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1、partnered with research partnerState of the NationProgrammatic OOH 2021Global white State of the Nation 2021Global white paper02VIOOH partnered with MTM to survey 1,000 senior agency and advertising executives across the US,UK,Germany,France and Australia on their perceptions of programmatic out of

2、home(OOH),comparisons to other media,approaches to planning and buying,and the future of programmatic OOH.Drawn to the flexibility offered by programmatic channels during the COVID-19 pandemic,agency and advertising executives are positive about the role programmatic OOH can play and expect to incre

3、ase their investment in future.Programmatic OOH investment is being driven by strengths in targeting,measurement and ROI,the latter increasingly important as marketing budgets come under more scrutiny.Further,programmatic OOH is seen as a truly versatile channel,able to support brand and performance

4、 goals,and executives rank it competitively against other digital channels.As the buying audience for programmatic OOH expands,there is more work to do,with knowledge gaps and a lack of consistency in how programmatic OOH is planned and bought,which risks it being overlooked or used inefficiently.Th

5、e overall outlook is positive however,with executives planning to invest in programmatic OOH expertise and integrate this new media buying method more frequently into multi-channel campaigns,which will drive further innovation and growth.Executive State of the Nation 2021Global white paper03As we co

6、vered in our previous State of the Nation reports,programmatic has been a major theme in digital advertising over the last decade.In this new report,we see that programmatic has proved increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic,as advertisers continue to seek more flexibility in their marke

7、ting.Programmatic has continued to gain traction in out of home advertising as advertisers,agencies,DSPs and media owners embrace the digitisation and programmatic capabilities of OOH:more control and flexibility offered to budget holders,greater opportunities to complement multi-channel campaigns,a

8、nd the ability to target desirable audiences at key moments.This years white paper,expanded to include additional markets,explores key questions about programmatic OOH and its future:How widely has it been adopted and how is it being used?How is programmatic OOH planned and bought,and how is it inte

9、grated into multi-channel campaigns?What is driving investment and what would unlock further spend?VIOOH partnered with MTM to survey 1,000 senior executives from media agencies and brands across Australia,France,Germany,the UK and USA,and also conducted interviews with key media agency executives,t

10、o understand the industrys perceptions of programmatic OOH,how it is being used and where there are opportunities for greater adoption.This year,we expanded the sample to include more people with a programmatic background,regardless of whether they have prior experience in OOH,to reflect how program

11、matic OOH is viewed by both digital and OOH buyers.This multi-market approach provides an unparalleled perspective from five major advertising markets to understand the State of the Nation of programmatic OOH.Programmatic OOH The future is State of the Nation 2021Global white paper04Firstly,what is

12、programmatic?Simply put,its an automated buying and selling process using various technology platforms and data to transact in real-time,enhance flexibility and reduce barriers to entry.Programmatic OOH is a subset of digital OOH,and refers to a method of trading digital out of home inventory rather

13、 than the broader media channel definition.For more details on programmatic technology in OOH check out our informative video How to buy programmatic OOH.How programmatic OOH worksAd exchangeProgrammatic trading deskAgencyAdvertisersDemand-side platform(DSP)Ad exchangeAd exchangeAd exchangeAd exchan

14、geAd serverMedia ownerSupply-side platform(SSP)Auction takes placeFlow of creative and moneyFlow of inventory1Programmatic State of the Nation 2021Global white paper05The state of State of the Nation 2021Global white paper06COVID-19s impact on advertising214%more board directors think programmatic i

15、s important to their business marketing success compared to last yearAs the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in early 2020,businesses had to rapidly adapt their marketing strategies,with many cutting or reallocating budgets across brand and performance marketing.In our Q4 2020 report,executives reflected

16、 on the uncertainty around advertising in general but were positive about programmatic channels and the role they could play in the next 12 months.Programmatic advertising is increasingly important following COVIDI feel more pressure to focus on building long-term branding campaigns due to the impac

17、t of COVID-1977%84%82%Programmatic advertising is more important to my business marketing success at a time of crisis68%87%93%82%(+5%YoY)of industry executives feel more pressure to deliver on short-term metrics due to COVID-19;whereas 83%(flat YoY)feel more pressure to deliver on long-term brand bu

18、ilding campaigns89%(+12%YoY)of industry executives think programmatic advertising is more important to their businesses marketing success at a time of crisis,this is pronounced more amongst senior execs I feel more pressure to deliver on short-term metrics due to the impact of COVID-1986%81%82%Avera

19、ge 89%(+12%YoY)Average 82%(+5%YoY)Average 83%(flat YoY)Mid-managerial Executive director Board director“They predicted correctly,with executives reporting programmatic advertising as increasingly important to their businesses in the last 12 months.Nearly nine out of ten(89%)of executives see program

20、matic channels as more critical to their business in the context of the COVID-19 crisis,up 12%compared to our 2020 report.This increases to 93%for board directors,showing strong senior support(see Exhibit 2).A key reason for this is a need for flexibility in planning and running advertising campaign

21、s.Most executives(84%agency,82%advertiser)agree that they are more likely to use programmatic advertising in general due to the flexibility it offers.Exhibit 2 Survey question:Now thinking about this years developments around COVID-19,to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statem

22、ents?Numbers shown represent respondents who chose strongly agree or slightly agree.Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper07The main aspects of flexibility that drive interest include the ability to stop,start or pause campaigns,and the ability to reallocate and optimise media spend

23、at short notice,which allows advertisers to respond to market events that are outside their control(see Exhibit 3).A key factor that executives value is the ability to adapt creative messages in real-time.3We now want you to think about how adapting to the impacts of COVID-19 may have changed the wa

24、y you plan media in future.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?The ability to change creative messages in real-time is important to us Our campaign strategies are more focused on reaching a broadcast audienceOur campaign strategies are more focused on reaching a tar

25、geted audience It is important to be able to increase,decrease or reallocate/optimise media spend at short noticeFlexibility to stop,start or pause campaigns has become a key consideration when selecting media typesWe are more likely to use programmatic advertising due to the flexibility it offers87

26、%84%87%82%87%81%84%84%84%83%84%82%Media agency Advertiser“We saw the adoption of programmatic OOH really accelerate during the pandemic.You could be more agile,you didnt have to pay penalties if you reneged.buying programmatically took a lot of stress away from placing OOH.Global Lead for Digital OO

27、H,Media Agency,UKThe pandemic has made people recognise the benefits of buying OOH programmatically and this has helped drive uptake.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,AustraliaWe experimented with clients who appreciated the flexibility of programmatic OOH and since June 2021 when lockdown ended wev

28、e seen a huge amount of demand.Director of Programmatic,Media Agency,GermanyThey also predict that this behaviour will stick even as the world returns to normal.People now see the benefits of programmatic OOH,the flexibility it gives you,and theyll keep on using it post-pandemic.OOH Lead,Media Agenc

29、y,USPeople have got used to the agility that buying OOH programmatically gives you,in future if you could buy programmatically and meet your objectives then why wouldnt you.Global Lead for Digital OOH,Media Agency,UKWere expecting to use programmatic OOH more and more and wont go back to state befor

30、e the pandemic.Head of Programmatic,Media Agency,FranceThe executives we spoke to agreed that flexibility has become a major consideration and has helped accelerate programmatic OOH adoption.Exhibit 3 Survey question:We now want you to think about how adapting to the impacts of COVID-19 may have cha

31、nged the way you plan media in the future.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?Numbers shown represented respondents who checked strongly agree and slightly agree.Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper08The increasing importance of programmatic techno

32、logy in general also applies to OOH media specifically.Digital OOH now has widespread adoption with 62%of executive respondents saying they had planned,bought,or placed digital OOH in the last 12 months1.Of those respondents,61%traded OOH programmatically2.Echoing our 2020 results,executives identif

33、ied the same key reasons for investing in programmatic OOH(see Exhibit 4).The precision offered by trigger-based buying is one of the key attributes programmatic buying offers.Importantly,these results also say that programmatic OOH is a channel that can help deliver strong business results(ROI)and

34、crucially,executives are confident that they can measure and prove this.These strengths were reflected in our discussions with executives.Targeting,measurement and ROI are key drivers of investment in programmatic OOH Trigger-based buyingBuying impressions based on events,news,promotions,moments in

35、time,locations,audiences as they move,weather,and environmental conditionsMeasurementThe ability to measure campaign performance across multiple digital channelsValueProviding value for money or effective returns on investmentMost important factors in determining investment in programmatic OOH484%83

36、%Media agenciesAdvertisers84%78%Media agenciesAdvertisers83%78%Media agenciesAdvertisersTriggering advertising based on set parameters and the precision this gives you in your campaigns is a key appeal of programmatic OOH the automation of buying and the efficiency this brings is also a big value ad

37、d.Head of Programmatic,Media Agency,FranceBuying OOH programmatically massively reduces wastage even if prices can be higher than buying direct it offers great value.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,AustraliaProgrammatic OOH offers great precision and also creative flexibility,to adapt to a time,lo

38、cation or event,which goes alongside this.Director of Programmatic,Media Agency,Germany“1Survey question:Which of the following media have you planned,bought,or placed in the last 12 months?2Survey question:Now thinking about programmatic advertising,which of the following media have you placed/plan

39、ned or bought programmatic advertising for in the last 12 months?Exhibit 4 Survey question:How important are the following in determining your investment in programmatic OOH?Results shown:Top three ranked out of 14 options by those who selected Very important or Quite important.Base size 1,State of

40、the Nation 2021Global white paper095Which of the following would you like see in order to give programmatic OOH campaigns more value and make you invest more?More cost efficiency from the marketMore data to drive direct response e.g.cross channel measurementMore options around precision of the campa

41、igns in the market,e.g.being more granular on the data usedMore tangible metrics around the channel to demonstrate valueMore behavioural data e.g.movementSituational data e.g.weather,sales and promotions More audience data e.g.demographicsMedia agency Advertiser54%46%47%46%46%43%46%40%45%43%41%44%43

42、%43%In interviews,executives also referred to the need for a consistent supply of programmatic inventory giving them the potential to scale campaigns as and when needed.Id like to see more scale for premium content,I know a lot of this is still sold direct but being able to consistently offer some o

43、f this programmatically would have a big positive impact on how clients view programmatic OOH.OOH Lead,Media Agency,USWere at an early stage with programmatic OOH and havent reached a limit on ability to scale yet,but as we want to use it more its going to be important for quality inventory to be co

44、nsistently available.Head of Programmatic,Media Agency,FrancePublishers use a waterfall model when selling OOH where programmatic has no chance to overrule classic OOH campaigns I want to see programmatic be given a chance to access this inventory,to be competitive,and this will make it more attract

45、ive to our clients.Director of Programmatic,Media Agency,GermanyExploring what would unlock even further investment in programmatic OOH,executives pointed to cost efficiency,more data to drive direct response(e.g.cross channel measurement)and more options around the precision of campaigns(e.g.being

46、more granular on the data used)-see Exhibit 5.This indicates that while positive on the value(ROI)programmatic OOH providers,executives believe there are opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness.“Exhibit 5 Survey question:Which of the following would you like see in order to give progra

47、mmatic Out-of-Home campaigns more value and make you invest more?Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper10Programmatic OOH compares well with other digital channels,ranking in the top three on a wide range of attributes,with generally only social media and digital video scoring more h

48、ighly.Perhaps most importantly,industry executives ranked programmatic OOH second on increasing sales and third on generating ROI,again reinforcing the view that it delivers strong business results for clients.Focusing on its capabilities,executives ranked programmatic OOH second for delivering accu

49、rate location targeting and third for flexibility to display when the right conditions are met.Executives also ranked programmatic OOH third for providing dynamic creative opportunities,targeting the right people at the right time and also for triggering an emotional response(see Exhibit 6).Together

50、,these points highlight the ability of programmatic OOH to fulfil a number of roles for advertisers effectively.Programmatic OOH ranks highly compared with other digital channels We will now show you a list of attributes and digital media types.Please choose any of the media you feel deliver against

51、 these attributes.Delivering accurate location targeting1 Social media 2 Programmatic digital OOH3 Digital audio4 Digital video advertising5 Search6 Mobile7 Display8 In-app advertising9 Connected TVGenerating return on investment1 Social media2 Digital video advertising3 Programmatic digital OOH4 Di

52、gital audio5 In-app advertising6 Search7 Mobile8 Display9 Connected TVTriggering a positive emotionalresponse1 Social media2 Digital video advertising3 Programmatic digital OOH4 Digital audio5 Search6 In-app advertising7 Display8 Mobile9 Connected TVFlexibility/efficiency todisplay when the rightcon

53、ditions are met1 Social media2 Digital video advertising3 Programmatic digital OOH4 Digital audio5 In-app advertising6 Search7 Mobile8 Display9 Connected TVProviding dynamic creativeopportunities1 Social media2 Digital video advertising3 Programmatic digital OOH4 Digital audio5 In-app advertising6 S

54、earch7 Mobile8 Display9 Connected TVIncreasing brand awareness1 Social media2 Digital video advertising3 Digital audio4 Programmatic digital OOH5 In-app advertising6 Mobile7 Search8 Display9 Connected TV6Increasing sales/performance1 Social media2 Programmatic digital OOH3 Digital video advertising4

55、 Digital audio5 In-app advertising6 Search7 Mobile8 Display9 Connected TVTargeting the right people at the right time1 Social media2 Digital video advertising3 Programmatic digital OOH4 Digital audio5 Search6 In-app advertising7 Display8 Mobile9 Connected TVExhibit 6 Survey question:We will now show

56、 you a list of attributes and media types.Please choose any of the media you feel deliver against these attributes.1)Social media incudes Facebook,Instagram,Twitter etc.;2)Digital audio includes streaming audio,streaming music,and podcasts;3)Search includes pay-per-click;4)Display excludes social me

57、dia;5)Mobile excludes in-app advertising.Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper11One of programmatic OOHs key strengths is its versatility reaching broadcast and targeted audiences,and supporting both brand and performance marketing goals.Executives highlighted that it was key for th

58、eir advertising to reach both broadcast(87%agency and 82%advertiser respondents agree)and targeted audiences(87%agency and 81%advertiser respondents agree).This was even more important to them after the impact of COVID-193.Programmatic OOH delivers on both fronts.Most executives see it as a great wa

59、y to reach a broadcast audience(94%agency,91%advertiser).They also see it as an effective driver for purchase-making decisions on the go(93%agency,88%advertiser).Programmatic OOH is seen as highly versatile To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about programmatic OOH

60、advertising?Media agencyAdvertiserProgrammatic OOH is a great way to reach a broadcast audienceProgrammatic OOH is an effective driver for purchase-making decisions among people on the go I fully understand programmatic OOH and its benefitsProgrammatic OOH is a great form of advertising for reaching

61、 consumers on the goProgrammatic OOH provides innovative ways to target consumersProgrammatic OOH is a great way to build brand trustProgrammatic OOH is a great way to drive response(e.g.go in-store or online to purchase,download/go online)There are innovative solutions to measure and track the attr

62、ibution of programmatic OOH campaignsProgrammatic OOH provides excellent value for moneyProgrammatic OOH is a great way to build brand awarenessProgrammatic OOH is a clear part of our programmatic/digital strategyAdoption of programmatic OOH has been accelerated by COVID-1994%91%93%88%92%92%88%83%85

63、%82%82%79%82%78%79%78%81%77%80%75%79%74%76%70%73Survey question:We now want you to think about how adapting to the impacts of COVID-19 may have changed the way you plan media in future.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:“Our campaign strategies are more focussed on

64、 reaching a broadcast audience”;“Our campaigns strategies are more focussed on reaching a targeted audience”.Exhibit 7 Survey question:We will now show you a list of statements.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about programmatic OOH advertising?Base size 1,State

65、of the Nation 2021Global white paper12We regularly use programmatic OOH across the marketing funnel and to reach broadcast and targeted audiences,its not just suited to one thing.VP Product&Innovation,Media Agency,USWe use it to build awareness,for example supporting new launches,and as a high-quali

66、ty alternative to digital video and display.Its also good for performance e.g.to drive footfall or app installs.Global Lead for Digital OOH,Media Agency,UKWe use programmatic OOH mostly for brand-based activity,but more clients are using it for performance too,like driving footfall in store,which ha

67、s worked really well.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,AustraliaTheres a clear role for programmatic OOH to raise awareness,clients are increasingly using it for performance too,to drive store traffic for instance,which if done well,can drive strong results.Director of Programmatic,Media Agency,Germ

68、any“What digital channels do you see as important for brand and performance campaigns?8Social mediaDigital video advertisingProgrammatic digital OOHDigital audioIn-app advertisingSearchDisplayMobileConnected TVPerformanceBrand61%52%47%45%40%40%34%37%26%61%53%51%46%41%38%34%34%25%Related to this abil

69、ity to deliver against campaigns with a targeted or broadcast approach,programmatic OOH is also seen as highly relevant for both brand and performance campaigns,ranking third across digital channels for both(see Exhibit 8).Comparing this to last years study,programmatic OOH has stepped ahead of digi

70、tal audio.On the brand side,most executives (80%agency,75%advertiser)believe that programmatic OOH is a great way to build brand awareness4.On performance,82%of agencies and 78%of advertisers see it as a great way to drive response e.g.driving people to go in-store or online to make a purchase or do

71、wnload5.This was reflected in our discussions with executives who explained how programmatic OOH was well suited to both brand and performance objectives.Its versatility helps explain programmatic OOHs rise in usage and its broad appeal,and implies a significant opportunity to tap into both brand an

72、d performance budgets,potentially playing multiple roles on multi-channel digital campaigns.It also highlights the degree of complexity in how media agencies and advertisers manage programmatic OOH.4Programmatic OOH is a great way to build brand awareness;see Exhibit 13 for numbers by market.5Progra

73、mmatic OOH is a great way to drive response(e.g.go in-store or online to purchase,download/go online):see Exhibit 13 for numbers by market.Exhibit 8 Survey question:Which channels to you see as important for brand-led campaigns?Which channels to you see as important for performance-led campaigns?Bas

74、e size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper13Challenges programmatic OOH State of the Nation 2021Global white paper14Who is responsible for programmatic OOH?Media agencies and advertisers are still adapting to programmatic OOHs rapid rise.That OOH is a traditional media channel with new prog

75、rammatic capabilities,one that now delivers for both brand and performance campaigns,means that responsibility for programmatic OOH varies in current media agency and advertiser setups.When asked how they planned and bought programmatic OOH,executives produced a variety of responses.Firstly,advertis

76、ers are split between operating in-house(37%),outsourcing to media agencies(20%)and a combination of both(43%).Adding to this,planning and buying programmatic OOH specifically can then sit with OOH teams,digital teams or separate teams altogether(see Exhibit 9).The responses also show that within a

77、given media agency,executives are taking multiple approaches 57%have bought programmatic OOH via digital or programmatic teams in the last 12 months and 55%have done so via OOH teams,highlighting an overlap.9How has the programmatic OOH advertising you have placed/planned or bought in the last 12 mo

78、nths typically been planned?BAWho has typically been responsible for planning and buying programmatic OOH in the last 12 months?(advertiser only)CHow has the programmatic OOH advertising you have placed/planned or bought in the last 12 months typically been bought?Both in-house team and media agency

79、 In-house team Media agency20%43%37%Planned as part of other OOH activity56%69%Planned as part of digital/programmatic activity56%49%Planned as standalone OOH activity45%40%Bought by dedicated programmatic OOH team55%52%Bought by digital programmatic team57%49%Bought by OOH team48%47%Media agencyAdv

80、ertiserMedia agencyAdvertiserExhibit 9 Survey questions:Who has typically been responsible for planning and buying programmatic OOH in the last 12 months?How has the programmatic Out-of-Home advertising you have placed/planned or bought in the last 12 months typically been planned?How has the progra

81、mmatic Out-of-Home advertising you have placed/planned or bought in the last 12 months typically been bought?Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper15This raises several issues.Firstly,it implies that agencies and advertisers do not have a clear view on programmatic OOH at a strategy

82、and comms planning level,risking it potentially being an afterthought rather than being fully integrated into large multi-channel campaigns.Secondly,if responsibilities for planning and buying programmatic OOH are unclear(e.g.between OOH and digital teams),it could be overlooked or see activity dupl

83、icated,creating inefficiency.We sell ourselves on having deep expertise on programmatic across all main channels including specialists for digital OOH Programmatic OOH is generally planned as part of wider digital activity.VP Product&Innovation,Media Agency,USAs an agency,we draw on our programmatic

84、 teams expertise to support execution on programmatic OOH,but detailed planning is generally done in the OOH team as they know the media and how it fits into plans better.Head of Programmatic,Media Agency,FranceOur programmatic team buys all programmatic OOH as we have the relevant expertise.It gets

85、 planned with the media agency teams in the same agency group and tends to come to us through digital teams,although that can vary.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,Australia“Finally,it will be harder to build programmatic OOH expertise if activity is spread across multiple teams.In our discussions

86、with executives,we heard the case for buying programmatic OOH through experts in programmatic teams,but that they see variation when it comes to State of the Nation 2021Global white paper16Whats coming State of the Nation 2021Global white paper17“RadioPrintConnected TVPrinted OOHDisplayIn-app advert

87、isingMobileSearchBroadcast TVDigital audioDigital video advertisingSocial mediaDigital OOH61%56%53%49%48%47%46%45%31%23%14%68%67%Increased inclusion in multi-channel campaigns will drive widespread adoption of programmatic OOH Weve seen widespread adoption of digital OOH and,more importantly,were se

88、eing adoption of programmatic OOH grow with almost two thirds(61%)of executives who planned,bought or placed advertising on digital OOH screens doing so programmatically6.Looking ahead,68%of executives plan to use digital OOH in the next 12 months,with more saying they plan to use digital OOH than a

89、lmost any other channel,signalling significant growth(see Exhibit 10)of both digital OOH and programmatic trading.This was echoed by the executives we spoke to who see digital OOH and programmatic usage continuing to grow.10Which of the following media are you planning to,or are open to placing,plan

90、ning or buying advertising for in the next 12 months?With new inventory coming into the market in bars,taxis,gyms,point-of-sale systems,as well as outdoor billboards,I can see digital OOH,and programmatic OOH as part of this,seeing really strong growth over the next few years.OOH Lead,Media Agency,U

91、SI think were still at a relatively early stage and I expect to see programmatic OOH to continue to grow quickly.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,AustraliaThe last few months have really accelerated in terms of programmatic OOH adoption and this will continue into the next year.Director of Programm

92、atic,Media Agency,Germany68%Digital OOH6Survey question:Now thinking about programmatic advertising,which of the following media have you placed/planned or bought programmatic advertising for in the last 18 months?Exhibit 10 Survey question:Which of the following media are you planning to,or are ope

93、n to placing,planning or buying for advertising in the next 12 months?Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper18Programmatic OOH specifically was used in approximately 47%of respondents campaigns in the last 18 months,marginally down compared to 48%in our 2020 report,an expected declin

94、e during the COVID-19 pandemic when OOH campaigns overall were impacted.The growth lies when looking ahead,with executives expecting programmatic out of home to feature in 56%of all campaigns in the next 18 months,implying significant growth(see Exhibit 11).This is a more optimistic outlook than res

95、pondents gave in 2020 where,in a very uncertain market,they predicted programmatic OOH to feature in 53%of future campaigns.Proportion of campaigns in which executives have planned,bought,or placed programmatic OOH in the last/next 18 months?47%Campaigns involving programmatic OOH in the last 18 mon

96、ths56%Campaigns predicted to involve programmatic OOH in the next 18 months117/8UK specific figures.Exhibit 11 Survey question:Think of the campaigns youve worked on in the past 18 months,for what proportion have you planned,bought,or placed programmatic OOH advertising?Now think of the campaigns yo

97、ull be working on in the next 18 months,for what proportion do you think you will you plan,buy,or place programmatic OOH advertising?Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper19“We know who sees the programmatic OOH ads and use device IDs to activate on other channels like social,mobile,

98、digital audio.We get real-time data which means we can be dynamic in our response.VP Product&Innovation,Media Agency,USWere finding new ways to use programmatic OOH in multi-channel campaigns,and I expect us to do more of this in future.Global Lead for Digital OOH,Media Agency,UKWe tend to use progr

99、ammatic OOH at the start of multi-channel campaigns and then retarget people on mobile and other digital channels using device IDs.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,AustraliaWe use programmatic OOH alongside audio,mobile and connected TV campaigns and are looking at ways to do more in terms of multi

100、-channel campaigns.In the future,I expect programmatic OOH to be integrated more and more into multi-channel campaigns.Director of Programmatic,Media Agency,GermanyIncreased inclusion in multi-channel campaigns is likely to be a key driver of widespread adoption,with 84%of industry executives agreei

101、ng they plan to integrate programmatic OOH more closely into multi-channel campaigns.With programmatic OOH being seen as relevant for multiple roles including supporting brand and performance objectives,it makes sense that executives are looking at better integration into their campaigns.The executi

102、ves we spoke to shared some of the ways programmatic OOH is used in multi-channel campaigns today,as well predicting more frequent integration in State of the Nation 2021Global white paper20Confidence is growing,but knowledge gaps on programmatic OOH need to be addressed While executives are general

103、ly confident about their knowledge of programmatic OOH 92%of agency respondents and 92%of advertisers agreed that they fully understand programmatic OOH and its benefits they still identify important knowledge gaps and most plan to invest in relevant expertise.In addition,they will likely need to ad

104、dress the issues of where programmatic OOH is planned and bought in their organisations.Asking executives about what they want to learn more about,understanding how programmatic OOH fits within a multi-channel campaign was the top response.This appears to have become a more pressing concern for exec

105、utives in the last year,with relatively fewer respondents raising it in our previous study.Consistent with our previous report,executives would also like more information and support on standards,measurement and attribution,and sector-specific insights (see Exhibit 12).12Which,out of the following,w

106、ould help you learn more about programmatic OOH advertising?Media agency Advertiser47%44%45%46%44%41%42%44%42%42%41%45%38%43%33%36%Clearer understanding of how programmatic OOH fits within a multi-channel campaignStandards for programmatic OOHSector-specific insights for programmatic OOH(e.g.FMCG/CP

107、G,gaming,entertainment)Training on benefits of programmatic in OOHAudience-specific insights for programmatic OOH(e.g.millennials,gamers,parents)Information on cross-channel measurement or attributionCase studies for programmatic OOHTraining on digital OOHExhibit 12 Survey question:Which,out of the

108、following,would help you learn more about programmatic OOH advertising?Base size 1,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper2186%85%85%84%84%44%42%44%41%45%40%44%40%43%41%Executives plan to invest in programmatic OOH expertiseThinking about how you expect to place/plan or buy programmatic OOH adver

109、tising in the next 18 months,to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statementsWe will make greater use of dynamic creative in programmatic OOH campaignsWe will make greater use of trigger-based buying(events,news,promotions,moments in time,locations,audiences as they move and env

110、ironmental conditions)We will make greater use of data to plan programmatic OOH campaigns including audience(e.g.demos),behavioural(e.g.movement),and situational(e.g.news&events)data We will integrate programmatic OOH more closely into multi-channel campaignsWe will invest in building our programmat

111、ic OOH expertiseStrongly agree Agree1384%Executives plan to invest in programmatic OOH expertiseLooking ahead,the executivespredict they will make greateruse of trigger-based buying and the dynamic creativeopportunities available via programmatic OOH.A key development in the industry is that the vas

112、t majority(84%)of executives plan to invest in programmatic OOH expertise (see Exhibit 13).Exhibit 13 Survey question:Thinking about how you expect to place/plan or buy programmatic OOH advertising in the next18 months,to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?Base size 1

113、,State of the Nation 2021Global white paper22As well as building our expertise,a key thing will be educating clients on the benefits of programmatic OOH we will be evangelising it,using case studies,best practices etc to give clients more confidence.Head of Programmatic,Media Agency,FranceWe spend a

114、 lot of time educating comms planners in our agency and clients about the role programmatic OOH can play.Global Lead for Digital OOH,Media Agency,UKWeve built OOH expertise in our programmatic team and well continue to experiment.Externally,theres also a need to educate the market about programmatic

115、 OOH.I dont see any major barriers,its just about speaking to people in the market.Head of Partnerships,Media Agency,AustraliaLockdown was obviously not great for OOH in general,but we used the time to integrate new technologies and develop new concepts for using programmatic OOH.and will continue t

116、o do this in future.Director of Programmatic,Media Agency,GermanyInvestment in programmatic OOH expertise will help address existing knowledge gaps and may also provide a solution regarding who is responsible for planning and buying programmatic OOH,assuming specialist resources are consistently pla

117、ced within digital teams.The executives we spoke with want to be at the forefront when using programmatic OOH themselves and also see it as important to educate the broader market.Other areas they plan to develop include making greater use of key programmatic OOH features including trigger-based buy

118、ing(86%),and more sophisticated planning approaches such as making greater use of data to plan campaigns(85%).“State of the Nation 2021Global white paper23The future for programmatic OOH looks promising.Growing adoption proves industry executives are positive about the value they get from programmat

119、ic OOH and there are truly compelling reasons to expect sustained growth in spend over the next few years.Versatility will be a key part of this,with programmatic OOH being able to compete for both brand and performance budgets.Another key factor will be the increasing integration of programmatic OO

120、H into multi-channel marketing campaigns,establishing it as a critical component on media plans.For widespread adoption to happen,media agencies and advertisers will need to clearly establish responsibility for programmatic OOH and build their expertise,most likely within digital and programmatic te

121、ams.This will address knowledge gaps and help establish best practices when deploying programmatic OOH in multi-channel campaigns.Industry executives have shown intent to do this,with our report highlighting their plans to invest in building programmatic OOH expertise as well as taking more sophisticated approaches to planning and executing campaigns.This reflects the buy-sides confidence in programmatic OOHs potential and gives cause for optimism about its future.Closing remarks



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