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1、State of the Nation 2022US white State of the Nationpartnered with research partnerProgrammatic DOOH 2022US white State of the Nation 2022US white paper201 Introduction02 The State of Play Current adoption of programmatic DOOH Drivers of programmatic DOOH adoption Programmatic DOOH as part of the pr

2、ogrammatic omni-channel media mix Full funnel activation03 Definingthenewlandscape(WhatisnextforprogrammaticDOOH?)Expected demand for programmatic DOOH In-house investment 04 Overcomingbarrierstoadoption More widespread understanding of programmatic DOOH Measurement and case studies Precision target

3、ing and real-time audience data05 SummaryCState of the Nation 2022US white paper3InJune2022,VIOOHpartneredwithMTMtosurvey1,000agencyandadvertisingexecutivesacrosstheUS,UK,Germany,FranceandAustraliaontheirperceptionsofprogrammaticdigitalout-of-home(DOOH),theirapproachestoplanningandbuying,comparisons

4、toothermedia,andthefutureofprogrammaticDOOH.In the US,growth in programmatic DOOH over the last 12 months has been driven,in part,by a widespread preference for agility in campaign strategy and execution as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.Recognizing that buying DOOH programmatically enables flexi

5、bility to respond to changing consumer behavior and contexts,demand for programmatic DOOH has increased from advertisers across all sectors,with US media executives reporting increases in both the number of advertisers investing in the channel,and the amount of budget invested.Media executives in th

6、e US recognize the efficiency achieved through programmatic activation(i.e.minimal wastage due to trigger-based activation),and the brand safe environment afforded by a public screen format as key drivers in the growth of programmatic DOOH to date,and believe that these attributes will continue to e

7、ncourage spend increases in the channel over the next 18 months.In line with executives globally,media executives in the US identify the ability to employ a wealth of different data sources to target consumers at a granular level as an important strength of programmatic DOOH.Many are excited about t

8、he prospect of overlaying real-time audience data to target consumers and optimize campaigns and believe that the ability to do this across campaigns will prompt further growth in the channel.Opting for an omni-channel approach to planning and buying campaigns is now standard practice for many.As su

9、ch,programmatic DOOH is frequently bought alongside other channels,with social media,digital video and digital audio the most popular channels to pair it with,according to US media executives.Within this context,US media executives have pointed to the importance of robust,unified measurement solutio

10、ns in articulating the value of programmatic DOOH,and isolating its effect within multi-channel campaigns.Similarly,the provision of best practices in data activation will help US media professionals boost the effectiveness of programmatic DOOH campaigns,and educate clients and colleagues on how to

11、extract the most value out of programmatic DOOH campaigns.Despite challenges,demand is expected to continue to grow over the next 12 months,with more campaigns in the US expected to include programmatic DOOH and US media executives planning to increase investment.Moving forward,executives plan to co

12、ntinue investing in in-house programmatic DOOH expertise,focusing on upskilling and educating programmatic,OOH and cross-channel planning desks to increase programmatic DOOHs presence on plans.EState of the Nation 2022US white paper4Programmaticdigitalout-of-home(programmaticDOOH)hascausedquiteaspla


14、gnsinreal-time,wereonlyextendedtoout-of-homeinmorerecentyears.Since then,advertisers have been increasingly open to taking advantage of the benefits that programmatically-enabled OOH provides,enjoying greater flexibility in campaign execution and the ability to target relevant audiences at key momen

15、ts to drive sales outcomes.However there remains scope for further growth in the channel.This white paper,based on an extensive survey of media executives across five of the largest markets globally,looks at the US market specifically and in comparison to global averages.It discusses some of the big

16、 questions for programmatic DOOH for today and in the future:How comfortable and knowledgeable are digital and OOH media professionals on programmatic DOOH and its benefits?How will investment levels change for this channel in the future?What barriers need to be overcome to facilitate further adopti

17、on and growth?VIOOH partnered with MTM to survey 1000 media executives from media agencies and brands across the US,UK,Germany,France and Australia to understand the industrys perceptions of programmatic DOOH,and how it contributes to omni-channel strategies.This multi-market approach,gathering opin

18、ions from across the industry,provides an unparalleled perspective at global and local levels to understand the State of the Nation of programmatic DOOH.IState of the Nation 2022US white paper5Distinctly uniqueProgrammatic DOOH:WhilstprogrammaticDOOHiscloselyrelatedtodirectorautomatedDOOH,therearese

19、veralkeypointsofdifferencethatseparatethetwo.Direct DOOH is pre-planned,and bought in advance of activation via media owners,agencies,and OOH specialists.When a direct DOOH campaign is bought,a time frame for the campaign is agreed and set,and specific days and times to display the nominated creativ

20、e are outlined.Media owner,first party client or agency data is employed to define and target desired audiences,and advertisers and agencies work with the OOH media owner directly to manually align their DOOH audiences and activity with other digital channels on the plan.Following the conclusion of

21、a DOOH campaign,brands and agencies can look at the impact on their branding and sales metrics,as well as measuring footfall.Conversely,programmatic DOOH inventory is bought in real-time or near real-time through demand side platforms(DSPs)that facilitate ad exchanges via private marketplaces(PMPs)o

22、r Open Exchanges using open real-time bidding(RTB).Unlike DOOH,programmatic DOOH does not require upfront commitments or predefined schedules,enabling advertisers to buy inventory in real-time,and optimize campaigns in-flight.Brands and agencies can use a range of data sources,including third party

23、data,to inform activation and targeting of campaigns,and a single buy-side platform(DSP)for multiple digital channels enables automated targeting and optimization across touchpoints with minimal wastage.Additionally,trigger-based targeting and activation allows brands to ensure maximum relevance of

24、creative,by optimizing for triggers which are contextual(location,weather,time,presence of audience)and/or non-contextual(promotions,sales data,major events).Additionally,advertisers dont have to sit and wait to review the campaign performance.Near real-time reporting permits advertisers to observe

25、which locations are performing the best or worst,and optimize their campaign by moving spend to locations that are performing State of the Nation 2022US white paper6Current adoption of programmatic DOOHAppetiteanddemandforbuyingdigitalOOHprogrammaticallyhasmarkedlyincreasedoverthelastfewyears.Itsnos


27、iestoaccessrelevantaudiencesintherightplaceandattherighttime.As outlined in our previous State of the Nation reports,the COVID pandemic that characterised 2020 and 2021 prompted an uptick in adoption of programmatic DOOH.Major shifts in audience behavior forced advertisers to re-evaluate campaign ex

28、ecution strategies,ditching set-in-stone pre-bought campaigns in favor of more flexible means of activation(e.g.programmatic activation).The State Of PState of the Nation 2022US white paper7Its been a boom time for programmatic.The pandemic precipitated a change in behavior that pushed forward adver

29、tisers plans“ThethingthatsreallyfuelledprogrammaticDOOHinthelastfewyearsistheCOVIDpandemic,andIthinkalotofclientsallofasuddenaremoreinterestedinprogrammaticpurelyforitsflexibility.Forexample,ifacquisitionsaredown,theycanjustadjustaccordingly”MartinPorter HeadofOOH,DentsuUS“Itsbeenaboomtimeforprogram


31、ught,forthemostpart,soitmakessensetoextendthosesamebenefitstoOOH”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“Whilst the day-to-day effects of the pandemic are largely over,advertisers have become accustomed to agility in campaign strategy and execution,and greatly value the ability that

32、 programmatic buying affords to quickly respond to changing consumer behavior and reach audiences where they are.Inthelast18months,overhalf(56%)ofcampaigns(+9%ptsvs.2021)intheUShaveincludedprogrammaticDOOH(vs51%globally).In addition,low barriers to entry(relative to its traditional counterpart)means

33、 that a significant number of advertisers who have not previously spent on OOH are now taking a test-and-learn approach with programmatic DOOH,reaping the benefits of its hybrid broadcast/digital nature (i.e.,public-facing screens with the flexibility and granularity of digital).56%OF US CAMPAIGNS I

34、N THE LAST 18 MONTHS HAVE INCLUDED PROGRAMMATIC DOOHState of the Nation 2022US white paper81Which of the following media have you planned,placed or bought in the last 12 months?/Which of the following media are you intending to plan,place or buy in the next 12 months?NB.In previous iterations of thi

35、s report,we asked only about DOOH in general,but this year we have asked media professionals about programmatic DOOH specifically.Have planned,bought or placed in past 12 monthsIntending to buy,plan,place in next 12 monthsInterest in programmatic DOOH is coming from advertisers across all sectors,al

36、though it is particularly popular in sectors where contextual or location-based messaging is most relevant(e.g.auto,CPG,retail,tourism).Demand is expected to continue to grow over the next 12 months,with US executives signalling that they are likely to increase investment.43%saidtheyhaveplanned,boug

37、htorplacedDOOHprogrammaticallyinthelast12months(vs46%globally),andthis issettoincreaseto46%inthenextyear(vs48%globally).“EveryyearweareseeingmoreclientsbuyDOOHprogrammatically.WhereweseeprogrammaticdigitalOOHusedthemostiswithtelecomsandtechbrandsbecausetheyareoftenlookingtoacquirenewusersandneedtobu

38、ildfrequency.ItsalsopopularwithCPG,retailandsportsbettingclientsforsimilarreasons”MartinPorter HeadofOOH,DentsuUS“77%72%64%63%64%60%48%47%52%47%50%50%43%46%52%53%54%61%25%26%46%55%27%34%28%28%33%37%Social mediaDigital video advertisingDigital audioDisplayDigital OOHIn-app advertisingProgrammatic DOO

39、HNEW CATEGORY ADDED FOR 2022MobileBroadcast TVPrintSearchTraditional OOHRadioConnected TVNotes:Considering all media types we selected less than in 2021,we recommend focussing only on 2022 data and that PDOOH show growth opportunity in next 12 months while other media types show stability or likely

40、decrease in investments1)Social media includes Facebook,Instagram,Twitter etc.2)Digital audio includes streaming audio,streaming and podcasts 3)Search includes pay-per-click 4)Display excludes social media 5)Mobile excludes in-app advertising 5)Broadcast TV excludes TV advertising served via the int

41、ernet Source:A8.which of the following media have you planned,bought or placed in the last 12 months?A9.Which of the following media are you planning to,or open to advertising for in the next 12 months?Base size all respondents(176)State of the Nation 2022US white paper9Whilst some advertisers in th

42、e US are converting existing traditional and DOOH budgets to buy programmatic DOOH,there is also significant growth coming from new budgets,and from other digital and traditional channels.50%ofUSmediaprofessionals(vs37%globally)saytheyhaveaddednewbudgetstoprogrammaticDOOH,26%(vs21%globally)havemoved

43、budgetfromothertraditionalchannels,and19%(vs21%globally)haveutilizedexistingdigitalbudgets.Notes:Source C4.1 If Budget is going to be increasing for programmatic digital out-of-hme,where is this budget being moved from?Base size:all increasing PDOOH or DOOH(210);agency(105);advertiser(105)2If budget

44、 is going to be increased for programmatic digital out-of-home,where is this budget being moved from?Every year we are seeing more clients buy DOOH programmatically“61%TRADITIONAL OOH 50%NEW BUDGET ADDED26%OTHER TRADITIONAL CHANNELS19%OTHER DIGITAL CHANNELSState of the Nation 2022US white paper10Dri

45、vers of programmatic DOOH adoptionProgrammaticDOOHdeliversarangeof benefitsforadvertisers.Buying OOH programmatically adds a layer of agility to campaigns that cannot be delivered through traditional OOH.For example,advertisers can reduce wastage and maximize campaign effectiveness by harnessing tri

46、gger-based buying to quickly react to what is happening in the outside world in real-time.Furthermore,the ability to trigger or target based on contextual data(e.g.weather,location,demographic of people who live/work nearby)provides brands with certainty that their messaging will have maximum contex

47、tual relevance to deliver results.35%ofmediaexecutivesintheUSbelieve thatthisefficiencyisasignificantstrengthofprogrammatic DOOH,rankingitasthetopreason(#1inUSvsjoint#2globally)forincreasingspendinthechanneloverthenext 18months.Furthermore,whilst programmatic DOOH affords advertisers all the flexibi

48、lity and efficiency benefits of digital,its one-to-many format also offers a brand safe environment that cannot be guaranteed via other digital channels,due to the existence of bot/click fraud.ExecutivesintheUSparticularlyvaluethisattributeofthechannel,andselecteditasoneoftheprimaryreasons(rankedjoi



51、herenhancedbytheabilitytoeffectivelycontributeandmeasureimpactonsales”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“State of the Nation 2022US white paper11More broadly,the ability to overlay a variety of different data sources to inform activation(e.g.contextual data,mobile data,audience

52、 data,sales data,availability of merchandise stock)enables programmatic DOOH to target consumers at a hyper-granular level.US media executives recognize this as a key driver in the growth of programmatic DOOH,withathirdofUSexecutives(33%)selectingaudiencetargetingasanimportantfactor(ranked#2)likelyt

53、oinfluencespendincreasesoverthenext18months.3You mentioned that you were looking to increase spend for the following in the next 18 months,what are the main reasons for this growth?“TheopportunityforprogrammaticOOHintheUSisbiggerthaninanyothermarketbecauseofthediversityofmediaownersandmediaformatsav

54、ailableatscalenationwide.Programmaticcansimplifybuyingwhileenablingadvertiserstoprove outthevalueviaattribution”Adrian Witter,ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“Wecanmatchourpaneldatawithmobilephonelocationdataandthenbuildoutaheatmapbasedonpostcodedata.Wecanseewherethataudienceisatitshighest

55、densityandbuyanyinventorythatfallsintothatgeographicalarea”MartinPorter,HeadofOOH,DentsuUS“Ihaverarelyheardanyoneraveaboutamobilebannerad.OOHconsistentlyperformswellfordrivingattention,interestanddesirebutresearchandbetterattributionmethodsshowitsincreasinglyeffectiveatdrivingaction”Adrian Witter Pr

56、ogrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“35%Further value from the efficiency and effectiveness of transactions35%Brand safety,including lack of bot/click fraud33%Audience targeting32%Great context for advertisers31%Precision,eg.targeting certain frames,locations,audiences,performance metrics or usi

57、ng triggersNotesPrecision means targeting certain frames,locations,audiences,performance metrics or using triggersSource:C4.You mentioned that you were looking to increase spend for the following in the next 18 months,what are the main reasons for this growth?Base size:all who place PDOOH(176)State

58、of the Nation 2022US white paper12Moreover,advancements in the technical capabilities of DOOH continue to deliver new and innovative opportunities for advertisers to reach and engage with audiences.For example,advertisers are taking advantage of the ability to use dynamic creative(e.g.3-D,video,etc.

59、)to deliver relevant messages in real-time and engage with audiences in creative and meaningful ways.Asaresult,itsnosurprisethatexecutivesintheUScontinuetoselectDOOH(47%)asoneofthetopthreemediatypes(vs43%globally)developingthemostinnovativeopportunitiesforadvertisers.Notes:1)Social media includes Fa

60、cebook,Instagram,Twitter etc.2)Digital audio includes streaming audio,streaming and podcasts 3)Search includes pay-per-click 4)Display excludes social media 5)Mobile excludes in-app advertising 5)Broadcast TV excludes TV advertising served via the internet 6)%refers to YOY changeSource B7.Which of t

61、hese media are developing the most innovative opportunities for advertisers?Base size all respondents(200)MobileDigital video advertisingDigital audioSearchBroadcast TVDisplayIn-app advertisingConnected TVPrintTraditional OOHRadio61%48%7th in 202147%4th in 202146%3rd in 202145%6th in 202143%11th in

62、202142%2nd in 202141%9th in 202141%5th in 202136%8th in 202133%12th in 202125%10th in 2021 18%14%4Which of these media are developing the most innovative opportunities for advertisers?NB.In previous iterations of this report,we asked only about DOOH in general,but this year we have asked media profe

63、ssionals about programmatic DOOH specifically.Social mediaThe opportunity for programmatic OOH in the US is bigger than in any other market“Digital OOHProgrammatic DOOHState of the Nation 2022US white paper13“WevebeenabletogrowprogrammaticDOOHintheUSatasubstantialrate.Programmaticopensthedoortomulti


65、agmented,withdozensofmediaownersaccessibleprogrammatically,thatwouldprovelogisticallychallengingtoreplicateonatraditionalplan.Programmaticconsolidatestheinventorytogether,anditcancoveralmostallformats,whichisahugebenefit”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“There is so much fragm

66、entation in the US.Programmatic corals all of that inventory together,and it can cover almost all formats,which is a huge benefit“State of the Nation 2022US white paper14Bought by dedicated programmatic Out-of-Home teamBought by digital/programmatic teamBought by Out-of-Home teamBought by Managed Se

67、rvice DSP teamTotalMedia agencyAdvertiser75%73%77%66%70%62%57%65%49%37%35%38%+20%pts vs 2021+15%pts vs 2021+25%pts vs 2021+2%pts vs 2021-4%pts vs 2021+10%pts vs 2021+8%pts vs 2021+16%pts vs 2021-1%pts vs 20215How has the programmatic Out-of-Home advertising you have placed/planned or bought in the l

68、ast 12 months typically been planned?Today,itisstandardpracticeforadvertiserstotakeanomni-channelapproachwhenplanningandbuyingprogrammaticcampaigns,andthisisnowextendingtoincludedigitalout-of-home.Buying programmatic DOOH alongside other programmatic channels delivers a range of benefits to advertis

69、ers.An integrated,omni-channel approach provides advertisers with access to the same audience across multiple touchpoints,enabling them to reinforce campaign messaging and build frequency.In the same way,a single view of a campaign enables advertisers to manage frequency capping,as they are able to

70、monitor campaign exposure and turn on/off different channel activations as needed.This shift towards an omni-channel strategy is reflected in the teams that are buying programmatic DOOH.As with advertising executives globally,this year advertising executives in the US are reporting a decreaseinbuyin

71、gthroughOOHteams(-1%ptintheUSvs-4%ptsglobally)andanincreaseinbuyingthroughdigital/programmaticteams(+10%ptsintheUSvs+7%ptsglobally).NotesSource:C2.How has the programmatic Out-of-Home advertising you have placed/planned or bought in the last 12 months typically been planned?Base size:all who place P

72、DOOH:agency(83),advertiser(93)Programmatic DOOH as part of the omni-channel media State of the Nation 2022US white paper15“ClientsaretrialingprogrammaticDOOHinanomni-channelmixtodriveactionaspartofperformancecampaigns.WithprogrammaticDOOHmessagingcanbeadaptedbasedonthelocationofthedisplayandtheminds


74、inthatsense,programmaticDOOHbridgesthegapbetweenphysicaladvertisinganddigital”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“We use out-of-home to bridge the gap between physical advertising and digital“State of the Nation 2022US white paper16As such,channels that can be bought programmati

75、cally remain the most popular channels to run alongside programmatic DOOH,with US executives ahead of global averages by selecting socialmediaasthemostlikelypairingforbothperformance(64%intheUSvs56%globally)andbrand-ledcampaigns(62%intheUSvs51%globally),closelyfollowedbydigitalvideoadvertisinganddig

76、italaudio.6Thinking about performance/brand-led campaigns,which channels would you consider running programmatic DOOH alongside?62%46%45%48%42%44%41%43%35%33%29%18%16%64%55%50%46%43%41%43%40%40%33%22%23%14%Notes:1)Social media includes Facebook,Instagram,Twitter etc.2)Digital audio includes streamin

77、g audio,streaming and podcasts 3)Search includes pay-per-click 4)Display excludes social media 5)Mobile excludes in-app advertising 5)Broadcast TV excludes TV advertising served via the internet 6)%refers to YOY changeSource:01/02 Thinking about performance/brand-led campaigns which channels would y

78、ou consider running programmatic DOOH alongside?Base size:all respondents(200)Social mediaDigital video advertising Digital audio Broadcast TV Digital OOHSearch DisplayMobileIn-app advertising Connected TV Traditional OOHRadio Print 111213BrandPerformanceIts generally agreed that OOH,soci

79、al and TV amplify each other“OOHhelpstocreatemoreimpactinotherchannels.ItsgenerallyagreedthatOOH,socialandTVamplifyeachother.Runningthosetogetherprovidesmassivedividendsintermsofinfluencingintentiontopurchase”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“State of the Nation 2022US white p

80、aper177%7%7%Demonstrating the importance of an omni-channel strategy,82%of US media professionals make the decision to include programmatic DOOH during the early stages of the campaign planning and activation process,with 36%decidingtoincludeitduringthecampaignideation/strategizingphase(vs25%globall

81、y),and46%whileplanningthemediaandallocationofbudgets(vs49%globally).7While planning a campaign,when in the media planning process is the decision to include programmatic digital out-of-home typically happening?TotalMedia agencyAdvertiser36%32%39%46%51%40%12%10%14%NotesSource:C8.While planning a camp

82、aign,when in the media planning process is the decision to include programmatic digital out-of-home typically happening?Base size:all respondents(210)agency(105)advertiser(105)“ManyclientsaredevelopingastraightforwarddecisiontreeofwhenprogrammaticDOOHshouldbeconsideredforthem.Thereareincreasingreque

83、stsforprogrammaticDOOHattheplanningstage,basedonanomni-channelactivation,oramoredynamictriggerbaseddelivery;whenclientsspecifythat,wealwaysrecommendprogrammatic”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“36%OF US MEDIA PROFESSIONALS INCLUDE PROGRAMMATIC DOOH DURING THE EARLY STAGES OF

84、CAMPAIGN STRATEGY While deciding overall campaign strategy and objectivesWhile planning the media and allocating the budgetWhile buying the media andactivating the campaignWhile analyzing and optimizing campaign State of the Nation 2022US white paper18Full funnel activationAdvertisersuseprogrammatic

85、DOOHforbothbrandandperformanceobjectives,dependingonthespecificgoalsandrequirementsofeachindividualcampaign.Programmatic is generally considered to have broadened DOOHs appeal as a hybrid medium,combining the mass-reach of broadcast-conducive to branding and upper funnel activities-with data-driven

86、dynamism,synonymous with digital performance marketing and lower funnel conversions.Whilst allocation of performance and brand spend on programmatic DOOH is done on a case-by-case basis,more broadly,advertising budgets in the US and globally currently skew towards performance spend(58%in the US vs 5

87、9%globally).Thisisexpectedtocontinueinto2023,withperformancefocusedcampaignspredictedtotakethelionsshareofbudgetgloballyandintheUS,perhaps unsurprisingly given current uncertainties around the broader economic outlook.8What percentage breakdown is your performance vs branding budgets now/in 18 month

88、s time?50%performance Equal 50%brandIn18monthsNow56%15%29%58%21%+10%ptsvs 2021-17%pts vs 2021-9%pts vs 2021+15%pts vs 202121%+7%pts vs 2021-6%pts vs 2021NotesSource:B3.What percentage breakdown is your performance vs branding budget?Base size(1000),Brand What percentage breakdown will there be betwe

89、en your performance vs branding budgets in 18 months time?Base size:all respondents(200)State of the Nation 2022US white paper1919Expected demand for programmatic DOOH Asoutlinedabove,demandforprogrammaticDOOHisexpectedtocontinuetogrow.61%ofcampaignsintheUS(vs57%globally)areexpectedtoincludeprogramm

90、atic DOOHoverthenext18months,according toUSexecutives.Defining thenew landscape 9Proportion of campaigns executives have planned,bought or placed programmatic DOOH in the last/next 18 months?56%Last18months61%Next18monthsNotes:Source:C6.Think of the campaigns youve worked on in the past 18 months,fo

91、r what proportion have you planned,bought,or placed programmatic DOOH advertising?/C7 Now think of the campaigns youll be working on in the next 18 months,for what proportion do you think will you plan,buy,or place programmatic DOOH advertising?Base size:all respondents(200)+9%ptsvs 2021+5%ptsvs Sta

92、te of the Nation 2022US white paper20In addition,20%(+6%ptsvs2021)ofUSexecutivesbelievethatadvertisinginvestmentinprogrammaticDOOHwillmorethandouble(101-200%)over the next 18 months.10How do you think your advertising investment will change in the next 18 months?0%Digital OOHProgrammatic DOOH8%8%73%

93、72%20%21%+4%vs 2021-8%vs 2021+7%vs 2021-13%vs 2021+3%vs 2021+6%vs 20210%-100%101%-200%Notes:Source:B8.How do you think your advertising investment in the following media will change in the next 18 months?Base size:all respondents(200)Advertisers appreciate that this growth will come with a steep lea

94、rning curve for some,and many are planning on investing heavily in the channel in order to go through a period of testing and learning,to evaluate where and how the channel can be most effective.“Clientswillcontinuetouseit,astherearedefiniteadvantages,althoughIfeellikethereareplenty ofclientsthatcou

95、ldandshouldbeusingitthathaventyet,soIdothink itwillcontinuetoincrease”MartinPorter,HeadofOOH,DentsuUS“20%OF EXECUTIVES IN THE US BELIEVE THAT ADVERTISING INVESTMENT IN PROGRAMMATIC DOOH WILL MORE THAN DOUBLE(101-200%)OVER THE NEXT 18 MONTHSState of the Nation 2022US white paper21In-house investmentI

96、nlinewiththeexpecteddemandoutlinedabove,96%(+10%ptsvs2021)ofUSmediaexecutivessaythattheywillinvestinbuildingprogrammaticDOOHexpertisein-houseoverthenext18months,withmanyhopingtogrowprogrammaticDOOHteamsandupskillprogrammaticandOOHdesks.11Thinking about how you expect to place programmatic digital ou

97、t-of-home advertising in the next 18 months,to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?TotalMedia agencyAdvertiser96%93%98%+10%pts vs 2021+8%pts vs 2021+11%pts vs 2021We will invest in building our programmatic digital out-of-home expertiseNotes:Source:C10.Thinking about ho

98、w you expect to place programmatic digital out-of-home advertising in the next 18 months,to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Base size:all respondents(200)agency(100)advertiser(100)State of the Nation 2022US white paper22221 More widespread understanding of programma

99、tic DOOH GiventhealignmentinplanningandbuyingofprogrammaticDOOHalongsideotherprogrammaticactivity,itisnosurprisethatinvestmentinwidespreadeducationwillunlockfurtherspendinthechannelbyhelpingadvertiserstobetterunderstandthekeybenefitsofprogrammaticDOOHandenablingthem,inturn,tocommunicatethosebenefits

100、toclientsandteams.Overcoming barriers to adoption“OOHteamsaresometimesnotconsultedinthestrategicplanningprocess,andtheresponsibilityflowsthroughdigitalteams,whohavetherightideaaboutincorporatingDOOHbutlacktheexpertisetocrafttheappropriatestrategicplan.Theydontalwayshavethetimeorchannelexperiencetoid

101、entifywhatconstitutesarobustcampaignplantomaximizeOOHeffectiveness.Ultimately,tosupportchannelgrowthfolksfromOOHandprogrammaticdisciplinesneedtofindcommongroundonwhereandhowOOHcanbeusedtomaximizeoverallcampaigneffectiveness”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“State of the Nation

102、 2022US white paper2312Which,out of the following,would help you learn more about programmatic DOOH advertising?NB.Unless otherwise indicated,rankings stayed the same as last yearBest practices for using data for activation of programmatic DOOH campaignsClearer understanding of how programmatic in O

103、OH fits within a multi-channel campaignInformation on how to measure ROI of programmatic DOOHInformation on cross channel measurement or attributionTraining on benefits of programmatic DOOHSector-specific insights for programmatic DOOHAudience-specific insights for programmatic DOOHCase studies for

104、programmatic DOOHStandards for programmatic in DOOHTraining on DOOHNotes:Source:D4.Which,out of the following,would help you learn more about programmatic DOOH advertising?Base size all respondents(208)agency(105)advertiser(103)TotalMedia agencyAdvertiser50%58%41%49%52%46%48%44%52%45%44%4

105、5%43%44%42%43%47%39%41%47%35%37%35%39%35%36%34%25%23%27%3rd in 20214th in 20215th in 20211st in 20218th in 20217th in 20212nd in 2021“OOHbuyersneedtocollaboratewithbuyersinotherchannelstoprovethevalueofprogrammaticDOOH,andcarrythatmessagetoclientswithaunifiedvoiceandrobustproofpoints”Adrian Witter P

106、rogrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“Central to this education piece is sharing best practices in data activation and providing information on how to measure the ROI of programmatic DOOH campaigns.58%ofUSagencyexecutives(vs45%globally)feelthatbestpracticesinusingdataforprogrammaticDOOHwouldhelp

107、them tobetterunderstandthechannel,and 52%of US advertising executives(vs 42%globally)said that they would like to know more about how to accurately measure the ROI of their programmatic DOOH campaigns.6th in State of the Nation 2022US white paper242 Measurement and Case Studies Tocomplementeducation


109、atedkeysuccessesas wellasdetailingtheROIachievedandimpactonkeyKPIs.Cross-channel attribution is a pervasive issue across all media types and is not a challenge specific to programmatic DOOH.As highlighted in Exhibit 12,nearly half of US media professionals(44%of agency executives and 45%of advertise

110、rs)would like more information on cross-channel measurement and attribution in order to demonstrate programmatic DOOHs impact within an omni-channel campaign.“Lastclickattributionremainsagrowthdriverforonlinemediachannels.WithadvancedattributionanddeliverycapabilitiesinprogrammaticDOOH,clientscaninc


112、willonlygeteasierandthereforeincreaseover time.Atthemoment,weareveryadeptatlookingatamacroleveli.e.seeingthatclientinvestmentinOOHandsocialprovided3timesreturnonROIbutdrillingdownfurtherthanthatisdifficult.Thetoolsandmeanstodothatarebeingdeveloped,andwerenotthereyet,butthatsokay.ThefactthatOOHisacor

113、nerstonepartoftheseattributionstudiesnowisawinforthechannel.WevebeenbuildingtheattributioncredentialsforyearsandwehaveyearsworthofdatatoshowthatOOHisakeycontributortobusinessKPIsandcampaignsuccess”Adrian Witter ProgrammaticOOH&PartnershipsLead,KineticUS“State of the Nation 2022US white paper253 Prec

114、ision targeting and real-time audience data InlightoftheincreasingalignmentofprogrammaticDOOHwithotherprogrammaticdigitalchannels,itisunsurprisingthatmediaexecutivesinthe USarealsokeentogettheirhandsonasmuchdataaspossibleinordertobuildoutmulti-layeredaudiencesegmentsandimprovetheefficacyofcampaigns.

115、This year,in line with global executives,US executives identified the provision of real-time audience data(44%in the US vs 42%globally),a wider scope of audience data(44%in the US vs 39%globally)plus additional targeting options(44%in the US vs 38%globally)as key to improving the value of,and increa

116、sing investment in programmatic DOOH.Which of the following would you like to see in order to give programmatic digital out-of-home campaigns more value and make you invest more?NB.Unless otherwise indicated,rankings stayed the same as last yearReal-time audience dataMore options around precision/ta

117、rgeting of the campaigns in the marketMore audience dataMore cost efficiency from the marketVisibility on impact on other digital media channelsMore data to drive direct responsesMore behavioral/visitation/mobility dataSituational dataDynamic creative/dynamic creative optimizationMore tangible metri

118、cs around the channel to demonstrate valueProximity dataThird party ad verification4th in 20213rd in 20216th in 202144%46%42%44%53%35%44%47%40%42%39%44%41%42%39%39%43%35%39%42%35%36%44%27%36%38%33%35%39%30%32%38%25%30%26%33%1112Notes:Source:C6.Which of the following would you like to see

119、in order to give programmatic DOOH campaigns more value and make you invest more?Base size all respondents(200)agency(100)advertiser(100)135th in 20217th in 2021TotalMedia agencyAdvertiser1st in State of the Nation 2022US white paper26In terms of types of audience data that executives perceive to be

120、 most valuable,media executives in the US and globally say that socio-demographic(62%in the US vs 53%globally)data and shopping behavior (60%in the US vs 54%globally)data are the most useful data sets to employ in the targeting of programmatic DOOH campaigns.14Which of the following types of audienc

121、e data would be most useful in targeting programmatic digital out-of-home campaigns?TotalMedia agencyAdvertiserNotes:Source:C6.1.Which of the following types of audience data would be most useful in targeting programmatic DOOH campaigns?Base size all respondents(200)agency(100)advertiser(100)62%70%5

122、4%60%63%57%Shopping behavior/types57%54%59%Socio-economic data51%50%52%Product affinities41%42%40%Travel behavior Socio-demographic data62%OF US MEDIA EXECUTIVES SAY THAT SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC IS THE MOST USEFUL AUDIENCE TARGETING DATAState of the Nation 2022US white paper2727Theresultsofthesesurveysfro

123、mover1000mediaexecutivesgloballyareclear,showingthatthefutureforprogrammaticDOOHlooksbright.Withnearlyall(93%)USmediaexecutivessurveyedsettoretainorincreaseinvestmentinthechannel,demandisexpectedtocontinue,andgrow,overthenext18months.In response to the predicted surge in demand from clients across a

124、ll sectors,US media executives will continue to invest in building in-house programmatic DOOH expertise,focusing on educating programmatic,OOH and cross-media planning teams on the advantages of programmatic DOOH so that benefits can be clearly communicated to clients.Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic pr

125、oved the value of the agility that programmatic DOOH offers,many US media professionals have continued to take advantage of this flexibility post-pandemic.Furthermore,the ability to pivot and switch on/off programmatic DOOH campaigns as required is likely to become even more compelling as the world

126、navigates new norms in working and socializing habits,and a potentially precarious economic outlook.US media executives indicate that the efficiency and effectiveness that is enabled through buying DOOH programmatically,combined with the brand safety that is afforded through a public screen format i

127、s likely to prompt further increases in spend in the channel into 2023 and beyond.SState of the Nation 2022US white paper28In addition,the ability to target out-of-home audiences with laser precision is likely to persist as a key driver of programmatic DOOH adoption in the US,with the potential to o

128、verlay real-time audience data to inform activation,an exciting prospect for many.As US media professionals pursue an omni-channel approach to planning and executing programmatic activity,programmatic DOOH is sure to take its place as a mainstay on programmatic campaigns.Those that are newer to the

129、channel may take more of a test and learn approach,discovering the synergy that programmatic DOOH has with other digital channels such as social media,digital video,and digital audio.Advertisers that have consistently invested in programmatic DOOH will continue to reap the benefits of the channels e

130、ffectiveness,and the ability to minimize wastage via trigger-based buying.Finally,in order to unlock the full potential of programmatic DOOH,it is becoming increasingly important to offer robust ROI and measurement solutions.As planning programmatic DOOH alongside other channels becomes standard pra

131、ctice,the ability to accurately measure its impact within a multi-channel campaign is likely to become a determining factor in the growth of the channel.Moreover,the provision of best practices in data activation will improve the value of programmatic DOOH campaigns and enable US executives to educate clients and colleagues on how data can be employed to realize a significant ROI using programmatic DOOH.Programmatic DOOH is sure to take its place as a mainstay on programmatic campaigns



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