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The RBL Group:人才培养的七个基本步骤(英文版)(12页).pdf

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The RBL Group:人才培养的七个基本步骤(英文版)(12页).pdf

1、The 7 Essential Steps of Talent DevelopmentKey Takeaways from the RBL Talent Academy2In todays tumultuous business world,your success depends on how well your leaders are able to develop and empower their people.RBLs research has shown that effective implementation of seven steps can make sure you h

2、ave the human capability you need to be able to deliver on the promises you make to customers and investors:7 Essential Steps of Talent Development31.Understand why development matters Which is the best cell to be in?Which is the worst cell to be in?RightWrongWell12Poorly34EnvironmentDevelopment and

3、 learning must respond to the external pace of change.Successful organizations,leaders,and individuals risk failure by getting stuck doing the wrong thing well if they fail to change as fast as their context.Those who learn adapt and prosper.42.Know who is responsible for developmentLine Managers as

4、 BuildersHR/Learning Professionals RolesEmployees as Owners Fully engaged with talent throughout the organization Have regular employee conversations Make final decisions about development strategies for their team or organization Accept accountability for building talent in their team/organization

5、Ensure follow up Create frameworks,blueprints that connect talent development to strategic priorities Coach leaders to invest their time and resources in helping their teams and organizations learn Design and deliver learning solutions Manage the process and systems for learning Be personally accoun

6、table for my own growth Define what personal career success is for me Be willing to take risk and make personal commitment to learn Learn and relearn Organizations,leaders,and individuals need to build skills and learning for the future so that they continually do the right thing well.But who is res

7、ponsible for that development?The table below outlines the development responsibilities for line managers,HR and learning professionals,and individual employees.53.Engage in performance/potential discussionsKnowing that individuals are the owners of their own development,how can leaders and HR/learn

8、ing professionals help guide employees learning?An important step is engaging in a discussion that identifies where employees are at in their behavior and performance and what sort of development needs exist based on that.FutureCurrent64.Provide a career roadmap:Career stagesImpact through:Individua

9、l workImpact through:RelationshipsImpact through:Strategy,Structure,and Process23M3T4T4M1(M)anagerial(T)echnicalAnother key conversation is helping employees understand how they can contribute regardless of their current role.Great talent managers help employees understand what career stage they are

10、 in,explore whether that aligns with where they ought to be given their role and where they want to be given their career goals,and coach them to find more meaningful ways to contribute.7Career stages:Identify requirements of each stage1:Learn2:Master3M/3T:Manage/Mentor4M/4T:Direct/DefineWork under

11、close supervisionWillingly accept direction;acknowledge their lack of status and experience Cooperate with others as part of a teamEarn the trust of colleagues by delivering on the basics Work independently and produce significant resultsRenegotiate their supervisory relationship from specific direc

12、tion to broad guidanceDevelop credibility:a reputation for getting things doneDemonstrate resourcefulness in solving problems or overcoming obstaclesRemain up-to-date technicallyBroaden in perspective and skills,helping others see the“bigger picture”Support others through ideas,knowledge,and insight

13、Develop junior colleagues as a formal manager,idea leader,project leader,or informal mentorProvide strategic focus to the organizationInfluence important organization decisions and actionsLead improvement in how the organization operates its systems,processes,and practicesExercise power(formal and i

14、nformal)responsibly for the benefit of the organization 85.Focus conversation on skills for the future Technical Skills Fit LowHighCultural Skills FitHigh3Culturally alignedRelish culture fit;train technical 4High potentialTarget 515%of people;invest 515%of timeLow1MisfitRemove fromorganization2Tech

15、nically isolatedBe wary;pay attention When you understand where employees are at regarding their behavior,performance,and career stage,great leaders work with their employees to identify personal development priorities that reflect where they are and what future growth needs to look like in order to

16、 build the cultural and technical skills that are needed for the future.96.Understand the different avenues of talent development50%On-the-job Job assignments Special projects Supported by one-on-one coaching and internal coaching/mentoring Education Guest not tourist training Learning solutions mor

17、e than action learning Attend as teams;solve problems Make training part of workLife Experience Business or industry leadership positions Community involvement External mentors Personal growthYou want to develop your people.Youve helped them identify the gaps in their development and what skills the

18、y need to build capability for the future.So then what?Our research shows that a 50:30:20 ratio is a powerful way to build skills and capabilities.When Talent leaders invest their time and efforts in finding and supporting the right projects and job assignments that help employees grow,they ensure e

19、ducation is application-focused and ask employees to share learning experiences together,and they encourage and facilitate external experiences that help employees grow.30%20%107.Invest in developmentFinally,its time to intentionally plan development opportunities.The table and slides below provide

20、sample development opportunities and a way to purposefully organize them.11These seven steps can help youand the leaders in your organizationbuild the skills that build talent for today and tomorrow:In ConclusionContact us to learn more about RBLs HR transformation services.Contact UsSharpen the skills of your leaders to build talent with the Talent Academy.Email to learn more and get started.



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