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1、InMoment Beginners GuideCopyright 2023 InMoment,Inc.All rights reserved.A Beginners Guide to Launching a Customer Experience (CX)Program How to Make Customer Experience the Differentiator for Your BusinessPAGE 02 Its clear that putting your customer at the heart of everything you do is the path to b

2、usiness success(customer-centric companies are 60%more profitable than companies who dont focus on customers)and customer experience(CX)programs are a vital tool in doing just that!Unclear on where to start?Well,this 101-level guide will help you understand why customer experience improvement strate

3、gies matter,how to get started(including pitfalls to avoid),and what results to expect from your efforts no matter where you are in your journey.PAGE 02 A QUICK DEFINITIONCustomer ExperienceTHE CASE FOR CXWhy You Need a CX ProgramWHAT YOULL NEEDKey Elements of a CX ProgramGETTING STARTEDFollowing a

4、CX Framework for SuccessSTEP 1Designing Your CX ProgramSTEP 2Listening to Your CustomersSTEP 3Understanding the Customer PerspectiveSTEP 4Transforming Your Business by Taking ActionSTEP 5Realizing ROI From Your CX ProgramLETS GET STARTEDBuild Your CX Program With InMomentSummary0360919102

5、4PAGE 03 PAGE 03 There are many formal definitions of customer experience methods,programs,and activities.The simplest of these is as follows:customer experience cus tom er ex pe ri ence noun1:a systematic approach to discover and improve the areas in which customers interact with a business and tha

6、t,when considered collectively,create an overall level of satisfaction,perceived value,and engagement with a business.As important as it is to understand this definition,its equally important to consider what a CX program is not.So,What Is a Customer Experience Program?A QUICK DEFINITIONExamples Som

7、e companies have a customer survey in place already.This survey gathers feedback occasionally and the data is not really used by anyone to do anything.This is NOT a CX program.Some have a website feedback inbox to gather feedback and those comments are shared internally with employees in a quarterly

8、 meeting.This is NOT a CX program.Other organizations collect ad-hoc feedback from front-line employees to determine what customers are saying,and the data is reported randomly to a few key people.This is NOT a CX program.PAGE 04 THE CASE FOR CXWhy You Need a CX ProgramSimply put,companies with a fo

9、rmal customer experience(CX)program grow faster and make more money.Why?Because customer experience programs are the only way to keep up with your modern customers.Todays customer has more access to your brand than ever beforewhich means they also have more access to your competitors as well.The com

10、petition is fierce,and todays brands need a way to constantly differentiate themselves in order to grow as a business.For that,they need instant insights into how to better their products,services,and experiences.A customer experience program unlocks those insights,and even more,any CX vendor worth

11、their salt should be able to help you understand how to take action on those insights and how those actions will impact your business.And thats why you need a CX program.According to Forrester,86%of firms cited CX as a top strategic priority.Within that group,63%said they sought to differentiate fro

12、m competitors within their industries,and another 13%said they sought to differentiate from all companies across all industries.Interest in CX has turned into momentum.“The State of Customer Experience.”Forrester ResearchCompanies List CX as a Strategic Priority PAGE 05 7 Questions You Should Ask Yo

13、urself If Youre Considering a CX Program The bottom line is that every business should consider having a customer experience program.Having an automated CX program that can gather key customer data and produce actionable insights is beyond helpful in driving the business success youre after.Leaders

14、in operations,services,support,marketing,research,and general management should be leaders in improving customer experience.Any industry,any business size,business to business(B2B)or business to consumer(B2C)all types and sizes need some kind of program.Do you have a single survey and want more?Do y

15、ou struggle to truly understand what drives your customers to purchase?Do you want to know how to create greater customer engagement?Do you want to know how much money your customers spend with the competition?What competitors do your customers spend money with?Do you want to provide more specific f

16、ront line employee feedback to improve the customer experience?Is your management looking to increase revenue and customer lifetime value?Ask Yourself These Questions:STILL ON THE FENCE?PAGE 06 WHAT YOULL NEEDKey Elements of a CX ProgramThe most effective CX programs offer the best of data collectio

17、n,technology,and professional expertise.These key components give you the confidence and capability to move ahead with clarity,focus,and direction.A successful CX program has several key elements:Sound Business Strategy:A program of any size must be designed with the end in mind.For example,an objec

18、tive of a program would sound a little like this:“To improve customer experience so that fewer customers churn prematurely,resulting in increased revenue of 5%annually.”A realistic strategy should be established,and it should tie to something tangible that is tied directly to business goals such as

19、increasing customer acquisition,decreasing churn,increasing customer lifetime value(CLV),or decreasing costs.Ongoing Activity:A program will have components that are always onnot just one-time projects.By setting up the right elements,you can keep customer insights flowing to the right people and en

20、sure that the right actions are being taken to improve the customer experience every day.Internal and External Branding:Even if your program is small,give it a name and a brand.Treat it like a product with its own launch alongside some marketing to help get the word out.Have fun with the name and br

21、and,keep it positive,and get employees to talk about it.You create CX buzz by having a strong launch,and then keeping the program top of mind through regular communications.Customer Feedback and Operations Data:CX programs need solid customer data and insight to drive the right decisions and improve

22、ments.They draw their data from several resources.Surveys and other sources of customer feedback are a key component.After all,its difficult to improve the customer experience without actually asking customers what they think and feel.Programs also get data from sources where customer data is collec

23、ted,such as customer relationship management(CRM)systems,financial systems,operations systems,and contact/call center systems(this customer data can collectively be referred to as operational data).PAGE 07 Relevant Business Stories:One of the most important attributes of a CX leader is that they are

24、 exceptional data storytellers.People respond toand rememberstories.For example,the program leader for a major airline had all kinds of data at his fingertips.He was able to create a compelling story about the link between their customer satisfaction score(they use a common method known as a Net Pro

25、moter Score,or NPS)and their revenue.Every one point changeup or downin their overall NPS score meant a rise or fall of between$5,000,000 and$8,000,000 each year.The simplicity of this story helped to get the attention of everyone at the company.You can do something similar at your company!Socialize

26、d Data&Insights:It doesnt do much good to have great insights if you dont share them with the right people.In the past,only a few people would have access to CX data,and even then it was slow to permeate throughout the organization.A modern program empowers everyone in the organization with the data

27、 and insight that applies to themin the right formats and at the right times.The speed and relevance of the data is what makes employees love a program.Executive and Employee Buy-In:The final key element of a program is buy-in from across the organization.Make sure your executive teamand even your b

28、oardunderstand and support your goals.Then,regularly report back on your progress,outcomes,and next steps.Dont forget your middle management and frontline teams too.Theyll determine your success just as much as your executives will,since CX is inherently impacted by everyone.Clear Financial Linkages

29、:The best programs have one common element:they demonstrate a return on investment(ROI).Usually revenue is the most valued outcome.But that can be expressed in many ways,such as retention,increased sales,increased customer lifetime value,decreased costs,net profit,gross profit,margin,etc.Be creative

30、,and get your finance team involved.If you can relate your program to the language of revenue,your success will skyrocket.Integrating operational data systems can be simple with todays technology.In many cases,your IT group will not even need to be involved.Work with your vendors to upload files or

31、set up connections to these files in a way that the system is automated.The end result will be a newfound ability to connect customer perceptions with customer behaviors,and understand exactly what your organization should do operationally to improve.HELPFUL TIPPAGE 08 GETTING STARTEDFollowing a CX

32、Framework for SuccessNow that you have a grasp on the key elements of a CX program,wed like to talk about what building a CX program will look like for you!One great way to do that is by examining a proven CX framework.A CX framework is a set of processes a company implements in conjunction with its

33、 CX program to help the program be as successful as possible.Its like a map that you follow as you go through all the steps of gathering feedback from customers and improving processes based on that feedback.Without a customer experience framework,it can be hard to get consistent results you want.Bu

34、t with a customer experience framework,youll be able to make your CX program consistently successful,and adapt your program to scale and evolve with your company,customers,and the greater market.The Continuous Improvement Customer Experience FrameworkAt InMoment,our customer experience framework is

35、called the Continuous Improvement Framework,and its goal is to help you move beyond merely monitoring customer feedback.Instead,it helps you to focus on using that feedback to identify issues,define remedies that positively impact the bottom line,and ultimately create more meaningful experiences.Bra

36、nds can achieve all of this by sticking to a simple,five-step customer experience framework that we call the Continuous Improvement Framework:define,listen,understand,transform,realize.PAGE 09 When folks start up their employee and customer experience programs,theyre often tempted to start listening

37、 right off the bat.However,it is absolutely essential that experience professionals design their programs before they launch listening posts.Now dont get us wrong,listening to customers is obviously an integral part of any well-built experience program,but it isnt enough on its own,especially when b

38、rands dont truly know what theyre listening for.Listening broadly can be helpful,but far more useful is the capability(and the willingness)to listen purposefully.There are mountains of data out there,and the only way for companies to own the moments that matter(when business,customer,and employee ne

39、eds intersect)and thus achieve transformational success is to figure out how to listen purposefully.Thats why its important for brands to design their experience programs goals,objectives,and other factors before turning the listening posts on.Designing Your CX ProgramSTEP 1PAGE 010 Now that youve a

40、ligned your CX program to company goals,you can start setting up your listening posts.Together,well break down not only the types of surveys you can send(what we call solicited feedback),but other,unsolicited customer feedback channels you can tap into with your CX program!Three Fundamental Types of

41、 CX Surveys Listening to Your CustomersSTEP 2Transactional This type of survey is usually automated to trigger at a specific touchpoint by syncing with an operations system,such as a CRM system or financial system.The survey questions are designed to provide information about that one,specific exper

42、ience.For example,take a survey that is triggered after an order is placed through an ecommerce site.The survey will ask about the checkout process and other experience elements.Other triggers can include the contact center,front-line employee interaction,pre and post purchase,account closing,and mo

43、re.Many programs will have several of these surveys active at one time.With fast and relevant reporting,the insight from these surveys help organizations manage and continuously improve their performance at key touchpoints.Relationship This survey contains questions that reveal a customers overall e

44、ngagement and loyalty,considering all the transactions and interactions collectively.This survey reveals brand loyalty drivers which help a company understand why customers like them overall,as well as how they feel about competitors.While a transaction survey may reveal that customers like the purc

45、hase experience,a relationship survey will reveal that customers dont see value in the collective products and services of a company.Relationship surveys usually are sent out to each customer only once a year.Through a sample process,the surveys often go out to groups each month to provide a regular

46、 flow of data.Employee Dont forget employees!Employees have a material impact on how happy customers are with a company.This survey is fielded to a sample of the employee base on a regular basis.Employees respond well to these surveys;they like taking them because they want to improve,and they want

47、the company to improve.This survey asks questions about employee passion,what drives them,and which areas they feel the company can do better.There is a direct correlation between how employees feel and how customers feel about a business.PAGE 011 Listening Beyond SurveysWhen programs start out on t

48、heir CX journey,most of them are focused on surveysand that makes sense.Surveys have been synonymous with customer listening historically,and for good reason.Theyre a great tool to have in your arsenal,but not the only tool.Seeing as customers are speaking to you on so many different platforms today

49、,such as social media,online review sites,and beyond,you would be missing out on a large portion of the voice of customer if you only were leveraging surveys in your CX platform.Thats why experts suggest that you leverage a CX platform that can help you ingest data from everywhere so you can get mor

50、e actionable insights.DATA YOU SHOULD LEVERAGE FOR YOUR CX PROGRAMSTEP 2 (CONTINUED)Indirect FeedbackDirect&Other FeedbackOther Data“Fill In The Gaps”;Targeted Responses&MoreConversationsContact Center Transcriptions,Community-Panels&MoreReview DataStakeholder Advocacy,Retention/Churn&MoreSocial Dat

51、aStakeholder Acquisition,Adoption&MoreInternal DataSegmentation&Persona DefinitionsTargeted SurveysPain Point&Business Question FocusedPAGE 011 PAGE 012 Youve collected data at strategic touchpoints using best practices.Now its time to leverage analytics to get to the actionable insights in your dat

52、a.Thats when text analytics come into the picture.Text analytics are vital to your brands ability to understand your customer and employee experiences.You can have listening posts across every channel and at every point in the customer journey,but if you dont have the best-possible text analytics so

53、lution in place,your ability to derive actionable intelligence from that data is essentially moot.And your ability to create transformational change across the organization and drive business growth?Thatd be a non-starter without effective text analytics.Without them,all you have is a score,not any

54、context or information on what actually went well or needs improvement.Understanding the Customer PerspectiveSTEP 3PAGE 013 Another key objective of text analytics is to be able to take action on the customer issues that most affect your business.This means you need a layer of sophisticated analytic

55、s that can add tags and themes on a granular level,uncover sentiment,assign categories,identify intent,spot legal issues and possible customer churn,and more!The goal of text analytics is not to allow you to read every single comment that your customers submit.For most businesses,this is simply not

56、feasible unless you have a team of analysts dedicated to it full time.Your text analytics solution must be able to understand and surface important trends and patterns based on individual comments and the sentiments behind them.Business today moves quickly,so you need a text analytics solution that

57、can keep pacewhich often means real-time analysis and reporting.This is specifically relevant when considering translations for global companies.The need for speed means that brands dont have time to wait for a perfect translation of each and every comment because perfect translations are only possi

58、ble if a team manually translates every word,which takes a significant and unrealistic amount of time and money.ActionabilityQualitySpeedAny and every growing business(especially those with a global reach)needs a solution that supports all of the countries and languages your customers work and buy i

59、nat an acceptable level of quality and at a price that makes sense.No one has unlimited resources,so the first criteria must be that the text analytics solution you choose is scalable.ScalabilitySTEP 3 (CONTINUED)Top Objectives for a Modern Text Analytics SolutionSo,what should you look for in a tex

60、t analytics solution?Here are four key areas to consider when measuring the effectiveness of a text analytics solution:PAGE 014 In our experience,weve found that the hardest step for programs to conquer is transformationgoing from insights to action.However,transformation is an important step of the

61、 process because its what your customers expect is happening.Customers wouldnt provide feedback if they didnt expect brands to do something about it.In order to fulfill the promise of your customer experience program,you need to inspire and enable employees across the organization to take action!Tra

62、nsforming Your Business by Taking ActionSTEP 4PAGE 015 How Different Areas of Your Business Can Act on CX InsightsThe customer experience doesnt just belong to frontline employees.In fact,every individual in your organization impacts the end customer experienceand therefore,they have a lot to gain f

63、rom the insights you gather from your CX program.Lets take a moment to consider the breadth of applicability your program can have throughout your business:C-SUITE:For senior executives,a CX program becomes an indispensable tool for crafting the companys strategic vision.Deeply understanding custome

64、rs needs allows a company to identify a path to position the company to fulfill those needs in the future,by more clearly seeing both the“to be”as well as the“as is”states.SALES:Understanding the drivers and the leading indicators of changes in customers perception allows sales management to proacti

65、vely detect(and enable corrective action against)trends in business outcomes.Unlike sales tracking systems,the thrust of a CX program allows sales professionals to see beyond“what happened”to“what might happen”and to understand the reasons why.CUSTOMER SERVICE:For many businesses,the primary interac

66、tion between the company and the customer occurs when service is needed:a question to be answered,a problem to be solved,or a confusion to be clarified.Getting it right is a golden opportunity to strength-en the relationship,and a CX program allows a company to understand what makes for a successful

67、 company/customer interaction and maximize those behaviors.MARKETING:For marketing to work well,it must be relevant to its audience.A CX program facilitates the development of effective positioning and messaging by incorporating the vocabulary and the viewpoints of customers,the identification of pu

68、rchase decision factors,and the structure of the most beneficial segmentation schemes based upon customers expressed needs.PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT:In a rapidly evolving marketplace,companies must continually improve existing products as well as identify future products.A CX program contributes to the ac

69、hievement of both goalsand,in the process,allows a company to broaden the depth and breadth of their relationship with the customer,resulting in improvements in share-of-wallet.FINANCE:The foundation of finance is moneymore specifically,customers money spent with the company.A CX program can help al

70、ign finance professionals with the realization that all money comes from two sources:what customers spend with the company today,and what they are likely to spend in the future.Both sources of customer equity are highly influenced by customers experience with the company,and knowing and monitoring t

71、he quality of those experiences is as important to the health of the business as knowing and monitoring cash flow.HUMAN RESOURCES:A CX program provides insights into those specific employee traits that contribute to the development or to the destruction of customer relationships,knowledge that can b

72、e utilized in hiring decisions,performance evaluations,and training programs.For example,with a CX program,it is possible to understand that the intention of“showing empathy and concern”most effectively manifests itself through specific behavioral cues such as reflecting upon and reiterating what th

73、e customer said or validating the customers emotions.STEP 4 (CONTINUED)PAGE 016 Realizing success occurs when you can evaluate how well your business is taking action and making changes based on the insights youve gained from your CX program.And making changes is vital,because the truth is that unle

74、ss your company alters some aspect of its behavior toward its customers,it will fail to realize a return on its investment(ROI)with its CX program.Those meaningful actions can occur at the individual customer level(case management),at an aggregate customer level(change management),and an organizatio

75、nal level(knowledge management).Realizing ROI From Your CX ProgramSTEP 5PAGE 017 Individual Customer LevelWhen individual customers provide feedbackwhether its a compliment,complaint,or commentthey are providing information that is of value to the company and,as a result,the company should reciproca

76、te and respond with value.At a minimum,there should be a prompt acknowledgement of the receipt of the feedback and a statement of appreciation.The timeliness of the reaction is key;as response time increases from minutes to days,the percentage of customers who will not buy again more than doubles!Ho

77、wever,a companys ability to resolve an issue in a timely and thoughtful manner can even engender more customer loyalty than existed before the negative incident.So how can your CX program make this happen?An automated case management process can immediately recognize the subject of the customers fee

78、dback,and then route a communication to the appropriate person within the company.That persons responsibility to reply is tracked(and escalated and reported to management if delayed)to ensure that the loop is actually closed with the customer.Treating a customer in this respectful way serves to repa

79、ir a damaged relationship or to strengthen a developing one.Aggregate Customer LevelAnalyzing customer feedback en masse may uncover opportunities for the company to institutionalize CX improvements through a change management process.For example,you discover customer engagement increases with inter

80、actions where the employee“goes beyond what is expected.”Acting on this customer feedback requires translating the abstract insight into tangible employee behaviors(e.g.,offering an unexpected product suggestion and the like),training on those behaviors,and incorporating them into reward and recogni

81、tion systems.These behaviors become new“clues”that customers detect,resulting in an enhanced customer experience.Organizational LevelActing on customer feedback also has a knowledge management component.For example,in the case of a bank with many branches,one of the locations may test and discover a

82、 particularly effective technique to overcome a problem identified through the CX program.By capturing and disseminating that knowledge throughout the enterprise,the business benefit is multiplied.In every case,acting on customer feedback implies the sharing of information within the organization.Fo

83、r this reason,a good CX platform must support row-level database security to ensure that the companys business policies concerning access to the customer feedback are enforced.PAGE 018 The Four Pillars of CX ROILooking for additional ways to quantify the value of your CX program?From a big-picture p

84、erspective,your business will benefit from your CX program in four major ways(yes,there are more,but they can all be sorted into these four major categories).Our experts refer to them as the four economic pillars,or four pillars of CX ROI.Pillar#1 Increasing Customer AcquisitionPillar#2 Increasing C

85、ustomer RetentionPillar#3 Increasing Customer Lifetime Value(CLV)Pillar#4 Reducing Business CostsWant to learn more about the four pillars of CX ROI?Read more here!PAGE 019 LETS GET STARTEDBuild Your CX Program With InMomentDecided on adopting a CX program?Wed love to put our over two decades of exp

86、erience to use and help you build a game-changing program.InMoment combines data,technology,and expertise to help you improve experiences in the moments that matter most to your customers,employees,the greater market,and your business.With industry leading,cutting-edge data gathering processes and t

87、echnology in place,youll be able to transform static information into meaningful,actionable insights with our XI Platform.Integrated Experience Improvement In order to win in the experience economy,companies need the ability to deliver integrated experiences across the entire customer lifecyclefrom

88、the moment an individual hears about your brand,to making a purchase,to posting about their amazing experience on social.InMoment is the only company to offer integrated technology and expert services to help you design,listen,understand and transform experiences across the end-to-end customer journ

89、eyultimately helping you realize maximum ROI of experience improvement.Data Type and Source AgnosticThe XI Platform is the most open technology in the industry,ingesting and combining experience and operational data from any sourcewhether feedback,social review,call center,rich media upload,financia

90、l,operational,or any other contextual business data.Coupled with our portfolio of data integrity tools that join,validate,clean,structure,and enrich data into instantly usable insights,you will feel confident using the platform to drive business decisions on reliable data.Artificial and Human Intell

91、igenceXI is powered by a layer of AI that brings powerful natural language understanding and machine learning to your teams and your customers,everywhere an experience occurs.From real-time automated insights discovery to individual customer recovery,our unique,sophisticated AI-powered applications

92、combined with our expert guidance help your business grow by better understanding your teams,current customers,and future customers.PAGE 019 PAGE 020 Personalized Insights to Action FocusOur real-time text analytics allow you to gather a deeper level of meaning behind customer emotion,sentiment,inte

93、nt,and emerging themes and topics.These smart insights are seamlessly delivered within our role-based reports and dashboards and tuned to specific industries,use cases,native languages and more.The insights are directly linked to recommendations that automate and facilitate action that leads to posi

94、tive outcomes at the individual and business-level.Scalability and SecurityWith the XI Platforms modern,cloud-based architecture,if bandwidth gets stretched,new virtual servers are deployed on-the-fly,immediately adding to our processing powerensuring speed and stability.We maintain and adhere to mo

95、re than 20 of the most XI PLATFORM FEATURESstringent security policiesbased on the ISO 27001 frameworkto protect sensitive client information.Plus,with customizable security policies related to passwords and logins,your data is always safe.Vertical ExpertiseOur decades of vertical-based experience i

96、n marketing and data science,human behavior,and analytics are built into everything we dofrom the way our applications are designed to the services we provide.Our approach means you benefit from this expertise to establish or expand your program over time so you are delivering against key business i

97、nitiatives like better customer and employee acquisition,retention and loyalty,customer lifetime value and increased profitability.Your success is our success.Agile Feedback CollectionSurvey CreationDesign,create,and deploy smart and effective surveyseither as part of your core programs or ad-hoc re

98、search queriesfor broad or specific audiences.Managed service,do-it-yourself,or somewhere in between,we have a solution for every team.Choose from a wide range of invitation channels from Email,QR,Social,Website Intercept,to SMS and more!Active ListeningTraditional feedback methods tend to feel like

99、 one-sided interrogations.Active ListeningInMoments patented AI-powered feedback botencourages rich conversations by listening and responding to customers in real time,eliciting not only more,but more valuable,responses.PAGE 021 Multimedia FeedbackEngage customers and employees in their preferred wa

100、ywhether through images,videos,voice recordings or traditional methodsto add a depth of understanding and emotion that supplements traditional text feedback and reviews.Digital ListeningTheres a delicate balance between assisting customers in real time and disrupting the experience.Our digital liste

101、ning solutions help you engage consumers or employees on your website,intranet,and in-app to improve experiences at all stages of the journey.Social ReviewsInMoment helps you tap into popular online review and social sites and embeds these stories alongside additional experience data,ensuring you ha

102、ve the full spectrum of the customers voice built into your business decisions.Mobile ExperienceInMoments Mobile Survey SDK allows for personal and proactive engagement,ensuring that when a customer wants to do business with you,the transaction goes through.Panel ResearchAccess market research to an

103、swer business questions,like which market segments to pursue.You will gain capabilities to study various market segments and pricing,conduct brand research,benchmark competitors,and lead product development research.PAGE 022 Intelligent AnalysisTailored ReportingWhat typically requires manual interv

104、ention is automated within XI:quick and seamless analysis,root cause identification,and automated recommendations for issue resolution and experience improvement.Create,schedule,and share easily digestible reports and dashboards with dynamic live data sets.Choose from a library of common templates o

105、r go fully customin XI,theres a report for every role.Role-Based DashboardsField,Pro and Executive dashboards offer a fully customizable way to display data and reveal insights most relevant to company leaders.From understanding conversion by channel to identifying revenue at risk,display and consum

106、e all of the information you need in a matter of secondsso you can take action just as quickly.A/B TestingFrom product launches to new servicing motions,A/B testing visualizes the real-time impact of new initiatives on the outcomes you care about most.Monitor multiple initiatives and compare time pe

107、riods,regions,or specific locations so you know whats workingand what needs to go back to the drawing board.Self-Serve Text AnalysisSearch through mountains of unstructured data already at your fingertips(including web and voice feedback,social comments and reviews,photos and videos)to answer emergi

108、ng questions and inform timely and relevant decisions.Create your own text analytics tags and models and monitor emerging trends and patterns.Unstructured Data AnalysisEnable your power users to comb through large amounts of experience and operational data all in one placein any format,from any sour

109、ceto identify opportunities to increase profitability across departments.All this without requiring astronomical upfront investments and specialized expertise.Out-of-the-Box Industry PacksPre-built tuning configurations designed to understand industry-specific words and phrases.Industry Packs improv

110、e the results of your analysis with a fraction of the labor of traditional tuning.In addition,you can increase them further by adding your own vocabularies,taxonomies,and making micro-adjustments as needed.Native Language Text AnalysisFully transparent text analytics technology with truly native PAG

111、E 023 language support in 29 languages representing 67%of the worlds population spread across 6 continents.No expensive translation and loss of cultural nuance necessary.Experience BenchmarkCapture unstructured data from review sites,social,and surveys to Impactful ActionCase ManagementWith real-tim

112、e alerts via push notifications,text messages,and email,youre empowered to effectively manage,assign,track,prioritize,and remedy individual incidents and widespread occurrences.Incorporate the voice of your employees as a unique perspective on customer concerns,and youll be confident in how your app

113、roach to resolving them.Action PlanningUsing predictive analytics on both structured and unstructured data,the XI Platform identifies emerging service trends and creates dynamic,proactive plans tied to brand-specific operating procedures and revenue-generating activities.Automated ActionAutomate act

114、ion with individual customers or at scale with customized data workflows.Whether sending recovery emails to“frustrated”customers,or giving kudos to employeesyou can configure always-on workflows to take the right action at the right time.Intent DetectionDetect the intent and predict the action.Autom

115、atically identify the intention behind your feedback.Depending on the specific industry pack or models applied,well tell you who is looking to Buy,Quit,Recommend,Discourage,and more.understand where you rank against your top competitors,allowing you to target your activities toward areas of opportun

116、ity.Product Feature OptimizationGain insight into user sentiment and usability of new features to identify a successful rollout and remedy issues if they arise.Mobile ApplicationArm your executives and frontline with the most relevant experience data for their role,enabling on-the-go case creation,f

117、ollow up,and promotion by rewarding employees for positive feedback.PAGE 024 SummaryInMoment offers industry-leading technology,a ground-breaking approach to data,and the expertise and partnership you need to be successful.Come talk with us and see what InMoment can do for youwe look forward to help

118、ing you improve customer experiences and boost your bottom line!About InMomentImproving experiences is why InMoment exists.Our mission is to help our clients improve experiences at the intersection of valuewhere customer,employee,and business needs come together.The heart of what we do is connect ou

119、r clients with what matters most through a unique combination of data,technology,and human expertise.With our hyper-modern technology platform,decades of domain authority,and global teams of experts,we uniquely deliver a focus on Experience Improvement(XI)to help our clients own the moments that matter.Take a moment and learn more at To demo a product or to contact us call:Or email us at T L-02186-03-N A|CO PYRIG H T 2023 IN M O M EN T,I N CNORTH AMERICA+1 385 695 2800 APAC+64 9 884 8500UK&IRELAND+44(0)1494 590 600GERMANY+49(0)40 369 833 0



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