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Muck Rack:2023年英国新闻业现状报告(英文版)(27页).pdf

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Muck Rack:2023年英国新闻业现状报告(英文版)(27页).pdf

1、A STUDY BYThe State of Journalism U.K.2023Research PartnersMethodologyWe surveyed 162 U.K.-based journalists from January 4th to February 6th,2023.The goal of this survey is to understand the current state of journalism and the future outlook of the industry by speaking to the people who produce the

2、 news.The self-administered online survey collected 162 responses from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Muck Rack distributed the survey with the help of 14 research partners including U.K.-based journalist organizations like Press Gazette and journalism.co.uk.Survey response

3、s were primarily sought through email and most respondents came from email outreach directly to journalists in Muck Racks database.The survey was open from January 1 until February 6,2023.Survey responses were checked for duplicates as well as inconsistent or low-effort responses and only completed

4、surveys were considered here.Due to the small sample size,its inadvisable to draw conclusions about the whole population of journalists in the U.K.from these results.The margin of error in that case would be around 7%.Instead,its best to think of this as an insight into the workings of this particul

5、ar group of respondents.Executive Summary U.K.-based journalists surveyed by Muck Rack were less likely than their global counterparts to cite media literacy and pay-for-play content among their top concerns for the industry.Around two thirds of respondents say economic uncertainty has affected thei

6、r work.Around one third has been affected by layoffs.U.K.-based journalists were more likely than journalists from other countries to say they produce 11 or more stories per week.Boomers were cited as a target audience less often by U.K.journalists than journalists from other countries.More U.K.jour

7、nalists plan to spend time on TikTok this year than journalists from other countries.Many also expect to increase their time on LinkedIn.U.K.journalists find stories to be more shareable when they have exclusive or surprising data,infographics,or cover a subject linked to an already trending topic.M

8、ost journalists in the U.K.prefer their pitches to be emails,less than 300 words and ideally sent before noon.Journalism trends and challenges1Which medium do you primarily report in?Online onlyBoth online and printOthers0%20%40%60%80%100%47%39%14%Print and online are the dominant mediums for U.K.jo

9、urnalistsAbout a third of respondents also produce in additional formats,like podcasts and newsletters.What industries do you cover?(select all that apply)Politics,government,and legal37%Agriculture6%Wellness&fitness8%8%Science and weather15%EducationConsumer electronics4%Religion7%Regional/Local(ci

10、ty,state)13%Travel15%17%17%19%Fintech4%Automotive6%Sports12%Crime15%Telecommunications6%Fashion and beautyFood and dining15%Entertainment32%Technology28%Art/culture26%Energy and environment23%Business and finance21%HealthOther(please specify)Most respondents covered politics and entertainmentOn aver

11、age,journalists reported having more than three coverage areas each.Do you feel that your audiences trust in coverage of your area of journalism has increased or decreased in the past year?IncreasedDecreasedIts the same0%20%40%60%80%100%26%20%54%Audience trust has stayed about the sameMost journalis

12、ts feel like audiences trust in their coverage has not changed in the last year.What issues facing journalism are most concerning to you?(choose your top 3)Disinformation44%Lack of funding44%Trust in journalism/media36%Lack of independence in news media23%Politicization and polarization of journalis

13、m25%The decline of local news30%Quality control.125%Too many stories.219%Pay-for-play content9%Too few journalists13%Other(please specify)17%Affiliate marketing8%Lack of students.34%Journalist safety20%International press freedom20%Decreasing readership32%News and media literacy22%Competing for audi

14、ence attention/against too many other stories31%Lack of time to cover stories thoughtfully33%1.Quality control/fact-checking support in newsrooms2.Overwhelming news cycle/too many stories to cover3.Lack of students/new job seekers interested in journalismMedia literacy and pay-for-play content are l

15、ess concerning for U.K.journalistsCompared to their counterparts in other countries,respondents from the U.K.were less likely to cite these as a concerning issue.Lack of funding and disinformation were among the top concerns of journalists everywhere.How has economic uncertainty affected your work?(

16、select all that apply)Economic uncertainty has not affected my reportingIve switched jobs or made a career changeLayoffs/furloughs at my outlet(s)have increased my workloadMore stories about the economyPersonal layoff(s)have meant less work in generalLess news to cover as companies postpone new rele

17、ases0%20%40%50%30%10%31%28%22%19%16%10%Many U.K.journalists were impacted by layoffs or switched jobsOverall,around two-thirds of U.K.journalists surveyed said economic uncertainty has affected their work in some way.Social media usage and habits2What medium do you think will grow in popularity in 2

18、023?Short-form video(e.g.Tiktok)PodcastsNewslettersLong-form video(e.g.YouTube)Other(please specify)45%25%14%11%4%0%20%40%60%80%100%U.K.journalists expect short-form video to become more popularWhat social network is most valuable to you as a journalist?Twitter82%27%26%19%16%10%7%3%2%2%1%LinkedInFac

19、ebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokRedditOthersSignalNone of theseSnapchat0%20%40%60%80%100%Similar to the U.S.,Twitter is the most valuable social networkAlthough respondents were evenly split on whether they considered leaving the platform in the last year.Do you expect to spend more or less time on the f

20、ollowing social networks this year?0%20%10%30%40%Twitter25%28%10%29%Facebook31%12%LinkedIn19%15%Instagram14%7%Reddit7%24%YouTube4%36%TikTok8%3%SnapchatMoreLessU.K.journalists plan to spend more time this year on TikTok,LinkedIn and YouTubeMore U.K.journalists plan to spend time on TikTok than journa

21、lists in other countries.What makes a story shareable?Subject connected to a trending storyContains an image or infographicExclusive and/or surprising dataEasily localized/made relevant to your target audiennceContains a videoBrevityInvolves a relevant social media influencerQuotes from a company sp

22、okesperson0%20%40%60%80%100%65%59%52%41%27%18%11%9%Data and graphics make stories more shareableU.K.journalists who responded to the survey were less likely than other journalists to say easily localized stories are more shareable.When reporting on a company,I consult the companys social mediaStrong

23、ly disagree 6%Disagree 10%Strongly agree 9%Neither agree nor disagree 40%Agree 50%Company social media accounts are important to U.K.journalists Most U.K.journalists will reference them when working on a story.Media relations and pitches preferences3About how many stories do you publish in an averag

24、e week?01245781011+0%40%80%100%60%20%3%13%29%16%7%31%U.K.journalists are more likely to produce 11+stories per week than journalists in other countriesMost journalists surveyed in the U.K.produce between 17 stories per week.Do you consider the following to be credible sources for your reporting?Acad

25、emic subject matter expertsCEOsCompany PR professionalsAgency PR professionalsSocial media personalities/influencersCelebrity spokespeopleBloggersSelf-appointed subject matter expertsNone of the above0%20%40%60%80%100%79%65%42%35%20%19%15%7%4%U.K.journalists consider academic experts the most credib

26、le sources,similar to their global counterpartsSu M T W Th F SNow TrendingTHE PERFECT PITCHAccording to a survey of 162 U.K.-based journalists93%of journalists prefer to be pitched via 1:1 email65%say pitches that connect to a trending story are the most shareable79%are more likely to cover a story

27、if offered an exclusive60%dont care which day they pitchedof those who do,19%prefer to be pitched on a Monday78%want to receive pitches before noon87%prefer pitches that are 300 words or less.68%prefer less than 200 words55%say one follow up is ideal and 48%say it should come within 37 days laterBea

28、ts,mediums and audiences 4How would you categorize the scope of your coverage?Local/RegionalTrade0%20%40%60%80%100%National44%International60%18%9%Who is your target audience?(select all that apply)Gen ZMillennialGen XBoomerI dont knowOther(please specify)0%20%40%60%80%100%30%45%46%39%18%22%U.K.and

29、international journalists were less likely to say they targeted boomersMillennial and Gen X are the most commonly targeted audiences for U.K.and international journalists.Demographics&salary 5How much do you earn a year including bonus?(in pound sterling)Less than 33k33k58k58k83k83k125kQuestion orig

30、inally asked in USD.Converted using Feb.6,2023 mid-market exchange rate and rounded.125k208kMore than 208kPrefer not to say0%40%80%100%60%20%33%30%16%4%2%1%14%How old are you?How long have you been a journalist?32%25%19%24%2030Under 1 year12 years35 years610 years1020 years21+years3140415051+1%14%19

31、%21%23%22%JOURNALISTS:Showcase your best work,analyze news about any topic and measure the impact of your storiesfor free.PR PROS:Muck Racks Public Relations Management(PRM)platform enables PR teams to find the right journalists for their stories,send customized pitches,build meaningful relationships with the media,monitor news and quantify their impact.Thank you!Claim your free portfoliohttps:/Learn more



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