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11-Yunsup RVI China Summit Keynote FINAL.pdf

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11-Yunsup RVI China Summit Keynote FINAL.pdf

1、2023 SiFiveBet on theEcosystem of the FutureYunsup LeeCo-Founder and CTO,SiFive Inc.August,20232023 SiFiveConfidential 2023 SiFive3RISC-V Twitter2023 SiFiveConfidential 2023 SiFive4https:/ SiFiveConfidential 2023 SiFive5https:/ SiFiveConfidential 2023 SiFive61111Timeline of RISC-V in China(partial)2

2、015,Chinese version position paper was published on CCCF 2015,organizations became the founding members of RISC-V Foundation 2016,scholars present research work at the 4thRISC-V Workshop 2017,the 6thRISC-V Workshop was held in Shanghai 2018,CRVA and CRVIC were founded 2018,Alibaba/T-Head(BoD)and man

3、y RISC-V startups were founded 2019,CAS launched a project to promote RISC-V in China 2019,RIOS Lab was established(BoD)2020,the 1st“One Student One Chip”Initiative was announced 2021,the 1stRISC-V Summit China was held 2021,Allwinner D1,XiangShan v1 and other ten RISC-V chips released 2021,BOSC(BoD

4、)was founded 2022,more and more companies chose RISC-V,such as Tencent 2022,eleven RISC-V chips released 2023,Sophon announced 64-core RISC-V processor SG2042Yungang Bao“RISC-V in China:Embracing the Era of Open-Source Chip”,RISC-V Summit Europe 20232023 SiFiveConfidential 2023 SiFive71717Contributi

5、ons from China to the RISC-V Ecosystem AOSP RISC-V(upstreaming):main contributors(Alibaba T-Head,PLCT LabISCAS,ESWIN,)OpenJDK RISC-V(upstreamed):main contributors&port maintainers(Huawei,Aliababa,PLCT LabISCAS,)V8 RISC-V(upstreamed):main contributors&port maintainers(PLCT LabISCAS),FutureWei,)Firefo

6、x Spidermonkey RISC-V backend(upstreamed):key contributors&port maintainers(PLCT LabISCAS)GNU Toolchain,Clang/LLVM,MLIR,QEMU,Spike,Gem5:active contributors(RiVAI,Alibaba,PLCT LabISCAS,Huawei,WindRiver,Tsinghua,)Chisel:active contributors&maintainers(PLCT LabISCAS)OpenCV RISC-V Vector Optimization:ke

7、y contributors(PLCT LabISCAS)OpenBLAS RISC-V Arch:key contributors&maintainers(PerfXLab,)Box64:key contributors(PLCT LabISCAS)LuaJIT:contributors(PLCT LabISCAS)Debian(RISC-V port):many active contributors(PLCT LabISCAS,)Fedora(RISC-V port):many active contributors(RedHat,PLCT LabISCAS,)Arch Linux(RI

8、SC-V port):main contributors&maintainers(PLCT LabISCAS,)Gentoo Linux(RISC-V port):main contributors&core developers(PLCT LabISCAS,)openEuler(RISC-V):key contributors&maintainers(PLCT LabISCAS,)Source:Wei WuPLCT LabYungang Bao“RISC-V in China:Embracing the Era of Open-Source Chip”,RISC-V Summit Europ

9、e 20232023 SiFiveConfidential 2023 SiFive83737 4000 students participated in the OSOC InitiativeNo.StartEnd of Enrollment#Enrollment#School#Stu.Learning 10%#Stu.Finish1stAug,2019-51552ndAug,rdJul,2021Sep,20214thFeb,2022Aug,202265thAug,2022In progress6thW

10、ill start in July,2023Updated:Jun 6th,2023Yungang Bao“RISC-V in China:Embracing the Era of Open-Source Chip”,RISC-V Summit Europe 20232023 SiFiveChina is taking a lead in RISC-V adoption,by doing it right Taught in major universities Building the ecosystem Partnering with global ecosystem to take it

11、 to the world92023 SiFive10Enabling next-generation Automotive Electric vehicles&Autonomous driving is disrupting the Automotive industry RISC-V enables best-in-class ADAS/AD solutions that are programmable and future proof Single common ISA for all compute(AI/ML,high-performance,micros)simplifies s

12、oftware complexity2023 SiFive11Highest performance RISC-V for Infrastructure Customize best-in-class solutions for applications and workloads of your interest Reduce single-point supply chain risks2023 SiFive12AI from the edgeto the cloud Generative AI and LLM workloads prove need for programmabilit

13、y Optimize your AI/ML solution with RISC-V vectors,and leverage the ecosystem built on an open standard2023 SiFive13Power efficiency matters in Consumer and Mobile RISC-V provides 30-40%better power efficiency than Arm Google porting Android,as leading mobile suppliers adopt RISC-V2023 SiFive14Bet o

14、n RISCRISC-V VRISC-V is themodern,global,open ISA,which allows flexibility and freedom of design,eliminates proprietary handcuffs,delivers performance and power others cant,and benefits the common good2023 SiFive15RISC-V is theecosystem of the future Open&Collaborative Not controlled by a single ent

15、ity Single ISA that scales from microcontrollers to datacenters Leverage stable&rigid base ISA and extend Every$you spend on software will benefit you You are not spending money to lock yourself into a SW ecosystem built around a proprietary ISA Large developer ecosystem2023 SiFive16 Fragmentation=S

16、ame thing done different ways Diversity=Solving different problems Each domain has a different set of requirements that have to be met Open standards are the antidote to fragmentation Leverage stable&rigid base ISA and extend Filling ISA gaps reduces motivation for fragmentation ISA profiles:ISA ext

17、ension packages for different domains HW/SW platform standards for portabilityDiversity!=Fragmentation2023 SiFive17 Pick the right ISA Pick the right RISC-V vendor Think about every W you will save Think about every mm2you will save Calculate your TCO RISC-V is the obvious choice SW ecosystem development cost is easily coveredRISC-V Results in Best Perf/W&Perf/mm22023 SiFive18RISC-V is here,time is now 一万年太久,只争朝夕The future of Enabling



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