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1、Listening To Customer Feedback, Responding With Better Experiences Brand Utility: LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES SOMETHING SOMETHING FOR Since the birth of the customer experience (CX) concept, brands and digital experts have been discussing and experimenting on the right strategies for it.

2、Countless reviews, studies, and reports that talk about the concept are available out there. Brands have an avalanche of information and data to refer to. Yes, its great to be aware of the industry trends and best practices. But sometimes, brands forget to pause and ask: “What is this data telling u

3、s, particularly from a customer perspective? How can we incorporate these insights into our day-to-day interactions with customers?” To find a deeper meaning behind the numbers, brands need to listen more intently to what customers say. Customers must feel their thoughts are heard, and better experi

4、ences await following their feedback. This is why we came up with Listen: A Magento Meaningful CX Series to provide some practical takeaways on how brands can improve experiences based on customer preferences. Weve asked consumers questions to understand the factors affecting their retail choices wh

5、ilst shopping online and get their take on data sharing and new technologies. As part of the survey, we received feedback from 7,000 respondents across Asia Pacific (APAC) including Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. This range of consumers from different countries pr

6、ovided us with powerful insights and direction in terms of CX and branding strategies. They expect brands to prioritise seamless experience across all touchpoints, protect their data, and explore eco-conscious initiatives. While going through the whitepaper series, we hope that brands will also feel

7、 the need to listen more to customers, to start two-way conversations with them, and to build a stronger relationship founded on trust. All these will begin from a habit of effective listening. Foreword Nicholas Kontopoulos Head of APAC Commerce Marketing LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES The O

8、xford dictionary defines listening as, “to give attention to sound or action. 1 When listening, one is hearing what others are saying, and trying to understand what it means.” So why is listening so important to a commerce business? Notice that the definition of listening did not stop at sound or he

9、aring alone. It ended with a more in-depth objective of “understanding.” Take a moment and put yourself in your customers shoes. LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES Customers and brands Every day, you are bombarded with email, social media, and push notifications from different brands trying to g

10、et your attention. You do a quick Google search to try and find a product, and are flooded with similar offerings. Sometimes, youre overwhelmed by the fear of making the wrong purchase and regretting it later. As psychologist Barry Schwartz says, “(too much choice) paralyses people into indecision.”

11、 So what can we do as businesses to help ease our customers anxiety and make their lives easier? A hint? Listen to your customers and create relevant brand utility. (Well talk about this concept in more detail shortly.) LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES ? As business professionals face a tsunam

12、i of change and information overload, an unintended consequence of this is that we can lose sight of having a customer-first approach. We think we already know our customers when in fact we have a bias to our product or brand. We push our product features, trying to fit them with what we perceive ou

13、r customers need. We forget to listen first. Its equally important that we have a service mindset. Its something businesses, big or small, as a whole should embrace from marketing and IT to customer support and leadership. Once we have this mindset, we begin to listen and care more about our custome

14、rs. We can then go the extra mile to understand their situation and pain points. By listening, we can respond more accurately by using the insights we are collecting to better predict their needs, and ultimately provide a brand utility that separates us from the pack. LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX

15、 SERIES Lets hear from customers These are the questions Magento aimed to answer when it commissioned its research with YouGov for an Asia Pacific (APAC) survey in 2019. We asked 7,434 respondents from Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore to discover the factors that aff

16、ect their online retailer preferences and viewpoint on data sharing and new technologies. By “listening” to customers better, we hope you can keep the connection evolving into something more valuable: a leveled up purchasing experience built on customers confidence in you. What makes customers want

17、your offerings? What makes them come back? What are the usual pain points they experience with you? What are they willing to exchange with you? LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES 7,434 people surveyed across 7 Countries Starting with a purpose Brand utility as a concept is deeply rooted at the c

18、ore of brand purpose the very reason your brand exists. The bottom line why youre doing what you do for your customers. This sense of brand purpose has to be solid for you to apply it in a more practical approach: your brand utility. If your brand purpose is clear to you, its use will be too. No mat

19、ter the twists and turns in this highly competitive commerce market, youve already built an unshakeable foundation. Its true. Its a tough competition out there in terms of pricing. In our APAC survey, more than half (55%) of the respondents say that a retailers competitive pricing is an important de

20、ciding factor when they compare multiple brands. A lot of them (40%) spend more time than they like, scouring online for the best prices. And it wont stop there. After completing one transaction, 55% of respondents say theyd be willing to buy again from retailers who continue to offer lower prices t

21、han others in the same niche. LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES of consumers scour the web for the lowest price40% LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES Free this. Free that. A rival would try to offer all things free, just to get customers attention. Over half of APAC consumers (66%) weve sur

22、veyed would shop again on a retailer website that offers free delivery, and 47% would come back because of free returns policy. But theres more than just the price tags and free stuff. We should be investing more in the long-term. Brand utility stemming from brand purpose its the one that will be yo

23、ur biggest differentiator in a highly competitive commerce market. Offer reasonable prices and freebies, but work more on creating a brand utility that is anchored in a service mindset, so customers will keep coming back for value, not for the price. Focus on envisioning the meaningful impact your p

24、roduct or service will have on customers. Your relationship with them should extend beyond their transaction. Aim for branding that resonates with customers, not treating them as a transaction. 66% of consumers would return for free delivery Staying true to your promise Once you get clarity on your

25、brand purpose and brand utility, youll be better at communicating your “brand promise.” Your brand promise (or mission statement) is based on your brand purpose. It is the promise you make to your customers and employees to fulfil your purpose. Promise keeping is the bedrock of trust and central to

26、delivering delightful customer experiences. Doing as you committed. This is where brand utility also comes in. Its the catalyst that will help you keep your promise. Its how you ensure that the value you offer is experienced by customers. LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES Redefining the custome

27、r experience with technology Take for example, Accent Group Limited, which is made up of brands including Vans, Timberland, The Athletes Foot, Platypus, Hype DC and Sketchers. A large proportion of Accent Groups customer traffic was coming from mobile and tablet devices. With this valuable insight a

28、bout its customer base, Accent Group included it as the primary consideration in its commerce re-platform project in 2016. To address the mobile requirements, the platform needed to be fast, flexible, and mobile-friendly. Accent also developed a deep Instagram integration to bridge the boundaries be

29、tween social and commerce, and a mobile app-like theme to drive engaging mobile experiences for customers. LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES 50% Click it leads to rock-solid trust. This is the time your customer also becomes more open to investing time, effort, and honest feedback with you. The

30、y trust you enough that youll do better things for them. In return, customers rely on you to listen. To be humble enough in accepting feedback and doing something about itdoing it right this time, so you wont fail them. Listening its one of the best ways to keep your commerce business evolving, and

31、ultimately build more trust and stronger relationships with your customers. LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES LISTEN: A MAGENTO MEANINGFUL CX SERIES Tweetable takeaways for brand utility Start with listening to your customers. Ask yourself: “How can I help my customers?” Consider how your custo

32、mers engage with your brand across the organisation. Identify opportunities to make their life easier. Brand utility should create attention, be useful, be desirable and drive sales. 02 04 05 01 03 Magento, an Adobe company, is a global leader in cloud commerce innovation. Magento Commerce boasts a

33、strong portfolio of cloud-based omnichannel solutions, integrating digital and physical shopping experiences and powering $155 billion in gross merchandise. 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Creative Cloud, the Creative Cloud logo, the Adobe Advertising Cloud logo, the Adobe Analytics Cloud logo, the Adobe Commerce Cloud logo, the Adobe Experience Cloud logo, the Adobe Marketing Cloud logo, and the Adobe PDF logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries.



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