced methods to mediate and resolve disputes among villagers,and the rule of virtue is upheld by cultivating social etiquette and civility in rural areas.At present,China is still exploring and perfecting its rural governance.Guided

79、 by the fundamental principles of following the lead of the Party and respecting the dominant role of rural residents,the Chinese government has actively explored for the practical path to modern governance by launching extensive pilot programs related to rural governance system development.As of th

80、e end of 2022,China has recognized a total of 123 typical cases of rural governance in 4 groups,covering administrative levels of provinces,cities,counties,towns and townships,and villages.They provide specific measures and demonstration and guidance in the countrys effort to make rural governance m

81、ore modern.1 The Chinese government is also committed to making rural governance more smart,digitalized,and information-based.Since 2020,66.4 percent of government services have been offered online in counties across China,78.0 percent of counties have offered information-based administration servic

82、es for agriculture and rural areas,and 77.0 percent of administrative villages in the country have been covered by the Xueliang Project,a network of protecting public security.21 The data is calculated in accordance with the number of cases published in the documents by the Ministry of Agriculture a

83、nd Rural Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China over the years.2“Smart Life:Smartphones as New Tools and Data as New Resources for Agriculture and Rural Ar-eas”,Peoples Daily,Feb.18,2022,Page 18.MODEL EXAMPLES OF“DREAM”IN PRACTICEII19II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Practice 18From Poverty Eliminatio

84、n to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevance(I).Julu County(Xingtai City,Hebei Province):“1+3+1”Dynamic Poverty Prevention MechanismThe fundamental objective of dynamic poverty prevention is to establish a mechanism that regularly monitors any trends indicating a return to pove

85、rty and provides associated support measures for vulnerable groups.Vulnerable groups,repeatedly haunted by the risk of returning to poverty,are usually hard to identify with the common static social security system because of their nature.Yet,they need long-term support to help them live and work no

86、rmally.Therefore,the mechanism of dynamic poverty prevention embracing multiple effective systems ranging from immediately collecting the information of vulnerable groups,timely spotting any risk of a return to poverty,immediately contacting relevant departments to offer associated support,to offeri

87、ng assistance to help them meet their basic needs should be put in place.As the first province in China to practice dynamic poverty prevention since 2017,Hebei has established a cross-department mechanism connecting all cities and counties of the province to monitor any trends indicating a return to

88、 poverty and offer associated support,putting in place a work progress alignment system featuring“monthly analysis,quarterly work progress alignment,and yearly evaluation”.The practice has been praised by the former Leading Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development and the Development Research C

89、enter of the State Council.The local government of Hebei published the Work Plan on Improving the Mechanism of Dynamic Poverty Prevention and Associated Support Measures in June,2021 to summarize Hebeis practice in poverty prevention of the past few years.Among the 1,03,400 people from 44,000 househ

90、olds monitored by the Hebei government,66,100 people from 28,500 households have been helped to avoid slipping back to poverty.There is not a single case of returning to poverty.1The pilot program was launched in Julu County by the Hebei government.The“1+3+1”mechanism of dynamic poverty prevention(s

91、ee Figure 1)implemented across the county features smart grid-based poverty prevention in a targeted way.The practice has been recognized by the National Rural Revitalization Administration as a representative case in Chinas poverty alleviation effort.The“1+3+1”mechanism is a dynamic system that clo

92、sely connects 3 steps:“early warning”,“associated support measures+assistance to meet basic needs+income increase”,and“re-evaluation and re-support”.Relying on the big data center,Julu County has set up a data base 1“Hebei Established the Mechanism of Dynamic Poverty Prevention and Associated Suppor

93、t Mea-sures”,Peoples Daily,Nov.3,2021,Page 11.Combining the experience and proven practice in Chinas fight against poverty,the Chinese government,following the guideline of rural revitalization,has ceaselessly explored the trend of high-quality development for rural areas in this new era.By launchin

94、g targeted demonstration and pilot programs,investigating and sharing specific problems and challenges,as well as digging into and sorting out best practices and experience,it has summarized a number of effective and replicable representative cases to be rolled out.21II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Pr

95、actice 20From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevanceto monitor and offer associated support to all rural households across the county.A number of 5,153 people from 1,740 households with the risk of easily slipping back to poverty are dynamically monitore

96、d.With the“1+3+1”mechanism,the county has effectively integrated all policy resources such as poverty alleviation,social security,poverty prevention insurance,and social assistance through early warning and administration network.Rural residents of the county who might slip back to poverty easily ar

97、e fully covered by information-based warning system,extensive associated support measures,and seamless tracking and evaluation.The county currently has put in place poverty-prevention information personnel in 24 relevant departments including the departments of medical insurance,public health,and ed

98、ucation,and poverty-prevention grid attendants in all the 291 villages across the county.Up to now,753 people have received associated support and a total of 8.2453 million yuan has been used for associated support measures.11“Dynamic Monitoring Prevents Returning to Poverty”,Economic Daily,Jan.9,20

99、22,Page 2.(II).Meituo Village(Tongren City,Guizhou Province):The Development of a Modern Eco-friendly Tea IndustryActing according to local conditions is a foothold in rural industrial construction and the leading idea in supporting rural industrial development.Since 2005,the Chinese government has

100、been promoting“One Village One Product(OVOP)”,a nationwide rural revitalization program.It takes a village,the basic unit in the program,to establish a leading rural industry with distinctive local features by combining geographical location,advantages in production and resources,and domestic and fo

101、reign consumer demand.Modern industrial standards featuring scaled production,standardization,branding,and market-oriented operation have been incorporated to bring high value-added products with rural characteristics and great market potential.The OVOP program is a thread that runs through Chinas p

102、overty alleviation effort.By 2022,a total of 4,068 villages and towns have been recognized as model villages and towns of the program.The connotation of rural industries with local features has gradually expanded from modern agricultural industry towards the integrated development of the primary,sec

103、ondary,and tertiary industries in rural areas.New and diverse rural industrial forms have emerged,including leisure agriculture,rural e-commerce,and rural tourism.For example,Guizhou Province enjoys exceptional advantages of rich tea cultural resources,time-honored history of tea folklore,and favora

104、ble tea garden ecology.1 The local government of Guizhou has helped to empower rural industries with local features by making business models more modern,planning land utilization more professionally,and developing diverse cultural and creative products.With the tea 1“All-out Efforts of Guizhou in P

105、romoting High-level Development of Rural Tourism”,Guizhou Daily,Nov.5,2021,Page 9.“1+3+1”dynamicpoverty prevention mechanism123Early warningRe-evaluation and Re-supportAssociated support measuresAssistance to meet basic needsIncome increaseFigure 1:“1+3+1”Dynamic Poverty Prevention Mechanism of Julu

106、 County,Xingtai City,Hebei Province23II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Practice 22From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevanceindustry,many villages and towns in the province have been recognized as models of the OVOP program,including Baiguo Village of Banqi

107、ao Town in Zhijin County of Bijie City,Geshang Village of Qishe Town in Xingyi City of Qianxinan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture,Sanqiao Community of Lantou Town in Jinsha County of Bijie City,Dachangyin Village of Minzhu Town in Panzhou County of Liupanshui City,Mayi Village of Yongxing Town in

108、 Meitan County of Zunyi City,Maodong Village of Maodong Township in Puding County of Anshun City,and Meituo Village of Chanxi Town in Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County of Tongren City.1Among them,the development of distinctive tea industry of Meituo Village was recognized by the Ministry of

109、Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a representative case among the 6th model group of the nationwide OVOP program.Following the master plan of“turn the tea industrial park into a scenic area to better integrate tea industry and tourism”,and guided by the philosophy of“bring economic profits with tea m

110、ountains and turn tea parks into common parks”,the village focuses on the integrated development of the tea industry and tourism.Leveraging the advantages of tea industrial parks and Meituo Reservoir,the village has taken steps to develop the tea industry with tourism.Efforts to facilitate industria

111、l transformation include supporting professional travel agencies to locate in the village as well as advancing rural collective economy featuring the principal tea industry and complementary eco-tourism.With tea processed at the demonstration park of modern ecological tea industry,so far,the village

112、 has boosted the development of tea parks in 11 counties around Chanxi Town,covering more than 8,000 mu(1 mu=0.0667 hectares).This has brought in 1 From the lists published by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guizhou Province:http:/ employment for over 600 people and influence on m

113、ore than 3,000 tea-related households in the town.The yield of tea has exceeded 100 tons with output value surmounting 20 million yuan.1 A modern countryside with a competitive industry,beautiful ecology,and rich residents has thus been created.(III).GuangdongGuangxi Paired Assistance:A New Cooperat

114、ion Model for the Production and Trading of Agricultural ProductsGoing from the fight against poverty to rural revitalization,East-West Paired Assistance has moved from“poverty reduction”towards“associated support”and“cooperation”.To create an enabling environment that facilitates common prosperity,

115、the practice is committed to reducing the huge development gap and promoting coordinated development between the two regions.Several assistance models with their own features have emerged in the practice,including GuangdongGuangxi Paired Assistance,FujianNingxia Paired Assistance,and ShanghaiYunnan

116、Cooperation.Among them,GuangdongGuangxi Paired Assistance is a representative featuring coordinated,shared,and common development between the east and the west.In 2021,Guangdong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region signed the Agreement on East-West Paired Assistance and the Framework Agreem

117、ent on GuangdongGuangxi Paired Assistance during the“Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”period.To optimize the effect of paired assistance between the two parties,4 high-level joint conferences have been successively held and 2,391 personnel from both sides have visited their counterparts and conducted resea

118、rch.195 schools,79 hospitals,1“Meituo Village:A Stronger Collective Economy Helps Rural Residents Increase Incomes”,Tongren Daily,May 18,2021,Page 6.25II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Practice 24From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevance167 townships and t

119、owns,and 1,401 villages across Guangxi have received paired assistance from Guangdongs 205 schools,93 hospitals,157 townships and towns,455 leading villages(communities),567 companies,and 117 social organizations.1 Based on GuangdongGuangxi paired assistance,Guangdong has bridged the joint cooperati

120、on between GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area and Guangxi.Seizing the opportunity of GuangdongGuangxi cooperation in science and technology innovation,the two places have begun to receive industrial relocation from the Greater Bay Area.Meanwhile,the two regions have strived to expand the consu

121、mer market of the Greater Bay Area for mutual benefits through joint and coordinated development formed by commerce and trading.In the national performance evaluation of East-West paired assistance the model of GuangdongGuangxi Paired Assistance has been rated“excellent”for three years in a row by 2

122、021,ranking top nation-wide.The GuangdongGuangxi agricultural product production and trading cooperation model is a characteristic case that embodies modernized,market-oriented,and high-end development of Chinas agriculture.“Zhenpin”(literally“Products for Shenzhen”)is an evaluation system developed

123、 by Shenzhen,a city of Guangdong.This is a standardized system that follows advanced international standards to rate food products for Shenzhen,covering the whole industrial chain from farmland to table.Focusing on the development of“Zhenpin”,the two places have been cooperating to make Guangxis agr

124、icultural production more scaled,standard-based,and brand-oriented to better suit the Greater Bay Area market.Using multiple platforms,such as the promotion fair of Guangxis agricultural programs invested by Guangdongs leading companies and the business cooperation and exchanges fair for Guangxis“Zh

125、enpin”products,Guangxi has 1“Guangdong and Guangxi to Deepen Paired Assistance for Revitalized Rural Areas”,Peoples Daily,Dec.31,2021,Page 17.secured 138 new agricultural programs with GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area,totaling 24.97 billion yuan in investment amount.As of November,2022,184 G

126、uangxi-based companies have applied for the recognition of“Zhenpin”for their 398 products.Of this total,131 products produced by 72 companies have been recognized as“Zhenpin”with their total sales volume in Shenzhen exceeding 1 billion yuan.1 Cooperation related to“Zhenpin”has provided useful insigh

127、t for exploring innovative GuangdongGuangxi industrial cooperation.(IV).Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture(Yunnan Province):The Systematic Assimilation of Relocated ResidentsThe nature of resident relocation assimilation is the profound transformation in production and life.Gone are the days when ru

128、ral residents lived in remote areas,depended on weather for food,and traveled long distances on foot to get to school and hospitals.Today,the focus for relocated population is the adaptation to new life and integration into new environment,in which stable employment,good education facilities and con

129、venient healthcare services are needed.Yunnan had 990,000 registered poor people who have been relocated during the“Thirteenth Five-Tear Plan”period.As they accounted for one tenth of Chinas poor people,the province had the third largest poor population.What has been challenging is not only the relo

130、cation of the poor,but also their follow-up assimilation to local society.In 2021,the local government of Yunnan allocated 1 billion yuan in industrial development after relocation to address these challenges in relocation 1“The Road to Success from Food Safety to Rural Revitalization:Zhenpin Embodi

131、es Shenzhens Strength as a Responsible City for General Interests”,China Quality Daily,Jan.12,2023.27II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Practice 26From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceEfficient Use of Unoccupied House Sitesafter Relocation in Nujiang Pr

132、efecture,Yunnan Province(%)sites with 800 people and above.663 workshops for poverty reduction and 615 warehousing,tourism,and other industrial programs have been established to create a favorable environment for employment in relocated areas.Following the principles of simultaneous planning,constru

133、ction,and usage,the province has built up supporting service facilities at relocation sites.The facilities ranging from schools for compulsory education,health centers and clinics,kindergartens,garbage disposal and sewage treatment facilities,sites for activities,supermarkets,convenient service cent

134、ers,to large-scale urban public infrastructure have been built up for those relocated to new villages,benefitting 360,000 relocated people in total.1Located on the Hengduan Mountains,Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province is an inhospitable area.Its gorges and high mountains cover 98

135、percent of its land.The incidence of poverty of the prefecture was over 56 percent in the past2,making it one of the poorest areas among the“three regions and three prefectures”(The“three regions”refer to Tibet,four prefectures of southern Xinjiang Hotan,Aksu,Kashi,and the Kirgiz Autonomous Prefectu

136、re of Kizilsu,and the areas of Sichuan,Yunnan,Gansu,and Qinghai provinces with large Tibetan populations;the“three prefectures”are Liangshan in Sichuan,Nujiang in Yunnan,and Linxia in Gansu).Since relocation program was launched,a total of 100,000 people have been relocated to new communities,accoun

137、ting for one fourth of the prefectures rural population and one third of the prefectures poor population.At the relocation communities,public infrastructure and public service level have been improved constantly.These 1“Local Relocation Effort for Poverty Reduction No.16:A Yunnan Miracle on the Jour

138、ney to Prosperity Report of Yunnans Relocation Effort during the Thirteenth Five-Tear Plan Period”,the National Development and Reform Commission,Mar.3,2021.2“A Chinese Miracle in the Earths Folds Report of Poverty Reduction Effort in the Poorest Nu-jiang Prefecture,Yunnan Province”,Xinhua News Agen

139、cy,Jan.12,munities are also fully covered by basic public service facilities such as primary and secondary schools,kindergartens,health centers,and elderly care centers.Relocated people can now access medical care close by and school-age children can get educated near home.To address livelihood and

140、employment,another focus after relocation,the prefecture has built micro-vegetable gardens with an area of 860-plus mu in 36 relocation communities.More than 78,000 people of 18,000 households have reduced their living cost by more than 3,000 yuan.Furthermore,workshops for poverty reduction,agricult

141、ural industrial parks,industrial bases,and specialized markets have been established to provide stable jobs for over 57,000 relocated people from 16,000 households.Making flexible use of the unoccupied land after relocation,the prefecture has also developed the under-forest industry represented by t

142、saoko.With a cultivated area of 1,114,500 mu,the prefecture has become the largest tsaoko cultivation and core production area in China.The total yield of tsaoko of the prefecture in 2022 reached 59,300 tons with an output value of 1.43 billion yuan.As a result,the per capita income of 160,000 peopl

143、e of 43,000 rural households has increased by more than 3,000 yuan.Table 4:Efficient Use of Unoccupied House Sites after Relocation in Nujiang Prefecture,Yunnan Province(Source of statistics data:the official statistics data of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture,Yunnan Province)UsedUnused7.1492.8629

144、II.Model Examples of“DREAM”in Practice 28From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevance(V).Lianhua Town(Xiamen City,Fujian Province):The Expansion of the New Rural Governance Path of“Neighborhood Chiefs”The modernization of rural governance serves as the co

145、rnerstone for effective coordination between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other related departments have selected and recommended 3 batches of 92 representative practices of rural governance across the country since 2019.These sample

146、practices with distinct features have enabled local governments to absorb excellent experience in constructing governance systems and understanding technical means of governance modernization.So far,China has succeeded in exploring diversified rural governance models,such as carrying out rural gover

147、nance under the leadership of Party organization,the governance model combining“self-governance,rule of law,and rule of virtue”,the three-level interaction between counties,townships and villages,and the innovative application of the“Rural Power List System”.Fujian Province has been actively explori

148、ng the modernization of rural governance and striving to create a“Fujian Model”in rural governance.The modernization of rural governance requires a well-organized,professional,and efficient governance team.Recently,Fujian has selected and assigned the sixth batch of First Secretaries with 3,736 peop

149、le,sent out Village-based Task Forces with 1,955 people,and more than 800 Rural Revitalization Instructors to rural areas to facilitate the governance and development of poverty-stricken villages.1 In developing a rural governance system featuring“self-governance,rule of law,and rule of virtue”,Fuji

150、an has formulated and revised charters of self-government,village regulations and folk constitutions for most of its villages.20 counties have been selected in the province to carry out pilot projects,putting the Rural Power List System into use.The governance boundary of village-level small and mic

151、ro power,village-level affairs,public services and other matters has been delimited,and public legal service network has extended to cover all villages synchronously,training 58,000“Law-aware People”.2Lianhua Town,Tongan District,Xiamen City,Fujian Province has 19 villages and 1 neighborhood.Over th

152、e years,Lianhua Town has adopted the innovative“Neighborhood Chief System”,effectively extending the Party organization to the most primary level with an established rural governance system of“Village-level Party Organization-Villagers Group Leader-Neighborhood Chief-Villagers”.Lianhua Town has been

153、 included in the list of the third batch of Chinas Representative Practices of Rural Governance with its success in rural governance.In recent years,the Party Committee of Lianhua Town has held several meetings to promote the“Neighborhood Chief System”and make corresponding deployment,provided nearl

154、y 200 person-time training for village-based cadres,and 1“Fujian:Embarking on the Road to Rural Revitalization”,Aug.12,2022.2“Take Various Measures in Accordance with Local Conditions to Create Fujian Model of Good Governance in Rural Areas”,Fujian Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau,Jan.1,2022.T

155、ransfer Employment of Relocated Residents of Nujiang Prefecture(%)Table 5:Transfer Employment of Relocated Residents of Nujiang Prefecture,Yunnan Province(Source of statistics data:the official statistics data of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture,Yunnan Province)Transfer Employment of Relocated Res

156、idents of Nujiang Prefecture Others 30From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevancepromoted the election of more than 600 Neighborhood Chiefs across the town.By fulfilling the“Eight Duties”(see Figure 2),the Neighborhood Chiefs become the communication bri

157、dge of the villagers and the two village-level committees(village-level committee of Party Branch and villagers committee).In particular,by relying on the“Gaoshan Conflict Resolution Center”,a one-stop dispute resolution platform,the Neighborhood Chiefs act as the“mediator”.A neighborhood discussion

158、 system integrating judicial governance with self-governance at the grassroots level has been established.Staff from courts and judicial bureaus are invited to mediate conflicts and disputes between villagers,and village and township cadres are responsible for clarifying and explaining principles an

159、d policies,creating a primary-level conflict mediation and resolution mechanism that incorporates“situation,reason and law”.As an innovative model of,and a good reference for,rural governance,the“Neighborhood Chief System”applied by Lianhua Town“takes the neighborhood as the core,holds individuals a

160、ccountable for their actions,and exercises effective supervision”.11“Lianhua Town,Tongan District Adopts Neighborhood Chief System to Optimize Micro-gov-ernance in Rural Areas”,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Bureau of Agricultural and Rural Affairs of Xiamen,Dec.13,2021.Figure 2:Illus

161、tration of Eight Duties of Neighborhood Chief of Lianhua Town,Tongan District,Xiamen,Fujian ProvinceGathering information about the group who are in difficultiesMediating conflicts and disputesActing as a rescuer in mass prevention and mass treatmentPublicizing policy knowledgeObserving villagers se

162、ntiment and opinionsServing as a liaison between villagers and villagers committeeInspectingenvironmental hygieneSupervising the transformation of outmoded habit and customEight Duties of Neighborhood ChiefRELEVANCE OF CHINAS EXPERIENCETO THE WORLDIII33III.Relevance of Chinas Experience to the World

163、 32From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevance(I).Giving Full Play to the Coordinating Role of Multilateral OrganizationsPoverty is a chronic disease of human society.Poverty eradication is not only a task of a certain country or region,but a global chal

164、lenge that requires global effort.The practical experience of China in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization has proved that effective and holistic planning is needed to realize poverty reduction.China has thus adhered to the top-level design provided by multilateral organizations,such as the

165、 United Nations,the World Bank,and the World Trade Organization in the global poverty reduction cause,to carry out extensive international cooperation on poverty reduction governance.Since 2009,China has announced a donation of USD 130 million to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United N

166、ations(FAO),implemented 25 South-South Cooperation(SSC)projects,and sent more than 300 experts to the host countries to pass on agricultural technology and poverty reduction experience.In 2022,the Chinese government donated USD 50 million to the FAO to support the FAO-China South-South Cooperation T

167、rust Fund(Phase III).The fund is designed to promote international cooperation in key areas such as poverty reduction and food security.The first installment of USD 30 million has been disbursed.1 In addition,China,Brazil,India,Russia and South Africa adopted the“BRICS Action Plan for Poverty Allevi

168、ation and Reduction through Skills”under the BRICS mechanism in 2017.These BRICS countries have held 12 consecutive sessions of the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture,carrying out pragmatic cooperation on poverty reduction and modernization of agriculture and rural areas.UN Secretary-General

169、Antonio Guterres highly praised Chinas achievements in poverty reduction.He expressed his gratitude to China for its role in shaping and practicing Sustainable Development Goals.Poverty is one of the worlds leading challenges and China has made strong commitment and significant progress to eradicate

170、 poverty in all forms and dimensions.According to Guterres,Chinas 1“China Donates$50 Million to FAO in Support of FAO-China SSC Trust Fund(Phase III)”,Min-istry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Jan.23,2022.The work of poverty reduction has suffered serious setbacks worldwide due to growing deficits

171、in peace,development,security and governance.According to relevant data of the United Nations,it is estimated that in 2022 there will be an additional 7595 million people living in extreme poverty1,more than 100 million people will be forcibly displaced,and 339 million people will be in urgent need

172、of humanitarian assistance around the world2.Responding to the dire situation,the Chinese government has involved itself deeply in global poverty reduction and governance.With experience in modernization for the Chinese society,it has provided the world with useful reference and inspiration to quick

173、ly realize the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.1“2022 Sustainable Development Report”,United Nations,July 7,2022.2“2023 Global Humanitarian Overview”,United Nations,Nov.30,2022.35III.Relevance of Chinas Experience to the World 34From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization

174、:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevanceachievements serve as valuable poverty alleviation lessons for other countries shared through SSC.1 The World Bank Managing Director of Operations Axel van Trotsenburg spoke highly of Chinas push for the global poverty reduction cause under the multilateral m

175、echanism.In his opinion,China has gradually increased its participation as a donor in the International Development Association(IDA),the banks fund for the poorest countries.Along with the economic development and prosperity of China,the country is actively giving back to the international community

176、 and sharing its own development experience with other countries,which is appreciated by the World Bank.2 Stanlake Samkange,the Senior Director for the Strategic Partnerships Division of World Food Programme(WFP),reviewed the BRICS mechanism,stating that the effective solutions to rural development

177、and poverty reduction adopted by the BRICS countries are important examples for other countries.The WFP will continue to strengthen cooperation with the BRICS countries and other partners in the future to solve the short-,medium-and long-term challenges of the right to food.3(II).Expanding Inclusive

178、 and Public-benefit Regional CollaborationImbalanced development between regions and countries has long haunted global poverty reduction governance.With the lingering COVID-19 pandemic,disturbed economic recovery,and intensified regional conflicts from 2021 to 2022,the 1“UN Chief Lauds Chinas Signif

179、icant Progress in Poverty Eradication”,Xinhua News Agency,Oct.24,2021.2“Interview:China Provides Strong Support for IDA:World Bank Managing Director of Opera-tions Axel van Trotsenburg”,Xinhua News Agency,Dec.23,2021.3“Pooling Strengths of BRICS Countries to Promote Global Poverty Reduction and Food

180、 Securi-ty-BRICS Symposium on Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation Yields Substantial Results”,China Agriculture Newsnet,Jun.14,2022.human development index has declined for two straight years in 30 years.Issues such as the North-South gap,development fault lines,and distribution gap have becom

181、e more and more acute.Its difficult for developing countries to share the opportunities and fruits of world development,and the international cause of poverty reduction has been hampered and stalled.Inclusive and public-benefit development is a valuable lesson learned by China through its regional p

182、aired cooperation on poverty alleviation.This is also the affirmative answer that China gives to solve the unbalanced and inadequate development among and within countries.With the building of“the Belt and Road”,China has removed the obstacles to poverty reduction between developing countries and en

183、abled balanced and well-coordinated development.So far,China has signed“the Belt and Road”cooperation documents with 149 countries and 32 international organizations,including 19 UN agencies.A World Bank research report forecasts that full execution of the“Belt and Road Initiative”could lift 7.6 mil

184、lion people worldwide out of extreme poverty and 32 million out of moderate poverty.1 Meanwhile,China highly values a normalized poverty reduction governance mechanism established jointly with other regions worldwide.It has launched the Cooperation Initiative on Poverty Reduction in East Asia and th

185、e China-Africa Poverty Reduction Plan,and actively promoted poverty alleviation on platforms such as the China-CELAC Forum,the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum,and the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum.Chinas approach of bridging the development gap through

186、 poverty reduction cooperation has been positively recognized by the international community.1“A Grand Picture Scroll Achieved with Ten Years of Ceaseless Endeavor”,Peoples Daily,Oct.15,2022,Page 1.37III.Relevance of Chinas Experience to the World 36From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:C

187、hinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceAchim Steiner,UN Deputy Secretary-General and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP),regards China as the new engine leading developing countries to reduce poverty and develop.Working closely with the United Nations,China has promoted s

188、ustainable development with stronger exchanges with other developing countries through SSC.Ways to reduce poverty,such as using digital technology to enable poor areas to quickly overcome poverty and achieve prosperity,have been fully thought out.The UNDP has been actively studying Chinas experience

189、 in poverty reduction and firmly committed to cooperating with more countries to eliminate poverty.1 According to Kemreat Viseth,Chairman of Cambodian Civil Society Alliance Forum,Chinas theory and practice have demonstrated that with positive political visions,science-based poverty reduction strate

190、gies,appropriate policies,and efforts by both the government and people,absolute poverty can be eliminated.Chinas poverty alleviation efforts are of global significance as they provide experiences for developing countries including Cambodia.In recent years,poverty alleviation projects jointly launch

191、ed by Cambodia and China have improved and pushed for local economic and social development.Chinas poverty reduction experiences have benefited many rural areas in Cambodia.2 From the perspective of Ali Issa Abdi,Managing Director of the Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute(HESPI),the Horn of A

192、frica countries have achieved tangible progress through cooperation with China.The business ties and technology transfer between China and Africa have empowered African countries to better integrate into the global value chain.One of Chinas greatest achievements in 1“Chinas Success in Poverty Reduct

193、ion Was the Most Beautiful Story in Todays World”,Peoples Daily,Oct.29,2021,Page 7.2“Chinas Poverty Alleviation Efforts of Global Significance”,Peoples Daily,Aug.16,2022,Page 3.the past few decades-lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty-is a valuable experience for African countries t

194、o learn from.1(III).Promoting and Disseminating the Development Logic of Industrial Poverty ReductionThe long-term goal of poverty reduction governance is to achieve sustained,inclusive,and healthy economic growth.This will ensure stable and sufficient productive employment,giving people decent jobs

195、 and a happy life.Adopting the governance model of industrial poverty reduction,China has provided equal opportunities for poverty-stricken people and accelerated the recovery and improvement of the reproduction capacity of the poor.“Participatory”poverty reduction has been proven to be effective in

196、 Chinas poverty alleviation progress.In international poverty reduction cooperation,China has followed the same governance logic to“assist a project,develop an industry,and make ordinary people rich”.In recent years,China has been highly engaging industrial poverty reduction cooperation projects wit

197、h other developing countries.China has dispatched agricultural technology expert groups to African countries,established agricultural technology demonstration centers locally,and continuously improved the agricultural technology of the target countries.Sustainable agricultural development industries

198、 have also been established.China has helped to build a high-quality disease-resistant rice planting industry in Burundis Rukalam Agricultural Reclamation Area,assisted Rwanda to develop the edible fungi planting industry by 1“Strengthen China-Africa Cooperation and Build Consensus on Development”,P

199、eoples Daily,Jul.23,2022,Page 3.39III.Relevance of Chinas Experience to the World 38From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global Relevance“replacing wood with grass”1,and supported Morocco to improve the performance of date palm industry through brackish water desa

200、lination and soil improvement technologies.Under the Cooperation Initiative on Poverty Reduction in East Asia,China has helped the poverty-stricken rural areas of Cambodia,Laos and Myanmar to develop the courtyard economy,promote industrial projects suitable for local ecological environment(such as

201、cattle rearing,cultivation of Capsicum frutescens,and mushroom cultivation).As the sources of income for vulnerable groups gradually increase,the level of happiness and sense of fulfillment have also been elevated for the local people.When commenting on Chinas use of poverty reduction through techno

202、logy and industry in Africas poverty reduction cause,Argungu,an agricultural expert from Kebbi State,Nigeria,expressed his admiration for the new ideas,new technologies and new industries brought by Chinese experts.According to him,farmers in most parts of Nigeria still use traditional production to

203、ols and methods.With help from China,farms in Kebbi State have adopted the model of industrialized rice breeding,planting and harvesting.The farms have become an important mechanized production demonstration and training base in Nigeria.The hope is that experience from these farms can be extended na

204、tionwide to drive the agricultural modernization of Nigeria.2 Furthermore,digital transformation,crucial in Chinas foreign poverty reduction cooperation,has also attracted the international community.Carlos Watson,FAO representative in China,stated that a distinctive feature of Chinas rural revitali

205、zation strategy is seizing the opportunity of digital development.Chinas 1“China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation Promotes Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Agricultural Development”,Peoples Daily,May 8,2022,Page 3.2“China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation Promotes Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Agr

206、icultural Development”,Peoples Daily,May 8,2022,Page 3.advanced technology and experience in digital transformation of the rural areas have shown other developing countries the infinite possibilities of development.Moving ahead,the FAO wishes to continue the journey with China at the national,region

207、al,and international levels more closely to share the digital dividend in the agricultural sector.1 Aymara Gerdel,Director of Venezuelan Center for Studies on China,believes that e-commerce is a new path developed by China in the process of poverty reduction and can be used for reference.At present,

208、many featured commodities and high-value-added products from Latin American countries are entering the Chinese market through convenient platforms such as e-commerce platforms.Cross-border e-commerce and the digital economy are playing positive roles in creating jobs and eliminating poverty.They are

209、 future-oriented development models and opportunities,serving as useful reference for other countries economic and social development.2(IV).Adhering to the Overall Idea of Sustainable DevelopmentThe key to sustainable poverty reduction governance lies in the cutting the intergenerational transmissio

210、n of poverty.However,sustainable poverty reduction remains a daunting task.The 2022 Multidimensional Poverty Index issued by NUDP estimates that 1.2 billion people across 111 countries live in multidimensional poverty,and about half of them are children under age 18.3 Poverty alleviation through edu

211、cation is the fundamental strategy to get rid of poverty.Chinas poverty reduction practice shows that education and skill training play the fundamental role in poverty eradication.1“Injecting New Impetus into Global Agricultural Cooperation”,Peoples Daily,Mar.31,2022,Page 3.2“A Fertile Ground for In

212、novation and Entrepreneurship in the World”,Peoples Daily,Jul.20,2022,Page 3.3“2022 Multidimensional Poverty Index”,NUDP,Oct.18,2022.41III.Relevance of Chinas Experience to the World 40From Poverty Elimination to Rural Revitalization:Chinas Practice and Its Global RelevanceThey can improve the self-

213、development capabilities of people who live on the brink of poverty to increase their employment opportunities and ultimately get rid of poverty.Since 2015,the Chinese government has supported developing countries in“six 100 projects”,including 100 poverty reduction projects as well as 100 schools a

214、nd vocational training centers.Since 2020,China has worked with the World Bank to help East African countries cultivate technical backbones in local pillar industries,including digital technology,agriculture,energy,and shipping.Sharing the concepts,models,and standards of poverty reduction governanc

215、e of China,the role of education cooperation in coordinated poverty reduction has been leveraged.At the same time,the Chinese government has successively carried out the“20+20 Cooperation Plan for Chinese and African Institutions of Higher Education”,as well as special scholarship projects such as t

216、he“Silk Road Scholarship Program”and the“China-Africa Friendship Program(CSC Scholarship)”.The projects provide short-term training and the opportunity to obtain bachelors,masters,and doctoral degrees to teachers from developing countries.Paired education cooperation projects have also been executed

217、 to help target countries cultivate talents urgently needed for poverty reduction through multiple channels.China has deepened the international experience exchange and training on poverty reduction,tangibly helping other countries in their poverty reduction efforts.These efforts are fully recognize

218、d by the international community.When talking about the training course on poverty alleviation held in China,Farkhod Arziyev,Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China,expressed that poverty reduction and eradication is a serious problem facing all mankind.Chinas success in poverty reduction has set an examp

219、le for other developing countries,and Uzbekistan has prioritized the cooperation with China in the field of poverty reduction.Uzbekistan is willing to learn from Chinas poverty alleviation experience through poverty alleviation training in hopes of cutting the poverty-stricken population by half bef

220、ore 2026.1 China-ASEAN poverty reduction training has also been quite effective.Noel Felongco,Secretary of the National Anti-Poverty Commission of the Philippines,stated that the Philippines has taken in many effective poverty reduction solutions during the China-ASEAN study tour and exchanges.Theyl

221、l strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and ASEAN,fight against poverty in diverse ways,and engage in meaningful poverty reduction work.2 According to Hla Moe,Union Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development of Myanmar,Myanmars vision is to narrow the development gap

222、between urban and rural areas as well as between regions,realizing a sustainable rural development.The support from and experience shared by the Chinese government in poverty reduction is highly appreciated.Chinas success in eradicating poverty serves as a great reference for Myanmar to achieve the

223、same goal.3Research Group ofthe Academy of Contemporary China and World StudiesChief Experts:Yu Yunquan and Wang YuningGroup Members:Wang Hongbo,Xu Xiaoxi and Luo Huifang1“Training Course on Poverty Alleviation in SCO Countries Held by China-SCO Institute of Economic and Trade”,Qingdao University,Ju

224、l.28,2022.2“ASEAN Representatives Lauds Chinas Experience in Poverty Reduction”,Guangming Daily,Jul.1,2022,Page 12.3“ASEAN Representatives Lauds Chinas Experience in Poverty Reduction”,Guangming Daily,Jul.1,2022,Page 12.The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies(ACCWS)The Academy of Contemp

225、orary China and World Studies(ACCWS)is an affiliate of the China International Communications Group(CICG).It is a state-level think tank committed to international exchanges and cooperation,specializing in international communication,and strives to become the pace-setter for the study of major pract

226、ical issues in international exchanges,and build a world renowned think tank with significant influence.Evolving from the Research Center for International Communication of CICG,ACCWS was officially inaugurated in 2017.At present,the institute has more than 100 in-house researchers and dozens of gue

227、st researchers from home and abroad.ACCWS takes applied research for practical solutions as its feature,with its focus on governance experience exchanges,international discourse innovation and translation,global communication strategy,national and regional communication,international public opinion,

228、and international relations.It is also the base of About Usdiscourse innovation and a post-doctoral research station.ACCWS regularly organizes Seminar on International Communication,and has independently developed the International Communication Database Service Platform.It offers dynamic research p

229、roducts and launches various research projects on Chinas global image and Chinese enterprises images presented overseas.It has published three academic journals including Contemporary China and World,Chinese Translators,and International Communications.ACCWS annually ranks the top 10 outstanding cas

230、es of international communication.It also provides publications series such as Research on International Communication Theory and Practice in the New Era and Contemporary China and World.ACCWS has initiated the“Global Young Leaders Dialogue(GYLD)”program and“International Think Tank Knowledge Sharin

231、g”program.It also regularly organizes international academic forums with themes on global governance,global development and dialogue between civilizations.ACCWS is dedicated to building an international think-tank network to gather wisdom to promote global sustainable development,with the focus on governance experience exchanges and providing public knowledge products of global development.To learn more about the reportPlease scan the QR code



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