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1、The changing face of 5G for industryEY Reimagining Industry Futures Study 2023Is your technology moving fast enough to realize your ambitions?EY Reimagining Industry Futures Study 202302REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYContentsAbout this study.03Executive summary.04Detailed survey findin

2、gs.061.Emerging technologies adoption.062.The sustainability imperative.103.5G-based IoT:trends and takeaways.144.Enterprise 5G:pain points and priorities.205.The view of the vendor.256.Ecosystem interactions.29Next steps for 5G service providers.3403REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYAbou

3、t this studyThe EY Reimagining Industry Futures Study 2023 is based on an online survey of 5G perceptions among 1,325 enterprises worldwide in November 2022,the fourth wave of this annual survey.The questionnaire comprised multiple-choice questions and agreement statements,with respondents drawn fro

4、m multiple industry verticals and geographies.Only respondents who self-selected as“moderately knowledgeable”and above about their organizations Internet of Things(IoT)and 5G initiatives feature in the study results.The questions explored enterprise executives attitudes and intentions toward emergin

5、g technologies,with a focus on the IoT and 5G-based IoT.Themes pursued in the questionnaire included:enterprise spending intentions,desired use cases,organizational challenges and priorities,and enterprises engagement with technology suppliers and ecosystems.Survey respondents broken down by locatio

6、n and primary industryFigure 1:Location of respondentsWhere are you located?25%13%8%8%8%6%4%4%4%4%4%3%3%2%2%2%2%1%1%USUKBrazilGermanyChinaTurkeyUAEIndiaAustraliaJapanFranceKSADenmarkFinlandSwitzerlandSwedenPolandNorwayCzech Republic15%15%13%13%12%12%11%9%TechnologyFinancialservicesAutomotiveandtrans

7、portationManufacturingEnergy,miningand utilitiesHealthcare andlife sciencesConsumerproducts andretailGovernmentand publicsectorAB OUT T HI S ST UDYFigure 2:Primary industry of respondentsWhich of the following best reflects the primary industry of your organization?04Executive summaryA growth mindse

8、t is returning to the enterprise 5G and IoT agendaEnterprises 5G and IoT strategies are increasingly oriented toward growth.Among organizational priorities,IoTs contribution to revenue growth is now on par with the operational efficiency benefits it offers.And 5G-IoT use cases such as virtual realit

9、y(VR),augmented reality(AR)and remote working now score ahead of others such as infrastructure control as focus areas for applications.These findings contrast to the previous year when businesses were keener to highlight 5G and IoT use cases that delivered business resilience and continuity in the w

10、ake of the global health crisis.In addition,these more ambitious aims are accompanied by an uptick in current levels of 5G investment,which has increased by three percentage points year-on-year,with Americas region businesses leading the ramp-up in spend over the past 12 months.Sustainability is fro

11、nt of mind as enterprises embrace emerging technologiesSustainability and broader environmental,social and governance(ESG)goals are very much at the heart of enterprises relationship with technology.Three-quarters of respondents globally believe emerging technologies can play a critical role in redu

12、cing their organizations carbon emissions,and a similar proportion say they will prioritize vendors who can articulate the environmental impact of new technologies.Looking ahead,organizations cite capabilities and credentials around sustainability as the number one attribute they will be seeking in

13、their suppliers in the future,ranking ahead of competitive pricing or end-to-end solution capabilities.Businesses also expect to leverage their ecosystem positions to explore circular business models with other organizations.30%76%of enterprises cite“overhaul existing business models”as an important

14、 driver of their IoT spend,up from 25%last year.say ESG considerations are a leading or important consideration informing their emerging technology investment plans or decisions.EX ECUT I V E SUM M ARYREIMAGINING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DYREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYFrom technology de

15、ployments and partnerships to security,execution challenges are mountingSuccessful activation of 5G requires businesses to make new choices in how they purchase it and whom they purchase it from,which generates uncertainties.Although the wide range of 5G purchasing models on offer brings new procure

16、ment options and service benefits,uncertainty over deployment scenarios and timings now ranks second as an internal 5G challenge at a time when return on investment(ROI)anxieties are rising.Execution challenges also extend into organizations ecosystem strategies,with more businesses than ever findin

17、g multi-sided partnerships difficult to execute in practice,and limited resources for collaboration also presenting more problems than before.Finally,security concerns remain firmly on the corporate radar:Cyber risks lead this years external challenges associated with 5G.Knowledge gaps undermine eff

18、orts to exploit 5G alongside other technologies,such as edge computingIn line with previous years,knowledge gaps continue to pose problems:while businesses are keen to explore 5Gs relationship to other emerging technologies,many do not think that they understand the ideal points of intersection betw

19、een them.Poor understanding of 5Gs relationship with other technologies tops the list of internal challenges organizations face this year,while four in 10 cite exploring these relationships further as a top priority.Meanwhile,three in four organizations believe they need a better understanding of ed

20、ge computing use cases.These findings highlight that knowledge gaps have different origins and dimensions,suggesting more than a quick fix is needed.66%believe that multi-sided partnerships are difficult to execute in practice,up from 59%in 2022.cite exploring 5Gs relationship to other emerging tech

21、nologies as one of their 5G priorities going forward.believe their organization requires greater understanding of edge computing use cases and concepts.41%75%05EX ECUT I V E SUM M ARY1Emerging technologies adoptionDetailed survey findingsREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY0607REI M AG I NI

22、 NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYEmerging technologies continue to penetrate the enterpriseLevels of current investment are rising year-on-year for all eight emerging technologies tracked in our study,with 5G and edge computing showing the largest increase,both rising by four percentage points year-o

23、n-year.In terms of future investment intentions,5G has the most active profile of all the emerging technologies:57%plan to invest in 5G in the next one to three years,while only 7%believe the technology is irrelevant to their organization,down sharply from 12%last year.Adoption of more nascent techn

24、ologies is still gradual,with current levels of investment in augmented reality(AR)and virtual reality(VR),along with quantum computing,increasing by just one percentage point year-on-year.Figure 3:Investment in emerging technologiesWhich of the following emerging technologies is your organization i

25、nvesting in?Interrelated factors are spurring more interest in 5G and IoT,with supply chain disruption as the leading catalyst Organizations interest in 5G and IoT is being influenced by external factors that are disrupting the business environment.The single biggest catalyst is supply chain disrupt

26、ion:82%of organizations say this factor has increased their interest in 5G and IoT.ESG issues rank second(76%),followed by rising energy costs(69%).Over half(56%)of organizations continue to cite the impact of the health crisis,although this has fallen from 85%last year,reflecting the receding effec

27、ts of the pandemic in many regions.At a regional level,enterprises located in the Americas tend to be most responsive to these factors as drivers of greater interest in 5G and IoT.Robotics and automationCurrently investingMonitoring technology,no plans to investTechnology is not relevant to my organ

28、izationPlan to invest in one yearPlan to invest in two to three yearsAnalytics and AIEdge computingIoTAR or VR5GBlockchainQuantum computing65%64%16%5%2%3Percentage of all respondents,n=1,32545%24%16%12%4%438%24%14%7%19%3421%31%26%15%7%18%23%16%23%20%1118%18%16%30%18%13%22%20%36%9%14%10%7%14%5%33EM E

29、RG I NG T EC HNOLOG I ES AD OPT I O NYear-on-year change in current investment(pp)08REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYFigure 4:External factors:impact on enterprise interest in 5G and IoTHow have the following external factors affected your organizations interest in 5G and IoT?5G investme

30、nt is accelerating in the Americas,but there are signs of deferred spend in AsiaAs well as being the most responsive to external factors,Americas enterprises are also leading in 5G investment today,with 35%currently investing,up from 20%last year.This is compounded by rising levels of both current a

31、nd planned investment in the region:89%have current or future 5G investment plans,up from 72%the previous year.Meanwhile,current and future investments are largely static in Europe and Asia.Interestingly the proportion of enterprises in Asia currently investing in 5G stands at just 10%,down from 17%

32、in last years study.However,the proportion planning 5G investments in the coming year has risen by seven percentage points.This suggests that some organizations are deferring 5G expenditure.Figure 5:Current and future 5G investmentDisruption to global supply chainsESG issuesRising energy costsCOVID-

33、19 pandemic49%34%35%23%33%35%7%34%24%42%20%33%15%2%3%6%1%1%1%2%Increased significantlyIncreased slightlyUnchangedDecreased slightlyDecreased significantlyEM ERG I NG T EC HNOLOG I ES AD OPT I O N202389%72%Americas:5G investment intentions by region202235%28%24%8%5%17%20%28%24%17%11%202375%76%Europe:

34、5G investment intentions year on year202215%32%28%17%8%16%33%27%13%11%Asia:5G investmentintentions year on yearCurrently investingNext 12 monthsNext 23 yearsMonitoring,no plans to investNot relevant to my organization202370%70%202210%34%26%21%9%17%27%26%16%14%09REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES

35、 ST UDYExposure to IoT and 5G varies according to industry verticalA breakdown of current levels of 5G and IoT investment by sector year-on-year reveals some interesting changes.In both the consumer and energy industries,were seeing a significant increase in current levels of 5G investment,accompani

36、ed by a downtick in levels of current IoT spend,suggesting a marked switch in technology focus over the past 12 months.Nevertheless,penetration of IoT technologies including non-5G cellular,Wi-Fi and low power wide area(LPWA)networks remains higher than 5G in all industries apart from consumer.Figur

37、e 6:Evolution of IoT and 5G investment levels by industry verticalAutomotiveConsumerEnergyFinancialservicesGovernmentHealthcareManufacturingTechnology202220232022202320222023202220232022202320222023202220232022202331%37%37%36%37%32%32%33%35%35%18%16%44%47%14%16%27%17%19%24%17%17%18%16%34%33%31%27%14

38、%17%19%26%Currently investing in IoTCurrently investing in 5G09EM ERG I NG T EC HNOLOG I ES AD OPT I O N2The sustainability imperativeDetailed survey findingsREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY10Enterprises view emerging technologies as positive drivers of sustainabilityThe majority(54%)of

39、 businesses participating in our research believe that emerging technologies can play a vital role in accelerating sustainability.A further 41%believe these technologies can play a largely positive role but also present some risks.And just 4%believe their potentially detrimental impact would outweig

40、h their positive impact.Asia-based enterprises are the most likely to cite the vital role of emerging technologies(62%),while European businesses are most likely to highlight that their positive impact is accompanied by some risks(49%).In terms of industry verticals,automotive(62%)and technology res

41、pondents(62%)are most likely to highlight emerging technologies vital role in accelerating.By contrast,government respondents are the most likely to cite a positive role that also presents some risks(55%).Figure 7:View of emerging technologies impact on the sustainable enterpriseWhich of the followi

42、ng best describes your view of how emerging technologies could impact your organizations long-term sustainability?Key perceived benefits include greater energy efficiency,allied to improved measurement and the enablement of virtual products and processesEnterprises see emerging technologies as provi

43、ding a range of specific positive contributions to their long-term sustainability strategies.Reduced energy consumption tops the list,cited by 46%,while improved measurement(39%)and planning(39%)relating to sustainability improvements also feature prominently,alongside the shift to virtual services

44、and workforce tools(both on 36%).Some other benefits rank a little further back,with a quarter of respondents highlighting the positive impacts that emerging technologies can have on circular business models and the transition to renewable energy sources,while 22%cite their potential to improve labo

45、r productivity.Figure 8:Emerging technologies perceived impact on sustainability strategiesHow can the adoption of emerging technologies(e.g.,AI,automation,5G,IoT)benefit your organizations long-term sustainability strategy?11REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY54%41%4%1%They can play a vit

46、al role in accelerating sustainabilityThey could play a largely positive role in enabling sustainability,but also present some risksTheir detrimental impact would outweigh their positive impact on sustainabilityI am unsure what kind of role they will play for my organizations sustainability strategy

47、T HE SUSTAI NAB I LI T Y I M PERAT I VE46%39%39%39%38%37%36%36%27%25%22%Reduce energy consumptionImprove sustainability planning and forecastingReduce production of wasteImprove measurement oforganizations environmental impactImprove visibility ofsupply chainor supplier emissionsIncrease levels of r

48、ecyclyingProvide virtual workforce tools and processesProvide virtual products and servicesEnable circular business modelsAccelerate adoption of renewable energy sourcesIncrease labor productivityPercentage of respondents who believe that emerging technologies can play a vital or largely positive ro

49、le in sustainability(n=1259)ESG is a major consideration when investing in emerging technologies with 5G the most likely to receive attention Across all emerging technologies,35%of respondents view ESG as a leading consideration when making investment decisions,with another 41%viewing ESG as importa

50、nt.5G investments are the most likely to involve ESG principles,with 47%rating it a leading consideration.This also translates into greater perceived benefits:55%of businesses currently investing in 5G cite improved sustainability planning as a benefit,compared with 39%who say the same of emerging t

51、echnologies at large.Conversely,AR,blockchain and quantum computing investment plans are less likely to involve ESG as leading considerations.Figure 9:ESG considerations in emerging tech investmentHow do environmental,social,and governance(ESG)considerations inform your investment plans or decisions

52、 in emerging technologies?12REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYAverage5GAnalytics and AIRobotics and automationIoTEdge computingAR or VRQuantum computingBlockchain35%47%40%37%34%28%26%28%42%41%42%42%46%47%42%36%34%39%19%14%18%18%18%19%20%22%25%4%4%2%2%3%4%4%4%5%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%1%Leading co

53、nsiderationMinor considerationDo not consider ESG implications of investmentUnsure/dont knowImportant considerationPercentage of respondents currently investing or planning to invest in emerging technologies n=1,239T HE SUSTAI NAB I LI T Y I M PERAT I VE1213T HE SUSTAI NAB I LI T Y I M PERAT I VERes

54、pondents who believe emerging technologies can play a critical role in reducing their organizations carbon emissions.Respondents who will prioritize vendors that can articulate the environmental impact of emerging technologies.Respondents who believe 5G and IoT use cases offered by vendors do not ad

55、equately address their organizations sustainability needs.Businesses view emerging technologies as a key catalyst for decarbonizationEnterprises will prioritize vendors that can communicate technologies environmental impactMany are looking for vendor offerings that are“sustainable by design“They are

56、 also sensitive to the environmental impact of their technology choicesThey are also keen to leverage 5G use cases to support their sustainability journeysRespondents who believe the environmental impact of new technologies is an important consideration in their organizations digital transformation

57、plans.Respondents who believe their organizations are interested in using 5G-based IoT to improve their energy efficiency and sustainability.76%77%47%74%78%Enterprise attitudes toward sustainability,technology and technology suppliers are closely linkedA few data points on enterprises perceptions of

58、 emerging technologies and sustainability tell a clear story:REIMAGINING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DY35G-based IoT:trends and takeaways Detailed survey findingsREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY1415REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYCreate new use cases,products and servicesOverhaul

59、 existing business modelsEnter new or adjacent marketsPercentage of respondents,n=992(enterprises currently investing or planning to invest in IoT)IoT spending rationales:year-on-year comparison44%42%42%39%33%30%33%30%25%25%26%28%28%38%37%36%33%33%30%29%28%202320222021Improve data managementImprove

60、workforce productivityOptimize systems and processesGenerate cost and business efficienciesImprove energy efficiency and sustainabilityImprove customer experience and careIncrease R&D and innovation capabilitiesGenerate incremental revenue growthCreate new use cases,products and servicesOverhaul exi

61、sting business modelsMitigate disruption risksEnter new or adjacent marketsGrowth-oriented IoT spending rationales are becoming more important,reversing the prior years trendThe top three drivers of IoT spend among enterprises are unchanged from previous years,underlining the continued positive perc

62、eption of IoT as a driver of systems,people and process improvements.However,growth-oriented IoT spending rationales including the creation of new use cases,products and services(33%),business model overhaul(30%),and adjacent market entry(28%)are rising in importance year-on-year,reversing the downw

63、ard trends observed in 2022.These growth-oriented rationales are most pronounced among Asian firms,38%of whom cite new use case creation as a reason for spending on IoT.Figure 10:Current drivers of IoT spendWhat are the most important drivers of your organizations spend on IoT?155 G-BASED I OT:T REN

64、DS AND TAK EAWAYSREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYIncrease IoTs contribution to operational efficiencyIncrease IoTs contribution to revenue growthPercentage of respondents,n=992(enterprises currently investing or planning to invest in IoT)Future IoT priorities:year-on-year comparison 38%

65、34%34%32%34%37%30%32%28%28%31%29%27%27%24%24%202320222021Leverage IoT with other emerging technologiesIncrease IoTs contribution to operational efficiencyUnderstand how 5G can enhance IoT capabilitiesIncrease IoTs contribution to revenue growthImprove IoT performance measurement,metricsStrengthen Io

66、T data management and governanceExtend footprint of IoT capabilitiesExpand range of IoT use casesDeepen collaboration with tech and telecom vendorsMitigate cyber threatsRevenue growth ambitions gaining ground on efficiency objectives as future IoT prioritiesRevenue growth objectives are becoming mor

67、e important to enterprises investing in IoT:32%of respondents cite increasing IoTs contribution to revenue growth as a future priority,up from 28%in each of the previous two years.At the same time,the importance attached to increasing IoTs contribution to operational efficiency has declined by seven

68、 percentage points year-on-year.This underlines the shift to a less defensive attitude to IoT a change most pronounced among enterprises in the Americas,which now say they attach more importance to revenue growth(36%)than operational efficiency(35%).At a sector level,automotive respondents are the m

69、ost likely to cite IoTs contribution to revenue growth as a future priority(37%).Figure 11:Enterprises future priorities for IoT spendWhat are the most important drivers of your organizations spend on IoT?165 G-BASED I OT:T RENDS AND TAK EAWAYS17REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY51%50%27%

70、50%50%49%48%48%46%45%45%44%44%Remoteworking,training andcollaboration20232022Systemsand processoptimizationVR,AR and ultra-HDvideoEnergyefficiencyandsustainabilityPredictive orreal-timeoperationsIndustrialautomationCriticalinfrastructuremonitoringand controlCustomerinsightsandfeedbackPersonalizedpro

71、ductsandservicesSupplychainmanagementandorchestrationPrivatecampusconnectivityPercentage of respondents,n=992(enterprises currently investing or planning to invest in IoT)50%28%2023202249%37%20232022Interest is growing in 5G use cases that support remote working,VR,AR and sustainability Enterprises

72、are alive to a wide range of use case opportunities unlocked by 5G-based IoT.A particularly notable change this year is a sharp uptick in the importance attached to remote working,VR,AR,and energy efficiency and sustainability:all of these are rated markedly more significant application areas for 5G

73、-based IoT than in the previous years research.Remote working,training and collaboration are an especially popular IoT application scenario among Asian enterprises,cited by 55%of respondents in the region.Meanwhile,private campus connectivity has also increased in significance worldwide,cited by 44%

74、of respondents compared with 38%last year.Figure 12:Demand for 5G-based IoT by application typeWhich are or will be the most significant 5G-based IoT application scenarios for your organization?REIMAGINING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DY5 G-BASED I OT:T RENDS AND TAK EAWAYS18REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F

75、UT URES ST UDYEnterprises are open to various 5G purchasing models,with some regional differencesAsked how they procure or expect to procure 5G-based IoT,enterprises say they are open to a variety of purchasing models.Buying 5G connectivity to upgrade existing mobile capability remains the most popu

76、lar option,reflecting the legacy method of procuring mobile connectivity.However,more innovative routes to investing in 5G mobile capabilities are also gaining ground,with between four and five in 10 respondents saying theyre open to private mobile deployments.Preferences vary by region:European bus

77、inesses are markedly more open to purchasing 5G as a managed service but proportionately less receptive to building their own private networks or purchasing private network capabilities from a network vendor.Figure 13:Enterprises preferred purchasing models for 5G What would be your organizations mo

78、st important 5G investment strategies?AmericasEuropeAsiaPercentage of respondents currently investing or planning to invest in 5G,n=1030Purchase 5G as managedservices:regional comparison 62%60%50%46%58%45%50%41%37%AmericasEuropeAsiaBuild own private 5G network:regional comparison 52%48%52%Purchase 5

79、G connectivity and devices asupgrades of existing mobile capabilityPurchase 5G connectivity andapplications through an intermediary,(i.e.,mobile virtual network operator(MVNO)Purchase 5G as a managed serviceBuild own private 5G network(i.e.,via spectrum acquisition)Purchase private networkcapabiliti

80、es from network vendorPurchase network slicing from mobile operator5 G-BASED I OT:T RENDS AND TAK EAWAYS62%Purchasing 5G connectivity and devices as upgrades of existing mobile connectivity is the most popular option.19REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYThe perceived benefits of private ne

81、tworks vary by region security is more attractive in the Americas,while remote connectivity stands out in AsiaEnterprises that are receptive to purchasing private network capabilities value a range of attributes,with data security,network resilience,and network availability in remote areas leading t

82、he way.However,preferences vary by region.Americas enterprises are most attuned to increased data privacy and security(61%)and network resilience(59%).By contrast,enterprises based in Asia are more likely to value private network availability in remote areas(62%),while European businesses lead on pr

83、ivate networks ability to serve mission-critical applications(42%).Among industry sectors,automotive(65%)and financial services(62%)are the most likely to value data security as a benefit of private networks.Figure 14:Perceived benefits of private mobile networks What would be your organizations mos

84、t important 5G investment strategies?AmericasEuropeAsiaPercentage of respondents that select“purchase private network capabilities”as a leading investment strategy,n=419Increased data security:regional comparison 57%56%55%61%55%56%53%41%37%AmericasEuropeAsiaAvailability in remote areas:regional comp

85、arison 50%55%62%Increased data privacy and securityImproved network reliability and resilienceNetwork availability in specific orremote geographic locationsGreater control and configuration ofnetwork resources and operationsFast and flexible deploymentsServicing mission-critical applicationsREIMAGIN

86、ING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DY5 G-BASED I OT:T RENDS AND TAK EAWAYSREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY204Enterprise 5G:pain points and prioritiesDetailed survey findings21REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYIntegrating 5G with other technologies is the top internal challenge,with de

87、ployment uncertainties a growing concernIntegrating 5G with existing technology and processes is this years top internal 5G challenge cited by enterprises,followed by a poor understanding of 5Gs relationship to other emerging technologies.Meanwhile,uncertainty over 5G deployment scenarios has risen

88、year-on-year.This is reflected in our tracking of deployment status among businesses,where the proportion with live 5G services has remained flat year-on-year at 11%.Taken together with the wide range of deployment models being used,including private networks and managed services,this suggests that

89、choosing the most effective approach is proving challenging for many.More positively,the previous years leading internal challenge poor understanding of 5G use cases and concepts has dropped out of the top five.Figure 15:Top five internal 5G challengesWhich are the most critical internal challenges

90、informing your organizations view of 5G?2022Complexity of integration with existing technology and processesPoor understanding of 5Gs relationship to other emerging technologiesUncertainty on organizational deployment scenarios and timingLimited relevance of 5G to overall business or technology stra

91、tegyLimited awareness of 5G supplier ecosystem20232112533445Enterprise 5G deployment status20232022202111%11%8%22%37%33%25%33%31%24%35%29%Operational within organizationPlanning adoption in organizationEngaging in trial or test bedDiscussing with suppliers21ENT ERPRI SE 5 G:PAI N POI NTS AND PRI ORI

92、 T I ES22REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYCyber risks and 5G ROI concerns are on the rise as external challengesIn terms of external 5G challenges those outside organizations control our respondents now rank cyber and data protection risks in the top place,reflecting an era of rising cyb

93、er attacks affecting businesses and their suppliers.Limited clarity of 5G policies and regulations remains a top-three concern and is most pronounced among European businesses,for whom it ranks top.Low confidence in 5Gs return on investment has grown as a concern year-on-year and,at the sector level

94、,is seen as most pressing by automotive and energy respondents.Environmental concerns also continue to feature,underlining that some question 5Gs ESG profile.Asian enterprises are most sensitive to this issue,for whom it ranks second.Figure 16:Top five external 5G challengesWhich are the most critic

95、al external challenges informing your organizations view of 5G?2022Increased vulnerability to cybersecurity and data protection risksLack of clarity on national 5G policy or regulationsLow confidence in 5Gs return on investment(ROI)credentialHealth and environmental concerns relating to 5G equipment

96、Increased reliance on technology partners20233132835445Countries with dedicated mobile spectrum for industryDedicated mobile spectrum for industryREIMAGINING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DYENT ERPRI SE 5 G:PAI N POI NTS AND PRI ORI T I ES23REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYExploring 5Gs relation

97、ship to other emerging technologies and its specific value as a mobile technology lead as future prioritiesAsked to cite their organizations 5G priorities going forward,enterprises rank exploring 5Gs relationship to other emerging technologies in first place,echoing the response to this question in

98、previous years.Organizations believe that exploiting the interrelationship between new technologies will require knowledge gaps to be addressed:75%believe their organization requires better education on edge computing use cases and concepts,for example.While this holistic perspective on how 5G can i

99、nteract with other emerging technologies is vital 31%of businesses are also seeking better alignment of 5G and edge computing capabilities so is understanding the specific value 5G can deliver compared with other wireless technologies.Exploring the benefits of 5G compared with Wi-Fi and 4G ranks sec

100、ond this year and has been growing in importance in recent years.Figure 17:Future 5G prioritiesWhat are your organizations most important 5G priorities in future?Percentage of respondents,n=1030(enterprises currently investing or planning to invest in 5G)Respondents who believe their organizations r

101、equire greater understanding of edge computing use cases and concepts41%37%36%33%33%32%32%31%61%25%202320222021Explore 5G benefits compared with Wi-Fi or 4G:year-on-year comparison37%34%27%Explore 5Gs relationship to other emerging techExplore 5G benefits compared with Wi-Fi,4GExplore 5Gs impact on

102、future business modelsAdapt IoT strategy in light of 5G availabilityAlign 5G and cloud or edge computing capabilitiesMitigate evolving cybersecurity risks relating to 5GGain insight into network slicing orprivate network capabilitiesBuild business case for 5G adoptionDeepen collaboration with tech a

103、nd telecom vendors75%23ENT ERPRI SE 5 G:PAI N POI NTS AND PRI ORI T I ES24REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYAI,automation and edge computing stand out as complementary to 5G strategiesEnterprises recognize that 5Gs transformational ability is heightened by integrating it with other emergi

104、ng technologies.When our respondents are asked which emerging technologies are most complementary to their 5G and IoT strategies,more than half cite AI,automation and edge computing.However,theres a divergence of views at the regional level:European businesses are the least likely to view AI as comp

105、lementary to 5G and IoT,while Asian enterprises are the least likely to view edge computing as complementary.Figure 18:Complementary emerging technologies for 5G and IoTWhich of the following emerging technologies are most complementary to your organizations 5G and IoT strategy?Percentage of respond

106、ents,n=805(enterprises currently investing or planning to invest in IoT and 5G)76%74%60%33%32%25%Enterprises that view edge computing ascomplementary to 5G and IoT:split by regionAmericasEuropeAsiaEnterprises that view AI and analytics ascomplementary to 5G and IoT:split by region80%71%77%AmericasEu

107、ropeAsia61%63%55%BlockchainAnalytics and AIRobotics and automationEdge computingAR or VRQuantum computingREIMAGINING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DYENT ERPRI SE 5 G:PAI N POI NTS AND PRI ORI T I ESREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY255The view of the vendorDetailed survey findings26REI M AG I NI

108、NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYSustainability capabilities emerge as a prime attribute that enterprises seek in suppliersThe main attributes that enterprises are seeking from their ICT suppliers are continuing to evolve.Speed of deployment and execution is the most important current attribute,up fro

109、m second in our last study,with end-to-end solution capabilities also rising year-on-year as a critical current attribute.While competitive pricing is less important for enterprise buyers right now,its interesting to note that its importance as a future attribute has risen year-on-year.Most tellingl

110、y,sustainability capabilities and credentials emerge as a new supplier characteristic valued by enterprises today and our respondents believe this will become the leading quality they seek in their suppliers in the future.Figure 19:Top five desired vendor attributes now and in the futureWhat are the

111、 most important attributes sought in your ICT vendors now?What are the most important attributes sought in your ICT vendors in the future?2022Speed of deployment and executionEnd-to-end solution capabilitiesSustainability capabilities and credentialsProfessional services capabilitiesCompetitive pric

112、ing or pricing model202322Sustainability capabilities and credentialsCompetitive pricing or pricing modelEnd-to-end solution capabilitiesAbility to customize and tailor offeringBreadth of service offering2023142332485T HE V I EW OF T HE V END O RSustainability capabilities and credentials

113、 emerge as a new supplier characteristic valued by enterprises today and our respondents believe this will become the leading quality they seek in their suppliers in the future.27REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYEnterprises have mixed views on supplier competencies but rank IT services p

114、roviders and application vendors ahead of the restEnterprises perspectives on which types of ICT suppliers are most capable of providing various competencies are instructive.There are no dominant leaders when it comes to the perceived ability of different suppliers to create use cases,provide ecosys

115、tem relationships or advise on the environmental impact of new technology.That said,respondents tend to favor IT services providers and application providers above others.There is more variation in sentiment between industries.For example,specialist technology vendors score top for environmental adv

116、ice among energy companies and rank second as use case creators among consumer industry respondents.Encouragingly for telcos,government respondents see them as best placed to provide relevant ecosystem partners and relationships.Figure 20:Enterprise perceptions of supplier competenciesWhich types of

117、 ICT supplier are viewed as the most capable of providing the following competencies by your organization?IT services providersApplication andplatform vendorsTelecoms operatorsNetworkequipment vendorsSpecialist ICT vendorsProfessionalservices firmsDevice vendorsOEMsSpecialist ICTconsultantsAbility t

118、o create newtechnology use casesAbility to provide relevant ecosystempartners and relationships40%37%35%34%33%33%31%30%29%Application andplatform vendorsIT services providersTelecoms operatorsOEMsSpecialist ICT vendorsProfessionalservices firmsDevice vendorsNetwork equipmentvendorsSpecialist ICTcons

119、ultants38%36%34%34%33%33%31%31%30%Ability to advise on the environmentalimpact of new technologyApplication andplatform vendorsIT services providersProfessionalservices firmsTelecoms operatorsSpecialist ICTconsultantsSpecialist ICT vendorsNetwork equipmentvendorsOEMsDevice vendors37%36%35%34%33%32%3

120、2%31%30%REIMAGINING INDUSTRY FUTURES ST U DYT HE V I EW OF T HE V END O R28REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYProfessional services firms lead as digital transformation experts while telcos continue to lagWhile organizations views on specific supplier competencies are fairly evenly spread,

121、their perceptions of overall expertise in technology and advisory capabilities are both more clear-cut and also broadly consistent year-on-year.Telcos rank first as perceived IoT experts(53%),with their nearest challengers,IT services providers(44%),losing ground year-on-year.By contrast,professiona

122、l services firms(55%)score top for expertise in digital transformation this year,with application providers last years leading category dropping to second(44%).Meanwhile,telcos continue to lag as digital transformation experts,with only one in five respondents selecting them as their most trusted su

123、pplier.Figure 21:Enterprise perceptions of supplier expertise in IoT and digital transformationWhich types of ICT supplier are most trusted as IoT experts by your organization?Question:which types of ICT supplier are most trusted as digital transformation experts by your organization?%all respondent

124、s%all respondentsTelecoms operatorsNetwork equipmentvendorsSpecialistvendorsSpecialistconsultantsDevice vendorsIT servicesApplication/platform vendorsOEMsProfessionalservices firmsTelecoms operatorsNetwork equipmentvendorsSpecialistvendorsSpecialistconsultantsDevice vendorsIT servicesApplication/pla

125、tform vendorsOEMsProfessionalservices firms55533333322323202320222023202228T HE V I EW OF T HE V END O RREI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDY296Ecosystem interactionsDetailed survey findings30REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYTwo-thirds of enterprises are act

126、ive ecosystem participants,with energy and consumer respondents leading the wayTwo-thirds(67%)of our respondent organizations collaborate with other organizations as part of a business ecosystem.The participation rate in ecosystems varies between industries,with energy and consumer companies leading

127、 the way,both at 75%.Interestingly,both sectors have seen a rapid uptick in current levels of 5G investment in this years study,suggesting a positive correlation between 5G investment and ecosystem participation.Conversely,manufacturing organizations are lagging behind other industries in terms of c

128、ollaboration,with only 55%actively engaging in ecosystems.Their current levels of 5G investment have dropped slightly year-on-year,providing further evidence of a correlation between the two.Figure 22:Ecosystem collaboration:enterprise participationDoes your organization collaborate with other organ

129、izations as part of an ecosystem?67%75%70%75%69%67%63%63%55%AllrepondentsEnergyConsumerproductsHealthcareAutomotiveFinancialservicesTechnologyGovernmentand public centerMaufacturingPercentage of all respondents30EC OSYST EM I NT ERACT I ON S31REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYLack of stra

130、tegic alignment remains the top inhibitor of collaboration,but operational challenges are growingAsked what factors are inhibiting their organizations collaboration via ecosystems,companies continue to point first to a lack of strategic alignment,which is the number one inhibitor for firms across th

131、e Americas and Asia.This factor also ranks as the biggest inhibitor in six of eight sectors,with manufacturing(45%)and government respondents(44%)the most exposed.However,operational challenges to ecosystem collaboration are growing.Lack of time and resources emerges as the second-ranked inhibitor,u

132、p from sixth the previous year.At the same time,66%of organizations believe that multi-sided partnerships are difficult to execute in practice,up from 59%in our 2022 study.At a sector level,automotive respondents(77%)are the most likely to report execution challenges within their partnering agenda.F

133、igure 23:Inhibitors of collaboration through ecosystemsWhat are the inhibitors of your organizations collaboration with other organizations as part of an ecosystem?Multi-sided partnerships are difficult to execute in practice2022Lack of strategic alignment with other organizationsLack of time and re

134、source for collaboration initiativesInsufficient leadership prioritization of collaborationLimited awareness of collaboration opportunitiesLack of performance measurement and metrics20231162233475Percentage of respondents,n=1,325(all respondents)Percentage of respondents,agree202320222023202266%59%E

135、C OSYST EM I NT ERACT I ON SLack of strategic alignment continues to inhibit an organizations collaboration via ecosystems.This factor also ranks as the biggest inhibitor in six of eight sectors with manufacturing(45%)and government respondents(44%)the most exposed.32REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F U

136、T URES ST UDYVendors that can convince customers of their ecosystem credentials stand to gainTechnology providers that can clearly articulate their role within industry ecosystems have an edge in the marketplace:50%of businesses say they would prioritize them as a result,a proportion that has grown

137、in the last two years.A regional cut shows that enterprises in the Americas and Asia(both 53%)are the most receptive to suppliers with strong ecosystem capabilities,while respondents in operational roles are similarly positive(also 53%).Ecosystem relationships are also highly valued in 5G suppliers:

138、71%of organizations would prioritize service providers that can provide relevant relationships,led by automotive respondents at 81%.Figures 24:Enterprises attitudes to suppliers ecosystem capabilitiesMy organization will prioritize vendors that can clearly articulate their role in changing industry

139、ecosystems.My organization will prioritize vendors that can provide relevant ecosystem and executive relationships as part of their 5G capabilities.Percentage of respondents,agreePercentage of respondents,agree20232022202150%47%44%AllAutomotiveTechnologyEnergyFinancial servicesManufacturingHealthcar

140、eConsumerGovernment71%81%76%74%74%70%66%62%56%32EC OSYST EM I NT ERACT I ON S33REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYEcosystems will become more important to the sustainability agenda going forwardBusinesses also believe that ecosystem collaboration can extend into new domains:80%think cross-

141、industry collaboration on circular economy business models will become much more important in the next five years.Interestingly,European respondents lag behind their counterparts in other regions in terms of their ambitions for ecosystems.Meanwhile,automotive respondents(81%)stand out at the sector

142、level as having the most pronounced future ambitions,while government respondents under-index significantly(56%).Figure 25:Enterprises attitudes to cross-industry collaboration on circular business modelsCollaborating with other organizations and industries on circular economy business models will b

143、ecome much more important in the next five years.Percentage of respondents,agreeAllrespondentsAmericasEuropeAsia80%85%73%87%33EC OSYST EM I NT ERACT I ON SNext steps for 5G service providersDrawing on our research,weve identified four key actions that we believe 5G providers should take to help ente

144、rprises realize their ambitions.Enterprises expect that emerging technologies will provide them with a range of upside benefits in terms of sustainability.So you should ensure your 5G and IoT offerings are“sustainable by design.”Its also important to keep building your sustainability competencies an

145、d credentials on a continuing basis,since these are set to become the leading attribute that customers will seek in their suppliers in the future.Its important to respond actively to the evolving use case demands of customers,who are becoming more attuned to the opportunities 5G offers in remote wor

146、king and collaboration and in virtual reality.To help meet these expectations,you should talk to your customers about their growth objectives and ensure your solutions map effectively to their changing business needs and desired outcomes.To assist them in overcoming their operational issues,you shou

147、ld proactively help customers choose the right 5G deployment model based on their transformation needs in relation to growth,efficiency and security.Its also key to create a simple and agile ecosystem proposition that recognizes your customers limitations around time and resourcing.Meanwhile,your ow

148、n partnering framework requires regular review to ensure it is fit for purpose.Many customers lack the tools needed to execute transformation,whether because of a low level of participation in ecosystems or limited understanding of emerging and interrelated technologies.To meet these customers needs

149、,you should segment your enterprise customer base so you can more readily identify and address their organization-specific challenges and opportunities.1234Put sustainability at the heart of your customer promiseCapitalize on and align with your customers increasingly growth-oriented mindsetPay atte

150、ntion to the operational challenges that enterprises faceDouble down on those customers who require extra attention34REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYNEXT ST EPS F OR 5 G SERV I C E PROV I D ER S How EY can helpEY IoT consulting servicesActing as the bridge between the physical and the d

151、igital world,IoT offers a huge opportunity for companies.EY teams help clients effectively capitalize on IoT technology and solutions,linking technology,vendors and customers through a holistic business model.Future Network NowIntelligent networks are essential for organizations and societies to thr

152、ive.EY teams have developed Future Network Now to help you to make informed business decisions through scenario planning and network investments and operational excellence across service provisioning and customer experience,supported by the right technology foundations.Through Future Network Now,you

153、 can achieve cost effective,resilient and secure networks that help you to disrupt,innovate and differentiate.For further enquiries,please contact:35REI M AG I NI NG I ND UST RY F UT URES ST UDYTom LoozenEY Global Telecommunications Leader Adrian BaschnongaEY Global TMT Lead Analyst NEXT ST EPS F OR

154、 5 G SERV I C E PROV I D ER S EY|Building a better working worldEY exists to build a better working world,helping to create long-term value for clients,people and society and build trust in the capital markets.Enabled by data and technology,diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust throug

155、h assurance and help clients grow,transform and operate.Working across assurance,consulting,law,strategy,tax and transactions,EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.EY refers to the global organization,and may refer to one or more,of the membe

156、r firms of Ernst&Young Global Limited,each of which is a separate legal entity.Ernst&Young Global Limited,a UK company limited by guarantee,does not provide services to clients.Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protec

157、tion legislation are available via member firms do not practice law where prohibited by local laws.For more information about our organization,please visit .2023 EYGM Limited.All Rights Reserved.EYG no.000958-23GblED NoneThis material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting,tax,legal or other professional advice.Please refer to your advisors for specific



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