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1、Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidatesJune 2023Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeSEFA FUND PARTNERS4Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates5This Report was written

2、and prepared by the International Hydropower Association(IHA)and commissioned and funded by the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa(SEFA)initiated Africa Hydropower Modernisation Programme.SEFA is a special fund managed by the African Development Bank(AfDB).THE TEAMAfDB/SEFAJoo Cunha,Leopold Ruppert,

3、Stella Mandago,Anders Pedersen,Matthieu Jalard,Frederica LourenoIHAAlex Campbell,Matteo Bianciotto,Acile Hammoud,Debbie Grey,Chang Liu,David Samuel,Bill Girling,Rebecca EllisAcknowledgementsContentsAcknowledgements4Acronyms6Executive summary8Report structure13PART 01-GENERAL MODERNISATION BACKGROUND

4、SECTION 01 Background information16SECTION 02 Drivers and opportunities of modernisation22SECTION 03 E&S implications associated with modernisation projects51SECTION 04 Modernisation cost benchmarking57PART 02-AFRICA-MAPPING OF HYDROPOWER MODERNISATION POTENTIALSECTION 05 African context68SECTION 06

5、 Methodology72SECTION 07 Summary of findings92SECTION 08 E&S sustainability review of high need plants104SECTION 09 Conclusions and recommendations108References1126Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates7AcronymsUS$United States dollarU

6、S$mUnited States dollar millionC Celsius degreeAARAlkali-Aggregate ReactionACAlternate currentAFDAgence franaise de dveloppementAfDBAfrican Development BankAHMPAfrica Hydropower Modernisation Programme BPABui Power AuthorityCAPEXCapital expensesCAPP Central Africa Power PoolCSPConcentrated solar pow

7、erDCDirect currentDRCDemocratic Republic of the CongoE&S Environmental and sustainabilityEAPPEastern Africa Power PoolEOIExpression of InterestEMElectromechanical EPCEngineering,Procurement and ConstructionESIAEnvironmental and social impact assessments FPVFloating photovoltaicGERDGrand Ethiopian Re

8、naissance DamGHGGreenhouse gasGWGiga wattHDPEHigh Density Poly EtheneHESGHydropower Sustainability Environmental,Social and Governance Gap HGIIPHydropower Sustainability Guidelines on Good International Industry Practice HPP Hydropower plantHSHHydro-solar PV hybrid HVDC High voltage Direct Current l

9、ineIEAInternational Energy AssociationIFIInternational Financial InstitutionIHAInternational Hydropower AssociationIPPIndependent Power Producerkm2Square kilometerkWKilo wattkWhKilo watt hourLCOELevelised cost of electricityLECLiberia Electricity Corporation mMeterm2Square meterm3Cubic meterMVA Mega

10、 Volt AmpereMWMega wattNNoNITSNational Interconnected Transmission SystemO&M Operation and maintenanceOEMOriginal Equipment ManufacturerONEEOffice National de LElectriciteOPEXOperating expensesPSHPump storage hydropowerPVPhotovoltaicQ1Quartile 1Q3Quartile 3sSecondSAPPSouthern Africa Power Pool TWhTe

11、rawatt HourUEGCLUganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd.VRAVolta River AuthorityWAPPWestern Africa Power PoolyYearYYes8Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates9Executive summaryThis high-level screening study,commissioned by the Africa

12、n Development Bank(AfDB)through its Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa(SEFA)funded Africa Hydropower Modernisation Programme(AHMP),presents the results of a 12-month continent-wide mapping of hydropower facilities eligible for modernisation carried out by the International Hydropower Association(IHA

13、).Regarding energy supply and global development,Africa is one of the continents that will face the most difficult challenges over the coming decades.African countries will need to progressively increase their domestic power supply to meet the demand for power required to develop their economy and p

14、rovide electricity for millions of people to improve their living standards.In doing so,this energy transition will need to be done sustainably.Even though Africa currently is only responsible for 4%of global greenhouse gas emissions,the worldwide challenge of mitigating climate change will impose l

15、imits on future emissions.Hydropower can offer a valuable contribution to ensuring that this twofold challenge is met in the most sustainable,economical,and secure way.In 2019 Africas gross generating capacity of all forms of energy was in excess of 245 GW.1 Hydropower in Africa currently contribute

16、s to 16%of the total capacity and is today the most mature and flexible source of renewable electricity at scale.It accounts for 80%of the renewable energy generated on the continent.2 As of 2022,the installed hydropower capacity was 40 GW,and of these,over 60%is more than 20 years old.3 Currently,e

17、lectricity consumption in Africa has reached 732 TWh,which is expected to increase by 61%,to 1,180 TWh,by 2030.4 In 2020,out of 1.3 billion people living in the continent,over 580 million,around 44%of the total,had no electricity.The situation is even worse in rural areas as 74%5 of these population

18、s are without access.Of these 87 candidate stations,21 plants with a total capacity of 4.6 GW were categorised to be in urgent need of modernisation(or high demand),and an additional 31 stations with a total installed capacity of 10.1 GW will likely require investment over the next decade(medium nee

19、d category).Table 01 shows a regional breakdown of the modernisation needs identified by the study.All plants classified in high need of modernisation were in Sub-Saharan Africa,and in terms of installed capacity,close to 80%is located across West(2.1 GW)and Central Africa(1.6 GW),with the remaining

20、 in East(0.6 GW)and Southern Africa(0.3 RegionsLow needMedium needHigh needNo.stationsCapacity(MW)No.stationsCapacity(MW)No.stationsCapacity(MW)North Africa0 0 7 3,094 0 0 West Africa3 1,268 3 430 4 2,103 East Africa6 538 6 938 7 625 Central Africa5 923 5 666 3 1,557 Southern Africa16 6,800 15 4,961

21、 7 337 TOTALS309,5293610,089214,621Table 01.Regional overview of modernisation needs by number of stations and installed capacityGW).All regions had additional capacity in medium need,particularly Southern Africa(5 GW)and North Africa(3 GW).10Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide m

22、apping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates11The study has identified the ageing of the electromechanical components,lack of access to spare parts and the need for maintenance on the civil structures as the main trigger for modernisation projects.Numerous plants classified in the high-need catego

23、ry are operating with legacy technology,often at derated capacity,with units operating in a state of disrepair or entirely out of service.In order to secure reliable,efficient,and safe electricity generation from the plants in the high-need category,IHA estimates that approximately US$2.1 billion wi

24、ll need to be invested.In comparison,an additional US$4.7 billion may be required by the plants in medium need.High needMedium needInstalled capacity assessed in in the mapping*4.6 GW10.1 GW%of overall African hydropower fleet(38.5 GW)612%26%Estimated investment need based IHA benchmark modernisatio

25、n cost*Approx.US$2.1 billionApprox.US$4.7 billionIndicative capacity upgrade associated with complete modernisation project70.23 GW 0.53 GW0.51 GW-1.17 GWTable 02.Overall estimates of investment need for total capacity assessed in the study with high and medium needs for modernisation*This total inc

26、ludes power plants for which data were received directly from the owners and plants for which only secondary data were available.*The cost figures shown in this table are high level estimates to provide a relative sense of the magnitude of modernisation costs but would be subject to a more stringent

27、 and detailed cost estimating process if a project is to proceed to the next phase.From a capital requirement perspective,modernisations are less intense than greenfields projects.8 This level of investment would not only secure the availability of over 14.7 GW installed capacity,enhance plant flexi

28、bility,reduce maintenance costs,enhance water management and enable safer operations of the existing fleet but would also increase the existing generating capacity.The replacement of outdated,deteriorated,or damaged electromechanical components could increase the installed capacity of the fleet betw

29、een 740 MW and 1,700 MW,thanks to the improved efficiency and increased power capability of modernised systems.Investments are,therefore,fundamental to securing these plants ongoing productivity over the following decades and should be seen as an immediate priority to achieve decarbonised economic d

30、evelopment and secure a resilient fleet capable of operating under more extreme weather conditions triggered by climate change.A modern and efficient hydropower fleet will provide clean and reliable electricity and offer grid stability and flexibility services,which are necessary to enable the expec

31、ted large-scale deployment of wind and solar energy.From an environmental&social perspective,modernisation to increase efficiencies,replace equipment,and rectify ageing infrastructure issues would not instigate an adverse change in the projects impacts.In fact,these projects are often a great opport

32、unity to implement measures that can improve the E&S footprint of the plant and its operations.Examples of these measures are the introduction of fish ladders,the adoption of improved turbine seals which eliminate lubricant leakage and a general improvement of the health and safety condition of the

33、personnel working in the plant.An additional and important benefit that hydropower plants could provide within the development of the African power systems is the opportunity to introduce floating solar photovoltaic(FPV)panels for deployment in existing 12Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeCon

34、tinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates13hydropower reservoirs,where it may be feasible and economically viable to do so as has been demonstrated by numerous international projects9.Floating solar technology located on hydropower plant reservoirs can be successfully implemented,t

35、aking advantage of existing grid infrastructure to reduce costs,whilst complementing the energy production of plants.During the mapping exercise data,were gathered for 26 hydro reservoirs to assess potential suitability for floating solar PV(FPV).This led to identifying 11 candidate sites where floa

36、ting solar hybrids could be developed.Introducing a solar-hybrid system could help support generation shortfalls during drought conditions and provide a quick win given their relatively short deployment timescales.The result of this study represents a valuable starting point on which the AfDB can bu

37、ild a comprehensive project to modernise the African hydropower fleet.The recommended next step is to further intensify the dialogue with the owners,particularly in those high-need plants where IHAs assessment serves as a pre-feasibility study.These are plants in urgent need of modernisation where t

38、he owners or the concessioners have demonstrated interest in the opportunity to cooperate with the AfDB in the near future through their collaboration with the IHA during the course of the study.The goal of this dialogue should be to understand the scope of works further.The feasibility and the fina

39、ncial needs for the selected projects,also consider any potential additional barriers(e.g.financing or environmental&sustainability(E&S)as well as other opportunities that could be included in a proposed modernisation.Report structureExecutive summaryReport stucturePart 01-General modernisation back

40、ground informationSection 01presents an overview of the hydropower sector on a global level.Section 02describes the main drivers and benefits associated with the modernisation of ageing power plants.Section 03provides a description of the E&S implications of modernisation projects.Section 04presents

41、 the findings of a costs benchmarking analysis which provides estimated cost ranges for a variety of modernisation projects.PART 02-Methodology and results of the Africa modernisation studySection 05presents an overview of the hydropower sector in the African contest and describes the scope of the s

42、tudy.Section 06outlines how the data were collected and presents the process and the methodology followed to determine the rehabilitation needs of each station.Section 07presents a summary of the finding of the classification of the modernisation needs of the 87 power plants subject to the study.Sec

43、tion 08provides a review of the ESG impacts of the typical modernisation projects identified in this project.Section 09presents a list of conclusions and recommendations for the benefits of the AfDB.The report is structured as follows:Continent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates151

44、4Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammePart 01General modernisation background information05001.00016Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates17Section 01background informationHydropower is globally the backbone of low-carbon electrici

45、ty generation and remains the single largest source of renewable electricity.In 2021,it accounted for 16%of all electricity generated across the globe,providing an overall contribution 55%higher than nuclear and more significant than all other renewables combined(Figure 01).However,while most of the

46、 finances are globally directed towards unlocking new developments,there is also a rapidly increasing need to modernise and optimise the current fleet of ageing assets.Indeed,as of today,circa 40%of the global fleet is at least 40 years old.10 This will ensure that the vital role played by hydropowe

47、r is sustained and enhanced.01.1|Overview of the hydropower sectorFigure 01.Global electricity generation from low-carbon technologies(2021)4450 TWhhydropower2600 TWhnuclear1600 TWhwind900 TWhsolar PV600 TWhbioenergy100 TWhothersSOURCE IEAHydropower remains one of the most competitive energy sources

48、 available.According to the International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA),the cost of electricity from new hydropower projects remains amongst the cheapest renewable energy sources with an average levelised cost of energy(LCOE)in 2021 of 0.048 US$/kWh(Figure 02),well below offshore wind,geothermal,bi

49、oenergy and concentrated solar power.18Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates19Figure 02.Levelised cost of electricity of renewable energy sources(2021)0,11USD/kWhCSP0,78USD/kWhoffshore wind0,7USD/kWhgeothermal0,7USD/kWhbioenergy0,5USD

50、/kWhsolar PV0,5USD/kWhhydropower0,3USD/kWhonshore windSOURCE IRENA and IHA analysis(CSP refers to concentrated solar power)The remaining potential for the development of new greenfield hydropower projects is substantial.Without including off-river pump storage hydro,circa 2,000 GW of potential sites

51、 are left untapped,not including 550 GW currently under development.The International Energy Agency and the International Renewable Energy Agency agree that to keep global warming below two C,the most cost-effective pathway would see at least 850 GW of new hydropower capacity developed over the next

52、 30 years.The numbers are even more significant for the more ambitious Net Zero target(limiting temperature rise to below 1.5C),with a total installed capacity required in excess of 2,500 GW(almost twice todays installed capacity).Figure 03.Hydropower potential capacityNORTH ANDCENTRAL AMERICASOUTHA

53、MERICAEUROPEAFRICASOUTH ANDCENTRAL ASIA275 GW43 GW177 GW307 GW28 GW205 GW254 GW23 GW73 GW38 GW118 GW474 GW91 GW154 GW355 GW501 GW240 GW359 GWEAST ASIAAND PACIFICGLOBAL040005000250030003500KEYRemaining potential GW*Pipeline GWInstalled GW*Excluding pumped storage hydropowerSOURCE IHA Hydro

54、power Status Report 202220Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates21The challenges faced to achieve a net-zero economy involve not only the development of new greenfield projects but also substantial efforts in modernising the existing f

55、leet.Indeed,according to the IEA,166 GW of new hydropower capacity is expected to come from the modernisation of the current fleet over the next decade.It is also reported that if the business case for modernisation is made more attractive and if there will be sufficient water resources available to

56、 increase turbine size,this potential could be substantially higher,closer to 400 GW11.Nonetheless,despite these promising figures,global investment in modernisation remains well below the required level.Indeed,the IEA figure shows that planned and announced modernisation projects are estimated to c

57、ost a total of USD 127 billion by 2030,while the minimum required investment to replace ageing components and maintain plants availability is estimated in the order of US$300 billion,or 2.4x higher.12 01.2|References to global modernisation effortsPrevious continental studies that were conducted by

58、the IHA on modernisation of hydropower fleet include:Hydropower Modernisation Needs in Asia;developed in association with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB),2020.IHA Summary AIIB Working Paper Modernization of Hydropower Plants in Latin America and Caribbean Identification and prioritisa

59、tion of investment needs;developed in cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank(IDB),2020.Modernisation of hydropower in Latin America and the Caribbean:Investment needs and challenges;IDB article based on IHA research,2020.XFLEX HYDRO This project currently brings together 19 institution

60、al partners with internationally-recognised expertise(including IHA)to study and demonstrate advanced technological solutions to extend the flexibility of existing hydropower plant and increase hydraulic components lifespan,using advanced software solutions and modest technological upgrades.22Africa

61、 Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates23Section 02drivers and opportunities of modernisationThe modernisation of hydropower stations is driven by numerous and often interrelated factors,from ageing equipment to improving energy performance,o

62、perating strategies,environmental impacts and broader policy changes.In all cases,specific components of a generating station will need to be replaced,refurbished or upgraded to ensure that it can continue to operate reliably,at least until the end of the life of the asset.Beyond extending the lifet

63、ime of these assets,modernisation represents a key opportunity for existing hydropower infrastructure to provide benefits such as optimised power production through improved efficiency or capacity additions,optimised operations and maintenance(O&M),enhanced flexibility and water services at multipur

64、pose hydropower sites.Modernisation projects have capital requirements which are much less significant than greenfield projects and generally have modest or negligible E&S impacts.02.1|OverviewProjects to modernise hydropower plants go further than business-as-usual O&M and involve a more significan

65、t re-investment in an existing asset.Although the type of modernisation will vary on a case-by-case basis,depending on the needs and options available for a given site,strategies will generally fall into the following types:Life extensionprojects look to extend the life of the station with repairs o

66、r replacements of existing key electro-mechanical components to maintain the existing operation of the units or,in some cases,restore derated units back to their design capacity,often improving performance.A case study is presented in case study 1 in section 2.4.Major upgrade/uprateprojects aim to i

67、mprove services by increasing generating efficiency,uprating installed power capacity,expanding the operating regime or re-equipping a site with new technologies,e.g.to operate under more extreme variations in streamflow or to accommodate greater penetration of variable renewable technologies into t

68、he energy mix;while also extending the life of the station.Case study 2 in section 2.4 shows an example profile.Total redevelopmentprojects involve larger-scale station overhauls,rebuilds or plant expansion schemes,including significant civil works to modernise and,in some cases,replace the existing

69、 station either in-situ or by adding a new powerhouse in a new location.Repurposing hydropower dams and reservoir sites with pumped storage capability is another example.A case study for a station rebuild is given in case study 3 in section 2.5.Digitalisationcan also play a central role in any moder

70、nisation scheme and be integrated within any of the listed categories.Such projects focus on updating control systems,monitoring and communication systems,and introducing state-of-the-art digital analytics to optimise operations and provide preventative maintenance.24Africa Hydropower Modernisation

71、ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates25With different types and scales of projects,there can be many reasons for modernising an existing hydropower station.This review looks to introduce the main drivers and opportunities for modernisation projects.Figure 04.Diagram

72、 of a hydropower station displaying key features1112KEY1 Reservoir2 Control gate3 Trash rack4 Intake5 Penstock6 Powerhouse7 Generator8 Turbine9 Draft tube10 Outflow11 Spil way12 Transmission26Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation cand

73、idates2702.2|Plant ageingAll hydropower stations age over time,causing a degradation in reliability and performance.Hydraulic generating units all undergo some degree of mechanical degradation over years of operation;typically,the units generator is the first major component to exhibit signs of wear

74、 and tear from high thermal or mechanical stresses(rotors and windings),generally followed by the turbines(rotating blades,guide vanes,etc.)and eventually civil structures will show signs of degradation over longer timeframes,sometimes introducing issues with the safety of the facility.Studies publi

75、shed by International Financial Institutions(IFI)s,Original Equipment Manufacturers(OEMs)and research organisations describe the physical processes which lead to degradation as well as remedial measures taken in modernisations in more detail.13,14,15,16,17,18 Figure 5 presents the lifespans of the m

76、ajor systems of a hydropower station based on assessments applied in a World Bank study.The blue bars show the years each type of system is in good working condition after entering service;the dark red bars show subsequent years of fair performance;and above this threshold,the systems are expected t

77、o be in poor condition,shown in yellow.Figure 05.Indicative average lifespans of major systems in a hydropower stationElectrical and controlsBatteries and direct current(DC)equipmentHigh voltage,switchgear,auxiliary electricals,control equipmentGenerators and transformersMechanicalGates,valves,crane

78、s,auxiliary mechanical systemsTurbinesCivil structuresPowerhouse,water catchment,spilway,penstocks,steel linings,roads,bridgesDams,canals,tunnels,caverns,reservoirs,surge chambers04080120160yearsgoodfairpoorKEYSOURCE based on data from a World Bank study by Goldberg and Espeseth,2011As shown,the ele

79、ctrical auxiliary and control systems are typically replaced or updated first,often due to obsolescence.The major electro-mechanical drivetrain components such as hydraulic turbines,generators and transformers generally are modernised 30 to 45 years after the original commissioning date depending on

80、 several factors,including the original materials used in manufacturing components,operating conditions and site conditions.Degradation rates can be accelerated for different reasons:28Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates29 Improper

81、equipment maintenance,either through lack of training on O&M practices or resources,will accelerate the end of life of hydropower facilities.High sediment loads will lead to accelerated plant degradation,particularly in the turbines.Changes in modes of operation,such as when machines are more extens

82、ively used for peaking or the provision of grid support services,can also cause higher stresses on rotating machinery and electrical systems,therefore reducing their lifetime.More extreme weather events such as cyclones or floods or damage caused by social unrest.Finally,the civil structures and ass

83、ociated features,including the powerhouse,spillway gates,underground assets,dam,and reservoir,typically last longer,with overall plant lifetimes anywhere from 60 to 100 years and even higher in some cases.Condition assessments of the main structures are usually carried out periodically to assess str

84、uctural integrity and any need for repairs.02.3|Performance recoveryAs described above,the general ageing of key electro-mechanical components,along with other factors such as operational changes or lack of maintenance,will almost certainly lead to reduced performance over time.This,in turn,will res

85、ult in longer and more frequent maintenance outages,with an increased incidence of forced outages,loss of efficiency,and losses in energy production.This can increase business risk and,depending on the owners appetite for risk over time,determine when modernisation is required.Moreover,as hydropower

86、 is commonly the lowest marginal cost unit in a power pool in many markets,failing to modernise assets adequately can have detrimental impacts.Suppose the station is operating significantly below rated capacity for long periods.In that case,the shortfall in electricity supply may be replaced by more

87、 expensive thermal alternatives resulting in increased greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions and costs for the utilities and customers.Modernisation can mitigate this risk by repairing and replacing old equipment to reduce outages,improve availability and,in some cases,increase power output.A study undertake

88、n by an OEM showed that life extension projects where turbine runners are replaced could increase or recover overall plant efficiency by 3 per cent and potentially up to 6 per cent or more;while larger projects involving the upgrade of turbine-generator units can increase installed capacity by up to

89、 40 per cent.19 02.4|Capacity and technology upgradesIn some cases,opportunities may exist to expand or update existing facilities installed capacity and overall efficiency.In these cases,installed capacity(MW)may be increased by replacing turbine runners with higher capacity units and optimised sys

90、tems.20 Technology developments are a key factor in hydropower modernisations.Old systems can be replaced with state-of-the-art equipment,bringing benefits for operators.21,22 From turbine generators to spillway gates,equipment installed over 30 to 40 years ago can be retrofitted with new components

91、 optimised for improved efficiency and reduced environmental impact,thanks to advanced manufacturing and materials.23,24,25,26 Technology upgrades can also bring forward the decision to modernise a project.Finally,because of the lower capital costs associated with modernisation27,a potential project

92、 associated with increased installed capacity could represents a substantial and cost-effective improvement to the energy systems at a much lower investment than a green field project.In several cases,the associated capacity upgrade can be quite substantial.2830Africa Hydropower Modernisation Progra

93、mmeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates31Case study 01.Kpong,GhanaHaving operated the plant for about 30 years,the Volta River Authority decided to undertake a significant retrofit to extend the plants life and increase its availability.The modernised plant will provide Gha

94、na with a reliable and clean energy supply for another 30 years,contributing 4.3%of the countrys total electricity mix.CHARACTERISTICS1.All four turbine generators and associated systems were modernised by Andritz Hydro,including turbines&governors,generators,intake gates,excitation,protection&contr

95、ol systems,and power station service facilities.2.The units were completed sequentially in 2016,2017,2019 and 2020.3.Installed capacity of the plant was maintained as before at 160 MW.4.Plant availability recovered to an average of about 96%following completion in 2021,compared to the 2014 average a

96、vailability of about 92%just before the retrofit works minimising plant downtime for maintenance and forced outages.a5.Annual generation:986 GWh in 2021.6.The project was supported by an Agence franaise de dveloppement(AFD)loan.b7.Benefits:improved availability and reliability of electricity supply,

97、reduced plant failures,life extension,optimised operations,and improved VRAs competitive position in national and international markets.cType of modernisationLife extensionYear of completion2020Type of facility160 MW run-of-river plantAge of facility when modernisedCommissioned in 1982;approx.38 yea

98、rs.OwnerVolta River Authority(VRA)PictureANDRITZ.com,VRA.Referencesa Information provided by VRA;b https:/www.afd.fr/fr/carte-des-projets/rehabilitation-de-la-centrale-hydroelectrique-de-kpong;c https:/ study 02.Nalubaale,UgandaIn the 1990s,the Nalubaale station was refurbished to repair concrete is

99、sues caused by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction(AAR)in the powerhouse and main dam and to address accumulated wear from a decade of civil disorder.During the repairs,the output power of all ten generators was increased,bringing the Nalubaale Power Complexs generating capacity to 180 MW.The station is adjac

100、ent to the 200 MW Kiira hydropower plant built in 2003,and together the Nalubaale-Kiira complex supplies a third of Ugandas electricity.cCHARACTERISTICS1.From 1990 to 2000,each of the ten 15 MW Kaplan turbine units was upgraded to 18 MW;increasing total installed capacity by 20%from 150 MW to 180 MW

101、.a2.Sinohydro Corporation oversaw the refurbishment of the concrete dam and powerhouse in 2018-21.3.Since 2003,upgrades have been periodically undertaken on the electrical components,typically due to systems becoming obsolete;some works have also been done on mechanical and civil structures.4.Full e

102、nvironmental and social impact assessments(ESIA)carried out to ensure compliance.b 5.Annual generation:724 GWh in 2021.a6.Eskom Uganda Ltd.has operated the Nalubaale-Kiira complex under a 20-year concession,which is nearing the end of its term.d7.Benefits:Increasing power capacity by 30 MW,life exte

103、nsion of components,reduced Type of modernisationmajor upgradeYear of completion2000Type of facility180 MW run-of-river plantAge of facility when modernisedCommissioned in 1954;approx.46 years.OwnerUganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd.(UEGCL)Picture UEGCL.com32Africa Hydropower Modernisation Pr

104、ogrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates33environmental impact,increased availability,higher annual output&reduced O&M costs.8.The plant is coming up for its subsequent rehabilitation and optimisation,with feasibility studies completed and project implementation planned

105、from 2025.The program aims to continue to address the long-term effects of AAR on the dam,refurbishment of electromechanical equipment,and structural enhancements for flood mitigation.a9.There had been no spilling since 2000 following the upgrades.However,recent flooding events in 2020 have raised c

106、oncerns about the capacity of the spillway as well as the safety of the dam.10.UEGCL is studying the feasibility of installing floating solar PV on its hydro reservoirs,including Nalubaale.11.Find further details on the operations&maintenance(O&M)strategy,issues and modernisation in a report prepare

107、d by IHA for the World Banks O&M Handbook for Hydropower published in 2020.dReferencesa Information provided by UEGCL;b https:/tractebel- c https:/ https:/openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/33313/Six-Case-Studies.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y There are many other examples of hydropower

108、upgrade programs in Africa,such as Akosombo,Upper Kafue Gorge and Kariba North Bank in Zambia,where major turbine retrofits increased capacity.29 Other projects include the Roseires hydropower plant in Sudan where measures were implemented to enhance sediment handling capacity by increasing the heig

109、ht of the dam by 10 m to raise its storage capacity from 3 to 7.4 billion m3 and thereby increasing energy generation by 50 per cent.3002.5|Policy and marketsThe decision to extend the life and potentially upgrade a hydropower station will typically be influenced strongly by the overall project econ

110、omics,which is primarily driven by modernisation costs,electricity prices and market design.At the national level,where there is a risk of decommissioning old hydropower stations and potentially losing reliable,renewable generation capacity,governments may also develop enabling policies to encourage

111、 re-investment.Typical cost benchmarks for hydropower modernisation projects are discussed in section 6.1.In Africa,cross-border power trading has been taking place for many decades,with bilateral power trading arrangements dating back to the 1950s and 1960s.During the 1990s,energy sector reform and

112、 liberalisation of national grids were undertaken in many African countries and set the stage for the development of power pools,beginning with the Southern Africa Power Pool(SAPP),followed by the development of Central(CAPP),Western(WAPP)and Eastern power pools(EAPP);all with similar objectives31:p

113、romote and increase investments in electricity production,transmission and distribution infrastructure;create a regional regulatory framework for pooling energy resources,including the establishment of common standards,rules and monitoring mechanisms;coordinate the long-term energy development in th

114、e region.34Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates35Case study 03.Mount Coffee,LiberiaAfter being destroyed in the Liberian Civil War in 1990,a complete rebuild of the Mount Coffee Hydropower station was completed in 2017,increasing its

115、 pre-war 64 MW capacity to 88 MW following the modernisation.The restoration brought much-needed power online,providing 1 million people with a stable electricity supply,replacing fossil-fuel diesel generators and helping reduce electricity prices in Liberia.cCHARACTERISTICS1.Rebuilding dams and ass

116、ociated civil works,rehabilitation of the spillway and gates,intake structure,and powerhouse civil structure&replaced the electromechanical equipment.2.The rehabilitation of the dam began in 2012,though with the Ebola virus in 2014 and local access challenges with poor road infrastructure,works were

117、 delayed by a year.Following partial completion of the intake and spillway structures,commissioning of the four 22 MW Francis units was done in 2016-2017,supplied by Voith Hydro.d3.As the facility was rendered inoperable for years,the original owner(LEC)lost its in-house expertise in operating the h

118、ydropower plant.In 2016,a contract was assigned to an outside agency(HOI)to operate and maintain the plant while carrying out theoretical and hands-on training to qualify O&M staff.Further information on the O&M model was published in 2020.c4.Annual generation:223 GWh in 2020.a5.Funded by the Liberi

119、an and Norwegian governments,European Investment Bank,German development bank KfW,and the Millennium Challenge Corporation;at a total cost of US$357m.c6.Benefits:Improved efficiency and capacity by restoring 88 MW,optimised operations,life extension,training on O&M practices,and improving climate re

120、silience.a7.Safety:mitigation of upstream and downstream flood impacts8.Although the plant is now operating well,there is a ten-year plan to add two more units,which would expand installed capacity from the current 88 MW to 132 MW.There are other plans under consideration for a second hydropower pla

121、nt.a Furthermore,a 90 MW solar farm is planned in Liberia,of which 20 MW will be built at the Mount Coffee hydropower plant expected by 2024.aReferencesa Information provided by LEC(Mount Coffee);b https:/openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/33313/Six-Case-Studies.pdf?sequence=4 c http

122、s:/ https:/ While these power pools have been functioning successfully for some time,specific challenges in Africa have developed over time.Whilst the SAPP has been the dominant player,led by well-established markets in South Africa,the lack of a champion in the WAPP and EAPP appears to have signifi

123、cantly limited their progress.This is evident in Sub-Saharan Africa,where existing hydropower is dominant and future growth in new hydropower is underway,but a well-established power trading market is still evolving.32The table 03 summarises those countries within each power pool with over 100 MW of

124、 hydropower capacity considered under the Continental Mapping study;and comments on some key trends that have evolved relative to their respective energy markets and major hydro suppliers.Type of modernisationtotal redevelopmentYear of completion2017CostsUS$357mType of facility88 MW run-of-river pla

125、ntAge of facility when modernisedOriginally commissioned in 1966;approx.51 years.OwnerLiberia Electricity Corporation Pictureopenknowledge.worldbank.org b,Hydro Operation International(HOI)36Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates37Tabl

126、e 03.African regional power pools and key hydropower trendsIn all regions and countries of Africa where existing hydropower plays a key role,such as Ethiopia,Nigeria and Uganda,the success of those markets will be tied firmly to the maintenance of existing hydropower capacity and the continued devel

127、opment of new hydropower where feasible,to ensure that these regions can generate an energy surplus,along with ensuring that adequate transmission is in place for cross-border power trading.Regional Power PoolSouthern Africa(SAPP)Linked countries with 100 MW of ageing hydropower in scopeZambia,South

128、 Africa,Mozambique,Zimbabwe,Namibia*Planned members:Angola,Malawi,TanzaniaKey trends&hydropower plants(HPPs)Hydro plants in the Zambezi river basin have undergone or are undergoing major modernisations or expansions,e.g.at the Kariba,Kafue Gorge&Tedzani Falls HPPs33Cahora Bassa HPP in Mozambique gen

129、erates significant energy for the SAPP and has facilities due for modernisationHPPs in South Africa also play a critical role,including Drakensberg pumped storage scheme which helps provide back-up reserve to the network;recently with units modernised34,35Angola,Malawi and Tanzania are not yet integ

130、rated and efforts are at an advanced stage to link the three countries into the power pool36,37In Malawi,modernisation will be needed to allow existing HPPs to interface with a new interconnector being constructed to MozambiqueRegional Power PoolEast Africa(EAPP)Linked countries with 100 MW of agein

131、g hydropower in scopeEgypt,Ethiopia,Kenya,Sudan,UgandaKey trends&hydropower plants(HPPs)Ethiopia has a number of existing hydro facilities in need of modernisation that play a major role in the EAPP.38Recently,the World Bank financed a 667 km HVDC line from Kenya through Tanzania to Zambia;to link E

132、APP&SAPP39In Egypt,the major Aswan HPPs are coming up for modernisation40Regional Power PoolWest Africa(WAPP)Linked countries with 100 MW of ageing hydropower in scopeNigeria,Ghana,Cte DIvoireKey trends&hydropower plants(HPPs)The Kainji&Jebba HPPs are key to the success of power trading in Nigeria,w

133、hich has low electrification rates(100 MW of ageing hydropower in scopeDRC,Cameroon,GabonKey trends&hydropower plants(HPPs)Modernisation&expansion of the Inga HPPs in DRC will play a strong role in the regional pools(CAPP,SAPP)HPPs in Gabon are due for rehabilitation,and works progressed in Cameroon

134、(Eda,Lagdo,Songloulou HPPs42Angolas location could also trade supply into CAPPRegional Power PoolNorth Africa(COMELEC)Linked countries with 100 MW of ageing hydropower in scopeMoroccoKey trends&hydropower plants(HPPs)As the primary source of renewable energy in Morocco,the existing hydropower assets

135、 are due for modernisation38Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates39Electricity markets can therefore act as a key driver for modernisation decisions,whether heavily liberalised or,as is more common in an African context,still mainly d

136、riven by national-level decisions.Ongoing reforms in many markets will have to recognise better and remunerate the essential role hydropower plays in supporting grids and offering balancing services to the system.In parts of both North and South America,Europe and Australia,hydropower units are alre

137、ady moving away from traditional baseload generation to modes of operation which accommodate and support a changing energy mix.43 This continues to make use of hydropowers unique characteristics as a dispatchable power source,but can also lead to higher operating costs and the need to re-invest in p

138、lants.44Broader policy changes can also have a direct or indirect impact,particularly regarding climate policy.For example,nearly all African countries have committed to action on climate change in ratified Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement,agreeing to reduce their greenh

139、ouse gas emissions and build resilience.Such policy commitments will lead to an increased emphasis on low carbon generation,which can be directly supplied by hydropower or,in the case of variable solar or wind,enabled by hydropowers flexible characteristics,which can be further enhanced through mode

140、rnisation(see section 2.6).Similarly,a policy aimed at increasing access to electricity can,in part,act as a driver for modernisation as such projects can secure existing levels of access and provide enhanced availability through additional capacity and more reliable operations.02.6|Power flexibilit

141、y,energy storage and variable renewable energies deploymentAs electricity markets and transmission grids evolve45,power flexibility and energy storage are becoming increasingly essential and strongly support the need for hydropower modernisation.According to IRENA projections,by 2050,the fleet of wi

142、nd and solar plants in Africa and the Middle East may reach the record-breaking level of 1220 GW of installed capacity,36x more than today46.It is,therefore,natural that,as of today,many generators and transmission system operators are looking for ways to improve frequency control and other ancillar

143、y services to support the electricity grid;this can require hydropower units to operate over an extended range,requiring quicker response ramping capability,part-load and fast stop/start capabilities amongst other improvements.If existing stations were not originally designed for these services,comp

144、onents may need to be re-engineered and replaced.Existing and future pumped hydropower storage projects continue to be integral in Africa.In South Africa,Eskoms 40-year-old 1000 MW Drakensberg pumped storage facility was recently modernised,with upgrades to all three units,to ensure reliable operati

145、on for the next 40 years.47 Another example is in Morocco,where the Office National de LElectricite(ONEE)has commissioned a study of the 465 MW Afourer hydropower complex,aimed at optimising operation in both the pumped storage and conventional hydropower mode of the complex.48 The International For

146、um on Pumped Storage Hydropower(PSH)provided global recommendations to support the increased deployment of PSH.49Innovative generating systems can also be implemented in modernisation projects,such as those being demonstrated in the EU-funded XFLEX HYDRO programme.50 Variable speed hydroelectric tec

147、hnologies can increase the power flexibility 40Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates41and efficiency of pumped storage,especially in markets where network stability is influenced by asynchronous wind,solar and battery technologies.Bat

148、tery hybrids can also improve energy storage services at existing hydropower stations,whereby the battery provides fast frequency response over short timescales(2 seconds or less).In turn,hydro-generators provide network regulation&ramping services over longer timeframes.Using battery electronics fo

149、r frequency control can also relieve control requirements and mechanical wear and tear on hydro machinery.These strategies add to the range of options available for hydropower.They can also give access to revenue streams that are offered(or may be offered in the future)for power balancing services,t

150、hus helping to harness hydropowers full potential.When planning modernisation projects,both the benefits and added costs of flexibility technologies will need to be increasingly considered and weighed against alternative approaches.51,52 02.7|Digitalisation of systemsThe digitalisation of hydropower

151、 technologies and operation and maintenance practices is well established in many more mature energy markets and has become a key feature of modernisation programmes.Projects now include installing new digital controls,intelligent condition monitoring systems,remotely operated systems,and supervisor

152、y control and data acquisition systems to digitalise the operation and management of existing stations.A recent publication by the Policy Center for the New South indicates that digitalisation will be key to unlocking Africas renewable energy potential to address the meager electrification rates acr

153、oss the continent.Existing hydropower assets that are designated for modernisation will need to embrace digitalisation into their project designs to ensure that these projects are optimised.5302.8|Hybridisation of hydropower plantsHybrid concepts are gaining interest,whereby different renewable tech

154、nologies complement each other and work more efficiently.Installing FPV onto existing reservoirs,in particular,provides additional renewable generation that is low carbon and cost.FPV systems can use existing infrastructure at the hydropower site,reducing land acquisition and grid connection costs o

155、therwise incurred in greenfield solar projects.Integrating the FPV and hydropower control systems can also provide a win-win solution;because generating units can be run flexibly and used to back up solar output fluctuations,thus feeding a more stable power profile into the grid network.The added so

156、lar output can also reduce requirements on hydro generation in daylight hours and can help to preserve reservoir storage levels during dry periods.Case study 04.Floating solar PV,Bui Dam in Ghana42Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates

157、43ProjectSolar hybrid at Bui Hydro Generating StationYear of completion2020Type of facility404 MW storage hydro plant,with 1 MW floating PV,plus 4 MW under construction and plans for 50MW.Age of facilityHydro commissioned in 2013;Floating PV in 2020OwnerBui Power Authority(BPA)Pictures Bui Power Aut

158、horityaWith the government of Ghanas commitment to increase penetration of renewables by 10%by 2030,BPA expanded the existing switchyard at its Bui hydropower plant to accommodate 250 MW of solar PV for the creation of a hydro-solar PV hybrid(HSH)system within the Bui enclave.In 2020,a pilot 1 MW fl

159、oating PV array was installed on the reservoir alongside a 50 MW land-based solar PV,which was also commissioned.When complete,the HSH system aims to augment and preserve the Bui reservoir by generating solar power.KEY COMPONENTSPanels2,500 PV panel units for the 1 MW floating PV pilot,to be upscale

160、d to 10,000 units(Bi-Facial Mono-crystalline PV module);the rating per unit is 405 W with surface area of 2m2 and 30kg weight.Inverters4x 250kW sizeTransformer1 MVA size to be upgraded to 6.3 MVA upon completion of the 5 MW plant.FloatsHigh Density Poly Ethene(HDPE).KEY BENEFITS1 MW floating solar p

161、ilot had a footprint of 1.7 acres(6880 m2),which is around a 50%saving on space compared to an equivalent 1 MW of land-based solar array.Reduced dust accumulation on the floating panels compared to land-based,reducing the regularity of cleaning and lower maintenance cost.Higher efficiency and output

162、:Average monthly generation for the 1 MW floating PV is 176 MWh compared to 148 MWh of land-based PV(19%increase).The higher efficiency is Referencesa Information provided by LEC(Mount Coffee);b https:/openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/33313/Six-Case-Studies.pdf?sequence=4 c https:/

163、 https:/ primarily due to the cooling effect of the water on the solar panels.Water is also conserved for larger arrays due to reduced evaporation from the reservoir.IMPLEMENTATIONPhase 1 pilot commissioned in 2020;Phase 2 expansion to 5 MW floating PV expected complete by end of of 2022;Phase 3 sub

164、ject to a successful implementation of the 5 MW system,BPA aims to upscale to 50MW.Project model1.Engineering,Procurement and Construction(EPC)+financing2.Installation was done by in-house staff at BuiPower.3.Power is transmitted via the Bui switchyard to Ghanas National Interconnected Transmission

165、System(NITS).4.BuiPower has broader plans to develop a 250 MW solar PV facility at the site(including the 50 MW co-located system on land)and has also earmarked six other locations for PV projects in the region.44Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilit

166、ation candidates4502.9|Climate resilience and hydrologyClimate resilience is a growing concern,with hydrological variability now being considered in hydropower modernisation projects.Greater weather extremes will affect hydropower infrastructure in climate-sensitive regions and may require investmen

167、t in adaptive measures.For example,southern Africa is likely to experience a drier climate with more frequent incidences of low precipitation,while east Africa is projected to experience a wetter climate with more frequent heavy rainfall.54Climate change impacts on existing and future hydropower pro

168、jects in Africa will unquestionably result in the need for additional resilience measures,which could range from enhanced flood protection to sediment management strategies,improved dam safety measures,including early warning systems,and structural improvements to river and reservoir areas.55 Hydrop

169、ower facilities may also provide increased protection for communities via modern and well-maintained hydropower dams and facilities which can offer important flood protection or water storage services during extreme meteorological events.Climate change may also result in the potential for increased

170、generation in some regions.A recent study on the Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa by the Climate Policy Initiative identified that hydropower systems in the eastern Nile,Niger and Volta basins could experience potential revenue increases of 20-140%if climate change scenarios are integrated int

171、o design and building.56Other specific examples include sediment management strategies applied at the 280 MW Roseires hydropower plant in Sudan and as well at the 130 MW Kapachira facility in Malawi.57,58,59Box 01.Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience GuideTo facilitate the development of hydropower

172、infrastructure that can withstand the risks of variable climatic conditions,the Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience Guide was developed and launched in May 2019.It is the first sector-specific climate resilience guide providing a practical and helpful approach for identifying,assessing and managing

173、 climate risks to enhance the climate change resilience of new and existing hydropower projects.The six-phase methodology can be applied to projects of all types,scales and geographies and looks at climate risk screening,data analysis,climate stress testing,climate risk management,monitoring,evaluat

174、ion and reporting.For further information on the Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience Guide,please see here:https:/www.hydropower.org/publications/hydropower-sector-climate-resilience-guideMore generally,the magnitude and variability of river inflows affect water availability for electricity product

175、ion,sometimes requiring remedial measures to be taken.Long-term changes in hydrology may justify the need for more extensive redesign at an existing site for reservoir storage and run-of-river hydropower projects.For example,suppose the long-term average river flow is declining.In that case,station

176、modernisation may be required to optimise water use by changing 46Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates47the turbine design to adapt to lower minimum flows or potentially decommissioning older units.Conversely,plant modernisation woul

177、d consider upgrades to increase unit capacity where possible or even additional units if flows are growing.In other cases,dam,reservoir and spillway upgrades may be required if average river flows have changed significantly over the decades and there is a greater risk of extreme flood events in the

178、future.In a special report prepared by the International Energy Agency(IEA),projections were made about the impacts of climate change on hydropower projects in various regions of Africa.Under a range of scenarios,the regional mean hydropower capacity factor60 is projected to decrease by the end of t

179、he century due to climate change.The analysis indicated significant spatial variation in climate change impacts regionally in Africa.For example,the hydropower capacity factor in Morocco is projected to decrease slightly;while it increases slightly for projects located in the Nile basin(including Eg

180、ypt,Sudan,Kenya,and Ethiopia)under a scenario that assumes global warming of less than twoC by 2100.61In some regions,climate change is already showing strong indications of impacting water availability and season inflow variability,with declining hydro output in Morocco in recent years and droughts

181、 in parts of Angola.The data and tools available to accurately model hydrological impacts vary by country and region.The World Meteorological Organizations 2022 State of Climate Services:Energy62 report set out several approaches by different National Meteorological and Hydrological Services provide

182、rs,including,for example,Tajik Hydromet in Tajikistan.With support from several international agencies,Tajik Hydromet can now apply new techniques to provide more targeted information to Tajikistans state-owned power utility to support the safe and efficient operation of hydropower plants.02.10|Soci

183、o-environmental impactsSustainability and environmental and social impact can be key drivers for modernisation,particularly in large-scale redevelopments.New environmental technologies are also being increasingly adopted to improve natural habitats,water quality,fish management and reduce detrimenta

184、l impacts on ecology upstream and downstream of hydropower sites.63For existing multipurpose hydropower schemes in Africa,water services can potentially be improved as due to modernisation by increasing reservoir capacity or by adding or improving existing irrigation services,flood management and do

185、wnstream flow regimes.Hydropower sites and their operations can also impact a regions public water resources,meaning changes expected from modernisation projects must be considered at the planning stage and in collaboration with the water authority.For example,in the case of the modernisation of the

186、 Nalubaale and Kiira hydropower plants in Uganda,Environmental Social Impact(ESIA)/Compliance Assessment and Environmental&Social Risk Screening/Initial Impact Assessments were considered for all possible options.64 Similarly,the ongoing modernisation of the Kainji-Jebba complex in Nigeria involves

187、full consideration of environmental&social impacts and benefits from the recovery and rehabilitation of these facilities.6548Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates49Box 02.Hydropower sustainability standard&tools02.11|Contractual limit

188、s and regulationsMany large-scale hydropower facilities operate under long-term concession agreements held with a local authority or power off-taker and sell the electricity generated to a third-party buyer via a power purchase agreement(PPA).66 The expiry of an existing concession or a PPA can be a

189、 key driver for re-investing in an existing asset.For a station nearing the end of its life,renewal of the concession agreement may be a key factor to make sure that the current operator is sufficiently incentivised to start a modernisation project.67Regulatory risks affect decisions around modernis

190、ation projects across several areas,notably:Electricity sector legislationcan guide re-licensing requirements for power stations;grid network rules can affect operating and dispatch requirements;and typical market structures and public-private models implemented in the power sector(PPAs,concessions,

191、etc.).Governments may also support re-investment and modernisation,mainly where hydropower plays a significant role,as in Norway and Switzerland.Furthermore,in the case of FPV hybrid,there may be additional regulatory factors to consider.68Water laws and policiescan affect the usage of water resourc

192、es.Water authorities must often be consulted to license any changes resulting from hydropower modernisation.Environmental legislationrequirements can come into force or be updated,obligating owners to refurbish existing hydropower sites to meet stricter limits.An Investors Guide to Hydropower in Afr

193、ica,published in 2021 by international law firm Addleshaw Goddard with support from IHA,gives an overview of these areas Developed through a multi-stakeholder process,hydropower operators and developers can now demonstrate their projects environmental,social and governance(ESG)performance using the

194、Hydropower Sustainability Standard.Projects can be certified against defined international goods and best practices using Hydropower Sustainability Tools.The tools provide a common language for governments,civil society,financial institutions and the hydropower sector to discuss and evaluate sustain

195、ability issues in hydropower projects.There are three complementary tools:The Hydropower Sustainability Guidelines on Good International Industry Practice(HGIIP)define processes and outcomes that constitute good international industry practice.Performance can be measured through two complementary to

196、ols:The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol(HSAP)considers 26 guideline topics and comprehensively enables projects to benchmark performance against defined good practices.The Hydropower Sustainability Environmental,Social and Governance Gap Analysis Tool(HESG)checks for gaps against the g

197、ood practice on key topics and includes a gap management plan.For further information on the Hydropower Sustainability Tools,please see here:https:/www.hydrosustainability.org/hydropower-sustainability-tools 50Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitati

198、on candidates51and related legal issues.Country profiles are included on Ethiopia,Nigeria,Malawi,Zambia,Uganda,Morocco,Mozambique,Cameroon,Ghana,and Rwanda many of which have ageing hydropower stations and modernisation needs.69 The World Banks Operation and Maintenance Strategies for Hydropower,pub

199、lished in 2020 with support from IHA,also provides further information on O&M models.70 Section 03E&S implications associated with modernisation projectsThe focus of this section is to discuss the main environmental and social(E&S)implications associated with modernisation projects.Hydropower projec

200、ts provide an interface between society and the environment.Modernisation projects are no different.They aim to protect people from natural hazards,like droughts or floods.They also allow people to benefit from what nature offers renewable and clean electricity that drives socio-economic development

201、 and enables wind and solar power with storage services by maximising the output of existing infrastructure.But such projects inevitably influence the environment by harming or improving existing conditions.It is essential to recognise and address these impacts to increase hydropower potential for d

202、evelopment,avoiding/mitigating the negative and maximising the positive.03.1|Introduction52Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates53The Hydropower Sustainability(HS)Standard offers the leading global assessment framework to evaluate the

203、 E&S performance of hydropower projects.Based on over two decades of implementation,the HS Standard is a proven and robust methodology to address E&S challenges in hydropower and its framework has already been used to assess the potential E&S impacts of a modernisation project in Sweden.71 It covers

204、 the following 12 sections,which are aligned with the International Finance Corporations(IFC)Environmental and Social Performance Standards and the World Banks Environmental and Social Framework:1.Environmental and Social Assessment and Management2.Labour and Working Conditions3.Water Quality and Se

205、diments4.Community Impacts and Infrastructure Safety5.Resettlement6.Biodiversity and Invasive Species7.Indigenous Peoples8.Cultural Heritage9.Communications and Consultation10.Governance and Procurement11.Hydrological Resource12.Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience03.2|General considerations abo

206、ut the environmental&social implications of modernisation projectsHydropower projects can have several sustainability risks and opportunities.These are often site-and project-specific and must be understood in detail to apply best management practices.This applies equally to modernisation projects.I

207、t is known that hydropower projects tend to have an extensive lifetime,with over 60%of the plants in Africa having been in service for more than 20 years.These vast lifetimes are usually accomplished due to modernisation works on electrical,electromechanical and civil components that help ensure the

208、 long-term efficiency of the projects.Generally,and in the HS Standard,many E&S considerations around major modernisation exercises or refurbishments for operating hydropower projects are typically assessed using the Preparation Stage and Implementation stage tools.This is because many challenges fa

209、cing modernisation projects are similar to those in the design and construction stages of a new build facility,such as altered flow regimes,sedimentation and erosion issues,occupational health and safety concerns,and potential legacy issues.Minor works to increase efficiencies,replace equipment and

210、rectify ageing infrastructure issues could be considered normal asset management practice for operations and usually would result in positive changes in the E&S indicators of the project.Other examples of E&S impacts associated with rehabilitation works that should receive careful consideration incl

211、ude but are not limited to:the use of land for brief facilities and access roads,the temporary diversion of river waters from river sections,the discharge of pollutant drainage from camps or the discharge of hazardous substance in the surroundings of the plant,noise and safety risks faced by local c

212、ommunities and possible conflicts between workers and local community members.Beyond mitigating impacts,modernisation projects can enhance pre-project E&S conditions and even address legacy issues that may impact the future perception of hydropower in the country or region.The HS Standard also offer

213、s insight into best practices to help guide ambitious project owners in developing projects that positively impact people and the planet.Another positive aspect is that modernisation projects are often associated with increased electricity generation from the target plant.This factor alone has a sub

214、stantial positive effect in supporting economic development and improving the life quality of local communities.54Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates55Table 04 provides a non-exhaustive list of potential E&S impacts of modernisation

215、 projects and opportunities for best practices.PhysicalBiologicalSocialAlteration to water level around the reservoir and the downstream riverTemporary disturbance of fauna,including nesting,spawning and migration faunaSafety risk for works during rehabilitation workDisruption of sediment movement i

216、n the river system-Safety risk for local communities leaving in the surrounding area of the plantConversion of land for disposal of spoil,obsolete components,and disposal of waste-Possible conflict between workers and local communitiesTemporary use of land for facilities and access roads-Emission to

217、 air(from vehicles)-Additional noise during project implementation-Temporary diversion of a river or excessive spilling-Table 04.Overview of the potential physical,biological and social impacts of hydropower projects03.3|Hydropower sustainability guidelines on good international industry practiceOld

218、er projects,developed before environmental and social issues were considered at all,often lack adequate environmental documentation and plans.Modernisation projects thus offer an excellent opportunity to implement new and modern environmental and social assessment management approaches,with increase

219、d stakeholder engagement and local community buy-in.In the case of rehabilitation and modernisation projects,it is highly recommended to follow the same steps as for new projects in analysing possible E&S impacts during the preparation and implementation stages.The various steps can be summarised as

220、 follows:Preparation stage Scoping and detailed assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of the implementation of the rehabilitation or modernisation project and the ongoing operation of the scheme.Detailed stakeholder engagement on impacts and issues of the project,those of ongoing

221、operations,and proposed management measures.Planning of avoidance,minimisation,mitigation and compensation measures for implementing rehabilitation,modernisation,and ongoing operation.Planning of stakeholder engagement for implementing rehabilitation,modernisation,and ongoing operation.Implementatio

222、n stage Construction to the required designs to avoid and minimise impacts.Mitigation of construction stage impacts,or when mitigation is not feasible,compensation.Continuing stakeholder engagement.Monitoring and reporting to regulators and stakeholders.Even though in the case of rehabilitation proj

223、ects,the risks of noticeable negative E&S impacts are substantially smaller than those associated initially with the plants original construction,rehabilitation projects,if not properly managed,could trigger unwanted negative E&S consequences and lead to project delays.One important approach to cons

224、ider when implementing E&S impact assessment and management plans is the principle of proportionality.This principle stipulates that the extent of mitigation required(and the associated budget)is 56Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidate

225、s57proportional to the nature and scope of the impacts caused by the project.It is therefore recommended that,as part of the study to be carried out in preparation for rehabilitation or modernisation,all the parties involved(including plant owners,the suppliers,and the financiers)dedicate sufficient

226、 time and resources to the identification of possible E&S impacts associated with the execution of the project.A recent initiative funded by Switzerlands State Secretariat for Economic Affairs(SECO)made available a total of 1 million Swiss Francs(USD 1.02m)to 40 or more hydropower projects between 2

227、020 and 2024 to help developers and operators in Africa,Asia,Europe and the Americas to benchmark and raise their social and environmental performance.This initiative is managed by the International Hydropower Associations sustainability division.72Section 04Modernisation cost benchmarkingMuch like

228、a greenfield hydropower project,modernisation projects vary from site to site in scope and complexity;therefore,estimating a modernisation projects cost in its very early stages is not always a straightforward activity.Furthermore,there is limited literature on the subject.Modernisation costs can al

229、so vary significantly on a global scale due to commodity prices,labour costs,regulatory and licencing policies and availability of parts locally.IHA undertook a high-level benchmarking exercise in 2020 to help inform understanding of investment cost ranges.The exercise covered 95 data points across

230、64 stations in 28 countries across the world,focusing on projects greater than 10 MW in installed capacity and undertaken after the year 2000.73 The cost information was drawn from both publicly available sources(e.g.utilities,equipment suppliers,engineering firms,governments and IFI reports)and cos

231、t data supplied directly from station owners or operators.Publicly available information presented some problems;for several projects,cost breakdowns were not reported.In such instances,discretion was used to determine how costs were apportioned,but where sources were deemed unreliable,these project

232、s were discarded.04.1|World-level cost benchmarks58Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates59Figure 06.The location of projects used as part of the cost benchmarking exerciseNOTE Dark blue indicates countries were at least one project co

233、nsidered in the cost benchmarking exercise was locatedFirstly,Capex costs were collected,recorded in US$and divided into three main subsystems of a station:Electrical installation costs:including transformers,high voltage switchgear,electrical equipment,auxiliary electrical services and electrical c

234、ontrol systems.Electro-mechanical installation costs:including key drivetrain components(i.e.generator,turbines,stators and rotors)and control structures(i.e.gates,valves and cranes).Civil works costs:including the civil infrastructure of a project such as a dam,intakes,powerhouse,penstocks,tunnels,

235、spillways,roads and bridges.These three categories are purposely broad due to the lack of detailed information available at a project level.This is why electrical installation costs have been combined with mechanical installation costs to create electro-mechanical installation costs.While generators

236、 are part of the electrical subsystem of a station,the costs associated with turbine-generator sets are typically reported together rather than separately.If required,costs were converted into US$and then escalated to obtain actualised costs in 2020 to make them comparable and account for the effect

237、 of general inflation.The following formula was used:CAPEXn=CAPEX0 x(1+i)nCAPEXn=the actualised capital expenditure at year n;CAPEX0=the base capital expenditure at year 0;i=the escalation rate;n=the difference between year n and year 0.In line with a 2018 study which focused on estimating the costs

238、 of greenfield projects worldwide,an escalation rate(i)of 3 per cent was adopted.74 The escalation rate refers to annual increases in prices associated with modernisation projects due to inflation.Meanwhile,civil costs bear little relationship with the capacity of a station,reflecting that the scope

239、 of civil works can vary widely and is more dependent on the size and conditions of the structure.For example,civil works can range from raising a dams height to rehabilitating its spillway gates which have significantly different cost implications and are not directly linked to a stations generatin

240、g capacity.Civil costs can also be greatly influenced by local material and labour costs,making estimating costs on this scale difficult.Figure 8 shows costs as unit values per installed capacity 60Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidate

241、s61(US$/MW)for electrical and electromechanical installations.The methodology used for calculating each unit value on a US$/MW basis was:Electrical installation cost(US$)/Total capacity of the station.Electro-mechanical installation cost(US$)/capacity associated with the number of units impacted.For

242、 electro-mechanical costs,the impacted units capacity was used as the denominator.Using the entire stations capacity would significantly deflate the cost on a US$/MW basis and not reflect reality.Figure 07.Boxplot showing the distribution of modernisation cost values for electrical installations and

243、 electro-mechanical installationselectrical installationselectro-mechanical installationsKEYIt illustrates the range containing the minimum,Quartile 1(Q1),the median,Quartile 3(Q3),and to the maximum.The mean is marked by x.0100,000200,000300,000400,000900,000700,000800,000600,000500,000Cost(2020 US

244、$/MW)Electrical installationsElectro-mechanical installationsMinimum35,0091,000Q124,000291,000Median39,000432,000Q353,500542,000Maximum166,000945,000Mean44,000464,000Table 05.The range of modernisation costs on a US$/MW basis(2020)With an average of US$44,000/MW,electrical installation costs represe

245、nt a small percentage of the overall cost associated with more complex electro-mechanical modernisation projects(less than 10%).Electro-mechanical costs varied by over US$250,000/MW between Q1 and Q3.This can,in large part,be explained by the scope of work.Costs at the lower end of this range were g

246、enerally associated with unit rehabilitation.In contrast,costs of replacing and upgrading the main drivetrain components(stators,rotors,turbines etc.)within the unit were at the higher end.Modernisation projects that involved the rehabilitation of units tended to record average costs of below US$400

247、,000/MW,while projects which replaced turbines and associated components incurred costs above US$600,000/MW.Moreover,even modernisation projects similar in scope can vary due to the various other factors influencing costs,including access to units within the powerhouse,availability of replacement pa

248、rts for non-typical unit designs,variable 62Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates63labour costs by country,upgrades required to undersized overhead cranes,etc.For this level of analysis,detailed costs of the varying components were no

249、t provided.More detailed information on specific components within the scope of the modernisation project(sealings,bearings,cooling system,turbine type,rotor and stator specifications,etc.)would allow for a more accurate cost estimate.Still,it would need to be based on more detailed studies,which ar

250、e planned to be conducted for AHMP pilot projects.As part of the work in the Africa modernisation mapping project,IHA has confirmed the validity of this modernisation cost benchmarking methodology and figures through consultation with two major hydropower Original Equipment Manufacturers(OEMs).Both

251、OEMs indicated the benchmarks are reasonable and comparable with their market experience.64Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates6566Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidate

252、s67Continent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates6766Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammePart 02Africa mapping of hydropower modernisation potential68Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates69Section 05African contex

253、tAccess to electricity is a crucial factor in enabling Africas economic growth and social development.With energy demand growing twice as fast as the global average,Africa has the opportunity to be the first continent to develop its economy using mainly renewable energy.Despite the remarkable progre

254、ss of African governments in tackling energy poverty,the continent still needs to connect 20 million people to the electricity network every year from now to 2030.According to the IEA,44%of Africas population was without access to electricity in 2020,or 584 million residents,with certain countries l

255、ike DRC,Congo,Malawi,Niger or South Sudan reporting levels above 80%.Figure 08.Electricity access in Africa(2020%of population)Electricity access in Africa5%99%52%SOURCE IEA data&IHA analysis 70Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates71T

256、he continent currently houses roughly 40 GW of installed hydropower capacity,making it the leading renewable resource and a primary electricity source alongside coal and gas.Its share of total electricity generation is predicted to increase from 17%in 2021 to over 23%by 2040.75As shown in Figure 09,

257、the current pipeline of hydropower project amounts to 118 GW and the remaining untapped potential is above 470 GW.76Figure 09.Installed,under development,and remaining potential hydropower capacity in Africa(2021)0050060070038installed118pipeline474remaining potentialGWSOURCE IHA Status R

258、epot 2022While Africa has the highest percentage of the untapped hydropower potential of any inhabited continent(with circa 10%utilised),47%of the installed capacity is over 40 years old,and 60%is over 30 years old.77 Significant opportunities exist to improve the general and specific needs of diffe

259、rent assets,countries,and regions as part of a future holistic strategy for a clean,reliable,and sustainable energy system.This report aims to present the results of a continental-wide 05.1|Scopemapping exercise by the IHA on the current status of the main hydropower facilities in Africa.This work i

260、ncluded:A screening of the IHAs world hydropower database;A webinar with the owners and operators of these plants to describe the intent and the possible outcomes of this work and how it relates to AHMP;A station-level data collection to classify the status of the assets reviewed.RegionCountries par

261、ticipatingCapacity(MW)#stationsNorth AfricaMorocco,Egypt,Sudan.Algeria,30947West AfricaCte DIvoire,Ghana,Liberia,Nigeria,Mali380110East AfricaBurundi,Ethiopia,Kenya,Malawi,Mozambique,Tanzania,Uganda,Zambia,Zimbabwe210119Central AfricaCongo,DRC,Cameroon,Gabon,314613South AfricaSouth Africa,Namibia120

262、9838The outcome of this assignment will be a valuable tool in the decision-making process of the AfDB in in developing of their activities under the Africa Hydropower Modernisation Programme.Table 06.Hydropower capacity per regionContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates7372Afri

263、ca Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeSection 06MethodologyThe overall methodology for the project followed a three-step process which is illustrated in Figure 10.Each step helped narrow down the number of stations needing modernisation through data-based analysis,expert advice,and feedback from stat

264、ion owners.06.1|OverviewFigure 10.Overall methodology for the Continental MappingActivity 1Initial screening and data gap analysisActivity 2Station level data collection&screeningActivity 3Detailed assessment1.1Screen IHAs database1.2Literature review and identification of gaps1.3Initial workshop se

265、ssion with operators2.1Station specific data collection2.2Engagement of owners in the data collection 2.3Assessment of data collected3.1Detailed assessment of stations with high needs3.2Dissemination and presentation of resultsThe following sections describe the activities carried out in tasks 1.1 t

266、o 3.2,as illustrated in Figure 1074Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates756.2.1 Screening IHAs database(Task 1.1)For the initial screening,the draft database was compiled using station data extracted from IHAs global hydropower databa

267、se and initially filtered for stations above 50 MW and over 30 years old.This reached a list of 87 stations,78 totalling 24.2 GW installed capacity(more than 60%of the African hydropower fleet).The primary station characteristics gathered in the database included:06.2|Activity 1 initial screening an

268、d data gap analysis1.Station name2.Installed capacity(MW)3.Country4.Year of commissioning5.Type of project(storage,pumped storage,or run-of-river)6.Number of units7.Province/state8.River name9.Location with latitude and longitude geocoordinates10.Project status(operational or non-operational)11.Stat

269、ion owner and classification12.Annual generationFigure 11.Location of the 87 plants identified for the study Installed capacity(MW)85001.0001.5002.100Year of commissioning1932201726 countries87 plants(24 GW)50MW size 30 years old&AfDB proposed stations76Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeConti

270、nent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates77Figure 12 below presents the age profile of the plants,i.e.installed capacity and number of stations within each age range.This illustrates that most stations within the identified dataset were between 40 and 60 years old.Figure 12.Age profi

271、le of the 87 hydro stations&installed capacity60 years1500 MW16KEYMW#stationsAGE PROFILE OF STATIONS SCREENEDSOURCE IHA database and analysis6.2.2 Literature review(Task 1.2)A literature review was undertaken covering three subtasks:1.Check the dataset of basic characteristics and close gaps where p

272、ossible using public information sources,such as other online databases,news articles,and reports;2.Screen past or ongoing rehabilitation programmes that have taken place at the 87 stations;and 3.Review the key drivers and opportunities for hydropower modernisation using existing references.In the r

273、eview of past or ongoing modernisation programmes,for stations where information was found,the year of the rehabilitation was recorded,along with a note on what type and scope of rehabilitation(e.g.electromechanical units,electrical systems,or complete station rebuild for instance;if this informatio

274、n was available).This review complemented the data collection and owner surveys in activity 2 on the rehabilitation status of plants.The review of key drivers and opportunities for hydropower modernisation was helpful in better understanding the key factors that determine the need for modernisation,

275、with a particular focus on the African region.This helped contribute primarily to section(Drivers and opportunities of modernisation)and sections 6&10(Summary of findings and detailed assessment of candidate projects).6.2.3 Webinar with owners(Task 1.3)In parallel with the literature review,owners o

276、f the 87 stations were contacted to participate in the study.Contact details were obtained through the combined IHA and AfDB networks.In total,the 87 stations comprised 30 owners,who were all sent a formal letter from IHA and AfDB explaining the background of the study,together with an invitation to

277、 a webinar which took place on 6 April 2022.The objective of the webinar was for IHA to present the background context of hydropower modernisation,the planned methodology for the Continental Mapping Study and for AfDB to present 78Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hy

278、dropower rehabilitation candidates79the AHMP.It was also an opportunity to invite the owners to actively participate in the mapping process and encourage participation in the data collection phase following the webinar(activity 2).The invitations also effectively identified the most relevant contact

279、 points at each organisation.During the webinar,two live polls were taken on the key drivers and barriers for hydropower modernisation,and questions from participants on various parts of the agenda,as shown below:What are the key drivers and opportunities for modernisation projects?15121632Refurbish

280、ing and upgrading plantsDecarbonisation and balancing variable renewablesClimate resilience and environmental&social impactsIncreasing electricity demand#votesWhat are the major barriers to hydro modernisation projects?43101113Financing#votes8Low electricity price/demandRegulationsCommercials contra

281、ct&permittingLacking awareness of existing hydro3otherThe webinar was very well attended,with over 100 participants,including 75 from African hydropower companies,representing two-thirds of the hydropower companies invited.In addition to building engagement,the webinar presentations and discussion p

282、oints revealed several key trends:Hydropower modernisation will be critical both globally and in Africa Modernising hydropower plants goes beyond standard refurbishments Initial mapping shows Africa has an ageing fleet and good examples of projects that are suitable for modernisation New technology

283、concepts have a key role to play in hydropower modernisation Access to financing is essential to move modernisation projects forward Other matters discussed during the webinar included financing models,floating solar PV,cascade hydro,staff training,climate resilience,and different hydropower hybrids

284、 such as green hydrogen.6.3.1 Station specific data collection(Task 2.1)The data collection was carried out by remote contact with the station owners.Detailed annual performance data is not available from publicly available sources.Therefore the owner surveys were essential for this task.The station

285、-level template used to collect information included a questionnaire and data form.Along with a template Excel sheet prepared for each of the 87 stations.06.3|Activity 2 Station level data collection and screeningFollowing the webinar and informed by the literature review in Activity 1,Activity 2 fo

286、cused on the collection of station-specific data to assess the modernisation needs.80Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates81The form was divided into six sections:01Modernisation history aiming to gather information about any modernis

287、ation activity that may have been undertaken in recent years,the reasons and benefits,and any available information related to the costs of modernisation.02Current operating status gathering insights on the current status of the asset,in terms of operational power and annual generation compared to i

288、nstalled capacity and optimal annual output;rate of forced outages;if there are excessive spills(indicating the asset may not be the right size relative to river flows,and/or occurrence of flood events);recent condition assessments;and if there are any major safety issues.03Future modernisation plan

289、s if future modernisations are planned and information on when,what type,the reasons and cost;if there are any environmental or social legacy issues involved;and request on any further details that may impact the station/modernisation need.04Station design data closing any gaps on the essential char

290、acteristics collected in activity 1,and some additional fields on gross&net head(m),turbine type,optimal capacity factor(%)and annual generation(GWh),type of dam,and multipurpose uses of the site/reservoir.05Annual performance data 10-year historical trends on annual powerhouse water discharge(m3/s)

291、,annual operational capacity(MW),annual generation(GWh)and capacity factor(%),annual availability(%),planned&forced outage rate(days&%)06Floating solar assessment data Further to the modernisation needs and performance of the hydropower plants,data was requested to assess the potential for floating

292、solar PV at the hydropower reservoirs.These data focused on both the overall characteristics of the reservoirs(size,depth,level variation,wave height and discharge)and the accessibility to the switchyard and the capacity and the condition of the existing transmission line.6.3.2 Engagement of owners

293、in the data collection(Task 2.2)The form then was sent to all owners covering the 87 stations in scope,including a number who did not attend the webinar.The response rates for the webinar in Task 1.3 and subsequent data collection Task 2.2 phases are shown in Figure 16.82Africa Hydropower Modernisat

294、ion ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates83Figure 13.Response rates71%29%27%9%64%Of the 31 owners invited to the webinarOwner responses to the information requestsAttendedDid not attendData submittedPartial data providedNo responseThis engagement process provided a

295、dialogue with plant owners and operators to initiate the discussion on modernisation needs,using the information extracted from the datasheets.6.3.3 Assessment of stations data(Task 2.3)This task aimed at organising the data gathered via the response to the survey into a consolidated set of informat

296、ion and classifying the rehabilitation need of the 51 plants reviewed.The assessment of the station data(Task 2.3,Figure 10)was carried out in two steps:First,a qualitative judgement was made on each case as to whether it was in high,medium or low need for modernisation,based on general criteria pre

297、sented in Table 7 below.Subsequently,a quantitative assessment was then carried out to score each plants level of modernisation need based on a set of specified criteria;this step was undertaken on the 51 plants for which sufficiently detailed information was received.The quantitative analysis was d

298、one to validate the initial qualitative categorisations and rank projects within each category.Figure 14.Illustration of the two steps process used in the station assessment(Task 2.3)criteria in an infographicSTEP 01CategorisationSTEP 02Scoring processQualitative judgement to categorise the stations

299、 based on general criteria for high,medium or low modernisation needQuantitative assessment to score the level of modernisation need using a range of specific criteria-in order to validate the qualitative categorisations and rank the stations within each categoryGeneral performance trendsKey compone

300、nts reachingend-of-lifeOwner outlined if a priority or notModernisation plans/status/completedHigh needMedium needLow needOngoing mechanical issuesOperational capacity MWAnnual generation GWhAge of electromechanial unitsAnnual availability%Forced outagesModernisation plansRole of plantSafety issueEx

301、cessive spillsRank high need listRank medium need listRank low need list1.Station A2.Station B3.Station C4.1.Station D2.Station E3.Station F4.1.Station A2.Station B3.Station C4.84Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates85Step 01Categoris

302、ation In the first step,the data collected about the power plants were reviewed and reorganised to extract a standardised set of specific information enabling a comprehensive view of the various plants.Each plants modernisation needs were then categorised between low,medium and high using a set of g

303、eneral criteria summarised in Table 7.Plants were analysed across several specific parameters extracted from the datasheets,i.e.on modernisation history,current operating status,future modernisation plans,and the annual performance of the plants.Table 07.General criteria guiding the stations categor

304、isationPlants with good performance or modernisation projects recently completed,underway or commencing shortly were classified as low need.Conversely,plants running outdated technology79,with poor performances due to low availability,high forced outage,and/or indication of derated or compromised un

305、its were typically classified as high need.Often this judgment was facilitated by some clear indications provided by the owners about one or multiple plants in their fleet requiring imminent modernisation works for which an initial assessment was already carried out.Finally,hydropower plants relying

306、 on units that were not recently installed but still operating reliably,possibly thanks to a good maintenance programme or small rehabilitation works carried out over time,were classified under the medium need category.Step 02Scoring processAs illustrated in Figure 14,besides the qualitative assessm

307、ent(step 1),in the second step of the process,a quantitative assessment was done to assign a score describing the rehabilitation needs of each station.This more quantitative analysis aimed to corroborate the results of the above qualitative categorisation process.Leveraging the data received by the

308、owner,a modernisation need score was calculated for the candidate plants owned by companies that provided sufficient information.The modernisation score was calculated as the sum of individual points associated with some specific criteria describing the condition of the power plant.For example,on th

309、e age of the major electromechanical equipment,a plant with generating units older than 45 years since the last refurbishment was assigned a score of 2,those with units between 31-45 years old scored 1,while those Low needMedium needHigh needPerformancesGood-high availability,low forced outage rateS

310、atisfactory-some years with low availability and evidence of forced outage rate Poor-low availability,high forced outage rate over extended period Components condition&modernisation statusOwner outlined not in need of modernisationPartial modernisation completed or underwayKey components reaching en

311、d of life and no recent modernisation completedFull works completed or underwayMinor works required/scheduledOwner or government outlined priority for modernisation or expansionModernisation to commence shortly contracts already in place-Modernisation plans in place,sometimes pending a complete feas

312、ibility studyCriteria used for plants lacking dataSecondary information indicated works completed or well progressed,&no urgent issuesSecondary reports noted projects or partial rehabilitations undertaken,and/or if the status was unclearSecondary sources indicated poor condition&urgent rehabilitatio

313、n needs/plans86Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates87under 30 scored 0.These age boundaries correspond to typical ageing rates of hydro turbine generators,as found in the literature review of modernisation drivers and benefits(see se

314、ction 4).Other main assessment criteria were also scored,e.g.Is the owner indicating major mechanical issues?(Yes scored 1,whereas No scored 0);Is the owner indicating a need for civil works?;Is a share of the installed capacity out of service?;Is annual generation below expectations?,etc.All scorin

315、g criteria used in calculating the total modernisation need a score for the 51 plants are shown below in Table 8.Table 08.Criteria used in the scoring process of stations modernisation needsSumming the resulting values associated with each criterion gave a total score for each station out of a maxim

316、um of 15.These results were used to validate the qualitative categorisations and prioritise candidates most needing modernisation.In some cases,specific data fields were missing in the responses from owners,reducing the total score possible for those stations.Scoring criteria for hydropower modernis

317、ation needsHow old is the electromechanical equipment?(0-30y=0,31-45y=1,45y+=2)Is owner indicating major mechanical issues?(Y=1,N=0)Is owner mentioning need for Civil works?(Y=1,N=0)Is there power out of service relative to installed MW capacity?(0%=0,1-50%=1,50%=2)Is annual generation in 2020 and 2

318、021 below expectations?(0-50%=2,50%-90%=1,90%=0)Has the owner linked low generation to water level issues?(Y=-1,N=0)Has the owner linked low generation to low grid demand?(Y=-1,N=0)Has annual availability in 2020 and 2021 been low?(90%=0)Indication of high forced outages?(Y=1,N=0)Has the owner plans

319、 or indications for modernisation?(Y=1,N=0)Has the plant a substantial role on the grid?(10%national supply=1,50MW=1)Is the reservoir surface area above 4000 m2?(Y=1,N=0)Is the maximum reservoir depth below 50m?(Y=1,N=0)Are the maximum water level variations below 25m?(Y=1,N=0)Is the reservoir singl

320、e purpose,for energy production only?(Y=1,N=0)Is the maximum wave height below 2m?(Y=1,N=0)Is the distance between the reservoir and switchyard below 3km?(Y=1,N=0)Is there spare transmission capacity available(above 30MW)?(Y=1,N=0)Is the turbine type flexible?(Pelton/Francis=1,otherwise=0)Total scor

321、e90Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates91PV area factor(assumed as 0.1 kW/m2),PV performance ratio accounting for system losses&cooling effects(0.8 assumed),and AC/DC inverter load ratio(1.25 assumed including solar clipping).6.4.1 D

322、etailed assessment of stations with high needs(Task 3.1)For this task,interviews were set up with each relevant owner to discuss the candidate plants and modernisation needs in more detail.The goal was to produce summaries on each high-need case for a more detailed assessment and prioritisation of c

323、andidates covering:06.4|Activity 3 detailed assessmentHydropower stations assessed in high need of modernisation in Activity 2 were carried forward as shortlisted candidates into Activity 3.In this project phase,a more detailed analysis was carried out to understand better the context and the requir

324、ed rehabilitation work for each case.Hydropower station overview and description(key essential characteristics;categorisation rationale;age&condition of electromechanical units;year of last refurbishment;key modernisation needs no.of units impacted and if any civil works would be required)Role of th

325、e plant currently in the power sector and how it could improve after the modernisation(contribution to total national supply;baseload or peaking services;generation profile concerning seasonal hydrological flows;reservoir storage;cascade operations with other plants)Annual performance indicators(his

326、torical generation and availability trends)Operational issues(further detail on ongoing equipment problems,refurbishment needs and/or reasons for low performance)Scope of potential modernisation(components and works required;status of the project regarding timeline,studies,funding secured;the magnit

327、ude of energy gains from a modernisation,if available)Cost estimates of modernisation(either provided directly by the owner where possible and/or using IHA benchmark ranges applied to the capacity impacted)and owners preferred legal structure for modernisation(public,Independent Power Producer or Pu

328、blic Private Partnership)Potential for solar PV(with any additional detail on project constraints,the status of studies)Further considerations(e.g.sediment management,other local factors)6.4.2 Dissemination and presentation of results(Task 3.2)The final task of the project focuses on disseminating a

329、nd presenting the results.This is mostly covered by the preparation of this report and the participation at several events and webinars to showcase the high-level findings of this work.06.5|Environmental&sustainabilityAs part of the screening activities focusing on assessing the hydropower plant con

330、ditions,IHA has attempted to collect information regarding the environmental and sustainability(E&S)impacts of modernisation projects for the plants in the high-need category.However,insufficient information was available at this stage,and further assessment would be needed on a project-by-project b

331、asis ahead of modernisation work.IHA has prepared a review of the possible E&S impacts of the modernisation works required by the high-need stations.This was prepared in consultation with the IHA Sustainability Team,and it also includes some general suggestions about Good International Industry Prac

332、tice(GIIP)to be followed in preparation for rehabilitation and modernisation projects.The results of this review are presented in section 08.92Africa Hydropower Modernisation ProgrammeContinent-wide mapping of hydropower rehabilitation candidates93Section 07Summary of findingsThis section presents t

333、he results of the mapping exercise carried out by IHA by following the methodology described in section 06.07.1|Continent-wide mapping and regional analysisThe findings of the station-level assessments obtained applying the methodology described in sections 6.3.3 and 6.4 for the 87 hydropower plants totalling 24,200 MW across Africa are presented in Figure 18.This shows the number of plants assess



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