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1、3 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact23 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more If your organization is like many today,you might be up against difficult circumstances.Youre facing a constantly changing landscape of remote or hybrid workforces,talent re

2、cruitment(or hiring freezes),and various levels of employee engagement.Amid all this disruption,you still need to deliver on your organizational goals to keep things moving forward.In an environment of rapid change,its more important than ever to be intentional about your time,goals,and actions so t

3、hat every person makes the greatest impact.ContentsAction 1:Include 3Action 2:Engage 6Action 3:Transform 8Amplify Your Leadership Impact With Intentionality 10Exceptional leaders can take organizational culture and performance to a new level of effectivenessno matter the challenges your teams facewh

4、en theres a focus on fundamental and lasting behavior change.Here are three intentional leadership actions that will amplify your leadership impact.33 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more Action 1:Include Build Better Performance on a Foundation of InclusivityDiversity,

5、equity,and inclusion(DEI)is more than policies,programs,or headcounts.Equitable employers outpace their competitors by respecting the unique needs,perspectives,and potential of all team members.Consequently,diverse and inclusive workplaces earn deeper trust and more commitment from their employees.T

6、he results of that commitment mean greater organizational success.43 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more In a 2019 analysis,McKinsey&Company found that companies in the top quarter of gender-diverse executive teams were 25 percent more likely to experience above-averag

7、e profitability than peer companies with less executive diversity.This is up from 21 percent in 2017 and 15 percent in 2014.According to the World Economic Forums DEI 4.0 report,companies that lead their geography and industry for diversity and inclusivity perform better than their market average in

8、 areas like innovation,profitability,decision-making,and employee retention.Leaders have the power to break barriers and become DEI catalysts within organizations.As leaders prioritize inclusion,increase belonging,and focus on engagement,they create a team environment where everybody can thrive.Thes

9、e inclusive environments help all team members feel comfortable being their authentic selves and excited to help others feel the same.When people feel safe and respected,theyre more likely to bring their best effort,maximizing their impact and your organizations results.53 Leadership Actions to Ampl

10、ify Your Organizations Impact Learn more Leaders can begin with simple,actionable steps that reflect how they lead each individual,such as adopting a growth mindset about each team member,building intentional connections with each person on their team,and raising the visibility of frontline contribu

11、tors through recognition and advocacy.When people feel safe and respected,theyre more likely to bring their best effort,maximizing their impact and your organizations results.Keep other aspects of inclusivity in mind as you continue to build workplace inclusion.Understanding bias traps and working o

12、n rewiring leaders decision-making,for example,make practices such as hiring,advancement,and professional development opportunities the result of a more conscientious approach that gives everyone an opportunity to succeed.Grounding your leadership approach in inclusivity will ensure your organizatio

13、n gets the best from its people by giving the best to its people,moving culture and performance to a new level.63 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more Action 2:Engage Connect Your People With Outcome-Focused ExperiencesLeaders can amplify organizational impact by rallyi

14、ng people around principle-based professional development and growth opportunitiesexperiences that not only build new skillsets but also strengthen the backbone of your organization by investing in your people.When exceptional leaders communicate shared vision and strategy,they encourage others to w

15、ork toward goals that advance their organizations initiatives.Leaders who build high-trust,inclusive teams achieve success by engaging people with opportunities to develop themselves.As your team members grow in their professional roles,they can help your organization transform and thrive in alignme

16、nt with your organizations greater vision.73 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more Strengthen your organizations backbone by investing in your people.Providing teams with outcome-focused learning activities can help them grow as people and employees so they can have a gr

17、eater impact in their personal and professional spheres.As you develop a custom action plan that uses the right tools,you can engage your teams in ways that help the whole organization reach new levels of success.“When people work with a leader who is excited about professional development,they see

18、growth opportunities as a personal and organizational win.As people begin a learning process,leaders can help make their development process successful by giving teams the ability to gauge their progress through quantifiable results,says Will Houghteling,EVP of product&platforms at FranklinCovey.Lea

19、ders can also encourage their peoples engagement by selecting learning and development(L&D)programs that are anchored in learning science as well as workplace learning.Training tools,such as 360 assessments,that help people see where theyre strongest and where they have room for improvement allow th

20、em to apply their learning over time to the most critical areas.With modeling,coaching,development,and practice,professional development opportunities can help individuals work more effectively and teams increase their impact across your organization.83 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizatio

21、ns Impact Learn more Action 3:Transform Align Projects With High-Value ResultsOrganizations achieve high-impact work when leaders clarify what meaningful project results look like.Leaders are also uniquely positioned to build relationships and buy-in across teams to ensure new initiatives are succes

22、sful.By establishing that projects are focused around high-value initiatives and deliverables that move the needle on an organizations most important objectives,leaders can transform results.Successful leadership is about getting people to work together and give their best effort to your organizatio

23、ns most important goals.93 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more Because successful leadership is about getting people to work together and volunteer their best efforts,here are ways to transform these efforts into high-value results:Create Create a framework that keeps

24、everyones time and effort focused on the initiatives that matter most to your organization.When team members know the purpose behind a projects objectives,they not only become committed to its successthey also choose actions that drive organizational outcomes forward.Define Be clear about your key o

25、bjectives and results from the start.Well-defined targets and benchmarks help leaders remove blockers or confusion areas that can hold teams back along the way.Align Ensure leaders across your organization are aligned on project goals.By helping teams understand how individual work responsibilities

26、connect with overall project progress and success,leaders can empower their people to perform even better.Close As an organization performs high-impact work that contributes to high-value results,leaders should emphasize project successes.Acknowledging well-executed projects and their results encour

27、ages people to continue effective behaviors and bolsters organization-wide support.103 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more Amplify Your Leadership Impact With Intentionality Exceptional leaders who amplify their organizations impact see their people and programs transf

28、orm,even in challenging circumstances.By adopting and applying the principles of human effectiveness with intention,leaders will build inclusive environments,keep their team members engaged,and provide strategic focus to every project,improving organizational culture and performance.This approach mo

29、ves organizations forward because its rooted in the individualsupporting each person and harnessing their unique strengths to help the whole team achieve more in every situation.And theres never a better time to amplify greatness than now.113 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact L

30、earn more FranklinCoveys leadership solutions help organizations expand their reach,achieve their business objectives,and increase their performance impact.Our trusted approach combines powerful content,experts,behavior change platforms,and key metrics to collectively guide leaders and teams through

31、 Impact Journeys that deliver exceptional results.LEARN MORE123 Leadership Actions to Amplify Your Organizations Impact Learn more 2022 Franklin Covey Co.All rights reserved.MRK22144950 Version 1.0.1Achieve Breakthrough Results With FranklinCoveyFranklinCovey is the most trusted leadership company i

32、n the world,with operations in over 160 countries.We transform organizations by building exceptional leaders,teams,and cultures that get breakthrough results.Available through the FranklinCovey All Access Pass,our best-in-class content,experts,technology,and metrics seamlessly integrate to ensure lasting behavior change at scale.Our approach to leadership has been tested and refined by working with tens of thousands of teams and organizations over the past 30 years.To learn more,email or call us at 1-888-868-1776.



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