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XM Institute:2023 客户体验管理状况报告(英文版)(25页).pdf

1、DATA SNAPSHOTThe State of CX Management,2023Moira Dorsey,XMPPrincipal XM CatalystBruce Temkin,CCXP,XMPHead of Qualtrics XM InstituteTalia QuaadgrasSenior Research AssociateApril Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.KEY FINDINGS IN THIS REPORTTounderstand the current state of customer experie

2、nce(CX)management,Qualtrics XMInstitute surveyed220 CX practitioners at companies with 1,000 or more employees about their organizations CX efforts andaskedthemtocompleteourCXCompetency&MaturityAssessment.Highlightsfromtheresearchinclude:+CX is a high priority.Customer experience is a significant or

3、 critical priority for 66%of organizations.Seventy-eight percent have a centralized customer experience team,and 62%have a senior executive inchargeof CXacrossproductsandchannels.+Most organizations are in the first two stages of CX maturity.Just 3%of organizations reached thehighest stage of maturi

4、ty,Embed.More than two-thirds of organizations fell into the first two stages ofmaturity,Investigate(36%)and Initiate(31%),Evaluate your organizations CX skills and competenciestofindout yourcurrent performanceusingtheCustomerExperience(CX)MaturityAssessment.+Organizations are planning to expand int

5、o new CX technologies.Sixty percent of respondents saidtheir organization isplanningtouse text analyticssomewhat or significantly more than they were doingsolast year.Forty-ninepercent of respondents organizationsplantousejourneyanalyticsmore,aswell.+CX Leaders business outcomes benefit more from th

6、eir CX programs.Compared to CX laggards,CX Leaders(companies with CX Competency&Maturity Assessment scores above the median score)were more likely to report that their CX programs have significantly improved key business outcomes fortheirorganization,includingcustomerretention,cross-selling,employee

7、retention,andcost reduction.+Other competing organizational priorities is the top obstacle to CX success.Both CX Leaders andCX Laggards cited this as a significant obstacle to their CX management efforts,with Laggards citing this14percentage-pointsmorefrequently.Thelargest gapbetweenCXLeaders andLag

8、gards obstacleswasfor inconsistent executive buy-in Laggards cited this obstacle 43 percentage-points more than CXleaders.Executive SummarySTUDY KEY FACTS 220 CX Practitioners Organizations with 1,000+employees Sourced through the XM Institute network Q1 2023 Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights rese

9、rved.STUDY OVERVIEW The data for this report comes from a customer experience management study that Qualtrics XM Institute conducted in the first quarter of 2023.Using an online survey,XM Institute collected data from 220 customer experience management professionals working at companies with more th

10、an 1,000 employees.XM Institute surveyed CX management professionals connected to our subscriber list for our monthly newsletter,through members of XM Pros(Experience Management Professionals community),and other professional networking sites.The State of CX Management,2023FIGURES IN THE REPORT1.Tim

11、e with Centralized CX Team and Leader2.Priority of Improving XM3.Effectiveness of Customer Interaction Channels4.Evaluating CX Technology,Competency,and Culture5.Evaluating CX Agility6.Core CX Metric and Customer Listening Posts7.Usage of Insights from Listening Posts8.Obstacles to CX Success9.Looki

12、ng Ahead:CX Technologies10.Calculating the CX Maturity Assessment11.CX Competency and Maturity Results12.CX Competencies:Leaders Versus Laggards13.CX Agility:Leaders Versus Laggards14.Company Culture:Leaders Versus Laggards15.Business Outcomes:Leaders Versus Laggards16.Financial Benefits:Leaders Ver

13、sus Laggards17.Channel Effectiveness:Leaders Versus Laggards18.Core CX Metrics:Leaders Versus Laggards19.Usage of Listening Posts:Leaders Versus Laggards20.Effectiveness of Listening Posts:Leaders Versus Laggards21.Obstacles to CX Success:Leaders Versus LaggardsMCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights r

14、eserved.Time with Centralized CX Team and Leader38%8%2%6%17%28%We do not have oneLess than six monthsSix to 11 months12 to 17 months18 to 36 monthsMore than 36monthsHow long,if at all,has your organization had a senior executive in charge of customer experience across products and channels?22%8%5%8%

15、24%34%We do not have oneLess than six monthsSix to 11 months12 to 17 months18 to 36 monthsMore than 36monthsHow long,if at all,has your organization had a centralized customer experience group?+Thirty-four percent of respondents havehad a centralized customer experiencegroupformorethanayearandahalf.

16、+Thirteenpercentofrespondentshaveestablishedacentralizedcustomerexperience group in the past year,while10%havecreatedaseniorexecutiveposition in charge of CX in the same timeperiod.+More than one in three respondents donthaveaseniorexecutiveinchargeofcustomer experience across products andchannels.T

17、his chart shows the percentage of organizations thathave a senior executive in charge of CX and has acentralized CX group,and the length of time each ofthese has existed.ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSTime with CX Team and CX LCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies

18、with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey18%16%18%17%36%39%40%49%30%30%29%28%15%15%12%6%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSModerate PrioritySignificant PriorityCritical PriorityNot a Priority/Minor Priority+Organizations most frequently placed asignificant or greater level of p

19、riority oncustomerexperience,with66%doingso.+Product experience received the secondhighest amount of attention,at 58%.+Fifteen percent of organizations placed noor very low priority on improving brand andemployeeexperience.This chart shows the level of priority respondents saytheir organizations pla

20、ce on improving their customerexperience,brand experience,product experience,andemployee experience.Priority of Improving XMWhat priority does your organization put on improving the following:Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Customer experienceProduct experienceBrand experienceEmployee e

21、xperienceBase:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey6%7%8%8%16%22%8%13%15%19%16%23%20%21%18%33%22%37%31%42%27%45%27%35%17%28%22%22%35%22%24%20%20%11%7%44%25%13%13%27%7%25%25%46%9%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+Respondentsratedthecusto

22、merexperience their organization delivers onthe phone the highest,with 55%saying thisexperienceisat least good.+Customerexperiencedeliveredthroughchatbotswasratedasgoodleastfrequentlybyrespondents(11%).+Respondents most frequently rated thecustomerexperiencetheirorganizationdelivers across multiple

23、channels as poor,at 35%.This chart shows the percentage of organizations thatuse each interaction channel and the quality of thecustomer experience that they deliver through eachchannel,according to respondents.On the phoneIn a store or branchOn a computer,self-serviceOnline chat with an agentOn a m

24、obile browserOn social mediaOn the phone with self-serviceAcross multiple channelsOn a mobile appVia chat botsEffectiveness of CustomerInteraction ChannelsOkayN/AGoodVery GoodPoorHow would you rate the customer experience that your organization typically delivers through the following interaction ch

25、annels?Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey15%21%13%31%32%43%28%24%19%17%18%20%9%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSNeither weak nor strongSomewhat strongVery strongSomewhat weak+Overhalf

26、ofrespondentsratedtheirorganizations CX skills and capabilities assomewhat orvery strong.+Respondentsratedtheirorganizationsstrength in technology the lowest,with just46%saying their capabilities in this area arestrong.This chart shows the strength of organizations CXculture,skillsandcapabilities,an

27、dtechnology,according to respondents.Evaluating CX Technology,Competencyand CultureHow would your rate your organization in the following areas?Your organizations CX skills and capabilitiesYour organizations customer-centric cultureTechnology that supports your organizations CX effortsVery Copyright

28、 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey7%6%10%10%27%31%32%43%31%29%25%21%27%27%28%19%7%6%7%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+Overhalfoforganizationsatleastsomewhat effectively look for emergingsign

29、als in what customers are thinking andfeeling.+Twenty-six percent or more of respondentssaid their organization is ineffective at doingeachagilityactivity.+Organizationsareleasteffectiveatidentifying segments of customers whohave a new set of needs,with just 34%doingthisactivityeffectively.This char

30、t shows how effective respondents rate theirorganization at each customer experience agility ability.Evaluating CX AgilityHow effectively does your organization do the following?Look for emerging signals in what customers are thinking and feelingPrepare for rapid shifts in the customer environmentAd

31、dress customers evolving needs by creating new,differentiated experiencesIdentify emerging segments of customers who have a new set of needsNeither effectively nor ineffectivelySomewhat effectivelyVery effectivelySomewhat ineffectivelyVery Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Pra

32、ctitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCore CX Metric and Customer Listening PostsWhich of the following is your core CX metric?(Pick more than one if they are equally important)Which of the following listening elements are a part of

33、 your customer experience program?(Select all that apply)+Seventy percent of organizations use NPSas one of their core CX metrics,whileanother 2%use alikelihoodtorecommendmetricthat isnot NPS.+Just 4%of organizations do not have a coreCX metric,and only 3%dont use any of thesixlisteningelementsliste

34、d.+More than three-quarters of respondentssaid their CX program includes relationshiptracking,and more than two-thirds saidtheyuseinteractionfeedback.ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSCX Metrics and Listening Posts2%4%14%27%55%70%Likelihood torecommend,but notNPSWe dont have a coreCX metricA different metricCustome

35、r effortSatisfactionNet Promoter Score(NPS)This chart shows the percentage of respondentsorganizations using different CX metrics and customerlistening approaches.3%45%49%52%52%67%77%None of theseAlways-on digitallisteningFront line feedbackJourney feedbackPassive ListeningInteraction feedbackRelati

36、onship Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey6%17%11%11%17%15%30%39%47%47%41%49%42%21%25%23%21%19%21%22%14%19%19%12%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+Respondentsorganizationsaremosteffect

37、ive at using relationship tracking tomake changes,with 64%saying they dothis.Under60%oforganizationsareeffective at making changes using all otherlisteningposts,accordingtorespondents.+Organizations are least effective at usinginsights from passive listening posts tomakechanges.This chart shows how

38、effectively respondents say theirorganization is at making changes based on insightsfrom six listening sources.Usage of Insights from Listening PostsHow effectively does your organization make changes based on insights from the following sources?Relationship trackingAlways-on digital listeningIntera

39、ction feedbackJourney feedbackFront line feedbackPassive ListeningNeither effectively nor ineffectivelySomewhat effectivelyVery effectivelySomewhat ineffectivelyVery Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institut

40、e 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey+Respondents most frequently cited othercompeting priorities as an obstacle to theirorganizationsCXmanagementefforts(66%),followed by poor integration acrosssystems(55%).+Non supportive organizational culture wascitedasanobstacleleast frequently.+All organizations fac

41、e at least one of theseobstacles,with 0%of respondents citingnoneof theabove.Obstacles to CX SuccessWhich of the following do you consider to be significant obstacles to your organizations customer experience management efforts?(Select all that apply)0%25%27%33%35%36%37%38%38%50%55%66%None of the ab

42、oveNon supportive organizational cultureLack of leadership for these effortsLack of critical customer experience skillsInconsistent middle-management buy inConflict across internal organizationsInsufficient fundingInconsistent executive buy-inUnclear return on investmentTechnology limitationsPoor in

43、tegration across systemsOther competing organizational prioritiesABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatreported each obstacle to their companys CX Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics

44、 XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Survey14%14%17%26%20%31%32%34%28%27%29%24%36%24%20%14%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYS+More than one-third of organizations arelooking to use each of these technologiesmore,while 24%or more are looking tokeep their usage steady compared to whattheyweredoinglast year.+Responde

45、nts organizations are most apt toincrease their use of text analytics toanalyze their experience data,with 60%planningtousethistechnologymore.+Organizationscurrentlyuseartificialintelligenceleast frequently.This chart shows the percentage of respondentsorganizations that plan to use each type of tec

46、hnologyto analyze experience data compared with the previousyear.Looking Ahead:CX TechnologiesCompared to what you were doing last year,to what degree is your organization planning to use these types of technologies to analyze your experience data?Text AnalyticsJourney AnalyticsPredictive AnalyticsA

47、rtificial IntelligenceWe dont use thisSomewhat moreSignificantly moreAbout the sameLCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyThese steps demonstrate how to calculate and evalu

48、atethematurityofanorganizationsCXskillsandcompetencies.Calculating The CX Maturity ACopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.+The CX Maturity Assessment creates anumerical rating for customer experiencecompetencies based on the extent to whicheachof the20CXskillsisdemonstrated.+Respondents self-

49、assess how well theirorganization has adopted each of the CXSkills.This data is used to calculate a scoreforeachCXCompetency.+The Six Competency scores determine anoverall maturityscore.To what degree has your organization widely adopted these skills(“1 1”to“5 5”)?1:Missing1:Missing:Demonstrates alm

50、ost none of the required behaviors at an effective level2:Emerging2:Emerging:Demonstrates a small amount of the required behaviors at an effective level3:Developing3:Developing:Demonstrates many of the required behaviors at an effective level4:Established4:Established:Demonstrates almost all of the

51、required behaviors at an effective level5:Ingrained5:Ingrained:Demonstrates all of the required behaviors at a very effective levelRatings of CX competencies(average scores)Less than 2.602.60:Very WeakVery Weak2.602.60to 3.293.29:WeakWeak3.303.30to 3.893.89:AdequateAdequate3.903.90to 4.494.49:Strong

52、Strong4.504.50to 5.005.00:VeryVery StrongStrongStep 1:Provide a numerical rating for all 20 CX skills based on this criteriaStep 2:Calculate scores for each of the six competencies based on the average score of the related skillsMaturity stage(total score)6 6to 1414:Stage 1:InvestigateInvestigate151

53、5to 1818:Stage 2:InitiateInitiate1919to 2222:Stage 3:MobilizeMobilize2323to 2626:Stage 4:ScaleScale2727to 3030:Stage 5:EmbedEmbedStep 3:Calculate the overall CX maturity score by adding together the scores from the individual competenciesABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSCX Competency And Maturity Results+More than

54、 two-thirds of respondents are inthefirst twostagesof CXMaturity.+Just 3%of respondents have achieved thetop(Embed)stageof CXMaturity.+Respondents rated their organizations bestat the Lead competency,with 21%at leaststrong at theseactivities.+Organizations are weakest in the Realizecompetency;nearly

55、 half of respondentsrated their organizations capabilities asvery weak,and another 24%had a weakrating.36%31%24%5%3%Stages of CX MaturityCX Competency RatingsThese charts show the percentage of organizations thatachieved each CX maturity level,and the average scorebreak down for each CX Competency.7

56、%6%7%8%11%9%16%16%19%9%18%13%20%27%24%38%24%30%20%48%49%41%43%42%40%DisruptRealizeRespondActivateEnlightenLeadAdequateStrongVery WeakVery StrongWeakABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institut

57、e 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCX Competencies:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSABOUTCX LaggardsCX LeadersThis chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Ass

58、essmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”ABOUT+CX leaders rated their organizations CXculture and skills and capabilities as strongat more than twice the frequency of CXlaggards.+There is a twenty-six percen

59、tage-point gapbetween CX laggards and CX leadersratingsof theirCXtechnologystrength.How would your rate your organization in the following areas?(Strong or Very Strong)31%35%35%57%74%74%Technology that supports yourorganizations customer experienceeffortsYour organizations customerexperience skills

60、and capabilitiesYour organizations customer-Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCX Agility:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSABOUTCX LaggardsCX LeadersABOUTHow effectiv

61、ely does your organization do the following?(Effectively or Very Effectively)17%17%21%32%45%51%53%72%Identify emerging segments ofcustomers who have a new set ofneedsAddress customers evolving needsby creating new,differentiatedexperiencesPrepare for rapid shifts in thecustomer environmentLook for e

62、merging signals in whatcustomers are thinking and Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.C

63、ompanies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”+CX leaders perform all these CX agilityactionsmoreeffectivelythanCXlaggards.+CX leaders are 3 times as likely to addresscustomersevolvingneedswithnewexperiences,2.5 times as likely

64、 to prepareforrapidshiftsinthecustomerenvironment,and 2.6 times as likely toidentifyemergingsegmentsof customers.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCompany Culture:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSRespondents wh

65、o agree with the following statementsabout their organization:ABOUTCX LaggardsCX Leaders+CX leaders have a higher propensity todemonstrateeachofthesebehaviorscomparedtoCXlaggards organizations.+CX leaders regularly make improvementswithout significant internal resistance atmorethantwicetherateof CXl

66、aggards.+CX laggards most frequently said theirorganizationdemonstratesempathyfortheir customers,while respondents at CXleaders most frequently agreed that theirorganization embraces the use of data andanalyticstomakekeydecisions.19%22%54%47%53%45%41%43%64%65%72%81%Our organization regularly makesim

67、provements without significant internalresistanceOur organization quickly recognizes andadapts to changes in the marketplaceOur organization demonstrates empathy forits customersOur organization demonstrates empathy forits employeesLeaders make decisions that are consistentwith a well understood mis

68、sion and set ofvaluesOur organization embraces the use of dataand analytics to make key decisionsABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbase

69、d on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyBusiness

70、 Outcomes:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSWhich of the following business outcomes has your CX program significantly improved over the last year?ABOUTCX LaggardsCX Leaders16%14%18%27%27%28%34%46%Cross-selling to existing customersEmployee engagement and retentionCost reductionCustomer retentionA

71、BOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)ar

72、e“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”+CX Leaders were more likely to reportimprovementacrossthesebusinessoutcomes as a result of their CX programthan those with lower CX capabilities(CXLaggards).+Forty-six percent of CX Leaders reportedimproved customer retention

73、as a result oftheir CX program,compared to 27%of CXLaggards,agapof 19percentage-points.+CX Leaders are twice as likely to have CXprogramsthatimprovedemployeeengagement andretention.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner Surv

74、ey8%27%46%19%ABOUTKEY TAKEAWAYSFinancial Benefits:Leaders Versus LaggardsLooking back over the previous year,how did your organizations financial results compare with your competitors?14%35%41%11%CX LaggardsCX LCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of responden

75、ts thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”+Sixty-fivepercentof

76、respondentsatorganizations with stronger CX capabilitiesreport better financial results compared totheir competitors.Just 55%of CX Laggardsreport thesame.Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveySignificantly betterSomew

77、hat betterAbout the sameWorseSignificantly betterSomewhat betterAbout the sameWorseChannel Effectiveness:LeadersVersus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSHow would you rate the customer experience that your organization typically delivers through the following interaction channels?(Selected”Good”or“Very Good”)CX

78、LaggardsCX Leaders+CXLeadersratedtheirorganizationscustomerexperiencedeliveredthrougheach of these channels as good morefrequentlythanCXlaggards.+The largest gap between the delivery of CXLeadersandCXLaggardscustomerexperience was on social media and acrossmultiple channels,each with a gap of 28perc

79、entage-points.+Both CX Leaders and CX Laggards ratedtheir CX delivered on the phone best andtheCXtheydeliverviachatbotsworst.4%8%5%8%8%16%14%18%22%49%19%23%34%35%36%38%41%41%45%64%Via chat botsOn a mobile appAcross multiple channelsOn a mobile browserOn social mediaOn the phone with self-service(e.g

80、.,IVR)On a computer,self-serviceOnline chat with an agentIn a store or branchOn the phone with an agentABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two grou

81、psbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyCo

82、re CX Metrics:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSWhich of the following is your core CX metric?(Pick more that one if they are equally important)CX LaggardsCX Leaders8%1%11%28%55%68%0%1%16%27%57%77%We dont have a core CX metricLikelihood to recommend,but not NPSA different metricCustomer effortSati

83、sfactionNet Promoter Score(NPS)+All CX Leaders have at least one core CXmetric,while 8%of CX Laggards dont haveacoreCXmetric.+Over three-quarters of CX leaders use NPSas a core CX metric.CX laggards are 9percentage-points less likely to use thismetric.+CXLaggardsareslightlymorelikelythanCXLeaders to

84、 use customer effort as a core CXmetric.ABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Compan

85、ies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyUsage of Listening Posts:LeadersVersus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCX La

86、ggardsCX Leaders+CX Leaders are more likely to use all ofthese listening elements in their customerexperienceprogramcomparedtoCXlaggards.+CX Laggards are 30 percentage-points lesslikely to use journey feedback and 28percentage-points less likely touse frontlinefeedbackintheircustomerexperienceprogra

87、mthanCXleaders.4%36%46%36%39%61%76%1%55%61%65%69%78%84%None of theseAlways-on digital listeningPassive ListeningFront line feedbackJourney feedbackInteraction feedbackRelationship trackingABOUTWhich of the following listening elements are a part of your customer experience program?(Select all that a

88、pply)Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)a

89、re“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyEffectiveness of Listening Posts:Leaders Versus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSCX LaggardsCX Leaders+CXLeadersrepor

90、tedthattheyaresignificantly more effective at using insightsfrom each of these listening posts to makechanges.They are at least 31 percentage-points more likely to say they are at leastsomewhat effective at doingso.+The largest gap in CX Leaders versusLaggards listening post capabilities is intheir

91、usage of relationship tracking,with adifferenceof44percentage-pointsineffectiveness.18%34%37%33%36%41%49%71%71%71%74%85%Passive ListeningJourney feedbackAlways-on digital listeningFront line feedbackInteraction feedbackRelationship trackingABOUTHow effectively does your organization make changes bas

92、ed on insights from the following sources?(Somewhat effectively or Very effectively)Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the percentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Comp

93、etency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyObstacles to CX Success:Le

94、adersVersus LaggardsKEY TAKEAWAYSWhich of the following do you consider to be significant obstacles to your organizations customer experience management efforts?(Select all that apply)CX LaggardsCX Leaders+Other competing organizational prioritieswas most frequently referenced as the topobstacle to

95、CX management by both CXLeadersandLaggards.+CXLaggardsweremorelikelytociteeachofthese items as an obstacle to their CXmanagement efforts,except for technologylimitations,which CX Leaders cited 10percentage-pointsmorefrequently.+CX Laggards cited inconsistent executivebuy-in43percentage-pointsmorefre

96、quently than CX Leaders and cited lackofleadershipfortheseefforts32percentage-pointsmorefrequently.45%61%34%47%53%42%38%38%58%47%76%12%18%19%20%28%36%38%38%54%57%62%Lack of leadership for these effortsInconsistent executive buy-inNon supportive organizational cultureLack of critical customer experie

97、nce skillsUnclear return on investmentInsufficient fundingConflict across internal organizationsInconsistent middle-management buy inPoor integration across systemsTechnology limitationsOther competing organizational prioritiesABOUTCopyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.This chart shows the pe

98、rcentage of respondents thatrated their organization as strong or very strong ineach area.Responses are broken into two groupsbased on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessmentscores.Companies with scores above 16.3(medianscore)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.

99、”Base:220 CX Practitioners from companies with 1,000+employeesSource:Qualtrics XM Institute 2023 Q1 CX Practitioner SurveyAUTHORSMoiraDorsey,XMPPrincipal XMCatalystBruceTemkin,CCXP,XMPHeadof QualtricsXMInstituteTaliaQuaadgrasSeniorResearchAssociatePUBLICATION DATEApril 2023MethodologyDATA CALCULATIONIn Figures 11-16,we break responses into two groups based on their CX Competency&Maturity Assessment scores.Companies with scores above16.3(the median score)are“CX Leaders”and companies with scores of 16.3 and below are“CX Laggards.”Copyright 2023 Qualtrics.All rights reserved.



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