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1、INTERNATIONAL FACTS AND FIGURES 2019 1 WELCOME 2 HIGHLIGHTS 3 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 4 Where do international students study? How many international students choose the UK? Where do international students come from? What do international students study? What is the economic impact of international s

2、tudents in the UK? INTERNATIONAL STAFF 10 Where do international staff come from? Where in the UK are international staff based? What do international academic staff do? OUTWARD MOBILITY 15 How many UK students go abroad? Where do mobile students go? What kind of mobility experience do UK students h

3、ave? How do students benefit from a period abroad? TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION 20 Overview of UK TNE Where are UK TNE students based? INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH 23 What is the quality and impact of UK research? How does the UK publication rate compare internationally? Which countries are the UKs top collabo

4、rative partners? Which are the top subject areas for international collaboration? Which countries are the UKs top partners under Horizon 2020? What are the sources of UK research funding? REGIONAL PROFILES 31 Africa Asia Australasia Europe Middle East North America South America NOTES ON DATA 46 GLO

5、SSARY 46 REFERENCE LIST 48 CONTENTS 2 WELCOME UK higher education is a global success story. Our universities are world- renowned for their quality, diversity and impact and internationalisation is central to this success. International staff and students make a vital contribution to the UKs academi

6、c community, while global partnerships in research and teaching enhance our influence and impact. International Facts and Figures 2019 presents a snapshot of the international dimensions of UK higher education, including: The number of international students choosing to study in the UK, where they c

7、ome from, at what level and which subjects they study; The international academic and non-academic staff living and working in the UK, where they come from, and what they do; The UK sectors provision for outward student mobility; The UKs transnational education offer (TNE) across the world; Internat

8、ional research collaborations and funding; Levels of engagement and collaboration by region. The UK Government has recognised the importance of internationalisation in the International Education Strategy and the International Research and Innovation Strategy, which is an encouraging sign, and neces

9、sary particularly in the context of challenges posed by Brexit. It is now more important than ever for the sector to do what it does best be open to the world, and innovative in internationalisation. It is now necessary, more than ever, for sector to do what it does best be open to the world, and in

10、novative in internationalisation. VIVIENNE STERN Director Universities UK International July 2019 3 HIGHLIGHTS International students make up. 19.6% of the total student population. 14% of all undergraduates. 35.8% of all postgraduates. International research collaborations 55.2% of all UK publicati

11、ons are the product of international research collaborations. Transnational education 693,695 students are studying for a UK degree overseas. International staff 20% of all staff at UK universities are international. Outward student mobility 7.8%. of undergraduate students study work or volunteer ov

12、erseas as part of their degree. 4 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The UK remains an extremely popular destination for international students (EU and non-EU) with only the US attracting larger numbers. In 201718, there were 458,490 international students studying at UK higher education institutions, accountin

13、g for 19.6% of the total student population in the UK. 14% of all undergraduates and 35.8% of all postgraduates were international. UUKi research shows that 90% of international graduates were satisfied with the learning experience at their university, 80% were satisfied or very satisfied with suppo

14、rt provided during their time in the UK and 82% think that their UK degree was worth the financial investment. In 201718, 458,490 international students accounted for 19.6% of the total student population in the UK. 4 Data source: HESA student record 2017-18, UUKi (2019) FIGURE 1: TOP 10 HOST COUNTR

15、IES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2016 AND PERCENTAGE CHANGE SINCE 2015 5 WHERE DO INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS STUDY? OECD data shows that the UK was the second most popular destination in the world for international students in 2016. However, the UKs growth rate has been consistently low, dropping from 0.5

16、% in 2015 to only 0.3% in 2016. United States 971,417 (907,251) 7.1% Germany 244,575 (228,756) 6.9% United Kingdom 432,001 (430,833) 0.3% Canada 189,478 (171,603) 10.4% Australia 335,512 (294,438) 13.9% Japan 143,457 (131,980) 8.7% Russia 249,877 (226,431) 10.4% China 137,527 (123,127) 11.7% France

17、245,349 (239,409) 2.5% Italy 92,655 (89,964) 3.0% 16 27 38 49 510 This contrasts starkly with the UKs competitors. For example, the numbers of international students choosing Australia, Canada, the US and Germany grew by 13.9%, 10.4%, 7.1% and 6.9% respectively from 2015 to 2016. Data Source: OECD (

18、2018) Note: The total number of UK students recorded by the OECD differs from the total recorded by HESA, and used elsewhere in this report. UNITED STATES 19.4% UNITED KINGDOM 8.6% AUSTRALIA 6.7% RUSSIA 5.0% FRANCE 4.9% GERMANY 4.9% CANADA 3.8% JAPAN 2.9% CHINA 2.8% ITALY 1.8% OTHER 25.9% 6 FIGURE 2

19、: TOTAL NUMBER OF EU STUDENTS BY LEVEL OF STUDY, 200809 TO 201718 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 350k 300k 25Ok 200k 150k 100k 50k 0 2008 09 2009 10 2010 11 2011 12 2012 13 2013 14 2014 15 2015 16 2016 17 2017 18 Data source: HESA student record 2008-09 to 2017-18 HOW MANY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CHOOSE THE UK?

20、139,145 134,835 127,440 124,590125,315125,515 132,750 130,055 125,280 117,850 In 201718, 139,145 EU students studied at UK higher education institutions. Of these, 67.6% were undergraduates, 21.9% were taught postgraduates and 10.5% were research postgraduates. Of the 319,340 non-EU international st

21、udents, 50.6% studied towards an undergraduate degree, 39.4% were taught postgraduates and 9.9% were research postgraduates. UNDERGRADUATEPOSTGRADUATE (TAUGHT)POSTGRADUATE (RESEARCH) FIGURE 3: NUMBER OF NON-EU STUDENTS BY LEVEL OF STUDY, 200809 TO 201718 NUMBER OF STUDENTS 350k 300k 25Ok 200k 150k 1

22、00k 50k 0 2008 09 2009 10 2010 11 2011 12 2012 13 2013 14 2014 15 2015 16 2016 17 2017 18 319,340 307,540 310,570 312,010 309,920 299,305 301,780 297,300 279,720 249,185 UNDERGRADUATEPOSTGRADUATE (TAUGHT)POSTGRADUATE (RESEARCH) 7 WHERE DO INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS COME FROM? Spain 9,630 9.2% Italy 13,9

23、85 3.9% Germany 13,545 1.4% Nigeria 10,540 16.8% Saudi Arabia 7,950 16.8% Malaysia 14,970 8.6% Hong Kong 16,350 2.0% Singapore 7,020 3.8% Thailand 6,270 1.5% India 19,750 19.3% Poland 7,540 14.5% Romania 8,665 6.7% Bulgaria 6,040 4.0% Greece 10,135 0.9% Cyprus (EU) 9,160 2.3% France 13,660 0.7% Cana

24、da 6,180 4.5% United States 18,885 7.4% China 106,530 12.0% Ireland 9,600 4.7% In 2017-18, the top five sending countries for international students were China, India, the US, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Chinese students at UK higher education institutions made up 23.2% of all international students. Th

25、e top sending countries within the EU were Italy, France and Germany. FIGURE 4: TOP 20 DOMICILES OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN THE UK 201718 AND PERCENTAGE CHANGE SINCE 201617 Data source: HESA student record 2016-17, 2017-18 7 19 3 1 12 11 6 08 9 15 13 5 4 2 17 18 16 14 20 10 8 FIGURE 5: INTERNATION

26、AL STUDENTS BY SUBJECT AREA AND LEVEL OF STUDY, 201718 Business and administrative studies% Engineering and technology Social studies Creative arts and design Biological sciences Law Subjects allied to medicine Languages Computer science Physical sciences Architecture, building and planning Mass com

27、munications and documentation Medicine and dentistry Education Historical and philosophical studies Mathematical sciences Combined Agriculture and related subjects Veterinary science 020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000120,000140,000 WHAT DO INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS STUDY? UNDERGRADUATEPOSTGRADUATE 52,635

28、 42,785 32,455 26,995 23,185 21,720 19,280 22,100 16,170 13,155 12,500 10,740 10,850 10,280 9,970 2,955 2,310 126,955 1,455 161,620 In 201718, international student numbers were highest in business and administrative studies, engineering and technology and social studies. International students acco

29、unted for 37.1% of business and administrative studies students and 31.9% of engineering and technology students. Data source: HESA student record 201718 9 020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000120,000140,000 WHAT IS THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN THE UK? Welcoming new international stud

30、ents every year has economic benefits across the UK. The net economic impact of the 2015-16 cohort of international students over the course of their studies is expected to be around 20.3bn. FIGURE 6: ECONOMIC IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS, 201516 COHORT North East 0.98bn Yorkshire Other EEA coun

31、tries; Other Europe. 31 32 INTERNATIONAL STAFF Total number of international staff from Africa in the UK in 201718: FIGURE 30: TOP FIVE AFRICAN STAFF NATIONALITIES IN THE UK, 201718 Nigeria 3.3% South Africa 8.7% Ghana 5.6% Egypt 1.1% Zimbabwe 1.9% 3,975 4.7% since 201617 1,100 500 375 350 265 03006

32、009001,200 AFRICA The growing significance of African research partners is reflected in a substantial increase in the number of co-authored publications from the region. Total UK publications with a Nigerian co-author more than doubled over the period 2015-2018 and there were notable increases in pu

33、blications with co-authors from Uganda and Egypt, too. Although Nigeria continues to represent the most significant sender of students to the UK, numbers have continued to decline, reflecting the reduced number of government scholarships available and a fall in the value of the Naira. UK TNE student

34、 numbers in Africa have seen decreases but smaller markets continue to grow, including South Africa, Ghana and Mauritius. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Total number of international students from Africa in the UK in 201718: FIGURE 29: TOP FIVE AFRICAN STUDENT DOMICILES IN THE UK, 201718 12345 Nigeria 10,54

35、0 16.8% Egypt 2,570 11.3% Kenya 2,195 1.6% South Africa 1,495 5.7% Ghana 1,475 3.6% 27,815 7.3% since 201617 33 OUTWARD MOBILITY Total instances of mobility to Africa, 201718: FIGURE 31: TOP FIVE AFRICAN DESTINATIONS FOR MOBILE UK STUDENTS, BY MOBILITY INSTANCES, 201718 CO-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS Tota

36、l UK publications with an African co-author, between 2015-2018: FIGURE 33: TOP FIVE TOTAL PUBLICATIONS WITH AN AFRICAN CO-AUTHOR BY COUNTRY % CHANGE 20152018 South Africa9,939 23.0% Egypt3,531 31.8% Kenya2,350 21.8% Nigeria2,283 55.1% Uganda1,449 31.9% TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION* Total number of studen

37、ts on UK HE TNE in Africa, 201718: FIGURE 32: TOP FIVE UK HE TNE HOST COUNTRIES IN AFRICA, 201718 Main type of TNE provision: Other arrangements including collaborative provisions Egypt 5.3% Nigeria 19.4% South Africa 9.4% Ghana 2.5% Mauritius 7.4% 2,395 15.7% since 201617 43,365 5.5% since 201617 2

38、5,661 18,580 4,615 3,725 3,330 2,475 05,00010,00015,00020,000 *excluding the three main providers 1 4 5 2 3 South Africa 560 3.7% Morocco 170 27.7% Kenya 160 10.3% Tanzania 245 1.7% Uganda 240 26.3% 34 ASIA Asia is a particularly important region for student recruitment. For the past two years, one-

39、third of all non-EU students have come from China. After years of decline, the number of Indian students increased by 19% between 2016-17 and 2017-18, reaching the same level as in 2013-14. Asia is the third most popular destination for mobile UK students, and Asia is the largest market for UK TNE.

40、Research collaboration in the region continues to grow, with the number of co-authored publications with China growing by over 35% in the period 2015 to 2017. INTERNATIONAL STAFF Total number of international staff from Asia in the UK in 201718: FIGURE 35: TOP FIVE ASIAN STAFF IN THE UK 201718 China

41、 10.7% India 6.1% Japan 3.2% Malaysia 1.3% Pakistan 8.8% 5,115 3,410 805 790 740 01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,000 13,665 5.8% since 201617 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Total number of international students from Asia in the UK in 201718: FIGURE 34: TOP FIVE ASIAN STUDENT DOMICILES IN THE UK, 201718 12345 C

42、hina 106,530 12.0% India 19,750 19.3% Hong Kong 16,350 2.0% Malaysia 14,970 8.6% Singapore 7,020 3.8% 204,400 6.2% since 201617 35 OUTWARD MOBILITY Total instances of mobility to Asia, 201718: FIGURE 36: TOP FIVE ASIAN DESTINATIONS FOR MOBILE UK STUDENTS, BY MOBILITY INSTANCES, 201718 CO-AUTHORED PU

43、BLICATIONS Total UK publications with an Asian co-author, between 2015-2018: FIGURE 38: TOP FIVE TOTAL PUBLICATIONS WITH AN ASIAN CO-AUTHOR BY COUNTRY % CHANGE 20152018 China48,222 35.8% Japan16,411 11.1% India12,068 23.4% South Korea7,308 26.5% Singapore7,092 27.9% TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION* Total nu

44、mber of students on UK HE TNE in Asia, 201718: FIGURE 37: TOP FIVE UK HE TNE HOST COUNTRIES IN ASIA, 201718 Main type of TNE provision: Other arrangements including collaborative provisions Malaysia 1.9% China 15.8% Sri Lanka 15.8% Singapore 3.3% Hong Kong 5.6% 46,490 36,940 22,350 20,875 18,730 010

45、,00020,00030,00040,00050,000 8,680 24.2% since 201617 173,580 2.8% since 201617 88,184 *excluding the three main providers 5 2 3 1 4 Singapore 650 41.3% Malaysia 990 35.6% Hong Kong 955 33.6% China 2,000 16.9% Japan 930 27.4% 36 AUSTRALASIA The number of students from Australia and New Zealand comin

46、g to the UK, as well as the number of students studying for a UK TNE qualification have marginally decreased. However, research collaborations have increased by around 12% and 16% over the period 2015 to 2017. UK outward student mobility to Australasia increased by 6.2% overall. INTERNATIONAL STAFF

47、Total number of international staff from Australasia in the UK in 201718: FIGURE 40: TOP FIVE AUSTRALASIAN STAFF NATIONALITIES IN THE UK, 201718 Australia 2.9% New Zealand 2.1% Fiji Guam 1,970 695 5 5 05001,0001,5002,000 2,675 1.5% since 201617 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Total number of international st

48、udents from Australasia in the UK in 201718: FIGURE 39: TOP FIVE AUSTRALASIAN STUDENT DOMICILES IN THE UK, 201718 12345 Australia 2,125 0.2% New Zealand 520 1.9% Fiji 20 Christmas Island 10 New Caledonia 10 2,725 0.7% since 201617 37 OUTWARD MOBILITY Total instances of mobility to Australasia, 201718: FIGURE 41: TOP FIVE AUSTRALASIAN DESTINATIONS FOR MOBILE UK STUDENTS, BY MOBILITY INSTANCES, 201718 CO-AUTHORED PUBLICATIONS Total UK publications with an Asian co-author, between 2015-2018: FIGURE 43: TOP FIVE TOTAL PUBLICATIONS WITH AN AUSTRALASI



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