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1、Discover our dataKey insightsSocial media in the USHow do Americans compare to the rest of the world on social media?What does usage look like for consumers in different generations?Taking a look at the top platformsWhat are the most popular apps?Is there any crossover in users?The biggest behaviora

2、l trends How are Americans consuming content?How can brands lean into behavioral trends on social?Shopping on social mediaWhats working for social commerce?How does the de-influencing trend come into play?More from GWIAppendixNotes on methodology0507095In this reportMethodology&definition

3、s All figures in this report are drawn from GWIs online research among internet users aged 16-64 or 16+.Our figures are representative of the online populations of each market,not its total population.Note that in many markets in Latin America,the Middle East and Africa,and the Asia-Pacific region,l

4、ow internet penetration rates can mean that online populations are more young,urban,affluent,and educated than the total population.When reading this report,please note that we use a mixture of data from our ongoing global quarterly research,GWI Core,as well as GWI USA,GWI USA Plus,and GWI Zeitgeist

5、.GWI USA is a quarterly online study among internet users aged 16+in the US,representing Americans across all 50 states.GWI Zeitgeist is a monthly recontact study of Core that we carry out in 12 markets.Each year,GWI interviews over 950,000 internet users aged 16-64 in 52 countries via an online que

6、stionnaire for our Core data set.A proportion of respondents complete a shorter version of this survey via mobile;hence the sample sizes presented in the charts may differ as some will include all respondents,and others will include only respondents who completed GWIs Core survey via PC/laptop/table

7、t.Click the lines to navigate 4Discover the data on our platformInformation about the source and base SourceBaseEach of the graphs is numbered More information can be found in the Appendixsection at the end of this reportJust click this iconto explore the dataon the platformEach chart from our ongo-

8、ing global research in this report contains a hyper-link that will bring you straight to the relevant question on our platform,where you can investigate all data by demographics,over time,and among your own audiences.6 6KeyinsightsSocial media patterns are evolvingWhile Americans spend less time on

9、social media compared to the global average,time spent online in the US has remained steady since 2020.While this continued trend suggests that the pandemics impact on social media usage hasnt dropped desires to spend time online,future intentions may change.31%of Americans say they try to limit the

10、ir time on social media,a 9%increase since Q2 2020.This information is crucial for understanding the changing habits of social media users and nods to how brands can adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.Generational dynamicsGen Z spends the most time on social media but are wary of its nega

11、tive impact on mental health.Marketers should tailor messaging to resonate with their desire for authenticity and promote positive engagement.Additionally,the growing presence of older consumers on social media offers opportunities for brands to engage and retain this affluent demographic through cu

12、stomized content and experiences.Authentic&community-driven platforms are highly favoredAmericans seek out authentic,com-munity-driven platforms that reflect real-life experiences rather than posts of perfection.Understanding these pref-erences allows marketers to tap into micro-communities and crea

13、te person-alized messaging that resonates with highly targeted audiences.Platforms like BeReal,Reddit,and Tumblr have gained popularity in the US due to their focus on these key traits.Consumers want social commerce to feel organicConsumers are taking charge of their shopping experience,favoring use

14、r-controlled discovery over the passive consumption of ads.Young consumers are driving this.Social media is the number one way Gen Z finds new products and information,influencing the way we search for brands in the future.Social platforms are integrating videos into their feedThe rise of TikTok dem

15、onstrates the importance of incorporating video content into social media strategies.Video-centric platforms continue to engage users and offer opportunities for effective advertising.Integrating old and new technologies is crucial,as con-sumers often use multiple platforms.Brands should consider le

16、veraging both established and emerging platforms to reach their target audience effectively.8 801Social media in the US 10On average,compared to the rest of the world American con-sumers spend less time on social media.Looking at the US specif-ically,since 2020 time online has slightly grown overall

17、 compared to other world regions.Since Q1 2022,the daily average of social media time has increased by 4 minutes in the US indicating a steady hold from the pandemic.Time spent on social media hasnt dropped in America just yet,but it hasnt grown significantly either.As 31%of Americans say they try t

18、o limit their time on social media,a 9%increase since Q2 2020,future intentions may change to align with global time spent online.Time limits to social media may also explain why American con-sumers are less likely to be heavy social media users.US consumers are only slightly above Europeans,with 16

19、%of US consumers using social media more than 4 hours a day,compared to 13%in Europe.Social rankings of the US vs.other marketsUS consumers spend13%less time on social media per day compared to the global average12The US ranks lower than the global average The heaviest social media users arent found

20、 in AmericaAverage time spent using social networks per day in h:mm%who use social media more than 4 hours a day216,646 internet users users aged 16-64 outside China,and 25,340 US internet users aged 16-64GWI Core Q1 2023USLatin AmericaAPACEuropeMEA3:323:132:262:162:01Globally2:34USLatin AmericaAPAC

21、EuropeMEA3129181613Globally20%12 12Social media in the US3254,445 US internet users aged 16-64 GWI Core Q4 2020-Q1 2023Scrolling from the pandemic to nowAverage time spent using social networks per day in h:mmGen Z spends over 3 hours a day on social media,the highest among all generations.This is u

22、nderstandable considering they have grown up with it as an inte-gral part of their culture and daily lives.However,its crucial to rec-ognize that as Gen Z spend more time online,theyre more aware of the negative impacts of social media.Theyre 2x more likely than the average American to say that soci

23、al media has a negative effect on their mental health.As a result,Gen Z are more critical of social media and mindful of their usage.For brands and social platforms,balancing how Gen Z spend time online with their health concerns can be tough to navigate.In our data,weve seen an 8%increase since Q1

24、2022 in US Gen Z wanting brands to be authentic,so this is where realness comes into play.For both Gen X and baby boomers,time online has remained stable.But since Q1 2021,the number of 50-64-year olds with 5+social media accounts has grown by 37%.This tells us that older consumers not only spend mo

25、re time online,but have an openness to exploring several social media platforms.In the same timeframe,baby boom-ers have shown a 13%increase in discovering brands through ads on social media,highlighting the effec-tiveness of both traditional and new media in capturing their attention.The growth in

26、older consumers presence on social media presents an exciting opportunity for brands that shouldnt be ignored.With 61%of baby boomer social media users agreeing that when they find a brand they like they stay loyal to it,74%higher than Gen Z,there is a valuable opportunity to cultivate strong brand

27、loyalty within this afflu-ent demographic.By customizing content,advertisements,and user experiences to resonate with the interests and values of older con-sumers,marketers can truly thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape.Pandemic to present:the altered landscape of social mediaUSGen ZMillenn

28、ialsGen XBaby Boomers3:052:322:071:431:042:552:262:021:380:593:002:362:081:421:022:562:392:141:531:113:082:402:171:531:142:562:362:131:481:142:522:332:111:491:092:592:412:161:521:143:032:362:151:511:123:012:352:161:481:13-0:040:030:090:050:09Q4 2020Q12021Q22021Q32021Change in minutes sinceQ4 2020Q42

29、021Q12022Q22022Q32022Q42022Q12023Take a deep dive on todays it consumer:Your 2023 US Gen Z vibe checkDownload report 14 14Social media in the USThe US stands out against other countries for using apps like BeReal,Reddit,and Tumblr.This reflects the growing trend of Americans wanting to see authentic

30、ity on social media,and where community cre-ates an appealing place for users to connect about real-life experiences.The use of Reddit by US consumers on a monthly basis has witnessed a notable 15%year-on-year increase,and users of the app are 31%more likely than the average internet user to use soc

31、ial media for dis-covering like-minded communities.A new addition to the mix is BeReal,an app that strives to break away from the pursuit of picture-perfect moments and instead showcases the real aspects of life.Between Q4 2022 and Q1 2023,there was a 5%increase in users on the app,and users main re

32、asons for using the app are its ease,that their friends are on it,and that its fun.The platform recently added RealPeople to further amplify the quest for genuine content by offer-ing users an unfiltered view into the lives of the worlds most captivat-ing actors,athletes,and activists.As Americans f

33、ocus on commu-nity and authenticity on social media,emerging and niche identity subcultures have significant impli-cations for marketers and brands.Understanding and tapping into these micro-communities allows brands to connect with highly tar-geted audiences and create more personalized,tailored me

34、ssaging.Unveiling the authenticity trendDespite still spending 1 in 6 of their waking hours on social media,its perhaps no surprise to see young adults placing greater importance on going out into the real world and meeting real friends.Make no mistake though Gen Z will continue to document those IR

35、L exploits on their socials,just as theyll continue to scroll content and shop the feed.For marketers,the trick is to focus on the“life”part,not the tech or the media.Win new audiences with inclusive,authentic marketingDownload report 16 16Social media in the USSIMON KEMPFounder and CEO of Kepios,gl

36、obally recognised thought leader in digital marketing,and an active marketing consultant and practitioner.02The top performing platforms 18Crowd pleasers:the role of legacy social platformsTheres no denying the growth of TikTok in recent years,and its appeal to Gen Z should come as no sur-prise with

37、 63%using the app weekly-but other generations have been influenced by their usage too.The number of social media users who use TikTok on a weekly basis has skyrocketed by an impressive 34%in just two years.Among all generations,TikTok remains the top favorite among Gen Z.Our latest wave of data tel

38、ls us that Gen Z is more likely than any other generation to engage with viral or funny video clips.This serves as a testament to the lasting hype and relevance of video content on social media.However,its equally important to recognize the enduring stability of Facebook.Facebook still remains a dom

39、inant social media platform globally,with 66%of social media users outside of China using it at least weekly.In the United States,Facebook maintains its number one spot with 74%of Americans using it at least weekly.This tells us that,despite the emergence of new social media platforms like TikTok,Fa

40、cebook has man-aged to maintain its popularity.The long-standing resilience of Facebooks platform usage can also be linked to a rise in younger consumers taking to the plat-form.Gen Zs usage continues to rise with those using the platform on a weekly basis,increasing 15%since Q1 2021.This generation

41、 is known for their thrifty behavior when it comes to shopping pref-erences.When Gen Z arent using the platform for watching videos(42%),theyre taking advantage of Facebook Marketplace(34%)a feature that resonates with their want for affordability and sustaina-ble consumption.Brands should pay atten

42、tion to this,catering to Gen Zs preferences by offering budget-friendly options and highlighting the sustainability benefits of their prod-ucts or services,especially as more are turning to Facebook for this type of shopping experience.Among all generations,there has been a 13%increase in the use of

43、 Facebook Marketplace or Instagram Shopping since Q1 2021.And it seems to have caught on,with newer social media apps fol-lowing the trend.TikTok now has a shopping feature where users can order straight from the app,catering to their vast Gen Z following and their shopping desires.20 20 20The top p

44、erforming platforms4Q12021Q12023-215Q12021Q12023-2Q12021Q12023Q12021-6Q120239Q12021Q12023Q1202134Q12023Q12021-7Q12023Q12021-7Q12023Top social media platform usage has fluctuated%of users who say they use these apps on at least a weekly basis and the%change since Q1 2021 167,129 US social media users

45、 aged 16+GWI USA Q1 2023%change since Q1 2021InstagramTwitterFacebookTikTokPinterestSnapchatLinkedInReddit 22The top performing platformsSocial media crossovers86%of Snapchat users also have an Instagram accountTheres a common mis-con-ception that new social media platforms automatically replace old

46、 ones.And in the hype and dis-course of newer platforms,many marketers believe that new social media platforms can replace trending ones,but this isnt always the case.When building a marketing strategy,its crucial to consider that a significant portion of your target audience is using multiple platf

47、orms.This realization opens up opportunities for focused efforts,and prompts brands to question the worth of investing in a new platform when they might be addressing the same audience on another.Its important to point out that people who consider these plat-forms their favorite tend to have similar

48、 reasons for using social media.Those who favor Instagram and Pinterest for instance,are more inclined than others to seek inspiration through social media,suggesting that both these apps can serve as valuable resources for discover-ing new products or destinations.On the flip side,consumers who are

49、 fans of Twitter and Reddit are both more likely than the average user to use social media for find-ing like-minded groups,indicating that cross-platform communi-ties are being built where brands can engage in the conversation.By embracing new technologies or features,and recognizing their complemen

50、tary nature,busi-nesses and marketers can stay ahead of the curve without aban-doning existing channels and holding a zero-sum mentality.The key lies in integrating old and new technologies to effectively connect brands with their audi-ence,leaving behind the notion of having to choose between them.

51、24 24 24The top performing platformsFacebookYouTubeWhatsAppInstagramTikTokTelegram MessengerSnapchatTwitterRedditPinterestLinkedInSocial media/messaging overlaps in users25,340 US internet users aged 16-64GWI Core Q1 2023%of each social media platforms users who also use the following at least month

52、ly5Low HighN/A 2603Behavioral Trends:a vibe check on 2023 28Twinning with TikTokSocial media platforms thrive when they offer unique features that set them apart.However,the differences between plat-forms are starting to blur as they adapt and evolve to keep up with consumer demands.TikToks suc-cess

53、 with short-form video has sparked many other platforms like Instagram,Facebook,Snapchat,and Twitter to introduce their own video features.As social media platforms expand their capabilities to accommo-date different types of media,18,512 US social media users aged 16+GWI USA Q1 2023Social media act

54、ionsRank based on the%of social media users who have done these actions in the last month6LinkedInTwitterSnapchatRedditInstagram344445555Watched a videoWatched Instagram ReelsCreated StoriesReacted to poll on StoriesClicked on a promo postWatched a videoTwitter TrendingRetweet buttonNotif

55、ications/mentionsFavorite buttonLooked for jobsAdded new connectionsReacted to contentFollowed a(company)pageWatched a videoWatched a videoUp-votied/down-voted postsChecked notificationsLeft comments/repliesJoined communitiesFacebook1122334455Watched a videoFacebook MarketplaceFacebook GroupsFaceboo

56、k StoriesClicked on a promo postViewed a StoryWatched a videoCreated a StoryUsed MemoriesUsed filters/geofiltersthey attract new users in hopes to prevent them from seeking alter-native options.Our data confirms this video-centric opportunity:among the most popular social media platforms in the US,w

57、atch-ing videos ranks among the top five actions for users,and takes the top spot for the majority of actions.Incorporating videos on social media platforms also opens up a broader scope for advertising,and with a 10%year-on-year increase in consumers discovering brands through ads on social media t

58、he potential is hard to ignore.Its worth mentioning that copying features between social platforms is not uncommon.TikTok itself recently added the ability for users to post longer video content on its platform,much like other pop-ular apps such as YouTube and Instagram,further blurring the boundari

59、es between newer plat-forms and older established ones.By leveraging the power of video and embracing the chang-ing landscape of social media,brands can connect with users in more engaging ways and stay ahead of the competition.30 30Behavioral Trends:a vibe check on 2023Since its launch in November

60、2022,ChatGPT has rapidly advanced,raising questions about its uses,enhancements,or implications for the future.While this surge in interest presents many opportunities for brands across a variety of industry sectors,social media platforms could be at an advantage to leverage ChatGPT,or other forms o

61、f AI,sooner rather than later.Some have already embraced this potential.Snap,for instance,has integrated its own AI chatbot,powered by ChatGPT,into the Snapchat app.While many consumers have utilized ChatGPT for enhancing productivity,like helping learn a new topic(43%)or improving skills in a certa

62、in area(36%),Snaps move positions the tool as a personified companion,fostering an engaging and interactive experience.Notably,our data tells us that 43%of American ChatGPT users engage with the bot as if they were conversing with a real person.Social media brands should recognize that adaptations t

63、o embrace AI into their platforms is crucial to meet evolving user expectations.However,while AI can bring valuable improvements,there are also ethical,data,and user privacy considerations that need to be addressed.The concern surrounding AI has grown significantly,with a remarkable 26%increase in A

64、mericans expressing worry between Q4 2022 and Q1 2023 surpassing the escalation observed during geopolitical tensions following the invasion of Ukraine.Brands will need to consider users innovation expectations alongside managing these concerns as AI continues to change the online landscape.All the

65、talk on AI 32 32Behavioral Trends:a vibe check on 2023Content creation isnt just for influencers Traditionally,musicians relied on established record labels to gain exposure,taking months to build a reputation.But now,songs can go viral on TikTok in a matter of days,leading to millions of listeners,

66、and significant supplemental income.Social media has,in many ways,revolutionized the way musicians,artists,and other creative indi-viduals promote and showcase their work.Now that content cre-ators have direct access to global audiences,social media ena-bles them to cultivate their own online presen

67、ce and engage with fans on a more personal level.Brands can benefit from con-tent creators in multiple ways-especially in user engagement.To enhance audience interaction on your platform,the main focus should be to attract content creators,as their followers are eager to follow their favorite creato

68、rs.According to our data,65%of Americans support content creators,with the majority actively engaging by con-suming and sharing their content.In an era where micro-community culture thrives online,especially in the US,having content crea-tors on your platform is a sure win.Collaborating with these c

69、reators will keep user engagement high and advertisers curious to join in.Pinterest is an example of where social media platforms can build on this opportunity,by adding shoppable links into lifestyle pins created by content creators,resulting in a win-win scenario for both the creator and the brand

70、.7Discovery is the key to broadening perspectives,building skills,and inspiring action.At Pinterest,discovery is the heartbeat of our platform,and well continue to help our users to find,plan,shop,and take action on inspiring ideas.DARON SHARPSPinterest,Global thought leadership research leadThe sco

71、pe of content creationConsumers support creators by watching and sharing%of consumers who do the following%of consumers who say how they support content creators 2,051 US internet users aged 16-6425,340 US internet users aged 16-64GWI Zeitgeist January 2023GWI Core Q1 2023I consider myself a musicia

72、n or audio creatorI have shared my own blog post or video in the last weekI have used a paid-for membership site for following creators/influencers in the last weekProvided ideas for a new product/design in the last month151276By consuming their contentBy sharing their contentBy giving feedbackBy bu

73、ying their products/servicesBy paying for a regular subscriptionBy sending a virtual tip443424141388 34 34Behavioral Trends:a vibe check on 202304Social commerce#buy_vintage_tshirt 36Window scrollingThe growing trend of social com-merce is fueled by the desire for an authentic journey,where it feels

74、 less like an ad and more like organic discovery.Social media has become a space for product exploration.Brand dis-covery on social media has seen growth across all demographics,but especially among younger generations.Gen Zs are now turn-ing to social media as their go-to source for answers,surpass

75、ing search engines.When it comes to social media marketing strategies,while ads still hold their ground,social media posts are closing the gap,not only showcasing consum-ers growing preference for taking charge of their shopping experi-ences,but also opening doors for brands to build on their presen

76、ce in a more integral way as users scroll on their feeds.When looking at other ways consumers interact with brands on social media,the percentage of consumers who click on sponsored posts is relatively low compared to ads or creator posts.On platforms like TikTok,users are more likely to follow cre-

77、ator accounts and explore their“discover page”than to click on promoted posts.Similarly,inter-acting with sponsored posts on Snapchat is the least common action reported by consumers in the past month,indicating that consumers may see sponsored content as less authentic or natural compared to other

78、types of posts.Brands should look towards user-controlled discovery when considering their ad spend,and consider investing in roles that support digital marketing and social media management,particularly when traditional advertising can feel artificial to social media users.11Millennials are58%more

79、likely than the average American to say they are more vocal about brands because of social media 20,091 US social media users aged 16+GWI USA Q1 2023Where brand discovery happens%of internet users who typically find out about new brands/products via the following,and the%change since Q2 20209%change

80、 since Q2 2020Ads on social mediaSocial media postsSponsored posts onsocial mediaBlogs/vlogsExpert/specialistreview sitesCelebrityendorsements31+4028+3617+367+97+106+3 38Social commerceDe-influencing:has it taken off as we thought?At the time of writing this report,the#de-influencing trend has gaine

81、d 615.7M views on TikTok.Many factors point to this trend,including concerns about over-consumption,and a desire for product transparency.With eco-nomic uncertainty on the rise,many consumers will look to prior-itize their finances,opting to save money by avoiding products that dont live up to their

82、 internet hype.Its important to note that de-influ-encing is still,at its core,a form of influencing.Often when creators are persuading consumers not to buy a product,they recommend another to purchase instead.Dupe trends,particularly those within the beauty industry,go hand-in-hand with de-influenc

83、ing,where consumers look for an inexpensive alternative to a high-end product.This comes at a time when beauty fans are even looking to get thrifty with their purchases with one-third saying theyre looking to spend less on beauty products and personal care.Trust is an important factor here,but brand

84、 trust is falling across the board.Only 2 in 10 consumers trust big brands and corporations,with social media trusted even less(13%).Interestingly,young Americans place considerable trust in influencer recommenda-tions.28%of Gen Z and millennials agree that influencer recommen-dations are more trust

85、worthy than regular ads.This makes sense,as theyre 40%more likely than the average American to follow influencers who share their values,building on the idea that these generations are val-ue-driven consumers seeking information from creatives as opposed to corporations.There is still ample opportun

86、ity for growing trust with older con-sumers too.When it comes to Gen X and baby boomers,nearly half of these consumers express no trust in brand recommen-dations from influencers,and they are less inclined to make a purchase based on such recom-mendations.Nevertheless,Gen X and baby boomers are loya

87、l demographics,making it worth-while for brands to earn their trust.Its essential for brands to meet them where they are,and recognize that they are not easily swayed by whats considered cool and trendy.As brands navigate the evolving landscape of influencer marketing,the de-influencing trend presen

88、ts a valuable opportunity.Consumers are seeking authenticity,transpar-ency,and value.To capitalize on this trend,brands should recognize the impact of influencer recom-mendations and leverage their trust among young Americans.Simultaneously,there is untapped potential with Gen X and baby boomers,who

89、 prioritize loyalty.By tailoring strategies that meet the needs of each individual group,brands can create meaningful relationships and inspire trust in a crowded marketplace.Find out whos spending&whats trending in this economy,get the slowdown lowdownDownload report 40 40Social commerce 42Want fre

90、sh audience insights on tap?See what GWI can do for you.Book a free demoAppendix123456789On an average day,how long do you spend on social media?On an average day,how long do you spend on social media?On an average day,how long do you spend on social media?How often do you visit or use these service

91、s?How often do you visit or use these services?What have you done on Facebook/Facebook Messenger in the last month?What have you done on Instagram in the last month?What have you done on Reddit in the last month?What have you done on Twitter in the last month?What have you done on LinkedIn in the la

92、st month?What have you done on Snapchat in the last month?In the last week,which of these have you done online?Which of the following describe you?Which of the following actions have you done online in the past month?How do you currently support con-tent creators,if at all?A content creator produces

93、 entertaining/informational material for viewers(i.e.a livestreamer,YouTuber,writer/blogger,podcaster,artist,etc.)How do you typically hear about new products or services?Introduction Figures in this report are drawn from GWI Core and GWI USA,GWIs online research among internet users aged 16-64 and

94、16+.Because we conduct our research online,we represent the internet-us-ing part of the US population only.According to our own projections,90%of the US population aged 16+are internet users.Sample size This report mainly draws insights from GWI USAs Q1 2023 wave of research,with a sample of 20,091

95、respondents.It also relies on GWI Cores Q1 2023 wave of research,with a sample of 241,138 US respondents.Our quotas Each year,GWI interviews over 80,000 internet users aged 16+in the US(or 20,000 per quarter)via an online questionnaire for our GWI USA dataset.This is representative of an estimated 2

96、40 million internet users in the US aged 16+.To ensure our sample accurately reflects the make-up of the US internet pop-ulation aged 16+,we set quotas on age,gender,race/ethnicity,income,and regional location.These quotas are calculated using a number of demographic research sources,including the U

97、S Census Bureau and Pew Research Centre.During each wave of research,responses are weighted based on the age,gender,race/ethnicity,and income of the respondent.Language&cultural indicators Separate from asking about racial identity,we also ask about Hispanic identity.Any respondent is able to identi

98、fy as Hispanic,regardless of their answer to the racial identity question.Within the Hispanic group,we monitor language preferences to ensure we achieve a good balance of those identifying as Spanish-dominant vs English-dominant.We interview a minimum of 2,500 Hispanic respondents each quarter.Multi

99、cultural questions are shown only to Hispanic,Black/African American,and Asian American respondents.All respondents choose whether they want to complete the survey in Spanish or English.MobileGWI USA has been designed so that all questions are mobile-friendly.Respondents are therefore able to complete the survey via mobile,tablet,PC/desktop,or laptop/notebook.This means respond-ents take the same version of GWI USA regardless of the device they are using.Notes on methodology 44ELISE HUGHESCONSUMER TRENDS ANALYST CHASE BUCKLEVP OF TRENDS Get in touch 46 GWI 2023



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