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1、March 2023Dentsu Consumer Navigator:Generative AI 2023|Navigator|Navigatordentsu Consumer Navigator Generative AI 2023About this studyThe survey is administered each month through Toluna,an online research panel.Conducted by dentsu,this survey is distributed among a random sample of 1,000 respondent

2、s,18-years-of age or older and residing in the United States.The survey garners an equal number of male and female respondents and controls for nationally representative weighting across race and ethnicity(using the latest publicly available U.S.Census numbers).The survey that informs this report wa

3、s fielded on March 15th,2023.Contents0101Top Consumer InsightsTop Consumer Insights02Current Adoption of Current Adoption of Generative AIGenerative AI03The Future of Generative AIThe Future of Generative AI04Brands&Generative AIBrands&Generative AI05Closing ThoughtsClosing Thoughtsdentsu Consumer N

4、avigator-Generative AI 2023Attention has not yet translated into widespread adoption of AI.Attention has not yet translated into widespread adoption of AI.Our survey finds that 61%of consumers say they at least somewhat understand what generative AI is and how it works-and 87%have at least heard of

5、AI.While only 27%say they have used generative AI tools,42%are interested.AI is believed to be the future AI is believed to be the future-whether that future is good is up whether that future is good is up for debate.for debate.While close to 4 in 5 consumers are convinced generative AI is the futur

6、e,less than 2 in 5 are excited about that future.That leaves over 3 in 5 consumers either concerned or undecided.People are most excited by tangible applications of AI,but need People are most excited by tangible applications of AI,but need a deeper understanding of how it will impact their daya dee

7、per understanding of how it will impact their day-toto-day.day.For consumers,several of the most exciting applications enhance day-to-day life helping with daily tasks(37%),improving accessibility for those with disabilities(36%),and automating repetitive tasks(33%).At that same time,sweeping promis

8、es excite them like helping researchers discover new innovations(36%)and advancing society(27%).01dentsu Consumer Navigator Generative AI 2023People are most concerned that AI will change what it means to People are most concerned that AI will change what it means to be human.be human.What AI means

9、for our jobs(45%),social bonds(39%),personal privacy(36%),and the integrity of creative outputs(35%)are all top sources of concern for consumers.They also feel there may be negative effects we cant foresee today(37%).Brands have a mandate to use AI responsibly and transparently.Brands have a mandate

10、 to use AI responsibly and transparently.Consumers value responsible use and transparency from brands.Our survey finds that 77%of consumers agree that brands should ensure that existing biases and systems of inequality are not propagated by the AI-based applications they leverage.And over 70%believe

11、 brands should disclose when they use AI across products,services,experiences,and content.Consumers support brands using AI,but most do not yet prefer it.Consumers support brands using AI,but most do not yet prefer it.Our survey finds that 61%of consumers support brands using generative AI to design

12、 products and services.However,fewer(42%)agree:I prefer brands that use AI to design products and services over ones that do not.Millennials are most likely to prefer brands using AI,with 60%agreeing.Top Consumer InsightsCurrent Adoption of Generative AI|Navigator|Navigator02dentsu Consumer Navigato

13、r-Generative AI 2023In the wake of the recent viral success of ChatGPT and DALL-E2,Google,Microsoft,Facebook and other tech companies are racing to develop and deploy their own suite of generative AI-powered tools.But as tech fawns over the applications of generative AI,how are consumers responding?

14、Most consumers say they at least somewhat understand generative AI.Millennials report being most familiar with the technology,followed by Gen Z and Gen X.Men are also more likely to report completely understanding AI than women.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Study

15、dentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%6Completely understand21%21%Somewhat understand40%40%Have heard of26%26%Have not heard of13%Familiarity with Generative AI61%Of consumers say they at least somewhat understand what generative AI is and how it works17%34%25%4%27%15%50%40%35%40%40%41%2

16、2%18%27%37%23%29%11%9%13%19%10%15%Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersMenWomenBy Generation&GenderCompletely understandSomewhat understandHave heard ofHave not heard ofFewer have used generative AI tools themselves,but interest is there.Among those who have dabbled with the tools,the headline-grabbing ChatG

17、PT is most used.Other high-profile tools like BING ChatGPT,Socratic,and DALL-E2 are popular.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%7Yes27%27%No,but I am interested42%42%No,and I am not interested31%31%Have You Used Ge

18、nerative AI Tools?51%51%32%32%31%31%27%27%21%21%21%21%18%18%15%15%1%1%Chat GPTBING ChatGPT by MicrosoftSocratic by GoogleDALL-E 2JasperDream by WOMBOCraiyonNone of the aboveOtherGenerative AI Tools Used Among those who said yesBoomers and women are least likely to have used generative AI or be inter

19、ested.The same cohorts that report a deeper understanding of generative AI are also those that report the highest use of generative AI-based tools like Chat GPT.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%828%41%29%8%35%20

20、%45%42%44%38%40%43%27%17%27%53%26%37%Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersMenWomenUse of Generative AI Tools By Generation&GenderYesNo,but I am interestedNo,and I am not interestedWhy they used generative AI tools in their own words:CuriosityCuriosityBecause I heard a news report about it and was curious.I h

21、eard a lot about it and decided to check it out to find out what people were talking about.Ive heard and read about ChatGPT and had some fun with it,just to get a better idea about what it can and can not do.To try it out and understand the attention it was getting.PracticePracticeI was experimentin

22、g to see for myself and evaluate the possible advantage I could benefit from when using these tools to help me with my world.And yeah,sometimes for fun.Its in the process of changing how we do business and I want to stay on the leading edge of this technology and have helping others use it be part o

23、f my business.I am a college professor and I want to understand how AI tools will impact learning and help my students in the future.RealReal-LifeLife ApplicationsApplicationsI use it to help me with my work.it helps me with formulas as Im creating templates.I gave it a try on a memo I wrote for wor

24、k then told my staff about it and they were excited.To experiment with designs for jewelry.To generate a job role description for potential hiring advertisements.When I need an essay done and dont want to do it.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer N

25、avigator-Generative AI 202377%77%9Generative AI comes with conflicting emotions,but above all people are curious.While consumers feel a conflation of hope and fear,excitement and skepticism,they above all are curious about the new technology and its implications for their day-to-day lives and societ

26、y at large.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%1045%45%35%35%31%31%30%30%20%20%17%17%13%13%CuriousSkepticalHopefulExcitedFearfulConfusedAmbivalentHow Consumers Feel About the Current State of Generative AIAll gener

27、ations feel curious about generative AI.Boomers are also most likely to feel skeptical and fearful and least likely to feel excited.Gen X is by-and-large curious,but also skeptical.Millennials feel the most excited and hopeful about generative AI and the least skeptical.And Gen Z expresses a healthy

28、 dose of skepticism but also admits they feel confused about generative AI.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%1141%41%37%37%32%32%29%29%24%24%17%17%15%15%26%26%45%45%50%50%13%13%16%16%10%10%48%48%32%32%30%30%27%27

29、%15%15%22%22%10%10%42%42%45%45%17%17%12%12%19%19%25%25%18%18%CuriousSkepticalHopefulExcitedConfusedFearfulAmbivalentHow Generations Feel About the Current State of Generative AIGen ZMillennialsGen XBoomers48%48%Men express more optimistic feelings towards generative AI than women.Men are more likely

30、 than women to be hopeful and excited,women are more likely to be skeptical,fearful and confused.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%1247%47%37%37%36%36%32%32%18%18%15%15%14%14%26%26%25%25%38%38%23%23%18%18%13%13%C

31、uriousHopefulExcitedSkepticalFearfulConfusedAmbivalentHow Men&Women Feel About the Current State of Generative AIMenWomen44%44%IMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERSIMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERSIdentify business opportunity for generative AI ahead of mainstream adoption.Identify business opportunity for generative

32、 AI ahead of mainstream adoption.Our survey shows that while most consumers have at least heard of generative AI,far fewer have used generative AI-based tools.The most popular tools are limited to the same ones making headlines.The space is ripe with opportunity to capture consumer demand and a sign

33、ificant share of consumers are interested in the technology.Keep up with acceleration from practice to performance.Keep up with acceleration from practice to performance.Currently,consumers largely report using generative AI tools to satiate curiosity.Practical use cases are few and far between and

34、appear to be contained to small experiments.However,the space is moving quickly.It is clear that generative AI transformation will happen much more rapidly than digital transformation.Address a key barrier:skepticism.Address a key barrier:skepticism.Consumers mainly express positive emotions about t

35、he current state of generative AI,but skepticism exists,particularly among specific groups.Getting to the root of that skepticism will be key to the mainstream adoption of generative AI and the acceptance of use cases and applications to our daily lives.dentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 2023Th

36、e Future of Generative AI|Navigator|Navigator03dentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 2023Looking ahead to the future of generative AI,do consumers believe it will be a critical part of our lives in 10 years?And how do they feel about that prospect?Consumers believe AI is the future,but many are no

37、t sure how to feel about that future.While close to 4 in 5 consumers are convinced generative AI is the future,less than 2 in 5 are excited about that future.That leaves over 3 in 5 consumers either concerned or undecided.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu

38、 Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%15The future:part of our lives in 10 years78%78%A fad:Not relevant in 10 years22%22%Do You Believe Generative AI is Future or Fad?Excited39%39%Neutral29%29%Concerned32%32%Feelings About the Future Impact of AI?39%Of consumers are excited about the impact A

39、I will have on society in the future.All cohorts agree AI is the future,but only Millennials and men are significantly more excited than concerned/neutral.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%1635%61%35%20%47%31%36%

40、22%31%33%26%32%29%17%32%47%27%37%Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersMenWomenBy Generation&GenderExcitedNeutralConcerned79%85%77%72%82%75%21%15%23%28%18%25%Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersMenWomenBy Generation&GenderFutureFadExcitement stems from tangible benefits and broad advancements.For consumers,several of

41、 the most exciting applications are to enhancing day-to-day life helping with daily tasks,improving accessibility for those with disabilities,and automating repetitive tasks.At that same time,sweeping promises excite them like helping researchers discover new innovations and advancing society.Shoppi

42、ng Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%1737%36%36%33%27%27%25%25%25%21%20%It will help peoplewith their dailytasksIt will improveaccessibilityIt will helpresearchersdiscover newinnovationsIt will automaterepetitive tasksIt

43、will advancesocietyIt will assist increative tasksIt will lead tobetter customerexperienceIt will lead tohigher qualitygoodsIt will offercompanionshipIt will create jobsfor peopleNone of theaboveWhat Makes Consumers Excited About the Future of AIDifferent generations are excited about generative AI

44、for different reasons.Gen Z is most excited about how generative AI will enhance creativity.Millennials are most excited about how generative AI can impact their daily life,while Boomers and Gen X are excited about enhancements to accessibility enabled by AI.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Conve

45、nience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%18What Makes Generations Excited About the Future of AIGen Z1It will assist with creative tasks i152i1522It will help researchers discover new innovations i100i1003It will automate repetitive tasks i106i106Millennials1I

46、t will help people with their daily tasks i116i1162It will help researchers discover new innovations i111i1113It will improve accessibility i100i100Gen X1It will improve accessibility i103i1032It will help researchers discover new innovations i92i923It will help people with their daily tasks i86i86B

47、oomers1It will improve accessibility i102i1022It will help people with their daily tasks i94i943None of the above i170i170Men are most excited by how generative AI will help with daily tasks,while women are most excited by the potential to improve accessibility for those with disabilities.Shopping H

48、abits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%19What Makes Men&Women Excited About the Future of AIMen 1It will help people with their daily tasks i108i1082It will help researchers discover new innovations i108i1083It will automate re

49、petitive tasks i115i115Women1It will improve accessibility i108i1082It will help researchers discover new innovations i94i943It will help people with their daily tasks i89i89There is opportunity to show more people how AI could enhance their daily life.Particularly among Boomers.Shopping Habits Thro

50、ugh Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%2057%AGREE:I believe generative AI will make my daymy day-toto-day life betterday life better.GEN ZGEN ZMILLENNIALSMILLENNIALSGEN XGEN XBOOMERSBOOMERS56%73%58%41%MENMENWOMENWOMEN61%54%AGREE:AI will

51、make my daymy day-toto-day life betterday life better.Concern stems from anxiety about what it means to be human in a world with AI.What AI means for our jobs,social bonds,personal privacy,and the integrity of creative outputs are all sources of concern for consumers.They also feel there may be nega

52、tive effects we cant foresee today.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%2145%39%37%36%35%28%26%20%17%14%It will take jobsfrom peopleIt will reduce socialbondsIt will havenegative effects wecant foreseeIt will lead t

53、o newprivacy threatsIt will becomeimpossible to tellsomething AI-madefrom human-madeIt will lead topoorer customerexperienceIt will becomemore intelligentthan humansIt will reinforcebiasesIt will lead to lowerquality goodsNone of the aboveWhat Makes Consumers Concerned About the Future of AIFear of

54、losing jobs is the top concern across all generations.Though older generations are more intensely concerned.Gen Z and Gen X are highly concerned about new threats to privacy.Gen Z and Boomers are highly concerned about reduced social bonds.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sen

55、timent Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%22What Makes Generations Concerned About the Future of AIGen Z1It will take jobs from people i86i862It will lead to new privacy threats i106i1063It will reduce social bonds i95i95Millennials1It will take jobs from people i88i882It will be

56、come impossible to tell something AI-made from human-made i94i943It will have negative effects we cant foresee i84i84Gen X1It will take jobs from people i107i1072It will lead to new privacy threats i114i1143It will reduce social bonds i100i100Boomers1It will take jobs from people i111i1112It will re

57、duce social bonds i126i1263It will have negative effects we cant foresee i127i127Both men and women are most concerned about jobs.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%23What Makes Men&Women Concerned About the Futur

58、e of AIMen 1It will take jobs from people i91i912It will lead to new privacy threats i103i1033It will have negative effects we cant foresee i100i100Women1It will take jobs from people i109i1092It will reduce social bonds i105i1053It will become impossible to tell something AI-made from human-made i1

59、12i112Men are also highly concerned about privacy and unforeseen effects,while women are concerned about social bonds and integrity of human-made items.Peoples perceptions on the future of AI are clouded by fear of losing jobs.While consumers are fairly split between whether the impact of generative

60、 AI will be more positive or negative,the clear majority feels that generative AI will destroy more jobs than it creates.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%24create more jobs than it destroys38%destroy more jobs t

61、han it creates62%Do You Believe Generative AI will?have more positive impact than negative impact46%have more negative impact than positive impact54%Do You Believe Generative AI will?Consumers believe the development of AI should be closely managed.Gen Z is significantly less likely to agree,while a

62、ll other cohorts vehemently agree.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%2582%AGREE:We must keep a close eye close eye on the development on the development of generative AI,so it doesnt get out of control.GEN ZGEN ZM

63、ILLENNIALSMILLENNIALSGEN XGEN XBOOMERSBOOMERS58%82%84%93%MENMENWOMENWOMEN79%85%AGREE:Must keep close eye on the dev.close eye on the dev.of generative AITech companies are most trusted to responsibly develop AI,but brands have a role in responsible adoption.Just under one-third of respondents trust

64、brands to responsibly develop AI.More importantly,consumers feel that brands using AI for business even third-party tools-should work to mitigate biases and systems of inequality.Govt is not trusted.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Gen

65、erative AI 202377%77%2644%44%36%36%30%30%29%29%26%26%22%22%26%26%Big TechEmerging Tech CosAd&Media CosBrands&BusinessNon-profitsGovtNone of the aboveEntities Consumers Trust to Responsibly Develop AI77%Brands should ensure that existing biases and systems of inequality biases and systems of inequali

66、ty are not propagated are not propagated by the AI-based applications they leverage.IMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERSIMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERSInstill consumers with Instill consumers with confidence.confidence.Our survey finds that most consumers agree:generative AI is the future.However,not everyone is e

67、xcited about that future.For brands entering this space,a healthy dose of circumspection about who will be impacted by changes brought by generative AI transformation will go a long way toward making sure that AI applications are helpful and ethical.Make use cases more tangible.Make use cases more t

68、angible.Our survey finds that consumers are most excited by day-to-day applications of generative AI,but there is opportunity to show more people how the technology can improve their lives particularly among skeptical groups.Marketers must ensure that the ways generative AI will enhance consumer exp

69、eriences are clear and tangible.Use AI responsibly,from the start.Use AI responsibly,from the start.Many of consumers concerns about generative AI stem from the potential for irresponsible development and deployment from taking jobs to threatening privacy to amplifying bias and discrimination.As com

70、panies use AI for a growing range of tasks,consciously applying it with good intention to empower employees and fairly impact society is key.dentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 2023Brands&Generative AI|Navigator|Navigator04dentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 2023Among technology companies th

71、e race is on to integrate generative AI into our day-to-day lives,but for other companies and brands,how do consumers want them to adopt this technology into business?What are the rules to successfully gaining consumer affinity and share of wallet in this new landscape?Consumers see the most potenti

72、al for generative AI to have a positive impact on tech,entertainment,shopping,healthcare,advertising.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%2932%23%22%22%21%20%18%21%19%16%40%38%38%36%37%33%35%29%29%24%12%16%17%14%17%

73、17%19%15%16%24%9%17%16%17%18%20%20%22%24%25%6%7%7%10%7%10%9%13%12%11%TechnologyEntertainmentShoppingHealthcareAdvertisingFinanceTravelCustomer serviceArts/cultureSportsPerceived Impact of Generative AI on the Following IndustriesVery positiveSomewhat positiveNeutralSomewhat negativeVery negativeTota

74、l%any positive:72%61%60%58%58%53%53%50%48%40%Interestingly,respondents feel very polarized about customer service,indicating that some see room for AI to improve experiences while many others prefer human interactions.At least half or more of consumers support brands using AI to power products,servi

75、ces,and experiences.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%3022%21%20%20%39%38%35%31%18%17%17%14%13%16%19%21%8%8%9%13%Design products or servicesCreate ads or contetOffer personalizedrecommendationsOffer customer serv

76、icesupportConsumer Support or Opposition of Brands Using Generative AI to:Strongly opposeSomewhat opposeNeutralSomewhat supportStrongly support61%59%55%51%Total%any support:Cross-cohort support for brands using AI to power products,services,and experiences except grumpy Boomers.Shopping Habits Throu

77、gh Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%3159%59%59%59%59%59%57%57%73%73%70%70%70%70%61%61%58%58%57%57%48%48%49%49%43%43%32%32%31%31%66%66%61%61%62%62%59%59%56%56%56%56%48%48%45%45%Design products or servicesCreate ads or contetOffer person

78、alizedrecommendationsOffer customer service supportSupport of Brands Using Generative AI to:Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersMenWomen73%73%But consumers want brands to disclose when AI is involved.All audience cohorts agree.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Co

79、nsumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%3278%Brands should disclose to consumers that a serviceserviceis delivered using AI.78%Brands should disclose to consumers when they are having interactionsinteractionspowered by AI.75%Brands should disclose to consumers if branded content branded content was

80、 created with AI.73%Brands should disclose to consumers if a productproductwas designed with AI.And want brands to help protect human jobs while adopting AI.Older generations are more likely to express this preference compared to younger generations.However,a majority of all generations agree.Women

81、are more likely to express the preference than men.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%3372%Brands should limit their adoption of AI to protect protect human jobs.human jobs.GEN ZGEN ZMILLENNIALSMILLENNIALSGEN XGEN

82、 XBOOMERSBOOMERS63%69%75%76%MENMENWOMENWOMEN68%76%Brands should limit their adoption of AI to protect human jobs.protect human jobs.For a select share of consumers,the use of AI by brands drives preference and even a willingness to pay a premium.Around 2 in 5 respondents agree that they prefer brand

83、s that use AI over ones that do not when it comes to designing products and services and customer experience.Just over one-third are willing to pay more for such brands.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%3441%AGRE

84、E:I prefer brands that use AI use AI in their customer experience in their customer experience over ones that do not.42%AGREE:I prefer brands that use AI use AI to design products and services to design products and services over ones that do not.34%AGREE:I am willing to pay morewilling to pay moref

85、or products and services that are designed with AI.Millennials are most likely to choose and pay more for brands that use AI.Half or fewer of all other cohorts agree.Shopping Habits Through Exclusivity&Convenience:Consumer Sentiment Studydentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 202377%77%3537%37%39%3

86、9%43%43%60%60%55%55%43%43%37%37%31%31%29%29%23%23%10%10%50%50%48%48%40%40%37%37%34%34%29%29%I prefer brands that use AI to design productsand services over ones that do not.I prefer brands that use AI in their customerexperience over ones that do not.I am willing to pay more for products andservices

87、 that are designed with AI.%Who Agree with the Following Statements:Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersMenWomen60%60%IMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERSIMPLICATIONS FOR MARKETERSCommunicate with transparency.Communicate with transparency.Our survey finds that most consumers support brands using generative AI to dev

88、elop products,services,experiences and content.However,disclosing AIs role in creation is key to support.Marketers would be wise to start developing communications strategies and frameworks now as generative AI plays a growing role in consumer-facing business.Communicate the value of AICommunicate t

89、he value of AI-enhanced products and servicesenhanced products and services.Our survey finds that consumers arent willing to pay a premium for AI-enhances products and services yet.Brands must figure out how to position and market these products and services to give consumers proof of value and supe

90、rior offering.Communicate emerging rolesCommunicate emerging roles.Jobs,jobs,jobs as a key point of concern for people,companies should consider how HR-practices and corporate communications can set them apart to consumers and top talent.Companies should aim to make new AI-related roles visible and

91、competitive,create a pipeline of talent for AI-related roles,sponsor or create development programs,communicate how they are using AI to create new jobs or safeguard existing jobs,and more.dentsu Consumer Navigator-Generative AI 2023While AI is still in its early stages of maturity,the hype is real.

92、We may soon be entering an era in which machines are marketing to machines.AIs potential impact should not be downplayed or ignored.Marketers who embrace and adopt AI will stay ahead of the competition and gain marketing superiority.A word of caution though:behind the scenes,AI models are based in m

93、ath-based probabilities that can show bias and make errors.There is also a lack of regulations,and potential concerns regarding privacy,IP and liability.Therefore,marketers who want to win in this new marketing world must use AI with transparency,supplement it with owned data,and weave results with

94、storytelling to develop a trusted relationship with the consumer.AI will enable a plethora of use cases,even create new ones that we cannot imagine today.Marketers should ground themselves by experimenting with known,well-defined use cases-for instance in the areas of multilingual support,customer s

95、ervice,and predictive analytics-without getting carried away by AIs future potential.In its current state AI is best used as an aid to human effort,that can increase efficiency,productivity and velocity rather than as a wholesale replacement for it:brands should use AI to scale how human truths mani

96、fest through their content,rather than to replace them.Closing Thoughtsdentsu Consumer Navigator Generative AI 2023|Navigator|Navigator05Dentsu is the network designed for whats next,helping clients predict and plan for disruptive future opportunities and create new paths to growth in the sustainabl

97、e economy.Taking a people-centered approach to business transformation,we use insights to connect brand,content,commerce and experience,underpinned by modern creativity.As part of Dentsu Group Inc.(Tokyo:4324;ISIN:JP3551520004),we are headquartered in in Tokyo,Japan and our 65,000-strong employee-base of dedicated professionals work across four regions(Japan,Americas,EMEA and APAC).Dentsu combines Japanese innovation with a diverse,global perspective to drive client growth and to shape society.Visit:;.About dentsu



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