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1、IBM Institute for Business Value|Research InsightsModernizing applications on hybrid cloudEssentials to accelerate digital transformation2IBM Consulting is the catalyst for business transfor-mation.With deep industry expertise spanning strategy,experience design,technology,and operations,we have bec

2、ome the trusted partner to over 3,000 of the worlds most innovative and valuable companies.Our 160,000 consultants embrace an open way of working,bringing a diverse set of voices,experiences and technologies like Hybrid Cloud and AI together to accelerate business transformation.Supported by IBM Gar

3、age,our proven co-creation method,we bring speed and scale to innovation with an enduring ecosystem of technology leaders to deliver solutions for some of the worlds most complex challenges.We collaborate closely,ideate freely,and apply breakthrough innovations that drive sustainable change and re-i

4、nvent how business gets done.Find out more at IBM.com/consultingHow IBM Consulting can help1Application modernization isnt just another IT buzzword.Its a business imperative.Key takeawaysModernization is not keeping pace with business needs.83%of executives say modernizing applications and data is c

5、entral to the business strategy of their organizations.But only 27%say their organization has modernized many of the necessary workflows,including the related applications,data,and systems.Cloud transformation demands a modern tech architecture.Four in five organizations are modernizing their proces

6、ses and applications to accelerate digital transformation.Many organizations are just starting their modernization journey.Three in four executives say they still have disparate systems using traditional technologies and tools in their organizations.2Unleashing the power of disruptive techThe techno

7、logies that will underpin the business models of tomorrow are coming of age today.AI is transforming how companies operate,as well as the experiences they can provide.The Internet of Things is delivering real-time insights that let massive enterprises pivot on a dime.And cloud computing is enabling

8、cutting-edge innovations that are helping companies stay ahead of the curve.But organizations cant make the most of these rapidly maturing technologies unless they establish the right IT foundation.And the reality is,many carry massive technical debt.Theyre struggling to integrate next-gen tech into

9、 traditional systems that just cant carry the loador cant support the experiences end users expect.As enterprises evolve to navigate disruption and accelerate innovation,their technology architecture needs to mature,as well.Modernization,which involves updating traditional applications,software syst

10、ems,and infrastructure to meet current tech standards,drives this evolution.3While application modernization may sound like an IT buzzword,its not just a technology priority.Its a business imperative.It helps enterprises transform their products,services,and operations;build resilience;and respond f

11、aster to change while also generating revenue,boosting efficiency,and reducing costs across the entire company.However,many organizations are still at the start of their modernization journey.To better understand where companies are in this processand whats holding them backthe IBM Institute for Bus

12、iness Value(IBV),in collaboration with Oxford Economics,surveyed more than 400 top IT executives across industries in North America(see“Research methodology”on page 19).All respondents are involved in modernizing and transforming their application portfolio as part of their primary role in their org

13、anizations.The businesses represented comprise more than 46%of the S&P 500 and drive almost 60%of economic activity in North Americaestimated to be more than$15 trillion in 2022.We found that executives know where their modernization programs need to go and are charting a course to get therebut only

14、 a few have really put the wheels in motion.Part of the problem is that leaders arent thinking holistically enough.Theyre focused on operational objectives and incremental improvements,rather than the strategic outcomes that will allow them to thrive in the business landscape of tomorrow.What will h

15、elp enterprises make meaningful progress?Answering this question starts with understanding the common set of obstacles they face.Overcoming financial,technical,cultural,and expertise barriers can make application modernization easierand propel them forward on their enterprise transformation journey.

16、Executives know where their modernization programs need to gobut only a few have put the wheels in motion.4 Modernization is essential for cloud-enabled transformationApplication modernization lets organizations take advantage of cloud capabilities.These capabilities include running more mature appl

17、ications and integrating emerging technologies across the enterprise(see“The UK government modernizes to deliver digitized public services”on page 6).1 In this way,it can deliver enormous business benefits,such as:14%boost to annual revenue 30%50%lower application maintenance and running costs 74%lo

18、wer costs on hardware,software,and staff 10%improvement in application operational efficiency 1535%savings on infrastructure year-over-year.2Modernization amplifies the value of cloud.The revenue impact of cloud investments can be up to 13 times higher when orchestrated as an end-to-end reinvention

19、of the enterprise.3 This study provides further evidence that application modernization is at the core of cloud-enabled transformation.Almost four in five of the executives we surveyed say moving all applications and processes to a hybrid cloud environment is part of their digital transformation str

20、ategy.Theyre also using a variety of cloud platforms in their modernization efforts.FIGURE 1Modernization is moving slowlyFew organizations have made enough progress to unleash its full potentialHowever,many enterprises still lack the modern systems,applications,and tools needed to benefit from clou

21、d-based technologies,as well as automation,machine learning,and other applications of AI.Our survey revealed that 83%of executives agree that modernizing applications and data is central to the business strategy of their organizations.But fewer than 30%have modernized workflows,including the related

22、 applications,systems,and data(see Figure 1).Three in four executives say they still have disparate systems using traditional technologies and tools in their organizationsand most are still in the planning or preliminary stages of modernization.There are plenty of reasons why organizations havent ma

23、de more progress.The past three years have offered no shortage of challenges and distractions,from COVID-19 to geopolitical conflict to macroeconomic volatility to the shift to remote work.But now is the time for action.As cloud comes out of the hype cycle,organizations need to make application mode

24、rnization a priority today.That means taking a more holistic approach to this transformationand focusing on strategic outcomes from the start.of executives agree that modernizing applications and data is central to the business strategy of their organizations.%of executives say their organization ha

25、s modernized many of the workflows across the organization.%5As cloud comes out of the hype cycle,organizations need to make application modernization a priority.6Perspective The UK government modernizes to deliver digitized public servicesThe pandemic eliminated in-person customer support channels

26、overnight for the UK Department for Work and Pensions(DWP),leading to a sudden increase in demand on their IT systems and digital engagement channels.4 As a result,DWP needed to accelerate the modernization of its integration approach and technology landscape,to enable both todays operations and the

27、 digital capabilities needed to succeed in the future.Being one of the UKs largest government departments,DWPs customer information and interaction data was dispersed among a mixture of service-specific applications spanning mainframes,midrange platforms,and cloud-hosted services.To rapidly redefine

28、 and deliver new digitized services to millions of customers,the department needed to connect the information stored in these distributed applications quickly,efficiently,securely,and iteratively.“Part of our transformation was driven by the desire,and the need,to improve data-sharing across teams,s

29、o each line of business has the necessary information to deliver rapid support,”says Jacqui Leggetter,Head of Integration(Deputy Director),DWP Digital,Department for Work and Pensions.IBM Consulting helped DWP Digital move some of its critical integration applications onto a single modern platform,r

30、educing redundant technologies and enabling seamless,independent connectivity of applications in support of old and new business processes.Adopting an API gateway solution gave DWP the flexibility to build and integrate new microservices-based digital solutions without disrupting overall functionali

31、ty or business operations.This supported the provisioning of emergency support to five million unemployed or furlough-effected households.With optimized applications,data-driven architectures,some automation,and API-enabled integration,DWP has been able to improve its claims and approvals processes,

32、providing greater accuracy,flexibility,and information security than ever before.DWP has also seen an increase in data reuse across product teams and government departments.This saves time and allows them to deliver citizen-focused applications much faster,decreasing processing time for new claims f

33、rom weeks to hours.The departments modern systems help ensure seamless payment of over GPB 200 billion annually to millions of citizens.7Balancing the scales of strategy and operationsEmerging technologies are at the heart of the innovative products,services,and experiences customers increasingly de

34、mandand organizations need to modernize quickly to avoid falling behind.Our survey found four in five executives agree that they need to accelerate digital transformation to stay ahead of customer expecta-tions.But enterprise transformation cant be sustained by net new IT assets alone.Businesses hav

35、e made big investments in their technology infrastructure,and they need to get as much as they can from existing resources.Because rewriting a companys entire application estate isnt feasible,modernization has become inevitable.80%of executives say their organizations are modernizing their processes

36、 and applications to accelerate digital transformation.Almost all(95%)are focusing their modernization efforts on customer relations,data manage-ment,or supplier management areas within their organizations.Within these business functions,most are working to improve the user interface and change the

37、workflow and technology components rather than ripping out the entire platform(see“Red Hat and Delta Air Lines soar into the cloud”on page 9).Cost reduction benefitsIncreased securityGrowth from improving products/services and building new capabilities59%45%45%Improved employee experienceIncreased b

38、usiness agility41%44%However,these priorities dont shine through in the early phases of modernization.Rather,organizations tend to focus on operational objectives.59%of executives say reducing costs,such as operating expenses and labor spend,is important when planning or implementing modernization p

39、rojects.More strategic priorities are secondary.Only 45%prioritize growth from improving existing products or services and building new capabil-ities(see Figure 3).Why arent these priorities aligned?It all comes down to implementation.There are four key areas where leaders face major obstacles on th

40、e path to modernization:expertise,culture,technology,and finance.8At a high level,executives are looking for strategic customer-focused outcomes when measuring the success of these modernization efforts,even above business resilience.58%say improved customer engagement and satisfaction is a key succ

41、ess metric and 52%are looking for accelerated time-to-market.Reduced operational/capital expense comes in third,with 50%of executives saying its crucial for success(see Figure 2).FIGURE 2Look under the hood.Execs are prioritizing strategic customer-centric outcomes even over business resilience.FIGU

42、RE 3Betting on the bottom line.Despite their strategic focus,most execs prioritize cost reduction during executionImproved customer engagement satisfactionAccelerated time to marketReduced operational/capital expense58%52%50%Increased revenueImproved operational resiliency40%49%Companies cant rewrit

43、e their entire application estate.So,modernization is inevitable.Source:(Figure 2)How important are the following metrics in measuring the success of modernization projects in your organization?(Figure 3)When planning or implementing modernization projects,how important are the following business ob

44、jectives?(The percentages reflect the portion of execs who say this is“very or extremely important.”)9Perspective Red Hat and Delta Air Lines soar into the cloudIn order to increase agility,speed to market,and innovation capabilities,Delta partnered with IBM to modernize the companys existing comput

45、ing environment and co-create new solutions to power their transformation.5 The long-term project enables Delta to develop applications once and deploy them anywhere,integrate security across the breadth of the IT estate,and automate operations across the clouds.This helps the company drive greater

46、software engineering productivity and enhanced customer experience in the future.“As an airline industry leader,we understand the critical need to constantly evolve our digital presence and enhance our customer and employee experience to not only help respond quickly to the dynamic changing conditio

47、ns,but also reinforce brand loyalty from our customers,”says Rahul Samant,Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer,Delta Air Lines.As a part of the modernization program,a cloud center of expertise has been established to provide overall architectural governance and help Delta transfor

48、m to become a cloud-and product-centric organization.The airline aims to improve time to market,using a more nimble and flexible architecture to meet its clients needs.Overall,its also driving costs down through improved stability and scalability of cloud platforms,reduction in outages,and reduction

49、 in IT and application maintenance costs.As of today,more than 200 applications have been successfully deployed to Deltas new public cloud environment,which is run on a hybrid cloud architecture built on Red Hat OpenShift.6 Overall,Delta aims to have at least 90%of its applications and databases in

50、cloud environments by 2024.To help the company get there,IBM plans to train more than 1,000 people on Deltas IT team to work in a cloud environment.This will equip them with new skills related to application development,data management,and security.7 The modernization efforts have also provided clar

51、ity on the enterprise-wide learning models and personas required to operate in a“you build it,you run it”model.The modernization program helps increase collaboration and enables Delta to migrate to a secure,hybrid multi-cloud platform.About 30%of the IT organization has already been aligned to the n

52、ew operating model.10Overcoming common barriers to modernizationTo chart the most efficient course toward modernization,leaders must first identify the obstacles in their path.While each organization needs to overcome its own unique barriers,many leaders face similar challenges as they try to update

53、 traditional systems.Most executives say financial(57%)and technical(51%)barriers pose significant challenges to their modernization projects.Just under half(45%)struggle with expertise barriers,such as having the right talent and skills in the organization,and almost one in three(31%)face cultural

54、obstacles,such as a lack of executive sponsorship or employee buy-in.11FIGURE 4Hurdle four barriers to deliver strategic outcomes in your modernization projects Executives must understand whats standing in their way before they can move modernization forward.Here are the steps organizations can take

55、 to address these challenges,no matter where they are in their modernization journey(see Figure 4).Financial Establish systems to capture costs.Take a broader view of financial success.Measure value each step of the way.57%Source:How significant are the following challenges in advancing modernizatio

56、n projects in your organization?(The percentages reflect the portion of execs who say this is “very or extremely important.”)Technical See cost savings as the tip of the iceberg.Modernize faster with an agile approach.Steer the enterprise with a Cloud Center of Excellence(CoE).51%Expertise Identify

57、the skill gaps of tomorrow.Deliver personalized,engaging learning experiences.Retain employees by empowering personal reinvention.Leverage the partner ecosystem45%Cultural Evolve the org structure.Make business leaders accountable.Double down on change management.31%12Financial Measure modernization

58、s full financial impact Businesses often look at the price tag of modernization projects without considering the full impact of the value it can deliver.While difficult to measure,the financial impact of modernization ripples across the organization,from revenue uplift to cost cutting to risk reduct

59、ion.To make the best business case,leaders need to understand the true costs,prioritize the initiatives that deliver the most value quickly,and set up self-funding mechanisms.1.Establish systems to capture costs.Business leaders may think IT systems arent brokenand theres no need to fix them.Quantif

60、ying the long-term impact of not modernizing in terms of market competitive-ness,cost,customer experience,and employee retention can shift the conversation from tech upgrades to tangible business outcomes.Add interventions to track current costs if those arent clear.2.Take a broader view of financia

61、l success.Modernization priorities should align with a strong business casebut the business case must consider everything that influences ROI.When both direct and indirect benefits are monetized,returns will be more accurateand it will be easier to see how modernization ultimately pays for itself.3.

62、Measure value each step of the way.Track and report on costs and value realization on a biweekly or monthly basis to show incremental improvement and build ongoing support.With the right information at hand,leaders can find a source of funding within the modernization program,such as reducing costs

63、via intelligent workflows,support cost optimization,streamlined data centers,and the elimination of duplicate applications.13TechnicalMake modernization a business initiativenot an IT projectDigital transformation depends on the organizations ability to build applications with innovative capabilitie

64、s and deliver them quickly.Enterprises need to accelerate developer productivity and the adoption of new cloud-native technologies to enable speed at scale.However,many organizations have sprawling technical estates,so it can be difficult to decide where to start modernizing(see“PNC taps real-time d

65、ata to give customers control”on page 16).In this environment,leaders need to focus on strategic goals to determine which investments should take priority.1.See cost savings as the tip of the iceberg.Map the IT and application landscape,using discovery tools to understand its complexity.Decide what

66、can stayand what needs to goby aligning activities with strategic objectives.2.Modernize faster with an agile approach.Before an organization leaps into a“big bang”transformation,it should focus on MVPs.By breaking the program into manageable chunksand delivering results early and oftenleaders can a

67、void taking on never-ending projects and mitigate the risk of failure while the enterprise builds new capabilities.3.Steer the enterprise with a Cloud Center of Excellence(CoE).When modernized systems are aligned to internal technical standards,there is a greater chance they will deliver the desired

68、 results.A cloud CoE serves as a temporary orchestrator,helping the enterprise design and build interoperable systems,accelerate innovation and adoption,proactively mitigate security risks,and deliver real-time insights to the business.As capabilities mature and teams internalize good governance,the

69、 CoE can be absorbed back into normal IT operations.14Expertise Make skill development sprint zero Cloud infrastructure is an essential part of digital transformation programsand critical to driving strategic outcomes.However,while 75%of tech leaders say their organizations are building new products

70、 and features in the cloud,only 8%of their technical employees have extensive experience working with cloud-related tools.8 As organizations race to address this skills gap,they need to radically shift their approach to talent.Enterprises that prioritize talent development can gain a competitive edg

71、e by enabling employees to improve performance.1.Identify the skill gaps of tomorrow.Look beyond the skills of the current workforce to determine what capabilities are needed to support the organizations transformation journey.Define required new roles,decide how talent frameworks must evolveand ass

72、ign senior leaders to drive talent transformation as a strategic agenda.2.Deliver personalized,engaging learning experiences.Enterprises are competing with the last best digital interaction each employee had as a consumer.Create opportunities for personalized,design-led learning experiences in easil

73、y consumable formats to meet people where they are in their learning journey.Hire-to-reskill can be an effective strategy to expand the candidate pool,as long as the enterprise is committed to talent development.3.Retain employees by empowering personal reinvention.A recent study found employees are

74、 94%more likely to stay with a company that invests in their skill development.9 Cross-skilling allows employees to develop a portfolio of technical skills and shift to“hot”skill areas in a more agile manner without disrupting their current productivityhelping companies retain in-demand talent.4.Lev

75、erage the partner ecosystem.As emerging technologies exacerbate existing talent gaps,external technology and service partners or affiliates can be a great source of specialized skills.These external talent pools can fill niche,temporary shortfalls during the most intensive phases of modernization,wh

76、ile the organization builds critical capabilities needed to maintain and evolve their technology systems for the long term.15Cultural Build buy-in and champion a culture of change Modernization is essential to future-proofing the businessand promises to deliver returns in the long term.However,many

77、executives still see modernization as an operational technology play rather than a crucial strategic investment.Business leaders dont always understand that the customer-and employee-facing systems central to achieving business objectives are enabled by the back-office systems that need to be modern

78、ized.Organizations can overcome these cultural barriers by painting a clearer picture of whats at stakeand elevating expectations about the value modernization can bring.1.Evolve the org structure.Bring in key business stakeholders and end users early to support better collaboration between the busi

79、ness and IT.These strategic conversations help ensure modern-ization programs meet pressing business needs and address organizational painpoints.Set clear goals that aim to deliver measurable value across the businessnot just IT efficiencies.2.Make business leaders accountable.Plan,execute,and measu

80、re success in partnership with leaders across business units to instill a sense of ownership.Inspire change by targeting business outcomes that people are willing to work for.Take an iterative,agile approach focused on producing minimum viable products(MVPs)for specific domains to achieve quick wins

81、 and build buy-in.3.Double down on change management.Communicate continuously about the behavior changes needed to achieve the desired strategic outcomes.Leaders need to overcome fear of the unknown to facilitate quick adoption of new systems and workflows.Work with change champions across the organ

82、ization to boost acceptance of modernization initiatives and deliver value faster.16PerspectivePNC taps real-time data to give customers control As a result of multiple mergers and acquisitions over its history,PNC inherited a multi-bank IT architecture with many systems of record powering operation

83、s.To provide customers with easy-from-anywhere experiences,PNC embarked on a transformation program in 2019 designed to put the bank at the forefront of the industry when it came to digitizing products and services.10 PNC,the fifth-largest US bank,partnered with IBM to design and adopt an event-driv

84、en architecture,where data is sourced in real-time from across PNCs systems,creating a completely new application integration paradigm.Giving customers the control needed to easily make data-driven decisionswhether its a deposit account balance or credit card payment statusrepresents a massive chang

85、e for the banking industry.By strategically employing this technology architecture,every single customer interaction streams into the platform in real-time regardless of the channel.Whether a customer is at an ATM or inside a branch,making a retail transaction or banking online,PNCs apps can tap int

86、o data and take real-time action.This data-first approach to an event-driven architecture created a completely new application integration paradigm.Through this cutting-edge architecture,PNC is also democratizing data and breaking down application silos to build innovative new types of user experien

87、ces that rely on real-time event updates.In addition,PNC employed a full stack development approachbased on the IBM Garage Method for Cloudwhich means it builds products with dedicated teams that possess all the skills needed for each new product.This has resulted in improved product quality,higher

88、employee productivity and morale,faster time-to-market and differentiated experiences at lower costs.Since deploying the new architecture,PNC has introduced groundbreaking new digital offerings that create seamless experiences for customers and help them stay in charge of their financial futures.One

89、 of the new customer-facing products is expected to save customers approximately$125 to$150 million annually in overdraft fees.PNC expects their retail banking technology modernization projects to produce approxi-mately$104 million in benefits,including incremental revenues,operational efficiencies,

90、and technology cost-savings by 2026.11 17“In defining and driving the technology strategy at a large and complex enterprise,the basis for making decisions in the best interest of our business,our associates,and our customers is to ensure we are looking holistically:including both the cost to acquire

91、 and the cost to serve.Its important to define the technology strategy and roadmap both in the near term and into a future beyond just the next few years,ensuring you can set the foundation for the business to thrive for many years to come.”Marty Wolfe SVP and Chief Technology Officer Retail Busines

92、s Services Ahold Delhaize USA 1718Aparna Sharma is the General Manager and Managing Partner for Hybrid Cloud Services in IBM Consulting.Her organization focuses on Cloud Advisory,Modernization,Architecture,Build,and Manage Services at IBM Consulting.She has had significant experience in driving larg

93、e transformation engagements.She sets the strategic direction for next-generation digital transformation and modernization themes to drive high impact outcomes for IBM clients,helping them realize the full potential of their transformation initiatives.Aparna leads sales,go-to-market strategy,solutio

94、ning,and delivery teams across all industries.Arnab Bag leads the sales function for IBMs Hybrid Cloud Transformation Services for the Americas,a more than$2 billion business portfolio chartered to define,design,and execute application modernization and transformation for IBMs most strategic clients

95、.Prior to this role,he was the North America CIO and Cloud Advisory leader.He led a team of very senior IT strategists to define and execute strategies to transform the IT portfolio across the people,process,and technology continuum.These transformation programs help optimize spend,adopt cloud,and d

96、igitally transform the business.Smitha Soman is the Global Research Leader for Modernization and Emerging Technologies for the IBM Institute for Business Value(IBV).With more than 17 years of expertise in strategy and technology consulting and managing enterprise transformations,she helps IBMs top c

97、lients explore technologys potential to transform business.Smitha is a computer engineer,a trained IBM Design Thinking practitioner,and a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.Aparna SharmaGeneral Manager and Managing Partner,Hybrid Cloud Services,IBM Consultinghttps:/ Bag Partner and Hybrid Cloud Transformatio

98、n Services Leader,Americas,IBM Consultinghttps:/ SomanGlobal Research Leader,Modernizing and Emerging Technologies,IBM Institute for Business Valuehttps:/ the authorsAbout Research InsightsResearch Insights are fact-based strategic insights for business executives on critical public-and private-sect

99、or issues.They are based on findings from analysis of our own primary research studies.For more information,contact the IBM Institute for Business Value at .Related reportsApplication modernization on the mainframe“Application modernization on the mainframe:Expanding the value of cloud transformatio

100、n.”IBM Institute for Business Value.July 2021.ibm.co/application-modernization-mainframeMastering Hybrid Cloud“Mastering Hybrid Cloud”IBM Institute for Business Value.June 2022.ibm.co/mastering-hybrid-cloudClouds next leap“Clouds next leap:How to create transformational business value.”IBM Institute

101、 for Business Value.October 2021.ibm.co/cloud-transformationIBM Institute for Business ValueFor two decades,the IBM Institute for Business Value has served as the thought leadership think tank for IBM.What inspires us is producing research-backed,technology-informed strategic insights that help lead

102、ers make smarter business decisions.From our unique position at the intersection of business,technology,and society,we survey,interview,and engage with thousands of executives,consumers,and experts each year,synthesizing their perspectives into credible,inspiring,and actionable insights.To stay conn

103、ected and informed,sign up to receive IBVs email newsletter at can also follow IBMIBV on Twitter or find us on LinkedIn at https:/ibm.co/ibv-linkedin.The right partner for a changing worldAt IBM,we collaborate with our clients,bringing together business insight,advanced research,and technology to gi

104、ve them a distinct advantage in todays rapidly changing environment.1920Research and methodology In cooperation with Oxford Economics,the IBM Institute for Business Value(IBV)surveyed more than 400 IT executives(for example,CIOs,Chief Enterprise architects,and Application Development executives)in N

105、orth America from the largest companies across more than 7 industries in August 2022.The businesses represented comprise more than 46%of the S&P 500 and drive almost 60%of economic activity in North Americaestimated to be more than$15 trillion in 2022.All respondents are aware of and consistently in

106、volved with or working on modernization projects and influencing investments as part of their primary role.All participants were asked a range of questions to understand the modernization landscape,including ties to overall digital strategy,motivating factors,challenges,success metrics,and more.Note

107、s and sources 1 Granger,John,Anthony Marshall,Aparna Sharma,and Smitha Soman.“Application modernization on the mainframe:Expanding the value of cloud transformation.”IBM Institute for Business Value.July 2021.ibm.co/application-modernization-mainframe2“Importance and benefits of application moderniz

108、ation.”Veritis.Accessed April 6,2023.https:/ Jean-Stphane Payraudeau,Anthony Marshall,and Jacob Dencik.“Unlock the business value of hybrid cloud:How the Virtual Enterprise drives revenue growth and innovation.”IBM Institute for Business Value.July 2021.ibm.co/hybrid-cloud-business-value4“Driving di

109、gitization by transforming integrated solutions.”IBM case study.Accessed April 6,2023.https:/ Air Lines Taps IBM for Cloud Expertise and Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Platform.”IBM Newsroom.February 18,2021.https:/ Based on IBM Consulting client experience7 Council,Jared.“Delta Taps IBM to Move More Applicat

110、ions to the Cloud.”The Wall Street Journal.February 18,2021.https:/ of cloud:The cloud skills vs.expectation gap.”Pluralsight.Accessed April 6,2023.https:/ Ibid.10 Nitsopoulos,Mike and Shahir Daya.“Reimagining the Future of Retail Banking through Digital Transformation.”IBM Newsroom.June 7,2021.http

111、s:/ Based on IBM consulting client experience21 Copyright IBM Corporation 2023IBM Corporation New Orchard Road Armonk,NY 10504Produced in the United States of America|May 2023IBM,the IBM logo, and Watson are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp.,registered in many jurisdictions worldwi

112、de.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at“Copyright and trademark information”at: document is current as of the initial date of publication and may be changed by IBM at any time.Not all offerings are a


114、 according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided.This report is intended for general guidance only.It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment.IBM shall not be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained

115、 by any organization or person who relies on this publication.The data used in this report may be derived from third-party sources and IBM does not independently verify,validate or audit such data.The results from the use of such data are provided on an“as is”basis and IBM makes no representations or warranties,express or implied.QW8VB8APUSEN-00



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