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1、Energy Storage Targets 2030 and 2050Ensuring Europes Energy Security in a Renewable Energy SystemAs Europe accelerates its ambitions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050,the energy system is set to look very differentfrom the one we see today.Driven by ambitious climate targets,the electricity sect

2、or especially is taking great stridesin reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuel generators with renewables.However,the inherentvariability of wind and solar generation brings with it new challenges.The electricity system needs to become muchmore flexible than it is today to accomm

3、odate the rising share of renewables and new flows of electricity that comewith it.Variable production of wind and solar means renewable deployment alone will not eliminate fossil fueldependence,as backup gas generators are used to cover renewables energy shortfalls at times of low production.Ifthe

4、EU is to meet its climate targets in time and integrate even higher shares of renewables as stated in theREPowerEU plan,reliance on fossil fuel imports and backup gas generation must be replaced with alternative lowemission solutions.Energy shifting and flexibility services provided by energy storag

5、e are indispensable for system reliability and securingsupply of energy to cope with moments of low renewables and also maximise renewable utilisation at times of highproduction.While flexibility services can also be provided by other technologies,energy storage is the only solutionable to provide t

6、he essential energy shifting service which is one of the key solutions to minimising curtailment ofrenewable energy.This will ensure a self-sufficient European energy economy by maximising utilisation of localrenewables,reducing reliance on external fossil fuel imports,in turn alleviating the high e

7、lectricity prices seen today.REPowerEU clearly acknowledges this and the important role of energy storage to reduce the use of gas power plantsin the energy system 1.It is therefore critical that the role of greenhouse gas(GHG)emitting flexibility from fossil fuelgenerators is reconsidered especiall

8、y by 2030*.However,storage uptake today is seriously lagging behind wind and solar deployment.The EU risks being unable tointegrate the rapidly growing renewables and in turn being locked into fossil fuel backup,if storage deployment doesnot go in parallel with renewable uptake.With this paper we as

9、sess the energy storage requirements as a whole forEurope and propose estimates of energy storage targets for 2030 and 2050 based on a review of existing scientificliterature,official documents from the European Commission(EC)and input from relevant stakeholders.We find thatmany studies do not addre

10、ss all key energy storage technologies and durations,often undervaluing low emissiontechnologies and energy shifting resources and overvaluing the use of GHG emitting baseload plants especially in the2030 time horizon 2.Many studies are based on outdated climate targets which leads to an underestima

11、tion offlexibility needs in the energy system.Furthermore,the rapidly changing storage technology and innovation landscapemeans new cost projections need to be included in energy system planning today to accurately reflect technologiesavailable 3 4.We estimate energy storage power capacity requireme

12、nts at EU level will be approximately 200 GW by 2030(focusing on energy shifting technologies,and including existing storage capacity of approximately 60 GW inEurope,mainly PHS).By 2050,it is estimated at least 600 GW of energy storage will be needed in the energy system.This is based on the needs i

13、n terms of bi-directional contribution from Power-to-X-to-Power solutions(i.e.for energyshifting),estimated at around 435 GW as a no regret option for 2050,being complemented by 165 GW of power-to-Xtechnologies providing one-directional system flexibility.This will require a massive ramp-up in stora

14、ge deployment ofat least 14 GW/year in the next 9 years,compared to 0.8 GW/year of battery storage deployed in 2020 according to theInternational Energy Agency(IEA).This is an ambitious goal but it is in line with existing non-binding national targets inSpain for example,which is targeting 20 GW by

15、2030 and further highlights the urgent need to start deployment now.The required storage capacity(hours of rated power during discharging)will largely depend on the fraction of annualenergy from variable renewables in the generation mix,which means some member states will already require largeamount

16、s of storage even before 2030(see Figure 4).There is an urgent need for EU-level energy storage targets andstrategy that are compatible with the energy storage needs related to current EU climate policy.Establishing thesevalues as energy storage targets at EU-level backed by the promise of meaningfu

17、l future policy and regulation,provides the clearest signal to the energy storage industry to begin building the infrastructure needed to drive truescale,reducing costs and enabling the success of the EUs climate goals.2Executive Summary*Low-carbon non-variable generation such as nuclear,bioenergies

18、 or CCUS can also make very meaningful contributions to the GHG reductionstarget;their different projected growth trajectories however are not part of the scope of this current paper.Executive Summary.1.Introduction:Why Do We Need Energy Storage Targets?.1.1.Energy Storage Definition.1.2.Accelerated

19、 Renewables Uptake in Europe What Does This Mean for Energy Storage?.1.3.Setting EU Energy Storage Targets in Line with Best Practice.2.Overview of Energy Storage Requirements in Europe by 2030 and 2050.2.1.Energy Storage:2030-time Horizon.2.2.Energy Storage:2050-time Horizon.3.Why Energy Storage Ne

20、eds Are Underestimated Today.3.1.Climate and Sector Targets Do Not Align with Energy Storage Uptake.3.2.High Electricity Prices Today:Urgent Need to Reduce Reliance on Natural Gas.3.3.Minimising Curtailment with Energy Shifting.3.4.Cost Projections and Technology Readiness Data Does Not Reflect Real

21、ity.3.5.Sector Integration and Seasonal Storage Considerations.3.6.Accounting for Extreme Weather Events and Adequate Temporal Resolution.3.7.Maximising Existing Grid Infrastructure with Energy Storage.4.Energy Storage Estimates Based on Current Data and Assumptions.4.1.Flexibility Needs for 2030.4.

22、1.1.Reducing the EUs Reliance on Natural Gas by 2030.4.2.2030 EU Energy Storage Target Estimation.4.3.Flexibility needs for 2050.4.4.2050 EU Energy Storage Target Estimation.5.Conclusions.6.Annex:Supporting Information.6.1.Relationship between Variable Renewables Share and Energy Storage Requirement

23、s in GW.6.2.Calculation of Natural Gas Reduction Needed in Power Sector by 2030 to Align with 55%GHG Reduction Target.6.3.2030 Summary of Inputs and References for Energy Storage Targets Estimate.6.4.2050 Summary of Inputs and References for Energy storage Target Estimate.7.List of Acronyms.8.Refere

24、nces.2 44 57 8910 1111 5 2 24 25 25 252627 28 29Table of Contents3As highlighted in the REPowerEU initiative,the European Commission plans to increase renewables andelectrification of the energy system.This means there will be a growing need for technologies which cansupport hi

25、gh levels of electrification by storing and giving electricity back to the system.Setting energystorage targets in line with existing climate targets and best practice in the EU today is critical.We focus onthe key applications of energy storage providing system flexibility and energy shifting servi

26、ces crucial toenabling the rising integration of renewables.Formalising energy storage targets will provide the necessarylong-term vision to market players,utilities,investors and policy makers to make strategic decisions withconfidence,in a context of global uncertainty about market growth,technolo

27、gies and cost.Such a visionmust be based on a comprehensive rationale taking into account decarbonisation goals and resultingstructural changes needed in the energy system.1.Introduction:Why Do We Need Energy Storage Targets?41.1.Energy Storage DefinitionIn this work we follow the energy storage def

28、inition established in the Clean Energy Package,Article 2(59)of Directive(EU)2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council.We distinguish storage solutionsproviding system flexibility(i)in one-direction i.e.not giving electricity back to the system,by Power-to-Xtechnologies and(ii)bi-direct

29、ional i.e.electricity is stored and given back to the electricity system(energyshifting),provided by Power-to-X-to-Power technologies,as illustrated below.Figure 1:Clean Energy Package definition of energy storage providing system flexibility from Power-to-X-to-Power technologies providing bi-direct

30、ional flexibility(energy shifting)and Power-to-X solutionsproviding flexibility in one-direction.5Power-to-X:includes technologies which provide flexibility in one-direction,meaning the electricity flowsin one direction and is not given back to the system,it is converted to another energy carrier,wh

31、ich canthen decarbonise other parts of society(e.g.heating,cooling,transport etc.).Storage technologies whichfulfil this role mainly include among others:Power-to-X technologies e.g.Power-to-Gas(P2G,i.e.electrolysers which produce hydrogen not reconverted back to electricity),Power-to-heat(P2H)and V

32、1G(i.e.smart charging of electric vehicles where electricity is not reinjected back into the grid).Power-to-X-to-Power(Energy shifting):refers to storage technologies which shift electricity and store thiselectricity for different durations(seconds,minutes,hours,weeks,months,seasons),releasing it ba

33、ck to thesystem when it is needed 5.Energy shifting can be considered bi-directional meaning the electricitywhich is shifted is given back to the system.Technologies which are more geared to providing this serviceinclude among others batteries,flywheels,supercapacitors,SMES,PHS,gravity storage,CAES,

34、LAES,V2G,electrolysers(P2G2P),thermal energy storage(P2H2P).Figure 2 illustrates the concept of energy shiftingbased on the case of seasonal energy shifting,excess electricity produced in summer months where thedemand is low is stored and used to meet higher demand peaks in winter months electricity

35、 use istherefore shifted from summer to winter using energy storage.Figure 2:Seasonal correlation of electricity demand(black line)and solar generation(yellow line)forEurope over a single year.Yellow shaded are indicates excess solar generation stored using energystorage technologies.The use of this

36、 electricity is shifted to meet high demand in winter.1.2.Accelerated Renewables Uptake in Europe What Does This Mean for Energy Storage?Figure 3 shows wind and solar growth in Europe in TWh per year:both the historic trajectory(black line)and the latest national energy and climate plans(orange line

37、)will fail to meet the 55%GHG reductiontarget by 2030 at current growth rates.Wind and solar growth need to almost triple in the next decade toreach their needed contribution to the 55%reduction target by 2030.This will require a massive ramp-up inwind and solar electricity generation between 93-100

38、 TWh/year,corresponding to variable renewablesshare as high as 69%already by 2030 6.In light of REPowerEU this build out of renewables will beaccelerated meaning he energy system must become much more flexible and capable of energy shiftingthan it is today to accommodate this high share of wind and

39、solar generation.6The key issue for the integrating wind and solar in the energy system is their variable,non-dispatchablegeneration.This means the system requires technologies able to stabilise electricity flows ensuring reliableenergy supply.Furthermore,on low wind or cloudy days energy production

40、 from variable renewables alonecannot meet demand.In these instances,dispatchable backup supply typically from fossil fuel gasgenerators is used to cover these energy shortfalls.Therefore,building more and more renewables will notin itself reduce reliance on fossil fuels.The need for backup supply t

41、o account for variable generation willonly increase as more renewables are introduced in the system.The role of alternative clean energy storagesolutions able to fill this role must also be considered over GHG emitting counterparts.Curtailment also becomes an issue the more renewables are integrated

42、 in the system.When there isexcess production on very windy or sunny days and there is no demand for this electricity or there arecapacity constraints from the system itself,electricity is curtailed.This is a massive waste of the EUsindigenous renewable energy resources.Storage provides a solution t

43、o this,creating energy independenceby maximising EUs own renewables utilisation in line with climate targets,minimising curtailment andproviding critical system flexibility and energy shifting services over different timescales.Figure 4 illustratesincreasing wind and solar in the electricity mix mai

44、nly requires hourly storage(24hr(some technologies cover both ranges).Capex costs are expected todecline by 60%in future projections.This can be achieved by scaling production efforts and driving downcosts as was the case for similar breakthrough technologies such as wind and solar.This requiresinve

45、stment signals to facilitate their widescale deployment 4,which is also dependent on enabling policyand legislation.System models should account for this uncertainty,as technologies are ready to bedeployed but are limited by cost assumptions which in turn means they are not considered today as viabl

46、esolutions for the future.133.5.Sector Integration and Seasonal Storage ConsiderationsHeating and cooling in buildings,businesses and industry consume around half of the energy producedand used in the EU.Thermal energy storage can provide an important flexibility lever helping balancedemand and supp

47、ly particularly on long duration seasonal timescales critical for balancing high renewablesin 2050 34.Limited studies have been performed which evaluate the potential role of thermal storagetechnologies in sustainable European energy scenarios.A focus is typically applied on electricity andhydrogen

48、storage options in most recent EU scenario studies,while overlooking the storage potential thatother technologies may provide at competitive costs.High temperature-underground thermal energystorage(HT-UTES)and other thermochemical energy storage technologies for example provide valuableservices to t

49、he electricity sector through sector integration as it absorbs electricity surpluses throughpower-to-heat solutions decoupling electricity production and heat demand from the short to seasonaltimescales 35.It is one of few long-duration storage technologies that can store vast amounts of energyup to

50、 tens of GWh per cycle on a seasonal timescale,see Figure 8.36Figure 8:Energy system services and storage options mapped according to their power(W)and relevanttimescales for charging and discharging.Colours coding indicate in which infrastructure system thestorage technology is implemented:blue=ele

51、ctricity grids,green=(renewable)gas infrastructure;orangeis heat networks adapted from ref 36.14Thermal energy storage(TES)technologies are developing at pace and can enable a higher share ofrenewable energy in industries and facilitate the recovery of heat that would otherwise go to waste.Theycan a

52、lso play a key role in retrofitting existing fossil fuelled power plants,avoiding the combustion of fossilfuels.The integration of HT-UTES technologies in future energy scenarios and energy system planning willallow the demonstration of the crucial role that HT-UTES can play in the decarbonisation o

53、f the heat sectorand benefit the electricity sector.3.6.Accounting for Extreme Weather Events and Adequate Temporal ResolutionIIn the case of prolonged periods without sufficient sun or wind,these imbalance periods could last days oreven weeks 4 37.Dunkelflaute events occur on average 50-100 hours p

54、er year between November toJanuary for countries bordering the North and Baltic sea 38.Shifting large amounts of energy from timeswhen there is excess energy and storing it until needed will be central to balancing an variable energysystem.Energy storage technologies can provide enhanced resiliency

55、for extreme weather events.Researchers have recently begun to quantify the value that energy storage brings in terms of resiliency andthere are several instances where tens of hours of energy storage would be sufficient for a system to remainonline during a loss of power 7.This function is tradition

56、ally served by fossil-fuelled generators,however,concerns regarding reliability,fuel supply and costs are driving operators of sites such as hospitals,datacentres,and wastewater treatment facilities to explore alternatives.Energy storage could fulfil this role,withthe added potential to provide addi

57、tional revenue by participating in other markets e.g.ancillary services.System models should reflect real historical meteorological data accounting for extreme weather events soall energy shortfalls are captured and accounted for 37.It is also important that all short and long duration flexibility n

58、eeds are captured in energy system modelsto accurately reflect all the services storage can provide on all timescales,particularly for shorter durations1 hour.Time resolution 25 years)it is impossible to predict technology innovationand cost reductions or policy and market changes.Other clean techno

59、logies(e.g.wind and solar)havealready seen dramatic cost reductions over even shorter timeframes.Similar cost reductions will likelyoccur in the timeframe up to 2050 for more nascent storage technologies.A sensitivity analysis based onbest case scenario cost assumptions for all technologies should b

60、e accounted for in models today.While wedo not dispute the quantity of flexibility needed by 2050 as stated in the EC study energy storage,otherliterature studies indicate that this flexibility need will be filled by a number of different technologies.214.4.2050 EU Energy Storage Target EstimationHe

61、re we present our target estimate for energy storage in 2050 based on up-to-date figures from theliterature for different storage technologies and assumptions for system flexibility based on Power-to-X-to-Power technologies providing energy shifting and Power-to-X technologies providing system flexi

62、bility inone-direction(See Annex 6.4 for detailed references).Since it is not possible to predict absolute scenariosand technology mix in 2050 we base our estimate on the following ranges and assumptions.Assumptions included in our assessment of target estimates for 2050,see Figure 13:Power-to-X-to-

63、Power technologies providing energy shifting flexibility where energy is given back to thesystem(bi-directional)1.We include 65 GW PHS from the EC Impact assessment,which is a conservative estimate considering potential PHS capacity expansion highlighted previously(Section 3.3).2.Long duration energ

64、y storage technologies are expected to reach between 128 GW and 264 GW installed capacity by 2040 in the EU,we take an average of 200 GW LDES in our estimate.This includes among others:CAES,LAES,gravity storage,thermal energy storage(P2H2P),electrochemical storage and electrolysers(P2G2P)(Electrolys

65、ers providing P2G2P according to EC study is 12 GW).3.120 GW of V2G based on scenario of European EV deployment(French TSO RTE provides an estimation of 1,7 GW of V2G for 1,1 million of EV,with the hypothesis of 77 million EV in Europe in 2050)44(See Annex 6.4)4.The Commissions staff working documen

66、t from 2021,states that stationary batteries will reach an installed capacity over 100 GW in 2050 45.The role of batteries in the EC study on energy storage ranges between 1-70 GW in 2050 dependent on sensitivities to deployment and costs of other competing technologies including V2G and electrolyse

67、rs.We therefore take an average of these values(1-100 GW)and make a conservative estimate to include 50 GW of batteries in the 2050 estimate.Power-to-X technologies:Power-to-X storage technologies providing system flexibility in one-direction willalso play a role in 2050.1.To meet the total energy s

68、torage flexibility needs in 2050 as stated in the EC study,as much as 165 GW could be filled by P2X solutions which provide system flexibility in one direction(energy is not given back to the system).Our estimate is based on energy storage needs for system flexibility in terms of bi-directional cont

69、ributionto the system(power-to-X-to-power energy shifting)which ranges between 315-550 GW and are estimatedaround 435 GW as a no regret option for 2050 in Figure 13.An additional 165 GW of power-to-X storagetechnologies are necessary for system flexibility,leading to a total of 600 GW.Lastly,the rol

70、e of gas turbinescould equally be filled by alternative cost competitive storage technologies in 2050 and could furtherincrease storage needs at this time-horizon.Nonetheless based on these assumptions total energy storageneeds of at least 600 GW will be required by 2050.This is illustrated in Figur

71、e 13 where power-to-Xtechnologies are highlighted in blue and provide system flexibility in one-direction.Power-to-X-to-Powertechnologies are shown in green and provide system flexibility that is bi-directional i.e.electricity is givenback to the system,these technologies provide critical energy shi

72、fting services.22Figure 13:Total energy storage requirements by 2050.The Y-axis shows installed power capacity(GW)fordifferent energy storage technologies based on total flexibility needs as defined in the EC study on energystorage and values from other literature studies.Power-to-X technologies are

73、 highlighted in blue andprovide system flexibility in one-direction.Power-to-X-to-Power technologies are shown in green andprovide system flexibility that is bi-directional i.e.electricity is given back to the system,these technologiesprovide critical energy shifting services.The total energy storag

74、e needs are indicated by the red dotted lineto be at least 600 GW in 2050.23The EU energy system risks being unable to support the ambitious renewable energy integration foreseenin REPowerEU today if we do not act now.Accommodating the growing shares of renewables in the energysystem requires energy

75、 storage to provide critical system flexibility and energy shifting services.Currentmarket projections severely underestimate energy storage requirements and a massive boost indeployment is critically needed to go in parallel with renewables uptake.A massive ramp-up in storagedeployment of at least

76、14 GW/year is required in the next 9 years,compared to 0.8GW/year of batterystorage deployed in 2020 according to the International Energy Agency(IEA).Relying on fossil fuelgeneration and flexibility is not an option for the future if we are to ensure energy security and reducereliance on third part

77、y imports,especially when low emission storage technologies are already availabletoday.With this paper we have highlighted the rationale for estimating EU-level energy storage targets based onan extensive review of numerous scientific studies and analyses of the energy system in Europe.We do notfore

78、cast the storage technology mix itself,as evolving costs,technologies and innovation landscapes willinevitably change in the future making it impossible to predict.However,we look at the system needs as awhole considering all technologies including both Power-to-X-to-Power and Power-to-X-solutionsac

79、cording to the Clean Energy Package definition of energy storage.Taking into account inputs from numerous studies and assumptions on replacing a portion of gas turbineflexibility with low emission energy storage technologies,we estimate energy storage needs ofapproximately 200 GW as a no regret opti

80、on for 2030(including existing storage capacity in Europe).By2050,it is estimated at least 600 GW of energy storage will be needed in the energy system.This is basedon the needs in terms of the bi-directional contribution from Power-to-X-to-Power solutions(i.e.forenergy shifting)estimated at 435 GW

81、as a no regret option for 2050,being complemented by 165 GW ofPower-to-X technologies providing one-directional system flexibility.As highlighted in the REPowerEUcommunication,energy storage reduces the use of gas power plants in the energy system and as such therole of gas turbines providing flexib

82、ility could further be filled by storage technologies in both 2030 and2050,meaning energy storage needs could be even higher in both cases.Establishing these 2030 and 2050 values as energy storage targets at EU level with a dedicated energystorage strategy will provide a clear signal to the energy s

83、torage industry and investors to begin buildingthe infrastructure needed to drive large-scale deployment in parallel with supporting renewablesintegration.Energy Storage targets are a necessary complement to existing EU climate targets and willallow Europe to foster a local,sustainable green energy

84、system independent of external energy imports.5.Conclusions24Looking only at the needs of a high variable renewable system which is a key question,one notable studylooks at the relationship between variable renewables energy(vRE)share in the power mix and the GW ofenergy storage needed for flexibili

85、ty and energy shifting.This study highlights the importance not only ofthe generation technology(wind or solar)but also the ratio of the two in the power mix on the subsequentenergy storage requirements and durations.This study reviews over 400 different scenarios from theliterature,narrowing down t

86、he scope to Europe 18.Higher amounts of solar generation typically requiremore daily energy shifting flexibility from batteries(4-9 GW/%vRE),whereas wind dominated systems needlonger term energy shifting to account for days or weeks of low winds(1-2GW/%vRE)129183.In Table 1we illustrate the energy s

87、torage needs for either a wind or solar dominated power mix in Europe.The shareof variable renewables is take from the EC impact assessment scenarios,67%vRE in 2030 andapproximately 85%by 2050 6.These values indicate that more storage is needed for systems with highersolar generation to account for

88、daily system flexibility and energy shifting whereas wind dominatedsystems require more longer-term storage to account for days or weeks of low winds(values are included inFigure 5 and Figure 6).This is an important observation and will affect storage needs based on generationtechnology(wind or sola

89、r)which will vary country by country in the EU and must be considered.Note herethat these results will also depend on the storage durations,longer durations would mean lower installedcapacity and vice versa.6.Annex:Supporting Information 6.1.Relationship Between Variable Renewables Share and Energy

90、Storage Requirements in GWTable 1:Energy Storage power capacity calculated using reference 18 for a 67%vRE share in 2030 and 85%in 2050 The EC Impact assessment study shows that a 30%reduction in total natural gas use(compared to 2015)isneeded to achieve the revised 55%GHG reduction target in the AL

91、LBNK scenario.This means an additional17%reduction in total natural gas usage is required by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario(BSL)inorder to reach the 55%GHG reduction target.As previously mentioned,the EC study on energy storagefrom 2020 is based on the outdated targets and therefore sees a d

92、isproportionate amount of gas turbinesstill providing flexibility in 2030.We look at how much natural gas must be removed from the power sectors(approx.30%of natural gas is used in power sector).We propose substituting a portion of gas turbines(OCGTs)providing flexibility in the EC study on energy s

93、torage(METIS-Baseline scenario 2030,where OCGT=63 GW and CCGT=285 GW)with energy storage technologies.The key assumptions are elaborated insection 4.1.1.and calculations are summarised below(OCGT parameters taken from IEA-ETSAP(energytechnology systems analysis program)ref 42).Further to note that A

94、LLBNK is the most ambitious Fit-for-55 scenario in the EC Impact Assessment and aligns with 55%GHG reductions and 40%RES(69%variableRES i.e.wind and solar in electricity generation).6.2.Calculation of Natural Gas Reduction Needed in Power Sector by 2030 to Align with 55%GHG Reduction Target25Table 2

95、 summarises key inputs and sources used for 2030 energy storage estimates.We include the EUSySflex study in the table for contribution of V2G noting that we see this as being a competitive solution tobatteries for short-term flexibility 22.While of course not all applications of batteries can be fil

96、led by V2G,as we are unable to separate each contribution,we include 33GW V2G under the 67 GW system flexibilityprovided by batteries and other short duration technologies.6.3.2030 Summary of Inputs and References for Energy Storage Targets Estimate 26Table 2:Summary of Key Data and Sources used for

97、 EU Energy Storage Estimates in 2030Table 3 summarises key inputs and associated references for 2050 energy storage estimates detailed inSection 4.3 and Summary of Inputs and References for Energy storage Target Estimate Table 3:Summary of Key Data and Sources used for EU Energy Storage

98、 Estimates in 2050 277.List of AcronymsAcronymDefinitionCAESCCGT CCS CCUS CO2 EC EU FES GHG HT-UTES IEAIOU LAES LDES NECP NREL OCGT OPEX P2G P2H P2X P2X2P PHS REDII RES RTE SMES TES TSO V1G V2G vRES Compressed Air Energy StorageCombined Cycle Gas TurbineCarbon Capture and storageCarbon Capture Utili

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130、 EASE:The European Association for Storage of Energy(EASE)is the leading member-supported association representing organisations active across the entire energy storage value chain.EASE supports the deployment of energy storage to further the cost-effective transition to a resilient,low-carbon,and s

131、ecure energy system.Together,EASE members have significant expertise across all major storage technologies and applications.This allows us to generate new ideas and policy recommendations that are essential to build a regulatory framework that is supportive of storage.For more information please vis

132、it www.ease-storage.eu *Disclaimer:This response was elaborated by EASE and reflects a consolidated view of its members from an energy storage point of view.Individual EASE members may adopt different positions on certain topics from their corporate standpoint.*Contact:Susan Taylor|EASE Energy Storage Analyst|s.taylorease-storage.eu|+32(0)2 743 29 82 Avenue Adolphe Lacombl 59/81030 Brussels|BelgiumTel:+32.2.743.29.82EASE_ES www.ease-storage.euinfoease-storage.eu



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