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1、2Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsLearning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University(SLIBNU),2023Rights and PermissionsThis publication is available in Open Access under

2、 the Attribution 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0)license(https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Please cite the work as follows:Huang,R.,Liu,D.,Chen,Y.,Adarkwah,M.A.,Zhang,X.L.,Xiao,G.D.,Li,X.,Zhang,J.J.,Da,T.(2023).Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots.B

3、eijing:Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University.3Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsLearning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots4Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational Ro

4、botsEmbracing a New Era:Facilitating Teaching and Learning through RoboticsArtifi cial Intelligence and Robotics in EducationArtifi cial intelligence(AI)is rapidly developing,which has already brought us to what can be considered the“intel-ligent era”where AI has penetrated almost every aspect of so

5、ciety.This can be seen by the series of sophisticated products and services that have emerged to form an“AI ecosystem”which has brought with it the benefi ts of the technology to individuals,to businesses and to service of public interest.In 2019,UNESCO published the Beijing Consensus on Artifi cial

6、 Intelligence and Education(UNESCO,2019),the fi rst ever document to off er guidance and recommendations on how best to harness AI technologies for achieving the Education 2030 Agenda.In 2021,Unit-ed Nations Educational,Scientifi c,and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)issued“AI and education:guidance fo

7、r pol-icy-makers”(Miao et al.,2021)which shared the belief that the use of AI-enabled or smart robots in education is a way in which AI can be leveraged to enhance education.In“Gathering Strength,Gathering Storms:The One Hun-dred Year Study on Artifi cial Intelligence(AI100)2021 Study Panel Report”(

8、Michael et al.,2021)issued by Stanford University,robotics is also regarded as one of the most important advances in AI,and its development was driven in part by the need to support social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.In 2022,UNESCO published“K-12 AI curricula:A mapping of government-endo

9、rsed AI curricula”(UNESCO,2019)to guide the future planning of en-abling policies,the design of national curricula or institutional study programs,and implementation strategies for AI competency development.Figure 1 Beijing Consensus on Artifi cial Intelligence and Education(left)and AI and educatio

10、n:Guidance for policy-makers(right)Preface5Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots Guiding Policies for Promoting Educational RobotsVarious countries all over the world have issued statements regarding AI in the field of education.The US National Science Foun

11、dation issued the“US Inno-vation and Competition Act of 2021”(United States,2021),which clarified that AI was identified as a key field and would become a focus of the United States in responding to challenges.The Ministry of Defense of the UK released“The Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy”(U

12、K Ministry of Defence,2022)which elabo-rated on the importance of AI,the strategic vision of the British government for AI,the advantages of the development of artificial intelligence in the UK,the four strategic objectives and the methods to achieve these strategic objectives.The German government

13、likewise published its strategy for AI in 2018(Germany,2018).This strategy put forward three core objectives,twelve action areas and relevant promotion measures for the development of AI technology in Germany,in order to accelerate the development and application of AI technology and ensure Germanys

14、 future com-petitiveness.Against a background of fierce competition,the State Council of China published“Development Planning for a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence”(State Council of China,2017)in 2017,putting forward the guiding ideology,strategic objectives,key tasks and guarantee measure

15、s for the development of Chinas new generation of AI.The Ministry of Education of Chi-na has additionally issued the“Educational Informa-tization 2.0 Action Plan”(Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China,2018)in 2018 and“Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of New Ed-ucationa

16、l Infrastructure and Building a High-Quality Education Support System”(Ministry of Education and other six departments of China,2021)in 2021.All these statements set the strategy of educational transformation and modernization,by strengthening the research and application of key technologies such as

17、 intelligent teaching assistants,educational robots,intelligent companions and those related to language and text informatization.Learning with Educational RobotsEducational robots form an important part of the smart learning environment.In recent years,there has been a rise in the popularity of the

18、 application of robots in education to offer teachers and students interactive and engaging ways to enhance the learn-ing process.Around the world,governments are launching initiatives aimed at the optimal use of ro-bots that incorporates AI to advance education in this intelligent era.In China,15 d

19、epartments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have issued“The 14th Five-Year Plan”for robot industry de-velopment in 2021.In the report,it is proposed that service robots and special robots should be applied in the fields of warehousing and logistics,education and entertai

20、nment,cleaning services,security inspection,medical rehabilitation,etc.Scientific breakthroughs and practical explorations have been made over the past decades in each of the above-stated fields,and this trend is forecasted to continue throughout the near future.Numerous pub-lished studies emphasize

21、 the improvement of learn-ing performance and accomplishment of teaching goals through robotics.Incorporating robotics in edu-cation is essential for educational environments seek-ing to provide novel and innovative learning methods needed to equip students with twenty-first-century skills such as f

22、ostering and enhancing thinking skills(Evripidou et al.,2020),problem-solving skills(At-matzidou et al.,2017),creativity(Nemiro et al.,2017),motivation(Master et al.,2017;Daniela&Strods,2018),and computational thinking(Chen et al.,2017).The application of robots in students with special needs is als

23、o acquiring a great importance(Di Lieto 6Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsFigure 2 Article No.in Web of Science Core(SSCI+SCI Index)Figure 3“The Next Big Things:Global Development Status and Trends in Educational Robots”(left)and“Educational Robots Whi

24、te Paper 2019:The Global Development”(right)et al.,2020).Therefore,with such a wide range of uses,robotic products and platforms have con-tinued to emerge in order to meet different ed-ucational scenario requirements.In homes,edu-cational robots can be used as intelligent toys for childrens entertai

25、nment robots can play games with preschool children,monitor their safety and health condition,language learning partners(par-ticularly for ages 3-5 at the critical period for lan-guage acquisition),and learning companions for individual development.In classroom,robots can help students to do their a

26、ssignments,be utilized as teaching aids for Science,Technology,Engineer-ing,Mathematics(STEM)courses,and play the role of a teaching assistant to provide three kinds of services to the teachers including pre-class preparation,in-class assistance and after-class assistance.In training centers,robots

27、can assist special education,like providing social assistance treatment for kids with autism.In schools,robots also can play the role of a smart classroom manager to provide context-aware control of hardware and software facil-ities.In vocational training,robots can also help industrial manufacturin

28、g training,surgical medical training,and rehabilitation.Robots can also provide companionship and cognitive training for the senior people.In all,educa-tional robots serve a wide range of educational needs.They can not only innovate existing teaching and learning activities,but also create new educa

29、tional services.As the scope of educational services covers a wide range of user groups and a variety of educational settings,there is a wide market for educational robots covering diff erent age groups and application scenarios.7Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educati

30、onal RobotsPurpose of This HandbookSmart Learning Institute(SLI)of Beijing Normal University is a comprehensive research station dedicate to scientifi c research,technology development and social experiments,and is committed to enabling global engagement and development of smart education strategies

31、.In 2016,SLI published“The Next Big Things:Global Development Sta-tus and Trends in Educational Robots”,the fi rst publication with the theme of educational robots in China.It has eff ectively promoted the research and development of educational robots,and therefore accelerate educational informatiz

32、ation.In 2019,SLI issued“Educational Robots White Paper 2019:The Global Development”,which is an attempt to analyze current status and development trends of global educational robots.The principal objective of this handbook is to present state-of-the-art of educational robotics and how they can be h

33、arnessed to facilitate learning.To do this,a systematic approach has been utilized to present fi ndings and discus-sions of hundred infl uential journal articles in the fi eld of educational robotics in the past six years(2018-2023).The potential educational opportunities and challenges as a result

34、of the incorporation of robotics in education are presented for educators and researchers to explore best practices in using robotics for learning and create eff ec-tive solutions to tackle emerging problems.By analyzing educational robotics,the hand-book attempts to place emphasis on how robotics c

35、an be leveraged to provide sound pedagogical principles essential for the de-velopment of transferable skills needed in our contemporary society.The handbook provides the reader with the key research organizations and journals that have extensively contributed to the fi eld of educational robotics i

36、n the past six years.Additionally,the popular and rele-vant terms and theories in educational ro-botics are provided to help the reader gain background knowledge of the subject matter.The hundred infl uential academic articles obtained from the systematic search of literature are further categorized

37、 into seven thematic areas in educational robotics to highlight the key areas researchers are focusing on.The handbook aims to guide a reader in comprehending how diff erent types of robots are utilized to promote learning among diff erent types of students in diff erent contexts and in diff erent d

38、isciplines of study.AcknowledgmentFirst and foremost,we wish to convey our utmost appreciation to the authors of the selected 100 articles,includ-ing but not limited to Tony Belpaeme of Ghent University,Rianne Van Den Berghe of Utrecht University,Marina Umaschi Bers of Tufts University,Huili Chen of

39、 Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Olimpia Pino of University of Parma,Jos-Manuel Sez-Lpez of Spanish National University of Distance Education,Mojtaba Shahab of Sharif University of Technology,whose eff orts have signifi cantly enriched the fi eld of educational robotics research.Ow-Figure 4 Wo

40、rd cloud generated from research articles8Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsing to constraints of space,this handbook has only included 40 articles for excerpt.However,we emphasize that all articles have high academic value.We would like to acknowledge t

41、he contribution of several experts for their helpful comments and advices to en-hance the quality of this handbook,especially Prof.Lei Fan of Capital Normal University,Prof.Xiangen Hu of Uni-versity of Memphis,Prof.Zoran Miljkovic of University of Belgrad,Prof.Danimir Mandic of University of Belgrad

42、e,Prof.Mario Dumancic of University of Zagreb,and Yanyan Li of Beijing Normal University.We would like to thank all the experts who participated in our interview to provide a solid base for the formation of this handbook,namely Prof.Linmi Tao of Tsinghua University,Prof.Haiguang Fang of Capital Norm

43、al University,Prof.Chungming Own of Tianjin University,Prof.Jianxin Pang of UBTECH Robotics Corp Ltd,Mr.Kanqing Wang of LEGO Education and Mr.Ning Cui of UBTECH Robotics Corp Ltd.We would also like to thank Dr.Tingwen Chang and Mrs.Junxiu Wang of Beijing Normal University,who has been actively invol

44、ved in the discussion and planning of this handbook project.Many people have helped us in finalizing this handbook.We would like to acknowledge the diligent efforts of those researchers who coordinated the preparation and production of this handbook,namely Yuhe Wang,Zhaoyu Lin,Zhichao Yang and Steph

45、anie Hollings.9Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots Defining Educational RobotsThis handbook covers two types of educational robots:educational robotics and educational service robots.Educational robotics is a series of activities,curriculums,physical plat

46、forms,educational resources,or education-al philosophy aim to assist teaching and learning activities.Through design,assembling,programming and opera-tion,educational robotics arouses the interest and curiosity of the students and nurtures learners competencies.Modular robots and robot kits are comm

47、on accessories in educational robotics,such as Lego Mindstorms,mBot are commonly used educational robotics for robotic teaching through hands-on activities.Educational service robots are service robots with intelligence capable of teaching and learning.They are com-monly used in auxiliary and manage

48、ment teaching in such domains as STEM education,language learning,and special needs learning programs.Different from the products commonly used in educational robotics,educational service robots have a fixed structure.In addition,users do not disassemble these robots by themselves.Education-al Servi

49、ce Robots can be in the form of humans,animals,or vehicles in different shapes and sizes.Figure 5 Educational robotics and educational service robots The Selection of Papers and User GuidanceThe 100 influential academic articles selected in this handbook had to be highly cited,with a cutting-edge pr

50、oposal,representative of their fields and most trendy.In order to find these articles,the following process was followed:Highly cited articles from Web of Science Core CollectionFirst,we retrieved data from the Web of Science Core Collection,which contains extensive resources on the online Reading G

51、uidelines of This Handbook10Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsFigure 6 Search and selection processplatform.It is a well-known trusted citation index for academic research,including no less than 21,000 peer-reviewed,high-quality academic journals ac-ces

52、sible across the world.The included publications cover more than 250 disciplines in natural sciences,social sciences and humanities,as well as conference proceedings and books in various kinds of disciplines.Due to the large number of data included in it,we se-lected the Web of Science Core Collecti

53、on as the main source of data used in this report.We processed the data collected from published doc-uments,which were selected based on the criteria:(1)the publications had to be rigorously designed;(2)the publications had to have arrived at conclusions through reliable and valid empirical research

54、;(3)the publications had to be published after a rigorous peer-reviewed process;(4)the publications had to be related to the use of robots in the educational fi eld.The data were obtained via publications in the online database Web of Science Core Collection(including databases of SCIE,SSCI,A&HCI an

55、d CPCI-S)using the terms(education*AND robot*)OR(teacher*AND robot*)OR(child*AND robot*)OR(student*AND robot*)OR(classroom*AND robot*)in titles from the timeframe of 2018 to 2022.Overall,we identifi ed 484 peer-reviewed articles.Then,these articles were sorted by citation score and the top 100 artic

56、les with high citations were selected to represent highly cited articles.Representative papers of top researchers and or-ganizationsWe conducted a statistical analysis of the total citation counts for each author of the selected literature and then sorted the authors in descending order based on the

57、ir citation counts.We selected the top 20 authors with the highest citation counts,as well as the three papers that these authors were cited most frequently in the literature under analysis.We also conducted a statistical analysis of the total citation counts for each research institution of the sel

58、ected literature and then sorted the institutions in descending order based on their citation counts.We selected the top 20 institutions with the highest cita-tion counts,as well as the three papers that these in-stitutions were cited most frequently in the literature under analysis.Snowballing lite

59、rature from referenceTo solicit literature on two key topics which are cog-nitive training for senior people and ChatGPT,we uti-lized the snowballing method.Finally,we manually deleted articles that were irrele-vant to the fi eld of education and got the fi nal list of articles to be reviewed and su

60、mmarized in this hand-book.11Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots How to Use This HandbookYou can read from any page of this handbook;however,the articles are integrated into seven topics for systematic comprehension.Please notice the index in each paper,a

61、nd do find the relevant information(organization,publi-cation,robot and terminology)in the chapter“Background Material Necessary for the Effective Use of This Hand-book”.Figure 7 Graphical guide for readingThematic Topics of Educational RobotThe 100 Influential academic articles reveal main thematic

62、 areas where educational robotics have been applied to enhance the learning outcomes of students.A new theme that has emerged is topic one,“Personalized tutoring through conversational agents”,which focused on a new advanced form of artificially intelligent chatbots,ChatGPT,which has become a hot di

63、scussion topic at the present and will possibly continue to be one in the future.Potential issues to be discussed in the use of the conversational agent(ChatGPT)are technical concepts,inclusion and ethical issues,usability and user experience,academic integrity and machine-human collaboration.Topic

64、two,“Robotics in STEM Education”,dealt with robotics for the implementation of STEM education which is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons.Robotics was seen to provide rich and attractive learning experiences in STEM education and fac

65、ilitated student engagement in 12Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsthe learning process.In topic three,“Robotics-Oriented Programming”,educational robotics application in the field of computer science,in particular programming,was presented.Here robotics

66、 was found to stimulate the creativity and problem-solv-ing abilities of learners but there are key challenges confronting current robot-based programming such as the impossibility of promoting the popularity of engineering colleges in robot-based programming because of the lack of necessary equipme

67、nt to promote the concept in engineering college,the shortage of qualified teachers and the issue of how teaching materials can be used to meet the demand for different grades students.A new form of AI,social robots,was the main focus of topic four,“Language Learning with Social Robots”.Thus,studies

68、 on how social robots can be used to promote language learning were discussed.The main discussion point for topic five,“Teaching with robotics in classrooms”,was how robotics can augment traditional pedagogical practices.The articles presented made a case for how educational robotics can be a valu-a

69、ble tool to help in the visualization of abstract knowledge.How robots can help students with neurological disabilities,specifically,autism was the main theme for topic six,“Robot-assisted special education”.These studies found that children with autism perceive robots as less intimidat-ing and more

70、 interesting,hence,these robots enable them to easily interact and engage in activities.Finally,the last topic,“Robot-Based Cognitive Training for the Senior People with Special Needs”,expounded on the potential of educational robots in promoting cognitive training for the senior people.Robotics was

71、 revealed as an accelerator of lifelong learning and good quality of life for the senior people.Topic 1.Personalized Tutoring through Conversational AgentsThe fourth industrial revolution keeps pushing the advancement of technology in the form of artificial intelligence(AI),robotics and natural lang

72、uage processing(NLP)which increasingly makes the use of conversational agents(such as chatbots)in education a possibility.Advanced conversational agents are powered by AI and exploit NLP to have text-based dialogues with users.A con-versational agent can also make use of speech recognition technolog

73、y to have a spoken conversation with a user.Devel-opers of conversational agents design them to mimic human-like conversations in a way that is indistinguishable from having actual interaction with a human.As a result,some conversational agents are imbued with human qualities like personality,emotio

74、n and humor.AI-powered conversational agents are able to offer learning support and enable a learner to engage in self-assessment which can be difficult to provide in Figure 8 An era of ChatGPT13Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational Robotstraditional learning env

75、ironments.In addition to providing personalized learning to users,conversational agents adopt human pedagogical roles such as learning companions,coaches or tutors in educational settings.Pedagogic conversational agents also promote collaborative learning in technology-enhanced learning environments

76、 such as E-learning,online learning,massive open online courses(MOOC)and in other virtual worlds.The use of conver-sational agents as pedagogical agents is underscored as having the potential to enhance learning outcomes and memory and increase the motivation of learners to engage in the learning pr

77、ocess.At the same time,it brings up discussions on academic integrity while applying such technology.One of the key recent developments of conversational agents is Chat Generative Pre-trained(ChatGPT)Transform-er,a new AI model which leverages NLP to perform a wide array of tasks.ChatGPT is a large

78、language model that uses deep learning algorithms trained on vast amounts of data by OpenAI,to generate human-like responses to user prompts.By the end of November 2022,ChatGPT was offi cially released to the public and immediately brought the ChatGPT phenomenon to almost everywhere-medical,economic

79、,fi nance,journalism,etc.Within one week,ChatGPT garnered more than one million subscribers,and the number has continued to raise to a hundred million in less than two months,which broke the record for taking the shortest time to reach 100 million monthly users.On March 15th 2023,OpenAI released GPT

80、-4 as the latest milestone.GPT-4 is a large multimodal model that is able to accept a prompt of text and images,and understand and express logical ideas behind the images.It can also teach a range of subject personalized by learners skill level.In the context of education,educators and students alre

81、ady unlocked several application scenarios.Educators can use it to create content like course outlines,presentations,coding,quizzes,grading,scientifi c papers,etc.Students can use it for helping solve questions,writing essays and getting formative feedback on their work.Several aca-demic studies hav

82、e already been made on exploring possible scenarios integrating ChatGPT in science education,engineering education,mathematical education,medical education,media education and special education.Figure 9 Evolution of GPT model14Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educationa

83、l RobotsDespite the popularity ChatGPT enjoys,people share mixed feelings regarding the way forward.ChatGPT may have profound implications for education such as transforming learning goals,learning methods,learning outcomes and learning assessment.However,ChatGPT could challenge educators to rethink

84、 their roles,methods and expec-tations.Just like other generative AI,ChatGPT has certainly brought opportunities and benefi ts to education but also implies threats and pitfalls.Table 1 Possible scenarios and examples of ChatGPT application in diff erent fi eldsFigure 10 Framework of ChatGPTThe bene

85、fi ts and opportunities of using ChatGPT in education include:ChatGPT may be used as a virtual intelligent tutor for personalized tutoring off ering personalized recommen-dations,interactive learning,creative problem-solving and collaborative learning experience.15Learning for All with AI?100 Influe

86、ntial Academic Articles of Educational Robots ChatGPT may also help to create an adaptive learning environment to stimulate mastery learning,where a student can progress at their own pace and learn more efficiently and effectively providing personalized learning experiences that are tailored to thei

87、r needs and abilities.ChatGPT can also be used as inspiration-one can adapt,mix or reinterpret AI-generated ideas to their own work.ChatGPT achieves state-of-the-art results on several translation benchmarks,which is able to make learning content more accessible.ChatGPT can leverage automation of th

88、e working processes to spare teachers from grading,assessment and other time-consuming work,and hence allow them more time to focus on teaching.Meanwhile,threats and pitfalls include:Cheating and plagiarism due to the use of ChatGPT,as ChatGPT can generate university-level papers,and professors alre

89、ady find it hard to tell whether it was written by a bot or by a student.Like other generative AI models,ChatGPT heavily relies on data.Depending on the quality of the data,it may occasionally generate incorrect information and may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content.ChatGPT

90、often provides a“semblance of truth”and“hallucinated misinformation”,just like Sam Altman,CEO of OpenAI mentioned,“ChatGPT is incredibly limited,but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness.”Considering the realistic natural dialogues ChatGPT offers,the misleading is

91、 often hard to be perceived.The privacy and data security of users should also be of great concern.ChatGPT will aggravate the issue of equitability as more privileged students were/are able to benefit much more from educational technology compared to more disadvantaged students.Anyway,the era of Cha

92、tGPT has already arrived and just like other technology,ChatGPT will penetrate the field of education.To achieve the proper use of technology,education focused on the critical thinking of the next genera-tion will become of more importance,as to filter out inaccuracies of AI.Clear guidelines should

93、be made to clarify the acceptable and non-acceptable use of such tools.ChatGPT will also leave a trace and a marketplace for the emergence of better detection tools.The selected highly cited papers below are organized as follows:Paper“What if the devil is my guardian angel:ChatGPT as a case study of

94、 using chatbots in education”tackles the merits,shortcomings,and other relevant issues to address in the application of chatbots in education.To do this,a recently developed and arguably the most advanced chatbot as of now,ChatGPT,is used as a case study.ChatGPT is touted to revolutionize education

95、because of its capability to provide real-time responses to user text inputs and engaged in novel creation.The paper put forward that while there is education transformation potential as a result of ChatGPT,it also presents educational dangers that need to address.Paper“ChatGPT for Good?On Opportuni

96、ties and Challenges of Large Language Models for Education”draws on existing research and their own experience to discuss how large language models(LLMs)can support education and learning through natural language processing and understanding including automated learning analytics,au-16Learning for A

97、ll with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotstomated writing and intelligent learning assistance.At the same time,the paper also highlights the potential issues associated with using LLMs such as lack of transparency and privacy concerns,as well as how to ensure fairness and neu

98、trality.Paper“Preparing Educators and Students for ChatGPT and AI Technology in Higher Education”aims to provide an overview of ChatGPT,including the background of ChatGPT,its capabilities,benefits,and potential challenges and limitations.Additionally,this study addresses the implications for educat

99、ors and higher education institutions and offers recommendations for addressing the concerns surrounding the use of ChatGPT and AI in higher education.Paper“Engineering Education in the Era of ChatGPT:Promise and Pitfalls of Generative AI for Education”proposes that with the rapid development of gen

100、erative artificial intelligence especially ChatGPT,personalized and effective learning experiences as well as creating realistic virtual simulations for hands-on learning can be provided to stu-dents.Meanwhile,ethical conerns are also raised.Hence,engineering educators should study how to adapt the

101、engineering education ecosystem to ensure the future engineers can take full advantages of technology while en-suring that it is used for good.Paper“How Does ChatGPT Perform on the United States Medical Licensing Examination?The Implications of Large Language Models for Medical Education and Knowled

102、ge Assessment”argues that ChatGPT marks a significant im-provement in natural language processing models on the tasks of medical question answering.By performing at a greater than 60%threshold on the NBME-Free-Step-1 data set,the paper shows that the model achieves the equiv-alent of a passing score

103、 for a third-year medical student.Additionally,the researchers highlight ChatGPTs capacity to provide logic and informational context across the majority of answers.These facts taken together make a com-pelling case for the potential applications of ChatGPT as an interactive medical education tool t

104、o support learning.Topic 2.Robotics in STEM EducationSTEM is the abbreviation for the four disciplines of Science,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics.STEM edu-cation is a comprehensive education based on the idea that these four areas of learning should be taught together in an integrated manner,

105、as opposed to teaching them separately.With this holistic learning style,students apply science,technology,engineering and mathematics in contexts that make connections between the classroom and the world around them.Among the practical approaches to STEM education,robotics,with its multi-disciplina

106、ry na-ture is used in more and more instructional experiments.Through activities of building robotics and problem-solv-ing,teachers can combine technology and engineering topics to make science and mathematics concepts more concrete by utilizing real-world applications.Robotics can be especially eff

107、ective in teaching STEM,as it can help students with visualizing and understanding the abstract concepts so often found in STEM.Furthermore,due to its easy access,ease of operation and attractiveness using robotics in STEM education is becoming more popular and plays a key role in STEM education.In

108、many studies,robots are considered constructive and hands-on learning environments that are suitable for a better understanding of STEM subjects.Usually,two kinds of educational robots are employed in STEM learning.One type is the robot which is built with various construction kits.The other is a ro

109、bot product generated by a 17Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsUse robotics to develop a STEM course,and explore context structure,learning patterns,learning groups,learning eff ects,etc.Exploring the means of developing students computational thinking,

110、metacognitive skills,problem-solving skills and so on through STEM education with robotics.Providing a constructive and hands-on learning environment to implement STEM education.Focusing on the students and teachers perception and experience of STEM learning with educational robot-ics,in terms of fa

111、ctors like acceptance,belief,attitude,confi dence,interest,anxiety,etc.The selected highly cited papers below are organized as follows:The paper“Empowering technology and engineering for STEM education through programming robots:a system-atic literature review”reviewed 23 studies to provide programm

112、ing experiences for robotics for children,between the ages of zero and eight,and for pre-or in-service teachers of early childhood education.This review revealed Figure 11 Robotic tool kits for STEM educationFigure 12 Robotics in STEM educationrobot manufacturer,and hence it comes completely assembl

113、ed.Both types of robots are widely used in STEM education and are attractive to students as they are easily accessible and manipulated by students.In the context of task-centered or proj-ect-based STEM learning with robotics,stu-dents can experience cooperative learning and work in small groups to b

114、uild robots,write programs and discuss solutions to problems.Thus,robots provide an engaging and hands-on learning experience that can make learning more enjoyable for students.The academic research on robotics for the implementation of STEM education mainly focuses on the following ar-eas:18Learnin

115、g for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsthat computer programming through robotics can be a promising educational tool and an application for the inte-gration of technology and engineering in early childhood STEM education.The paper“Robotics and STEM learning:student

116、s achievements in assignments according to the P3 Task Taxono-my-practice,problem-solving,and projects”presented the case of the development and evaluation of a STEM-ori-ented 30 hours robotics course for junior high school students.The project was aimed at exploring students working patterns,achiev

117、ements in learning the course and the impact of this experience on students motivation to learn STEM subjects.The paper“Robotics to develop computational thinking in early Childhood Education”described the experiences of 131 children participating in a quasi-experiment using experimental and control

118、 groups to verify the effect of edu-cational robot activities on childrens acquisition of computational thinking and programming skills.The paper“Using mastery learning theory to develop task-centered hands-on STEM learning of Arduino-based ed-ucational robotics:psychomotor performance and perceptio

119、n by a convergent parallel mixed method”aimed to explore psychomotor performance and perception of task-centered hands-on STEM learning of educational robot-ics.The paper“Collaborative Robotics,More Than Just Working in Groups”explored how collaboration interventions and prior student experiences af

120、fect a students learning motivation,problem-solving skills and science process skills in STEM education.The paper“Preparing Teachers to Engage Rural Students in Computational Thinking Through Robotics,Game Design,and Cul-turally Responsive Teaching(CRT)”focused on teacher challenges and adaptions re

121、lated to rural students involvement in robotics and game design.In order to do so,micro-topographic mapping methods were used to examine how CRT affects teachers STEM practices in three different learning envi-ronments.The researchers concluded that teachers beliefs about CRT and attitudes to-ward c

122、omputational thinking(CT)and STEM practices are malleable but vary based on the environment.The paper“An ultra-low-cost line follower robot as an educational tool for teaching programming and circuits foundations”presented an ultra-low-cost line following robot that was developed through the integra

123、tion of free educational software,low-cost electronics and mechanical devices which has been used as a teaching and learning tool to increase the students confidence/performance and interest in STEM education.Figure 13 STEM education activity 19Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Arti

124、cles of Educational RobotsTopic 3.Robotics-Oriented Programming Programming is the implementation of logic to facilitate specifi ed computing operations and functionality which consists of traditional education(C+and Java)and robotics.Diff erent from robotics,traditional education has an abstract pr

125、ogramming structure and often students are not able to reach suffi cient maturity levels without guid-ance.Robot-based programming is the process of defi ning specifi c commands of an application for an educational robot which is an interesting teaching tool that will help teachers when going throug

126、h many topics while keeping students engaged.And moreover,it is suitable for all levels and age groups.Learning computer programming often goes along with growing other skills such as logical thinking,problem-solving through tests,modifi cations and optimization,problem modeling,etc.Robotics is high

127、ly stimulating for younger students,and allows them to grow important soft skills such as problem-solving,creativity and team spirit.In higher education,robotics allows students to work with real hardware in order to be prepared for the challenges of real physical work.Studies have shown that the ma

128、in problems of current robot-based programming comprise three main points.First of all,it is impossible to promote the popularity of engineering colleges in robot-based programming because of the lack of necessary equipment.Secondly,the shortage of qualifi ed teachers is a key factor that restricts

129、the development of robot-based programming education.Therefore,it is necessary to improve the professional ability of front-line teachers to promote robot-based programming.Finally,related teaching materials should be used to meet the de-mand for students of all grade levels.Using robot-based practi

130、ces to develop ac-tivities helps students evaluate smart com-ponents from pedagogical and technological perspectives based on data gathered from real-world tasks.Students can gain interdisci-plinary knowledge through the robot-based mechatronics process,and they can apply the knowledge and technique

131、s learned to multiple areas.More importantly,during the hands-on process of building a robot,students can ac-quire techniques for using hands-on tools and enhance their hands-on ability.In addition,to control the robot to complete real-world tasks,students must fi rst acquire the skills of programmi

132、ng design which promotes their computational thinking ability.Robot-based programming can be widely adopted for all education levels,from early childhood to adolescents.For diff erent academic levels,the academic research on robot-based programming mainly focuses on diff erent areas as follows:For e

133、arly childhood,robot-based programming mainly focuses on how to induct computational thinking.For elementary school students,robot-based programming mainly focuses on how to develop computational thinking.Figure 14 Programming used in a technology-driven environment20Learning for All with AI?100 Inf

134、l uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsFor high school students,robot-based programming mainly focuses on how to boost the ability of innovation,hands-on,cooperation and problem-solving skills.For graduate students,robot-based programming mainly focuses on how to improve engagement.For pre

135、service teachers,robot-based programming mainly focuses on the eff ects of diff erent programming languages on computational thinking skills.Figure 15 Robot-based practices in programmingFigure 16 Programming based on robotThe selected highly cited papers below are or-ganized as follows:The paper“Co

136、ding as a playground:Promot-ing positive learning experiences in childhood classrooms”introduces coding and computa-tional thinking in early childhood education.By analyzing the research fi ndings,it is confi rmed that robots are an effective way to promote communication,collaboration and creativity

137、 in classroom settings.The paper“Active Learning Environments with Robotic Tangibles:Childrens Physical and Virtu-al Spatial Programming Experiences”studies the diff erence between real physical robots and virtual ones.Evalua-tions of both in the context of free play and open-ended learning activiti

138、es show that both systems aff ord opportu-21Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsnities for young children to engage in spatial programming,creating improvisational and sequential programs that mediate interactions between the environment,robots and humans

139、in responsive and creative ways.The papers“A Tool for Introducing Computer Science with Automatic Formative Assessment”,“How Does the De-gree of Guidance Support Students Metacognitive and Problem Solving Skills in Educational Robotics?”and“High School Students Views on the PBL Activities Supported

140、via Flipped Classroom and LEGO Practices”all focused on how to boost students engagement,how to investigate the development of students problem-solving skills and how to increase motivation and interest in the lesson,respectively.“A Tool for Introducing Computer Science with Automatic Formative Asse

141、ssment”measured indicators of student engagement and found that girls engagement with Chatbot was higher than boys for most indicators and in the online competition,the task completion rate for the students that decided to use Chatbot was five times higher than for the students that chose to use the

142、 renowned animation and game programming tool,Alice.“How Does the Degree of Guidance Support Students Metacognitive and Problem Solving Skills in Educational Robotics?”investigated the development of students metacognitive and problem-solving skills in the context of educational robotics activities

143、and the articles results show that strong guidance in solving problems can have a positive impact on students metacognitive and prob-lem-solving skills.Meanwhile,students eventually reach the same level of metacognitive and problem-solving skills development independently of their age and gender.“Hi

144、gh School Students Views on the PBL Activities Supported via Flipped Classroom and LEGO Practices”investigated high school students views on instructions based on LEGO applications.The researchers in this project stated that by partaking in the study,the students motivation and interest in the lesso

145、n increased.Additionally,in the group work the students were found to have cooperated,ex-changed ideas,shared tasks,took responsibility and socialized with their friends.The paper“Student in the shell:The robotic body and student engagement”explored how the embodiment of graduate students in robotic

146、 surrogates was related to their engagement in a class with other robotically and non-robotically embodied classmates.The studys results showed that nonverbal communication with ones robot-ic body is a dominant form of interaction and engagement in synchronous learning contexts and multiple contex-t

147、ual factors affect robotic students engagement.The paper“The effects of different programming trainings on the computational thinking skills”points out there is uncertainty about how to develop computational thinking in teachers and how to transfer it to the classroom envi-ronment.This paper hence f

148、ocused on the effects of different programming languages on computational thinking skills.Pre-tests and post-tests show that robot has a significant difference compared with programming languages.Topic 4.Language Learning with Social RobotsLanguage learning is a crucial aspect of human development a

149、s it allows individuals to communicate,interact and express themselves.With advancements in technology,the way we learn languages has changed,and social robots have emerged as a new platform for language learning.Social robots are defined as machines that can socially in-teract and communicate intel

150、ligently with humans.Language learning with social robots refers to the use of robots as a teaching aid for language education.This approach incorporates technology,artificial intelligence and pedago-gy to create an interactive and engaging learning experience.Social robots are designed to interact

151、with humans,22Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsrespond to their actions and provide feedback in a natural and human-like manner.This creates a more personalized and enjoyable learning experience,compared to traditional language learning methods.The use

152、of social robots for language learning has received mixed reviews,with some re-search suggesting that they can be effective tools for enhancing language acquisition and motivation,while others have found limited benefits.Positive reviews emphasize the inter-active and engaging nature of social robot

153、s,which can make language learning more fun and interesting for students.Social robots can also provide personalized feedback by adapt-ing to the individual needs and pace of each student.This can help to increase motivation and engagement in language learning.Howev-er,some negative reviews highligh

154、t the limita-tions of social robots,including their high cost and limited accessibility for all students.Addi-tionally,there is a concern that the use of social robots may oversimplify language learning and not fully prepare students for real-life commu-nication.The field of language learning with s

155、ocial robots is still in its early stages,and there is significant potential for growth and development.In the future,we can expect to see an increase in the use of social robots in language education,with more sophisticated robots and more advanced artificial intelligence algorithms.Additionally,th

156、ere will be a growing focus on the integration of social robots into language education,creating a seamless and immer-sive learning experience.Finally,there will be a continued effort to evaluate the effectiveness of language learning with social robots,providing valuable insights for future develop

157、ment and improvement.In conclusion,language learning with social robots is a promising approach to language education that has the po-tential to enhance student engagement,motivation and language proficiency.The field is rapidly evolving,and fu-ture developments are expected to bring new and excitin

158、g opportunities for language learning with social robots.Figure 17 Robot in language education23Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsThe research on the application of social robots in language learning mainly includes the following two perspec-tives:Liter

159、ature studies were conducted using diff erent robots and methods for diff erent languages,age groups and aspects of language,summarizing the fi ndings and shortcomings of existing studies and looking at future research trends.Diff erent forms of social robots for the development of childrens languag

160、e learning such as vocabulary,read-ing skills,speaking skills,grammar and sign language.Diff erent forms of social robots to support second language learning in adults,which extend the reach of the classroom and provide adults with the opportunity to learn a language anywhere and anytime.The applica

161、tion of social robots in language learning has been an active area of research.Here are fi ve representative studies that showcase the current state of research in this fi eld:The paper“Social Robots and Young Childrens Early Language and Literacy Learning”reviewed 13 studies on social robots in lan

162、guage learning and found that social robots can assist with early language and literacy learning in typi-cally developing children.However,very few studies were found that have examined the eff ects of social robots on early literacy learning.The paper“Social Robots for Language Learning:A Review”re

163、viewed 33 studies on social robots in language learn-ing and found that too few studies have been conducted so far to conclude that robots are eff ective language tu-tors,and future studies will allow for fi rmer conclusions regarding robots potential as language tutors.The paper“Teaching and learni

164、ng with children:Impact of reciprocal peer learning with a social robot on childrens learning and emotive engagement”presented a novel active role-switching(ARS)policy trained using reinforce-ment learning,and shed light on how fi xed role(tutor/tutee)and adaptive role(peer)agents support childrens

165、cognitive and emotional needs as they play and learn.The paper“Guidelines for designing social robots as second language tutors”suggested that social robots can ef-fectively serve as second language tutors,but their design should take into account several guidelines to maximize their eff ectiveness,

166、including considering the robots appearance,voice,behavior,and feedback mechanisms.Figure 18 Language Learning with Social Robots24Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsThe paper“Intelligent personal assistants:can they understand and be understood by accen

167、ted L2 learners?”in-vestigated Echos ability to recognize and process non-native accented speech at diff erent levels of accentedness,based on the accuracy of its replies for a set of pre-established questions.Topic 5.Teaching with Robotics in ClassroomsIt is a challenge for teachers or professors w

168、ho use traditional techniques(such as oral explanations,PowerPoint presentations,etc.)to provide students with a clear understanding of abstract theoretical concepts in K-12 and higher education.Therefore,a valuable topic is how to integrate robotics to complement traditional pedagogical practices i

169、n basic disciplines in K-12 and engineering courses in higher education,thereby solving the poor learning of traditional methods,improving students understanding of abstract concepts and reinforcing students system design skills,among other benefi ts.Robotics is mainly used as tools,technologies or

170、approaches to enhance traditional pedagogical practices in K-12 and higher education.In K-12 education,which mainly focuses on basic disciplines,integrating educational robots into mathematics or other subject areas may provide insights into new horizons.This study can encourage more teachers to vis

171、ualize abstract knowledge with the tangible and manipulable nature of robots.In higher education,which mainly offers multidisciplinary engineering courses,robotics can be a valuable teaching tool for various engineering courses in the classroom because of its multidisciplinary nature.Thus,they can e

172、nhance the way the professors teach,reinforce students theories and skills,etc.For example,3D simulations can create virtual envi-ronments in robotics courses and robot prototypes can be designed as new technologies in mechatronics-related courses.The academic research on how to use robotics to com-

173、plement traditional pedagogical practices is promising,but more rigorous research is needed.In K-12 educa-tion,several studies have shown that robotics generally plays an active role in mathematics and other funda-mental disciplines.However,there is a lack of high-qual-ity empirical research showing

174、 the infl uence of integrat-ed robotics on academic performance.In some fields of science education,robots were seldom adopted in classrooms such as astronomy,chemistry,etc.In addi-tion,the use of socially assistive robots in mathematics and science is very limited.In higher education,previous works

175、 have shown that the integration of robotics into traditional teaching practices provides teaching tools and technologies and has a positive infl uence on students.Nevertheless,there are no formal studies as of now that demonstrate the impact of using robotics on the academic performance of college

176、students.Figure 19 Integration of robotics in the classroom25Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsThe academic research on how to integrate robotics to complement traditional pedagogical practices has devel-oped the following scenarios:In K-12 education,ro

177、botics is mainly used as tools or integrated as approaches in pedagogical practice,most-ly applied in basic disciplines,to improve students understanding of fundamental concepts,promote stu-dents engagement,etc.In higher education,robotics is essentially utilized as tools or designed as technologies

178、 in pedagogical prac-tice,mostly in multidisciplinary engineering courses,to address the limitations of traditional methods,im-prove students understanding of abstract concepts,reinforce students system design skills,etc.The selected highly cited papers below are organized as follows:The paper“The e

179、ff ect of programming on primary school students mathematical and scientifi c understanding:educational use of mBot”detailed the implementation of programming and robotics,and emphasized the benefi ts acquired in mathematics,computational concepts and interactions in the classroom.This paper present

180、ed pro-posals for the integration of educational robotics with visual block programming in mathematics,especially in the subjects or didactic units related to coordinates and integers.The paper“Exploring the evolution of two girls conceptions and practices in computational thinking in science”ex-plo

181、red the evolution of two elementary school girls conceptions and practices of CT in science.The study provided a qualitative view of how elementary school girls CT conceptions and practices evolved throughout a CT-integrated science module using robotics kits.The study also demonstrated instructiona

182、l methods and integrated activities that future research can leverage in engaging girls in STEM learning opportunities.The paper“A systematic review of the literature regarding socially assistive robots in pre-tertiary education”aimed to critically review the research on the use of Socially Assistiv

183、e Robots(SARs)in pre-tertiary classrooms teaching mathematics and science.The study found that SARs can have positive eff ects on students learning outcomes,en-gagement,motivation and social skills.The results indicated that the use of SARs in pre-tertiary education is prom-ising,but studies focusin

184、g on mathematics and science are signifi cantly under-represented.In addition,this study Figure 20 Teaching with robotics in classrooms26Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotssuggested that rigorous evidence is needed to assess SARs promise in mathematics an

185、d science-inclusive teaching and learning.The paper“Analysing the effect of the use of 3D simulations on the performance of engineering students in a ro-botics course:Findings from a pilot study”showed that simulations can help solve the poor learning of many traditional methods and provide a tool t

186、o improve the way in which professors teach.The test results demonstrated that the performance of the students in the group using the new teach-ing methods combining traditional methods together with the 3D simulations was better than that of the students in the group where only the traditional meth

187、od was used.In this way,the students in the group using the new teaching method consequently reinforced their theoretical knowledge and practical skills to solve exercises.The paper“A Multidisciplinary Industrial Robot Approach for Teaching Mechatronics-Related Courses”presented a robot prototype us

188、ed for teaching in multidisciplinary engineering courses.Considering the student outcomes in terms of Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology(ABET)criteria,it can be concluded that the prototype helps students to:improve their system design skills;acquire desired skills within realistic c

189、onstraints;and learn to work in multidisciplinary teams.Furthermore,student portfolios from the laboratory activities will be useful in future ABET evaluations,to emphasize the contribution of the robot prototype to improving the student learning outcomes.Topic 6.Robot-assisted Special EducationSoci

190、al robots have received great acceptance from children and adults in the field of education.A recent study at-tributed the high acceptance and preference to many reasons:the childlike appearance which attracts attention;the patience and stability robots can provide in interaction;the multiple roles

191、as tutor,assistant and peers.The ad-vantages of using social robots in the educational process are even more valuable considering special education,where the children interacting with the robots have some impairments.Studies have been conducted for applying robots to children with different impairme

192、nt types including autism spectrum disorder(ASD),attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder(ADHD),neurodevelopment disorders(NDD),hearing impairment,cerebral palsy,oncologi-cal disorders and down syndrome.Among these,robot intervention for children with ASD has drawn much more attention than other

193、 impairments.ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that presents in the form of severe difficulties in social communication and interaction,along with repetitive behaviors and stereotypical interests.Individuals with ASD often perceive the Figure 21 Teaching with robots in the manufacturing hub27Lear

194、ning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsworld in a different way.They exhibit a spectrum of characteristics including unsuitable communication,inappro-priate social interaction and repetitive and unusual stereotyped behaviors.Both the verbal and non-verbal com-mun

195、ication skills,like conversation skills,narrative skills and gestural communication skills of children with ASD are generally quite low,and some never develop completely functional speech corresponding to their chronological age.In addition,children with ASD tend to respond negatively to change,in c

196、ontrast to their peers of typical de-velopment who adjust relatively easily to new conditions.It is believed that some of the most common symptoms related to difficulties lie in attention and impairment in cognitive,sensory,motor and emotional functions since children with ASD often display difficul

197、ties in understanding feelings,motives and body language.Despite that some high-functional children with autism have a very high Intelligence Quotient(IQ),or are gifted in memorizing and mathematics,most children with autism have deficits in intelligence and motor function.For the past century,the d

198、iagnostic criteria and screening tools for autism have evolved,and the definition has broadened.Meanwhile,people have become more aware and informed about autism through its widening defini-tion.The above two factors lead to the fact that more and more children are diagnosed with ASD.According to th

199、e Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report issued by the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,the overall prevalence of ASD among the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring(ADDM)sites was 14.7 per 1,000(one in 68)children aged 8 years in 2010.

200、The ASD prevalence then rose to 18.5 per 1,000(one in 54)in 2016 and 23 per 1,000(one in 43)in 2018,which makes ASD a very common disorder among children.While au-tism is incurable,it is believed that early interven-tion programs are able to help them in improving their quality of life.However,despi

201、te the statis-tics reported in every continent,the numbers of medical personnel and occupational therapists(OT)are still limited which poses a challenge to cope with providing effective intervention pro-grams.Thus,developing robotic tools for autism intervention programs are necessary so as to incre

202、ase the capacity of medically trained people to provide effective intervention programs.According to the social motivation theory of autism,individuals with ASD show deficits in orienting toward social stimuli,engaging with humans and maintaining social relations which leads to the fact that individ

203、uals with ASD tend to have low interest in other humans and have a weaker understanding of the interpersonal world than of the object-related world.They may find it challenging to pay attention to multiple cues during social interactions with humans,and thus are less sensitive to other peoples behav

204、iors.The above factors build a natural barrier to learn-ing social skills from people.In contrast,robot-enhanced therapy(RET)is a promising method for improving social skills and reducing behavioral symptoms of children with ASD,for it has been proven to have many potential ben-efits for overcoming

205、the obstacles inherent to human-to-human interaction.While communication in the human world tends to be unpredictable,computer-programmed robots offer stability and do not exhibit emotional transi-tions in a way that a human partner would.Therefore,it establishes a more simplified and more predictab

206、le form Figure 22 Interaction between robots and an autistic child28Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsof communication.Also,robots are operated within predictable and lawful systems and can focus on one task at a time thereby providing a highly structur

207、ed learning environment and helping children with ASD to focus on the targeted stimuli.Moreover,a robot appears less intimidating to a child with ASD than a human,for its expressions and reactions are more limited and predictable.Nevertheless,children perceive robots as attractive or interesting and

208、 prefer to engage them in activities and interactions.Most children with ASD exhibit a clear preference for ro-bots,rather than non-robotic toys,or even people,and they tend to respond faster to cues provided by a robotic partner than a human partner.Many pilot studies have been made to investigate

209、the eff ectiveness of RET for children with ASD,and most of them support the favorability in every aspect.Still,some fi ndings are the opposite with no signifi cant diff erence or poor performance using RET.To conclude,the research on RET for children with ASD mainly focuses on the following scenari

210、os:Robots as a tutor or pedagogical tools to teach children with ASD certain abilities such as musical ability,dra-ma play,etc.,thus to develop basic skills for daily life.Robots engage to enhance social skills such as verbal/nonverbal communication,imitation skills,etc.,so as to build interpersonal

211、 relationships.Using robots to target behavioral symptoms and emotional issues.Robotics serving as a platform or medium for social interaction between children with ASD and human in-structors,thus enhancing eff ectiveness of human therapy.The selected highly cited papers below are organized as follo

212、ws:The paper“Review of assistive technology in the training of children with autism spectrum disorders”presents,or-ganizes and evaluates the most important features and results of 13 relevant scientifi c articles from the timeframe of 2008-2018.By analyzing the research fi ndings,it was confi rmed t

213、hat robots can have positive immediate eff ects on the communication skills of children with ASD,and is promising for future research.The paper“Utilizing social virtual reality robot(V2R)for music education to children with high-functioning autism”develops a virtual reality system based on the NAO r

214、obot,to conduct music education for four high-functioning and one low-functioning child with ASD.This is done in order to see whether robots can improve the musical ability and performance of children in playing melodies,as well as social and cognitive skills.Figure 23 Robot-assisted special educati

215、on29Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsThe paper“Who is a better teacher for children with autism?Comparison of learning outcomes between ro-bot-based and human-based interventions in gestural production and recognition”compares the learning out-comes in

216、children with ASD and intellectual disabilities from robot-based intervention on 14 gestural usages in daily communication to those used in human-based intervention.The paper“Effects of a Robot-Enhanced Intervention for Children with ASD on Teaching Turn-Taking Skills”investi-gated the effectiveness

217、 of a robot-enhanced intervention on turn-taking abilities through five single-subject exper-iments with children with ASD aged between three and five years.The performance,social interaction and behav-ioral outcomes were measured.The paper“Robotic Intervention Program for Enhancement of Social Enga

218、gement among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”used the NAO robot to assist in the teaching of 14 students with ASD in a structured interac-tive social game,a structured story-based activity and a structured singing and dancing activity.This was done to enhance the core components of social com

219、munication.The paper“Robot-based play-drama inter-vention may improve the narrative abilities of Chinese-speaking preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder”and the paper“Robotic In-tervention Program for Enhancement of Social Engagement among Children with Autism Spec-trum Disorder”examined whether

220、 children with ASD who received a robot intervention program had better abilities than their peers who did not receive the intervention.They separately focused on narrative abilities and gestural communica-tion,eye contact and verbal initiation.Topic 7.Robot-Based Cognitive Training for the Senior P

221、eople with Special NeedsCognitive training aims to maintain or improve cognitive functioning(e.g.,memory or attention)through structured and guided activities carried out individually or in a group.The difficulty level of activities can be adapted to indi-vidual functioning.It has also been demonstr

222、ated that cognitive training can enhance the cognitive functioning of people with mild dementia.In any aging society,some elderly people have memory or thinking problems which are called mild cognitive im-pairment,or mild cognitive impairment(MCI).MCI is a stage preceding dementia that does not meet

223、 the dementia criteria but already the person diagnosed has some symptoms in domains such as memory and language,com-pared with healthy individuals of the same age group.It is estimated that about 12%to 36%of older adults have MCI,and as the population of older adults increases,the prevalence of MCI

224、 will gradually increase.Approximately Figure 24 Robots to help autistic children30Learning for All with AI?100 Infl uential Academic Articles of Educational Robots12%of older adults with normal cognitive functions but approximately 10-15%of those with MCI would show the develop-ment of Alzheimers d

225、ementia.With the rapid development of robotics and information and communications technology(ICT),cognitive training robot-ics have provided promising training and assistance approaches to mitigate cogni-tive defi cits.Particularly due to the short-age of human caregivers and the high burden of care

226、giving,robots can provide care with high repeatability and without any complaints.Both human-like robots and animal-like robots are adopted to conduct cognitive training for the elderly person.Furthermore,social robots can improve an elderly persons social interaction,communica-tion and depression t

227、o improve the eff ectiveness of cognitive training.Social interaction is the interaction of multi-ple individuals with each other such as gatherings,play,sports and other group activities.Studies have shown that active participation of older adults in face-to-face interaction online and offl ine can

228、 lead to a healthier lifestyle and improved cognitive function,while those who participate less in social activities may have a slow decline in cogni-tive function.We selected fi ve studies published in recent three years and these fi ve studies conducted robot-assistive cognitive training research

229、in two fi elds,namely:Robot-Assisted Intervention of cognitive training for the senior people.The interactions and acceptability of the robots for the senior people.Figure 25 Robots supporting senior peopleFigure 26 Robot-Based Cognitive Training for the Senior People with Special Needs31Learning fo

230、r All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsFor Robot-Assisted Intervention,randomized controlled trials were conducted in these studies and participants cognition,subjective memory complaints questionnaire and neuropsychological assessment were measured through these studie

231、s to test the effectiveness of SARs for the training of an elders cognitive ability.Two studies used the humanoid robot,namely Sil-bot and NAO in interventions with participants with dementia or mild cogni-tive impairment.The paper“The Humanoid Robot Sil-Bot in a Cognitive Training Program for Commu

232、nity-Dwelling Elderly People with Mild Cognitive Impairment during the COVID-19 Pandemic:A Randomized Controlled Trial”used a multi-do-main cognitive training program in particular,robot-assisted training conducted 12 times,twice a week for six weeks.According to the results,cognitive function was i

233、mproved and depression declined in community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment.The paper“The Humanoid Robot NAO as Trainer in a Memory Program for Elderly People with Mild Cognitive Im-pairment”also revealed that memory training with NAO resulted in an increase of visual gaze from

234、 patients and reinforcement of therapeutic behavior reducing,in some cases,depressive symptoms.For Interactions and Acceptability,the purpose of these studies was to assess how the elderly perceived the SARs in terms of usability,appearance and satisfaction through a questionnaire or Qualitative Con

235、tent Analysis.Accept-ability was often assessed with the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)and Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology model(UTAUT).Three studies focused on how the robots were used and how the elderly per-ceived them.The paper“Mini:A New Social Robot for the Elderly”too

236、k the social robot Mini which supports elders and care-givers in cognitive and mental tasks as an example and described all aspects of the design including sensors,human-robot interaction and so on of a new social robot for older people.This study also evaluated how users perceived the robot based o

237、n participants reporting interesting results in terms of usability,appearance and satis-faction.The paper“The Impact of Serious Games with Humanoid Robots on Mild Cognitive Impairment Older Adults”in-vestigated how seniors with Mild Cognitive Impairments related to and perceived serious games access

238、ed through Figure 27 Interaction between robots and senior people32Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotshumanoid robots,as part of a training program aimed to improve their cognitive status.The results showed that the robot was received with more enthusiasm

239、 by the older adults,thus improving their level of engagement.The paper“The Usability and Impact of a Low-Cost Pet Robot for Older Adults and People With Dementia:Qualita-tive Content Analysis of User Experiences and Perceptions on Consumer Websites”used a novel methodology to analyze the informatio

240、n that was uploaded by reviewers of the JfA cat on the review sites to explore the usability and impact of the JfA robotic cat,as an example of a low-cost robot,based on perceptions and experiences of us-ing the JfA cat for older adults and people with dementia.From what can be deducted from the edu

241、cational robotics scenarios and 100 influential academic articles,school systems can better improve through the incorporation of robotics in pedagogical practices.We found the studies presented very interesting and important for further discourse on educational robotics.We realized that different di

242、sciplines can apply specific and tailored-made educational robotics products to improve learning.33Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsPostscriptWe call for more rigorous research studies in the field of educational robotics.The discussions in this handboo

243、k can act as a springboard for further deliberations on solutions,mitigating factors,best practices,and prospects of educational robotics.A collective effort by research organizations and governments can help advance the call for the optimal use of ro-botics in education.Future research directions c

244、ould range from human-robot collaboration,robotics for person-alized and adaptive learning,equity issues in robotics such as inclusion and access,educational robotics for social and emotional learning,effectiveness and evaluation of educational robotics,implementing educational robotics in deprived

245、regions,and designing robots for multiple disciplines.Recommendations1.Explore the mechanism of human-machine collaboration and build an intelligent education ecosystem.With the rise of artificial intelligence technologies(robots,intelligent tutoring systems,chatbots,metaverse,etc.),studying human-m

246、achine collaboration in education has become extremely important.It is vital to focus on how to improve the role of teachers and achieve collaborative teaching between teachers and machines while addressing ethical issues.Theoretical research,platform and guidance are needed to support and strengthe

247、n the practice of human-machine teaching in primary and secondary schools and universities.2.Develop e-pedagogy and revise the direction of education reform to adapt to the age of intel-li2.gence.The age of intelligence will introduce a large number of artificial intelligence technologies into educa

248、tion,most of which are double-edged swords,such as ChatGPT.It is not wise to ban these technologies because of the draw-backs.Instead,we need to change our education to meet the needs of education in the age of intelligence.This includes teaching philosophy,e-learning,digital resources,assessment me

249、thods,etc.3.Rethink the key competencies of students,teachers,and citizens of the intelligence age.The age of intelligence demands more than just ICT skills.New abilities,such as psychology and communication,are needed so that users can communicate and collaborate with machines in education.it is im

250、portant to study how to achieve“collaborative intelligence”(i.e.,design strategies,required abilities,etc.)to ensure that human teachers and machines(i.e.,information technology systems,ChatGPT,robots)can share their intelligence and work together effectively to achieve the desired educational goals

251、.4.Keep up with the pace of open science development and embrace the international open-source movement.Openness can promote access to education and support innovation when users(such as students,teachers,and 34Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsadministr

252、ators)can access,modify,and reuse tools/content in their environment.Therefore,it is crucial to conduct research on open science and develop relevant policies to support education and innovation in the age of intel-ligence.The open science includes various elements such as open-source policies,open

253、educational resources,open data,open methods,open peer review,and open access.5.Initiate social experiments on AI and education on a large scale,and ensure healthy and sus-tainable digital transformation.Social experiments have less control over the process and provide a path to study the real impac

254、t of artificial intel-ligence technology in real and natural education processes.It also provides a practical basis and data support for extending public service in education,which is a crucial part of a countrys digital transformation in education,as it helps achieve education fairness,scaled educa

255、tion,and personalized learning,improve the quality of digital educa-tion,and promote the achievement of UNESCO Sustainable Development Goal 4.35Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsList of 100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots(in alphabeti

256、cal order)1 Ahumada-Newhart,V.,&Olson,J.S.(2019).Going to School on a Robot.ACM Transactions on Comput-er-Human Interaction(TOCHI),26,1-28.https:/doi.org/10.1145/3325210Keywords:Telepresence robots,Inclusion,Education,Communication,Identity,Social norms,Schools,AppearanceCitation:152 Alemi,M.,Meghda

257、ri,A.F.,Basiri,N.M.,&Taheri,A.(2015).The Effect of Applying Humanoid Robots as Teacher Assistants to Help Iranian Autistic Pupils Learn English as a Foreign Language.International Con-ference on Software Reuse.https:/doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25554-5_1Keywords:Humanoid robot,Autism,High-functioning,

258、Foreign language education,RALLCitation:363 Alemi,M.,Meghdari,A.F.,&Ghazisaedy,M.(2015).The Impact of Social Robotics on L2 Learners Anxiety and Attitude in English Vocabulary Acquisition.International Journal of Social Robotics,7,523-535.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s12369-015-0286-yKeywords:Social robot

259、ics,RALL,Anxiety,Attitude,EFL learnersCitation:794 Arastoopour Irgens,G.,Dabholkar,S.,Bain,C.,Woods,P.,Hall,K.C.,Swanson,H.,Horn,M.S.,&Wilen-sky,U.(2020).Modeling and Measuring High School Students Computational Thinking Practices in Sci-ence.Journal of Science Education and Technology,29,137-161.ht

260、tps:/doi.org/10.1007/s10956-020-09811-1Keywords:Computational thinking,Learning analytics,Assessment,Biology,Science learningCitation:285 Atmatzidou,S.,Demetriadis,S.N.,&Nika,P.(2018).How Does the Degree of Guidance Support Students Metacognitive and Problem Solving Skills in Educational Robotics?Jo

261、urnal of Science Education and Tech-nology,27,70-85.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10956-017-9709-xKeywords:Educational robotics,Metacognition,Problem solving,Teacher guidanceCitation:296 Aydn,.,&Karaarslan,E.(2022).OpenAI ChatGPT Generated Literature Review:Digital Twin in Health-care.SSRN Electronic Jour

262、nal.https:/doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.430868736Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsKeywords:OpenAI,ChatGPT,Artificial Intelligence,Digital twin,Healthcare,ChatGPT revolution,Academic Publish-ing7 Barak,M.,&Assal,M.(2016).Robotics and STEM learning:students achie

263、vements in assignments ac-cording to the P3 Task Taxonomypractice,problem solving,and projects.International Journal of Tech-nology and Design Education,28,121-144.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10798-016-9385-9Keywords:Robotics,STEM,Task taxonomyCitation:528 Barnes,J.A.,Park,C.H.,Howard,A.M.,&Jeon,M.P.(20

264、20).Child-Robot Interaction in a Musical Dance Game:An Exploratory Comparison Study between Typically Developing Children and Children with Au-tism.International Journal of HumanComputer Interaction,37,249-266.https:/doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2020.1819667Citation:119 Baxter,P.E.,Ashurst,E.J.,Read,R.,

265、Kennedy,J.,&Belpaeme,T.(2017).Robot education peers in a situat-ed primary school study:Personalisation promotes child learning.PLoS ONE,12.https:/doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0178126Citation:8210 Belpaeme,T.,Kennedy,J.,Ramachandran,A.,Scassellati,B.,&Tanaka,F.(2018).Social robots for edu-cation:A r

266、eview.Science Robotics,3.https:/doi.org/10.1126/scirobotics.aat5954Citation:44511 Benotti,L.,Martnez,M.C.,&Schapachnik,F.(2018).A Tool for Introducing Computer Science with Automatic Formative Assessment.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,11,179-192.https:/doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2017.2682084Key

267、words:Interactive learning environments,K-12 education,Computer science education,Automatic formative assessmentCitation:2412 Bers,M.U.,Flannery,L.P.,Kazakoff,E.R.,&Sullivan,A.(2014).Computational thinking and tinkering:Exploration of an early childhood robotics curriculum.Computers&Education,72,145

268、-157.https:/doi.org/10.1016/pedu.2013.10.020Keywords:Elementary education,Interactive learning environments,Pedagogical issues,Teaching/learning strate-gies,Robotics,Programming,Early childhoodCitation:36013 Bers,M.U.,Gonzlez-Gonzlez,C.S.,&Armas-Torres,M.B.(2019).Coding as a playground:Promoting pos

269、itive learning experiences in childhood classrooms.Computers&Education,138,130-145.https:/doi.37Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsorg/10.1016/pedu.2019.04.013Keywords:Cooperative/collaborative learning,Teaching/learning strategies,Improving classroom tea

270、ching,Ele-mentary educationCitation:7414 Burleson,W.,Harlow,D.B.,Nilsen,K.J.,Perlin,K.,Freed,N.,Jensen,C.N.,Lahey,B.,Lu,P.,&Muldner,K.(2018).Active Learning Environments with Robotic Tangibles:Childrens Physical and Virtual Spatial Pro-gramming Experiences.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,

271、11,96-106.https:/doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2017.2724031Keywords:Robots,Computers,Electronic mail,Programming profession,Education,ContextCitation:1715 etin,M.,&Demircan,H.(2018).Empowering technology and engineering for STEM education through programming robots:a systematic literature review.Early Child D

272、evelopment and Care,190,1323-1335.https:/doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2018.1534844Keywords:Early childhood education,Robotics,Programming,STEM education,Technology,EngineeringCitation:2116 Chang,C.,&Chen,Y.(2020).Using mastery learning theory to develop task-centered hands-on STEM learning of Arduino-ba

273、sed educational robotics:psychomotor performance and perception by a conver-gent parallel mixed method.Interactive Learning Environments,30,1677-1692.https:/doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1741400Keywords:Educational robotics,Psychomotor,Hands-on task,Task-Centered learningCitation:1017 Chen,C.,Yang,C

274、.,Huang,K.,&Yao,K.(2020).Author response for“Augmented reality and competition in robotics education:Effects on 21st century competencies,group collaboration and learning motivation”.https:/doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12469Keywords:21st century competencies,Augmented reality,Competition,Learning motivation

275、,Robotics educationCitation:1618 Chen,H.,Park,H.,&Breazeal,C.L.(2020).Teaching and learning with children:Impact of reciprocal peer learning with a social robot on childrens learning and emotive engagement.Computer&Education,150,103836.https:/doi.org/10.1016/pedu.2020.103836Keywords:Intelligent tuto

276、ring systems,Interactive learning,Environments,Evaluation of CAL systems,Cooperative/collaborative learningCitation:4519 Cheng,Y.,Wang,Y.,Yang,Y.,Yang,Z.,&Chen,N.(2020).Designing an authoring system of robots and IoT-based toys for EFL teaching and learning.Computer Assisted Language Learning,34,6-3

277、4.https:/doi.38Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsorg/10.1080/09588221.2020.1799823Keywords:Authoring system,IoT-based toys,Pedagogical needs,Robot-assisted language learning,System usabili-tyCitation:2020 Chevalier,M.,Giang,C.,Piatti,A.,&Mondada,F.(2020)

278、.Fostering computational thinking through edu-cational robotics:a model for creative computational problem solving.International Journal of STEM Edu-cation,7,1-18.https:/doi.org/10.1186/s40594-020-00238-zKeywords:Computational thinking,Educational robotics,Instructional intervention,Problem solving,

279、Trial-and-er-rorCitation:3821 Chung,E.Y.(2019).Robotic Intervention Program for Enhancement of Social Engagement among Chil-dren with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities,31,419-434.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10882-018-9651-8Keywords:Human robotic interaction,Robo

280、tics,ASD,Social engagementCitation:1622 Cotton,D.R.,Cotton,P.A.,&Shipway,J.R.(2023).Chatting and cheating:Ensuring academic integrity in the era of ChatGPT.Innovations in Education and Teaching International.https:/doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2023.2190148Keywords:Machine-generated writing,Plagiarism,Hi

281、gher education,Detection and prevention23 Crompton,H.,Gregory,K.,&Burke,D.(2018).Humanoid robots supporting childrens learning in an early childhood setting.British Journal of Educational Technology,49(5),911-927.https:/doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12654Citation:1924 Crossman,M.K.,Kazdin,A.E.,&Kitt,E.R.(201

282、8).The Influence of a Socially Assistive Robot on Mood,Anxiety,and Arousal in Children.Professional Psychology:Research and Practice,49,4856.https:/doi.org/10.1037/pro0000177Keywords:Anxiety,Mood,Socially,Assistive robot,InterventionCitation:2825 Cukurbas,B.,&Kiyici,M.(2018).High School Students Vie

283、ws on the PBL Activities Supported via Flipped Classroom and LEGO Practices.J.Educational Technology&Society,21,46-61.http:/www.jstor.org/stable/26388378Keywords:Flipped classroom,LEGO,Robotic,Algorithm instruction,Problem-based learningCitation:2039Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic

284、Articles of Educational Robots26 Cutumisu,M.,Adams,C.,&Lu,C.(2019).A Scoping Review of Empirical Research on Recent Compu-tational Thinking Assessments.Journal of Science Education and Technology,28,651-676.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10956-019-09799-3Keywords:Computational thinking,Computational litera

285、cy,Coding,K-12 education,Learning and assessment,Pro-gramming and programming languagesCitation:3127 David,D.O.,Costescu,C.A.,Matu,S.,Szentgotai,A.,&Dobrean,A.(2020).Effects of a Robot-Enhanced Intervention for Children With ASD on Teaching Turn-Taking Skills.Journal of Educational Computing Re-sear

286、ch,58,29-62.https:/doi.org/10.1177/0735633119830344Keywords:Turn-taking,Assistive technology,Autism spectrum disorder,Social skills,SocialCitation:2028 Dawe,J.P.,Sutherland,C.J.,Barco,A.,&Broadbent,E.(2019).Can social robots help children in health-care contexts?A scoping review.BMJ Paediatrics Open

287、,3.https:/doi.org/10.1136/bmjpo-Keywords:Psychology,Technology,Multidisciplinary team-careCitation:4829 El-Hamamsy,L.,Chessel-Lazzarotto,F.,Bruno,B.,Roy,D.,Cahlikova,T.,Chevalier,M.,Parriaux,G.,Pel-let,J.,Lanars,J.,Zufferey,J.D.,&Mondada,F.(2020).A computer science and robotics integratio

288、n model for primary school:evaluation of a large-scale in-service K-4 teacher-training program.Education and In-formation Technologies,26,2445-2475.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10355-5Keywords:Computer science education,Professional development,Elementary school curriculum,Computer sci-ence unp

289、lugged,Educational robotics,Curriculum implementationCitation:1430 Gao,C.A.,Howard,F.M.,Markov,N.S.,Dyer,E.C.,Ramesh,S.,Luo,Y.,&Pearson,A.T.(2022).Comparing scientific abstracts generated by ChatGPT to original abstracts using an artificial intelligence output detec-tor,plagiarism detector,and blind

290、ed human reviewers.bioRxiv.https:/doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.23.52161031 Garca-Valcrcel-Muoz-Repiso,A.,&Caballero-Gonzlez,Y.(2019).Robotics to develop computational thinking in early Childhood Education.Comunicar.https:/doi.org/10.3916/C59-2019-06Keywords:Childhood education,Robotics,Computational thin

291、king,Educational innovations,Skills development,Creative thinking,Active learning,Quantitative analysisCitation:4532 Garduo-Aparicio,M.,Rodrguez-Resndiz,J.,Macias-Bobadilla,G.,&Thenozhi,S.(2018).A Multidisci-plinary Industrial Robot Approach for Teaching Mechatronics-Related Courses.IEEE Transaction

292、s on Educa-tion,61,55-62.https:/doi.org/10.1109/TE.2017.2741446Keywords:ABET accreditation,Design practice,Engineering technology,Higher education,Interdisciplinary,Indus-40Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotstrial robotics,Project-based learningCitation:4

293、933 Gilson,A.,Safranek,C.W.,Huang,T.,Socrates,V.,Chi,L.,Taylor,R.A.,&Chartash,D.(2023).How Does ChatGPT Perform on the United States Medical Licensing Examination?The Implications of Large Lan-guage Models for Medical Education and Knowledge Assessment.JMIR Medical Education,9.https:/doi.org/10.2196

294、/45312Keywords:Natural language processing,NLP,MedQA,Generative pre-trained transformer,GPT,Medical educa-tion,Chatbot,Artificial intelligence,Education technology,ChatGPT,Conversational agent,Machine learning34 Gonzlez,M.,Rodrguez-Sedano,F.J.,Llamas,C.F.,Gonalves,J.,Lima,J.,&Garca-Pealvo,F.J.(2020)

295、.Fostering STEAM through challenge-based learning,robotics,and physical devices:A systematic mapping literature review.Computer Applications in Engineering Education,29,46-65.https:/doi.org/10.1002/CAE.22354Keywords:Challenge-based learning,Mechatronics,Physical devices,Problem-based learning,Projec

296、t-basedCitation:3035 Green,C.A.,Mahuron,K.M.,Harris,H.W.,&OSullivan,P.S.(2019).Integrating Robotic Technology Into Resident Training:Challenges and Recommendations From the Front Lines.Academic Medicine.https:/doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000002751Citation:1636 Hsiao,H.,Lin,Y.,Lin,K.,Lin,C.,Chen,J.,&C

297、hen,J.(2019).Using robot-based practices to develop an activity that incorporated the 6E model to improve elementary school students learning performances.In-teractive Learning Environments,30,85-99.https:/doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1636090Keywords:Robot-based practices,Interdisciplinary projects

298、,Programming and programming languages,Computa-tional thinking ability,Hands-on abilityCitation:1937 Hsu,T.,Chang,S.,&Hung,Y.(2018).How to learn and how to teach computational thinking:Sugges-tions based on a review of the literature.Computers&Education,126,296-310.https:/doi.org/10.1016/pedu.2018.0

299、7.004Keywords:Applications in subject areas,Pedagogical issues,Programming and programming languages,Teaching/learning strategiesCitation:20438 Iio,T.,Maeda,R.,Ogawa,K.,Yoshikawa,Y.,Ishiguro,H.,Suzuki,K.,Aoki,T.,Maesaki,M.,&Hama,M.(2018).Improvement of Japanese adults English speaking skills via exp

300、eriences speaking to a robot.J.Com-put.Assist.Learn.,35,228-245.https:/doi.org/10.1111/jcal.1232541Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational RobotsKeywords:Language learning,Robot-assisted learning,Second language,Speaking skills,Tutoring robotCitation:1139 Ioannou,A.

301、,&Makridou,E.(2018).Exploring the potentials of educational robotics in the development of computational thinking:A summary of current research and practical proposal for future work.Educa-tion and Information Technologies,23,2531-2544.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-9729-zKeywords:Computational t

302、hinking,Educational robotics,Robotics in educationCitation:4940 Ismail,L.I.,Verhoeven,T.,Dambre,J.,&Wyffels,F.(2018).Leveraging Robotics Research for Children with Autism:A Review.International Journal of Social Robotics,11,389-410.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s12369-018-0508-1Keywords:Humanrobot interact

303、ion,Robotics,Children with autismCitation:3641 Jawaid,I.,Javed,M.Y.,Jaffery,M.H.,Akram,A.,Safder,U.,&Hassan,S.(2020).Robotic system education for young children by collaborative-project-based learning.Computer Applications in Engineering Educa-tion,28,178-192.https:/doi.org/10.1002/cae.22184Keywords

304、:Cognitive development,Collaborative learning(CL),Integrated learning,Open-source platform,Proj-ect-based learning(PBL),RoboticsCitation:1342 Jung,S.E.,&Won,E.(2018).Systematic Review of Research Trends in Robotics Education for Young Chil-dren.Sustainability,10,905.https:/doi.org/10.3390/su10040905

305、Keywords:Educational robotics,Robotics for early childhood education,Educational technologyCitation:7543 Kanaki,K.,&Kalogiannakis,M.(2018).Introducing fundamental object-oriented programming con-cepts in preschool education within the context of physical science courses.Education and Information Tec

306、hnologies,23,2673-2698.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s10639-018-9736-0Keywords:Computational thinking,Object-oriented programming,Physical science,Game-based learning,Early childhood educationCitation:1944 Kasneci,E.,Sessler,K.,Kchemann,S.,Bannert,M.,Dementieva,D.,Fischer,F.,Gasser,U.,Groh,G.L.,Gnnemann,S.

307、,Hllermeier,E.,Krusche,S.,Kutyniok,G.,Michaeli,T.,Nerdel,C.,Pfeffer,J.,Poquet,O.,Sailer,M.,Schmidt,A.,Seidel,T.,Stadler,M.,Weller,J.,Kuhn,J.,&Kasneci,G.(2023).ChatGPT for good?On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education.Learning and Individual Differences.https:/doi.org/10

308、.1016/j.lindif.2023.102274Keywords:Large language models,Artificial intelligence,Education,Educational technologies42Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robots45 Kennedy,J.,Baxter,P.E.,&Belpaeme,T.(2015).The Robot Who Tried Too Hard:Social Behaviour of a Robot T

309、utor Can Negatively Affect Child Learning.2015 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Hu-man-Robot Interaction(HRI),67-74.https:/doi.org/10.1145/2696454.2696457Keywords:Robot Tutor,Social HRI,Child-Robot Interaction,Social BehaviourCitation:14546 Kennedy,J.,Baxter,P.E.,Senft,E.,&Belpaeme,T.(2016)

310、.Social robot tutoring for child second language learning.2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction(HRI),231-238.https:/doi.org/10.1109/HRI.2016.7451757Keywords:Human-robot interaction,Robot tutors,Second language learning,Social availability,ImmediacyCitation:8247 Kert,

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312、utational thinking,Conceptual knowledge levelCitation:1548 Koh,W.Q.,Whelan,S.,Heins,P.,Casey,D.,Toomey,E.C.,&Dres,R.M.(2021).The Usability and Impact of a Low-Cost Pet Robot for Older Adults and People With Dementia:Qualitative Content Analysis of User Experiences and Perceptions on Consumer Website

313、s.JMIR Aging,5.https:/doi.org/10.2196/29224Keywords:Social robot,Pet robots,Low-cost robot,Dementia,Older adults,Qualitative research,Qualitative con-tent analysisCitation:449 Konijn,E.A.,&Hoorn,J.F.(2020).Robot tutor and pupils educational ability:Teaching the times ta-bles.Computers&Education,157,

314、103970.https:/doi.org/10.1016/pedu.2020.103970Keywords:Social robots,Robot tutor,Multiplication tables,Primary school,Tutoring,Capacity issuesCitation:2050 Kumazaki,H.,Muramatsu,T.,Yoshikawa,Y.,Corbett,B.A.,Matsumoto,Y.,Higashida,H.,Yuhi,T.,Ishiguro,H.,Mimura,M.,&Kikuchi,M.(2019).Job interview train

315、ing targeting nonverbal communication using an android robot for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.Autism,23,1586-1595.https:/doi.org/10.1177/27134Keywords:Android robot,Autism spectrum disorder,Cortisol,Job interview,Nonverbal communicationCitation:1851 Kumazaki,H.,Warren,Z.,Swan

316、son,A.R.,Yoshikawa,Y.,Matsumoto,Y.,Takahashi,H.,Sarkar,N.,Ishig-43Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsuro,H.,Mimura,M.,Minabe,Y.,&Kikuchi,M.(2018).Can Robotic Systems Promote Self-Disclosure in Ado-lescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder?A Pilot Study.Front

317、iers in Psychiatry,9.https:/doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00036Keywords:Autism spectrum disorder,Self-disclosure,Robotics,Android robot,Simplistic humanoidCitation:2352 Kuo,H.,Tseng,Y.,&Yang,Y.C.(2019).Promoting college students learning motivation and creativi-ty through a STEM interdisciplinary PBL h

318、uman-computer interaction system design and development course.Thinking Skills and Creativity.https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2018.09.001Keywords:STEM education,Project-based learning(PBL),Human-Computer interaction(HCI)system,Creativity,En-gineering educationCitation:5953 Kuo,W.C.,&Hsu,T.(2020).Learni

319、ng Computational Thinking Without a Computer:How Computational Participation Happens in a Computational Thinking Board Game.The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,29,67-83.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s40299-019-00479-9Keywords:Computational thinking,Computational participation,Unplugged,Board gameCitation

320、:2454 Lei,M.,Clemente,I.M.,&Hu,Y.(2019).Student in the shell:The robotic body and student engage-ment.Computers&Education,130,59-80.https:/doi.org/10.1016/pedu.2018.11.008Keywords:Robots,Embodiment,Social presence,Student engagement,Synchronous learningCitation:1555 Leonard,J.,Mitchell,M.B.,Barnes-J

321、ohnson,J.M.,Unertl,A.,Outka-Hill,J.,Robinson,R.,&Hester-Croff,C.(2018).Preparing Teachers to Engage Rural Students in Computational Thinking Through Robotics,Game Design,and Culturally Responsive Teaching.Journal of Teacher Education,69,386-407.https:/doi.org/10.1177/0022487117732317Keywords:Computa

322、tional thinking,Culturally responsive teaching,Self-efficacy,Robotics,Game design,Equitable teachingCitation:2856 Logan,D.E.,Breazeal,C.L.,Goodwin,M.S.,Jeong,S.,OConnell,B.,Smith-Freedman,D.,Heathers,J.A.,&Weinstock,P.(2019).Social Robots for Hospitalized Children.Pediatrics,144.https:/doi.org/10.15

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325、tion of two girls conceptions and prac-tices in computational thinking in science.Computers&Education,146.https:/doi.org/10.1016/pe-du.2019.103759Keywords:Computational thinking integration,Elementary education,Science education,Robotics,Girls in STEMCitation:2259 Mahmoudi Asl,A.,Molinari Ulate,M.,F

326、ranco Martin,M.,&van der Roest,H.G.(2022).Methodologies Used to Study the Feasibility,Usability,Efficacy,and Effectiveness of Social Robots For Elderly Adults:Scop-ing Review.Journal of Medical Internet Research,24.https:/doi.org/10.2196/37434Keywords:Aged,Dementia,Social robots,Pet-bots,Community s

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330、cation Researcher,1-11.https:/doi.org/10.1007/s40299-019-00438-4Keywords:Early-childhood education,Kindergarten,Programming,Robotics,SequencingCitation:1563 Neumann,M.M.(2020).Social Robots and Young Childrens Early Language and Literacy Learning.Early Childhood Education Journal,48,157-170.https:/d

331、oi.org/10.1007/s10643-019-00997-7Keywords:Social robots,Language,Literacy,Young children,EducationCitation:1964 Noh,J.,&Lee,J.(2020).Effects of robotics programming on the computational thinking and creativity 45Learning for All with AI?100 Influential Academic Articles of Educational Robotsof eleme

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