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1、WAVE 14|02/23MONITORING SENTIMENT FOR DOMESTIC AND INTRA-EUROPEAN TRAVELWAVE 14RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS21The data collection and research methodology are detailed in the methodological annex(slide 42)This report monitors sentiment and short-term intentions for domestic and intra-European travel and is th

2、e 14thwave of a market research1initiated in September 2020.Results are based on data collected in December 2022from Europeans in 10 high-volume source markets.77%of Europeans plan to travel between January-June 2023,representing a 16%surge over thesame period last year.Furthermore,58%of respondents

3、 intend to take multiple trips in the next 6 months(+6%over the previous wave in September 2022).Visiting another European country is the preferred choice for 63%of Europeans(+13%compared to ayear ago):35%plan to visit a neighbouring destination,and 28%will travel to a non-neighbouring one.Interest

4、in domestic tourism dropped to its lowest level(25%)since August 2020.Sun&Beach is once again Europeans preferred type of leisure trip(17%),followed by City Breaks(16%)and Culture&Heritage(15%).Enjoying natural landscapes(19%),tasting the local cuisine(17%)andimmersing in the local culture(15%)are n

5、ow travellers most sought-after experiences.3WAVE 14RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS72%of Europeans will travel for leisure purposes,15%will visit friends or relatives,7%will attend an event,and5%will take a business trip.The top three criteria for choosing the next travel destination are pleasant weather(18%),t

6、ravel bargains anddeals(17%)and friendly locals(12%).For travellers aged 25-44,attractive offers are the most important decisionfactor.Only 6%of respondents consider destinations actions to preserve natural and cultural heritage as a primarychoice factor.The number of travellers planning to fly to t

7、heir destination(54%)is the highest since 2020 and up 10%from thesame period in 2021.29%of Europeans plan to drive their car,and another 10%will take the train for their next trip.44%of Europeans have fully/partly booked their upcoming trip,a 7%year-on-year increase.Among examinedmarkets,the Austria

8、ns(27%)and the British(25%)have fully booked to a higher extent,along with the Dutch and theBelgians(24%each).Despite current economic concerns,Europeans will spend similar time and budget on holidays,as per one yearago:39%are planning trips of 4-6 nights(+6%compared to a year ago),while 500-1,500 e

9、uros is still the mostcommon allocated budget(29%).WAVE 14RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS423%of Europeans mention increased trip costs,and 18%their personalfinances as a major travel concern.On the positive side,59%of Europeans plan to spend the same budget onholidays as they would normally do,demonstrating a s

10、trong resiliencecompared to other spending categories.For instance,around 40%ofrespondents intend to reduce their budget for retail shopping(clothes,electronics,etc.),leisure activities,sport and self care.While travel desire remains strong,Europeans are adapting their in-destinationbehaviour due to

11、 increased costs:18%will reduce their shopping activities,16%will select cheaper accommodation and 15%will be settling for lessexpensive restaurants/self-catering.Affordable all-inclusive packages(12%)and fewer activities with admission fees are also considered(10%).Concerns over the war in Ukraine(

12、11%)increase slightly compared toSeptember 2022,causing 31%of respondents to make changes to theirnext trip(+5%).WAVE 14RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESTINATIONS580%of Europeans over the age of 55 plan to travel by June 2023;destinations can attract this segmentby addressing their interest for culture&herita

13、ge attractions(38%),and outdoor experiences toexplore the natural landscape(19%),and by promoting travel itineraries for trips longer than 7nights(50%).Considering the importance of bargains and deals in choosing a destination,DMOs can bring localbusinesses together to create affordable travel packa

14、ges,promote free-entrance attractions and theinexpensive accommodations and eateries at the destination.Friendly and welcoming locals are now the 3rdmost important factor in choosing a destination.Thus,DMOscould promote the human aspects of the destination(e.g.,by involving locals in campaigns)andcr

15、eate local experiences that allow travellers to engage with residents.As the preference for air travel grows(+10%compared to a year ago),CO2 emissions increase accordingly.To support the sector in its critical journey to reduce carbon emissions,destinations are encouraged topromote train travel furt

16、her and create holiday packages based on train transportation,which arecurrently favoured by only 10%of European travellers.WAVE 14RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BUSINESSES658%of Europeans have either partly booked their next trip or have chosen a destination but have not yetbooked.To encourage these consumers

17、 to take a step further and complete their booking,businesses couldemploy re-marketing and lead-nurturing tactics to re-engage with audiences who have already interactedwith the brand,(e.g.,by displaying ads to prospective customers who visited a site without checking out).32%of Europeans planning t

18、o travel in May-June have already fully/partially booked their trip.In response tothe high level of interest in travel bargains and deals and in order to capitalise on this momentum,businessescan promote affordable packages for this period and reward early-bookers.As Europeans consider less expensiv

19、e accommodation,hotels can offer room-only stays,cheaperaccommodation that excludes hotel amenities and daily housekeeping,and discounts for bookingmultiple nights.They can also offer all-inclusive packages that allow visitors to have better control overtheir spending.32%of Europeans over the age of

20、 55 plan a domestic trip by June 2023,and businesses targeting localtravellers can promote culture and heritage attractions(38%)and experiences that focus on enjoyingnature(19%),tasting the local cuisine(18%)and exploring the local culture(17%)-the preferredactivities of this age group.CONTENTS01.02

21、.03.04.TRAVELTRIPTRAVELMETHODOLOGICALINTENTIONSPLANNINGCONCERNSANNEXP.9P.27P.37P.421.Dates on the graphs refer to the following data collection periods for each research wave:2.To present Wave 14 timings in which respondents are most likely to take their next trip,the following time periods should b

22、e used as a reference:In 1-2 months:January-February 2023In 3-4 months:March-April 2023In 5-6 months:May-June 20233.To present data and insights,the following distinct groups have been analysed:Total respondents:6,000Respondents most likely to travel in the next 6 months:4,606Respondents planning to

23、 travel internationally within Europe(not necessarily in the next 6 months):4,6554.Significant changes between current and previous waves are calculated on a 2.5%significance level.Statistically significant differences are marked using the following symbols:Increasing ,decreasing Numbers next to the

24、 arrows reflect the actual change in the share of respondents selecting a specific response between current and previous waves6.All data and insights refer to domestic and intra-European travel,unless otherwise stated.How to read8Wave 14Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14Survey dates23-31 Dec 211-9

25、March 229-12 May 2213-23 Sept 2215-29 Dec 22TRAVEL INTENTIONS10Poland83.2%Q8.Do you plan to take an overnight trip domestically or within Europe in the next 6 months,either for personal or professional purposes?No.of respondents:6,000Intention to travel in the next 6 monthsTop 5 markets that are mos

26、t likely to travel in the next 6 monthsSpain79.2%Italy80.4%*Statistically significant difference vs a year ago(December 2021)61.1%76.8%73.1%70.1%76.8%14.3%10.2%11.7%14.0%13.4%24.6%13.0%15.2%15.9%9.9%Dec 21surveyMarch 22surveyMay 22surveySept 22surveyDec 22surveyLikely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very

27、 UnlikelyGermany79.1%UK79.1%14%16%Steady travel enthusiasm among Europeans:77%plan to take a trip by June 202326%18%11Europeans aged 35 or older have a stronger desire to travel in the next months than their younger counterparts,who demonstrate higher levels of travel uncertainty Q8.Do you plan to t

28、ake an overnight trip domestically or within Europe in the next 6 months,either for personal or professional purposes?*Q6.What criteria will play the most important role in choosing your next holiday destination?No.of respondents:6,000Intention to travel in the next 6 months by age group14.3%11.8%9.

29、0%8.5%7.8%20.8%13.6%11.8%11.3%11.9%64.9%74.5%79.1%80.3%80.3%18-2425-3435-4445-5455Very unlikely/unlikelyNeutralLikely/very likelyTop travel experiences by age group:16%enjoy natural landscapes15%sightseeing13%dive into local culture18-2425-3435-4445-5455+17%enjoy natural landscapes16%sightseeing16%t

30、aste local cuisine19%enjoy natural landscapes17%taste local cuisine14%dive into local culture19%enjoy natural landscapes18%taste local cuisine17%dive into local culture20%enjoy natural landscapes17%taste local cuisine15%the dive into local culture32.2%30.6%31.4%28.5%24.8%27.3%30.4%30.5%35.5%34.6%23.

31、0%25.4%27.0%26.4%28.2%12.5%11.0%8.9%7.7%10.0%5.1%2.7%2.2%1.9%2.4%Dec 21surveyMarch 22surveyMay 22surveySept 22surveyDec 22surveyWithin my countryTo a neighbouring countryTo a non-neighbouring European countryTo destinations outside EuropeDo not know yet12Q11.When are you most likely to go on your ne

32、xt trip either in your country or within Europe?When will Europeans travel next?No.of respondents:4,606Where will Europeans travel within the next 6 months?18.6%23.8%41.4%38.8%27.4%24.5%37.7%42.3%33.6%33.9%35.6%32.0%10.4%21.0%32.5%21.3%6.5%5.9%6.7%6.2%Dec 21surveyMarch 22surveyMay 22surveySept 22sur

33、veyDec 22surveyIn 1-2 monthsIn 3-4 monthsIn 5-6 monthsDo not know yetQ12.Where do you plan to travel in the next 6 months?*Statistically significant difference vs a year ago(December 2021)The majority of Europeans(66%)plan trips from March onwards.Interest in visiting non-neighbouring destinations g

34、rows significantly compared to a year ago 7%7%9%15%62.8%Intend to travel to Europe50,3%Intend to travel to Europe13%9%5%66,4%March-June13Q13.To which country(ies)do you plan to travel next?TOP 10 COUNTRIESNo.of respondents:4,655*Please use this map as a reference onlyDec 22 surveyFrance9.9%Italy8.9%

35、Spain8.4%Germany6.4%Greece5.8%Croatia5.6%Austria4.8%Portugal4.7%Trkiye3.4%Belgium3.2%*No statistically significant differences between waves were recorded1%1%1%1%1%5523%35-4425%5523%35-4438%5521%45-5437%7-9 nights45%4-6 nights48%4-6 nights41%4-6 nights33%500-1000 32%500-1000 29%500-1000 29%500-1000

36、21%Sightseeing17%Dive into local culture 16%Enjoy natural landscapes15%Gastronomic experiences 22%Learn about history19%Dive into local culture 17%Sightseeing15%Gastronomic experiences 28%Enjoy natural landscapes 16%Gastronomic experiences 15%Dive into local culture12%Active holiday experiences19%En

37、joy natural landscapes 18%Gastronomic experiences 14%Dive into local culture14%SightseeingEUROPEANS PREFERENCES FOR TRIP TYPES AND EXPERIENCESTravel horizon:January-June 2023Analysis of preferred type of leisure trip by age,length of stay,budget and types of experiences26%4-6 nights37%Up to 3 nights

38、22%7-9 nights23%7-9 nights24%1001-1500 27%Up to 500 23%1001-1500 21%Up to 500 TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS22%23%38%17%A SNAPSHOT OF GERMAN TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:750(total sample of respondents per country)Sun&Beach24%Nat

39、ure&Outdoors17%61%79%16%12%24%9%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVEL36%with partner13%solo41%with familyPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?34%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET17%33%27%13%10%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights18

40、%30%20%15%7%6%3%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+Austria12%Italy 10%Spain9%Trkiye8%Greece7%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPSTrip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet9%25%33%

41、32%Coast&Sea15%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY27%25%*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic tripsThe intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activitiesJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 233%*3%*Si

42、gnificant increase or decrease vs the same time last year19%*15%*6%*6%*5%*11%*11%*8%*7%*6%*TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS25%24%31%20%A SNAPSHOT OF BRITISH TRAVEL PLANSTravel Travel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:750(total sample of respondents per co

43、untry)Sun&Beach26%53%79%19%14%29%7%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?26%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET19%37%29%9%7%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights17%31%22%16%8%4%2%Up to 500501-1.0001

44、.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+Spain 12%France10%Italy 7%Cyprus 6%Belgium5%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPSCity Break20%Trip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet11%Coast&Sea11%ANOTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRY

45、OUTSIDE EUROPETOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips60%10%*20%40%29%8%*8%*6%*7%*29%*27%*22%*The intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same time last yearJanuary

46、-February 23March-April 23May-June 2338%with partner9%solo42%with family6%*17%*7%*13%*14%*7%*9%*9%*11%*6%*4%*4%*TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS22%18%37%23%A SNAPSHOT OF FRENCH TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:751(total sample of respo

47、ndents per country)Sun&Beach19%63%75%12%12%24%13%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?30%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET11%37%31%11%9%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights17%27%20%14%11%6%4%Up

48、to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+Italy 12%Spain 11%Portugal9%Greece8%Croatia 6%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPSCulture&Heritage21%Trip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet15%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY

49、 COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY38%15%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips5%*18%30%40%6%*9%*5%*The intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same ti

50、me last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2341%with partner7%solo40%with familyCoast&Sea14%12%*11%*6%*12%*7%*7%*6%*7%*TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS24%26%30%20%A SNAPSHOT OF DUTCH TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:500(tota

51、l sample of respondents per country)Sun&Beach22%Nature&Outdoors21%52%71%16%19%32%10%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?19%24%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET13%34%28%13%12%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12ni

52、ghtsOver 12nights11%27%24%18%12%4%4%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+Germany 9%Spain9%France 8%Belgium 7%Austria 7%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPSTrip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet11%City Brea

53、k18%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY42%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips6%*5%*24%33%32%8%*9%*The intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant incre

54、ase or decrease vs the same time last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2340%with partner8%solo34%with family19%*22%*14%*14%*17%*7%*13%*5%*4%*8%*9%*8%*8%*9%*6%*TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS22%20%35%23%A SNAPSHOT OF ITALIAN TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon

55、:January-June 2023No.of respondents:750(total sample of respondents per country)Culture&Heritage36%67%80%16%12%17%7%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?36%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET21%46%23%6%4%Up to 3nigh

56、ts4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights17%31%23%14%7%6%2%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+France 13%Spain 12%Germany 7%Austria 7%UK 7%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPSTrip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip no

57、t booked yet8%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY26%26%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips4%*25%35%27%6%*Wellness&relaxation10%The intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel

58、 activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same time last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2339%with partner7%solo39%with familySun&Beach10%14%*10%*9%*13%*10%*6%*14%*11%*9%*12%*6%*6%*4%*A SNAPSHOT OF BELGIAN TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:500(tota


60、to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights20%32%21%11%8%5%3%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+France 23%Italy 10%Spain 9%Netherlands 7%Greece 5%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPS24%22%30%24%Trip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDest

61、ination chosen but trip not booked yet11%Sun&Beach17%Nature&Outdoors22%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY40%29%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips5%*7%*25%30%31%8%*7%*City Break15%12%*10%*18%*16%*TRAVEL READIN

62、ESSThe intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same time last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2336%with partner13%solo38%with family9%*6%*7%*7%*7%*7%*5%*6%*8%*4%*TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPR

63、EFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS22%35%23%20%A SNAPSHOT OF SWISS TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:485(total sample of respondents per country)48%68%14%17%38%14%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVEL32%with partner13%solo34%with f

64、amilyPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?17%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET21%34%23%13%9%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights13%24%21%19%9%7%7%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+Italy 11%Germany 10%France 9%Spain 7%Austria 6%TRAVEL READ

65、INESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPSTrip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet12%Sun&Beach16%Nature&Outdoors14%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY37%30%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without r

66、eference to domestic trips28%34%28%10%*City Break13%7%*11%*13%*7%*TRAVEL READINESSThe intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same time last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2321%*24%*4%*8%*5%*10%

67、*14%*13%*6%*6%*8%*5%*6%*7%*16%*5%*6%*5%*5%*A SNAPSHOT OF SPANISH TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:501(total sample of respondents per country)TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS14%8%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very Unlik

68、elyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?31%41%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET20%51%22%5%2%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights19%28%23%12%9%5%3%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+France 21%Italy 14%Germany 10%Portugal

69、9%UK6%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPS11%16%54%19%Trip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet6%Culture&Heritage18%City Break39%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY18%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Base

70、d on total sample,without reference to domestic trips24%32%30%Nature&Outdoors10%4%*10%*8%*TRAVEL READINESSThe intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same time last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-Jun

71、e 2339%with partner9%solo38%with family5%*9%*214%*5%*13%*4%*6%*7%*4%*4%*A SNAPSHOT OF POLISH TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:500(total sample of respondents per country)TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS80%83%7%8%13%9%Dec 21Dec 22Likely

72、/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?25%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGETUp to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights15%23%20%18%13%6%5%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.5002.501-3.0003.001+Italy 12%Croatia

73、 11%Greece 7%Spain 7%France7%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPS14%43%23%Trip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet9%Culture&Heritage17%City Break22%Coast&Sea14%NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROPENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY27%

74、35%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips75%*21%29%36%4%*10%*8%*6%*7%*8%*11%*4%*TRAVEL READINESSThe intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease vs the same time last yearJan

75、uary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2338%with partner7%solo42%with family9%*8%*6%*6%*6%*A SNAPSHOT OF AUSTRIAN TRAVEL PLANSTravel horizon:January-June 2023No.of respondents:501(total sample of respondents per country)TRAVEL SENTIMENTTRAVEL PLANNINGPREFERRED TYPES OF TRIPS&DESTINATIONS57%74%15%16%

76、28%10%Dec 21Dec 22Likely/Very LikelyNeutralUnlikely/Very UnlikelyINTENTION TO TRAVELPOPULAR TRAVEL PERIODSWHERE TO?22%AND WITH WHOM?INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY AND BUDGET32%34%20%8%6%Up to 3nights4-6nights7-9nights10-12nightsOver 12nights23%30%19%12%7%5%3%Up to 500501-1.0001.001-1.5001.501-2.0002.001-2.

77、5002.501-3.0003.001+Germany 15%Italy 9%Croatia 7%Greece 7%Hungary 5%TRAVEL READINESSTOP 3 TYPES OF TRIPS27%23%28%22%Trip fully bookedTrip partially bookedDestination not chosenDestination chosen but trip not booked yet11%Sun&Beach18%City Break28%12%*NEIGHBOURING COUNTRYWITHIN MY COUNTRYOUTSIDE EUROP

78、ENON-NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY35%26%TOP 5 EUROPEAN DESTINATIONS*Based on total sample,without reference to domestic trips31%27%28%10%*5%*Wellness&Relaxation15%6%*TRAVEL READINESSThe intended budget is per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities*Significant increase or decrease

79、 vs the same time last yearJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 2336%with partner11%solo32%with family17%*18%*9%*8%*10%*4%*10%*7%*6%*5%*6%*7%*TRIP PLANNINGDont know yet2 trips1 trip6%28Q9.How many trips do you plan to take in the next 6 months,within Europe?Most Europeans will take multiple tri

80、ps in the first half of 2023;Solo travellers are the most likely to travel more frequently Number of intended trips within Europe in the next 6 months 3 trips5+trips4 tripsNoneNo.of respondents:4,60636.3%38.5%32.0%27.4%39.0%37.0%37.5%38.1%17.6%19.2%24.7%25.8%5.5%4.5%4.9%6.8%With my partnerWith my fa

81、milyWith friendsBy myselfDo not know yet3+trips2 trips1 tripNumber of intended trips within Europe by preferred travel companion(top 4)*The question was introduced in May 2022Statistically significant difference vs the previous wave 13 7%7%5%5%6%35.4%37.8%12.2%4.4%3.7%1.2%5.3%Dec 22 survey2+trips:58

82、%Preferred modes of transport for respondents most likely to travel in the next 6 monthsTop 5 markets most likely to travel by plane in the next 6 monthsFranceItaly61.6%68.3%Poland56.3%UK68.2%29Q14.Which of the following modes of transport would you most consider using during your next trip within E

83、urope?Spain73.7%*Statistically significant difference vs a year ago(December 2021)43.6%50.4%46.9%51.1%53.7%31.0%33.7%34.1%32.2%29.4%11.4%7.8%10.4%11.9%9.8%5.3%3.1%3.7%2.4%2.4%2.3%4.4%3.1%3.1%1.7%1.8%Dec 21surveyMarch 22surveyMay 22surveySept 22surveyDec 22surveyBy airBy an owned carBy train*By a ren

84、ted carBy bus*By ship or ferry*Up to September 22,By train/bus was recorded as one answerNo.of respondents:4,606The share of Europeans planning to fly to their next destination increases gradually,reaching new heights14%*22%*10%*11%*11%*9%*16%33%26%13%12%18%28%18%13%10%6%6%18%39%26%10%9%17%29%22%15%

85、9%6%4%Up to 3 nights4-6 nights7-9 nights10-12 nights Over 12 nightsUp to 500euros501-1,000euros1,001-1,500euros1,501-2,000euros2,001-2,500euros2,501-3,000eurosOver 3,000eurosDec 21 surveyDec 22 surveyEnvisaged budgetThe budget is per person per trip,including accommodation,transportation and travel

86、activitiesIntended length of stay(nights)Q18.What would be the length of your next overnight trip?Q19.How much do you intend to spend on your next overnight trip(per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities)?No.of respondents:4,606Despite economic concerns,Europeans expect

87、 to spend the same time and budget on holidays as last year306%*4%*LOOKING FOR THE BIG SPENDERS?35%of Sun&Beach travellers will spend over 1,500euros on their next holiday,vs.29%among Nature&Outdoors and 21%among City Break travellersQ18.What would be the length of your next overnight trip?Q19.How m

88、uch do you intend to spend on your next overnight trip(per person,including accommodation,transportation and travel activities)?No.of respondents:4,606MORE NIGHTS AND HIGHER BUDGETSFor Europeans who intend to take longer trips,the planned budget increases proportionally31 3 nights4-6 nights7-9 night

89、s 55Over 12 nights10-12 nights7-9 nights4-6 nightsUp to 3 nights22.0%20.0%14.9%14.4%14.5%27.4%32.4%29.3%28.2%28.2%21.2%20.8%22.2%21.9%21.7%11.9%12.0%14.9%16.1%16.2%8.9%7.2%9.5%9.7%9.2%4.7%4.9%5.5%5.5%7.0%3.9%2.8%3.7%4.3%3.3%18-2425-3435-4445-54 54Over 3,000 euros2,501-3,000 euros2,001-2,500 euros1,5

90、01-2,000 euros1,001-1,500 euros501-1,000 eurosUp to 500 eurosNo.of respondents:4,60649.6%35.7%33Q15.Which of the following types of accommodation would you most consider staying at during your next trip within Europe?Preferred type of accommodation for respondents most likely to travel in the next 6

91、 monthsAn increasing number of Europeans plan to stay in a hotel during their next trip;short-term rental accommodations are the second most preferred option Hotel chain or resortIndependent hotel/resortFriends and/or familyOther paid serviced accommodation(bed and breakfast,etc.)Hostel/motelShort-t

92、erm rental via online platform Camping/caravanOther26.5%29.7%27.4%28.7%28.8%23.4%25.0%24.4%26.7%26.2%13.5%14.3%15.3%15.8%15.7%12.3%11.1%11.7%11.5%11.1%8.1%7.2%8.1%7.3%8.2%5.8%3.7%4.7%4.8%4.7%5.9%6.3%5.8%3.8%4.2%4.5%2.8%2.5%1.5%1.1%Sept 22 surveyDec 21 surveyGen Z Europeans(18-24 years old)are more l

93、ikely to stay in short-term rentals(17%)and hostels(8%),and are less likely to favour hotels(47%)Mar 22 surveyNo.of respondents:4,606May 22 survey55%Dec 22 survey5%*Statistically significant difference vs a year ago(December 2021)The share of Europeans who have fully/partially booked their next trip

94、(44%)has increased by 7%compared to a year agoQ21.Please select a response which best describes the planning for your next trip:No.of respondents:3,82234*%change vs previous survey period*Statistically significant difference vs a year ago(December 2021)No.of respondents:4,606Status of planning for t

95、he next trip17.4%26.1%32.2%26.0%24.5%8.4%7.5%9.2%8.6%9.6%11.0%10.2%11.4%10.0%10.3%42.2%38.6%33.7%38.2%38.4%21.1%17.6%13.4%17.2%17.2%Dec 21surveyMarch 22surveyMay 22surveySept 22surveyDec 22surveyI have not yet chosen where I will travel next I have chosen where I want to go but not yet booked/arrang

96、ed my tripI have booked/arranged the accommodation for my next tripI have booked/arranged the transportation for my next tripI have booked/arranged all travel and accommodation components for my next trip7%*37%44%4%*4%*Results reflect improved travel confidence and a potential desire to reduce overa

97、ll travel costs by purchasing early-bird deals.47%of Europeans have chosen their early summer destination but have not yet booked;The share of fully booked trips is the lowest among Europeans who plan domestic holidays3542.2%20.1%17.5%24.7%22.9%14.9%26.6%41.8%46.6%In 1-2 monthsIn 3-4 monthsIn 5-6 mo

98、nths22.0%25.2%26.8%28.0%17.0%22.7%19.1%21.1%38.3%38.8%40.9%37.1%In my countryA neighbouringcountryA non-neighbouringEuropean countryOutside EuropeDestination chosen,but trip not yet bookedTrip partially bookedTrip fully bookedBooking status and travel destinationBooking status and timing of next tri

99、pQ21.Please select a response which best describes the planning for your next trip:No.of respondents:4,606Dec 22 surveyJanuary-February 23March-April 23May-June 23Q5.What criteria will play the most important role in choosing your next holiday destination?No.of respondents:6,000Friendly and welcomin

100、g locals are now the third most important factor in choosing a destination,after the ever-popular good weather and attractive bargains&deals17.8%17.4%11.6%10.1%8.4%7.7%6.7%6.0%Pleasant weatherconditionsBargains andattractive dealsFriendly andwelcoming localsDestination is notcrowdedDirect transportr

101、outesFully lifted travelrestrictionsHealth&safetyprotocolsPreserved naturaland culturalheritageTop 8 criteria for choosing the next travel destination(Dec 22 survey)36*The question was introduced in May22.Statistically significant differences vs the previous wave 13 Bargains&attractive deals is the

102、no.1 criterion for domestic travellers,being considered by 41%of them,vs.35%among travellers planning a non-domestic trip in EuropeTRAVEL CONCERNS38No.of respondents:4,606Leading concerns for those who are most likely to travel next(Dec 22 survey)Q4.What currently concerns you the most about travell

103、ing within Europe?EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS CONCERNSFor 23%of Europeans,increased travel costs are a primary source of concern,while 18%are mainly worried about their financial situation Top 4 marketsconcerned with rising travel costsTop 4 marketsconcerned with personal financesAustria25%Spain25%Poland24.

104、%Belgium24%Belgium22%Germany20%Spain19%Poland19%Top travel concerns are shared equally by Europeans of all age groups.PolandItalyTop 5 markets to change their trip planning35.3%Q3.How has the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine affected your plans to travel within Europe in the next 6 months?UK34

105、.7%How has the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine affected travel plans?No.of respondents:6,000Switzerland 34.7%3.5%6.4%10.7%6.9%7.1%10.9%46.6%7.9%Dec 22surveyI had not planned any overnight trips in the next 6 monthsIt did not affect me at allI will wait and see how the war evolves before booki

106、ng a tripI made the trip with some changes from the initial plan(accommodation/transport)I changed my trip from international to domesticI changed my itinerary to avoid countries neighbouring the conflict zoneI rescheduled it for another dateI cancelled my trip completely3%*Spain 32.1%*The question

107、was introduced in May 2022*Statistically significant difference vs the previous wave(September 2022)Most often mentioned type of change:Europeans remain cautious about the war in Ukraine:31%of respondents will make changes to their upcoming trip due to the conflict16%10%11%12%13%31,1%I changed my it


109、S10%WILL GO LESS OFTEN TO BARS&NIGHTCLUBS6%INCREASED USE OF LOYALTY SCHEMES6%USE CITY CARDS FOR DISCOUNTSQ20.In the context of inflation and rising costs of travel,which of the following travel behaviours are you most likely to adopt during your next vacation?No.of respondents:4,60641Q22.Thinking ab

110、out the next six months,do you foresee any changes in your budget for each of the following categories?*New question,introduced in December 2022Anticipated changes in spending on traveling,in the coming six months59%of Europeans plan to spend the same as usual on travel in the first half of 2023-dem

111、onstrating a strong resilience compared to other spending categories15.9%21.2%30.1%7.7%8.6%8.3%58.9%58.3%44.6%49.1%46.9%43.7%23.3%19.3%22.6%32.4%39.6%43.6%2.2%1.3%2.6%10.9%5.0%4.5%I will spend much moreI will spend about the sameI will spend much lessI will not spend at allNo.of respondents:6,000Gen

112、 Z is ready to splurge21%of Gen Z travellers(aged 18-24)plan to increase their travel budget,compared to an average of 15%among Europeans in other age groups.Travelling(domestic or international)Food&home supplies(groceries)Energy and fuel(for home or vehicle)Sports and personal care(e.g.gym subscri

113、ption,hairdressers)Leisure activities(e.g.theatre,concerts,restaurants,bars,etc.)Shopping for clothes,electronics and other retail goodsMETHODOLOGICAL ANNEXMETHODOLOGICAL ANNEXTHE SURVEYCountryTotalUKITESATFRDEPLBECHNL18-24887044062961031191471,

114、3201051301281,58711741,1268178521,534Total7507505005007507505005005005006,00043The report is the result of online market research of Europeans who took at least 2 overnight trips during the last three years(2020-2022)Distribution/data colle

115、ction period:Wave 10:23-31 December 2021;sample=6,002/Wave 11:01-09 March 2022;sample=5,998/Wave 12:09-12 May 2022;sample=6,005/Wave 13:13-23 September 2022;sample=5,988/Wave 14:15-29 December 2022;sample=6,000Countries:Germany,United Kingdom,France,Netherlands,Italy,Belgium,Switzerland,Spain,Poland

116、 and AustriaLanguages:English,French,German,Italian,Spanish,Polish and DutchResearch themes examined:Travel personas(1 question),Travel concerns and impact of external shocks on travel(8 questions),and Travel intentions,preferences and trip planning(13 questions)46%of the Wave 13 survey respondents

117、are male and 54%are female.Sample size and age groups are listed below:Copyright 2023 European Travel Commission(ETC)Study on Monitoring Sentiment for Intra-European TravelAll rights reserved.The contents of this report may bequoted,provided the source is given accurately andclearly.Distribution or

118、reproduction in full is permitted forown or internal use only.While we encourage distribution via publicly accessiblewebsites,this should be done via a link to ETCscorporate website,www.etc-corporate.orgData sources:This report is based on research conductedby MINDHAUS(www.mindhaus.gr)and should be

119、interpreted by users according to their needs.Please note that while every possible effort has been made to ensure the data in this report is accurate,it is not possible to eliminate every margin of error.Published by the European Travel CommissionRue du March aux Herbes,61,1000 Brussels,BelgiumWebsite:www.etc-corporate.orgEmail:ISBN No:978-92-95107-65-6Cover photo:Black cheerful happy couple in love visiting Paris city centre and Eiffel Tower-African American tourists travelling in Europe and dating outdoorsPhoto ID:2173930499Design:MINDHAUS



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