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1、A11y UX Product Offers11 July,2023DRAFT Ipsos|Accessible Discovery Product OfferIpsos UX accessibility researchers conduct sessions with participants who use assistive technology to inform our understanding of the challenges and special circumstances they experience.Sessions are planned and paced to

2、 allow enough time for participants with disabilities to complete thoughtful exploration of experiences and share feedback.These trained researchers are familiar with providing accommodation to people with disabilities so their participation can be as seamless as possible.This includes supports for

3、people who use screen readers,voice commands and ASL interpretation among other assistive technologies or helpers.Ipsos UX research aims to be inclusive and equitable,so that all voices are heard.Specialist Expertise Ipsos|Accessible Discovery Product Offer3 UX Testing with Assistive TechUX Accessib

4、ility Get StartedUX Accessibility DiscoveryUX Accessibility PanelsA11y UX Product OffersTesting experiences with participants who use assistive technology to ensure your product(s)is accessible.Introduce your team and stakeholders to the world of accessibility research and optimize your approach to

5、be more inclusive.Get to know participants with disabilities through in-depth qualitative research to understand their lived experiences,needs,pain points,and more.Access participants with disabilities in a shorter and more cost-effective way by setting up a panel of participants ready to engage.UX

6、Testing with Assistive Technology11 July,2023UX Testing with Assistive Technology allows for a more accurate representation of the experience of people with disabilities and helps identify accessibility barriers leading to more inclusive and effective design solutions.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive

7、 Tech Product Offer5 What assistive technologies should you consider during testing?What barriers are people with disabilities experiencing?How do assistive technologies vary across countries and marketplaces?Are you delivering a great experience for all of your users?How about people with disabilit

8、ies?Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offerof screen reader users feel that web content accessibility is getting worse.2of website visitors with disabilities will leave a website that is not accessible.2People who rely on assistive tech are underservedof websites are inaccessible to peopl

9、e with disabilities who rely on assistive technology.11 hhttps:/www.abilitynet.org.uk/news-blogs/inaccessible-websites-keep-disabled-people-out-work-abilitynet-tells-government-taskforce2 https:/ddiy.co/web-accessibility-statistics/#:text=60%25%20of%20screen%20reader%20users,programs%20have%20a%20ce

10、ntralized%20budget.3 https:/ Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer7 UX Testing exposes how your offerings work(or dont)with assistive technologies.Task-based,moderated usability testing,will uncover gaps and barriers.Using these insights,well de

11、sign an accessibility roadmap that will elevate experiences for people with disabilities.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer8 An understanding of what works and what doesnt for PwD who use or could use your offerings.Highlight reels that build empathy with internal teams.Recommendatio

12、ns to help solve both accessibility and usability issues for PwD.Design solutions(e.g.wireframes)that illustrate possible design solutions.Relevant Context of Assistive Technology Actionable RecommendationsWhat Youll GetUX Issues and PrioritiesClarity around barriers and pain points with assistive t

13、echnologies including an inventory of issues,verbatims,and video clips of usability problems.Issues rated for severity and prioritized to inform product roadmap decisions.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferObserve Use in Context See Issues Completing TasksDesign Ideal StateUnderstandi

14、ng PwD environment,supports and challenges provides essential perspective when evaluating how assistive technology works with(or doesnt)daily activities.1:1 moderated,task-based usability testing with PwD who use assistive tech provides rich insights and feedback as they complete tasks and explore f

15、eatures and functionality.Protocols that help PwD point to and articulate where the process is difficult reveal issues that impact accessibility and usability that when addressed make better experiences for all.Based on testing insights,Ipsos UX designers develop recommendations to address both usab

16、ility and accessibility issues.Recommendations and features are prioritized based on impact and urgency.9 UX Testing with Assistive Technology Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferIpsos UX will work with your team to:10 Ipsos UX will moderate the sessions as follows:Ipsos UX will delive

17、r the following:How we work:UX Testing with Assistive TechnologyPreparationUser SessionsDeliverablesEngage PwD in the test design.Prepare the screener to ensure the PwD are engaged and respected.Recruit and schedule according to PwD needs and Assistive Technology circumstances.Develop a discussion g

18、uide that lays out the session flow and potential probes.Conduct a pilot to ensure timing and session flow.Prepare PwD with a no surprise call before sessions.PwD are guided to complete common and critical tasks on the app prototypes.PwD share thoughts to capture insights about what they are trying

19、to do and what issues arise.Session will be timed to meet PwD needs,live streamed,translated and recorded.Team members will be able observe,receive debriefs and submit follow-up questions to inform future sessions.Full Findings Report and Recommendations in accessible format that cover themes and tr

20、ends uncovered in the research including current behaviours,uses,accessibility issues and pain points as well as potential opportunities.Participant verbatims that bring key insights to life through the voice of PwD.Final presentation of Findings Report.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product O

21、fferIpsos UX accessibility researchers conduct sessions with participants who use assistive technology to inform our understanding of the challenges and special circumstances they experience.Sessions are planned and paced to allow enough time for participants with disabilities to complete thoughtful

22、 exploration of experiences and share feedback.These trained researchers are familiar with providing accommodation to people with disabilities so their participation can be as seamless as possible.This includes supports for people who use screen readers,voice commands and ASL interpretation among ot

23、her assistive technologies or helpers.Ipsos UX research aims to be inclusive and equitable,so that all voices are heard.Specialist ExpertiseUX Accessibility Get Started11 July,2023Companies need help with their accessibility efforts.Get Started provides best practices and coaching.Ipsos|UX Testing w

24、ith Assistive Tech Product Offer13 Include PwD in your research using best practices that show respect and get resultsDiscover how other companies in your industry address the needs of PwDIdentify assistive technologies,tools,work arounds,and ecosystems that matterIlluminate what is working well and

25、 where things need to changeLooking to make your research efforts more inclusive?UX Accessibility Get Started Helps Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferIncrease in profit margin for companies who excel in disability inclusion and equality.2Consumers felt more favourable toward companie

26、s that hire individuals with disabilities.2Inclusive research can increase loyalty,boost revenue,and provide a competitive advantage in the marketplaceIncrease in market share by incorporating inclusive design.11 of consumers felt more favourable toward companies that hire individuals with disabilit

27、ies2 https:/abilitynet.org.uk/news-blogs/10-ways-build-business-case-digital-accessibility25%30%92%Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer15 Ipsos UX will work with you to integrate accessibility into your research process.We work with yo

28、u to design best practices,training,and systems that infuse accessibility into your research today and inspire where you hope to grow tomorrow.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer16 Internal research review that catalogues the current effortsand identifies what works and what doesnt fo

29、r PwD.Accessibility competitive analysis that highlights best practices and exposes gaps.Recommendations are prioritised and implementation phased to build accessibilitysustainably.The accessibility journey map is built with team input and provides the collective vision for improving accessibility a

30、cross research and development.Relevant ContextRecommendationRoadmapWhat Youll GetResearch Tools and TipsBest practice guidance including coaching and review by PwD,vetted templates for screeners,guides,timelines,and presentations.Work sessions and subject matter expert trainings develop internal sk

31、ills to grow accessibility at all levels.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer17 Stakeholders and AdvocatesUX StaffingTools and ProcessesCommitment to Community Areas to Consider When Getting StartedWho is championing Accessible UX?Will Accessible UX efforts be a valued resource to brin

32、g the voice of disabled users into product design?How will the organization invest in accessible UX?How committed is the organisation to Accessible UX;is it an added responsibility or dedicated staffer assignment?Do UX staff have the right skills,areas of expertise and tools?What processes ensure an

33、 ethical and consistent approach to accessible research?What changes are needed to make your research and use of findings more accessible?How can you engage with the community to provide the voices of PwD in your plans for transformation?What Disabled Peoples Organizations(DPOs)exist locally and how

34、 can you build a relationship with them?Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer18 Team InclusionAccessibility Get Started uses workshops to ensure that teams are heard,guided,and motivated to transform current research and development processes.Building Buy-InAccessibility workshops educa

35、te and engagekey stakeholders building empathy and commitment.Next Step Clarity and OwnershipBy working together,accessibility barriers,misconceptions,and roadblocks are identified and addressed.Workshops help to prioritize issues,initiatives,and resources to ensure that action happens.Teams and sta

36、keholders find shared vision and accountability.Collaborative Approach Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer19 How we work:UX Accessibility Get StartedDiscover where you are todayAnalyse gapsDesign path forwardStakeholder interviews provide perspective around current efforts and aspirat

37、ions.Process review reveals where current practices support or block accessibility.Working with stakeholders and internal teams to map and review current state develops criteria to prioritize actions.Collaborate with PwD to influence research design and provide problem space perspective ensuring PwD

38、voice is integrated in research plan.Evaluate accessibility efforts across markets and competitors provides perspective and points to best practices.Comparing status quo to industry audit highlights current focus,gaps,and opportunities.Ipsos UX will collaborate with you to create custom research too

39、ls and templates that foster accessibility.These tools may include inclusive screener templates,research guides,and communication strategies.Empathy labs,cocreation work sessions and SME trainings share learnings across crucial teams members and stakeholders to foster inclusive culture.UX Accessibil

40、ity Discovery11 July,2023Meeting people with disabilities in the context of use provides deep insights into activities,behaviours,assistive technology use and accessibility needs.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer21 How easy or difficult is it for people with disabilities to achieve

41、their goals?How does your product fall short for people with disabilities?Who and what else is involved and needs consideration like assistive tech and family or care partners?How can accessibility be improved throughout the entire experience?How can we include people with disabilities in early idea

42、tion and design efforts to instil inclusion from the start?People with disabilities show what isnt working to inspires better experiences for all.UX Accessibility Discovery helps answer Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offersay they would often return and spend more with a company that p

43、rovides an accessible online experience.3Accessible products have significant market potential.Is spent by people with disabilities.1Having an accessible product provides the opportunity to reach a larger audience,increase customer satisfaction and loyalty,and comply with accessibility regulations a

44、nd guidelines.1 https:/ US Department of Commerce3 https:/ lost to competitors with accessible sites.282%of people with disabilities$6.9 billion a year$0.5 trillion a year Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer23 UX Accessibility Discove

45、rsOpportunitiesIn-depth interviews,conducted with people with disabilities in-person or remote,provide rich insights about todays lived experience.Feedback reflects the reality of use and includes demonstrating as well as describing the challenges they face.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Produ

46、ct Offer24 Uncover valuable insights into the pain points and challenges people with disabilities face daily and when using your product.By listening to these voices,we can identify opportunities to create a more inclusive product and more empathetic team.Actionable insights that capture accessibili

47、ty needs to inform product strategy.Discovery work offers insights into future products.It may identify how to better meet requirements for core accessibility needs including colour contrast,assistive technology compatibility to ensure the experiences are suited for people with a range of abilities.

48、Pain Points,Challenges and OpportunitiesDesignDirectionsWhat Youll GetTeam Empathy,Internal Buy-inDiscovery IDIs help teams understand the importance of building accessible products.By listening to people with disabilities,they can see the impact of their work on real people and become more invested

49、 in creating inclusive designs leading to increased motivation,creativity,and problem-solving when it comes to designing for accessibility.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferUnderstand ContextUncover Pain PointsOptimize TogetherTo better understand how PwDsexperience products and serv

50、ices today,we ask them to share their current uses,behaviours,and attitudes.We investigate the ecosystem of supports and assistive technology.We uncover insights into what factors influence their choices and usage.PwD share pain points and barriers theyexperience related to the research topic as wel

51、l as show the ecosystem of assistive technology and workarounds they use.Together we explore the current and future state of todays offerings and future concepts.To create an inclusive and accessible experience,we invite PwD to cocreate and help define solutions as well as insights.PwD share their e

52、xperiences with accessible products and services to inspire direction and collaboration that help designbetter experience for all.25 UX Accessibility Discovery Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferIpsos UX will work with your team to:26 Ipsos UX will moderate interviews:Ipsos UX will de

53、liver the following:How we work:UX Accessibility DiscoveryPreparationInterviewsDeliverablesPrepare the screener and consent forms to ensure the PwDare respected and protected.Recruit and schedule in a way that recognizes needs of PwD.Develop a discussion guide that lays out the session flow and key

54、questions.Conduct a pilot to ensure timing and session flow.Remote and in person IDIs accommodate PwD accessibility requirements.Remote 60-90 minute IDIs with live streamed and recorded.In person IDIs 90-120 minute recorded and debriefed daily.Interview scheduling will reflect timing needs of partic

55、ipants and resources needed.Ipsos UX research team will send debriefs after each day.Full Findings Report in accessible formats that cover themes and trends uncovered in the research including current behaviours,uses,pain points,accessibility issues as well as potential opportunities.A video montage

56、 of participant feedback that illustrates the key insights to share with internal stakeholders and build empathy.Final presentation and cocreation work sessions to move insights to action.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer27 2 Phased Discover:Through Their Eyes and By Their SideIf yo

57、u are looking to better understand the experiences of those living with one or more disabilities,including what their daily lives,goals,and challenges look and feel like,we offer a two-phased approach.This approach allows teams to build empathy and foster a more inclusive and accessible approach to

58、product,service,and experience design.Through Their EyesTo gain a comprehensive view of participants lives,we recommend starting from their vantage point.We will equip participants with their preferred technology to capture their day-to-day experiences in and out of the house via video and/or audio

59、recordings.We will provide simple,high-level tasks(e.g.,Show us your morning routine),as well as goal-oriented,specific tasks(e.g.,Walk us through buying a gift for one of your friends)to unearth how they navigate the world around them,barriers they face,aspirations they have,and how they feel along

60、 the way.By Their SideIn-home contextual research observes users and interviews them in their living spaces,which provides unique,authentic,and comprehensive insights into how users go about their daily lives and interact with products/items in a real-life setting.Contextual Interviews also provide

61、a lens of candidness and intimacy creating a more holistic image of the participant that brings together both the projected and real self in a way that is unachievable through other methodologies.All of which helps promote a greater sense of empathy and understanding with the participant.Ipsos|UX Te

62、sting with Assistive Tech Product OfferIpsos UX will work with your team to:28 Ipsos UX will moderate interviews:Ipsos UX will deliver the following:Phase 1 Through Their Eyes:Online Diary/Digital TourPreparationFieldworkDeliverablesConfirm preferred tech to capture online diary(e.g.,using their own

63、 smart phone,providing a GoPro or phone stand,etc.)and order/ship if necessary(including covering costs for data plan,etc.)Recruit and schedule in a way that recognizes needs of PwD.Draft and record guide in accessible formats(written+video/audio recording)to guide participants on what to captureCon

64、duct a pilot to ensure timing and session flow.Manage any questions or concerns via ongoing communication with participantsCollect and review online diary submissions as they come inBegin to capture key narrative components,findings,and inspiration for final deliverables via notetaking documentShare

65、 participant submissions with your teamModifications and probes for in-home interview discussion guide based on online diary for each unique participantFindings will be incorporated in final deliverable(s)With participant permission,video/audio/images will be incorporated in final deliverables Ipsos

66、|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferIpsos UX will work with your team to:Ipsos UX will moderate interviews:Ipsos UX will deliver the following:Phase 2 By Their Side:In-home Contextual InterviewsPreparationFieldworkDeliverablesSchedule Phase 1 participants for an in-home contextual interview

67、.Develop a moderators guide,which will include the probing follow-up questions,as well as exploratory questions to better understand the participants unique wants,needs,daily challenges,and workarounds.UXRs will create a list of follow-up questions for each participant informed by their responses to

68、 Phase 1.Guide will include up to 3 basic tasks to be completed by participants during in-home sessions(e.g.,show us how you do daily chores).Moderator will call each participant 1-2 nights before the interview for introductions and to set the tone and provide an overview of what to expect.2-hour,in

69、-home contextual interviews,live-streamed and recorded via 360-degree camera,to provide more context,and handheld camera,for more focused content.Two Ipsos UX researchers will conduct up to two sessions a day.Number of fieldwork days depends on participant availability and show rates.Ipsos UX resear

70、ch team will hold daily debrief calls with the client team at the end of each day.Ipsos UX research team will document themes,trends and insights in written debriefFull Findings Report in accessible formats that cover themes and trends uncovered in the research including current behaviours,uses,pain

71、 points,accessibility issues as well as potential opportunities.A video montage of participant feedback that illustrates the key insights to share with internal stakeholders.Final presentation of findings.UX Accessibility Panels11 July,2023Create accessibility infrastructure that supports fast,frequ

72、ent insights to keep accessibility top of mind for product development and organization initiatives.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer31 Streamlining time intensive efforts to find and screen participants with disabilities.Establishing trust and rapport to alleviate people with disab

73、ilities(PwD)research scepticism.Encouraging and facilitating continuedparticipation through longitudinal studies and ongoing UX research sessions.UX Accessibility Panels support efficient and thoughtful access and engagement with people with disabilities.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product

74、OfferIncrease in profit margin for companies who excel in disability inclusion and equality.2Consumers felt more favourable toward companies that hire individuals with disabilities.2Accessibility UX research can increase loyalty,boost revenue,and provide a competitive advantage in the marketplaceInc

75、rease in market share by incorporating inclusive design.11 of consumers felt more favourable toward companies that hire individuals with disabilities2 https:/abilitynet.org.uk/news-blogs/10-ways-build-business-case-digital-accessibility25%30%92%Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer Ipso

76、s|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer33 UX Accessibility Panels show commitment to serve people with disabilities.Efficient and frequent check-ins with panel participants can inform all stages of product development making accessibility goals a reality.Ipsos provides panel set up,management

77、,research support,and internal activation materials to ensure you get the most impact from this valuable resource.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer34 Shortened recruitment via your panel,increases speed and efficiency of accessibility research process.Respond quickly to accessibilit

78、y needs and trends,iterating to improve products and services at a faster pace.Build empathy within your team to promote accessibility,leading to a more engaged effort and an inclusive culture.Continued engagement through ongoing research builds trust and collaboration with PwD communities.Efficient

79、 RecruitmentAccessibility CommitmentWhat Youll GetInclusive InsightsFindings that show trends and patterns in accessibility needs to make informed decisions about how to improve the experience for PwDs that ultimately makes it better for all.Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer35 Allow

80、ing three months for the preparation process guarantees alignment between you and Ipsos UX,as well as high quality vetted people with disabilities(PwD)who are ready to participate.Ipsos UX will set up the panel as follows:Lead kick-off meeting to define panel sample strategy and vision for panel man

81、agement and research priorities.Create appropriate and accessible screener to identify and qualify participants.Build partner network to recruit at least n=100 PwD per type of assistive tech,includes consent management,advocacy organisation coordination and outreach.Design participant welcome materi

82、als.Step 1:Panel Creation Ipsos|UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product Offer36 Ipsos UX will provide ongoing management for 12 months.Based on Ipsos expertise managing PwD accessibility panels,we have built best practices to encourage engagement and facilitate impactful,time efficient research.Ongoi

83、ng panel management includes:Weekly status calls to check in on priorities.Short monthly surveys to keep participants engaged.Monthly thank you incentives to reward participants for their time and energy.Participant communication to field requests and questions.Step 2:Ongoing Panel Management Ipsos|

84、UX Testing with Assistive Tech Product OfferIpsos UX recommends and supports fielding at least one project per month with the panel to keep interest and participation high.We will assist you in a full-service capacity and each month will be scoped and priced according to project.We will have the fle

85、xibility to leverage participants in a variety of ways to fit your research objectives.Including:DiscoveryUsability Testing with Assistive Tech UsersFormative TestingCo-CreationEmpathy WorkshopsFoundational In-Depth InterviewsLongitudinal/Iterative ResearchStep 3:Monthly Research RetainerTHANKYOUPlease email Jacqueline.HullI for more information.



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