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1、The Ultimate Guide to Brand TrackingWelcome to Latanas Ultimate Guideto Brand Tracking!If youre reading this guide,then brand tracking is something that has piqued your interest.Basically,you have an itch to scratch and youre hoping this guide will offer relief.You may be here to learn more about br

2、and tracking before signing up,or you may be here looking for an alternative platform to the one you currently use.If youre part of the former group,then its also very likely that youre not using your brand tracking results at all in your marketing activities.If youre part of the latter,then were ex

3、cited to show you what makes Latana different.Looking deeper into your experience with brand tracking,we can hypothesize two things:1.Youre not really sure what your brand can gain from brand tracking and/or 2.Youve previously had a bad experience with brand tracking.Correct?Never fear!We have what

4、you need right here *disclaimer*this guide is not all written in rhyme.By the end of this thrilling read,youll have a complete understanding of what brand tracking is plus,insights into the traditional options and alternatives on the market.Enjoy!Table ofContentsWhat is Brand Tracking?Why Use a Bran

5、d Tracking Solution?Understand How Consumers Think&Feel About Your Brand Get Insights on Your Target Audience.Gain Access to Cutting-Edge Expertise Monitor the Competitive LandscapeWhat Can Brand Tracking Track?Brand AwarenessBrand AssociationsBrand ConsiderationBrand PreferenceBrand UnderstandingTa

6、rget Audience IdentificationPurchase Driver IdentificationHow to Successfully Track Your BrandHow Often Should You Brand Track?Annual Tracking Quarterly TrackingMonthly TrackingAd-Hoc TrackingA.B.CD.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.A.B.C.D.What Can You Do With YourBrand Tracking Data?The Drawbacks of TraditionalBrand

7、Tracking Solutions Annual Tracking Quarterly TrackingMonthly TrackingAd-Hoc TrackingAlternatives To TraditionalBrand Tracking SolutionsYou Want Precise and Reliable DataYou Want To Focus Specifically on Brand AwarenessYou Want Full Control Over The ProcessConclusionWhats Next?A.B.C.D.A.B.C.12 3 45 A

8、.67 8 910What is Brand Tracking?Ch apter 1What is Brand Tracking?Ch apter 1Theres really only one place to start this guide,by answering the question“What is brand tracking?”Well,weve got you covered.But brand tracking provides more than just data on consumer response to your brand it allows you to

9、compare your brand performance across markets,track competitor brands,identify new audiences or areas to focus on,and even pinpoint ones that arent working out.In the past,brand performance has been somewhat tricky to quantify accurately.However,with the right tools and KPIs now available,its 100%po

10、ssible and highly advisable to track your brand health and performance.Now that we know the“what”,lets dive into the“why”.Brand tracking is the continuous monitoringof your brands health over a period of time.It provides a means to understand what your target audiences think of your brand and howthe

11、y respond to your brand messaging.Why Use a Brand Tracking Solution?Ch apter 2Why Use a Brand Tracking Solution?Ch apter 2In explaining what brand tracking is,weve actually already covered the main reason why you would set it up:you want to monitor your brands performance and learn more about what y

12、our target audience thinks of your brand.Its no secret that branding can be quite an abstract activity so,how else can you know for sure if there are shifts in important KPIs following marketing activities without setting up tracking?Plus,you also need to prove that the activities your budget is bei

13、ng spent on are a worthy cause.Well,youre in luck,because brand tracking allows you to quantify your return on investment(ROI).Here are some other important reasons why youd be smart to use a brand tracker:Understand How Consumers Think and Feel About Your Brand1.When it comes to growing your brand

14、in an efficient,effective way,consumer data is your secret weapon.After all,the most successful brands are those that understand what their target audience wants and needs and give it to them in spades.Thats where brand tracking data comes in.Maybe you want to know what percentage of your target aud

15、ience is aware of your brand?Or perhaps youre interested in learning how many consumers who are aware of your brand actually understand what it is you do.Or maybe,you want to know what traits and characteristics consumers associate with your brand?All these questions and more can be answered by a hi

16、gh-quality brand tracking solution.At the end of the day,understanding how consumers feel about and perceive your brand will allow you to create marketing strategies and campaigns that better connect and resonate with your target audience.And thats what makes for a truly successful brand.Pantene Pro

17、-VYou can select multiple optionsDo you associate this brand with the following concept?HeadspaceHeadspaceSustainableFunnyAccessibleNone of theseHealthInnovativeNEXTClassicTrendyTrustworthyReliableFriendlyCoolIts one thing to know who your target audience is its another to have access to reliable,nu

18、anced insights into what they want,how they feel,and the ways in which they perceive your brand and your competition.For example,lets say highly-educated women 35 and older are your main target audience.Based on your own research,you believe that this audience cares most about the high quality of yo

19、ur products.However,thanks to insights gleaned from your latest wave of brand tracking data,you learn that while they do enjoy high-quality products,theyre far more invested in your fast,flexible delivery times.Often,the opinions brand managers hold about what their target audiences want or need are

20、 based on gut instinct or insufficient data.But with the right brand tracking solution,you can use audience insights to make truly data-driven decisions.Get Insights on Your Target Audience2.High IncomePet Owner62%10%Urban Millennials23%High Education14%To most people,brand tracking sounds fairly st

21、raightforward.You have a list of questions to ask,you find the right respondents,and you then analyze the data collected.Simple,right?Well,we hate to burst your bubble,but its nowhere near that easy.Ensuring that your data is accurate and reliable not to mention statistically significant is a tall o

22、rder.And thats where it becomes clear that most brands need support from expert researchers.A brand tracking tool that offers cutting-edge research expertise will know exactly how to translate your queries into data that provides you with effective,actionable insights.From how to word a survey quest

23、ion correctly to whether or not a target audiences parameters are too narrow or wide,expert researchers make the entire process run smoother.So,when looking for a brand tracking solution for your business,take a look at the research expertise behind the scenes.Are they approachable and helpful?Are t

24、hey willing to help shape your brand tracking goals,questions,and processes?If the answer is no,then you might want to keep looking.Gain Access to Cutting-Edge Research Expertise3.Understanding how your brand is performing with your target audience is incredibly important.But do you know what else i

25、s important?Knowing what your target audience thinks about your competitors.Having data on how your competitors are performing is vital in understanding where your brands stand within your market.While you may be doing well compared to previous years performance,if youre lagging behind the competiti

26、on,you need to know.After all,your individual success is always relative to the success of others.And seeing how competitors of the same or bigger size are performing with your target audiences is necessary information to have in order to inform your overall brand strategy and goals.Monitor The Comp

27、etitive Landscape4.What Can Brand Tracking Track?Ch apter 3What Can Brand Tracking Track?Ch apter 3Depending on the methods you choose to track your brands performance,what you can track will differ.However,most brand tracking software tracks for the following KPIs:Brand Awareness1.Essentially,brand

28、 awareness tells you what percentage of your target audience(s)are aware of your brand when prompted by name and logo.As the first step in most marketing funnels,brand awareness is a crucial foundation for gaining customers.And,at the core of it,understanding brand awareness is the most important in

29、gredient in a successful marketing strategy.Normally,a brand awareness question will list your brand name/logo and then ask respondents if they recognize it.A sample question is as follows:Have you heard of the following brand?Brand ABrand ANoNot SureYesIf you dont know the brand,just click“No”Brand

30、 Associations2.Brand associations are the traits and qualities that your target audience(s)associate with your brand,e.g.high-quality,accessible,fun,etc.Thus,brand association questions ask respondents for their perception of your brand.This KPI is great for understanding what current and potential

31、customers think of your brand,as well as monitoring their change in perceptions over time.Essentially,brand associations data allows you to see if your associations match up to your brand values and goals aka if your brand positioning matches consumer needs.A sample question is as follows:Do you ass

32、ociate this brand with the following concept?FunFunNoNot SureYesIf you dont know the brand,just click“No”.Brand ABrand ABrand Consideration3.Brand consideration is a KPI that shows you what percentage of your target audience(s)would consider purchasing your products or services.It reveals how many p

33、otential customers your brand has and how much room for growth there still is in your category.A sample question is as follows:Which brands would you consider choosing for Industry A?None of theseSelect only one option.Brand ABrand BBrand CBrand DBrand Preference4.Brand preference reveals what perce

34、ntage of your target audience(s)consider your brand as their first choice that is,above the competition.It allows you to understand brand priority within your category and is even more important for certain industries that dont tend to foster multi-brand usage.The data collected from brand preferenc

35、e questions allows brand managers to gauge brand loyalty.A sample question is as follows:Which of the following Industry brands would you prefer?Brand ABrand BBrand CBrand DNone of theseSelect only one option.Brand UnderstandingBrand understanding allows companies to understand whether consumers ali

36、gn their brand with the right category.It can provide further insight to reveal if your target audience knows that your brand actually does.Plus,it helps identify if brand positioning and messaging are being recognized and understood correctly.A sample question is as follows:5.You can select multipl

37、e optionsSustainableFunnyAccessibleNone of theseHealthInnovativeWhich of these categories do you most associate with this brand?Brand ABrand ABrand tracking software can also help you improve your brand strategy through the identification of important factors,such as target audiences and purchase dr

38、ivers.Target Audience IdentificationPurchase Driver IdentificationWhile many brands are able to identify their target audience on their own,others need a bit of help finding the specific groups of consumers they should target.In this case,some more modern brand tracking solutions offer research modu

39、les that help brands uncover and understand their relevant target audience all before actually tracking it.Essentially,it ensures that brands have the correct tracking solution set up and helps them refine their brand messaging and positioning.A purchase driver is a key performance indicator(KPI)use

40、d to understand consumer purchasing or usage priorities in a given category,which is unrelated to brand specifics.For example,a question designed to gather purchase driver data could look like the following:Identifying purchase drivers helps brands to discover and understand the messages they need t

41、o align their brand with aka what customers value and prioritize.What is most important to you when deciding on CATEGORY brands?”How to Successfully Track Your BrandCh apter 4How to Successfully Track Your BrandCh apter 4Youre probably thinking “Isnt a brand tracking tool supposed to do the work for

42、 me?”In a way,youre right.But,like with everything else in life,you need to set strong foundations if you want to be successful.That is,you need to define your goals aka what you want brand tracking data to help you achieve.First,you should consider what portion of your marketing budget you can dedi

43、cate to brand tracking.Make sure its realistic,as the last thing you want to do is realize you have a great possible solution,but not enough money set aside to pay for it.Next,you need to do your research on what is currently available.There are several companies that offer various forms of brand tr

44、acking and they differ in terms of price,but also in terms of quality.Later on in this guide,well discuss the drawbacks of using traditional brand tracking solutions which mostly have to do with the accuracy and reliability of data received.However,youre in luck because there are now more modern sol

45、utions that offer results you can actually work with.That being said,make sure you check what kind of quality assurance each offers before making a commitment.That extra bit you spend can be vital to overall brand success.Finally,when deciding which brand tracking solution to go with,you need to dec

46、ide what kind of results youre looking for aka the type of data youll receive.Remember,not all brand tracking solutions offer the same insights.So,youll need to ask yourself questions like:Having these decisions made beforehand will help you pick the best brand tracking solution for your company.Gen

47、erally,youll find that most brand tracking tools utilize surveys to gather data,going for either a national representation or a target market sample.While we believe that a tool that uses surveys is the best way to go,there are more options available such as focus groups,DIY surveys,or social listen

48、ing.Brand awareness only?What type of data do I want to see?The impact of a campaign?How many competitor brands do I want to track?Which target audiences?In which markets?How Often Should You Brand Track?Ch apter 5Annual TrackingAnnual tracking is best for brands that dont change things up often or

49、those who experience high seasonality.With annual tracking in place,youd receive one wave of data per year which you would then compare to previous years data.Keep in mind,comparing data over time is one of the biggest benefits brand tracking provides,as it allows you to see how your brand is develo

50、ping and performing.So,brands that choose annual tracking would have to wait at least a year to make comparisons.How Often Should You Track Your Brand?Ch apter 5Just like there are many different providers,prices,etc.when it comes to choosing a brand tracking solution,there are also various options

51、in terms of how often you can receive brand tracking data.Of course,the choice is yours and you should do what makes the most sense for your company.However,there are some guidelines to keep in mind when deciding how often you should track your brands performance.Quarterly TrackingQuarterly tracking

52、,which happens four times a year(once in each working quarter),is the most common frequency for receiving brand tracking data.Why?Well,because quarterly tracking best captures the impact of a brands marketing campaigns and overall strategy.Receiving four waves of data per year also allows brands to

53、make more effective comparisons,taking seasonality into account.365Monthly TrackingMonthly tracking,aka receiving a wave of data each month,is best for brands that focus on monthly trends.This option is also a good bet for high-growth companies that need a constant stream of knowledge on their brand

54、 performance.Ad-Hoc TrackingThough not as popular as the previously discussed options depending on the brand tracking tool chosen brands can also choose to go with ad-hoc waves of data.This is best for brands that want to see the impact of a big brand campaign or how a rebrand has affected consumer

55、perception.31What Can You Do With Your Brand Tracking Data?Ch apter 6What Can You Do With Brand Tracking Data?Ch apter 6There are so many things you can do with brand tracking data that will benefit your brand from improving your brand messaging to forging better emotional connections with your targ

56、et audience.But before you jump to make a big change,its important that you take the time necessary to really analyze the data.In order to get the most out of your brand tracking insights,you need to ask yourself questions like:Is there a significant increase in any of the KPIs that could correlate

57、with the time of a marketing campaign?Which are the strong audiences for my brand?And which are the weak ones?Are your KPIs increasing or decreasing?Which audience would consider using my brand over others in my industry?Which audience is most aware of my brand?Is there anything new within the data

58、that you didnt know before about your brand?Once you have the answers to these questions and more,you can start to incorporate your gleaned insights into your future brand strategy&campaigns.Did you learn that most people know about your brand thanks to social media?Then its time to start investing

59、more money into your social campaigns.Did consideration for your brand drop shortly after a change in your service?Maybe you consider revising the change.Are people willing to recommend you to friends&family?Then perhaps its time to set up a referral campaign to make it easier and more encouraging f

60、or them.These are just a few examples of the kinds of insights you can gain from high-quality brand tracking data.However,before we discuss how to get access to this kind of high-quality data,lets take a look at some of the drawbacks of traditional brand tracking solutions.The Drawbacks of Tradition

61、al Brand Tracking SolutionsCh apter 7The Drawbacks of Traditional Brand Tracking SolutionsCh apter 7Put quite simply,traditional methods of brand tracking are ineffectual and outdated.Now,thats a bold claim to make,were aware.But,we have the reasoning to back it up.Here are just a few reasons why:Re

62、strictive Data1.Most brand tracking services on the market only allow you to track 2-3 audience characteristics such as age,location,or gender.And while this is important data to have,if thats the extent of the options available,youre going to be stuck with fairly bland insights.Now,if you really th

63、ink about the audience(s)you want to target,ask yourself:Are these enough characteristics to get a good understanding of how my target audience feels about my brand?Probably not you need access to more granular data.No Real-World Changes Detected2.With many traditional options,age and gender are kep

64、t stable in the sample composition which means that real-world changes cant be detected.It goes something like this:Traditional brand tracking solutions control age and gender so the researcher can make sure that the ratio of both is maintained in the next survey and to ensure the results are compar

65、able.But what happens if you want more information than just age and gender like urban/rural location?You end up with a sample composition like this?500 Male/500 Female(stable,because controlled?600 young/400 old(stable,because controlled?800 urban/200 rural(skewed,because not controlled for)Its now

66、 likely that youll see changes in the results because of the higher proportion of the urban population in the sample.This is important because particularly when it comes to brand perception such demographic variables can have a huge impact on brand performance.Therefore,if you base your brand strate

67、gy on such information,you are basing it on misinformation.In essence,these insights arent based on real-world changes but rather on changes in sample composition.High Margin of Error3.Many traditional brand tracking solutions have large margins of error that go far beyond 10%which isnt ideal for br

68、and managers who want to take a data-driven approach.This is because when traditional methods endeavor to measure opinion in small target audiences,they slice and dice the sample to narrow down on specific respondents within the target audience which leads to real problems.When only a small amount o

69、f information is used to estimate brand awareness for a specific target audience,it leads to unreliable results with a large margin of error.Data Saturation4.According to The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods,data saturation refers to“the point in the research process wher

70、e no new information is discovered in data analysis,and this redundancy signals to researchers that data collection may cease.”For brand tracking,data saturation can lead to subpar results and inferior insights.But how does it happen?Well,some brand tracking solutions allow brands to ask respondents

71、 custom questions and one might not immediately see this as a negative.Instead,you might think:Isnt it great to be able to get answers to the specific questions you have?However,custom questions often lead to data saturation and,with data saturation,brands become distracted from the important metric

72、s that are actually worthwhile tracking.Custom questions can also lead to other problems.For example,if you go overboard with the number of custom questions you include,youll not only have data saturation to contend with,but it will also become harder to get respondents.This is because respondents t

73、end to avoid long surveys which,in turn,lowers data quality.Furthermore,custom questions usually indicate diverse research objectives,which can make it more difficult to acquire precise,actionable insights.Alternatives To Traditional Brand Tracking SolutionsCh apter 8Alternatives to Traditional Bran

74、d Tracking SolutionsCh apter 8When it comes to traditional brand tracking solutions,we all know the big names on the market:Kantar,Millward Brown,and Ipso just to name a few.And while they certainly offer a great deal of value to users,if youre looking for something a bit different,we have a few alt

75、ernatives to share with you.If quality and usability of data rank high on your list of priorities,then Latana is the modern alternative you should try.Latana is an AI-Powered brand tracking platform that provides companies with consumer data and key insights to help track brand and campaign performa

76、nce.You want precise and reliable data?Try LatanaWhat do people associate with your brand?Brand ABrand BTrustworthyInnovativeGreat designValue for moneyPremiumMy DashboardAwareness change over time30%20%10%0%-10%Jan 20Feb 20Mar 20Apr 20May 20Jun 20MonthHow aware are people of your brand?Brand ABrand

77、 BBrand Consideration100%80%60%40%20%0%Dez 20Jan 21Feb 21Mar 21Apr 21May 21Jun 21Jul 21Aug 21MonthHow did consideration change over time?Brand CBrand BBrand ABrand AwarenessBrand ABrand B0.2%15.1%0.7%13.1%21 Feb vs 21 MarHow did preference change over time?Making insights easily accessible also for

78、non-researchers Filter titleFilter titleNeutralCSVMy segmentsProfileChartsBrand purchase consideration.Associations over time in the n.New FolderSegmentsSegments by AgeSegments by EducationSegments by IncomeAided Awareness,SECreate new chartFrench MarketBrand PreferencePurchase ConsiderationMy Dashb

79、oardDashboardsIndustry Benchmarks100%80%60%40%20%0%TrustworthyInnovativeValue for moneyPremiumGreat designAssociationsHow does my brand perform against competition?Making insights easily accessible also for non-researchers RevolutWith the ability to guarantee high precision even across niche audienc

80、es Latana provides brand tracking data of much higher quality.We are able to achieve these results through the use of a form of advanced statistical modeling called Multilevel Regression and Poststratification,or MRP.In essence,MRP uses data to create a model and then uses said model to generate est

81、imates for responses in a survey.So,when given a set of respondent characteristics,the model can produce an estimate for how a certain respondent would answer a particular survey question.This,in turn,provides more precise,reliable data.Additionally,Latana leverages global ad-tech infrastructure to

82、access organic and casual audiences in the app-based ad space which allows for authentic and representative brand opinions from 100+countries and 1000s of cities worldwide.Because of this setup,Latana?Can produce lower margins of erro?Allows for flexible audience segmentation,which makes it possible

83、 for brands to track the perception of more niche demographic?Provides better quality insights that are more closely aligned to real-world changesEarly Tech AdopterYesNoNeitherFrequent FlyerYesNoNeitherDeviceAll ResponsesiPhoneAndroidGenderAll ResponsesMaleFemaleEducationAll ResponsesHighMediumLowAg

84、eAll Responses18 2526 3536 4546 5556 65Persona:JaneIncomePet OwnerYesNoAll ResponsesHighMediumLowPrefer not to answerGenderAll ResponsesMaleFemaleEducationAll ResponsesHighMediumLowAgeAll Responses18 2526 3536 4546 5556 65Persona:MikeLocationAll ResponsesTop 3 citiesOther cityNon urbanBrazilNorthSou

85、theastNortheastSouthSo PauloCentral-WestJapanHokkaidoChubuTohokuKansaiKantoChgokuGermanyBaden-WrttembergCenterBavariaEastLower SaxonyNorthGenderAll ResponsesMaleFemaleEducationAll ResponsesHighMediumLowAgeAll Responses18 2526 3536 4546 5556 65Persona:FrannyAnother exciting aspect of Latana?We provid

86、e unprecedented flexibility in exploring brand data by letting you define what matters the most.You can customize your dashboard to fit your needs using combinations of geography,time period,KPIs,brand,and audience segments.For example,some customer characteristics you could track include?Urban Mill

87、ennial?Frequent Flyer?Early Tech Adopter?Rural Consumer?Highly-Educated Men 35+Latana also moves away from the standard results delivery,which often relies on outdated spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations.Instead,we deliver all of your data in one intuitive,easy-to-use dashboard.With Latanas da

88、shboard,brands can?Segment data to discover new target audiences a key to growing your bran?Improve your marketing strategy by understanding what drives the competitio?Determine what your target audience connects with and accelerate your best campaignsPersona:JanePersona:JaneFrequent FlyersFrequent

89、FlyersGeneral PopulationGeneral PopulationPersona:FrankPersona:FrankPersona:FrankRandomRandomUrban MillennialsUrban MillennialsLive in top 3 citiesLive in top 3 citiesEarly AdoptersEarly AdoptersEarly AdoptersShow allPin to axisSegmentMy segmentsCompetitorsSaveCancelBrand ABrand BBrand CBrand DBrand

90、 EAided AwarenessAugust September 2020USAGeneral populationYou want to specifically focus on brand awareness?Use what you already haveIf this is your goal,then its probably best to just use what is already available to you like a keyword planning tool,which you can use to track branded keywords.The

91、more people searching for and finding your site using your brand name,the more your brand awareness is growing.Similarly,you can monitor social media mentions.Who out there is taking the time to mention you on social media?Share your content?These people must like you or,at the very least,theyre awa

92、re of your brand.Additionally,you can track inbound leads.And at this point,you know the drill the more people who fill out your contact form,the more your brand awareness is growing.Pro Tip:When you speak to these leads,its worthwhile to ask them how they discovered your brand that way you know whi

93、ch channels are working best.You want full control over the process?Go for DIY SurveysIf youre looking to have full control over the process,you can conduct a rudimentary form of brand tracking using a tool like Google Forms.In fact,many brands use DIY survey tools as a quick and cost-effective meth

94、od to gather customer insights.For example,Google Forms has an easy-to-use interface,which enables you to ask unlimited questions.And because of its integration with Google Sheets,its easy to access a spreadsheet view of the data collected.Google Forms can be used to track a number of things,from ca

95、mpaign awareness to campaign reactions.On the flip side,DIY surveys do have their drawbacks,and your brand needs to decide if the low cost is worth limited design customization,security concerns,data reliability,and limitations in content,i.e.text,images,or cells.ConclusionLATANAWhile brand tracking

96、 may seem tricky,we hope youll agree that with the correct tools and a better understanding of how it fits into your overall marketing strategy,a brand tracking solution like is easy to set up and well worth the effort.While methods such as DIY surveys,social listening tools,and keyword planning too

97、ls can be somewhat helpful companies that require detailed,nuanced insights on their brand performance would be smart to invest in an advanced brand tracking solution.Remember with more reliable data,youre sure to make better marketing decisions.And at the end of the day,isnt that what every brand m

98、anager is trying to do?Whats Next?LATANANow that you possess unrivaled knowledge about what brand tracking is and what it can do for your brand,whats next on the docket?Choosing a solution that fits your needs.And for businesses that require reliable,accurate brand tracking data,Latana is the best solution there is.Now,theres only one thing left to do give us a spin!AI-PoweredBrand TrackingContact UsFor General Inquiries:For Sales:For PR/Partnerships:Book Demo



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