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1、2020NOAA SCIENCE REPORTU.S.DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCENATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATIONNOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA Science Council-0032020 NOAA Science ReportEmma Kelley,Gina Digiantonio,Isha Renta,Laura Newcomb,Gary Matlock,Eric Bayler,Neil Christerson,Monica Grasso,Michelle Harmon,Mich

2、ael Liddel,Anthony Marshak,John McDonough,Peter Roohr,Stephan Smith,Jeffrey WielgusNOAA Silver Spring,MarylandApril 2021noaaNATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATIONNOAA Science Council2020 NOAA Science ReportEmma Kelley,Gina Digiantonio,Isha Renta,Laura Newcomb,Gary Matlock,Eric Bayler,Neil C

3、hristerson,Monica Grasso,Michelle Harmon,Michael Liddel,Anthony Marshak,John McDonough,Peter Roohr,Stephan Smith,Jeffrey WielgusNOAA Silver Spring,MarylandApril 2021UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEGina Raimondo SecretaryNATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATIONBenjamin FriedmanDeputy Under

4、 Secretary for Operations Performing the duties of Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and AtmosphereNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science CouncilCraig N.McLean NOAA Science Council ChairCisco Werner,Ph.D.NOAA Science Council Vice ChairNOTICEThis document was prepared as an acco

5、unt of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency or Contractor thereof.Neither the United States Government,nor Contractor,nor any of their

6、 employees,make any warranty,express or implied,or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,completeness,or usefulness of any information,product,or process disclosed,or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.Mention of a com-mercial company or produc

7、t does not constitute an endorsement by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.Use of information from this publication concerning proprietary products or the tests of such products for publicity or advertising purposes is not authorized.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLAYOUTMike WalkerDIVERSITY AND IN

8、CLUSION Kenneth Bailey Marie HerndonBIBLIOMETRICSSarah DavisCOPY EDIT AND PLAIN LANGUAGE REVIEWS Jeremy Andrucyk Aya Collins Courtney Daniels Troy Kitch Renata Lana Sara LeedsMichael Murphy Kate Naughten Julia Ortiz Lyric PrinceAbigail Reid Saiontoni Sarkar Caitlin ValentinePHOTO DISCLAIMERSome imag

9、es appearing in this report depict activities that occurred before CDC COVID-19 mask guidelines and travel restrictions were put in place.COVER PHOTOUnderwater gliders ready for deployment in Puerto Rico for the 2020 hurricane season.Credit:NOAA(July 2020)FOREWORDThe year 2020 marked the 50th annive

10、rsary of NOAA.Since our establishment,NOAA has served as the Nations premier ocean,weather,atmospheric,and climate science agency,enhancing the lives and livelihoods of the American People through cutting-edge science and engineering that extends from the bottom of the ocean to the surface of the su

11、n.Any examination of global science in oceans and the atmosphere have handprints and contributions from NOAA.While this Report is not retrospective,I invite you to examine the technical achievements and discoveries from this year,and imagine their foundational impact over the next 50 years.The techn

12、ical achievements stand on their own merit,but with gratitude,we must applaud the dedicated people,scientists,engineers,managers,budget,lawyers,and administrative specialists who each contributed to this work.I thank you.In the face of challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic,NOAA scientists have conti

13、nued-with appropriate precautions-to perform research and development and have leveraged uncrewed systems,partnerships,and other technologies to gather data on earth system processes during this period of reduced traditional activity,but through determination and ambition,kept nearly all of our scie

14、nce on course.Many of NOAAs scientific accomplishments represent transformative advancements for priority research and development topics.In 2020 NOAA established a new approach for achieving better coordination and organization for emerging technologies,and did so for five focus areas which are pre

15、sented in this report.This defines a best practice for the application of new technologies and methods.But the foundation of this and other progress is NOAAs highly skilled and dedicated workforce.This report highlights new and continued efforts to promote a more welcoming,diverse,and inclusive envi

16、ronment through the NOAA Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan.The 2020 NOAA Science Report represents NOAAs world-class scientific accomplishments and showcases its vibrant workforce.NOAA is determined to continue to provide loyal service to the American People through innovative researc

17、h and development to meet the needs of our Nation now and in the upcoming decades.Craig N.McLean Acting NOAA Chief ScientistLisa Kriederman,an Incident Meteorologist(IMET)with NOAAs National Weather Service,surveys smoke from a wildfire in East Fork,CO.Credit:NOAA National Weather Service(September

18、2020)TABLE OF CONTENTSNOTICE.4Acknowledgements.4Foreward .5Introduction.81.Reducing Societal Impacts from Hazardous Weather and Other Environmental Phenomena.292.Sustainable Use and Stewardship of Ocean and Coastal Resources.393.A Robust and Effective Research,Development,and Transition Enterprise.5

19、3Bibliometrics.66Scientific Workforce.78Laboratory and Program Science Reviews.842020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T8INTRODUCTIONENRICHING LIFE THROUGH SCIENCEExtending from the surface of the sun to the depths of the oceans,the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)mission depends

20、on a strong foundation of research and development(R&D)for observing and understand-ing the complex environmental systems that define our planet.This understanding ultimately provides users with the information and knowledge needed to protect lives and property,support livelihoods,enhance life,and s

21、ustain critical ecosystems.WHY DOES NOAA INVEST IN RESEARCH?Continually improving the quality of NOAAs products and services for the Nation requires NOAA investments in research and development.Products and services,developed through dynamic engage-ment between the agency and its users,result from s

22、takeholders communicating their needs to NOAA.This generates development and new research ini-tiatives,resulting in improved NOAA products and services to meet the needs of the people who depend on them.By integrating research that is conducted internally with the efforts of partners,including Coope

23、rative Institutes,universities,other government agencies,and the private sector,NOAA can transform con-cepts into the data,tools,and information upon which stakeholders rely.NOAA balances a broad research portfolio to fur-ther the NOAA mission and serve a wide spectrum of end users.NOAAS MISSION:SCI

24、ENCE,SERVICE,AND STEWARDSHIPTo understand and predict changes in climate,weather,oceans,and coasts;To share that knowledge and information with others;andTo conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources.I N T R O D U C T I O N9NOAAS PRIORITY OBJECTIVESNOAA is supporting the Departm

25、ent of Commerces Strategic Plan through two priority objectives NOAA,2018:1.Minimize the impacts of extreme weather andwater events by implementing the WeatherResearch and Forecasting Innovation Act,withthe underlying goal to regain world leadershipin weather modeling.2.Accelerating the American Blu

26、e Economy,with specific focus on reducing the nationsseafood trade deficit through expanded marineaquaculture.The NOAA Research and Development Vision Areas:2020-2026 sets priority foci for NOAA R&D.NOAA also is pursuing strategically focused research and development in the following areas:1.harness

27、ing omics approaches,from DNA sequencingto small molecule analysis;2.uncrewed systems;3.data;4.citizen science;5.artificial intelligence;and6.adoption and use of information technology cloudservices.WHAT KINDS OF RESEARCH DOES NOAA SUPPORT?NOAAs R&D addresses the needs of the user com-munity while a

28、dvancing fundamental scientific understanding.Our R&D portfolio allows the flexibility to consider contributions to the scientific knowledge base separately from(albeit related to)enhancing applicability.In the context of the classical treatment by Donald Stokes Stokes,1997,we strive to position our

29、 investment primarily in“Pasteurs Quadrant,”(Figure 1)while including critical investments aimed primarily at either advancing fundamental under-standing or enhancing applications.Figure 1.Donald Stokes proposed the above chart in his 1997 book Pasteurs Quadrant:Basic Science and Technological Innov

30、ation.This chart portrays that,while some research largely focuses on fundamental understanding(Bohrs qua-drant upper left)or application(Edisons quadrant,lower right),it is possible for research to be highly relevant for both fundamental understanding and real-life applications(Pasteurs quadrant,up

31、per right).The majority of NOAA research strives for this dual relevance as reflected in Pasteurs quadrant.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T10WHAT PRINCIPLES GUIDE NOAA RESEARCH?NOAA strives to employ the following eight princi-ples from NOAA Administrative Order(NAO)216-115A NOAA,2016a when for

32、mulating,directing,and evaluating all agency research:mission alignmenttransition readiness(NAO 216-105B,NOAA,2016b)research balanceoptimized partnershipssustained facilities and infrastructureworkforce excellencescientific integrityaccountabilityThese principles,grounded in communication within the

33、 agency and between our partners,work together to establish and maintain NOAAs high-quality research,development,services,and products.NOAA maintains both intramural and extramural research investments,with some programs invest-ing the majority of their R&D funding internally(intramural),at labs and

34、 science centers with federal employees,and other programs investing the major-ity of their funding with external(extramural)R&D partners at universities,industry,and other research institutions.In many cases,programs distribute their R&D investments across both intramural and extramural efforts.NOA

35、A partnerships,vital to the agencys R&D efforts,enable NOAA to leverage the expertise,equipment,and facilities of leading universities,federal agencies,private companies,NGOs,and other science innovators.Key mecha-nisms for partnerships include Cooperative Institute and Cooperative Science Center ag

36、reements with universities;the network of university-based Sea Grant programs;extramural grant programs;con-tracts;and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements with the private sector.SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITYNOAAs priority for scientific integrity aims to foster a culture of scientific excellence

37、 and confidence in the quality,validity,and reliability of NOAA science.Scientific integrity ensures science products and services are free from bias,fabrication,falsification,plagiarism,political interference,censorship,and inadequate procedural and information security.NOAAs Scientific Integrity P

38、olicy(NAO 202-735D-2 NOAA,2021),along with its accompany-ing Procedural Handbook,establishes a Code of Scientific Conduct and a Code of Ethics for Science Supervision and Management,setting the respon-sibilities for scientists,their managers,and those who use scientific results to set policy.The Sci

39、entific Integrity Office processes allegations of scientific misconduct with respect to these codes.NOAA pro-duces an annual scientific and research misconduct report that summarizes allegations that are being investigated and those that have been closed.NOAA employees have access to a Scientific In

40、tegrity training module.Additionally,the NOAA Scientific Integrity Officer and Line Office Scientific Integrity Officers are available to NOAA staff for training,with the NOAA Scientific Integrity Commons website containing a list of relevant resources and documents.Through NOAAs com-prehensive scie

41、ntific integrity policy,training oppor-tunities,and culture of excellence,NOAA scien-tists continue to conduct exemplary research and development.I N T R O D U C T I O N11DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION:WHAT IS NOAAS VISION AND PLAN FOR DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION ACROSS ITS WORKFORCE?HOW WILL IT ACHIEVE THIS V

42、ISION?NOAAs vision for Diversity and Inclusion(D&I)is an inclusive environment in which NOAA leverages diversity to achieve mission goals and business objec-tives and maximizes the potential of individuals and the organization.NOAAs Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan(2020-2024)describes how NOAA

43、 envisions,defines,assesses,values,and commits to D&I.The plan outlines three goals:1)workforce diversity,2)workplace inclusion,and 3)sustainabil-ity.For each of these overarching goals,objectives,actions,and metrics are identified,as well as the responsible bodies for ensuring these goals and objec

44、tives are met.NOAA is fully committed to advancing diversity and inclusion at all levels to achieve our mission goals and business objectives,and maximize the potential of our workforce and the organization as a whole.In making this commitment,NOAA recognizes that all employees,contractors,super-vis

45、ors,and leaders at all levels play a critical role in realizing this vision.All team members support a diverse workforce and an inclusive environment by demonstrating respect and integrity with and for each other in every aspect of daily work.(from the FY2020-2024 D&I Strategic Plan).DIVERSITY AND I

46、NCLUSION:WHAT ARE NOAAS DIVERSITY STATISTICS?HOW IS NOAA WORKING TOWARDS BETTER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION ACROSS ITS WORKFORCE?In 2019,the representation of Hispanics,White Females,African Americans,American Indian or Alaska Natives and two or more races in NOAAs workforce was below their representati

47、on in the civilian labor force for the last five fiscal years(data from the Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights Management Directive 715).In 2020,NOAA made a number of important improvements to create a more diverse and inclusive work environment.For exam-ple,ten new Employee Resource Groups repres

48、ent-ing minorities,women,and people with disabilities were developed.In 2020,NOAA was recognized in the top 20 gov-ernment or nonprofit supporters of Historically Black Colleges and Universities for the third year in a row.NOAA was also recognized in the top 50 STEM supporters for the American India

49、n Science and Engineering Society.NOAA worked to identify important next steps to promote diversity and inclusion in 2020 and beyond,including marketing the Leadership Competencies Development Program to encourage Hispanics to apply and striving to increase representation of women in senior leadersh

50、ip positions.NOAA is also planning regular assessments of Line and Staff Offices for possible deficiencies and to develop strat-egies to remove identified barriers.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T12Dr.Catalina Martinez(NOAA Research)and the NOAA Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights hosted a vir

51、tual screening of Can We Talk?Difficult Conversations with Underrepresented People of Color:Sense of Belonging and Obstacles to STEM Fields,a doc-umentary film by Dr.Kendall Moore,an award-win-ning documentary filmmaker and Professor at the University of Rhode Island.117 Individuals viewed the film

52、through this virtual screening.Dr.Moore moder-ated a virtual panel discussion in April with 161 attend-ees.Panelists included Dr.Martinez;RDML Timothy Gallaudet,Deputy NOAA Administrator;Dr.Brandon Jones,National Science Foundation;Dr.Vernon Morris,former Director of Howard Universitys NCAR Center;D

53、r.Wendy Smythe,University of Minnesota Duluth;and Dr.Aradhna Tripati,UCLA Center for Diverse Leadership in Science.Later in the year,a second panel discussion was held with NOAA senior leadership.The panelists for this second event included Dr.Catalina Martinez,Dr.Jamese Sims,Dr.Hernan Garcia,and Ma

54、keda Okolo.Screenshot from Dr.Kendall Moores panel discussion“Can We Talk?Difficult Conversations with Underrepresented People of Color:Sense of Be-longing and Obstacles to STEM Fields”The virtual panel discussion featured speakers representing NOAA leadership and leaders in the field of diversity a

55、nd inclusion.(April 2020)DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION:WHAT IS THE NEW NOAA D&I ACTION PLAN AND D&I NOAA EXECUTIVE PANEL WORKGROUP?In 2020,NOAA leadership created the NOAA Diversity,Inclusion,and Racial Equality Suggestion Box,which allowed for NOAA employees and team members to anonymously provide sug-ge

56、stions to improve in these areas.In response,NOAA then developed a D&I NOAA Executive Panel Workgroup who developed the NOAA-wide D&I Action Plan,which describes actions NOAA may implement immediately,such as:hiring an independent contractor to conduct a NOAA-wide assessment and review of current po

57、licies/proce-dures;ensuring that hiring panels within NOAA are diverse in race,gender,and age;increasing leaderships engagement with the newly established Employee Resource Groups;and,developing new ways to increase the number of new hires from the Educational Partnership Program(EPP).NOAA DIVERSITY

58、 AND INCLUSION SUMMITNOAA hosted its 4th Annual Diversity and Inclusion Summit on September 1,2020.The theme for this years summit was“Our Differences are Our Strengths.”The annual summit is designed to pro-vide members of the workforce an opportunity to embrace the value proposition of advancing di

59、versity I N T R O D U C T I O N13and creating an inclusive culture at NOAA.With the assistance of leading experts,from both govern-ment and the corporate world,the summit provided attendees with valuable insight and best practices as the agency continues the journey of advancing diversity and inclus

60、ion.Attendees were provided a unique platform to discuss,learn,and expand their knowledge of diversity and inclusion and explore ways these initiatives can be used to benefit not only NOAA as a whole,but within their individual work spaces.Michael Bush(Great Places to Work)pro-vided the keynote.DIVE

61、RSITY AND INCLUSION:HOW DOES NOAA INVEST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF SCIENTISTS TO HELP PROMOTE D&I?The NOAA Office of Education supports education from pre-kindergarten through doctoral level stu-dents and collaborates in NOAA-mission fields with universities to prepare exceptional

62、 talent,including from diverse backgrounds,playing an import-ant role in contributing to NOAAs Diversity and Inclusion goals.The Educational Partnership Program with Minority-Serving Institutions(EPP/MSI)supports the education,professional development,and grad-uation of students at NOAA-supported mi

63、nority serving institutions who are from traditionally underrepresented minority communities.EPP/MSI develops eligible candidates in support of a diverse future NOAA-mission workforce and focuses on post-secondary education and research capacity development in STEM,social science,and policy fields a

64、t MSIs that are aligned with NOAA mission fields.Since 2001,EPP/MSI funding has supported 2,405 degrees:1,459 Bachelors,594 Masters,and 318 PhDs,and 34 other(i.e.,Associates and Professional degrees).More than 300 EPP/MSI alumni have entered federal service as employees or contrac-tors.Of those,56 a

65、re currently full time employees in the NOAA workforce.EPP/MSI supports four Cooperative Science Center(CSC)awards aligned to core NOAA mission areas.Established through national competition,the CSCs collaborate in the training of post-secondary students in fields that directly support NOAAs mission

66、.Students are required to participate in meaningful science,tech-nology,engineering,mathematics,policy,natural resource management,and social science research at NOAA facilities under the guidance of their academic advisor and NOAA mentor.While each CSC is aligned with a primary line office,the cent

67、ers partner and collaborate across NOAA in education,training,and research towards the development of candidates for the future NOAA workforce.From 2005-2018,EPP/MSI CSCs graduated more than 50 percent of African-Americans receiving PhDs in atmospheric sciences and meteorology and environ-mental sci

68、ences and nearly 40 percent of African-Americans receiving PhDs in marine sciences.“NOAAs leadership and I remain committed to continuing our efforts in the development of a multicultural workforce that is both diverse and inclusive and an environment that creates a sense of belonging.We understand

69、that diversity adds to our ability to be innovative,creative,and betters our ability to serve the public.”Kenneth M.Bailey,Director of the NOAA Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T14ALL SIX NOAA LINE OFFICES PROVIDE UNIQUE CONTRIBUTIONS TO NOAA R&DThe National M

70、arine Fisheries Service(NMFS),also known as NOAA Fisheries,is responsible for the stewardship of the nations living marine resources and their habitats.NOAA Fisheries provides vital services for the nation to support productive and sustainable fisheries,safe sources of seafood,the recovery and conse

71、rvation of protected resources,and healthy ecosystemsall backed by sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management.Using the Magnuson-Stevens Act as the guide,NOAA Fisheries works in partnership with Regional Fishery Management Councils to assess and predict the status of fish stocks,set

72、 catch limits,ensure compliance with fisheries regulations,and reduce bycatch.The National Ocean Service(NOS)is the nations premier science agency for oceans and coasts.NOS delivers the applied science,modeling,tools,and services needed to understand,predict,and respond to the challenges we face alo

73、ng Americas 95,000 miles of shoreline and 3.5 million square nautical miles of coastal,Great Lakes,and deep-ocean waters.Additionally,NOS oversees the definition,maintenance,and access to the National Spatial Reference System for all federal geospatial activities.This enables NOS to better manage th

74、e sea/shore boundary for coastal resilience and planning.The National Environmental Satellite,Data,and Information Service(NESDIS)provides timely access to global environmental data from satellites and other sources to promote,protect,and enhance the Nations economy,security,environment,and quality

75、of life.NESDIS supports science through the Center for Satellite Applications and Research(STAR)and National Centers for Environmental Information(NCEI).Through these programs,NESDIS researches,formulates,develops,maintains,and sustains environmental measurements from satellites,as well as associate

76、d applications of satellite environmental observations,and maintains the quality of NOAAs operational satellite measurements,directly enabling and supporting NOAAs environmental analysis and prediction capabilities.NESDIS hosts and provides public access to one of Earths most comprehensive archives

77、for atmospheric,oceanic,and geophysical data,with research and development focusing on preserving,stewarding,and providing the best possible long-term environmental data records;thereby,maximizing the datas utility and enabling the Nations environmental science efforts.I N T R O D U C T I O N15The O

78、ffice of Marine and Aviation Operations(OMAO)operates a wide variety of specialized aircraft and ships to complete NOAAs environmental and scientific missions.OMAO is also responsible for the administration and implementation of the Aviation Safety Program,Small Boat Program and NOAA Diving Program

79、to ensure safe and efficient operations in NOAA-sponsored aviation,small boat and underwater activities.Oceanic and Atmospheric Research(OAR),also known as NOAA Research,provides the research foundation for understanding the complex earth systems that support our planet.NOAA Researchs role is to pro

80、vide unbiased science to better manage the environment nationally and globally.The science and technology that NOAA Research produces and transfers to partners(in NOAAs service lines and beyond)is instrumental to preventing the loss of human life,managing natural resources,and maintaining a strong e

81、conomy.NOAA Research has partnerships and platforms around the world and offices located across the country,including ten laboratories and six program offices that support research and provide information used from the international to the local level.The National Weather Service(NWS)provides weathe

82、r,hydrologic,and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States,its territories,adjacent waters and ocean areas,for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy.NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by

83、 other governmental agencies,the private sector,the public,and the global community.NWS sustains and improves its observing system infrastructure with new technologies while leveraging more observations through innovative public and private partnerships;additionally,next generation weather and Earth

84、 system models are developed using a community-based approach,along with advances in high-performance computing.NWS also improves its tools,systems,and policies for virtualization,analytics,data management,and dissemination to maximize the societal benefits of state-of-the art science,data sources,a

85、nd technologies.Collaboration with partners across NOAA,other federal agencies,and the weather enterprise are critical to enable effective research to operations and operations to research activities for impact-based decision support services.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T16WHAT IS THE BUDGET

86、 FOR NOAA RESEARCH?NOAA dedicated$725 million,approximately 14 percent of the agencys total budget,to R&D in fiscal year 2020(FY20),with R&D defined as all research and development activities excluding R&D-related facilities and equipment purchases.This continues an eight-year trend of increased R&D

87、 expenditures,highlighting NOAAs efforts to address increased stakeholder needs for environmental intelligence and services in the face of a changing planet.Note:OMAO tracks management and operation of aircraft and vessels in support of Line Office R&D as Equipment;therefore,it is not included here.

88、NOAA satellite development to support operations and research is also not included.WHERE DOES IT GO?Approximately 55 percent of NOAAs FY20 R&D budget went to internal R&D efforts,with the remaining 45 percent set aside for extramural research,enabling partnerships and collaborations with non-NOAA en

89、tities.Note:All graphs exclude facilities and equipment from R&D budget calculations.I N T R O D U C T I O N17SCIENTIFIC INFRASTRUCTUREThe science described in this report is not possible without investments in enabling research infrastruc-ture,including the acquisition and maintenance of“hard”infra

90、structure,such as extensive observing systems,satellites,ships,aircraft,laboratories,and high-performance computing systems.These critical assets provide the data and tools for NOAA scien-tists to increase the understanding of our Earth sys-tems,provide better forecasts,and inform decisions.NOAA TRA

91、NSITIONS RESEARCH INTO OPERATIONS,APPLICATIONS,COMMERCIALIZATION,AND OTHER USES(R2X)NOAA and the Nation extract benefits from NOAAs research when the research results transition into use;consequently,research and development tran-sitions are essential to addressing NOAAs missions.NOAA uses a system

92、of nine readiness levels(NAO 216-105B)to characterize and track the maturity of NOAA scientific projects through research,develop-ment,demonstration,and deployment.Transition plans describe and facilitate the transi-tion of R&D to potential end use,and help ensure agreement between researchers and p

93、lanned transi-tion adopter with regard to content,format,sched-ule,and resources.Additionally,NOAAs 12 testbeds and proving grounds enable pre-deployment testing of NOAAs research and development,facilitating the transition into forecasts,warnings,products,services,and decision support.NOAAs testbed

94、s and proving grounds are:1.Arctic Testbed2.Aviation Weather Testbed3.Climate Testbed4.Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed5.Developmental Testbed6.Satellite Proving Ground7.Hazardous Weather Testbed8.Hydrometeorology Testbed9.Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation10.Joint Hurricane Testbed11.Op

95、erations Proving Ground12.Space Weather Prediction Testbed2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T18EXAMPLES OF RESEARCH TRANSITIONNOAA TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS PROVIDES COST SAVINGS AND IMPROVES SPACE WEATHER PREDICTIONNOAA transitioned the first major element of the Satellite Product Analysis and Dis

96、tribution Enterprise System(SPADES)application to opera-tions,which processes and provides Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16(GOES-16)space weather products for NOAA operations and the United States Air Force.This transition estab-lished the first hardened operational instance of t

97、he SPADES software application,which processes GOES-16 space weather data,and includes information on impactful phenomena such as solar storms.Space weather forecasting is critical for commercial avia-tion and other sectors.SPADES feeds mission-critical products to NOAA NWS on a very-near-real-time

98、basis.UNCREWED SYSTEM REDUCES COST AND RISK FOR MARINE MAMMAL MONITORINGNOAA,with collaborators(Mystic Aquarium,GeoThinkTank,and Aerial Imaging Solutions),developed an uncrewed aerial system-(UAS)based approach that was tested for surveying northern fur seal pup production on the Pribilof Islands,Al

99、aska.The traditional method of manual surveys by crews of people is costly,labor intensive,poses potential risk to personnel(inherent when working with wild animals),and causes disturbance to northern fur seals.This UAS method could virtually eliminate risk to personnel and disturbance to animals,as

100、 well as reduce survey costs by up to 75 percent.NOAA worked with industry to develop an observation system for surveying northern fur seals with the APH-28 hexacopter system integrated with a thermal and visual sensor.While this system has some limita-tions for counting northern fur seals,the syste

101、m is now operational and online should others want to pursue it for their applications.In addition,NOAA has transitioned the APH-28(with standard visual sensor)for annual surveys of endangered Steller sea lions.Future enhancements to this system are ongoing via NOAA Research funding to include new s

102、ensors,machine learning,and artificial intelligence to develop an approach to automate image processing and analysis to produce counts.ESTIMATING THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF HURRICANE FORECAST IMPROVEMENTSThe Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act of 2017 requires NOAA to prioritize research t

103、hat improves forecasts and warnings for the protection of life,property,and the enhancement of the national economy.NOAA-funded researchers-focusing on areas recently hit by hurricanes Florence and Michael-merged atmospheric modeling and econometrics to determine the public willingness to pay for mo

104、re accurate hurricane forecasts and establish the value of improvements in storm track,wind speed,and precip-itation forecast precision.Preliminary results based on this sample suggest that the public values these dimen-sions of forecast improvement at an estimated total of$260 million per year acro

105、ss regions that are vulnerable to hurricanes.NOAA EXPANDS THE EXTRATROPICAL SURGE AND TIDE OPERATIONAL FORECAST SYSTEMSNOAA NOS transitioned a global version of the Extratropical Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System(ESTOFS)into operations in November 2020.Global ESTOFS replaced the existing re

106、gional ESTOFS-Atlantic,ESTOFS-Pacific,and ESTOFS-Micronesia systems and add enhancements to ESTOFS capabili-ties.Benefits include extending the system to cover all OCONUS(outside contiguous United States)territories,providing boundary and initial conditions for nearshore wave models,and improving sp

107、atial resolution for the U.S.coastal regions.Global ESTOFS will improve NOAA I N T R O D U C T I O N19capabilities in coastal inundation prediction and open the doors for new applications,including precision navigation,risk assessment analysis,and on-demand coastal inundation prediction systems on a

108、 global scale.INFORMATION TRANSFER ABOUT SHELLFISH HATCHERY OPERATIONS:AN EXTENSION PROJECT TARGETING SMALL FAMILY-BASED HATCHERY FARMS IN FLORIDANOAA funded a Florida Sea Grant research and exten-sion program that addressed challenges facing a grow-ing aquaculture industry in southwest Florida.Rese

109、arch supported efforts to diversify species that are better suited to warming temperatures,understand removal rates of red tide toxins in clams,and identified a better method for clam seed production.In addition,the effort transferred knowledge about the shellfish hatchery operation and management t

110、o local shellfish hatchery farmers for better practice to increase seed production.The researchers held two workshops attended by 56 shellfish growers to share knowledge in order to instill best practices leading to increased seed production,which helped boost the profitability of their clam-grow-in

111、g operations.Information about shellfish trip-loid-tetraploid technology was also transferred during the workshops and site visits,and an online product detailing“shellfish reproduction and broodstock man-agement”was developed for free and long-term access.Research and outreach efforts helped update

112、 national regulations related to closing shell-fishing areas due to red tide events.Regulations are now based more on precise,targeted meat-sample analyses rather than a water sample.EXAMPLES OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC R&DNOAA researchers continued to produce products and services for the nation while tak

113、ing appropriate precautions during the novel coronavirus(COVID-19)pandemic.In the face of challenges such as mass telework and fewer ship days at sea,NOAA took advantage of novel research opportunities.NOAA research aided a broad community of stakeholders through epidemiology and social and behavior

114、al sci-ence studies and captured changes to environmental conditions due to reduced economic activity.NOAA studies conducted in 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic included:NOAA data supports epidemiological studies of COVID-19:NOAA NESDIS is working with sci-entists from the National Biode

115、fense Analysis and Countermeasures Center(NBACC)to meet their envi-ronmental data needs for modeling the transmission of COVID-19.NBACC has requested retrospective data on ultraviolet radiation and relative humidity,along with temperature data,and NOAA is working to provide the data at appropriate t

116、emporal and spatial resolutions to meet that need.NBACC is using the information specifically to design in-laboratory tests that vary envi-ronmental parameters and determine the effect on the coronavirus ability to replicate and spread.Enhanced sampling of atmospheric composi-tion changes during COV

117、ID-19:Frequency of Ozonesonde launches was increased in Boulder,CO,and Trinidad Head,CA,in spring 2020 to capture changes in vertical distribution of ozone,tempera-tures,and relative humidity due to COVID19-related changes in the production of pollution events in Asia.These additional high resolutio

118、n measurements of the atmosphere will help to improve evaluation of the baseline levels of ozone in the air masses entering the western U.S.coast and transported inland.With this information,U.S.air quality models will be able to improve the evaluation of the U.S.-originated sources of pollution in

119、the western U.S.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T20NOAA exploring impact of COVID-19 response on emissions:In Boulder,CO,scientists are observing changes in the amount,composition and timing of emissions as the result of changes in human activities during COVID-19.Reduced local traffic resulted

120、in fewer vehicle emissions that occurred during a later“rush hour”while consumer product usage(paints,solvents,coating)was largely unchanged.NOAA manages state-of-the-art instruments that measure dozens of different gases in real-time,around the clock.These measurements will be important in understa

121、nding how the chemical composition of the air has changed from reduced human activities and the related impacts on local air quality.COVID-19 Climate.gov webpage:What environmental data are relevant to the study of infectious diseases like COVID-19?The COVID-19 Climate.gov webpage has been developed

122、 to facilitate access to environmental The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an increase in infectious disease modeling studies,some of which incorporate environmental parameters.These studies are driven by questions about the potential seasonality of disease transmission,potential comorbidities asso-

123、ciated with other environmentally-linked respiratory diseases,and a desire to improve predictions to inform future national and local policies to control transmis-sion.The webpage includes a comprehensive table of information designed to help users quickly locate envi-ronmental datasets for a given

124、variable and timescale.NOAA data analyses and modeling aim to under-stand COVID-19 impact on air quality:NOAA Research scientists in College Park,MD,are using surface and satellite observations to update current emission inventories to better represent the impacts that the economic slowdown resultin

125、g from COVID-19 Image of NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory(CSL)instruments measuring during COVID-19“safer-at-home”orders.Credit:Dr.Jessica Gilman,NOAA CSL(November 2020)data commonly used in infectious disease modeling.I N T R O D U C T I O N21has had on the amount of ground level ozone pollution(o

126、r“smog”)in the U.S.Ground-level ozone is formed by chemical reactions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight.Using the updated emission inventories to drive the NWS National Air Quality Forecasting Capability(NAQFC),significant changes in ozone concentrations a

127、cross the U.S.were found during the period from March to July 2020.Future work includes the study of COVID-19 impacts on atmospheric composition and deposition in the urban coastline of the Long Island Sound,as well as the impacts of COVID-19 related ozone changes on crop yields across the U.S.Resul

128、ts of this work have impli-cations for the effect of emissions controls used to curb ground level ozone pollution across the U.S.and can also be used to improve NOAAs operational forecast models for air quality and sub-seasonal to seasonal weather.Improving weather and climate modeling by study-ing

129、the impact of the COVID-19 related decline in emissions of air pollutants:The lockdown measures instituted to control the spread of COVID-19 caused unprecedented disruptions to many economic sectors,among which manufacturing and transportation were particularly hard hit,and led to a significant decl

130、ine in emissions of air pollutants.Using NASA satellite observations and NOAA Research climate model simu-lations,NOAA and partners were able to attribute about one-third of the observed large,precipitous decreases in solar clear-sky reflection(7 percent)and aerosol optical depth(32 percent)over the

131、 East Asian Marginal Seas in March 2020 to pandemic-related emission reduc-tions,and the rest to weather variability and long-term emission trends.This work validates the representation of aerosols,clouds,radiation,and other fast atmo-spheric physical processes in global weather and climate models,w

132、hich constitute one of the biggest sources of model biases.This will help enhance NOAAs modeling capability,advance the scientific understanding of the Earth System,improve predictions,and provide useful information for planning and decision-making.Rapid response to incorporate new data into opera-t

133、ional data assimilation system:Weather model out-puts depend heavily on input observations.Computer models for weather prediction,including NOAAs Global Forecast System(GFS),are constrained with observed data from satellites and other weather instruments to provide more accurate weather forecasts.Th

134、e number of aircraft flights,and weather observations from aircrafts,declined during the COVID-19 pandemic,meaning that the critical observational inputs for NOAA weather models were not available.In April 2020,NOAA NWS responded by including additional aircraft datasets that were not yet being used

135、 operationally to constrain GFS.Additionally,in collaboration with the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation,NOAA began using Global Positioning System(GPS)radio occultation observations from the COSMIC-2 network of microsatellites to con-strain GFS beginning in May 2020.NOAA NWSs rapid respo

136、nse to add constraints from new data strengthened operational GFS weather predictions during the unprec-edented COVID-19 pandemic.NOAA satellite data confirm COVID-19 impact on improved air quality in the U.S.:Signals in satellite data due to human mobility and economic activity changes associated w

137、ith COVID-19 lockdown measures are being analyzed by scientists at NOAA NESDIS.NOAA scientists are using observations of nitrogen oxide(NOx)emissions changes from the ground and correlating those changes to satellite observations of aerosols and aerosol precursors such as nitrogen dioxide to benchma

138、rk the changes.Key findings are that power plants are no longer a major source for NOx emissions;instead cars and trucks are the major source for NOx emissions.Trends in mobility and unemployment since the onset of the complete or partial lockdown are the drivers for improved air quality.2020 N OA A

139、 S C I E N C E R E P O R T22NOAA Investigates Ocean Noise During COVID-19:NOAA has launched a wide-ranging research effort to investigate the impact of reduced vehicle traffic,air travel,shipping,manufacturing and other activities on Earths atmosphere and oceans.NOAA and the National Park Service ar

140、e collaborating to analyze data from hydrophones deployed around the United States coastal waters to measure changes and assess any impacts on fisheries and marine mammal activity due to reduced maritime transportation and other maritime activities.REFERENCES:NOAA(2016a),NOAA Administrative Order 21

141、6-115A-Research and Development in NOAA,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Washington,D.C.NOAA(2016b),NOAA Administrative Order 216-105B-Policy on Research and Development Transitions,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Washington,D.C.NOAA(2018),NOAA by the Numbers,p.3,Natio

142、nal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Washington,D.C.NOAA(2021),NOAA Administrative Order 202-735D-2-Scientific Integrity,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Washington,D.C.Stokes,D.E.(1997),Pasteurs quadrant:Basic science and technological innovation,Brookings Institution Press.Sou

143、thern Manhattan,Brooklyn Bridge taken during a flight over the East River on April 28,2020.Credit:NOAASandy Lucas discussing science goals of ATOMIC with(from the left):Dr.Bjorn Stevens,Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,RDML Tim Gallaudet,Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere,

144、and David Farrell,Director,Caribbean Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology.(January 2020)SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTSThe Jet High Performance Computing System is located at the David Skaggs Research Center(DSRC)in Boulder,Colorado.The Jet system totals 55,984 cores of 64-bit Intel CPUs,with a total capabilit

145、y of 1,795 trillion floating point operations per second or 1.79 petaflops with a total scratch disk capacity of 6.6 Petabytes.(November 2020)1.REDUCING SOCIETAL IMPACTS FROM HAzARDOUS WEATHER AND OTHER ENvIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA271.REDUCING SOCIETAL IMPACTS FROM HAzARDOUS WEATHER AND OTHER ENvIRONMENT

146、AL PHENOMENANOAA research and development improves the forecasts and warnings that provide accu-rate and timely information to inform the public about hazardous weather and environmen-tal events.Through a better understanding of weather and climate phenomena,as well as the human perception and behav

147、ior in response to risk communication,NOAA science helps to save lives and property.In 2020,NOAAs scientific accomplishments for reducing societal impacts from hazardous weather and other environmental phenomena included the following:Unified Forecast System InnovationsPublic Release Of The Unified

148、Forecast System Medium Range Weather Application To The CommunityNational Water Model version 2.0 Is Expanded To Improve NOAAs Ability To Provide Hydrologic Guidance To Underserved LocationsCommunicating Important Information About Hazardous Weather EventsNOAA Conducts Atomic Field Campaign To Impro

149、ve Weather And Climate PredictionInnovations With The Geostationary Lightning MapperImproving Forecasts With Advances In Regional ModelsCalculating Carbon Dioxide(Co2)Emissions From Fossil Fuels In The United StatesA New Public Release Of The State-Of-The-Art Wavewatch III Wave ModelOptimize Use Of

150、S2S Predictability Sources To Maximize Forecasts Of OpportunityProving Ground And Operational Transitions To Improve Tropical Cyclone ForecastsForecasting Hazardous Algal Blooms:Modeling And Molecular Tools2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S28UNIFIED FORECAST SYST

151、EM INNOVATIONSNOAAs Unified Forecast System(UFS)is a com-munity-based modeling system being developed to provide a common framework for all NOAA NWS operational forecasting systems.One of the model-ing applications within this framework is the cou-pled Subseasonal-to-Seasonal(UFS-S2S)forecasting sys

152、tem,aimed at delivering accurate predictions for weeks to months in the future.Predictability on weather time scales of several days in the future is largely driven by the atmospheric initial condi-tions.For longer timescales(from weeks to months),accurate simulations of the land surface,sea ice,and

153、 ocean states play increasingly important roles.The UFS-S2S combines these elements in a four-way coupled system,consisting of state-of-the-art com-munity-developed atmospheric,land,oceanic,sea-ice,and ocean wave component models.Preliminary results show a substantial improvement in the prediction o

154、f tropical convection and sub-seasonal forecast outlooks for surface temperature over the continental United States.The target for these devel-opments are future operational implementations of Global Forecast System(GFS)and Global Ensemble Forecast System(GEFS)in 2024.Ensemble predictions inform for

155、ecasters of the range of possible weather scenarios and are increasingly being used for providing situational awareness of high-impact weather forecast events.Version 12 of the Global Ensemble Forecast System(GEFSv12),implemented into operations by NOAA NWS in 2020,brings significant improvements in

156、 the prob-abilistic forecast guidance for medium range and sub-seasonal weather forecasts.GEFSv12 is the first UFS coupled system to be implemented into oper-ations for the sub-seasonal scale predictions,and utilizes the component models(atmosphere,waves,and aerosols)and common software infrastructu

157、re within the UFS framework.The update included an upgrade to the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere(FV3)dynamical core.In addition,for the first time,GEFSv12 extends the forecast length to weeks three and four(35 days).With higher resolution(25 km)and increased number of ensemble members(31),GEFSv12 demons

158、trated much improved severe weather forecasts including hurricane track and intensity,precipitation,wave heights,and aerosols for all global regions.PUBLIC RELEASE OF THE UNIFIED FORECAST SYSTEM MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER APPLICATION TO THE COMMUNITYNOAA is transitioning to the community based Unified For

159、ecast System(UFS)as a source from which NOAA selects its operational prediction codes.NOAA began sharing the UFS with the community through public releases of the UFS.The medium range weather application(for prediction of weather for several days in the future)was the first major release of the UFS

160、in March 2020.The aim was to provide a well documented and tested mod-eling system and infrastructure that could be set up on different computing platforms for the research community to use.A considerable amount of effort was placed in making the system easily portable to different computers.This in

161、itial release included the UFS in a global atmospheric configuration,the sys-tem of libraries and tools needed to run the model and visualize the results,and a workflow to allow the user to easily carry out simulations.Subsequent releases will introduce the community to more fea-tures of the UFS as


163、 drive the increasing demand to bring state-of-the-science water prediction to opera-tions.In 2016,NOAA launched the National Water Model(NWM)to provide the Nation with more detailed,frequent,and expanded water information.Developed by NOAA scientists,in partnership with the National Center for Atmo

164、spheric Research,the NWM is a continental scale water prediction model that uses NOAA operational meteorological models as atmospheric inputs and observation data from more than 8,000 U.S.Geological Survey gauges to simulate conditions for nearly 3.5 million miles of rivers and streams in the contig

165、uous United States.NWM version 2.0 was deployed in 2019 and expands the models domain for hydrologic guidance to include the Hawaiian Islands,providing the first-ever operational water resource forecasts for the state of Hawaii.This most recent upgrade to the model marks a notable extension of NOAAs

166、 water predic-tion capabilities to address water-related risks and facilitates more efficient and effective management of water resources.COMMUNICATING IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT HAZARDOUS WEATHER EVENTSProtection of life and property from hazardous weather events is a core mission element for NOAA

167、 NWS.But what is the best way to deliver this information?NWS has harnessed the power of social science research to address this question,featuring extensive engagement with both NWS partners The probability of hurricane force winds within 5 days after 01 Sept 2019 at 12 UTC from the 2019 operationa

168、l wind speed probability model(left)and the 2020 updated model(right).Hurricane Dorian was a fairly small hurricane as it moved northward offshore from the Florida east coast,and hurricane force winds were never observed in Florida.Note how the updated model reduced the maximum probability of hurric

169、ane winds in Florida from more than 60%in the 2019 model to only about 30%in the 2020 model.The updated 2020 model would have much more accurately represented the wind threat from Hurricane Dorian in Florida and will be used for public-facing products if the 2020 internal evaluation is successful.20

170、20 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S30A conceptual look at a proposal for simplifying the NWS Watch,Warning,and Advisory system.Image Credit:NOAA NWS Hazard Simplification Team.and the public via surveys,focus groups,multi-day workshops,and a Hazardous Weather Testbe

171、d exercise.This research showed that users believe there are currently too many Watch,Warning,and Advisory(WWA)products,product formats are inconsistent,and the WWA terms themselves are confused(with“Advisories”the least understood term).Based on feedback from partners and the public,NWS has decided

172、 to simplify and optimize the NWS suite of alert products by replacing“Advisory”headlines with plain language headlines.This change will take place no sooner than 2024.The exact wording of the plain language headlines is yet to be determined but,as an example,the headline“The NWS has issued a Wind A

173、dvisory”could be replaced with“The NWS expects gusty winds.”This change will improve the ability of partners and the public to take appropriate safety and preparedness actions,simplify NWS public education efforts,and better support NOAAs goal of building a Weather-Ready Nation that is more resilien

174、t to weather,water,and climate events.NOAA NWS has a long history of providing proba-bilistic uncertainty estimates with its official The 5-day cone of uncertainty with black line toggled on.Credit:NOAAhurricane forecasts.A major improvement in NWSs wind speed probability model was transitioned to o

175、perations for internal evaluation during the 2020 hurricane season,which leveraged research per-formed in the Joint Hurricane Testbed.The new version uses storm size information from the NWS official forecast to provide stakeholders with more accurate probabilities of hurricane force winds and relat

176、ed time of arrival of gale force wind informa-tion.The figure below shows an example of how the new version of the model would have improved the hurricane force(64 kt)wind probability estimates for Hurricane Dorian in 2019.NOAA NWSs tropical cyclone forecast track graphic,commonly referred to as the

177、 Cone of Uncertainty(Cone Graphic),may be both the most viewed and the most misinterpreted product within the tropical cyclone product suite.Designed to con-vey the forecast uncertainty of the center of a tropi-cal cyclones track,the cone graphics visual features have come under scrutiny with a numb

178、er of studies and reports pointing to misunderstanding.It is vital that partners understand the uncertainty in the forecast before they use the Cone Graphic 1.REDUCING SOCIETAL IMPACTS FROM HAzARDOUS WEATHER AND OTHER ENvIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA31to make key decisions on distributing resources or orderi

179、ng evacuations.The cone of uncertainty can also give people notice outside of the storms center that they may need to prepare for tropical cyclone hazards,such as wind,storm surge,heavy rainfall,and tornadoes,but the cone graphic does not con-vey the specifics of each hazard associated with the trop

180、ical cyclone.NOAA is working with social scientists to conduct a use study of the Cone Graphic.The use study includes 1)a qualitative literature review on inter-pretations and uses of the cone graphic by members of the public and emergency managers,along with its implications for decision-making;2)i

181、n-depth interviews with international meteorologists to understand how integral the Cone Graphic is to their decision-making and whether the graphic serves their operational and stakeholder commu-nication needs;and 3)a survey to gather feedback from a wider,less-studied user base-the energy and util

182、ity,tourism and recreation,transportation,and marine sectors.Results from this study may inform changes made to the Cone of Uncertainty to best suit the needs of NWS partners and stakeholders.NOAA CONDUCTS ATOMIC FIELD CAMPAIGN TO IMPROVE WEATHER AND CLIMATE PREDICTIONAlthough known to influence tem

183、perature and weather conditions across the world,the interaction between the ocean and shallow convective clouds is poorly understood and not well represented in weather and climate models.To better understand these complex interactions and better represent these critical processes in forecast model

184、s,NOAA and its partners conducted a large,collaborative science field campaign called ATOMIC(Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign)in Barbados from January 6 to February 15,2020.Funded by NOAA Research,ATOMIC is the U.S.component of a collaborative effort among the Unite

185、d States,Germany,France,United Kingdom,and Barbados called EURECA(Elucidating the Role of Clouds-Circulation Sandy Lucas discussing science goals of ATOMIC with(from the left):Dr.Bjorn Stevens,Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,RDML Tim Gallaudet,Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmo

186、sphere,and Dr.David Farrell,Director,Caribbean Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology.(January 2020)2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S32drifting buoys.Twice a week weather briefings during the campaign provided an opportunity to systematically compare in situ dat

187、a and satellite observations to Global Forecast Systems(GFS)operational analysis/forecasts.Observations from ATOMIC were used to evaluate the GFS and identify systematic errors in vertical profiles of temperature and humidity.These findings have led the way for new research to better understand the

188、source of these errors and determine how to eliminate or reduce these biases.Overall,data gathered during ATOMIC will advance scientific understanding of how the ocean and atmosphere work together to create weather,ultimately helping improve weather and climate prediction.land-based observing sites

189、from multiple nations operating on and around Barbados.NOAAs contri-bution to ATOMIC included the NOAA Ship Ronald H.Brown,the NOAA WP-3D Orion aircraft,uncrewed aircraft systems,wave gliders,and surface Coupling in Climate).Additional partners include the National Science Foundation,NASA,and the Ca

190、ribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology.ATOMIC and EURECA involved aircraft,ships and Scientists lower Conductivity,Temperature,Depth Rosette into the Atlantic Ocean off Barbados.Credit:Richard Marchbanks/CIRES NOAA(January 2020)INNOVATIONS WITH THE GEOSTATIONARY LIGHTNING MAPPERNOAA NESDIS

191、is leveraging data from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper(GLM)onboard the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 and-17(GOES-16 and GOES-17)series of satellites to better predict storms.NOAA incorporated data from the GLM instrument into the operational Hurricane Weather Research and

192、Forecasting(HWRF)model for the first time in the 2020 hurricane season.Lightning detection in hurricanes can help forecasters identify rapid inten-sification of hurricanes,and the high resolution and frequency of the GLM imagery over open oceans represents an opportunity for potential improvement of

193、 NOAA operational HWRF forecasts.NOAA NESDIS co-developed spatially gridded imagery of GLM data with academic and federal partners to provide details on both the spatial cov-erage and density of the lightning activity as seen from space.Within the operational environment,forecasters are then able to

194、 view the GLM data in conjunction with lightning location detections made by ground-based systems from industrial partners.Examinations by NOAA NWS forecasters in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed have shown that viewing the data in combination provides a holistic view of the lightning activity ass

195、ociated with Screenshot of NOAA NWS forecaster display in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed on 23 May 2019 of both GLM and Earth Networks Total Lightning Network measured lightning activity.The panels of the display show different measures re-lated to lightning such as the density,detection locatio

196、ns,flash area,and optical energy.Credit:NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory1.REDUCING SOCIETAL IMPACTS FROM HAzARDOUS WEATHER AND OTHER ENvIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA33storms providing both high temporal and increased spatial knowledge.NWS forecasters are now using this data to make severe weather warni

197、ng decisions and to communicate risks of lightning hazards to Emergency Managers and other partners for deci-sion support services.IMPROVING FORECASTS WITH ADVANCES IN REGIONAL MODELSNOAAs flagship high-resolution weather models Rapid Refresh(RAP)and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh(HRRR)work hand-in-h

198、and to provide the foundation for many of the forecast products issued by NOAA NWS every day.The final research ver-sions of RAP and HRRR went into NOAA opera-tions in December 2020.This operational implemen-tation is the culmination of more than 25 years of ground-breaking research to develop frequ

199、ently-up-dated,short-range weather predictions of high-im-pact weather to support the NWS and the aviation,agriculture,water resource and energy sectors,among others.These final versions include upgrades that improve model forecasts of clouds,precipitation,wildfire smoke,thunderstorms,and other weat

200、her at all levels of the atmosphere.For example,HRRR-Smoke was utilized extensively for wildfire opera-tions and planning.NWS meteorologists used this model to adjust forecast temperatures,provide fire crew briefings,and forecast for aviation operations during the 2020 fires.Using satellite observat

201、ions of fire location and intensity,HRRR-Smoke predicts the movement of smoke in three dimensions across the country over 48 hours,simulating how the weather will impact smoke movement and how smoke will affect visibility,temperature,and wind.This information provides guidance on how smoke from west

202、ern wildfires might impact life from coast to coast.“The Global Systems Laboratorys development of foundational and pragmatic state-of-the-science technologies to improve predictions of weather and its impacts on society has been one of the nations true success stories that is significantly under-ap

203、preciated given the enormous value it returns to the nation.”The Weather CompanyThe experimental NOAA Global Systems Laboratorys High-Resolution Rapid Refresh-Smoke(HRRR-Smoke)model simulates the emissions and transport of smoke from wildfires and the impact of smoke on the weather.Credit:NOAA Globa

204、l Systems Laboratory2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S34CALCULATING CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2)EMISSIONS FROM FOSSIL FUELS IN THE UNITED STATESCooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Studies(CIRES)scientist Duane Kitzis approaches the air sampling station on

205、Niwot Ridge,Colorado,part of NOAAs Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network,in this 2017 photo.The first air sample analyzed for carbon-14 as part of research into a new method of estimating fossil fuel emissions from ambient air was collected here in 2003.Photo credit:James Murnan,NOAA National Seve

206、re Storms Laboratory(2017)For the first time ever,national carbon dioxide(CO2)emissions from fossil fuel sources have been calculated using atmospheric data.NOAA Research scientists used measurements of atmospheric CO2 and its radiocarbon content(Carbon-14,or 14C,the best known proxy for fossil fuel

207、 emissions)from NOAAs Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network in combination with an atmospheric data assimila-tion model to estimate fossil emissions for 2010 at a monthly time scale,with a further regional break-down to the western,central,and eastern United States.The emissions estimates are slig

208、htly higher than those reported by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency and other commonly used emissions“inventories,”and the new method demonstrates the ability of atmospheric data to provide independent evaluation of inventory-based estimates.A NEW PUBLIC RELEASE OF THE STATE-OF-THE-ART WAVEWA

209、TCH III WAVE MODELThe Consumer Option for an Alternative System to Allocate Losses(COASTAL)Act requires an accu-rate modeling of flooding due to hurricanes.The wave model chosen as part of developing this model-ing system is the WAVEWATCH III wave modela state-of-the-art community wave modeling syst

210、em whose development is managed by NOAA.NOAA released a new version of the global wave model with two major updates.The first major update improves performance on modern high-performance com-puting architectures allowing for higher resolu-tions traditionally needed for better predictions in coastal

211、applications.The second major update is the inclusion of software that interfaces with the Earth System Modeling Framework,allowing the model to be used in community coupled modeling systems.With this release,WAVEWATCH III has moved to open-development on GitHub to facilitate increased 1.REDUCING SO

212、CIETAL IMPACTS FROM HAzARDOUS WEATHER AND OTHER ENvIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA35engagement with the wave modeling commu-nity.This latest version of the WAVEWATCH III is coupled to the NOAA NWS operational Global Ensemble Forecast System(GEFSv12)implemented in 2020 and will be coupled to the deterministic G

213、lobal Forecast System(GFSv16)planned for imple-mentation in 2021.OPTIMIZE USE OF S2S PREDICTABILITY SOURCES TO MAXIMIZE FORECASTS OF OPPORTUNITYSubseasonal to seasonal(S2S)forecasting sits between short-term weather prediction and long-term climate outlooks.Its the ability to forecast con-ditions(av

214、erage,probability of occurrence)during the week two to seasonal period from the initial condition,and it has become an area of emerging need in various economic sectors,and therefore an area of robust and innovative scientific research and development.Subseasonal-to-seasonal(S2S)climate is closely c

215、onnected to changes in short(weather)and longer(inter-annual to multi-decadal)time scales.As such,operational S2S predictions over the Pacific-North America are influenced by signals ranging from multi-day evolution of convective bursts to long-term trends.Variation among the way models represent ph

216、ysical processes,cross-scale interactions,and chaotic natural variabilities can lead to difficulties in estimating and forecasting clear signals from among the noise.NOAA is developing machine learning applications to assist in model pre-dictions of S2S climate.This work gives promising improvement

217、in operational S2S climate prediction products and services.PROVING GROUND AND OPERATIONAL TRANSITIONS TO IMPROVE TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECASTSTropical cyclones are a major threat to growing global coastal populations.NOAA research and development uses observations and models to improve hurricane forec

218、asts,with the goal of saving lives and reducing property damage.In 2020,NOAA-funded University of Wisconsin researchers addressed variation in tropical cyclone intensity estimates from new-generation satellite platforms(GOES-16 and JPSS)by developing and demonstrat-ing an innovative satellite-based

219、consensus approach(called SATCON)that analyzes the various tropical cyclone intensity estimates.This approach reduces uncertainty and provides better estimates of how intense a tropical cyclone will be by taking into account known strengths in each of the estimation methodologies.The SATCON informat

220、ion is available in near real-time to tropical cyclone opera-tional and research communities through NESDIS Color-enhanced GOES-16 infrared image during Hurricane Dorians peak intensity over the Bahamas on September 2,20192020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S36Satel

221、lite Proving Ground activities.In addition,NOAA NWS approved five NOAA Joint Hurricane Testbed projects for operations.Two examples of JHT projects recently approved for transition are the Tropical Cyclone Genesis Index,which predicts the likelihood of an area of distrubed weather develop-ing into a

222、 cyclone,and Tropical Cyclone Logistical Guidance for Genesis,which provides forecast and observation data as guidance to predict tropical cyclone formation out to seven days.The transi-tioned projects will help NWS assess tropical distur-bances,which are likely to develop into tropical cyclones.The

223、y will also aid in NWSs prediction of the intensity and evolution of existing tropical cyclones,as well as storm surge and other impacts.FORECASTING HAZARDOUS ALGAL BLOOMS:MODELING AND MOLECULAR TOOLSThe August 2014 shutdown of Toledo,Ohios drink-ing water treatment facility caused by a Harmful Alga

224、l Bloom(HAB)had an economic impact esti-mated at$65 million1,making HAB forecasts very important in Lake Erie.NOAA and the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research developed a new model that allows forecasters to see in three dimen-sions how extensively the bloom has spread from the lakes surf

225、ace to its floor.The Lake Erie cyanobacte-ria colonies(Microcystis)float to the surface under calm conditions,and mix through the water column under windy conditions.The new model provides more accurate predictions of both the horizontal movement and vertical position of the bloom within the water c

226、olumn.This information is especially valuable to water treatment plant operators because intake structures are usually located beneath the surface and the risk of toxin in the water supply can be greater when the colonies are mixed to the bot-tom.Along with the model upgrade,the Lake Erie 1 M.Bingha

227、m,S.K.Sinha,and F.Lupi.“Economic Benefits of Reducing Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie.”Environmental Consulting&Technology,Inc.,Report,66 pp,October 2015.https:/legacyfiles.ijc.org/tinymce/uploaded/Publications/Economic-Benefits-Due-to-Reduction-in-HABs-October-2015.pdfLight micrograph(left)of an

228、Alexandrium resting cyst in the sediment.The same cyst(right)stained with a fluorescent stain for counting.Credit:S.Kibler,NOAA1.REDUCING SOCIETAL IMPACTS FROM HAzARDOUS WEATHER AND OTHER ENvIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA37Aerial photo of harmful algal bloom in western Lake Erie,taken during a remote sensing

229、flight on July 20,2020,to support the NOAA HAB forecast.This airborne cam-paign is part of weekly Lake Erie HAB monitoring.Credit:Zachary Haslick,Aerial Associates Photography Inc,Inset:Screenshot of the cyanobacterial density animation from the Lake Erie HAB Forecast on July 21,2020.The Forecast,wh

230、ich is issued twice weekly throughout the bloom season,depicts the HABs current location and forecasted movement along with predicted winds,currents,and water temperature.The animation is a new feature that was incorporated into the forecast in 2020.Credit:NOAA HAB Forecast website has been redesign

231、ed to help users more easily and quickly understand HAB data.NOAA is also developing new methods to better forecast blooms of Alexandrium catenella,a marine alga that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning(PSP)along the Pacific and Atlantic coastlines of the U.S.and Canada.PSP is a potentially fatal i

232、llness that results from eating shellfish that have ingested Alexandrium cells.NOAA forecasting scientists are working with the University of Washington Tacoma,the University of Alaska,and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to map the distri-bution of Alexandrium resting cysts in the sediment

233、of Gulf of Maine,Puget Sound,and Alaska.Cyst distribution and abundance are used to forecast blooms of Alexandrium cells in the water column.New methods employing molecular-level analytical procedures known as quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR)and fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH)wer

234、e developed to reduce the time and effort required for cyst identification and counting.These molecular tools are being tested to better character-ize cyst distribution speed up the forecasting process for Alexandrium blooms.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S382.

235、SUSTAINABLE USE AND STEWARDSHIP OF OCEAN AND COASTAL RESOURCESOur ocean,coasts,and Great Lakes are home to diverse ecosystems,support fisheries and aquaculture,and provide tourism and recreation opportunities.NOAA science seeks a better understanding of the biogeochemical and human processes that im

236、pact these resources and informs their conservation,restoration,and sustainable use.In 2020,NOAAs scientific accomplishments for enhancing the sustainable use and steward-ship of ocean and coastal resources included the following:Proof-Of-Concept For Methods To Induce Reproductive Sterility In Cultu

237、red SablefishEducation Spotlight:Elyse BonnerIncreasing The Sustainability Of Aquaculture FeedsGenomic Abundance Estimation For Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Using Close-Kin Mark RecaptureAmerican Lobster,Sea Scallops Habitat Could Shift Off The NortheastEducation Spotlight:Stephanie Martinez-Rivera

238、Balancing Conservation Objectives And Angler Satisfaction In The Recreational Striped Bass FisheryEducation Spotlight:Latreese DensonNortheast Offshore Mussel Farming Poised To Contribute To American Seafood CompetitivenessNOAA Leads Global Collaborative Study Of Important Sea Turtle ParasiteEducati

239、on Spotlight:NOAA Hollings Scholar Helps Lead Team That Solves Mystery Of Stinging WaterComplete Genome Sequencing For The Endangered Marine Mammal The vaquita,And The Endangered Leatherback TurtleNOAA Tracks Pacific Marine HeatwavesKachemak Bay Ecological Assessment:Supporting Alaska Coastal Resour

240、ce ManagementTesting Alternative Oyster Restoration StrategiesNOAA-Funded Research Evaluates Dune Management Options In North CarolinaNOAA Maps Coral For Improved ManagementNOAA Uses Edna To Study Marine LifeThe Argo Program Expands To Reach More Of The Ocean Than Ever BeforeNOAA Funded Project Prov

241、ides Aquaculture Siting Resource To Alaska GrowersInnovative Technology And Partnership Leads To New Seafloor Mapping Of U.S.EEzSurveying Deep-Sea Corals,Sponges,And Fish Habitat Off The U.s.West CoastUnderstanding And Mitigating Marsh vulnerability To Environmental Changes2.S U S TA I N A B L E U S

242、 E A N D S T E WA R DS H I P O F O C E A N A N D COA S TA L R E S O U R C E S39PROOF-OF-CONCEPT FOR METHODS TO INDUCE REPRODUCTIVE STERILITY IN CULTURED SABLEFISHReliable methods for reproductive sterilization are broadly needed by the marine aquaculture industry to reduce ecological concerns associ

243、ated with escapement of farmed fish and to safeguard against unauthorized propagation of proprietary aquaculture strains.In collaboration with research partners from the University of Maryland Baltimore County,scientists at NOAA Fisheries have achieved effective sterility in sablefish(Anoplopoma fim

244、bria)using two approaches that do not involve gene editing.Researchers successfully induced sterility in sablefish using either a new bath immersion tech-nique that entails soaking batches of sablefish eggs,prior to fertilization,in a solution that temporarily silences a specific reproductive-relate

245、d gene known as“dead end,”or by briefly applying cold or pres-sure just after fertilization to induce triploidy(the retention of a third set of chromosomes normally extruded after fertilization).More research is needed to determine potential effects(positive or negative)of these treatments on fish p

246、erformance,such as sur-vival and growth,and to optimize each method to achieve higher rates of sterility.This provides proof-of-concept that these approaches may be applied on a large scale in aquaculture to induce sterility in sablefish and potentially other marine species,reducing the potential fo

247、r environmental impacts.NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center and University of Maryland Baltimore County researchers collect ovulated eggs from female sablefish broodstock for sterility induction experiments.Sablefish broodstock are handled under red light to reduce stress and avoid disruption of

248、 their reproductive cycle.Photo by Edward Hayman,NOAA(July 2019)EDUCATION SPOTLIGHT:ELYSE BONNERA 2019 EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholar,Elyse is a senior environmental science major at Tuskegee University.In 2019,she conducted her first sum-mer internship research with NOAA NOS titled“Assessment and Ch

249、aracterization of Legacy and Current-use Pesticides(CUPs)in the Maumee and Ottawa Riverine Systems”.Also in 2019,Elyse had the opportunity to participate in a HABs cyst research cruise aboard the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter.In 2020,she conducted a virtual internship with the NOAA Fisheries and created a

250、 large data set of 60,000 independent samples of 11 environ-mental variables to improve managerial decisions for sustainable fisheries.Elyse plans to attend graduate school to study ecotoxicology and hopes to one day work for NOAA.Elyse Bonner,EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholar aboard the NOAA Ship Gordo

251、n Gunter.Credit:Elyse Bonner(October 2020)2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S40INCREASING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF AQUACULTURE FEEDSAquaculture is currently the fastest-growing food-producing sector in the world and demand for feed ingredients,especially fishmeal and

252、 fish oil,has increased dramatically in recent years.With many global fisheries at or near sustainable limits,future increases in fishmeal or fish oil are unlikely,and alternative sources of protein and oil are needed to sustain further development of the aquaculture industry.In 2020,NOAA Fisheries

253、conducted a 10-week growth study investigating the potential of replacing fishmeal in a marine fish diet with intensively produced mealworms from Beta Hatch,a domestic insect producer.Similar growth and sur-vival were observed among juvenile sablefish receiv-ing the fishmeal diet,the 50 percent meal

254、worm replacement diet,and the 100 percent mealworm replacement diet,indicating that mealworms are a possible feed ingredient substitute.Follow-up studies are planned to evaluate mealworm digestibility and the effect of mealworms on the nutritional composi-tion of sablefish.Diet pellets with mealworm

255、.Credit:Bernadita Anulacion,NOAAGENOMIC ABUNDANCE ESTIMATION FOR WESTERN ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA USING CLOSE-KIN MARK RECAPTURENOAA Fisheries advanced research of a genet-ics-based approach,called close-kin mark recap-ture,that can allow for the monitoring of trends in domestic stock production and th

256、e contribution to catches of other stocks that migrate to U.S.fishing areas.Close-kin mark recapture involves identify-ing individuals in a population based on the DNA profiles of their closely related family members.In a pilot study evaluation,NOAA identified two parent-offspring matches of Atlanti

257、c bluefin tuna that spawned in the Gulf of Mexico in May 2017 and were captured and sampled in Canada later in fall of 2017.The pilot study provided the proof of concept to confidently advance the research toward estimating the population size.In addition to infor-mation on bluefin tuna spawning abu

258、ndance in the Gulf of Mexico,the composition of stocks to fishery catches will be estimated,providing managers and stakeholders with accurate information on popula-tion status.NOAA Fisheries collaboratively conducts this work with partners from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Org

259、anisation,Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences,University of Maine,and Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans.2.S U S TA I N A B L E U S E A N D S T E WA R DS H I P O F O C E A N A N D COA S TA L R E S O U R C E S41AMERICAN LOBSTER,SEA SCALLOPS HABITAT COULD SHIFT OFF THE NORTHEASTA new study by

260、 NOAA Fisheries predicts that climate change will pose management challenges for two commercially important species on the Northeast continental shelf.Researchers used a suite of habitat models to estimate how species will react as ocean waters warm.Results suggest that American lobster in the Gulf

261、of Maine will move further offshore and that sea scallops in the Middle Atlantic Bight will shift to the north in the coming decades.These changes can move stocks into,and out of,fixed management areas.Habitats within cur-rent management areas will also experience changes.Some will gain species,othe

262、rs will lose species,and still others will stay the same.This research provides important information for fishery managers,allow-ing them to more effectively manage for changing ocean conditions.EDUCATION SPOTLIGHT:STEPHANIE MARTINEZ-RIVERADr.Stephanie Martinez-Rivera knew at a very young age that s

263、he wanted to study marine biology.She stated,“Ever since I decided to become a Marine Biologist,one of my career goals has been to explore the ocean ecosystems aboard research vessels”.Support from the NOAA EPP/MSI Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center enabled Dr.Martinez-Rivera to cond

264、uct research aboard the NOAA F/V Hannah Boden,where she studied reproductive biology and histology of deep-sea red crabs(Chaceon quinquedens).In addition,she participated in several NOAA research cruises,including NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and R/V Henry B.Bigelow.Dr.Martinez-Rivera earned her Ph.D.

265、in Marine Estuarine and Environmental Science from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and is currently employed as a Fisheries Biologist with the NOAA NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center.Dr.Stephanie Martinez,EPP/MSI Scholar Alumni and NMFS Fisheries Biologist conducted research on NOAA re

266、search vessels.Credit:Stephanie Martinez,NOAA(July 2014)2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S42BALANCING CONSERVATION OBJECTIVES AND ANGLER SATISFACTION IN THE RECREATIONAL STRIPED BASS FISHERYUnderstanding how anglers respond to policy changes is key to rebuilding

267、overfished stocks like Atlantic striped bass.For example,anglers place a relatively high value on catching trophy-sized strip-erswhich are almost exclusively females of spawn-ing sizebut if too many of these fish are removed from the fishery the stock has trouble rebuilding.The researchers evaluated

268、 the economic and biolog-ical consequences of a wide range of policy com-binations,including those that restrict harvest of trophy-sized striped bass.Their results showed the types of policies that are expected to achieve conser-vation objectives while simultaneously maximizing the well-being of ang

269、lers.Of the 36 policies exam-ined,only one was found to protect trophy-sized spawning females without significantly affecting angler well-being.That policy was taking one fish per trip in the“harvest slot”of 28 to 36 inches.Dr.Andrew Carr-Harris displays a fish caught off the coast of Cape Cod.Credi

270、t:Andrew Carr-Harris,NOAA(June 2019)EDUCATION SPOTLIGHT:LATREESE DENSONDr.Latreese Denson earned her Ph.D.in Marine Biology at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.As an EPP/MSI Living Marine Resources Science Center scholar,Dr.Denson completed research on the

271、effect of envi-ronmental variability on King Mackerel abundance indices and the effectiveness of fisheries manage-ment.Her dissertation titled“Environmental influ-ences on indices of abundance for King Mackerel in the Gulf of Mexico examined through spatiotempo-ral geostatistical models”was complete

272、d in 2020.She completed her EPP/MSI graduate internship with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and reported that the experiences received during her support through the NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center provided skills she will utilize in her new position as a research mathem

273、atical statistician with the NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center in Miami,FL.Dr.LaTreese Denson,EPP/MSI Scholar and NMFS Research Mathematical Statisti-cian completed a graduate internship at the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center.Credit:Dr.LaTreese Denson(October 2020)2.S U S TA I N A B L E U

274、 S E A N D S T E WA R DS H I P O F O C E A N A N D COA S TA L R E S O U R C E S43NORTHEAST OFFSHORE MUSSEL FARMING POISED TO CONTRIBUTE TO AMERICAN SEAFOOD COMPETITIVENESS“Developing a local offshore industry for this aqua-culture species is important,in terms of local eco-nomic benefits and food se

275、curity,and producing seafood according to national standards of quality and sustainability.”Darien Mizuta,PhD NOAA Fisheries researchers conducted the first environmental suitability study of offshore northeast waters for blue mussel aquaculture,and found large areas to be highly suitable.Offshore m

276、ussel farm sites need to have the right temperature range and food availability,so locating areas with optimal environmental conditions for profitable production is an essential first step.The study identified high summer temperatures as a limiting factor,which can be mitigated by submerging mussel

277、ropes deeper in southern areas of New England.The researchers validated their results by measuring mussel feeding performance at Salem State Universitys experimen-tal offshore farm off of Cape Ann,MA.Their work suggests that a New England offshore mussel farm-ing industry would be environmentally su

278、stainable and beneficial for food security and the economy,and that risks posed by harmful algal blooms would be similar to those of coastal aquaculture.Dr.Darien Mizuta,Postdoctoral Researcher at the Milford Laboratory,at sea studying blue mussel performance at an experimental offshore mussel farm

279、near Cape Ann,MA.Credit:Mark Dixon,NOAA Fisheries(October 2019)NOAA LEADS GLOBAL COLLABORATIVE STUDY OF IMPORTANT SEA TURTLE PARASITEProtozoan parasites are single-celled organisms that are responsible for many important diseases in humans and animals.One group,referred to as Caryospora-like organis

280、ms,has caused die-offs of green sea turtles in the United States and Australia.A collaborative studyled by NOAA and involving researchers in these countries and sea turtle rehabil-itation organizationsused information collected from stranded sea turtles and genetic analysis to show that the parasite

281、s appear to have been spread around the world relatively recently and are a previ-ously unrecognized health problem for sea turtles in U.S.waters.Their findings also suggest that human activities have played a role in the spread of this parasitic disease.Protozoan parasites(Caryospora-like organisms

282、)in the feces of a green sea turtle.These parasites damage the lining of the intestine and can cause illness in turtles.Credit:Dr.Brian Stacy,NOAA Fisheries2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S44EDUCATION SPOTLIGHT:NOAA HOLLINGS SCHOLAR HELPS LEAD TEAM THAT SOLVES M

283、YSTERY OF STINGING WATERStinging water is a phenomenon that occurs when swimmers venture near beds of upside down jelly-fishes(Cassiopea),which live in warm shallow waters around the globe.For those unlucky enough to experience it,stinging water causes an itching sen-sation bordering on pain.To expl

284、ore this mystery,a large collaborative study led by NOAA Fisheries was published with former Hollings Scholar Anna Klompen as co-lead author.The team discovered and documented small structures that the jellyfish releases with mucus into the water.Dubbed cas-siosomes,these multicellular structures ar

285、e packed with stinging capsules and are capable of locomo-tion.Laboratory experiments showed that the struc-tures are capable of quickly immobilizing prey and that jellyfish genes that produce a specific venom protein are active in the cassiosomes.The study highlights the importance of the Hollings

286、Internship(Klompen is now a PhD student studying jellyfish venom)and the power of multi-institution collab-oration.The study relied on resources and tools from NOAA,the Smithsonian Institution,the Naval Research Laboratory,University of Kansas,and Rice University to solve this long-standing question

287、 with an impact on human health.Anna Klompen using a powerful compound microscope and a microfluidics device to isolate cassiosomes from an upside down jellyfish raised at the National Syste-matics Lab in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.Credit:NOAA Fisheries/National Systematics L

288、aboratoryCOMPLETE GENOME SEQUENCING FOR THE ENDANGERED MARINE MAMMAL THE VAQUITA,AND THE ENDANGERED LEATHERBACK TURTLEIn 2020,NOAA Fisheries,in collaboration with academic partners the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and The Vertebrate Genome Laboratory at Rockefeller University,completed seq

289、uencing and assembling the complete genomes of the endangered leatherback turtle and the vaquita,the worlds most endangered marine mammal.The vaquita sequence is 2.3 billion base pairs long and is being used to assist in assembling the partial genomes from 19 additional vaquita samples to allow rese

290、archers to infer the unique evolutionary history of this Gulf of California species,and potential to recover if the threat of bycatch in fishing nets can be eliminated in their habitat.Leatherback turtles,often referred to as“living dinosaurs,”possess unique physiologi-cal adaptations,including thos

291、e that allow them to survive in cold waters beyond what other reptiles can tolerate.The new reference genome is being used to assist in assembling the partial genomes from hundreds of samples collected throughout the world to allow researchers to study the remaining genetic diversity in the species.

292、This type of information is key for conservation initiatives designed to ensure persistence of this critically endangered species.2.S U S TA I N A B L E U S E A N D S T E WA R DS H I P O F O C E A N A N D COA S TA L R E S O U R C E S45NOAA TRACKS PACIFIC MARINE HEATWAVESThrough the summer and fall o

293、f 2019,NOAA Fisheries tracked a vast marine heatwave that warmed the northeast Pacific Ocean.By November the heatwave retreated from the U.S.West Coast,only to be followed by two more heatwaves in 2020.The successive heatwavesstarting in 2014 with a monster called“The Blob”have played havoc with coa

294、stal ecosystems,fueling harmful algal blooms,depressing salmon returns,and shifting commer-cial fisheries into new waters.A heatwave tracker developed by NOAA Fisheries has become a highly visited page as fishermen,managers,and researchers seek clues about the likely ecological and economic impacts

295、of the changes.In addition,a NOAA Fisheries team produced an annual ecosystem status report,which tracks spe-cies,and climate and ocean conditions,as barome-ters of ocean health and productivity.It also draws on social and economic indicators that reflect the state of West Coast communities.These in

296、clude the size of krill,which are small crustaceans that form the base of the food chain,and trends in fishery landings in port communities.Krill density was very low off much of the West Coast in 2019,and commercial fishery landings dropped eight percent in 2018 compared to the year before.These fi

297、nd-ings inform Pacific Fishery Management Council and NOAA Fisheries managers as they develop fishing seasons and limits.The report,as part of an Integrated Ecosystem Assessment,also supports NOAA Fisheries shift toward ecosystem-based fisheries management,which considers interactions throughout the

298、 marine food web rather than focus-ing on a single species.Image taken from 2020 CCIEA Ecosystem Status Report Highlights visually des-cribing the tracking of species and climate and ocean conditions,as barometers of ocean health and productivity.It also draws on social and economic indicators that

299、reflect the state of West Coast communities.2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S46KACHEMAK BAY ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT:SUPPORTING ALASKA COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENTNOAA NOS is conducting a Kachemak Bay,AK ecological assessment project to knit together a broad range o

300、f spatial habitat and environmental data into new information tools for Alaska coastal resource management and planning.Kachemak Bay is a productive,subarctic estuary in southcentral Alaska that contains all the coastal habitats found in the Gulf of Alaska,with fish,shellfish,marine mammal,and bird

301、populations that support recre-ational and commercial harvests.Kachemak Bay has seen an increase in ecotourism activities and tour-ism is a significant economic driver for the region.NOAA,along with federal,state,tribal,industry,and non-governmental organization partners,has produced a pilot“State o

302、f Kachemak Bay”report,developed online tools to improve public data access and visualization of spatial data,and is producing an ecological status report in 2021 to highlight regional coastal changes over the past two decades.The projects goal is to provide information tools that help Alaska communi

303、ties deal with challenges from changing fish and shellfish populations,climate change,harmful algal blooms,and to explore oppor-tunities in shellfish and kelp mariculture.Kachemak Bay is a“natural laboratory”of Alaska coastal habitats,with sandy clam beds,seagrass meadows,and rocky,deep fjords lined

304、 with kelp forests.Photo credit:Kris Holderied,NOAAThe NOAA NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Kachemak Bay BIOMa-pper allows users to easily view and overlay different types of habitat mapping and environmental monitoring data online.Credit:NOAA NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Sc

305、ienceTESTING ALTERNATIVE OYSTER RESTORATION STRATEGIESNOAA is leading research that uses novel chem-ical tagging tools to test alternative oyster setting methods.Oyster setting is the process in which larvae attach to a setting material such as shell.In partnership with the U.S.Naval Academy and the

306、 Maryland Department of Natural Resources,researcher divers used fluorescently-marked larvae to test releasing oyster(Crassostrea virginica)larvae directly onto planted oyster shells in the Chesapeake Bay.The research shows that juvenile oysters can be Spat on shell produced by direct setting,as see

307、n with the naked eye.Photo credit:Jason Spires,NOAA NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science2.S U S TA I N A B L E U S E A N D S T E WA R DS H I P O F O C E A N A N D COA S TA L R E S O U R C E S47established from larvae set directly at the site with-out using enclosures.The techniques develop

308、ed in this portfolio may reduce the requirement for scarce shell or other setting material,and reduce the logis-tical and material handling costs associated with traditional spat-on-shell oyster practices in both restoration and aquaculture sectors.These reduc-tions have the potential to avoid chall

309、enges com-monly associated with publicly funded restoration projects using alternative substrate,and can make restoration and aquaculture seeding practices more economical.NOAA-FUNDED RESEARCH EVALUATES DUNE MANAGEMENT OPTIONS IN NORTH CAROLINAA NOAA-funded observational and modeling study assessed

310、possible beach and dune management actions to help coastal communities make informed decisions in the context of extreme storms and sea level rise.The project,led by researchers at Oregon State University and University of North Carolina,evaluated dune shape as a function of beach nour-ishment,dune

311、grass planting,sand fencing,and treatment of the wrack line on the Outer Banks,NC.The team discovered that nourishing beaches prior to the storm season,planting dunes with certain species of dune grasses,and allowing a wrack line to remain on the beach all led to taller and wider dunes systems.In co

312、ntrast,sand fencing created shorter but wider dunes.The models demonstrate how man-agement actions influence dune shape,which has implications for coastal protection and the resilience of beaches and dunes.Sand fencing on Bogue Banks,NC.Photo:NOAANOAA MAPS CORAL FOR IMPROVED MANAGEMENTIn the face of

313、 accelerating changes to coral reef ecosystems,it is critical that we document the status and trends of the worlds coral reefs to identify resil-ient reefs and resilience-supporting management practices.NOAA Fisheries studies reefs across 40 primary islands,atolls,and shallow banks in five regions,v

314、isiting 400-600 sites each year.Historically,NOAA Fisheries has used in situ visual assessments of coral communities and small area imagery to generate information about which corals are present in an area and how healthy they are.To more efficiently extract this sort of data,NOAA recently assessed

315、the capacity of a widely-used machine-learning image analysis toolCoralNetto generate ful-ly-automated estimates from meter-scale imagery.CoralNet was able to generate estimates of site-level coral cover that were highly comparable to those generated by human analysts.To generate a more comprehensiv

316、e understanding of spatial resilience and consequences of climate change and local threats,NOAA is partnering with computer scien-tists in academia,the private sector,and the federal government to extract colony-level information from imagery to assess reefscapes up to 150 square meters.The developm

317、ent of training datasets and a scalable processing pipeline that leverages machine learning 2020 N OA A S C I E N C E R E P O R T S C I E N C E H I G H L I G H T S48and cloud processing has the potential to transform the way we assess and,ultimately,manage coral reefs worldwide.NOAA uses spatial mod

318、eling to predict the distribu-tions of threatened coral species in the U.S.Atlantic(Puerto Rico,U.S.Virgin Islands,and Florida).NOAA is partnering with scientists in academia and the federal government to develop new mod-eling approaches and applications that provide data-driven spatial predictions

319、for the presence,absence,abundance,and population structure of multiple threatened coral species.The NOAA team is also assembling a spatial database of Atlantic coral ecosystem monitoring in an accessible map format.These products are used to inform management decisions that may affect coral species

320、 listed under the Endangered Species Act,such as spatial planning for coral restoration and place-based management.NOAA USES eDNA TO STUDY MARINE LIFENOAA is using environmental DNA(eDNA)the tiny bits of genetic material that marine life sheds into the surrounding waterto study organisms across trop

321、hic levels and ecosystems and provide critical information about species interactions in the face of ecosystem change.NOAA Fisheries is using eDNA as a novel method to monitor the small,endangered population of Gulf of Mexico Brydes whales and improve knowl-edge of their distribution.Seawater sample

322、s were collected in the field in the flukeprints,calm water formed in the wake of a passing whale,to determine if it is possible to capture their eDNA.In the lab-oratory,DNA was isolated and molecular genetic techniques were used to successfully identify Gulf of Mexico Brydes whale eDNA in the seawa

323、ter samples.For future studies,NOAA is collaborating with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute(MBARI)to collect automated eDNA samples from an Environmental Sample Processor(ESP)deployed in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.This novel tech-nique will be coupled with passive acoustic record-ing

324、s collected near the ESP site to help researchers determine if the integration of these two methods can increase scientists abilities to detect these rare whales and gain information about their distribu-tion,which is vital for their conservation and recov-ery efforts.The U.S.Marine Biodiversity Obs

325、ervation Network(MBON)coordinated by the U.S.Integrated Ocean Observing System with interagency funding and supporthas been a key player in developing best practices for eDNA and demonstrating its utility for biological observing and biodiversity assess-ment.A team of MBON partners across multiple r

326、esearch institutions and state government agen-cies used eDNA methods to survey biodiversity in Monterey Bay,CA,during an 18-month period.The team created a dataset from the resulting seawater samples,encompassing 663 taxonomic groups from microorganisms to mammals.The team concluded that“eDNA-based

327、 analyses can provide detailed information about marine ecosystem dynamics and identify sensitive biological indicators that can suggest ecosystem changes and inform conservation strategies.”2.S U S TA I N A B L E U S E A N D S T E WA R DS H I P O F O C E A N A N D COA S TA L R E S O U R C E S49THE

328、ARGO PROGRAM EXPANDS TO REACH MORE OF THE OCEAN THAN EVER BEFOREThe Argo Program,an international effort that gathers critical ocean data using a fleet of robotic instruments,is expanding its mission.Currently,most Argo floats take temperature and salinity measurements of the top 2,000 meters of the

329、 ocean;newly-upgraded Argo floats will take these measurements to new depths of 6,000 meters(Deep Argo)and others will be equipped with additional sensors to measure biogeochemical variables,such as pH and oxygen.In the winter of 2019 to 2020,NOAAs float group deployed Deep Argo floats(funded by the

330、 Paul G.Allen Foundation)in the Brazilian basin from the R/V Petrel,establishing the third regional array for Deep Argo floats.In the fall of 2019,four research projects were funded by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program and NOAA to improve biogeochemical sensor technol-ogy and test float

331、s in key regions:the tropical Pacific,California current,and northwest Atlantic ocean.Since 1999,the Argo Program has grown to a fleet of nearly 4,000 robotic floats that collect data on important ocean health indicators that inform stakeholders about ecosystem health,fisheries management,climate,an

332、d weather prediction.On average,one or more scientific papers a day is published using Argo data.“The Argo Program is a hallmark of NOAAs ocean observing systems.It has revolutionized our ability to track changes in our global ocean.Information from systems like Argo are paramount for accurate weath

333、er and climate predictions.”David Legler,PhD,Director of NOAA Researchs Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing ProgramA deep Sounding Oceanographic Lagrangian Observer(SOLO)float deployment off the R/V Kaimikai-O-Kanaloa during a Hawaii Ocean Timeseries(HOT)cruise in the Pacific.Photo credit:Blake Watkins,University of Hawaii(May 2019)NOAA FUNDED PROJECT PROVIDES AQUACULTURE SITING RESOURCE TO ALAS



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