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1、1The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.The EDI Buyers GuideMove at the Speed of Business With EDI ModernizationE-BOOK2The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Table of ContentsWhy EDI Is More Important Than Ever 3Legacy EDI Solutions Are Dinosaurs 6Common Warning Signs You Have an EDI Probl

2、em 10The Boomi Solution 12Success StoriesGreen Rabbit 16AMMEX 17Kenco Logistics 18Eddie Stobart 19Riverbed Technology 20Modern EDI Is the Solution 21About Boomi 223The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Why EDI Is More Important Than EverEDI has an image problem.At a time when were all enamored

3、 with the latest and greatest that technology can offer,EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)gets labeled as old-fashioned.Thats because EDI has been around for decades and isnt fmashy.Shiny,newer business tools grab our attention and overshadow good ol EDI.But theres something you should know.EDI contin

4、ues to be the lifeblood of business.Behind the scenes,EDI remains the quiet B2B workhorse that keeps the global economy in motion.Other technologies have emerged,and many intelligent people have predicted EDIs impending doom.Yet it remains the dependable stalwart that organizations of all sizes and

5、across industries rely upon to run their operations.SO,WHAT IS EDI?Electronic Data Interchange is the communication of critical business documents between companies in a standardized,digital format without human intervention.It replaces paper-based forms for information like purchase orders,invoices

6、,price quotes,and more.EDI facilitates more effjcient business transactions by ensuring faster data transmission,automating workfmows,and reducing costly errors.4The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Here are some other examples of the magnitude of EDIs reach in ecommerce:EDI is expected to gr

7、ow from a$1.88 billion market in 2022 to$4.04 billion by 2029,according to Fortune Business Insights.The 2020 B2B Ecommerce Market Report found EDI accounted for 78.4%of all electronic business sales processing$7 trillion the previous year.Dominant retailers like Walmart,Amazon,Home Depot,and Target

8、,as well as major automotive companies and healthcare organizations,dictate that partners/suppliers meet their EDI requirements if you want to do business with them.The origins of EDI date back to the late 1940s.Edward A.Guilbert,sometimes called the“father of EDI,”helped create a standard manifest

9、system for transmitting information by telex,teletype,or telephone to deliver cargo in the massive Berlin Airlift effort.It was one of the tremendous logistical Thats the formal defjnition.Now lets put EDI in human terms.Consider cornfmakes.When you go to the grocery store,you expect boxes of your f

10、amilys favorite breakfast meal on the cereal aisle.But how did they get there?The amount of communication between the providers of raw ingredients and materials,the manufacturer,the distributor,and the store itself is staggering.It takes a village to get those cornfmakes to your breakfast table.EDI

11、processed all communication between the companies involved in each step of the products lifecycle.Across every industry,EDI manages how goods get made,stored,shipped,and ultimately end up in the hands of consumers.Oh,and dont forget the payment that,too.Weve all experienced fjrst-hand the disruption

12、s in the post-pandemic supply chain.As bad as they were,EDI systems mitigated even worse problems because they were the unseen middleman between trading partners,helping them navigate unprecedented challenges.EDI technology enabled companies various back offjce systems to communicate in a common lan

13、guage.5The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.achievements of the 20th century.By the 1960s,Guilbert had brought EDI from the military to the business world,and gradually,the digital communication process between trading partners became common.EDI expanded and evolved as the global economy grew

14、.Industries implemented accepted rules and guidelines around business processes.Today,many different fjle formats exist,including the widely accepted X12.They all achieve the same goal:creating consistency and accuracy for countless business documents exchanged between trading partners daily.They ma

15、ndate a standard structure for every EDI message by containing strings of data elements representing information such as price,product model number,etc.The development of technologies such as XML and APIs led to years of claims that EDI was on its deathbed.Yet this oldie-but-goodie continues to be t

16、he linchpin of business.And EDI isnt going away anytime soon.That said,weve seen stagnation.EDI as technology remains indispensable,as it supports B2B ecommerce.But legacy EDI applications are showing their age.Theyre slow,complex,and place an unreasonable time and cost burden on IT teams.They just

17、havent kept pace with modern business.Fortunately,a new class of innovative EDI tools has emerged.These tools are making it easier for businesses to work together,improve speed,reduce costs,and increase revenue.EDI provides the common defjnitions allowing you to communicate and connect transactions

18、that create a business process.But EDI isnt just a data format.Its a set of agreements between trading partners that tell each other how they will do business.Its a handshake across a business process.The more complex the supply chain,the more important it is to make these processes as effjcient and

19、 error-free as possible.”Byron HallBoomi Product Manager and X12 Board of Directors member6The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Legacy EDI Solutions Are DinosaursWere not talking about a cool Tyrannosaurus rex.Think more like a bloated,slow-moving Brontosaurus.Business is a team sport in toda

20、ys interconnected marketplace.That means complexity in the supply chain has grown exponentially.Companies relying on legacy EDI systems cant keep up with that change.But you still have to manage the business collaboration that drives success.Remember,theres a crucial distinction here.EDI isnt the pr

21、oblem.Its the legacy EDI systems that businesses rely upon that drag down their operations.There are numerous reasons why legacy EDI feels like technology from the Jurrasic era.These legacy systems are too slow and cumbersome for businesses to collaborate effectively with partners and support curren

22、t initiatives.1NON-EXISTENT INNOVATIONLegacy EDI systems are monolithic,on-premises models.EDI existed long before the cloud.Legacy vendors dont have a focus on cloud-fjrst business strategies.Their cloud offerings typically are the same“as-is”product just moved beyond the fjrewall.Theyve become too

23、 complex to keep up with modernization goals.Because theyre not cloud-native,they cant take full advantage of the speed,fmexibility,agility,and scalability that make migrating business processes attractive.7The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.2EXORBITANT COSTS Traditionally,EDI has been expe

24、nsive and simply considered the price of doing business with the big brands.Thats great if youre a legacy EDI vendor but not if youre a customer.The requirement of expensive hardware and software with burdensome mandatory upgrades that sometimes add no value weigh on your bottom line.And dont forget

25、 the annual contract for maintenance and support.Also,“support”is limited at best.Another consideration is the cost of having many dedicated IT resources supporting the EDI system.3LACK OF SPEEDOn-premises systems built for a much slower pace of business force high-speed companies to downshift into

26、lower gears.Manual processes required to operate legacy EDI contribute to the lethargy.A blatant example is the time needed to overcome the complexity of onboarding new partners.Integrating a new addition to the trading network can drag on for months.Thats why some businesses need entire teams dedic

27、ated to partner management.4POOR VISIBILITYVisibility is a long-standing problem for legacy EDI platforms.They lack end-to-end insight throughout all the tentacles of supply chain interactions.They struggle to accurately track orders and payments or locate the source of the problems.That makes it im

28、possible to diagnose and resolve issues rapidly.The result is a time-consuming,labor-intensive process of just identifying issues.EDI developers and non-technical people like business analysts and fjnancial teams are in the dark.That leads to fjnger-pointing with partners,and customer dissatisfactio

29、n.8The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.5INTEROPERABILITY BARRIEROlder EDI systems are often incompatible with todays cloud-based platforms and applications.Also,they dont support technologies such as APIs.That can force IT organizations to manage two communications silos:EDI and everything e

30、lse.The lack of integration with systems like source-of-truth enterprise resource planning(ERP)platforms reduces operational effjciency and creates technical debt.6COMPLEXITYLegacy EDI systems typically have dated,complicated user interfaces.Those might be adequate for experienced developers.But tod

31、ay,as line-of-business users take a more hands-on role,that slows productivity.7SKILLS SHORTAGELegacy systems require a signifjcant,in-depth understanding of their specifjc EDI translation software,transmission methods,and complex mapping processes.As experts move on or leave the workforce and other

32、s inherit the responsibility for EDI systems,it becomes harder to fjll the knowledge gaps.The result of all these factors is lost time,revenue,and damaged partner relationships.9The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.With EDI,theres blood,sweat,and tears throughout the chain because it isnt jus

33、t programmers involved,and it isnt just the techies.Multiple people are trying to standardize.Its the suppliers.Its the distributors.Its downstream and upstream.Its the fjnger-pointing at everybody.Theres a whole emotion around it.Ed MacoskyChief Innovation Offjcer,Boomi10The EDI Buyers GuideCopyrig

34、ht 2023 Boomi,LP.Common Warning Signs You Have an EDI ProblemDo any of these sound familiar?If so,theyre strong indicators your EDI processes are broken.Rising costs for the initial product price and ongoing operational expenses have become prohibitive.A long,cumbersome onboarding process is costing

35、 the business potential revenue.Aging EDI infrastructure lacks fmexibility,resulting in numerous iterations to stay connected with partners.Theres an inability to quickly diagnose why something isnt working correctly within the complex supply chain.Growing fjnancial risks in the supply chain for mis

36、sing deadlines in service-level agreements.Theres an unacceptable amount of scheduled and unscheduled downtime in your EDI system.“The amount we pay on escalating maintenance costs is busting our budget.”“We have an entire IT team dedicated to adding new partners,and it still takes forever!”“Our tra

37、ding partners are just as frustrated as we are about the constant back and forth required to make this work.”“We cant accurately track shipments to determine what went wrong when a customer complains they didnt get their order.”“Our most important partners are hitting us with stiff penalties every t

38、ime we dont meet our SLA.”“Time is money,and when were down,its costing us a lot of potential revenue.”PROBLEMCAN SOUND LIKE:11The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Inventory costs skyrocket due to partner network ineffjciencies.Youre experiencing poor customer support from your EDI provider.Y

39、ou see a knowledge gap in your organization as fewer people have experience with your legacy EDI system.Declining customer satisfaction is negatively impacting your brand image.Legacy EDI doesnt provide the strategic and operational advantages businesses need to stay ahead of the competition.If your

40、e struggling with these problems,its time to modernize and bring your B2B communications technology into the age of cloud computing,remote workforces,and digital transformation.“We constantly have problems with either too much or not enough product in stock.”“I cant even get anyone to pick up the ph

41、one or answer my email when I have a problem I need to solve immediately.”“Its getting harder to fjnd the talent who understands this older technology.”“Whenever we dont deliver what we promise to our customers and partners,it refmects poorly on our company reputation.”PROBLEMCAN SOUND LIKE:12The ED

42、I Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.The Boomi SolutionBoomi uniquely enables businesses to modernize and automate collaboration with trading partners to achieve business outcomes faster.Our cloud-native B2B/EDI Management seamlessly works with a full suite of API management,workfmow automation,mas

43、ter data management,data catalog and preparation,and integration solutions.This unifjed platform approach ensures collaboration isnt isolated and decoupled from the requirements of modern digital transformation.Boomi eliminates the complexity and limitations of legacy systems so you can move at the

44、speed of business by slashing EDI development time from months and weeks to sometimes just days.Boomi automates your trading partner network,connects EDI processes internally to your ERP and other critical systems with pre-built connectors,and provides an end-to-end view of interactions with a one-s

45、top dashboard.Our mission is simple.We quickly and easily connect everyone to everything.The world is better,more productive,and more effjcient when connected.Boomi is the integration as a platform(iPaaS)space leader.But our roots as a company are in EDI,and connecting trading partner networks is pa

46、rt of our DNA.Boomi streamlines your entire digital ecosystem while ensuring scalability,agility,security,and compliance with less cost than legacy EDI.Lets take a closer look.13The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.FLEXIBLE ARCHITECTUREWith Boomi,you can securely deploy your EDI processes any

47、where.Whatever architecture your business uses on-premises,cloud,distributed,hybrid,multicloud Boomis fmexibility enables you to meet those requirements.Need to protect some sensitive transaction information in on-premises systems while providing cloud access for other data?Boomi does that seamlessl

48、y.Also,Boomis single-instance,multi-tenant platform offers all the benefjts you expect from the cloud,including agility,fmexibility,scalability,and automatic upgrades.Boomi never tells you how to run your business.Our platform adapts to your needs.EASE OF USEBoomi provides an easy-to-use interface t

49、hat lets businesses quickly integrate with partners,suppliers,and vendors.Set and manage your trading partner components from one console to swiftly fjnd,confjgure,and deploy changes for your partner communication.Boomi breaks down the EDI silo by quickly integrating it with other critical systems.B

50、oomis low-code model provides greater fmexibility in the developer toolset,allowing for customized,user-friendly development for faster time to market.That agility ensures the future-proofjng of your EDI and B2B networks for whatever comes next.FASTER ONBOARDINGSpeed matters in business.Boomis rapid

51、 partner onboarding slashes the time it takes to add new partners and migrate existing customers to your network.A self-service onboarding portal lets partners set up and manage connections,removing a considerable burden from your IT team and shortening the time to market.That automation eliminates

52、time-wasting data errors that slow your business.Adding to Boomis speed is native connectivity to most ERPs and thousands of other applications that allow you to ramp up quickly and effjciently.14The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.CONNECTIVITY INNOVATIONBoomi delivers next-generation EDI.We

53、 simplify processes by bringing“the power of and”with a unifjed platform that integrates EDI into your backend business operations.With Boomi B2B/EDI Management,you dont need a separate external integration or workfmow tool to move data in or out of ERPs like SAP,Oracle,or NetSuite.You no longer nee

54、d to piecemeal together different solutions and products to solve a problem.Right out of the box,Boomi offers multiple ways to integrate with trading partners EDI,APIs,a combination of both,and so on and other systems that run your business.The Boomi platform includes pre-built connectors to integra

55、te thousands of popular applications and data sources.Partner collaboration wont happen in isolation from your other processes because the days of the EDI silo are over.SUPPORT YOU EXPECTBoomi has built-in support for a broad spectrum of traditional and modern EDI standards,including XML,X12,EDIFACT

56、,HL7,RosettaNet,and Tradacoms.You also can defjne custom standards.Boomi offers industry-standard connectivity for a full range of trading partner communications AS2(Drummond-certifjed),FTP/Secure FTP,or Web Services using SOAP or HTML.Boomi supports connectivity to the VAN(value-added network)of yo

57、ur choice and Exchanges for networks of transactions,such as Ariba and Amazon.Boomis API capabilities also easily and securely expose your integrations for reuse without getting overwhelmed by complex,legacy-style API management.15The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.EDI DASHBOARDS FOR VISIBI

58、LITYEasily monitor all interactions with your trading partners.Boomis EDI Dashboard provides a single,intuitive view across partners,customers,and internal applications.Our EDI Dashboard offers human-readable access to all the relevant underlying data,such as purchasing,invoicing,and shipping.That b

59、rings together the often disjointed chain of EDI transactions in one place.Decision-making is faster because the people resolving issues dont have to be profjcient in EDI protocols and formatting saving even more time for overworked IT teams.Say goodbye to the tedious process of diagnosing problems

60、because the improved visibility simplifjes tracking,error resolution,and reconciliation.And fjx minor issues(“Wheres my order?”)before they become major problems.Every business is looking for ways to modernize their EDI process The reason why its such a challenge is it takes the right platform to so

61、lve these key,bigger problems.Boomi helps you do that.”Byron HallBoomi Product Manager and X12 Board of Directors memberELIMINATE HIGH COSTSWelcome to the most signifjcant Boomi advantage.With legacy EDI,costs are a moving target.The annual service costs.Constant downtime for“upgrades.”The need for

62、expensive IT talent to manage specialized systems.Additional integration products to connect EDI to other critical systems.Boomi eliminates the cost uncertainty traditionally associated with EDI with a stable pricing structure.Automated upgrades allow all customers to benefjt from the latest feature

63、s and functionality.You never add new infrastructure or technical debt,worry about unexpected downtime,or fret about unforeseen expenses.Self-service onboarding and low-code development dramatically reduce IT time and resources dedicated to EDI.Your line-of-business users can be more active in manag

64、ing EDI systems because low-code is user-friendly.And the Boomi platform is all you only need to integrate your entire digital architecture so that all systems can talk to one another.16The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.THE BACKSTORYGreen Rabbit is a“cold chain”logistics company that deliv

65、ers temperature-sensitive foods like produce,dairy,bakery,and other goods to businesses and consumers fast.As the company grew,its third-party EDI systems and integration processes couldnt keep up.It took too long to onboard new customers,which sometimes cost four to six months in lost revenue.Integ

66、rations to NetSuite,the companys system of record,were a huge pain point because of an inability to customize fjelds to meet Green Rabbits requirements.HOW IT WORKSBoomis low-code,cloud-based EDI platform enabled Green Rabbit to radically streamline the management of its B2B trading partner network.

67、Green Rabbit brought EDI in-house,boosted order entry speed,improved accuracy,and automated processes.Boomi integrations allow the company to automatically customize incoming information to match fjelds in NetSuite ensuring orders go through properly.Meanwhile,onboarding time for new customers was s

68、lashed,reducing the time for revenue to fmow into the Green Rabbit coffers.THE BOTTOM LINEGreen Rabbit accommodates its rapid growth while maintaining a reputation for error-free,same-day shipping.The company estimates that Boomi automation saves more than 250 hours per week in manual processing tim

69、e for the fjnance team and well over 400 hours of work in general across the company.Boomis ability to effjciently process fjles ensures orders are processed,paid for,and out the door on time as the company went from handling 1,000 orders to 120,000 transactions a day.WHY BOOMI?Our industry success

70、is built on Boomi EDI.Our EDI is lightning fast and bulletproof.”Gary Cifatte Chief Technical Offjcer,Green RabbitLEARN MORECase Study I|Case Study II|VideoSuccess Stories17The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Success StoriesTHE BACKSTORYAMMEX is the worlds leading supplier of disposable glov

71、es in healthcare,manufacturing,food service,and other industries.The company needed to modernize its systems with a self-service portal where customers and team members could easily place orders and track them with real-time visibility.Then,with the onset of the pandemic in 2020,the global need for

72、Personal Protective Equipment strained every part of the business.AMMEX turned to Boomi for help managing a fragile supply chain to quickly and equitably get gloves into the hands of the front-line workers who needed them most.HOW IT WORKSBoomi orchestrates the customer experience by integrating Sal

73、esforce Sales Cloud,Microsoft Dynamics GP,OnePath,and several external ecommerce,supply chain,and currency exchange applications.When a customer places an order,Boomi instantly passes it into the ERP system,checks availability,and sends the order to the warehouse.Boomi then passes the tracking numbe

74、r from the warehouse to the ecommerce and ERP application,giving AMMEX customers and internal teams visibility into order status.Boomi also integrates with the companys fjnancial service to process payments.THE BOTTOM LINEAMMEX achieved a 4X growth in the number of orders processed in the fjrst year

75、 alone.The company also had the fmexibility to meet the pandemic challenge.Within moments of unloading products from shipping containers,Boomi ensured they were available across multiple points of sale,including the Ammex ecommerce platform and channels like Amazon and Walmart.Boomi automation strea

76、mlined processes and eliminated manual decisions that could delay getting gloves to front-line workers in the fairest way possible.WHY BOOMI?Were saving money.Its not only cheaper,but we now have a single system that does both EDI and API integration all under the same umbrella.”Chad Ghosn CTO,AMMEX

77、LEARN MOREBlog Post|Case Study18The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Success StoriesTHE BACKSTORYKenco Logistics is a leader in third-party logistics for ensuring customers can navigate supply-chain challenges,so products arrive safely and on time.But technology limitations hampered the compa

78、nys ability to move quickly when new opportunities arose.The integration process for onboarding new customers was slow and error-prone.It could require 40 to 60 hours of work with the companys legacy EDI software.Also,that system couldnt scale when the company faced surges in shipping requests for t

79、he holiday season.HOW IT WORKSKenco chose the partnership of Boomi and Amazon Web Services(AWS)to modernize its technology architecture.Kenco replaced its on-premises EDI software with Boomis cloud-native platform.That gave the company a single platform for EDI and all other forms of integration.Ken

80、co now builds new EDI connections for existing customers,integrates custom application data with Amazon Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3),onboards customers faster with reusable Boomi components,builds custom API integrations(like with shipping partner UPS),and exports transaction data for performan

81、ce monitoring and business planning.THE BOTTOM LINEBy replacing its legacy EDI system,the business gained the agility,scalability,and effjciency that cut customer onboarding times in half and enabled the company to easily handle events like holiday surges.Consolidating EDI and integration tools with

82、 a single platform reduced processing errors and costs around maintenance and training.In addition,Boomi provides insights into system usage,order forecasting,and customer trends.WHY BOOMI?Boomi is a Swiss Army knife.It does a bunch of different things very well,including integration,EDI,and working

83、 with AWS.”Don Johnson Manager of System Architects,Kenco LogisticsLEARN MORECase Study19The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Success StoriesTHE BACKSTORYSupply chain,transportation,and logistics provider Eddie Stobart operates an around-the-clock operation in the UK across a broad spectrum o

84、f industries,including ecommerce,manufacturing,industrial,and retail.The company had worked with traditional EDI providers to manage its vast partner network.But long project timelines,frequent scheduled and unscheduled system maintenance,and a lack of innovation prevented the company from quickly o

85、nboarding customers.Maintaining brand reputation and close partner relationships required Eddie Stobart to search for a faster,more fmexible way to manage a complex EDI/B2B environment and improve service.HOW IT WORKSBoomis reliable integration,API Management,and B2B/EDI Management capabilities enab

86、led Eddie Stobart to super-change its supply-chain speed.The Boomi platform underpins many business-critical processes,improving workfmows for customer orders,logistics management,enterprise operations,warehouse management,and port transport systems.THE BOTTOM LINEEddie Stobart dramatically increase

87、d speed,agility,and control of processes with trading partners.By modernizing its EDI and IT processes,Eddie Stobart has cut integration time by 50%and improved the operational speed throughout its B2B trading partner network.The companys ability to meet high customer expectations by being“always on

88、”improved now that Boomis reliability virtually eliminates downtime.The companys balance sheet shows cost savings in an industry notorious for thin margins.WHY BOOMI?Previous warehouse integrations could take up to 26 weeks to implement,whereas with Boomi,weve cut this time in half.This is helping u

89、s win more and more new customers.”Ian Holt Head of IT Systems for Warehouses and Ports,Eddie StobartLEARN MORECase Study|Video20The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Success StoriesTHE BACKSTORYIT vendor Riverbed Technology,which has 30,000 global customers,urgently needed to upgrade its anti

90、quated integration and EDI capabilities.It wanted to embrace a cloud-fjrst digital strategy to gain the fmexibility offered by SaaS applications.But the legacy,on-premises TIBCO system for integration or EDI wasnt scalable or easy to manage for the quote-to-cash process.Meanwhile,because more than 9

91、0%of Riverbeds business is partner-sourced,the company needed to integrate new partners into its ecosystem faster to reach more potential customers.After evaluating MuleSoft and TIBCOs cloud-hosted product,Riverbed chose Boomi for integration and EDI.HOW IT WORKSRiverbed changed its entire integrati

92、on framework,managing over 130 integrations(about 80 internal applications and 50 EDI partner connections)with Boomi.Riverbeds implementation speed for partners doubled while data reliability and consistency improved across the order-fulfjllment process.Faster quoting improved customer experiences,i

93、ncreased revenue,and allowed sales reps to prepare quotes previously so complex they needed to be handled by sales operations experts.THE BOTTOM LINEBoomi reduced the quote-to-cash process from seven days to less than eight hours.Today,nearly 70%of Riverbeds technology stack is either in SaaS or the

94、 cloud reducing maintenance and operations costs while setting up the business for the future.Boomi reduced the total cost of ownership and technical debt by eliminating the on-premises system and the need for specialized TIBCO skills.WHY BOOMI?Boomi is operationally effjcient,cost-effjcient,and sca

95、lable.Theres a strong vendor commitment to always improving the technology,and we can fjnd Boomi talent in the market without hunting for niche specialists who are very expensive and hard to fjnd.”Bhishma Jani Vice President of Information Systems,Riverbed TechnologyLEARN MORECase Study21The EDI Buy

96、ers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.Modern EDI Is the Solution EDI is more important than ever as digital businesses look to improve how they interact with their partners at a time when consumers are more demanding expectations.In our connect everything world,engaging with your partners everywhere is a

97、 must,not a nice-to-have.But while the technology has stood the test of time,todays marketplace is too dynamic for older,slower,complex EDI tools.Comprehensive,cloud-native platforms like Boomi make it possible for organizations to reap all the advantages of EDI while eliminating the traditional cos

98、ts and complications of running their B2B networks.Thats why modernizing your trading partner ecosystem begins with upgrading your ability to work together effectively and please your customers.Thats how you stay ahead of the competition.Modern B2B collaboration doesnt have to be just a dream.It can

99、 be a reality with the right,modern EDI platform that upgrades and streamlines your systems.Its time to take back control of your business.ADDITIONAL RESOURCESBoomi Platform Demo VideoBoomi for EDI Modernization VideoEDI Modernization:5 Strategies for SuccessBoomi B2B/EDI ManagementThree Case Studie

100、s Show the Benefjts of a Modern,Cloud-Native EDI PlatformEDI Dashboard:End-to-End Business Process VisibilityModernize EDI to Let Your Business Take OffQ&A With Boomis Byron HallUAE-based Company Provides Superior Customer Service With Boomi EDI22The EDI Buyers GuideCopyright 2023 Boomi,LP.ABOUT BOO

101、MIBoomi aims to make the world a better place by connecting everyone to everything,anywhere.The pioneer of cloud-based integration platform as a service(iPaaS),and now a category-leading,global software as a service(SaaS)company,Boomi touts the largest customer base among integration platform vendor

102、s and a worldwide network of approximately 800 partners including Accenture,Capgemini,Deloitte,SAP,and Snowfmake.Global organizations turn to Boomis award-winning platform to discover,manage,and orchestrate data while connecting applications,processes,and people for better,faster outcomes.For more information,visit .



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