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2020年BrandZ 全球品牌价值100强(英文版)(189页).pdf

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2020年BrandZ 全球品牌价值100强(英文版)(189页).pdf

1、N E W DAYS + N E W WAYS   TOP 1OO 621923222627 303438424628323640444833337414549 505662677726670747576 80848892967882869094987788387919599100 TOTAL VALUE OF THE TOP 100 $4,989 Billion  YEAR-ON-YEAR CHAN

2、GE +6% THE TOP 10 MOST VALUABLE GLOBAL BRANDS 2020 # = Rank in Top 100   $ = Brand Value US$ Mil. Technology $352,206 #2 Technology $150,978 #7 Technology $326,544 #3 Technology $147,190 #8 Technology $323,601 #4 Fast Food $129,321 #9 Payments $186,809 #5 Payments $108,129 #10 Retail $415,855 #

3、1 Retail $152,525 #6 THE TOP 10 RISERS $ = Brand Value US$ Mil.    % = Brand Value Change 2020 vs. 2019 #2 Technology $41,501 Retail $415,855 #6 Apparel $9,669 #3 Technology $29,936 #7 Retail $28,677 #4 Technology $326,544 #8 Alcohol $53,755 #1 Entertainment $45,889 #5 Technology $35,904 #

4、9 Lifestyle Platform $23,911 #10 +35% +30% +40% +31% +47% +32% +27%+29% +58% +34% Meituan BRAND CONTRIBUTION TOP 10 # = Brand Rank.  Brand Contribution measures the infl uence of brand alone and is measured on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. All brands scored 5. Entertainment $16,878 #1

5、 Beverages $71,707 #2 Personal Care $7,048 #3 Beer $3,326 #4 Luxury $27,238 #6 Beer $6,819 #7 Beer $7,853 #8 Beer $3,733 #9 Baby Care $18,502 #5 Luxury $36,120 #10 0% YEAR-ON-YEAR CATEGORY CHANGES % = Brand Value Change 2020 vs. 2019     $ = Brand Value US$ Mil. Retail $785,346 +21% Beer $

6、74,513 -4% Technology $1,561,961 +10% Insurance $135,171 +8% Personal Care $115,706 +4% Beverages $155,748 +4% Luxury $176,784 +3% Apparel $117,632 +0% Fast Food $249,763 -2% Telecom Providers $441,782 -4% Cars $129,705 -7% Regional Banks $219,491 -11% Energy $79,000 -22% Global Banks $98,120 -19% N

7、EWCOMERS # = Rank in the Top 100 $ = Brand Value in US$ Million $15,799 #86 $13,686 #97 $13,617 #98 $13,319 #99 $16,878 #79   Contents 1 2 3 6 4 Introduction 20 Overview 24 BrandZ Stock Portfolios 28 Key Results  32 Cross Category Trends 52 Takeaways  THOUGHT LEADERSHIP 56 Era of the

8、Public J. Walker Smith, Kantar 60 Momentum Nigel Hollis, Kantar Welcome 08 David Roth CEO The Store WPP, EMEA (2) value- shopping increased; and (3) buying local moved from a sustainability practice to mainstream.  Among the important finding from the Kantar Brand Footprint report on FMCG categ

9、ories, it is clear that despite sales variations by category, people were open to trying new things, which presented opportunities in difficult times. Traditional marketing levers ignited sales even in slow-growing or declining categories.  Looking ahead No one knows how long this pandemic will

10、 last and what the recovery arc will look like. What we do know is that for brands to gain share during the recovery they need to start planning now. Corporate reputation, especially environmental and social responsibility, will have an impact on brand choice, according to our BrandZ analysis. Onlin

11、e and O2O will be even more important channels post pandemic. And of the more than 20 BrandZ brand personality characteristics, one stands out as most correlated with high brand value and rapid brand value growthcreativity. Ill explain shortly how we can help you with creativity, but first let me in

12、troduce you to the report. Section 1 Introduction Here we connect the dots, summarizing the developments and findings and the cross-category trends, and we also suggest brand-building actions. Section 2 The Global Top 100 Here youll find the year-on-year brand changes and the analysis that explains

13、which brands did well and why. Section 3 Sustainability New this year, were providing a deep dive into a cultural shift that is changing how consumers shop and brands behave across categories. Section 4 The Categories Here we examine the dynamics and brand performance of 14 categories and explain th

14、e impact of Covid-19. Section 5 Covid-19 | Resilience, Recovery, and Growth Unique this year, weve devoted an entire section to the impact of the pandemic on brands worldwide and the prospects for post-pandemic recovery. Section 6 Resources The report concludes with all the contact details and other

15、 relevant information needed to go from reading the report to taking the next constructive steps. To create this expanded report, we engaged our WPP and Kantar resources worldwide to gather the knowledge and on-the-ground perspective required for effective brand building. We amplified findings throu

16、ghout the report with Thought Leadership articles and Insights from our brand building experts. Also new this year, weve added interviews in which C-Suite executives from three BrandZ Global Top 100 leadersPepsiCo, Haier, and Ping An reflect on the challenges facing their brands and the impact of Co

17、vid-19.  1213 B R A N DZ  TO P 10 0 M O S T VA LUA B LE GLO B A L B R A N DS 20 20 W ELCO M E We can help Despite this years challenges, and because of the urgent need to understand the altered brand landscape, we were determined to publish the 2020 BrandZ Global Top 100 report without del

18、ay. But I need to add a caveat: We are gaining more knowledge and insights constantly because the economic impact of Covid-19 is so fluid. This report is a starting point. I urge you to follow up with the experts who contributed to the report. They continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on b

19、rands across categories and around the world. We have an extensive library of annual BrandZ country reports along with our annual Global Top 100 report. Please see the sidebar for more details. I invite to you access the reports with our compliments at BrandZ.com. One of our key WPP strengthsand a b

20、enefit for our clientsis that when we say we cover the world of brands, thats exactly what we mean. The WPP and Kantar proprietary BrandZ database includes information from over 3.8 million consumers about their attitudes about (and relationships with) 17,801 brands across 512 categories in 51 marke

21、ts. All that produces more than 5.3 billion data points.  Finally, I said that in the new world were all about to enter, creativity will be key for building valuable brands. Creativity drives the innovations in products and services, packaging and communications that can excite consumers and li

22、ft a companys fortune. Creativity is what we offer. We can help you create the transformative ideas and outcomes necessary for building valuable brands. To learn more about how to harness our passion to work for your brandespecially during these uncertain and trying times please contact any of the W

23、PP companies and Kantar divisions that contributed expertise to this report. Turn to the resource section at the end of this report for the contact details of key executives. Or feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, David Roth,  CEO The Store WPP, EMEA retailers like Amazon, Alibaba, Cos

24、tco, and Walmart that delivered food and other necessities; a lifestyle brand like Meituan, the Chinese super app that facilitates O2O living; and even athleisure apparel brands that dressed people for at- home comfort. HEALTH AND WELLNESS Product, services help consumers improve health  GEOPOL

25、ITICS Businesses seek to expand despite global tensions  THE COVID CAVEAT Pandemic will change daily life, but exactly how? I N TR O D U C TI O N  /  CR O S S C ATEG O RY TR EN D S Geopolitics strengthens trust in Huawei inside China  And weakens trust in the brand outside of Chi

26、na Inside China trust in Huawei smartphones has increased as trust in iPhone has decreased. Geopolitics influenced the shift, which also reflects improvements in Huawei phones. The geopolitical considerations that strengthened trust for Huawei inside of China also inhibited trust in the brand outsid

27、e of China.  Trust | Inside China Trust | Outside China Average = 100 Average = 100 138 89 105 105 104 103 101 9393 112 138 iPhone Huawei Source: BrandZ / Kantar 200820092000182019 98 97 96 94 9393 90 South Korea Australia Japan France Vietnam Sweden Russia Denmark Malaysi

28、a Norway Poland China US UK  3637 B R A N DZ  TO P 10 0 M O S T VA LUA B LE GLO B A L B R A N DS 20 20 S EC TI O N O N E CULTURAL SHIFTS AND DISRUPTIONSCONSUMER COMPLICATIONS B usiness-as-usual ended in several categories that are transitioning to vaguely defined futures. Energy brands are

29、 evolving from fossil fuel to clean energy. Car brands are shifting from making vehicles to making vehicles as part of a larger business portfolio of mobility options. Many telecom providers are moving into content and entertainment streaming and rolling out 5G. All of these transitions require sign

30、ificant investment. All of them depend on consumer support to succeed. Until now, consumer support for clean energy alternatives has been limited. Price and concerns about vehicle power and charging availability have limited demand for electric cars. And consumers remain unclear about the benefits o

31、f 5G. Post Covid-19, the future of these transitions looks even more vague. BrandZ analysis provides some clarity. Within disruptive categories disruptive brands excel, especially when technology is the engine of disruption. Within the car category, which declined 7 percent in value, only Tesla incr

32、eased in value, by 22 percent. Tesla scores 147 in the BrandZ Disruption Index, compared with an average score of 100. Retail, a category that spent a decade transitioning from physical store limitations to online-offline agility, increased in value 21 percent, more than any other category, driven b

33、y the online capability of key players. The most valuable retail brands, Amazon and Alibaba, score 142 and 127, respectively, in the Disruption Index. TRANSITIONS Market changes push categories into transition I N TR O D U C TI O N  /  CR O S S C ATEG O RY TR EN D S In the transforming car

34、 category, most brands score low in disruption  But in the transformed retail category   several brands score high in disruption Among the factors driving the transition in the cars category are changing consumer attitudes about car ownership and the availability of other mobility options

35、including ride- hailing. For car brands, making the transition requires disruption. But of the traditional car brands, only Toyota scores relatively high in the BrandZ Disruption Index, in contrast to Tesla and the ride-hailing brands.  Over the past decade, digitalization has transformed retai

36、l from the dominance of traditional physical stores to a category that serves customers with seamless online-offline options. Disruptors include Amazon and Alibaba, but also brands with unique propositions like Ikea and Aldi. Disruption | Cars/Ride-Hailing Disruption | Retail Source: BrandZ / Kantar

37、  147  167  142  139  116  108 Uber Tesla Dide Chuxing Meituan Toyota Other Top 10 Car Brands Average = 100 Average = 100  142  136  127  126 Amazon Ikea Alibaba Aldi B rands attempted to help individuals become their best selves. Luxury shoppers som

38、etimes selected logos less to demonstrate “This is what I can afford,” and more to express, “This is who I am.” Self-expression became complicated, however, in personal care, many time-pressed women sought simplified products that enabled them to look attractive and natural. In contrast, other women

39、 preferred multi- step routines sometimes recommended by online influencers. Adding more complication, the same individual might choose to be natural or made-up, depending on the occasion.  INDIVIDUALITY Helping people look their best  is complicated   3839 B R A N DZ  TO P 10 0

40、M O S T VA LUA B LE GLO B A L B R A N DS 20 20 S EC TI O N O N E CONSUMER COMPLICATIONS B rands attempted to provide products and services tailored to individual needs but produced at scale. Solving this challenge depends on data. Oral-B and Colgate offered Bluetooth-enabled toothbrushes to help use

41、rs brush their teeth more thoroughly and provide brands with the intimate details of oral care habits. Clinique ID offered a system in which individuals select base moisturizers and then add the capsule of a concentrated formula that matches their personal skincare need. Nestl introduced a system ca

42、lled NesQino for mixing sachets of powdered ingredients to create personalized smoothies and other healthful beverages. PepsiCos Drinkfinity and SodaStream devices enabled users to personalize soft drinks. McDonalds installed kiosks in many of its restaurants to better understand who orders what mea

43、l and at what time of day. The data is intended to prompt add- on recommendations, inform menu and promotion planning, and drive loyalty.  MASS PERSONALIZATION Data helps brands meet the individual needs of the many I N TR O D U C TI O N  /  CR O S S C ATEG O RY TR EN D S Personalizat

44、ion fits mass brands into individual lives Certain frequently purchased brands have created habits and rituals that make the brands part of individual everyday lives. Using Bluetooth technology, Colgate offers a toothbrush that tracks personal oral hygiene habits, for example. Using AI, McDonalds ca

45、n personalize recommendations at its kiosks and drive-throughs. These brands, along with Pampers and Gillette, score high on the BrandZ metric, “Fits well into my everyday life.” Fits well into my everyday life” BrandZ Index Source: BrandZ / Kantar  125  127  120  119 Colgate Pam

46、pers McDonalds Gillette Average = 100 OWNERSHIP Consumers seek ways to have stuff without owning it T he importance of ownership is changing. Younger people still want stuff, but many do not feel the need to own it. Attitudes about possessions and the drive toward a circular economy animated this tr

47、end. H obsessive monitoring is bad. People want to take back control of their data and the technology that collects it. Cars have more tech than many people know how to use. Smart personal care products know intimate skin care needs and oral care habits. Individually these products add benefits, but

48、 collectively they may induce tech overload, at least temporarily. The hyped promise around 5G may leave consumers more disappointed than delighted, at least in the near term. European regulations more strictly control data collection and use. California promulgated European-like regulations and pri

49、vacy protection may become more of an issue throughout the US. However, the indispensability of technology during the Covid-19 crisis provided technology with a redemptive moment. Open and honest Treat everyone with respect as equals Really care for their customers Tech leads categories in innovatio

50、n The technology category scores highest among the 14 categories examined in the BrandZ Global Top 100 report in BrandZ indices for Innovation along with Leadership, Disruption, Creativity, and Superiority. Innovation Source: BrandZ / Kantar  114  111  109  109  109  10

51、8  108  107  106  106  105  104  104  101 Technology Cars Telecom Providers Energy Retail Beer Insurance Fast Food Personal Care Apparel Luxury Beverages Global Banks Regional Banks  116 Leadership  115 Disruption  114 Superiority  112Creativity Average = 100 Average BrandZ Innovation



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