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1、viooh|1VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKpartnered with research partnerSTATE NATIONOF THET H E F U T U R E O F D I G I T A L O U T O F H O M E 2 0 2 0+UK VERSIONviooh|2VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKVIOOH partnered with MTM to survey 600 senior agency and advertising executives across the UK,US an

2、d Germany on their perceptions of programmatic out of home,how it compares to other media,and their wider planning and buying decisions.Amongst those who were planning to buy or place advertising on digital OOH inventory,programmatic has received a positive response with many considering it one of t

3、he most innovative areas of advertising.Most executives expect to increase their investment in programmatic OOH and the proportion of omni-channel campaigns it features in.Despite the macro-economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19,respondents were optimistic about the opportunities that programmatic

4、OOH offers.Whilst most executives expect COVID-19 to impact overall ad spend,over a third(35%)expect to more than double their spend on programmatic OOH in the next 18 months,acknowledging that programmatic advertising is more important to their business marketing success at a time of crisis.EXECUTI

5、VE SUMMARYPerceptions of consistent and robust measurement and reliable targeting methods need to be addressed to help programmatic OOH reach its full potential across the wider digital ecosystem.VIOOH is working to address these issues and-given the findings in this report-is excited about what the

6、 2020s will offer in the programmatic OOH space.viooh|3VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKWe asked a leading expert in digital OOH to deliver a foreword to our report,stating in their own words,their perception on the state of the nation of programmatic OOH in the UK market.Digital out-of-home adverti

7、sing is presenting new opportunities to reach and influence consumers,adding new targeting,reach,engagement,and amplification to marketing campaigns.Programmatic OOH placements can reap even more benefits for advertisers when run with coordinated digital campaigns.Knowing a screens geographic coordi

8、nates,audience composition and previous device exposure allows marketers to tailor messages to real-world circumstances and use increasing evidence-based approaches.Messaging can flexibly conform to audience composition in specific locales at specific times.An emphasis on business outcomes and omni-

9、channel strategy can help marketers overcome the challenges of fragmentation.Omni-channel techniques which include the strategic coordination of new technologies and messaging opportunities across each component of a campaign can build progress toward a stronger holistic outcome.Programmatic OOH ser

10、ves a crucial but not singular or separate role in this approach.At Xaxis were extremely excited to realise the potential of programmatic OOH for our clients,with outdoor campaigns that are more:integrated,flexible,measurable,accountable,and creative.As we innovate in this space,we always think bran

11、d,customer,and outcome first.FOREWORDWe strive to make the outdoor channel more accessible and attractive to digital opportunities by:+Integrating different supply access points media for maximum digital scale+Using data intelligently to identify the most effective times and frames to reach audience

12、s which can be translated to and from other programmatic channels+Unified measurements with the singular metrics can be made to compare with other digital activitiesContributor Akama Davies-Xaxis Director,Global Solutions and Innovation“viooh|4VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKINTRODUCTIONTHE BUZZ OF

13、 PROGRAMMATIC OOHProgrammatic is digital advertisings buzzword of the last decade.The technology automates transactions of ad inventory,enabling precise targeting and scaling of specific segmented audiences cost-effectively.This white paper,based on an extensive survey of media executives,discusses

14、some of the big questions for programmatic advertising in the 2020s:What does the future of programmatic OOH hold?How will the COVID-19 pandemic impact the industry?How comfortable and knowledgeable-are media executives on programmatic OOH and its benefits?How will ad spend change for this channel?H

15、ow can programmatic demonstrate that it is reliable and transparent as we head into the next decade?Should brands adopt programmatic OOH just for brand marketing or for performance-led campaigns also?VIOOH partnered with MTM to survey 600 media executives from media agencies and advertisers across t

16、he UK,US,and Germany in August 2020,to understand the industrys perceptions of programmatic OOH compared to other media channels and how it contributes to omni-channel strategies.This multi-market approach,with input from senior executives across the industry,provides an unparalleled perspective fro

17、m three major advertising markets to understand the State of the Nation of programmatic OOH.Programmatic is the driving force behind the growing demand for customer and contextual data,enabling media owners to provide more accurate targeting and increase the value of their inventory.This technologic

18、al transformation is now gaining traction in out of home(OOH)advertising.Advertisers,agencies,demand-side platforms(DSPs)and media owners are embracing the digitisation and programmatic capabilities of OOH;with more control and flexibility offered to budget holders,greater opportunities to complemen

19、t multi-channel campaigns,and the ability to target desirable audiences at key moments.However,despite the many benefits to programmatic OOH,barriers to widespread adoption,in some areas,remain.There is still a lack of consensus on how it should be measured,with issues around accurate data raising q

20、uestions about transparency.However,at VIOOH we are committed to improving the approach the industry takes when it comes to transparency,standards and measurement to increase the value of programmatic OOH.viooh|5VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKHOW IT WORKS:A PRIMER ON PROGRAMMATIC OOH AD BUYING Pro

21、grammatic refers to the automated transaction of advertising inventory.Previously traded and allocated manually by executives;the trading process is now possible via a complex combination of digital technologies supported by a constant supply of data.At one end of the programmatic supply chain is th

22、e buyer an advertiser either working with an agency or independently.The buyer develops an advertising campaign with its associated creative and a set of targets which often include reach across certain demographics,volume of impressions,and other KPIs such as traffic and conversions.At the other en

23、d of the supply chain is the media owner,or publisher.The media owner supplies inventory that meets the buyers predetermined criteria.Data management providers(DMPs)use a variety of contextual and audience data to independently verify that the publisher meets the buyers targets.Supply of creative fr

24、om the client is paired with inventory from the media owner,often in an auction(also known as an exchange),where the properties of the inventory are matched to the clients criteria.This auction can be private,with a predetermined set of buyers,or it can be public.Once a price is agreed,either in adv

25、ance or with real-time bidding(RTB),the ad is placed by an ad server.The buy-side employs a demand-side platform(DSP)to deliver against the buyers targets as cost effectively as possible,with a supply-side platform(SSP)working to optimise price(and therefore revenue)for publishers.+Exhibit 1:Program

26、matic primerAd exchangeData Management Providers(DMP)Programmatic trading deskAgencyAdvertisersDemand-Side-Platform(DSP)Ad exchangeAd exchangeAd exchangeAd exchangeAd serverPublishersSupply-Side-Platform(SSP)Supplies inventoryBids for mediaAuction takes placeTrading deskFlow of creative and moneyFlo

27、w of inventoryAudiencesBidsAd callsFraudViewabilityContextTargettingDisplays adviooh|6VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKThis automation of advertising has spearheaded a rise in digital advertising revenues.Digital giants(especially Facebook and Google)earn billions of dollars annually by leveraging t

28、he data provided by their platforms,using programmatic advertising solutions that combine precision and scale.Small advertisers can produce creative inexpensively and target a specific local audience,without relying on national channels.Large advertisers no longer need to adopt a one-size-fits-all a

29、pproach and can scale specific audiences e.g.16-24-year olds who enjoy running globally.PRECISION MEETS SCALE:CHANNEL TARGETING,TRACKING AND CROSS-DEVICE AUDIENCE TARGETING Notes:Top 4 ranked out of 14 different options Source:C7:Bottom 2 Box Summary-C7:How important are the following in determining

30、 your investment in programmatic OOH?Base size:total(600);agency(300),advertiser(300)+Exhibit 2:Most important factors in determining investment in programmatic OOHWhen applied to out of home advertising,the paradigm slightly shifts but the mechanisms are the same.The main drivers of spend for progr

31、ammatic OOH,according to the media executives we surveyed are flexibility,price,and accurate targeting.TRIGGER-BASED BUYINGBuying impressions for events,news,promotions,moments in time,locations,audiences as they move,weather and environmental conditionsVALUEProviding value for money or effective re

32、turns on investmentCAPABILITIESProgrammatic general capabilities,including precise audience targeting and scaleFLEXIBILITYBeing able to adjust budgets and buying parameters,no pre-determined commitmentviooh|7VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKTHE STATE OF PLAY Programmatic OOH is a form of digital OOH

33、 that refers to the method of trading out of home inventory,rather than the broader media channel definition undertaken.+Exhibit 3:Media channels UK executives are open to invest in the future(%of executives who chose each channel)88%DIGITAL OOH(including programmatic)86%SOCIAL MEDIA84%DIGITAL VIDEO

34、79%DIGITAL AUDIO75%BROADCAST TV64%PRINTED OOH62%MOBILE53%SEARCH53%IN-APP ADVERTISING53%DISPLAY32%CONNECTED TV41%PRINT31%RADIOADOPTION OF DIGITAL OOH AND PROGRAMMATIC OOH IN THE UKSource:A9:Which of the following media are you planning to,or open to,planning or buying advertising for in the next 12 m

35、onths?Base size:total(600);agency(300);advertiser(300)When we asked UK executives about where they plan to allocate spend in the future,digital OOH emerged as the most popular media channel(see exhibit 3)that they were open to investing in.When you look at the results from executives across all thre

36、e markets,87%are open to invest in digital OOH(including programmatic)in the future,showing the UK market sits slightly above the global average.Enthusiasm for digital OOH appears to be driven,at least in part,by enthusiasm for programmatic OOH.Already,programmatic OOH is widely adopted amongst exec

37、utives who have previously bought or planned digital OOH inventory.When looking at the combined results of all media executives surveyed across the three markets,three quarters reported having bought,planned,or placed OOH programmatically in the last year;only programmatic advertising on social medi

38、a was more widely adopted.viooh|8VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UK+Exhibit 4:Media channels that UK executives programmatically bought,placed,or planned in the last 12 months(%of executives who chose each channel)SOCIAL MEDIA(eg.Facebook,Instagram,Twitter)DIGITAL VIDEO ADVERTISINGDIGITAL AUDIO(inclu

39、ding streaming radio,music or podcasts)OUT OF HOMEDISPLAY(excluding social media)IN-APP ADVERTISINGSEARCH(including pay-per-click)MOBILE(excluding in-app advertising)CONNECTED TVSource:B1:Now thinking about programmatic OOH advertising,which of the following media have you placed,planned,or bought i

40、n the last 12 months?Base size total(200);agency(100);advertiser(100)84%83%78%82%82%80%71%76%62%73%60%62%64%60%47%50%42%39%Agency AdvertiserLooking at where OOH ranks in comparison with other media,we see slightly different results for the UK market(shown below)versus the global average(76%agencies

41、and 75%advertisers).viooh|9VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKWhen UK respondents were asked specifically about programmatic OOH,and despite asking in the context of a COVID-19-induced recession,99%of executives responded that they are looking to increase spend on programmatic OOH in the next year.Wit

42、hin this,over a third (37%)are looking to more than double their spend,ranking OOH in the top three media channels.When we look at the average across the three markets(UK,US and Germany)the UK is ahead in relation to executives looking to increase their spend on programmatic OOH(92%)and within this,

43、those executives looking to more than double their spend stands at 35%.99%are looking to increase spend on programmatic OOH in 202137%are looking to more than double their spend99%37%viooh|10VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKPERCEPTIONS OF PROGRAMMATIC OOH AMONGST ITS CURRENT USERSProgrammatic OOH of

44、fers benefits across both brand and performance-led campaigns.Over half of all executives(52%)think programmatic OOH is important for brand-led campaigns,with even more(55%)selecting programmatic OOH as important for performance-led campaigns.Programmatic OOH combines brand-focussed benefits,such as

45、 awareness,with the advantages of more performance-focussed media(flexibility,ROI,and targeting),and all in a brand-safe,premium environment.To put these findings in context,in the exhibit on the following page we have compared perceptions of programmatic OOH,digital OOH,digital video advertising,an

46、d social media advertising.Programmatic OOH is roughly equal to digital video advertising but sits behind social media.As a more nascent channel,programmatic OOH has a long way to go to match the perception of social media amongst media executives but we consider these findings to represent a strong

47、 foundation for programmatic OOH,whilst acknowledging that more can be done to further boost its position as one of the top choices for advertising spend.IN THE UK MARKET+60%of agencies and 60%of advertisers believe that programmatic OOH is important for brand-led campaigns,well above the global ave

48、rage+55%of agencies and 70%of advertisers believe that programmatic OOH is important for performance-led campaigns,with advertisers sitting well above the global average.55%52%think programmatic OOH is important for brand-led campaigns55%selected programmatic OOH as important for performance-led cam

49、paignsGLOBAL AVERAGEGLOBAL AVERAGE52%viooh|11VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKFlexibility/efficiency to display when the right conditions are metProviding dynamic creative opportunitiesIncreasing brand awarenessGenerating return on investmentDelivering accurate location targeting50%40%30%20%10%0%Pro

50、grammatic OOH Digital OOH Social Media Digital video Source:B3:We will now show you a list of attributes and media types.Please choose any of the media you feel deliver against these attributes.Base size:200.+Exhibit 5:What channels do you associate with the following attributes?(%of UK respondents

51、who selected each attribute for each channel)viooh|12VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKDespite falling slightly behind social media,almost nine-tenths(89%)of all media executives either agree or strongly agree that programmatic OOH is a clear part of their programmatic and digital strategy,and a simi

52、lar number(87%)agree programmatic OOH provides excellent value for money.Looking more closely at the UK market,86%agree that programmatic OOH is a clear part of their programmatic and digital strategy,in line with the global average.89%Global(89%)UK(86%)agree programmatic OOH is a clear part of thei

53、r programmatic and digital strategyGLOBAL AVERAGE86%UK AVERAGEviooh|13VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKSource:B2:Now thinking about this years developments around COVID-19,to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements.Summary of top two statements:agree and strongly agree.Bas

54、e size:(200);mid-managerial(25);executive director(101),board director(74)“I feel more pressure to focus on building long-term branding campaigns due to the impact of COVID-1968%87%80%“Programmatic advertising is more important to my business marketing success at a time of crisis48%75%73%IMPACT OF C

55、OVID-19 IN THE UK MARKETThe impact of the COVID-19 crisis has undoubtedly added to uncertainty around the ad market,however our executive respondents reflect optimism for programmatic OOH.71%of industry executives feel more pressure to deliver on short-term metrics due to COVID-19;whereas 82%feel pr

56、essure to deliver on long-term brand building campaigns 71%of industry executives think programmatic advertising is important to their businesses marketing success at a time of crisis,this is more pronounced amongst senior executives“I feel more pressure to deliver on short-term metrics due to the i

57、mpact of COVID-1972%74%65%AVERAGE 71%AVERAGE 71%AVERAGE 82%Whilst most UK executives(86%)expected COVID-19 to impact adoption of programmatic OOH in general,many still expect to increase their spend on programmatic OOH in the next 18 months,acknowledging that programmatic advertising is more importa

58、nt to their business marketing success at a time of crisis.This theme is particularly pronounced amongst more senior executives.Mid-managerial Executive director Board directorLooking at the average across the three markets,the UK is sitting slightly above the global trend which states 82%of all exe

59、cutives believe COVID-19 will impact the adoption of programmatic OOH in general.+Exhibit 6:Impact of COVID-19 on programmatic OOH in the UKviooh|14VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKSOCIAL MEDIA(eg.Facebook,Instagram,Twitter)DIGITAL VIDEO ADVERTISINGPROGRAMMATIC OOHBROADCAST TV(excluding TV advertisi

60、ng served via the internet)DIGITAL AUDIO(including streaming radio,streaming music&podcasts)DIGITAL OUT-OF-HOMEMOBILE(excluding in-app advertising)SEARCH(including pay-per-click)IN-APP ADVERTISINGDISPLAY(excluding social media)PRINTED OUT-OF-HOMECONNECTED TVPRINTRADIOWHATS NEXT FOR PROGRAMMATIC OOH?

61、DEFINING THE NEW LANDSCAPE Considering the importance of programmatic to marketers needs in times of crisis,a post-COVID-19 landscape is intriguing.Source:B7:Which of these media are developing the most innovative opportunities for advertisers?Base size:advertiser(100)Across the markets,79%of market

62、ers planned,bought,or placed programmatic OOH in 2020 due to its flexibility.Given the uncertainty of local and national lockdowns caused by the pandemic in the coming months,this flexibility is likely to remain important for agencies and advertisers when planning campaigns.Sitting above the global

63、average,87%of UK executives planned or bought programmatic OOH due to its flexibility.In addition,innovation in times of crisis is crucial,with the COVID-19 pandemic providing an opportunity to accelerate digital transformation amongst media buyers operations.Over half of all advertiser executives(i

64、e the budget holders)across the three markets think programmatic OOH provides innovative opportunities for advertisers.Amongst advertisers in the UK,the numbers are higher,with 60%believing programmatic OOH is providing the most innovative opportunities with only social media and digital video being

65、 considered more innovative.41%42%43%46%54%57%59%59%60%65%72%19%23%31%+Exhibit 7:Which of these channels are developing the most innovative opportunities for advertisers?(%of UK advertiser executives who selected each)viooh|15VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKA BIGGER PICTURE:OOH AS A KEY PART OF THE

66、 PROGRAMMATIC MIX Programmatic technology in a broadcast channel opens up a world of possibilities and should play a pivotal role in omni-channel strategies.In such uncertain times,where marketers are looking to maximise the value of their advertising budgets,the agility,flexibility and trigger-base

67、d decisioning intrinsic to programmatic OOH are crucial”Jean-Christophe Conti-VIOOH CEO+Exhibit 8:Thinking about performance-led campaigns,which channels would you consider running programmatic OOH alongside?(%of UK executives who selected each)Getting the most out of programmatic OOH often involves

68、 combining it with other digital channels.More than half of all executives would consider combining programmatic OOH with other digital channels for performance-led campaigns with social media and digital video the most common pairings.Source:D1:Thinking about performance-led campaigns,which channel

69、s would you consider running programmatic OOH alongside?Base size:200“82%79%68%61%56%51%48%42%30%28%18%RADIOCONNECTED TV PRINTSEARCH(inc.pay-per-click)MOBILE(ex.in-app advertising)IN-APP ADVERTISINGDISPLAY(ex.social media)BROADCAST TV(ex.TV advertising served via the internet)DIGITAL AUDIO(inc.strea

70、ming radio,streaming music&podcasts)DIGITAL VIDEO ADVERTISINGSOCIAL MEDIA(eg.Facebook,Instagram,Twitter)viooh|16VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKEXPECTED DEMAND FOR PROGRAMMATIC OOH Overall,across the UK,US and German market advertisers and agencies expect their demand for programmatic OOH to increa

71、se.Those who already use programmatic OOH stated they are likely to increase their investment,with programmatic expected to be part of an additional 6%of digital campaigns over the next 18 months,increasing the proportion of campaigns involving programmatic OOH to 53%of all omni-channel campaigns.Wh

72、ilst still showing growth,the UK market delivered only slightly lower predictions for the next 18 months,expecting 52%of omni-channel campaigns to involve programmatic OOH.Notes:1)Expected by executives.Source:C5:Think of the campaigns youve worked on in the past 18 months,for what proportion have y

73、ou planned,bought,or placed programmatic OOH advertising?Base size:200;C6:Now think of the campaigns youll be working on in the next 18 months,for what proportion do you think you will plan,buy,or place programmatic OOH advertising?Base size:2000%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%Global proportion of c

74、ampaigns involving programmatic OOH50%Campaigns involving programmatic OOH in the last 18 months52%Campaigns involving programmatic OOH in the next 18 months+Exhibit 9:Proportion of ad campaigns in which programmatic OOH will be planned,bought,or placed in the last/next 18 months(as determined by UK

75、 executives)47%53%viooh|17VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKUNLOCKING BARRIERS TO ADOPTIONThere is still a lack of consensus over measurement;programmatic OOH is complex,with multiple suppliers offering individual solutions.Ensuring executives are up to date with the latest progress and have a full u

76、nderstanding of the benefits will be crucial in order to capture spend moving into the 2020s.Also,targeting one of the key benefits of programmatic OOH needs to continue to develop and offer real precision in order to unlock the final barrier to full adoption across the wider digital ecosystem.Despi

77、te the positivity surrounding programmatic OOH,there are certain barriers to its widespread adoption.As an industry we should be investing in ensuring programmatic OOH is more transparent and measurable”Jean-Christophe Conti-VIOOH CEO“viooh|18VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKIncrease in performance

78、when planned with other digital channelsPerformance based metrics(i.e.store visits,reach,sales)Sales increaseWebsite trafficAudience surveys on brand awareness and purchase considerationIn-flight optimisationFootfallMEASUREMENTThere is little consensus amongst UK executives on measurement,though per

79、formance-based metrics are considered the most effective way of measuring and attributing value to programmatic OOH(see Exhibit 10).Overall,executives are excited about the possibilities,with 86%agreeing there are innovative solutions to measure and track the attribution of programmatic OOH,although

80、 more than half(56%)would like more information about cross-channel measurement and attribution.Reducing the variation in measurement approaches and agreeing more common standards for reporting,will help to increase the confidence of executives in programmatic OOH.Standardisation is crucial to growi

81、ng adoption and unlocking more value for agencies and advertisers.At VIOOH,we are committed to establishing these solutions in order to provide the industry with a clear vision of how to measure and attribute programmatic OOH into the 2020s.Source:D5:How do you see measurement/attribution in program

82、matic OOH being measured?Base size:total(200);mid managerial(25);executive director(101);board director(74)Performance based metrics8%24%15%24%28%27%38%44%43%45%40%45%54%52%66%80%59%65%80%69%Mid managerial Executive directorBoard director+Exhibit 10:Measurement solutions(%of UK executives who select

83、ed each solution)66%The UK trends are reflected globally with 85%of all executives agreeing there are innovative solutions to measure and track attribution,while 57%are looking for more information about cross-channel measurement and attribution.viooh|19VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKUNDERSTANDING

84、 AND EDUCATIONAlthough over half(53%)of UK executives strongly agree with the statement:I fully understand programmatic OOH and it benefits,that leaves 47%not fully understanding,which is more pronounced amongst senior executives who may be less involved in day-to-day operations.Globally,education i

85、s a key factor for adoption and the UK is on par with the global average.Whilst 56%of executives believe they fully understand programmatic and its benefits,44%admit they do not.Adoption and usage of programmatic OOH is likely to increase with more education and the ongoing recognition of the key be

86、nefits,coupled with use cases of programmatic OOH.In the UK,well over half of executives(60%)want training on the benefits of programmatic OOH advertising to learn more and,as outlined in Exhibit 11,desire for materials to aid understanding is more pronounced amongst advertisers than agencies.+Exhib

87、it 11:Resources to help executives learn about programmatic OOH(%of UK respondents who selected each)Agency Advertiser54%65%49%63%48%52%46%53%49%46%48%43%48%36%29%51%Training on benefits of programmatic in OOHInformation on cross channel measurement or attributionStandards for programmatic in OOHAud

88、ience-specific insights for programmatic OOH(eg millennials,gamers,parents)Sector-specific insights for programmatic OOH(eg FMCG/CPG,gaming,entertainment)Case studies for programmatic OOHClearer understanding of how programmatic in OOH fits within an omni-channel campaignTraining on digital OOHSourc

89、e:D4:Which,out of the following,would help you learn more about programmatic OOH advertising?Base size:total(200);agency(100);advertiser(100)viooh|20VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKTARGETINGA core area where programmatic OOH could improve in order to capture more spend is targeting,or at least the

90、perception of its ability to target audiences.Currently,it is not widely known for its ability to target the right people at influential moments,relative to other media channels and programmatic paths.One potential solution is to utilise mobile data at the DSP level as part of the auction bid trigge

91、rs,to ensure real-time audience proximity for the activation of creative.Trigger-led buying,incorporating contextual signals such as weather,transit or footfall events will also help shift perspectives on the range of possibilities offered by programmatic campaigns.viooh|21VIOOH/State of the Nation

92、2020/UKCLOSING REMARKSThere is a lot to be excited about in programmatic OOH,as executives across the UK,US and German markets look to increase both the proportion of omni-channel campaigns involving programmatic OOH(to over half)and volume of spend(with over a third of executives looking to double

93、spend).Flexibility is a key driver of spend amongst executives,and the ability to dynamically make decisions and adapt is even more important in this COVID-19 landscape.With uncertainty around future restrictions,and countries and regions entering in and out of lockdowns,this will be crucial moving

94、forward.Furthermore,as budgets are continually reviewed due to the COVID-19-induced recession,the ability to switch campaigns on and off,with no predetermined commitments,is attractive to senior marketeers.Programmatic OOH is considered to offer benefits in both brand-led and performance-led campaig

95、ns.It is thought of as one of the strongest channels for accurate location targeting and ROI,as well as brand awareness and reaching consumers on-the-go.Programmatic OOH offers a wide range of benefits that are rivalled only by social media.Finally,it is alongside other channels where programmatic O

96、OH will likely play its most important role.Due to the different benefits it provides brand-led and performance-led campaigns,as well as the flexibility,it is amongst omni-channel campaigns where programmatic OOH will be most valuable.Used to enhance all types of campaigns,programmatic OOH provides

97、flexible and incremental reach,in a cost efficient way.viooh|22VIOOH/State of the Nation 2020/UKMETHODOLOGYMTM surveyed 100 agency senior executives and 100 advertiser senior executives in three separate markets,collecting responses and cutting by size,type of audience,and seniority.Below is a table outlining the type and location of the respondents.UK100100200GERMANY100100200US100100200TOTAL300300600+AgencyAdvertiserTotal+Exhibit 12:Respondents by type and country



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