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邑策(Xaxis):2019程序化DOOH白皮书:发掘潜力 (英文版)(18页).pdf

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邑策(Xaxis):2019程序化DOOH白皮书:发掘潜力 (英文版)(18页).pdf

1、Your Guide to the Programmatic DOOH Opportunity and Best Practices to Get StartedDIGITAL OUT OF HOME:REALIZING THE POTENTIAL02PART ONEPROGRAMMATIC DOOH:REALIZING THE POTENTIALExecutive SummaryThe Rising Value of Programmatic DOOH Enhanced Capabilities Omnichannel Amplification Video+DOOH=Engagement

2、Location,Location,Actual LocationProgrammatic Improvements to DOOH Sharper Measurements New TechnologiesChallenges of DOOH Measurement Currency FragmentationTowards A SolutionConclusion:Programmatic DOOH Drives OutcomesCase Study 040506070808080909090910111213PART TWOBEST PRACTICES:THE XAXIS GUIDE T

3、O PROGRAMMATIC DOOHGetting Started:Strategy-Driven DecisionsTactical Considerations:Content and TechnologyTargeting ImperativesManaging Budget and Venues15161718PROGRAMMATIC DOOH:REALIZING THE POTENTIALThis year,digital out-of-home(DOOH)advertising is forecasted to capture 40%of OOH ad spending,repr

4、esenting a global advertising spend of$16 billion and making OOH the only traditional advertising category thats still growing strong.DOOH offers what is becoming increasingly difficult for marketers:capturing busy consumers attention during noisy,media-cluttered days.By combining sophisticated tech

5、nology with clever content,advertisers can create an emotional and engaging experience for millions.And because DOOH inventory is now being sold programmatically,the enhanced value of integrating with broader campaigns will make programmatic DOOH the industry standard.To get there,the market needs t

6、o make significant improvements.This report provides a practical and comprehensive guide to understanding and activating DOOH around the globe to help marketers achieve outcomes that matter to their business.THE OUT-OF-HOME ADVERTISING INDUSTRY,“DESPITE BEING ONE OF THE WORLDS OLDEST FORMS OF MARKET

7、ING,IS EMBRACING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES.”-The EconomistEXECUTIVE SUMMARY05THE RISING VALUE OF PROGRAMMATIC DOOHDigital technologies have made out-of-home advertising the only traditional advertising category showing significant growth.2 And DOOH inventory continues to increase,forecasted to grow 10%fo

8、r each of the next three years,capturing 40%of total OOH ad spending,with total investment in DOOH doubling by 2025 to more than$34.2 billion.3New opportunities abound in malls,stores,lobbies,elevators,sidewalks,and roads.As digital screens replace paper,paste,and paint,messages can seize the moment

9、 to be more finely tailored to target audiences.By adding external data feeds,placements can be triggered in response to real-world conditions,deliver content relevant to a place,time,and,ultimately,intended consumers,making the messages increasingly relevant.But the benefits of DOOH go well beyond

10、speed and the ability to change creative on the fly.Programmatic buying capabilities are enhancing the opportunities in marketers portfolios,making DOOH more precise,powerful,and cost-efficient.As DSPs integrate DOOH,media buyers are gaining streamlined abilities to target consumers on-the-go and in

11、 nearly-real-time;to leverage mobiles location-based strengths;and to retarget audiences first reached on other types of screens.DOOH amplifies other messaging,and its location-and time-based capabilities are adding new measurement capabilities that enable marketers to achieve desired outcomes.Buyin

12、g DOOH programmatically enhances its abilities as a medium that is:INTEGRATEDMedia buyers can execute their campaigns across screens,integrating their DOOH buys with entire campaigns,shifting budgets,targeting,and executing creatives for maximum effect.OMNICHANNELDOOH campaigns can be synced and tar

13、geted to campaigns across any type of screen.MEASURABLETechniques for measuring DOOH exposures and mapping them to programmatics one-to-one capabilities are giving cross-device measurements new meaning.ACCOUNTABLEDOOH is becoming provably accurate,enabling marketers to understand its effect on key K

14、PIs such as brand lift,sales lift,and increased footfall to stores,also known as visitation lift.Digital out-of-home advertising is presenting new opportunities to reach and influence consumers,adding new targeting,reach,engagement,and amplification to marketing campaigns.“Despite being one of the w

15、orlds oldest forms of marketing,”the Economist says,the out-of-home advertising industry“is embracing digital technologies.”1 Digital Out-of-Home,DefinedDynamically-served visual medium that reaches consumers on the move,with advertising that is targeted,un-skippable,and always above the fold.”06Enh

16、anced CapabilitiesDigital out-of-home adds a wealth of enhanced capabilities to both digital campaigns and traditional OOH:AUDIENCE COMPOSITIONDOOH audiences are often younger,harder-to-reach,and lighter in TV viewing than other potential target segments.In Europe,for example,those exposed to DOOH s

17、creens over-index compared to the general population for income,youth,education,and employment.They are more active and have higher spending power than the population at large.4DAY-PARTINGDigital signage can be changed according to the day,time,and calendar.Signs near stadiums or concert halls,for e

18、xample,can carry messaging appropriate to events in those venues.CREATIVE SPEED,FLEXIBILITYDOOH creative can be trafficked and placed as quickly as systems will allow often as quickly as 15 minutes unlike traditional billboards that take days,at best.Ads can be triggered in response to events,such a

19、s a teams win or the weather.CREATIVE OPPORTUNITIESRetail outlets are introducing new screens on carts,shelves,and near checkout.Movie theaters project ads onto lobby floors and walls.Creative can be crafted to capture attention with new and unique opportunities.DOOH screen give marketers a large cr

20、eative canvas for consumers to see(and sometimes hear).TESTINGDOOH allows for quick and cost-efficient message testing in-market in ways made possible through limited screen applications,timing,and control.INTERACTIVITYConsumers can touch screens or use their mobile devices to interact with them.FRE

21、QUENCY OPTIMIZATIONAdvertisers can control the rotation of ads to appear at the right levels within the right timeframes.TARGETINGDOOH technologies are presenting media buyers with a wealth of opportunity to selectively and effectively target the right people at the right time with the right message

22、.Brands can tailor messages according to real-world behaviors.Messaging to fans of specific sports can be extended to placements in gyms,bars,and relevant billboards.A“regular coffee commuter”might be someone who visits a breakfast beverage chain daily and can be targeted,or re-targeted,near a place

23、 they frequent.OFFENSE AND DEFENSELocation can be used for conquesting of competitor audiences or to defend against competitive attack,often with the aid of mobile location data.Messages can be placed near competitors to entice potential new customers,or be placed to solidify relationships with exis

24、ting audiences.An advertiser can effectively target a radius around a competitors store,determine where visitors to that store linger,then target those locales.Programmatic DOOH gives marketers multiple reasons to invest in it,offering them:A unique digital strategy to include new reach,targeting,am

25、plification,and optimization Programmatic automation Frequency optimization among all DOOH screens Choice of Day,Day-part,and Location Targeting by context of day,time,location,events Always in-view and“above the fold”Moving images play to completion Combats ad fraud such as bots Zero ad blocking Ze

26、ro skipping or channel changing High-impact creative Impact messaging Brand safety Creative flexibility and speed Huge canvases for engaging creative executionsReasons to Invest in Programmatic DOOH07Omnichannel AmplificationDOOH placements can reap even more benefits for advertisers when run with c

27、oordinated digital campaigns.“OOH campaigns boost online engagement more than other traditional media can,”says Nancy Fletcher,president and CEO of the Out of Home Advertising Association of America.“OOHs connection to digital media is undeniable.”538311315945Televis

28、ionRadioNewspaper/MagazineOut of HomeFACEBOOK ACTIVATIONSTWITTER ACTIVATIONSINSTAGRAM ACTIVATIONSSEARCH ACTIVATIONSOnline Activations Indexed Against Media SpendAccording to studies from Nielsen,Analytic Partners,and OnDevice Research,DOOH in an omnichannel campaign:6 Increases reach by as much as 3

29、03%when added to mobile or web messaging.Drives 4x more online activity per ad dollar spent than TV,radio,or print,alone.Makes it 46%more likely for consumers to engage with a brand on mobile.Increases online activations through search and social media 4x the expected rate given relative ad spend in

30、 those media.Combined with social media messaging,lifts foot traffic by an average of 68%.A study by Nielsen showed that 19%of OOH viewers visit their local store or business after viewing an OOH ad.7Having the ability to know with certainty the location of the placement allows for very specialized

31、location-specific advertising.08Video+DOOH=EngagementWith moving images,DOOH campaigns afford advertisers further chances to put impactful and engaging content on attention-grabbing screens.Full motion DOOH is 2.5x more impactful than equivalent static placements,according to one study.8 Short-form

32、videos of just a few seconds are gaining particular traction.Short-form DOOH video,or SFVOOH,combined with mobile placements increases click-through rates(CTR)as much as 300%.9Location,Location,Actual LocationIn digital advertising“context”usually refers to on-screen adjacencies.With DOOH,context de

33、scribes the ads placement in the real world a beach,a highway,a supermarket.Knowing a screens geographic coordinates allows marketers to tailor messages to the environs and its audience,and the real-world circumstances,as noted above.Messaging can flexibly conform to audience composition in specific

34、 locales at specific times,such as in malls populated by workers during business hours but families and teenagers on weekends.PROGRAMMATIC IMPROVEMENTS TO DOOHNo longer must they contact a network owner directly to negotiate the details and terms of the campaign,discussing pricing,availability,audie

35、nce targeting,and other important variables.They also avoid the labor-intensive tasks involved in manually scheduling the campaigns on the networks.Programmatic automation removes many of these steps.Media buyers can simply access a networks inventory and book the screens they want,when they want,ac

36、cording to defined price and established criteria.Programmatic enables sales of DOOH inventory via:Real-Time Bidding Programmatic Guaranteed Private Market Places(PMPs)Throughout 2017 and 2018 there has been a marked increase in interest among clients and agencies in applying digital audience buying

37、 principles to traditional channels.Marketers are attracted to programmatic DOOH by the significant gains in efficiency they can achieve over traditional OOH and even previous DOOH placements.202534.21billion201613.35billionThe incremental revenue will be driven by:1.Digitalization of the screens2.A

38、utomation of the buying3.New clients attracted by better audience metrics and measurement capacitiesGrowth in DOOH09Sharper MeasurementsEffectively integrating and targeting DOOH audiences within a digital campaign requires the expertise to calculate across platforms,correlating statistically valid

39、inference and delivery metrics to the one-to-one targeting methodologies used in programmatic platforms.Buyers can use impression multipliers calculations that map anticipated exposures to audiences to achieve the proper measurement of targets chosen inside a DSP.The new attribution models are furth

40、er adding measurement capabilities to let advertisers understand and optimize for outcomes-based pricing well beyond OOHs traditional CPM models.New Technologies As data gathering and analysis improves,marketers will also soon be able to capitalize on DOOH experiments that are adding AI and machine

41、learning to the mix.Data from DOOH campaigns is already being combined with data available from other advertising technologies to inform campaign targeting,measurement,and optimization.See“The Xaxis Guide to Programmatic DOOH”beginning on page 14 of this document for more on how to structure and tar

42、get a DOOH campaign.CHALLENGES OF DOOHAs the DOOH market evolves and matures,and more screens become available through programmatic platforms,marketers trying to seize the opportunities still confront a number of challenges.Measurement CurrencyOne of the key wrinkles in targeting and programmatic pl

43、atforms for DOOH comes from the impression multiplier.The impression multiplier,originated for planning purposes,has served as a useful proxy for impressions since before widespread adoption of digital out-of-home buying.It has allowed DSPs and third-parties operating with them to calculate,measure,

44、and buy relatively similar audiences across all digital screens,including DOOH.But the impression multiplier is only a proxy,and an insufficient one at that.It gives only approximations,not true targeting,nor Impression,DefinedIn OOH an“impression”is counted when an individual views an ad at a given

45、 time in a given space,and without duplication(to avoid double-counting).does it measure impression results.And even were it to accurately measure passers-by and determine who has viewed an ad,giving one-to-one results that match other digital capabilities,it would still not deliver what advertisers

46、 really need:outcomes,the ability to determine what ad spend results in which desired actions beyond the exposure to the message.Like all digital media,DOOH would be well-served to hook its measurement capabilities to the real business outcomes marketers desire.The consummate one-to-many channel is

47、gravitating toward the measurability and accountability that marketers seek.FragmentationMost of the top OOH vendors have started to offer DOOH opportunities through programmatic integrations with DSPs and related providers.But the market is still remarkably fragmented,with different networks availa

48、ble through different platforms and providers,and some networks only partially available even when they do participate in programmatic buys.There is no unified targeting,measurement,or even vocabulary to ease media buyers access to inventory across providers.Offerings vary further by geography,requi

49、ring more manual work to unify campaigns across borders.Some markets have not incorporated impression multipliers into DSP interfaces,requiring the publisher or media buyer to manually calculate in order to normalize a campaign,or to employ a third party to do so.Variables that influence pricing,too

50、,are not fully transparent.The lack of precision in DOOH has hindered marketers ability to efficiently implement and assess the worth of DOOH in their broader campaigns.Finally,while executing a buy in a little as an hour is a paramount improvement,“real-time”DOOH executions are not,in fact,real tim

51、e.10The Impression MultiplierIntelligently measuring delivery of DOOH placements programmatically via a DSP can require implementing a variable called the“impression multiplier.”Most DSPs are designed for one-to-one audience buying using cookies or mobile IDs as identifiers.Audience targeting decisi

52、ons are based on an individual IDs attributes fitting a set of requirements specified by the media buyer,such as demographic data and price.But DOOH placements dont have these one-to-one capabilities.Suppose an ad call results in the ad being served to six elevators,each of which on average has thre

53、e people in them at that time,for an estimated total of 18 impressions.Data from independent third parties provides both the numbers of people and their audience composition,correlated to day and time.Because user IDs are not available to the DSP,it is instead given the parameters for the placements

54、 to allow for decisioning according to the specified requirements,and will bid on them accordingly.Some DSPs are also incorporating aggregated and anonymized mobile data to further inform placements.Using an impression multiplier in this way has the added benefit of helping partners and owners of di

55、fferent media report comparable numbers and avoid discrepancies.10TOWARDS A SOLUTIONThe good news is that sophisticated media planning,buying,and technology partners(such as Xaxis)are deriving solutions with available techniques and technologies,offering bundled pricing that drives cost-efficiencies

56、 and delivers outcomes well beyond what can be accomplished with fragmented spot buying.An emphasis on business outcomes and omnichannel strategy can help marketers overcome the challenges of fragmentation.Omnichannel techniques which include the strategic coordination of new technologies and messag

57、ing opportunities across each component of a campaign can build progress toward a stronger holistic outcome.DOOH serves a crucial but not singular or separate role in this approach.MARKETERS ARE ABLE TO USE OUTCOME-DRIVEN,CROSS-CHANNEL TECHNIQUES TO:Capture Audiences by syncing media planning with a

58、 mobile campaign to reach users in areas with few OOH opportunities or where OOH is cost-prohibitive.Conquest and Defend,leveraging location to identify target competitor audiences or build loyalty for existing customers,then determine the most relevant DOOH buys from movements after exposure.Direct

59、 consumers by measuring the impact of campaigns on store visitations,the footfall to stores both owned and competitors.Measurement of uplift in real-time of DOOH is enhanced through precise purchase and address data.Amplify by running DOOH campaigns with cross-channel initiatives.For example:Re-enga

60、ge audiences in lean-back environments on different devices when most relevant for purchase cycle understanding or retarget them with sequential or different devices after DOOH exposures.The above is accomplished through skillful,concurrent use of technologies that can tag sites,capture devices with

61、in mapped boundaries,layer audience segment information such as demographics and media consumption behavior,enable programmatic mobile media,and,post-exposure,conduct campaign analysis and gain audience insights through quantitative and qualitative means.Marketers may choose to measure any number of

62、 factors that are relevant to their campaign such as brand lift and recall,change in purchase intent,or more direct actions such as footfall analysis and digital media behaviors.Source:“Real DOOH,”GroupM&Kinetic,2018The Power of DOOHA study done of the Italian market Illustrates the potential power

63、of DOOH,especially when integrated with a programmatic media buy:of people pay attention to OOH advertisingOOH is the third-ranked medium in time spent at 1h 56m on average(after TV and personal digital screens)52%The number of OOH screens grew 27%from 4,700 in 2013 to 6,000 by 2017.of urban audienc

64、es take action after seeing OOH advertising81%1112PROGRAMMATIC DOOH DRIVES OUTCOMESCONCLUSIONMore platforms are integrating DOOH into their programmatic buying processes and adding it to their measurement schemes,tracking everything from brand lift to footfall to added lift from mobile messaging com

65、bined with DOOH.Marketers using DOOH are increasing the effectiveness of other budgets and spend and deploying DOOH for cross-channel amplification.Soon,marketers expectations will change.They will not accept targeting and measurement that doesnt give them the means to fully understand their ROI.For

66、 marketers,DOOH is better than its ever been,and the capabilities are set to improve even more.DOOH is about to reach a tipping point.The consummate one-to-many channel is gravitating toward the accountability,attribution and effectiveness that marketers seek.Already,with savvy planning,buying,and e

67、xecution through programmatic platforms,and careful measurement and optimization,marketers can use DOOH to capture the value of out-of-home impressions,getting closer to the real outcomes they desire.Budgets are shifting as more OOH opportunities become digital and new ones are added around the worl

68、d.Thanks to DOOH,out-of-home advertising this year will command 6.3%of worldwide advertising budgets,the highest share since 1999.13CASE STUDY FOOT TRAFFIC TO INDIAN RETAILERSStore VisitationsExposed to DOOHWeek 1Week 23,2362,2322,916 2,160Exposed to:Uplift(DOOH+Mobile)1.33x1.48x1.4x1.63x1.71x1.98xW

69、eek 1Week 2vs.mobile,alonevs.OOH,alonevs.neitherNot Exposed to DOOHEffectiveness showed marked increases due to DOOH exposures,especially in tandem with mobile.In addition,KPIs showed significant improvement as learnings from the previous week were incorporated into the campaign.Key Campaign Goals:E

70、xpose key audience segments via integrated marketing techniques in order to encourage visits to retail outlets.Key Audience Segments:Fashion enthusiasts,shopping enthusiasts,mall visitors,upscale apartment residents.Methods Used:Target and retarget key segments.Negatively target those not in key seg

71、ments.Manage media across digital,mobile and DOOH placements.Use DOOH media to direct shoppers,capture new interest,conquest competitors,and amplify other messaging.BEST PRACTICES THE XAXIS GUIDE TO PROGRAMMATIC DOOHA step-by-step guide to strategizing,executing,building,and measuring a programmatic

72、 DOOH campaign.15GETTING STARTED:STRATEGY-DRIVEN DECISIONSIn developing a DOOH campaign,marketers are best served to first make crucial decisions that will guide every subsequent step.VENUE TYPESIn what kind of venues(airports,malls,train stations,roadside billboards)would you like your ad to appear

73、?Keep in mind that venues have varied protocols,so make sure your ad platform can help navigate those logistics.DIGITAL SCREENSYour content size,orientation and its corresponding resolution,as well as proper text size,are not to be overlooked and can have a huge impact on the perception of the ad on

74、 given screens.DIGITAL AD FORMATSChoose from motion or static and double-check restrictions to avoid issues later.AD CREATIVE DURATION AND PLAYOUTWhat is the duration the ad should run each time it displays in a rotation?AUDIOWill there be audio?How does the environment affect the sound and sound qu

75、ality?CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVESWhat is the ultimate end goal for the DOOH signage:branding,awareness,increased sales,special promotion?Make sure to know what success looks like before starting.CAMPAIGN KPISEnsure your chosen metrics help you meet your campaign goals,that they measure toward the campaign o

76、bjectives.CAMPAIGN TIMING AND DURATIONIs your timeline tied to any external or internal factors?Perhaps theres an event,a sales initiative,a holiday.DAY PARTINGWhat specific days or time of day would you like your ad to run?BUDGETHow much,and how flexible moving to and from other media?TARGET AUDIEN

77、CEMake sure to choose signage locations that are seen by the intended audience.16TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS:CONTENT AND TECHNOLOGYEach campaign has unique strategies associated with its goals.It is important to consider and define the capabilities of your technology to deliver the best results for each

78、 campaign.Consider these parameters:BROADCASTINGWhen campaigns are aimed towards reaching the largest audience possible,content is typically run across a group of displays,even all available locations.Broadcasting is usually seen with editorial content or automated content such as RSS feeds.TARGETIN

79、GCampaigns generally require strong targeting to produce strong ROI.Target displays based on geographical proximity,demographics,display size,language,and more.For example,a beer company might want to target bus shelter and roadside screens close to a sports arena a few hours before a big game.The s

80、ize and distance of those screens might influence the creative,as noted in the previous section.INTERACTIVITYViewers might need to interact with the display.With wayfinding,for example,visitors can touch screens to find their destination.Some DOOH executions also have interactive shoppable touch ele

81、ments.SEQUENCING AND RELATIVE ADJACENCYContent in sponsorship or co-marketing campaigns might need to be played in-sequence.SATURATION AND SEPARATIONOn the other hand,some content needs to be spaced as far apart in a loop as possible,as in the case of competing products.SYNCHRONIZATION AND TRIGGERSC

82、ontent can also be synchronized across multiple displays.For example,slots from one campaign can trigger a campaign on another set of displays.This trigger could also come from third party technology such as a GPS device.MULTI-SCHEDULINGSlots can play different messages based on the day,time,or date

83、.For example,a restaurant might show a breakfast menu in the morning,then a regular menu airs after 11 a.m.with daily specials.LOCATION CUSTOMIZATIONSome content may be customized based on location.For example,a message can be customized to show local pricing.TRIGGERSCreative elements or delivery ca

84、n adjust based on external triggers or information,such as changes in weather.DWELL TIMEDwell time is the amount of time that an average person is expected to spend in an area where your advertising will be displayed.Examining that data can help you create more engaging content.For many advertisers,

85、brand recall is one of the major goals of DOOH media campaigns.When measuring brand recall,dwell time is an important metric.By looking at dwell time,ad impressions,and audience demographics,you can learn not just about who is looking at your ads,but also how much of the ad theyre likely to view.Thi

86、s can help determine the optimal length,tone,and messaging of your creative.Source:Broadsign,Xaxis research17TARGETING IMPERATIVESThere are multiple approaches to targeting based on a campaigns strategy and intended audience.PROXIMITYOne of the easiest ways to leverage audience targeting for success

87、 in digital out-of-home is to build audiences based on individuals who have been to a specific place of interest.Typical applications of proximity targeting include:Reaching shoppers who have visited an advertisers stores in the past month.Targeting individuals who have visited a competitive brands

88、locations within the past month.Using related points of interest to find relevant consumers.For example,an insurance provider might target an audience of individuals who have visited doctors offices.BEHAVIORALAudience targeting in online marketing channels such as display and video use browser-based

89、 cookies to allow marketers to define relevant audiences for targeting according to consumer behaviors.In DOOH,real-world signals help marketers construct behavioral audiences.For example,an audience of“regular coffee commuters”might be based on individuals who visit a specific morning beverage reta

90、il store 3+days per week as well as transit locations during morning and evening rush hours.VERTICALSpecific types of brands can use DOOH to target by carefully determining how they can reach intended audiences using available technologies.One luxury travel brand,for example,targeted customers in ai

91、rport waiting areas of select flights to relevant locales.MANAGING BUDGET AND VENUESAs with some programmatic media,programmatic DOOH inventory is non-guaranteed.To ensure successful campaign execution and full budget delivery,there are a few important factors to keep in mind.MULTIPLE VENUESTry not

92、to limit a campaign to a single venue type.In order to successfully reach intended consumers across multiple touchpoints throughout their day,include at least three types of venues.Data from past campaigns indicates that leveraging a multi-venue strategy dramatically increases the impact of campaign

93、s.FLUID BUDGETSSince the programmatic inventory is non-guaranteed,keep budgets fluid across venue types to maximize reach.With a fluid budget setup,you can easily shift impressions to available inventory across different venue types as needed and optimize toward high performing areas.Keeping budgets

94、 fluid provides flexibility to reallocate spending to ensure campaign goals are still met even as conditions change.MARKETPLACE DEALSIf campaign objectives dictate running on a limited number of screens within a specific venue type,connect with the DSP and/or the media owner to discuss negotiating a

95、 flat CPM for a custom package of inventory.Marketplace deals can be an excellent complement to audience-based buying on an exchange.Xaxis is The Outcome Media Company.We combine unique brand-safe media access,unrivalled programmatic expertise,and 360-degree data with proprietary artificial intellig

96、ence to help global brands achieve the outcomes they value from their digital media investments.Xaxis offers managed programmatic services in 47 markets,including North America,Europe,Asia Pacific,Latin America,the Middle East,and Africa.XAXIS.COM1 https:/ The other traditional advertising categories sited are print(newspapers and magazines)and broadcast media(TV and terrestrial radio.)3 https:/ GroupM elaborations on GFK TSSP 2017_C base:people who do at least 4 trips within more than 1 hour 5 http:/ http:/ http:/ https:/ op.cit.,full study available separately10 GroupM study



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